The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, September 21, 1888, Image 3

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    "S Off th Stems TU
-4 tlj aftor dark the banana loading be
auJ uot!iii! oiwiac ltd witj tho fruit
-auo u u ro ijiclurrxquo nnd romantic than
Jo lonrliiij of a I'niianu f.h'p, rnrtitmlarlv
' ' when the- work is at ni"ht. Tiicro was
the l.u;jliii- in which tho lia
na iul wc-ro t,tii .1, witli au tiiic-ovr-re'l In Mini
I'lutforni ol,oiit tv.t nt y f.-ct v.i.lo livtivtvii it
au4 tho ulmrf nt v. liic'.i tho shii lay. A
Luiulroil l:n ki'-(, j rh.-q s iiinre, tforo l. nin
jug im waning lor lli iwui l; id
and thcro i nothing in uhir-li tlio West India
darky cotiia out Minni? r.n in waitin-' for
thu work to Lf-ui. A l.i torch was lilital,
ana iijo iiaitic- 01 1 , maiii? liio jilutlorni oa
light jilni'.-l iim tiny. Ioniums wcio hung
about in. iii. 1 t:3 building, and through tho
ojjoii d'Hrs coul.l lj ccn great liiloM of La-
lianas itac-keit up like hay; and all green, for
they nro cut m tl iinriij Unto, and should
not, if they ro j.rojK-rly managed, bo mora
than just l.?;r to show a few 3'ello
streak- by tjo luuo they nro laudifl in New
1 ork.
a uoz n i;u 11 wi-nt to work ami l.ibhl a
wide plank t tho siilo of tho bhij) in such a
posjtiun that it uiado a platform lar-ro cnowjh
tor two men to Ktar.ti on, about four fj-ot
above thw v harf and tho-snmdlslanco below
tho deck. Tlio cover was ta ken off tbo for
ward batch and several iikii worn bent b-Iovr
to stow away tbo bunches aa they were jias.sed
down. Oilier me.i were stationed littwcen
the rail ami tint hatch to pass tho bunches
along. Men and women carried tho bunches
from the kIk-1 to the .hip and h(iid-d t hem to
the men 011 tbo hanging plat form. An in
spector was coiiytun'.ly n tlio wharf keeping
a sharp eye 011 every bunch and rejecting all
that had any r wcro under size. A
colored man v.-ith a blu-.rn cutlass stood about
midway bet we-.a tho shed ai:d the ship, and
with a dexterous blow cus tlio long and use
less stem from each buneji as it wits carried
past. Thus each bunch went through live
bands in it short journey from tho storage
shed to tho bold of tho ship: First 11 girl or
man picked up a hunch from tho great heap
ill th shed, put it. i n her or bis bead, and
carried it to the men on tho hanging plat
form; they p:;sed it to t ho man on deck, who
in turn handed it to tho men in tho hatch
way, and they ga o it to men (.till dpcr in
the hold, who btowed it away where it was to I
remain till it reached -Sew ork.
The oritur to begin work instantly turned
tho quiet wharf into one of tho liveliest
places imaginable. Twenty men and girls
mado a ruah for the bhed and camo out, one
jsuter another, with hutches of bananas on
their heads, hurrying as if their lives de
jended ujt')T"iakiiig qaick time. The two
jnen 011 tho platform, as they received the
bunches, called ot tho number for the tally
keejer, -th- m;uie a mark for every bunch
receive!. Then Lvg-iu a lanrieal but monot
onous chorus that lasted t;il the last banana
was oil board. Tho men on tiio platform re
ceived tao huneues alternately, lir.-t one and
then tho other, each 0:10 as Lo handed hii
-bunch nt? to tao dec!: calling out u uiuubcr
that never went be vend four. First the
right hand iuwi t ried 'Wan,'' in a voice that
might have been hear J on tho other bide cf
the inland. Then iho left hand man "Two."
