i vi-i I II I M II 1 I I II I I I hi III 1'liA.TTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTE3II5EU tfl, 1888. Ok oia'iGJtis. K. M. tn iikv '.V K Kox - J am:: Ia rrKiiS'iN, .n. BVIl'lN I'l.Al: K A MaihiI K -Sill H ulfll V II ;.i v i.kK St ..e-r. C; J.idg'i, Oounollmen. is' wird. A Vv i. Vim. uV ' ) 1 M Jot KM I i !:. A Ml I I'M i M ii .Ml i:!'ii v IS W 1)1,1 II N 3rd ... ., t ON K't.'llN.Nolt. "t !' Al C '. .N. PllKS j.I v J i s . - , Board Iul.Virk r !-. . nK't 1) 11 JlAWKt'.'.Vl .1 V J ' 1 1 1 S - 1 1 A I KM A N GOUjX'rv oi'iTi(i;i;s. Treasurer. Dpmy lii- nu.'er, - Clerk. Deputy Clerk, Recorder ol 1m?Jj lputy Krh-iIt D. a . c ! i ii i.i. I llo. I'oI.I.im K B. ltl I.i Ii l I 1 1- 1.0 l.AA fill r'M t'l KI.H V. H. I'llol. JV.j v M l.r.t W. t.'. JSHOWAl.TKIt J. ;. KlKC V It II I A. MAIMtt.K AM.P.V l.f KiO.V 11 Vi ".. '1M C Rf.i.in.l. . Clerk of Utatnvt Co jrr. MberlfT. Surveyor. -Attorney. Hupt. ot I'ii'l School, County J ifanrt. bOAKD or HcrEuvisor. t. A.B.Tnou.Ch'inM - - riattsM..ntli Louiit Koi.T. - Weepms W-i-r A.B. ll?Kmi!, - liuunood GIVIG SOGIIuVJ'IS. w W - " CI ASS IXJLm: No. 1 . . F. -Meets 'eyery Tue'Jay cveum l rnoU week.. All trmint br'itli.Tfi aio rot-p -rtfuiiy lnri.el to ttf pd. ItLATTMOUTH KNCAM PMKNT No.XI.O. O. K nie errv Mitrnntt Friday 111 each luoutli Id Hie Masonic Hall V Lsiliug Brothers are Invited to attend nmtio lodoe . t. a. o. n. v;. Mv' ; All!teTr I Vlttdtontteu J K..I M..rcat.,M :iter orktnaii ; P. i. llriivi ii. I'irtin;tii I 'vt-iiivf.-r. fiver- I fr; it. A. Jniu I- .iiaiieirr ; ... i. n"- decided that the eagle might soar five worth. K-toi.I. r ; M. May 1.,-ijjlit. K.-etiver ; . , -i -j i p. sinii'i. iit M. w. : I. N. iinweii, Cuide ; minutes and ii') more. It was decided F. J.Kmu.l.midoUatcli. lhut cn(1 should maJc by count5es CMP Ni).;k;.'. MOiJi.UN' .VnODMHX ..i.,!,,.!,.., :.... .,-,1,.- ftn.i that the eoun- ot Ani.-ncA -Meets ee.i..l and L.iiitli M.m- 1,1 -opiiHin Heal oruiT, ami inai tne coun day evening at li. ot . h .'.i. All imiiMcnt tv having a candidate for congressional brothers aie r:-:'iested t in. vl w nii ii-. 1.. V. , , , . NfwciM:ser, Vem:railt ;.msal ; 1. N!;-', honors should name its man. Worthy Advi-er ; V. Wiide, Hanker ; '.V. A. i ,r , , . -i Boeck. Clerk. II. oolly, of Cass, presented the fLATTSriufirr.TuT(T: " . . . r. W. ie i'f S- JI- Chapman; Judge Baldwin, Meet every ;;:t-:i. it.; 1 ii i.'.y rv. iii'i' at : nam "d W. J. Council, and his nomination Kockwood h ill at x'cl-CK, Aii I i;tisi. iit t.i wlii- ' . ers aro rep'ftful1y t.iviifd m ati.emt. 1- s. was sccoiiiled bv V . II. Dickinson, or uTe?k.rderS?Au i nndvrs, nnd Henry Clark, of Sarpy. TtbATrsMOl-Till.'MHiKNo.r., A. p. A. M. i l,dge Field, of Lancaster, waxed tlo Mets .mi at- t.r-t and !!::ri M"M'i;i t iineiit in naming E. E. Drown. A gen eaeb moiitli at lhe:r hall. All tra::Mt-t.t hrolli- . . . , . , ers areeordiaily in . ited t- in. r null us j tb ina:i from I.ichardsou presented the Wm Hats Seer.'fnry. J ' "tA' A ' h;iiks of Ihnm llaevis, and John Ellis, liJKiniA.siTTv i :i vT'TKi:. n.. :f. i:. a. .;. ; of (Lige, did alike homor for L. W. Meets see.uid and fo'lilh 'l tn-s l i. f e;n-li ' . t,,ii v Dioslb at .ViiiM.nV Mall. Trunsei- nt tooili-.