The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, September 20, 1888, Image 2

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.ti,..!: evening except Sunday
7, I'latUinouili.
i- IIIMnM fnrnir ft f VIiim unil
ags wantei daily.
.-un jfcaiTn advance, by mall.... $8 oo
per month, hy can ler &o
. per week, by carrier 15
i topy oue year. In advance
Jeopyitx nioutht. In advance..
$1 if-
of Indiana.
of New York.
Tiik concessional district republican
convention meets at Lincoln tins evening.
The call for a float convention to 1 e
held at Weeping Water on Sept. 2(5, 1888.
was not received until this morning, too
late for our weekly, Wftt it appears in
nnoth;r column of this paper.
Mr. Cleveland, ly his message, for
which I sincerely honor him, has chal
lenged the protected industries of th
country to a fight ef extermination. The
fight is to the death. Senator George
G. Vest.
"All raw material free" is what the
democrats arc shouting at present. It t
their last cry, for by "raw material" they
mean all material perfected by the far
mer of the north, like wool, flax, hemp,
broom corn, etc. Only southern raw
material like Jsugar, rice and so on
to be protected. But at the rate demo
cracy is deserting itself, there will soon
be nothing said about raw material and
they will all swear that they never did
gay anything about it.
The New York Sun (dem.) predicts
that Mr. Cleveland will fail to carry the
vote of Buffalo this fall. In discussing
the situation there the Sun says that no
one predicts that the president will poll
the vote he did in 1884. He got 1,400
plurality, though the country is nominal
ly republican by 2,000 votes, and some
times goes more than 3,000 republican.
The president is nothing like so strong
here as Gov. Hill today, or as he was
when, in 18S4, local pride and interest
led him to draw many yoies from the re
publican party. It is predicted that he
will loe the county by about 1,400 or
2,000 votes, while Hill may possibly
carry it by 1,000 votes.
The motion to reconsider the Chinese
exclusion bill has failed in the senate by
a vote of 21 to 20 barely a quorutr.
That the passage of the bill, under the
circumstances, was a grave blunder mri-t
generally be conceded; but little sym
pathy need bs wasted on the president
because of the plight in which over-zealous
democrats have put him in the hope
of reaping some partisan advantage. To
sign or not to sign ? not often has Mr,
Cleveland been compelled to face a more
embarrassing question. Perhaps, follow
ing the precedent made by himself in
connection with the river and harbor bill,
he will donoth:ng,aud let the bill become
a law without his intervention. But the
alternative is hardly to be preferred to
cither of tin others. N. Y. Tribune.
The delegates of the eighth representa
tive district of Nebraska will meet in
convention at Weeping Water, Neb.,
S?ptember 2Gth, 1888, at 7 p. m., for the
purpose of placing in nomination a can
didate for said representative district.
and for the transaction of 6uch other ,
business as may come before the conven- '
The counties are entitled to representa
tion a9 follows: Cass county, sixteen;!
Otoe county, twelve.
s-' Milton D. Polk, Chm.,
CassCo. Rep. Cen. Coin
J. R. McKee, Ch'irh
Otoe Co. Rei). CCH v,oin.
. - : SLA INES PL A N3.
lit. Blaine lian agreed to devote all his
time from Sept. 29 t Nov. 1 to his
stumping tour. He will le accompanied
by Walker Blaine and General Adam E.
King, of Baltimore. Mr, Blaine will go
direct from Maine to New York, leaving
home on the 27th, and mopping over
night in Boston, lie will speak at the
great rally in New York, Saturday Sept.
29, and on the following Monday morn
ing leave for the west. Chauncey M
Dcpew and Colonel Ingersoll will go to
Indianapolis about the same 'time, and
the three great orators will be heard from
the same platform at General Harrison's
Mr. Blaine is reported in splendid
health anil fiirits, and prepared for vig
orous work. On his return from Indiana
he will speak in New York, New Jersey
and Connecticut, and wherever he ap
pears great crowds will be certain to
Now : !i ha jia'.J the linii' t of Ihn llrr'it
Ami I" Ihtii eTi'iitii J rest IX'Uis;
'w kIh? i.s Kliut forever from my si.i;!it.