Audi he other one ugain. Three," and Ve
left hand man a-um, Four," uud then
tho firt one. ial-ico, the "ta.Jy couujig
out every time live" times louder than any of
the others. Then it began again with the
"one," two,' laxc.1," and so on, till in, a
fcbort tho tally keeper had rows of
marks reachiis- ncro-s tho broad pacs of
his book. .vca ;io;iaii y some of th-j workers
started up a o::;; a;: 1 the others joiutd in.
Tho whole i-c-.:e was typical of life in
the tropic. .un t'.o awning bt retched over
the passengers dectc to I;-vp oT Iho night
dews, tee at work l-v the light of the
Ijig torcli, t!:e pi.'ti
tho soft warm t.:r
was a tropical c:
out, with ;i'l bo;:-.
A great nvijlit 1
lddes aud t-b.icco.
wharf wa- or, !
liauana stems, uud ihe-e had frepiently tube
swept awr.y. 'j'no ,. tn:vo times soniel-eily's
prip fai!i-d or 1'. 1 1 hpped and a of
vint bvneil of the bananas,
ai.d t no negro fon;; it
:-g t hat we had tlsroagh
' i s'rrar in the hold,
m.iii , i:iy 1 gs !;::d bomo
iu mil'!! tiiiio ti;! whole
d v. ;;'i ti;e cut oil ends of came uokVit !i
Uut au I lo 1,
overboard v.i.h i.i: (.,:no
potfrililo lor tee u.a:i i.
tuo wharf with a
oiiiv tj bo thrown
:v. It seemed iai-
kct" swinging bis
cutl.ibS i:i t!i n::dt - f ili:.t iuirrviu crowd
without nicking : .mcb'idy's heail, or nt lea.-t
lopping f.l au car or two; but he evidently
understood bis L::-ii s.;, I r no such a'ideiv;
Lappeaed, and t'.o luikcs never desceuded
without bringing w uii it one of thicutoii
btems. It w. ;:M have btcn impossible, of
course, f r bu.h cro'.fj of Y"cst Indian col
ored jtopie to v vi k together wiif0ut some
wrangling and q;:;':T-l;:!g, and in such ca?.s
they are not bparii'g 2 la ir lungs and .-.-old
away nt such a rate that a pitched l attlo
seems iiuiuineat. Thoy taku it out iu scoltl
ing, however, and rarely or never come t i
blows over thi ir w ork.
This went oa l'rcra 7 o'clock to 11, with a
racket that macL : Jeep impos-.-ible. In tho:-o
four hours 4,1X0 bunches of bauauas were put
in the hold, aud m- to wou'd have been takea
if more tad been ready ; but another steamer
iad been loadel tte day before, r.nd had
nearly emptied tho Sioritouso. The stowiag
. away in the hoid is work that requires ex-
perienced l.ands. Careless work there would
resale in a spotted cargo before tae stnp
"ached her destination. They bare to be as
folly packed as a lady's trunk, and so ar
that the air will reach them as much
"ble. A fruit tean:er is a marvel in
it pipes and ventilators and all sorts
ranees for keeping bananas in good
The deck of the Alvo, as so3;i cs
anas on board, became a v. iider
t iron veutiliting funnels, each
a man's head, and each re-enforced
.nvas arras, spread out to catch the
the other hand, when the ship reaches
r latitudes oa her northward voyage,
-tilators Larb to be taken away aud
heated with steam pipes. The Atlas
company has a system of protect--
that seems to be nearly perfect,
st be kept at Just such a tcinper
lly as possible throughout the
y degree higher would ripen
apiily and a few degrees lower
t. Above all things, no "salt
allowed to touch tho fruit,
, forgot hing ruins the banana,
-ocorj cf the hose ward voy
iifp is a woudcr for its 00 m
tala hours every day ther
ered into the hold through
or the pcrpose, and sie-
tesi on blanks provi Zed
' the opening or closing: i
recorded; so ths.6
' "u passecger, the
ion bis owner
e has received
21 Drtdaioii
.tln their re-
ricincts on Saturday
J, to elect delegates to a
. -j be held in Louisville, on
.wuth cUy ot. October, 18S8. at 11
o'clock a. ui., for the purpose of placing
in iiominution candidates for the follow
in'g offices:
One senator.