-is are invited to nse-'l witu us. I T!:o:nas Clark, of Lancaster, ' ml Mr. r . f . .". 1 1 1 : I : . 1 1 . 1 i Wm. Hays. Seeretary. r zion ciiJilA ivltY. '. i . i . ' Men.' !ii-t and Ihird w eJiiesd-sy i.i- ;it .f aclim.ntii inMiio hall. iiii.. ; ii i are cordially i: it d tn m.-e: ' Wm. IIavs. i t o. K. I", w in i y., I". C. 1 . I jASScoiTNr:.. vi ioj! k-'Vai. i:;;.1 ! V meet" t lie r 1 1' .i I .Hid Imiilil . 1i:H';..' s ul each uion'h t: Ar.-a-iuni Mail. ' It. N. LiC.-N, K'.'ral. r. C. Mimik. Sei'rutary. I v PLATTSMOUTH BOARD OF TP, a L) l'rtxddent U -t't.H '.Vil.dii liil 1st Viee !'ii'sid'-i:t 2u l Viiv l'r-si lent Heeftary I" Treasurer . r.. t.. id ..in N v;il.' . .. K. i'fi'i U.lllll . V. I'll Inn. in J. C. K: t;e. K. 1 WMi,-, .1 f. P.iM J. A. 'o .ii"r. I'.. ri-oa.C. V. S'lviiii.i.-, 1 fiir. J. V. A t i ki). .!:. "'i, r- Mco".;'lHI POST 43 O k-.-" rfcii. J. W. J.iIN.l Q. S. Twins Sv.H.T IC F. a.HT".s ...lui.i .r ft KO. Nil."-' .. A. i. ' .M:lidt. r, Auj'itat, Hznky STHf i r MAUI)I.M' i .i-. rn! ML- A. CHAKI.M t ' ' 1 j UroiiCx i :'mn. . V.i'i -irr M -'i'vr s. '-.-i. LkekCiu "'at-.Vd-iy A-emi" WHtii YOU miiJ mi noi' ii m ' OF I A -m -rr r3 i ' iriiiiniW 1 IT ri ka- CALL ON j 3 1THrvCS,!r5 i "'or. 12th an 1 Gran'tc Streets. "ictor ana rsuiiacr tn. pes for Sale- at 4 cents per pound. ig-.nberger & Troop's or echscn's store J. E. Leust.kt Xing' Suits ness Suits x7"Iacle Suits -jjyv Vade Suits i m - e? wo CONNELL for COICRSSMAN. Douglas Couny'e Candidate Sue cessful Attrr a Stubborn Fight. Ninety Dailots aro Taken. Connoll Cots the Nomination. Lincoln, .M., Si-pt, 20. The most Mullioruly tuiiUhtcil election that has ever i n tal'iil. upon to nominate a con gressman in NiLras-ki lias been in session at tin! Metropolitan link since 8 o'clock tonight. V vj iimliilutes were entered in tin- r ice, vi.: W. .1. Council, S. M. Cli.'ipinaii, V.. II. linnvn, r. VT. Coll y and I!iaiu Ueavi. I). Oniitiii v, chairman of the con- grts.si'.iiul committee of the First cou grcsi9iiul ilittiict, culled the convention to order. Without the usual explanation of the object of the assembly, the secre tary was instructed to read the list of U legates entitled to seats in the conyen tiou. This as usual, waved the conyen tioita1 committee on credentials, and t . iitlem.ui from Douglas placed Hon, IVank Uansom, of Otoe, in nomination for temporary chairman, and he was chosen by acclamation. On taking the chiiU lu-soin thanked the convention for the honor and proceeded to business without an extended speech. A. L. Melvin, of Nemaha, was chosen tcnipo- i rary secretary, aud Edward Geary as- sistant. After a short wrangle over the question f ,:.: uOPru-i thn con vention -o i Emory, of (tag", were found to be neces s.m v f':j;i r.il iges to the convention, and ,, i,.. e.t.riM nfl ''"l"1-'1 telb-rs " " ( liaiiisian U itisom then ordered the .;ul tlf countiof. a:iU the first ballot was t:ikf-:i, resulting as follows: Connell 54, . Chapman f. Drown oO, Deayis 15, Colby 'T. Aft'.