:ar PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 2 1888. ! i I ? u 1 M HI ! I ) , J OFFICERS. aey. ,lneer, ic Juil, UrEU, F.M. Kit HKI - - W K FOX Jakes Pattkkson, jk. - uvkhn i;lakk - A Madolk V H MALlv,K Robbed a Pay Car BcrrAio, Sept. 22. Thurday night Ccaogil'oja. Hi ward, J, , . 3rd -.lb. Board Pub. Work 1 1 M j i;. A shu'MAN M Mckpuv 1 VY DUTTo.N (.Of. o'CO MOM. I f Mr0.sli.. I HK llliKc VfKS WOllTH I J W JcmU KKK.lt On j If ll Ha .v Treasurer. - I A. CAMIHEI.L Deputy treasurer, - - Thos. '...i.i.ook ni-rir . - hi rd t niTCHFini Dauuty Clerk. - EXACnircMTKt.i Keaorder of Deeds - - W. H. Foot. ll.,.,ir-7 ItPa.A'.r JO IN M UVBA ;lrk c;' Dmlriul Court. W. C. SHuwti.Tr.il Sherlir. ' - - J O. l ib.KSH.vuv Surveyor. - - .- - a. Maijui.r Attorney, - - - AI.I.EN EltfcSON Sllpf. of Pub. School. - MAiWAKll HelNK County JiMxe. . - - - O. KuasrLt. ItOAJlD Or UFBVlOr.S. Plattstnoutli A. B. Todd. Ch'm., Louis Fot-ri, A. U. lil' KSU.N, Weeping Wnter I ;, in wood inflicting moital ",-our.d-. Some, time HgoSibrt" killed Abraham Resendec ;u the same manner and on the same "pot. A Harrison and Morton Rally. Hastings, Neb., .Sept. 21. The open ing rally of the campaign by Ihe Hast ings Harrison and Morton club v.'as held here last night and was u splendid -sur -' ccss. A torch light procesrion paraded the streets with bands of music. Mpeer li es were delivered at Ihe opern house by ! Messi-q. ll'trtooni and Railev nf Ibis fit v. niklO LOD(iK NO. ft I. A. O. V. W. Meets I " T . . every itltHriial Friday evening at K. of I. ; .Much enthusiasm Ta.-4 lli;)l)ile. I .1. bull. TraiMiKnt lrottier ar reHei-triilly tu Tttedtoaiteul K.J MoriraoManter W 01 kti:aii ; K. P. Brown. KurrniM ; . B. H.em-(t-r. Over er: It. A. Tnite. h inniioler ; . K. Houie wortb. ltecorler ; M. Mafhilglit. Heeelver ; I. H Hfultti. Pat M. W. : I. N. Howeu. ISutle ; V. J. Kunz. lii.tltlK Uateb. GIVIG SOGIFs'P-M.S. CASSJJiOOK o, I lj. 1 if. O. K. -.Meets 'every taes Jay evening of each week. All traoileul brothers are repectluliy lnvned to attend. PLATTMOC MI F.fteAM r.M EM .. 3. I. II. O. P.. meets every aitemutP l-rlilajr in each month In the Mnuh; ttail Mrothem are Invited to alien. 1 VisitliiK Shocking Performances at Church. V-tAXinxi, N. C, G. pt 22. 7her; v-nt i thieven entered pay cur on th I.ul-e j a i trance ste-v in hurcli in i-m I n c.iunfy j Shore road in th outskirts of tl.ij city yesterd-iy evcri;."-. r-fpl: who had vein- j and administered ether to the orjupniiti sijn to t.ut-r the building v.-eie l.orrslird j nud escaped v.-:th $3t).000. ' t fesnj: a d' r.d man 1 yii.r on the '.Iwr j itn 1 her.a'.' htm bottl. iKp;cr. An ii i! DAYLiGHTSi A Southern Cyclcno Little Hock, Aik , Sept. 21. Ast7i-.11 cyclone passed over M'tnimotlt Siicga Fulton Cuuty, today, t noon. ..-v.en houses v.