An I rid of borrows -ii.illy tviiii i.i ti.
It s.t-ms my xliallop frail
i Mill.-, i inl-ierle.-o tha toy of ivery f:i!e.
Her ;;bsiiet Is so &lmn;n, nutl yet so ncr!
Kvcii today, ulthougii iho Ion;; drawn hours
Have l.'iitj.i-.'iitl into hcu'.oiio dull ami drear.
That ili-soiulioii uurclcnl!u& dowurs:
My lile'x expectant goal
Wiu lighted from iho windows of her soul.
B!ii was most Rriielou-sly nudist, and fair
Ueyoud comparison of word's conceit ;
U from her Binall feet to her raidaiit hair
fchu was in all ways regally complete;
And now Ah, could I know
Why oovloua Fato despoiled and doomed mo so!
John Moran In Once a Week.
Advice to Tlioso Idio Write.
Newspaper writers unquestionably sow seed
from which great harvests are garnered, but
they never hare the satisfaction of seeing it,
or very rarely, at least. There arc thousands
of young, middle aged and elderly men writ
ing on the newspapers of the world. They
are impersonal. No one knows them, no one
cares for them outside of their immediate
circles. Now and then a man, by force of ex
pression, by virility of idea, becomes recog
nized among the members of his profession,
and obtains, to a certain degree, celebrity,
but all that passes away when he goes. We
have had great men in metropolitan journal
ism, whoso names you never heard of, whose
history you could not give the first letter in
the alphabet.
It seems to ma wise for literary men, for
men of thought, In whatever profession,
whether in journalism, medicine, law, theol
ogy, the arts and sciences, to have this idea
in mind: perpetuate your work iu permanent
form. Don'fc bo content with newspaper ar
ticles alone, don't be content with preach
ing nloiu, don't be content to practice in
medicine or law or working successfully
along the lino of art and science, unless it be
in painting or in sculpture, but put in per
manent form your thoughts. Publish your
sermons, publish noted cases you lost or saved
in tbo sick chamber or in court, gather to
gether your fugitive pieces from the news
papers, or, better still, write some kind of a
useful, thought breeding book, and you do
stand a chance, then, of being remembered
after you have gone, or at least of having
something better said of you on the day of
your funeral than that you were "a funny
old man." Joe Howard in Boston Globe.
Interrupting a Religions Meeting.
The wild country of Wales is a land flow
ing with salmon and trout streams; in proof
whereof they tell a story of the wild little
valley of Llanbadarn, where one Sunday by
the Lrookside the good minister of the lonely
parish had taken down his little flock for
bapt ism. Just as ho was placing his hand in
blessing upon a recent convert's head, he sud
denly ilucked it away under the benediction
and ia tones of the wildest excitement cried,
"Mont I've got him! I've got hiral" The
would be convert was floundering on his
knees and bands in a pool; the dominie looked
round for his deacons; they had forgotten
time end place and had plunged in likewise;
the Welsh maidens on the banks, awaiting
their turn, tucked up their skirts and took to
the water o3 welL The secret of the whole
excitement was a big salmon which had
darted "under a stone in front of the congre
gation; catching the fever, the minister him
self plunged in and chased the salmon around
the pool; after the twenty-three pounder was
landed the service was resumed. Boston
The Models of Pails.
The models have a whole street to them
selves in one part of Paris and their name
is legion. They are almost all Italians, and
form a distinct and ever increasing class.
They begin their professional career as little
children of 3 or 8 years; and if they have
the good luck to possess a good figure or
characteristic features or coloring, they will
probably continue it until they die. Ono
man who posed for us as an abbe assured
me that he bad sat for every picture and bust
of Napoleon I that had been produced for
fifteen years. Another was always employed
for religious subjects, and had been the
model for Christ in many famous pictures.