-r three hours' steady ballotiqg the fifty-fifth ballot found all fire still on th" track, v.iih Connell in the lead, Chapman second, Drown third, Colby fourth and llr-avi fifth. Thf Rich n.lscii county delegation then h Id a coiisu'.r ;t;.on and lieavis was dropped. X material change was made ::i the sanation. However, as me twelve , ' deleg:'t s scattered among the four re ' ni jinibg caiididater".. After an ineft'ectual attempt to .-Ldjourn, the fifty-sixth ballot : was taken with the following result: jConm 11 GO, Chapmnn 40. Brown 32, Col- ly n---(.-.-ary to a choice S3. Up to the withdrawal of ileavis, Connell had j the solid support of Douglas, Sarpy and Saunders counties. Lancaster stood solidly by llrown. Gage by Colby, and Cass by chapman, Otoe divided between ' Drown and Chapman and finally cast her i twelve votes for Chapman on the fifty- fourth billot. Johnson voted stead jly 3 for Thrown, 3 f.ir Colby and 2 forChap- maa Nemaha complimented everybody except Brown, and one of her ballot? was cast for Church Howe. Pawnee divided lier support and changed back Flipp and forth amon the candidates. i,alIotj riade ,ilu ,i,.CiiiVe b,:eak by cst. ' ing a solid vote for Connell. She was j fcllowtd by the unanimous vote of Paw nee county, which gave t'onneil &u votes, a majority evlusive of the changes which followed rnphll', amid wild cheers from all part3 of the house. OPElTIiTG- - issues $ 495 7.80 10.00 25 00 "lia of Boys', "Toutiis' and Children's Overcoats. ITovl miss it if you don't bviy your CXctking, Sats, Ca-os, Fur nishing Goods, Soots and Shoes, etc., of One - a 0 The following is the ninetienth ballot as recorded by the secretary: Cas, Chapman 16;l)ouglas, Connell 37; Gage, Colby 19; Johnson, Connell 5, Colby 3; Lancaster, Drown 25; Nemaha, Bunnell 7, Colby 2; Otoe, Connell 12; Pawnee, Con nell b'; Richardson. Connell 9, Colby 3; Sarpy, Connell 5; Saunders, Connell 12. Gage county moved to make the nom ination unanimous. ' Mr. Connell was called for and in response made a telling speech which elicited rounds of applause. He assured the convention that lie would be the representative of the entire dis trict and planted himself on the national republican platform. As soon as the cheers subsided attend ing the nomination of Connell, congrat ulatory speeches were made by the can didates who entered the fight. Colby promised the allegiance of Gage in the canvass nnd a sweeping majority for the nominee from that county. Drown fol lowed, thanking his friends fcr the ear nest and faithful support that had been given him, and promised that Lancaster county would not shrink in the coming fight. Keavis also endorsed the action of the convention and said that Richard son county would do her duty at the polls. Judge Chapman was called for, but he was not in the room. Wood, of Cass, responded for him, and modestly stated that there would be no flies ou the re sult of the election in Cass. Lambei tson made a ringing specc'i. lie congratulat ed the convention on the wisdom of its choice. He stated that McShane's suc cessor had been chosen and that the vote of Douglas county would be critically watched. At the conclusion of his ad dress the congressional committee was chosen, and the convention, at 12:45, ad