-eie wrecked, tree blov.n lowu, and the corn cro, is .:t i 1 to be ruined. Several people were injured, but no one is reported killed. Thoroughly cknnsi ths Mood, which Is the fountain ol health. ;,y Dr. 1'iorce's Gold en Medical Discovery, and gcc'l Cip-estion. a fair ekin, buornut spirits, and bodily health i and vior will tx f-tablished. Golden Medical Piscovory ourei all huruors. from the common pimnlc. blotch, or erurtlon. i to tho worst Scrofula, or blood-poison. Ks- . 1 ' i.' .vestl:t!vn of thv c.".se v-i?at v.'-.-1 -5:1 and a iii-.-t uis;-;i iceful st-.t'j of cf'a:i3 wa bti.it:hr tv ii:-riit. Th:. .V.-..'l Mi ih n ; Jloracei.iuaw.il, it.m. in rCinp..iiy w.iu f;ait.rheum or ' Tetter. Ecr.aT'ErvsW 1 two cither ub.tndowed f. il .';:, J hn Mitel - pver - sores. Hip -Joint Disease. Scrofulous bores and gwellirirs. Eularc-fi Glands. Goi- ell And Olumhus 'lii-livil, he had cone . " or Xhiclc 'cct, acd L'atinj Sores or rfTiaur tins it proven Its cflicucy ia curing t:.8 v j;'.-! l 011 ciir flielves a STOCK OF ZEPe o rt" fi to the church to li.r;;- a drunken spree. j Tho three had pirchat.'d ftv-j cpJatN cf ' braadv, and ;j 1 a uiitlu ..li.ink it k tut A Mexican Journalist Shot. CiTx'O Mexico, S'ipt. 52. rAdvi.ccs , hdf a pint. Vhvn d-vi:rrht c;;i::c the 1 - fri in Mier, on the Rio Grande, vtite that j Mitchells left. Card v. II l.r"vnccu-ciotw Deputy Sheiiff Sibre of Uio Grande Cny, 1 on th? floor. He never a-vu mh.1 v.as while in Micr, utlibcrutciy shot a ?ic.i- 1 found horrid', -swoih 11 and distorted, an unequaled rem'lv. Sold by druffi&U ... , . ... . ! .. .". Print nr air bottka fnr Cm r-an imirtif.licr n:iinr.i1 i'xi.lrrn II.i:,:re ' i - n m.-.n i h .tnrl 1 1 I i tl.. - . - JVI...l.w ..(.. v -.-w- ,i Il'l.l .11'. .'.Illij.l It. .1. church aad had a regular orgy. 1' A 1 .1 . Hf- 1 . i tm. . '. 11 tion (which is Scrofula of the Lunps), br it ' ijl wonderful blood - purifyinsr, invig-oratlcg-, I Uu and nutritivo properties, II taken in time. For AVcnk Lunjs, Spitting ol Blood, Short- 1 ness of Ercath, Catarrh in the Head. Eron- j chitis. Severe Coughs, Asthma, arid kindred affections, it is a sovereis-n remedy. Jt 1 prompt v cures tho severest Couiha. I r..'.- For Torpid Liver. Biliousness, or "Lircr Complaint, ' Dyspepsia, and indigestion, it is , mmm Trade a 1. 3 4t3 Hi V l erivii:"; our hi Kill Ar.'i linvn n Cr n plotn ir.n nf & WiMTER GO;ODS- ill . -iiini .1.. . 1 1. Cf! .hi:) :IH'I '.M !)V1 S A OrugBist's Liquors Seized. liK.- Moines, 1., Sopt. &2. The deputy sheriff of Oullas'iuntj w:is in town today nervinK papers on D. W. "When your sicin io yello'.v. "When your skin is dm I: and irrer.sy. When your skiu i-i rough and course. When your kin is intl lined and ltd. When your skin is full of blotch. 3. When your skin is full t-i pimples y.-u need a yood blood i.ieiliciue tliat can be r-li...