Two representatives.
One county attorney.
Oue county coinmisKioiicr.
The several wards and precincts
entitled to the following number
Tipton precinct
.Salt Creek
Stoye Creek
Elm wood
South Bend
Wecpinir Water.: 20
Center. 7
Louisville !
Avoca 7
Mt. Pleasant
Eight Mile Grove 7
Lilerty 8
Hock Bluffs
Pluttsmouth Precint
" 1st ward
2nd " 9
3rd " 13
4th " 12
Primaries wul be held in the various
wards and nrecints on the 22nd day of
Si pteuiber at the following places:
Tipton at Eagle G p. ui.; Greenwood at
votinir nlace 7:30 u. in.: salt Lretk at
skating rink in Greenwood village 7:30;
Stove Creek at Elmwood village 7 p. ui
Elmwood at Center Bchool house 7:30;
Houth Bend at school house 4 p. in
Weeping Water precinct at Cascade
school house 7 i. ui.: Weeping Water
city at Union hall 3 p. m.; Center at Man-
ley 3 p. m.; Louisville at Adams' opera
house 8 i). in.; Avoca at Hutchins school
house 2 p. m.; Mt. Pleasant at Gilmore's
school house 2 p. in.; Eight Mile Grove
it llvalt's school house 7:30 p. m-; Liber
tv at Union school house 7:30 p. m
Iiock Bin Us at Bergers school House A p
m.; Plattsinoutk precinct at Taylor's
school house 4 . m.; Plsttsniouth, 1st
ward at county judges office 4 to 8 p. m.,
2nd ward at 2nd ward school house 4 to
s i. m., 3rd ward at Ititchey's lumber
ofiice at 4 to 8 p. in., 4th ward at Byron
Clark's office 4 to 8 p. m.
M. D. Pouc, Chairman
II. S. Wilkinson, Secretary.
Sedentary Habits.
In this age of push and worry, the
bu iness man and the professional man
are alike unable to devote any adequate
time to exercise. In the daily round of
toil and pleasure, no suitable provision
is made for that important fuuciton, nnd
the result is that men of sedentary habits
become subject to many forms of ail
ments arising from a torpid or sluggish
liver. Constipation, sick headache, bil
iousness nnd disptpsia arc all due to the
improper action of tho liver. Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant purgative Pellets cure these
troubles by restoring the liver to its nor
mal condition.
The republicans of the United States, assem
bled by their iteiiiites iu national convention,
iaue on the thieeholii of their proceedings tn
ln!ior the memory d their first great leader
inl immortal champion of lilterty and the
risilits of the people, Abraham Lincoln, nd to
cover also with wreaths i f inierit.hahle re
membrance and icratituue the heroic names of
our later leaders wlio have been iu-re recently
called away from ourenuncd, Grant. Cartic 1I,
Arum-. l.':in aiiu t oiiKiiiie. Aiay nieni-
orics be faithfully cherished, tte also re' all
with our Kreetlmji' ana prayer ror liic reoovery
Hi-i-ame of one of our living hero whose
in inory win ue trefci-uren in me insiory uoiii
ol repuhlicant) ami of the republic, the name
i.stliat of the noble oldler and favorite child
of victory. I'lnTTp II. Sberirian.
in file viui'ii ti i nose ereai leaurro aim 01 our
ib votlon t human liberty, and with that hos
tility to ad forum of defpt'tii(i ai .l opptesion
v. liicli is t lie liitiuaiuentai itlea ui me republi
can partv. teed iraieniai coneraiuiaiious
to our fellow Americans of I'.rnzil upon their
l.'ieat act of emanetpatton which completed
the abolition of slavery throuhout the two
American eontiuents. We earnestly hope we
iv mioii comnHtulate our fellow citizens of
Irifh birth uoon the peaiJefiil leeovciy ot home
rule for Irelauil.