One dark browed Italian woman was in all
exhibitions as Judith; and another, was the
conventional Mary for a convent altar piece.
With these thero are also a few negroes, who
ure always in great request. Demorest'a
Ceo. Sheridan' Flard Thinking.
No man ever considered his plans more
thoughtfully than Sheridan, and bis most
dashing exploits were the result of former
calra deliberation. Shortly before his death,
referring to this subject, be remarked: "I
know 1 have got a reputation for dare devil
try and dash as a soldier. I do not deserve
that reputation and I don't want it. I never
undertook to do anything without bestowing
on it all the thought at my command." But
iha thinking once done, Sheridan believed in
hard fighting. Oaca a Week.
Pathos of tiio n unioroas.
''TT.ero goes my vacations" exclaimed a
Norwich working woman the other day, but
no one saw it go or could comprehend the
moaning of the remark until she took her
plate of false teeth from her mouth in two
pieces. With working people vacations hold
bv a very slender thread. Norwich Bul
A Fine Distinction.
The Court How is this, Mr. Johnson?
The last time yoa were here yon consented to
bo 6worn, and now you simply make affirma
tion. -
3Ir. Johnson-Wcll, yo' Lonah, do reason
am d-it I 'spects I a m't auite eo suah about
de f :cks ofc da case as tfe Jdex. I4f e, .
The Dot; Catcher' Method of Capturing
Cnliceimcd and Unmuzzled Urates The
, Fatal Noose and the Green Wagon.
Daugerons and Painful Duties.
A cur of most un propitious countenance,
and with a profusion of white and liver
colored spots on his hide, was snarling at the
corner of Hoyne avenue and AJadison street.
A little boy w ith bare legs passed the crea
ture, and tbo cur snapped at him. The same
instant, though, there was a slight whir and
the dog catcher's fatal noose was around the
homely brute's neck, tightening itself in
stantly. Without uny further trouble the
man carried his prey to the peculiarly shaped
wagon, which is the hue of jealousy, and
thrust it into the forward compartment.
Thero were about a score of other unlucky
curs in it, and as the lid opened and the
newly arrived tumbled among them, there
was an instantaneous concert made up of
yelps, whines and backing barks. Then
the lid closed once more and utter dark
ness and silence reigned in the com
partment. The dogs were stunned aud
thoroughly cowed by the absence of light
and the strange situation. The wagon rattled
on and a few blocks further on in a side
street another dog was snared, but this time
thero was some trouble. The little boy to
whom the dog belonged showed fight and did
his best to wrest his unlicensed and un
muzzled, hence unlawful, playmate out of
the strong grasp of the dog catchers. But,
of course, ho couldn't do it, and the catcher
extended a hearty invitation to the boy to
como out to the dog iound and get bis dog.
"It'll only cost you S5. 75," he said. The little
boy at once began to shed tears and to run
home to tell bis rna about it. But the wagon
was, meanwhile, a mile away, and an hour
later it drove up in the rear of that new and
somewhat uncouth appearing building which
serves for a dog pound in Chicago.
"What's your catch?" asked the pound
keeper. "Forty-seven, mostly no good, but there is
one valuable pointer among the lot," was the
reply which tho catcher made.
"That makes V26 for the day altogether.
And that's a good showing. Last month we
caught 1,300 altogether, of which number 204
were redeemed, the rest killed."
The west side wagon was the last to come
in, the other two from the north aud south
sides having already delivered up theirquota
for tho day. Thero are seven dog catchers
out all the time with tho three wagons, and
each wagon is accompanied by an officer,
who sees to it that things are done fair and
square. It will not surprise many wheu it is
stated that the doe catchers' life is not a
happy one. lie is cursed and sworn at from
sunrise till sundown, and ho gets very little
thanks for fulfilling his dangerous mid pain
ful duties. And when it is said "painful" it
is said advisedly. For these catchers are, de
spite their practice and their skill, bitten
quite frequently. Two of tho best of them
were bitten severely the other day, one on
the face and the other had his hand chewed
up pretty thoroughly. But they don't care.