-1 ....). Ii. trir ' Pi.rfii.r nr..i I Blood M iik er i3 w.i runted as n positive cine for all ol the above, so you cannot possibly luti any iik when yoo get a bot tle of this wonderful hu-dicilie. rir sale by ft. P. tiiu'ith k ('... '1 h" iio;Us of d.;athi. upj..roach are vh ri'.ius and vtitilii 1 thow conclusively hroat aud hint-,' than any other. It is; pioh:.l.e that ev.ior.e. without exec-p- i lirn. w (,;iv s vrtst numbers of Tubercle' Genii? ioto the system and where thest- ' Tel'nS tall lir-r.il 'liiir.'il.le s.nl 1 l.v ctarr ! iuio life and develop, at hut id owl y and J K i- shown by a bliuV.t tiekliuff sensation in ' t-J 1 :r jlc s e. c o c :o s Dj'J'b.3 Flaiuii- and V-lvt't , Onj.f-t-, etc, in ail tin idi.t N.i-ijiiipc. PC bill ilASS CA'MP N. ax.. MOIH'KN" .VODIMK.N J lAmerlCA Meets eet.i au.l I.nrlh Mini-( 1 in vet, 111 11113 xiny, mi uuim ji ?i:'r--,in l K fw,i ,p. li,,-iM.,,.ni,'At.,srt"a'- rrry, in that county. brother are requested to meet II a u. 1.. A. - . Surconer. Veiier;tiie i.'ouhiiI ; u. f. Nile. I ,heriff has just seii'il oyer four hundred tAB t,ibtiiu.u I- u H.iii iiini'or- v. a 1 " WW VI lllj ! Mil f V f f w 'f-'.iioeck. Cleik. 1LATT3MiU TH I.UIXiK N'. 1. A. O. t. V. Meet evrv alternate Frldav evenliit; at Ko k woo. I'll. U l:it Mo'ehx-K. Ail Ir.oi.sieisl tirolli-. ers arc rejpeelful'y inviteil 10 alteml. 1 r. Larson. M. W. ; K. lloyd. Koreman : t. I. Wilde. ttjorder ; lonard Anderson, overseer. IH.ATTSMOU rH I.OIJtlE NO.fi. A. I. A A.M. Meets 011 the trl aud third Mondays of each month at their hull. All transient Inoth et are eorUlally Invileil to m-et uiili us. J. 15. Klt'HKV, W. M. W)l. IIAV h. Seeretary. ATFUKAHKA CIIAPTRK. NO. r. R. A. M. as Meets seeond aud (ourt'ti l'uesda f e;M.ii month at ,Manu Halt, 'irauseiciit brothers are lavlted to meet with ns. K. E. Wiiitk. II. P. Wm. Hath. Se retary. HfT. ZION COMMA IAKY. NO. .r. K. T. 'tMeet Orst and third w ednes.l iy tiiht n( each month at M.4S. 's hall. isiiln hrothers are cordially lnvtcato meet with u:. Wh. Uavh, Kec. K. E. White, E. C. C 1A8SCOUXCIl.NO 10-JI. ROYAL 1CCANCM t meets the second and lourth Mondays of kJioh month at Arcanum Hall. It. N. tiLE.vx, Regent. P. C. M 1 nob. Secretary. PLATTS MOUTH BOARD OF TRADE President Robt. B Windham A. B. Todd ...Wm Neville . . K. 1 ieirniaiiii F. R. liuthmaii lst-Vlce President 2ad Vice Prrideut Heeretary Treasurers OIKIt- TOltS. J. C. Ttiehev. F. K. White, J.C. Patterson, v -J. A. Conner, R. KNon, C. W. Sherman, F. Gor der, J. V. Weckhach. McCOMIHIE POET 43 C. A. R. :"- ' ROSTER. J. W. Jonxsos , Commander, 8. Tvriss..- Senior Vice " "jr. A. Bat m ..Junior . " . - Go.Nii-K?t ; Adjutant. JlXNKV STRRIUHT .O. M. .Malun Dixon onieerof the Day. 4'hari.RS KoHi. " " Guard ANDKItsOX Knv Perjft Major. Jaooi: GoBn'.KilAI. . ..Quarter Master Seiul. ' V. C.'Cubtm Post Chaplain Meetlnir Saturday evening packages of liquor, which were shipped to that 'drug store the night before the recent barbecue at perry. Robbed Their Neighbors- Ai.nioN, Neli., Sept. 22. Yesterday two farm hands named John Harman and illiam lltiuutt, living near St Kdwarcls, took nd vantage of their neigh bors absence at the fair and stole a team and wagon