wk a fi-'i um onK ryswFuvimi kevotio-v
to the national constitution and to llie jndis-
.ijlle iinlou of st a ten 10 the autonomy re
serv l to the states under the constitution, to
the pei.sonal rights and liberties of citienn in
all o-'aie ami territories In the union and es
pecially to the sup'eme ami sovereign riant of
verv uit'zeii. ncii or poor, native or loreian
born, white ur blaak, la eai't oae fr;ia bailot in
trp public eteetloim ami to have that balio't
hi! v eeuntea. w e noid a iree iu:a nonest pou-
r.-'.r ballot aud just and euual representation
el all people t be the fcundation of our re-
u!iienn Koverniueuc anu ueniana eueciive
I'vivlatiou to secure the iuteprity and purity
f elei Uoiif wnicli are the loiiutaius of all pub
lic authority. We etiat'P lliar lae present ad-
imuisiratiuii a::a toe uemoeratio uininrny iu
ci-M-re-is owe their existence tothesupprecsson
of the ballot by the criminal nullification of the
coi:t'tu:ion and laws oi ir.e cuiteu stales.
We are uucromproniisingly in favor of the
American system ot protection. We protest
airsiust tlie'uecti uoiion proposed by the prei
dent ana his party. They eerva t lie tnterjt4
of Kuroce
We accept the issue, and confidently appeal to
tha people for t heir Judgment. The protective
system must be maintained. Its abandonment
has always bei-n followed by iieneral disaster
to nil interests except those ot the unsurer
aud sheriff.. .
We denounce the Mills' bill as destructive to
Hern ial buKinecs, labor, and the farming inter
ests of the country and ve heartily endorse
the consistent aim patriotic action of the re-
ub!ica:i rvpresentaiives In congress in oppos-
s its nassatre. we condemn tue proposition
o( the den.ociatlc party to place wool on the
free liM and iusisr that the duties thereon
sha 1 be adjusted and maintained so as to fur
nish full aud adequate protection to that iu-uu-try.
The reyuMican party would effect all needed
reduction of the i-atioual revenue by repealing
the taxes on tobacco, which are an arrogance
and burden to acriculture. and the tax upon
spin's used in the arts and for mechanical pur
poses, aud by such reviaiou oi tne tann laws as
will teud to check imports o: such arti- let as
a e produced by our peopie, tne production ot
which Rives employment to ur labor, and re
lease ii phi import duties tuese articles ot jor-
eign production, except luxuries, the like of
-nicn cannot bt produced at iiome. mere -nan
st i'.l remain a larger revenue than is rr quisitfe
for tne wants of government, of internal taxes
rather than Min cutler any iort of our i rotec
tive system st the joiut befi-st of the whisky
rhiK aud ageais of foreign manufacturers.
W declare hostility to the introduction into
t is country of f nreisn contract labor and of
Chinese labor alien to our civilization and our
constitution, aud we demand the ngl I enforce
ment of existinc laws auainst it ana favor such
iiutiiediat legislation as will exclude such la
b r I re. in our shores.
' e declare our opposition to al conibma-
t'on of rapstsl onranized in tnista or otber
ie t arbitrarily the condition of
trade anomc eiir citizens and we recommend
to congress and the state legislatures in tbeir
respective jurisdictions such legislation a will
prevent the execution of all schemes to oppress
the pcjtple by undue charges on their supplies
. .
vt tfu vjr coDjrreis to pre
vent aittte unjut.4 burdens and unfair d:crlm
luatlon bet w eon atatos.