journed. THE PLAGUE SPREADING It Aopoars at Jackson, Miss., and Creates a Panic-At Other 'Points. Jackson, Jliss., Sept. 21. Three un mistakable cases of yellow fever have developed here today among residents who huye not been absent from town for months. A careful and close consulta tion of physicians of the city, in connec tion with Drs. Inglehard and Purntll, of Vicksburg, established the foregoing facts beyond doubt or question. The panic of 1873 was not comparable to that now prevailing among the citizens. The news of suspicious cases of.the fever did not get out until 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon; brt before 8 o'clock hundreds had left town by rail and other roads, and many more are prepaeing to leave. Two banks in town paid out over $ 20, 000 each, after banking hours yesterday to their depositors who were leaving, Goyernor Lowry will remain to act with the board of health. A consultation was held over the cases of Lorance, Lee aud Calhoun, and the decision is. that ca-h one of said cases is yellow fever beyond question or doubt. The board of health are telegraphing the above facts every where, and are concealing null. ing. At Memphis. Mempiias, Tenn., Sept. 21. Dr. Wirt Johnson, secretary of the Mississippi state board of health at Jack son, Miss., offi cially notifies, by telegram of this date. Dr. G. P. Thornton, president of the Memphis board of health, of the r pres ence of three ensea of yellow fever in Jackson. Upon receipt of this official information Memphis to-day applied the quarantine order of August 10 agaiqst Infected places in Florida, and of Sep tember 13 . against Decatur, Ala., now against Jackson, Miss., which proyides that neither persons, baggage nor freights will he al'Qwed to enter Memphis from Jackson, Miss., Columbus, Miss., and other towns in that stats have quaran tined against Jackson. Identified by a Dream Mobile, Ala., September 21. In the ter rible wreck at HurricancBayou on the Mo- - osties Child's Kilt Suitsfrom Child's Suits from Hoys' huits froni Youths' Suits from Price Clothier, - Plattsmouth bile and Birmingham road last June, when several men were killed, two young men riding on the baggage-car platform were instantly killed, one of them being mashed fiat in the wreck. The young men were not identified until Wednesday, when Mrs. John. L. Divine and Mrs. M. Morris, of New Orleans, visited the pot ter's field and had the bodies disinterred. Mrs. Divine recognized her brother, John Murphy. The tracing was materially assis ted by a dream Mrs. Divine had months ago, wherein she saw the undertaking es tablishment wherein the body of her son lay after the accident. Bhe saw in a coflln her son, with his head mashed fiat. This led her to believe that he nu t death by ac cident, and she instituted inquiries con cerning all unkuow partics'who had o died. Thus she was led to Mobile, where she recognizen the undcrtakingcstahlish ment of the City Sexton as soon ns she entered it. The body oT ini euii iuy in uic coffin just as she says shesaw it in her dream. Prof. Strassman at Riddle House. Professor Strassman, whose fame throughout the United