from William CVDunncll and nine hogs from D. A. Shelter. They droye them to Lindsay, sold the hogs and then became intoxicated. A telegram sent out this morning effected their cap ture and they are now lodged in the jail here. Preparing for a Grand Rally. Binswokta, Xeb., Sept. 22. The re publicans have planned for n grand rally to take place in the Osborn opera house at this place on the 29th Inst. Y. Winter and M. P. Malloy, of Long Pine, IIon.E. M. Love, C. F. iioyd, II. it. Pine and P. D. McAndrew.of Ainsworth, are all billed to expound their views on the tariff question and other issues of the day. A Harrison and Morton Pole will be raised. Sutton's silver cornet band and the Ains worth glee club have been engaged to furnish music for the occasion. WHEN YOU WANT WORK DIE OF CALL ON lor. 12th and Granite Streets. Victor and Builder pes for Sale. le at 4. cents per pound. Eigenberger & Troop's or lechsen's store J. E. Leesi.et ThoStata W. C.T. U. Hastings, Xeb., Sept. 22. The W. V. T. U. state convention met hen; today with a full attendance of executiye of ficers, aud about one hundred delegates. All departments of the work are repre sented by superintendents . and dis trict presidents, who report " much pro gress. Many new unions have been or ganized. The convention will last until Tuesday. Much interest is being mani fested. Mrs. Clara Hoffman, of Missouri, will speak in the opera house Saturday evening and on Sunday afternoon. The convention opened at 2 o'clock with devotional exercises conducted by Mrs. V.. A. Fulton, of Pawnee City. Mrs. Alma G. Fitch, of Hastings, delivered the welcoming address, which was re sponded to by Rev. Mary O. And raws, of Omaha. Then came the appointment of the executive committee. The afternoon programme tdosad with a drill :n parlia mentary practice conducted by -Mrs. A. M. Hitchcock, of Fremont. The evening session was takeu up with devotional exercises conducted by Mrs. K. M. J. Cooley, of Lincoln. A I .'tie Dirii tin tion. Tho Coiut ltoV7 i-i this, Mr. Johnson? The lat ti;:u you were Lore you consented to bo sworn, unci iwij.m dimply make aiiii Lua tion. Mr. Johnson Well, Vo" honah, reason am lat I 'spocts I ain't nuito so suah about do facts ot Uisca.-.o Uj ul.kr.- Life. Colic, Pi. 111 lio -a and sinniiieri omplaints are dangerous al this -l aton of the year and the only way to guard against these diseases is to ha ve a bottle of some rli abh reined v. Heft's' Di.iriho-a Jiaisamis a POSITIVE KEbil'.K in all these disa greeable eases and is pleasant lo take. It will eo t you only cents. ( . P. Smith ol ('.. Priiggists. $SOO Kew.ird. We will pay the above reward for any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick In adaelie, indigestion, constipation or costivencss we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Fills, w hen the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely ycgctuble, and never fail to give satisfac tion. Large