Yitt reatnrin the policy t approprl tin the
public lands of the Ubited States to be home
steads lor American citizens and settler not
aliens, which the republican party established
In 12 ka net the oppi sltlon of
the deinocrais in congress, which bus brought
our irreat western domain luio m:i(;idllceiit de
velopeinevt. '1 he restoration of unearned Und
Kiants 10 the public dom. iln for the use of ac
tual settlers.wlileii was uckuii uder llie ad
miiiUtratiou of President Arthur should be
continued. We deny that the democratic party
has ever restored one acre to the people, but
declare that by the joint action of rcpublicuhs
and democrats about fifty million acres f un
earned lauds, originally K'anled for the con
struction of ruiiroads, have been restored to
the public domain in pursuance of conditions
inserted by the lemibiican party iu the oi Initi
al grant. We chate t'e democrat ic adminis
tration with tailnre to execute laws securing to
seitlers title to Midi Homestead and miiii us
ing appropriations made for that purpose to
lianas li-noceiit settlers with li( and prose
cutions under the false pretense of exposing
frauds aud vindicating the law.
The government by congress r the teirit-ir-les
is based necessity only to the "mt that
they may become stales In the union : there
fore, whenever th conditions of population,
material resources, pi bile Intelligence and
morality are such as to insure stable local imv
ernmei't therein the pcoplrt of such territories'
should be permitted, u iilit inherent !u them,
to fona for themselves coiiKTitutlons nnd state
governments and be ad 'ttcd into the union,
i'ending piepaiati n for statehood all ollicers
thereof should ba selected Horn bona tide
residfuts and citizens of the territory w lieiein
they are to serve, isoutli Dakota should f
right bo immediately admitted as a slate in
tlie union under the coustituti'di franted and
adopted by her people and w- heart ilv en
dorse the action of the lenubiican senate in
twice passinir bills for ber admission. 1 he re
fusal of the democratic house of lepreseuta
fives. or partisan purtses. ti favorably con
sider these bills is a wiiiiul violation of the
sai-red Americau principle of local self-govern
iiient, and merits the condemnation of all just
men. 'I he pending bills in the senate for acts
to enable the people of ishingtoii. North
llakota and Montami teirltories to form con
stitufioiM and establish state governuiei ts
should be passed wilhout tin necessary delay.
I he retilibliciitl patty pledges inself to do all 111
Its power tn facilitate the admission i l the ter
litorles of New Mexico. W'yoiiiliig. Idaho and
Arizona to tne enjoyment 01 sell-government
as states, hucn oi mem ns are now quaiiiied
as soon as possible. fatid others as soon as they
may uecume so.
The political power of the Mormon church in
the tenitories sis exercised In the oast is a
men.iiice 10 iree institutions too dangerous to
be lone suffered. Therefore v e p edge the re
publican party to appropriate legislation.
asserting the sovereignty of the nation in all
the term. nies uheie the snme is ouettioned.
and in furtherance of that end to place
uuoii ine niiiiiiie oook legislation siiinireiir
eiuaigh to divorce ixditieal from ecclesiastical
power, aud thus stamp out the attendant
wicKcuness oi po iiniy.
i ne repumican party is in lavor or the use
oi buiu gold mid silver as money, and con
uemnsthe policy of the democratic adminis
tration m its enor's to demonetize silver.
v e demand the reduction of letter postage
to 1 c-nt per ounce.
Iu a republic bkeotirs. where the eitiyens Is
llie sovereign and Ute oilicil the servant
where no pow?r is exercised except bv the will
oi ine people, ii is important that the sever
eign people should possess intelligence. The
free school is the promoter of that Intelligence
which is to preserve us a iree nation. 'J here
fore, the state or nation, or both conbined.
should support free institutions of learning
suiiicieiii. in aiioru iu every cniiu growing up
in me mini ine opportunity pi agooa common
tcituvi euuejttiou.