The snare they use is, by the way, as sim
ple a contrivance as it is elleetive. It is
made of strong but very elastic brass wire,
with a handle on oue end and made into a
rurining loop. To throw it over the head of
a dog is an instant's doing. And once over
it the loop tightens immediately so as to
choke out any spirit of resistance in the re
fractory dog. The wagons which serve as
the temporary receptacle for the "catch"
are made to hold about forty dogs of as
sorted sizes. The forward bin is for tho
small dogs, the rear one for the larger ones.
They are closed with lids.
There were just 075 dogs in the pound
when tho reporter called at the pound the
other day. Of that number, a short while
after, but 500 remained. The other 175 had
been sent to the place where all bad, i. e. un
licensed and unmuzzled, dogs are sent to in
Chicago. The way it was done was this: The
175 condemned were in one large kennel to
gether immediately adjoining the death
chamber. They were a sorry looking lot,
and many of them looked as if they knew
what awaited them. One aged old sinner of
a mongrel, half poodle dog, half shepherd,
and with a few more strains of other breeds
in him, sat there in the corner all alone by
himself. Ilis shaggy head was poised in a med
itative manner, and he calmly contemplated
the motley crowd of fellow sufferers with the
air of an ancient philosopher. When any
dog in his vicinity whined or barked be
looked at him in a mildly reproachful man
ner. He did not stirf rom his corner until
the fatal moment came.
Preparations for the wholesale execution
having beeu made, the sentence of death
passed on these 175 was carried out sw-if tly
and without a hitch. A good hot charcoal
fire having been made in the large stovo in
the adjoining death chamber, tho whole
seven dog catchers entered the kennel. On
seeing them the doomed dogs, with that in
stinct which is nearly always infallible, set
up a most unearthly howl, piteous to hear.
The men were not disconcerted by that.
Gripping a dog by each hand they flung
them, pell mell, into a capacious vat
whicu stood in the death chamber, but
opened on ono side into the ken
nel. Within a few minutes that vat was
crowded to the lid with 175 snarling, whining,
barking curs. Then a few handf uls of pow
dered sulphur were thrown on the charcoal
fire, and the fumes from this were directly
conveyed into the vat by the stovepipe,
which ended in the vat itself. Almost in
stantly the deafening noise ceased. The
fumes did their work so quickly and so well
that two minutes sufficed to kill every one of
the 175 dogs. Next the door of the vat open
ing: into the rear yard of the building was
swung and the 175 canine carcasses were
quickly loaded on a wagon and aonveyed to
a barge fertilizing works. Thus ended life's
fitful fever for these 175. Their places in the
kenne were at once taken by another hun
dred of mongrel dogs, likewise put on the
death list, but their execution was postponed
another forty-eight hours. The whole thing
is done in rotation'and according to a sys
tem. Chicago Herald.
Make Telegraph, Poles Ornamental.
Telegraph poles are about as unsightly as
anything that now straddles across our coun
try, They are getting to be so numerous
that some device shouil be thought of to
conceal or cover them. If nothing better can
be done let them be painted green. But it is
quite possible to grow vines on them of sorts
that will make them ornamental, but will
cot reach the wires. At the present rate of
increase these poles will never be out of
sight in any well settled part of the bind. In
Brazil nature is said to have taken the mat
ter in hand, and is covering not only the
poles but the wires. Thousands of little
mistletoes take root in the air after lodging
on the wires, and although soon dying, they
give better lodgment to other seeds, and, so a
green fringe is created along the line. It does
not interfere with transmission at alL How
ever, we con got along with naked wires if
the poles are put to ornamental use. Globe-Democrat.
Call for Republican Primaries.