boxes :ontaining :0 sugar coated pills, 25c. Tor sale by all druggists. l)evare of counterfeits and imitations. The gen uine manufactured only bv John (). Wc & Co., 802 W. Madison St. Chieago.and Sold by Vr. J. Warrick. th throat and if allowed to continue their 1 ravages they extend to the lungs produe- ing Coii:,uuijtioii and lo the he-ad, caus ing ('.'it hi Now all this is dangerous 1 ami if allowed to continue will in time cause death. At the onset you must act ' with pioiiij.lr.e;--; allow ing a cold to go without attention is dangerous and ma' b)o.:e you your life. As fooii an you feel th.it ."oniel hiii!' is nriunr with vonr 1 lu-o.t I 1 . . . .. ' " s. .1 :. ma f: iniigsoi nosil IIS. 01.1:1:11 ;1 l.ouie ol 5os- J ,;, ,.s l.-un.isiiiiiKS. Hi,e 'l.olnl M:ule ( !. Hit: JOS, AND CiilLDKEN'S SHOES I Y i- ti 1 n iiiadf (.i... 1 1 Ive-jil in T)i;tl l.iio. , ( i 1 li.-j :i ( 'all, V. "WECKBACH. 1 ... suee s i Term-tn .-syrup. It will give immediate relief. von ni.( 'THING i. Men s. i;.,s :ui.l h iH 1 .-ii s ear. Prlyato Sowcrago- l 1,1 1; pi !-- 1 :-l V eon I -i Ii 1.1:1. llie liurel'f seal, in.lhaii;. Tin ii- Vni:i w flieir J , r; il . ' (' iu -Kin : 1 1 : . w oiii.i'A IM 11, ; .''f !!.!e a::. I I '.. io- C i roeei .;, I ; Ihskwiii h anil I r.ii kei ,, I 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 ' 1 i ,t,. 0 i. ' l IIING I . :t!.il:. 1 1 1 I ,. . 1 1. 1: i.i.- . j ll oirie1 ..I ( ll Hotel. Teilie., I.UI per lliiy. ftceommrclati l at any time, by address M.( 1 ii 1 N;:. ing Ibiulins A: sie l ..vie Contrae ( j';,,,,,:,, iiatslVans H01 S..eel 1. A i t 11I . .' i ei en.iitnei i I:. ell. ill All paitits doling private .--.veraoe , J u!b '. -. P;iMi'i;;' V."'"'', '"i" V, ,,,(; T'" 1 - 1 . 1 li'il.le lien.-e f..r Mats, c:es. I mlo'ellas, I 1 auks. COllliec t loll Willi Ihe liuiill sewer. C-iUl be Siloes. Mair: sireet, in l tsHi-o. l;:i:i w . ;. uki 11:1:. nr In II Al VI i.'li I. I tin St'i.l.M.IV S :i 1 T. i ;. is. Ne!-. Kul.es. Iin-ieis. ami all lioisetui- v I. n rn . 111. 1 ........ . 11 .1 1 .... ,,..i . 1 . . . ... . .1 : i Ml,ll,li.., 101s, 1 . , 1. Mux 1 1 00, or ir eai 1 ing at 1 lie - i-iir sp ei.iii . t i:n- pru e .111.1 1.0 .-.i.mke r in othee, Murphy's st ore. lm j 'aess. x rays io nan.- wiru ns. Kockw.i.id l;ik. , A i ' , I nANMNG COMPANY. i" .ioii.mn iskii.s.. atarrh --guaranteed i t OA It It I ill t'AN'IMI CO.. i H.iiilivaie. F,iW-. Tii.wai'e, 'I aide ami I'eebet j Fiauk CarruHi. Henry .f. Streiulil. I'l"!l ietm s. ' ' nl let . I5;is.i ., ele . 1 ioosi-Ik.M Newlij- Mii- laekers of met imi:i I'laml Vem-tanles. 1 ' " "'m "'i .a-oiine mni. iiiovoik ('hronie nasal cure Dr. Sage's Catarrh Hemedy. -Doiit go to Omaha when you want i'M'i; TloNKi: V. run. 1 t ionerv and I'iiie iarn. to (r.t voir lw..oitif.,l i.i.l., ..,,,1 l....llw 11 1 1 1. 1. Ml l IC A I S ... .... ...v..... ...... ...... ,.,!,.., roIlft.