We earnestly recommend that uromnt action
be taken in e.-ngiess iu the ei actment of snch
legisiaiiou as w in uesi secure ine reuaouii
Hon of our Air.ei Ichii merchant marine, and
we protest against the passaue by comrress of
a iree snip mil as calculated to work injustice
to lauor oy itsseiuug ine wages ot tliose on-
gaged in preparing materials us well as thoA
uu ceil y employed in pur shipyards. vi'e de
niaua appinpriaiioiis iortuo early rebuilding
oi our navy, lor the construction of coast
fortitlcations and modern ordinance and other
"pproyeti miinei!) incurs pi ueiense lor 111
protection of oui' defenseless harburs and
cities, for the payment of just per slons to; our
soiuiers, lor necessary works oi national im
portance in the improvement of the harbors
and chantt-ls of internal, coastwiser and
tore gn commerce, for the encouragement f
ine snipping pueresis oi ine Atiautii), On:
and Pacific e tales as well as for the navmpn
of the manning public debt. This policy will
give employment to our labor, activity to our
vaiioii pHiiisii .e. mcreaseii security to our
country, piomoltn tiade, open new aud direct
markets tor our products and clieao-n the cost
of transportation We aflirm this to be far
better lor our country than ttie democratic
policy of loaning the government's money
w iiuuui interest. 10 iiei uanKS.
lOHKIilJi ltsLATIOMli.
The conduct of foreign affairs bv the present
administration has been distinguished by inef.
ficiet'Cy acd cowardice. Having withdrawn
from the senate sill pending treaties effected
by republican adminbitratiors for llie removal
of foreign hurduiis' and restrictions upon our
commeiee and for its extension into a better
market t has neither affected nor proposed
any others in their stead. Professing adher
ence to the Mouroe doctrine, it has seen with
idle complacency the extension of foreign in
fluence in Central America and of foreign trade
PVr-mvhere among our neighbor. Jthasie.
fused to charter, sanction or encourage any
American orgatiizytion for constructing the
Nicaragua canal, a work of vial importance to
the maintenance of the Monroe doctrine and
of our national influence iu Central and South
Ameiica. and necessaiy f o the development
of trade with our Pacific territory, with South
America, and with the further coasts of tho
We arraign the present democratic adminis
tration for its weak and unpatriotic treatment
of tiie fisheries question, and its pusillanimous
surrender of all privileges to which our fishery
vfssel-iare enthlcd in Canadian parts under
the treaty of 1818. the reciprocate marin
tiue legislation of is: and comity of nations,
nd which Canadian Ashing vpsbela receive m
fim ports of tue Culled State. We couiemn
theioiieyof the present administration and
the democratic majority iu congress towards
our fisheries as unfriendly and eonspiciously
unpatriotic and as tending to destroy a valuable
national industry and an indlspensible resource
ot ueiense against ii reign enemy.
The name of American applies alike to til
eilir.ens ot the repabli--, and imposes upon men
alike tne same obligation of obedience to the
aws. At the same time citizenship is and must
oe tue panoply ano safeguard oi mm who weais
For "rundown," debilitated and overworked
women. Dr. Pleree't Favorite Prescription is
the beet of all restorative tonics. It Is a potent
Fpecino for all tboee Ouronlo Weaknesses and
Iiisaiuea peculiar to Women : a powerful, gen
eral as well as uterine, tonic and nervine, it
i mparts vigor and strength to the wbole system.
It promptly cures weakness of stomach, nuusca,
indicettion. bloating, weak back, nervous pros
t ration, debit ity and sleeplessness, in either sex .
It is carefully compounded by an experienced
physician, and adapted to woman's delicnto
organization. Purely vegetable and perfectly
harmless In any condition of the avstem.
"lavorite rrcicn
tloii is the only medicine
for women, sold lv-drugirists,
under a poeltlve lusr-
ii toe of satisfaction in every case, or price
($1.00) refunded. This (runrantsfi has iiecn
printed on tho tiottle-wrapia-r, and faithfully
carried out for many years.
For largo, illustrated Treatise on Diseases of
Women (10 paires, with full directions for
home-treatment), send ten cents in stamps.
Address, World's Dispensary Medical
Association, ami Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y.
Choicest Brands of Cigars,
including our '
frier cto pepper crrj;r" rrt Lu
always in stork. Nov. 20. 1885.
Now la tbo t, , .
political doctrine amorier tLa v ,
eubocrlbinsr for
Which taa reliable, active, and able orpc
trlnoa. AS A NEWSPAPER UM Unoxoe.