States and the state of Iowa, has made him the impor tant person, to whom our citizens should direct their immediate attention durintr his short stay. Many of us have heard crrent ileiil h limit- lli nl.ilitir f Umf ; cf,.attni ti, :'.;.. ! j v HUk-aaAuay aavs .liliv.aJK V'llvt 11U1J1 Berlin, Germany, who is not onlj' inves tigating the rapid decline of the eye-sight in this country, but comes prepared with a new and perfect system of chemically pure and brilliant combination glasses, to equalize all inequalities of the sight and enable the sufferer to procure a con centration and unifomity of vision; giving renewed action and strength to the de formed, neglected and dormant sight. His unlimited endorsements speaks in the highest terms of his phenomenal suc cess aud onlr praise is heard of his works wherever he has been. Prof. Strassman also casries with him a large vai ity of the latest designs and inventions of Com- pouuu i;vimiiencai Mectaeles and i;ve- i rrlnssps. wliieh :irn nUn ir.nmi Fir.tni-1 t , ' rr., ' . orcler. The opportunities and advan- tages will be such that no one can fail to obtain releif from their troublesome evesight whether young or old. Prlyate Sewerage All parties desiring private sewerage connection with the main sewer, can be accommodated at any time, by address i ng Ilnulins & S'.ielton, Sewer Contrac tors, P. O. box 1130, or by calling at the ofnee, Murphy's store. lm BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TTOKNPY t. tr. thomas. Attornev-at-Law and Notary Public Office in Fitzgerald Block. I'lattsmoutli, Neb ATTOItNKY. A. N. SULLIVAN, Attorney-at-Law. Will give prompt Attention to a!l bmdnesB intrusted to him. Oiliee in Union Block, East side, I'laltsinouth. Neb. OKlCULTt? HAL IMI'LKMEN TS. HALL & CliAlO, Agricultural Implements, Com Hand Buggies and liutlit'ord Wagons. "Oood Tmbev and Hone Dry." sold and Warranted. Alain street, between Sixth and Seventh. p i AN K, U FIKST NATIONAL BANK. of Plattsmoutli. Capital 85(i.ooo ; siuplus $1',,- IX-O. .loliu Fitzgerald, Frcesident : S. Vauf;h. Cashier: K. S. White. Vice-1'residenr. Board of l)irecror : John Fifrsjefaid. K. E. White, duo. i;t (-iurk. I. Itawksvrorth, S. Waugli. B-ANIC TI1E CITIZENS BANK, of Pliittsinnut:.. Capit.nl stock paid iu, Sf.O.&oa. Frank Carruth, Preeideut : W. ff. Cashing, Cashier; J. A. Connor, Vioe-rpiefideist. A irenerai banking lie.i'ii)- tru unacted. Collec tione r?c;ive prompt and careful attention. BXCKSMfTir KOl'.ERT DONNF.M.Y. l(!-.,.L-a,.,itli ir.,1 W-.. .,... .,. li....r.,ln l nrnie1! im.mpsandVFUt'ngsr ' j BOOTS AN I S I JO Kr ' " ' JOSEPH FITZER. Iiuots aad hoes. Repainug promptly attended to. South Side Main street. qq-Pj; Ani SHOES. PETER MERGte-. A complete aieoitmeni of eveiykind of Foot weav urn! oneui-dr than the ciieapest west of the -Missouri River. Also inunufartuiing and Repairing. BARBERSHOP AN D BATH ROOM, ED. MOBLEY, Hot and Cold BaOis at all hours. Ladies' and Children's flair Cutting it specialty. Cor. ."th and Main, under Ciuiuth'c BAKERY. F. ST AP E LM A N X. Bread. Cakes, Pies. Buns, etc., fre.