(. room sets nut go 10 itenry noeck s lur niture emporium wheie vou can get every thing in the furniture- line that will go to make your home beautiful and comfort able; and above all you can get it cheap, l'emember that he who sells most can sell cheapest. I f all kind ("lineal t ca-onahle puce. Main, 1 lreel, Koekuood itioek. I .Glasses lor sun blindness at the li;d die lrouse. Mr. Jas. Donnelly sells the Atwooil Susj-.ender, the only suspender in the world that can be adjusted to the form of all. Non-elastic; shoulder straps and elastic bac k straps. if. - ('lasses for color blindness at Riddle house. th Sherwin Ar. Williams" mixed paints, the last in the maikel, at Fri eke A: Co's. ding store. s-tf. Child's high sandals, only 2-V cents a pair, at Merges'. BAD 8LOOO- There is not one tiling I hat puts a man or woman at such disadvantage before the wiild i;s a vitiate d state of the blood Your ambition is gone. Your coinage has failed. Your vitality has left you. Your languid step and li.-;lless ac tions show that ye n need a powerful in yigorator, one bottle of licggs" lilood Purifier and Blood Maker will put new life in a worn out system, and if it does not it will cost you nothing. O. P. Smith fc Co.. Druggists. O.&. Nl. time Table. OOINO W'Ksf. OlltSO EAS". No. 1. .i :la a. iii. No, 2. I . u:. . :i.--t; :4i p. m. No. -1. Hi :-vi a. m. No. f : :4T a. in. No. (J 7 :i:t p. in. No. 7.--T :"1 P. in. No. IO.--H : t5 a. in. No. v. ll :I7 p. in. No. II i: ;L'7 a. m. All train run dailv l y wavnf O'lial'.a. except N(.s. 7 and s hieh rim to an. I from Schuyler daiiy except Sunday. No. an is a Mul to Paeitle Jimelion al p 3a.m N. It i a stiili fit.ni l .teit'ir .iuni-l ion at 11 a.m. BUSIX ESS OF UKCTO M ir. ATTOliNKY. tkvi:i.i:v. TjliLGS. 0 ; a. M KI.WAIN. 3J O. p. S.M I ! H .t CO. '.Val.iies. (lucks, riveitvarc and Jewell. Hca-ers !n Wall Paper. l'iii.t. Oil. Art Mater- ' S-piciai Attention t"i..-li to Watch Pepali Ine. ials. Cigars ; s.e. Roek wood Clock. l't-:s. tlKKI VG .-i Co. I iu;:, Clioiiiical.s, Paints, oils. Alt(nier-at-Liiw and No'ary Pnlilie. Fitzj-erald I'.lock. I'lattsmouth. Nel. oiiiee in A HO;:.N l.Y. A. N. SCI. I I VAN, Attoi iiey-at-l.aw. V.':!' ;ive prnaipt .Ttrention to an iitifinesH uiinmteii 1 loai. (i.i-.ei- in tluioa Illoek, Ea.st side. Plattsanoiiih. Neb. T Kl'GS. If F. (! FKICKE .V CO.. i i.'niiiH. Me.i'eii.es. Chemicals. Pait.tM. );, ariii-di' s. Dye Sfnti- etc. Ii::e iitatioui-iy, Seiect Ti.ih-t and Fancy Artieius. DUYGOODsi, GPOCEKTKS. ; F. S. WHITE. : I !-v i 1'ioils. C.i'fii'f'iiiw N'raions CI., iwr.it fil..i c llani.tse. etc. S. 15. corner .M.oii and a ll. Su I TEWEl.RY. " KI.'ANK CARKETH id SOX. Al-.vays carrv a line toen of liiaiieiiiitx.W'ateh-(-. CI eks. .Ie elrv. Silv'i'1 ware ami Sec acles. I !'( it: and inspect. I lieu- jrootl before paichaK- ii':f else.l hete. YEWELRY. J. SCItLATEIC, Je'.'.eler. Walt ham V.'atc'ies it r peeiaity. Sui-et. near Fonitii. Main AG I ; 1 C L" LT U J A L I M 1 ' 1 . 