It has been FORQINQ TO THE FRONT rapkL
nent. It has had A REOULAH DOOII. Tli3
OCEAN Is the only
Published In Chicago, and PROTECTION II
ISSUE, Evory friend of truo Ropubllcanlsra ougL.
Why should a RepubUcan aid tho enemy by r
NEWSPAPERS, and thu j dldsorainatim: false political c.
Koto 4a the ttnut to tubtcribn ami to imluce olhrrm to fto I
Subscribe through your newsdealer or postmaster, or
clal rates offered tor the campaign. Sample copioa sent on r
I 'E'E3- ELM
-m:u:i in-
All work first-clsi!; west
Fifth Street.
North Robert Sherwood's Store.
K. B. Wi.vdham, John A. Davikh,
Notary I'uhlic. Kotary Public.
Attorneys - at - Law.
Office over Hank cf Cans County.
Plattsmotjth, - - Nebraska
Represent the following time
tried and fire-tested companies:
kJj Au JL J. K-J JLi J
Ben ii e 1 k Tiitt
Frine Staple and Fancy Groceries
-Headquarters lor all kinds of-
American Central-S'. Louis,
Commercial Union-England,
Fire Association-Philadelphia,
Home-New York,
Ins. Ci, of North America, Phil.
Li verpool& Loudon & Olobe-Kng
North British & Mercantile-En
Norwich Unlon-Englana,
aprlngQeld F. & M.-Springfield,
ASPelS $1,258,100
7.855.W 9
Total Assets, $42,115,774
Losses ASjnsM snd PaidsttMsApacj
Fruits and Vegetables I
Oranges, Leiiuii, IJanans and till varieties of frcsli and
Canned Fruits constantly on Land.
2aiti Street
Dr. C- A. -Marshall.
Slesidezit Sen-fist.
Pipseivation of the Natural Teeth
Specially. Auosthetics given for Pain
less Filling or Extraction of Teeth,
Artificial teeth ciade on Gold, Silver,
Rubber or Celluloid Plates, nr.d inserted
as eoon as teeth are extracted when de
All work warranted. Prices reasonable,
FiTZrt eralb's BrvioK Plattsmouth, Neb
it, should shield and protect him whether hiirh
or low, rich or poor. In all his civil rights. It
should and must afford him protection at home
and follow and protect him abroad in whatever
iaua no may ne on a lawful errand,
The men who abandoned the republican Dar
ty u liii aud continue to adhere to the demo
cratic party have deserted not only the cause
of honest government, but of sound finance, of
freedom .and purity of the ballot, but espec
ially have deserted the cause of reform in the
civil service. We will not fall to keep our
uiedsea because tl ey have Lronen theirs, or
oei'auxe meir canuiuiiie nas uroKrn ins. ne
therefore repeat our declaration of 1884, towit :
ine reiorm oi civn service auspiciously Degnn
under republican administration should be
completed by a further extension of th reform
s stem already established by law to all grades
of the service to which it is applied. The spir
it aud purpose of reform should be observed in
all executive appointments, and all laws at
varience with the object of existing reform leg
islation should be repealed, and that the dan
gers to free Institutions wmeh lurk in the pow
er ft official patronage mey be wisely and ef
fectively avoided.
- The gratitude of the nation to the defenders
of the union cannot be assured exceDt bv laws.
The legislation of congress should couform to
the pledges made by a loyal people, aud be so
enlarged and extended as to prov'de against
the vnsHibtiity tlit any man who honorably
wore the federal uniform shall become an In
mate of an almshouse or dependent on rrivate
charity. In the presence of an overflowing
treasury it would b a public scandal to do less
for those whose valorous service preserved the
government. We denounce the hostile spirit
shown by President Cleveland in hi numerous
vetoes of measures for pension relief, and the
action of the democratic bouse of representa
tives in refusing even consideration of general
peuston legislation.