-li daily. Party, Wedding and Facy Cake a sneoialt v. Ice Cream in any quantity, BOOKSELLER. ETC. J. P. Y'OCNG, Bookseller, Stitioner, and News Lealer ; Fancy Ooods, Toys. Confectionery, Fine Cigars. Soda Water and Milk Shake, Pianos ana organs aad M usual Iiitrmneu'.3. PALL SESOIT O- SL.90 to 3.75 - 2.00 to 9.80 3.25 to i0.90 - 4.00 to 15.00 THE DAYLIGHT "We have jiipt placed on our Flielverf a, NEW STOCK -Vc an; flail Sew Goods For Fall Trade And have a Complete Line of FALL $t WINTER GOODS Our Yarns in Spani&li, Saxony, German ,aul Zephyrs sire o?i s:i!c. DRESS Gr O O D Dress Flannels and - Velvets, Carpets, etc., in all the Latest Novelties. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES I Xonc but "Western-niale fJive JOi V. CLOTIIIXtJ. S. & C. MAYKIi, field's Furnishings, Kine Tailor Made Clothing in Men's. Hoys' and Children's Wear. '1 heir jiiiecs defy coninetifion. Thev misrepresent nothing. Their Word s Their Ilond. pl)TIHN(J. " h. ;oi.DiN(j. Cl.dh!iip, Furnishing (loods. !o to Ilie o!d re li;dle house for Hats, Caps. Umbrellas, Trunks, Hoot, Shoes. Main street, next CasnCo, Hank. c LOT Jl I NO. C. E. WESCOTT, K'lolhinc. Hats, Cans. lc. Kine FurniKliincs our S.eei:ilt.y. One price and no Monkey Hus- ines.. Jt pays to trade witlms. ltock wood Hlk. p wkino co.Mi'WV u ' ' 1 CAKliuTli cani no co.. I frauk Carrulh, Henry J. Streiglit. I'ropi ietors. I UVntl-l VI l IIV V. 1I1IK1A lllliliM r.ClH.'ll ffiNFEOTIONEBV. PHILLIH KKM'S. J ruit!. Con feet loner v and Fine Cigars. niicoir 77 , . ,, ! . yeaiei!. in nm j aper, i -amis, tin, ait water- ials. Cigars ,e. Ko:k wood Block. DUUtJS. (1ERINO & Co. liugs, Chsmicals, Paints, Oil. UU OS. " F. O. FKICKP t. CO.. imie. Mediei"e;. Chemicals. Paintn. Oils, arni-h. s. Dye Stuffs etc.. Kine Stationery, Select Toilet and Fancy Articles. DllYOOODS, UJtOCEHIKS. F. S. WHITE. Dry Goods. Groceries. Notions. Oeneral Mcr. J chandise, etc. S. E. corner Main and otli Sts. DltY GOODS. F. HEHIiMAN V. Dry Goods. Notions and Ladies' Furnishing ;oods. One aoor east First National Bauk. DltY OOODS. OHOCEKIF.S. JC. O. DOVEY & SOX. Cairv a large stock of Fine Groceries, Dry 0"ods, Carpels. Queensware, Notions, mil Fancy Goods, to be found iu the county. Up per Jla n street, between 5lh and th. D" iTnists; DKS. CAVE & SMITH, 'The Painless Dentists." Teeth extracted witliout t he least iiain or harm. Artificial teeth fnserted immediately after extracting natural ones when desired. Oold and all other Fillings btrictly first class. Ofuee in Union Block. FUi:MtUKE IIESRY P.OECK. riirnlture. Bedding. LooKing (ilasea. Picture Frames, etc. Wooden and Metal Caskets kept in f-tock. T?URXITUKE. r !. PEAKLMAX. Furniture. Parlor f-'uits. Unho'sterv Goods. .iiuYrs. vurriianiiic, l IllWiire. aim ail KIIIUSOI ffiVl1"- KrtU 6Ul bwtWeC" Stoves, tueensware. Tinware, and all kinds of GENT'S FURNISH I NO GOODsI J. H. DONNELLY. Gents Fine Furnisher and Hatter. The most j complete and liuest stock in the city. Carruth GROCERIES. M B. MURPHY CO., The Lending Dealers in Groceries. Crockery. China, Laxips. Wooden and Willow ware. Flour, Feed.