5 " M E N TS. HALL & CRAIG. At:t icnHiifsl IinpU'iiients, Com t land Purines and Riitht'ord Wai'on", "Good '(iieher and Hone Dry.'" sold and Warranted. .Main street, between Sixth and Seventh. BANK. FIRST NATION AL RANK of Plat Isuiiiiit It. Capital S.MUMSU ; MPple.j si!. (Mid. John Fit;:eraid. Pr.ideiit ; S. Wattirii. Cashier ; F. While, Vice-I'n-si.lt'i-t. poaul otl'iieets: John Fil'ferahl. J '. ):. W tiitc, Jno. E. ( i.ti'!;, D. Haw ksivi.i t h, S . Watii;h. BANK. - - - - 'JHE CI I'IZENS P.ANK. of Plat I- 'inonl !.. c'aji't 1 st ue! paid in. -.Mi.imi. Flank ( 'ail '.:! h. I'ie.-ii!ent : W. (. Ci'.sliii!. Citsl.iec : J. A. Connor, Vice-President. A et-nelal batikili!: bici'ies I I'.i n.-acted . C.itlcc-tioii- receive pit. nipt am! careful alleaiioii. 111.'. GOODS. lJ v. HICK it man v. Dry G i( (is. Nolif-iis and La-lies' Fntaisliin G'hm;.-. One aoor east First Kutional Pan-:. T IVFRY STA RLE. iJ C. M. HOLMES SON. ' : The Ciieekercii i'..ini. l.i.eiv. Kced and Sale al'ies e.itiveved tonll nail, of the citv. . ('.in iiiL.es al all I rams, cm wt Sine and tali. DUi GOOJ is. g!;g r.i'lKS. K. G. DOVEY SON'. Cany a !::i:;e ieek ol l ine ( i net l ies, Drv G.'otls. Carpets, ijuccnsv. are. Notions, : nil I'.iliev Coiuls. lo lit fteinil in the emmtv per ,l:t n h'lreet, ht-twreti ."itli mid ctli. IT DK.N'i Is i s. Di.'JS. CAVE . SMITH. "The Palllb-v-i 1 et:t i-l s. " Tetlh evtrieted m itliocl : he letist pain or harm. Ari iliei.il le.-t h ?ll-elled illllllelii.tlely alter e . t i':,c! iilj' iiuniil eiie In-1! it." ii ed. ' Gold and all ot her Filing's i f ' !-ii.V lie-t cl.t-s. Othee in t iii.m p...ek. l"i EAT MAIiKKT. 1 : 1 ( ' 1 1 A 1 ! D r.il.STElN. V.'!, I,', ".ale at,. i lo tail i cah-r in 1 ii( n: lit v Reef. I't.i k. Mutton. eal. I.atnh. etc. Sixth -!) , Nciil.j Rltn l;. Priets tin it IJite. TTl'AT MA UK El". - .1. II ATT K CO.. Kill I !n-ir ov. Ii Cattle. Rei.der their ow ll Lard ;:ilu L'i.i".. li.eil I'l.tl P.aeoll. M.'lill Slieet. M KAT M A I; K e ! . " III 1 'fit's, t'ollitl A l.f !iall e Stuck U I.I'. It i'i CO.. We n -e in I y llie l.csf r I .'ole slei ami foae in ceasou. LHTIN ITT KE. P hen'Ry p. or. - ir. I' il.-eii lire. Reddin-.'. l4i.iKin' Gla--e. f'l.-t ti,. Fr i!ii'-. etc. Woo. ten ami At.-ta! C-'tskets l;enr til HO'Cii. MI'.IKTI VNT TAILOR. C. F. SMITH. Mei-.Tian. Tadnr. M'.ii ft it i 5 . "nv r Mffrs' -In. c s'.n-. '.ii:.:i'lti Mock nf "ainplen. Fit e.nu Hi-let ti. Pi tees defy i-ompel it ion. BLACKSMITH KOUERT DONNELLY. 7t RNII"LKE. I. PEARLMAN". ! fil " '''' ' ' 'iii o v i i- n.iivc.v i- iiriil'ute. I atiui Mm.-, L ;.no stery I. h, ! A Complete Lint; of the Latest Styles fif tXlit- Sl t. .-s. Olleensw tire '1 lniv:"-e. :iT:.l :ill l.-Oi.l; tif ' i:.,....- .. 'e. : ......... -i i ....U..,illi ,.! W II.. .I...-i.. ,Vi...l lit i.. V . :' I." ' "" ..!-.. nil uien Siiiiu lil- tnills: Pumps and Fntlnris. j "Uin atid Yre. lH :"hmo;m-.TIll.l: - 1 T EST A I ' It A N T AND l.l'NT'H ROOM. .lAC OR HENNCH. Ai' iil- and Lunches set ! t border at all lu.inn. BOOT'S ANDSilol-S. Joseph fi iz-:i;. Th'" most i i lit; NT'S Fl'RNIsiiiNG 'i'.iV!)s. 