In support -f the principles herewith enun
ciated we invite the co-operation of patriotic
men cf all parties, especially of all working
men whose prosperity is serions'y threatened
by the free trade policy of the present admin
istration. The first co- eem of 1I good government is
the virtue and sobriety of the i-eopl Mid the
purity of their homes. The republican partv
cordially sympathizes with -)l wise nnd well
directed efforts for the promotion of temperance.
A Warning.
The modes of death's approach are va
rious, and statistics show conclusively
that more persons die from disease of the
in oat auu ianys iliata any other. It is
probable that everyone, without excep
tion, receives vast numbers of Tubercle
Germs into the system and where these
germs fall upon suitable soil they start
into life nnd develop, at first sloMly and
is shown by a slight tickling sensation in
the throat and if allowed to continue their
ravages they extend to the lungs produc
ing Consumption and to the head, caus
ing Catarrh. Now all this is dangerous
and if allowed to continue will in time
cause death. At the onset you must act
with promptness; allowing a cold to go
without attention is dangerous and may
loose you your life. As soon as you feel
thift something is wrong with your throat,
lungs or nostrils, obtain a bottle of Bos
shee'g German Syrup. It will giye you
immediate relief.
$500 Reward.
"We will pay the above reward for any
case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick
headache, indigestion, constipation or
costiveness we cannot cure with
"West's Vegetable Li ver Pills, when the
directions ar strictly complied with.
They are purely vegetable, and never
fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes
containing 30 sugar coated pills, 25c.
For sale by all druggists. Beware of
counterfeits and imitations. The gen
uine manufactured only by John O. We
& Co., 8G2 "W. Madison St. Chicago,and
Sold by W. J. Warrick.
The standard remedy for liver com
plaint is West's Liver Pills; they never
disappoint you. 30 pills 25c. At War
rick's drug store. '
Jon at ii a. n IIatt. J. W. JVIakthis.
Sugar Cured Meals, Hams. Bacon, Lard, &c, &c
of our own make. The best brands of OYSTERS, in i nns and bulk, at
BS i'J s
w s
03o O 4 ca S
lLi W VJ rC5 Z ts
- o
O o
n s
P I.
w r in 7
Dr. K. C.
The Boss Tailor.
Main St., Over Merges' Shoe Store.
Has the best and most complete stock
of samples, both foreign and domestic
woolens that ever came west of Missouri
river. JNote these prices: liustness emu
from $16 to $35, dress suits, $24o $45,
pants $4, $5, $6, G.50 and upwards.
dPWill guaranteed a Tit.
Prices Defy Competition.
West's Nerve and Bruin Treatment
agurirHntee eclAc for Hysteria Dizziness.
Convulsions. Kits. Nervous Neuralgia. UcmcI
a"he. Nerveouit I'rostration causeii hy theui''
of a'eohol ortohaeeo. Wakefulness. Mental
fre?cioii, Koftenlnif of the Brain resulting lu in
sanity aul IfHdiDK t ' misery, riceay Mid death,
lemaiure old Age. I'.arrei.neKS, I ..! of few
er in either sex. InvoluLtary LiMe and Hper-
niai- riuopa cauea iy over-exertion oi in
bruin, selfabuse or over-indnlKence. Kach hex
contains one moiiili'n treatment. $1 a box
or six boxes for 5.00, sent by id ail prepaid on
receipt of price
To cure any case. With each orrfer received
by us for six boxes, accompanied with 1 5 00,
we will send the nurchaser our written guaran
tiee to return the n-oney if the fr'atment does
noi tncci a cure. iuaranieen inmira ouiy ny
Will J. Warrick sole aent, flattsmouth. Neb.
Practical Piano and Organ Tnner
First-clas s work yiaranteed. Alio deal
er in Pianos and Organs. Office at Bocrk't
furniture store, Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Send your job work to the Hehald
J!rtpnal attention
JX mj cae.
to all Buslners Entrust-
Title Examined. Abstarct f"onipi;l. In
surance Written, heuf Estate Ktild.
P.ptlpr FiuiHIHm ff.r ln:iHnr Vurm Inim tl.-in
Asxy Qthc Ageac;
Piclftcioutb, - Xeht