&c. Cash pa'd for country produce, GKOCFOOES. LF.HN HOFF & SOENNICHSRN. Groceries, Provisions, Glassware mid Crockery. GROCERIES. " F. McCOURT. Green, Staple and Fancy Groceries. GROCERIES. BEXXETT & TUTT. .staple and Fancy Groceries, Green Fruite and Canned Goods. GROCERIES. AUG. BACH. Groceries and Qu.?ensware, Flour and Feed Cigars. Tobacco and Cutlery. Riddle House. Men's Overcoats Men's Nobby Check Overcoats Men's Fur Beaver Overcoats -Men's .Black Worsted Overcoats OF ZEPHYt 1l v rt-cci vin our (ou(s Kept in That Line. us a (Jail. WE 0KB A OH. GKOCRKIKS. CIIKIS. WOIILI'AKTII, Staple and Fanny OroeeHes, Olasswai'4 anl Crockery. Hour and Feed. HOTEL. FIIF.O eiMiH, I'lOprif lor City If. lei. Tei ins. !.(; per day. Speeial Attelilion given eoniiin i-jul men. HAKNKS. W. O. KKKFKIt, Kueeessor lo O. M. Sfrelj;ht. ilarnei-s, Haddlcrjr Oooils. Nets. Hohes, luMeis. and all homo fur nishing yoods. HAKIiWAItK. .I(HNSON P.ltOS., Hardware. Stoves. Tinware, Table nnd IVeket Cutlery. Kasors elc. Hmiseliohl Sewing Ma ehiitf's and .Jewel ;aHoliii Move. 'J inwork ofallftiudM ione at reafoiiabli: iices. Main i-tree t, Kockwood Hhx'k. TEWELUY. W It A Mr lJ-f .W A I V 1 watches, :ioeks. Silveiware and Jewelrv. j f-peelal Attention given to Wateh Kepailing. ! i fKWELKY. , FRANK CAHKUTH & SON. i Always carry a line Mock of Diamond", Watch I e. Cl.-eks. Jewelry. Silverware and Speelnrles. jto)i in una inspect tneirgooas oeiore parciias ing elsew here. TEWELltY. J .L KCII LATER. .Jeweler. Wallham Watches a specialty. Main Street, near Fourth . LIVERY STABLE. !. M. HOLMES ac SON. The Checkered Barn. I.iverv. Feed and Sale st aide ; parlies conveyed to all purl of l he elt v. Carriages at all trains. Comer Vine and lilh. R K AT M A if K ET. AlA PICHARIt r.II.STFIN. Who'ejde and Retail Dealer In First (Quality Beef, Pork. Mutton. Yeal. Lamb. elc. sixth street, Neville Block. Prices moderate. MEAT MARKKT .1. HAT r & CO.. Mil their own Cattle. Render their own Lard and Cure their own Bacon. Main stieel. MEAT MARK ET. FifKLER ft. CO.. Fggs, Poultry .te. We use only the best trade of native slock. Oysters and game in ecasou. MERCHANT TAIIiOR. F. SMITH, ?.ferehant Tailor. Main treet. 'over Merge' shoe store. Complete stock of ainple. Fit guaranteed. Prices defy competition. MILLINER V. MRS. .1. F. JOHNSON. A Complete Line of the Latest Styles of Mil linery and Trimmings - aleo Children's and In fants' Bonnets, to be closed out at cot. P ESTAURANT AND LUNCH ROOM . " JACOB HENNCH. Meals and Lunches sei ved to order at all Iionr. AI-o Oysters, cigars. Tobacco, Pop and Cider. Opposite Riddle House. SAMPLE l!( OM. FRAHM & KLI ETCH, Sample Room. Imported and Domestic Y'nf s, I.hpiors and Cigar. Only straight goods han dled. Milwaukee P.ottled Lager a Specialty. Cor. Slit aud Main Sts. SAMPLE ROOM. ! THE AMERICAN EXCHANGE. Nick Cunningham, proprietor Choice Wln, Honors and Cigars. Pool aud Biliiard Tables. R'ddle Hou-e Block. SAMPLE ROOM. THE ELKHORX SALOON. Wm. Weber, proprietor. Manufacturers of Soda Water. Birch Beer. Cider, etc. Agent for Fred Krug's Celebrated Lager Beer. SAMI'LE ROOM. JOHN BLAKE. Sample Room and Billiard Hall. Choice WJnew Li.juors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Tables. piHririEsiKi 2 $ 2.00 5.00 12.50 10 00 Nebraska. '3 i : 5