'T J. 11. DIJNNKI.l.Y. Il.l.kt s n.l Stioes P.- i.:i i ll le T I ..in lit I e -. I I "t..!...l i t!i.:iU k'i i.e Pn i-u l-ur V .. .1 i..iiu to. South Side Main street. " t complete and finest st..el, in i:c ei!v. I'atiitl'i i Al Ovst.-rs. iyu Toltd.-. o. i'..p :oid Cider. T- p .TT 77-7:7 . ! loo.-k. Cor. r.th ami Main. ' ' Oppostie Rji.dle llom-e. pools AMisiloi-.s. iJ PETER MERGES. I r-, ... -i. u , i s- ! OA.MIT.r. .'KXIM. , ' ...... . . 1 - iji A complete assortment of eveivkind of Foot wear and cheri' er than Ihe (die a pest wis: of the Missouri Jit vet. Also laanutar! at tat: and Renait iaft. PA RISER SHOP AN D RATH ROOM. U E!. .MOKI.LV, Hot and Ot. Id Ra'lisat all hours. Italics" and Cliildren's Hair Cnliiiitr a specialty. Coi. and Main, itialer Can in I'V. M R. Ml'til II V .1- CO., ; i The LcndlPK Dealers in Ore, eri-. Croclwry. i i1"-!"' I '' ja.rte.t and t -t itiest ic W'i ' I China. La-nps. W ict. ami W.hoV wa v ,V"Vi 'aioVl' V- 1!' V rMttU -"u,ah I "R.AU.M iL KLI'.Ti If Saii.l le Room. 1 a jjortett aiKl t -i mesl ic W'l.es. IIHll - !G! i a :t- hi ks. LI UNHOI F & SOENNH HsKN, .".:h Groceries, I'lovisious, ciasscvarc m.1 Crocl i r BA iiliiiY. F. STADEI.M ANN. P.read. Cakes, J'ies. Pniis, i-rc rie-h daily. Pail v. Weddint; aiol P.-cey Cake a specially. Ice (.Team in aiiv quantity. IRII-.S. F. Mi'COl' RT. .it-en. Staple and Fancy GiLceiief QRlH.Til GROCERIES. 'J O A M PI.!.' l.'OOM. I THE AMERICAN EXCHANGE. , Mek Ciiliiiin:l.:ilii. prui'ilter I hoice iries. i :.iiii..s and Cttais. Pool and Ril.o.id Tal'lcs. IJ-tt.lle tl(Mt-e J'.loek . Q AMPLE ROOM s THE ELK HORN SALOON. P.ENNEIT "i TP JT. ' v Weber, proprietor. M anufae I mei i of stai.leatid Fancy Groeerios, l;i--i-n ITait and ! s.,"l:i Water. Rirch Hcer. Cider, etc. Axent for J Canned Goods, Fred Kill's Celehiated lAger Peer. BOOKSELLER. ETC .1. 1. YOUNG. Rook.a-ller, Stationer, ami News Dealer : Fancy p ROCEK I ES. Goods, l itis. Confectionery, File Cittars. S.ula J Wat-, and M-Ut Shake, Pianos and Oiy; t .s and j Gi-.M'.-ric- and I Ja.M-i.sw are, Fhrnr and Fee I. Sample Room ami Rilllard Half Choico Wfi Musi. Hi liistiumenls. . C.;;ars. T. hat-co and Cattery. Riddle Ho.ise. Li.piors and C i-ai'. la iitard (1 Pool Tahle ALT'.. RACK. QAM.'LE ROOM. JOHN I! LA Ki te lex. MB - look: a?Ka: :b j. 22. -a. 2: .kin Suits, incss Suits tMade Suits -xi Made Jiiits 4.05 7.80 10.00 '2 00 t Child V Kilt SuitslVoiu Child's Suils l'ivm J5ovs Suits f Vol u Youths Suits from Si.flO to 2.00 to .iJj to 1.00 to . f. 4 ; i O.Do roi Men 3.1 Men's Men's I'll S AO Overcoats ohhv Cheek Overcoats Fur TJcavep Overcoats; lilack Worsted Overcoats 2 0o r.oo 12.50 10 00 "ino of Boys', "STo-atli! and Cliildren's Overcoats. "2"oi miss it if you. don't buy your Clctning, SCatc, Caps, Fur nishing Goods, Soots and Snoos, otc, of 1 The One Price a Clothier - Plattsmouth, Nebraska. X i