The republican electiors of Cass Co.,
Neb.. Ire requested to meet in their re
spective wards and precincts on Saturday
Sent. 22ud. 18SS. to elect delegates to a
convention to be held in Louisville, on
the Cth day of October, 1SSS, at 11
o'clock a. in., for the purpose of placing
in nomination candidates for the follow
ing ofliccs:
One senator.
Two representatives.
One county attorney.
One county commissioner.
The several wards and precincts are
entitled to the following number of
Tiptou precinct
Greenwood .
Salt Creek
Stove Creek 0
Elm wood (
South Uend , 8
Wet-Ding Water 20
Center 7
Avoca. 7
Mt. Pleasant 0
Eight Mile Grove
Liberty 8
Hock Hlnffs
Plattsmouth Precint
isi ward i
" 2nd " !
3rd " r.i
4th " 12
Primaries will be held in the various
wards and nrecints on the 22nd day of
September at the following places:
Tipton at Eagle G p. m.; Greenwood at
voting ldace 7:530 n. m.; Salt Creek at
skating rink in Greenwood village 7:30;
Stove Creek at Elmwood village 7 p. m
Elmwood at Center school house 7:30
South Bend at school house 4 p. m
Weeping Water precinct at Cascade
school house 7 ?. m. : Weeping Water
city at Union hall 3 p. m.; Center at Man-
ley 3 p. m.; Louisville at Adams' opera
house 8 p. m.; Avoca at llutchins school
house 2 p. m.; Mt. Pleasant at Gilmore's
school house 2 p. in.: Eight Mile Grove
at llyalt's school house 7:30 p. nr; Liber
ty at Union school house 7:30 p. m
Rock Bluffs at Uergers school house 3 p
m.; Plattsmouth precinct at Tnylor's
school house 4 p. m.: Plattsmouth, 1st
ward at county judges orhce 4 to 8 p. ni
2nd ward at 2nd ward school house 4 to
8 P. in.. 3rd ward at llitchey's lumber
office at 4 to 8 p. in., 4th ward at Iiyron
Clark's office 4 to 8 p. m.
M. D. Polk, Chairman.
R. S. Wilkinson, Secretary.
A Graveyard Ccugh.
The shoit, dry, hacking cough, which
announces the approach of consumption,
has been aptly termed a graveyard cough.
The perial is great, and near at hand, but
it can be surely averted with Dr. Pierce s
Golden Medical Discovery, a botanic
remedy, without a peer for pulmonary,
throat and liver affections, and for all
ailments which like consumption, Ims a
scrofulous origin, and also for eruptions
ar d sores, indicating impurity of the
blood. Druggists all sell it.
The republicans of the United States, assem
bled by their ilellgates in national convention.
I'iiue on the threrhohl ef their proceedings ti
lienor the memory ol their lirst great learn1
and immortal champion of liberty and the
i ifjhts of the people, Abraham Lincoln, and to
cover also witn wreauis imiieiisnanie re
membrance and gratitude the heroic names of
our later leaders who have been inure recently
called away from our councils, (irant, (iailield.
Arthur. Logan and tonklms:. Alay their mem
ories be faithfully cherished. We also real'
with our greetings and prayer for his recovery
the name of one of our living hero -s whose
innuory will be tresfiired in the history both
of republicans and of 'the republic. The name
is that of the uohle volrfier and favorite child
of victory, Fhilip H, Sheridan.
In the spirit of those great leaders and of our
devotion t human liberty, and with that hos
tility to ad forn.s of despotism ar.u oppression
which is the fundamental idea of the republi
can party, we send fratena! congratulation?
to our fellow Americans of Brazil upon then
great act of emancipation which completed
the ahoiilion of slavery throuhout the two
American continents. We earnestly hope we
may soon congratulate our fellow citizens of
Iri-li birth upon the peaceful recovery of home
rule for Irelaud.
to the national constitution and to the indis
soluble union of states to the autooniny re
served to the states under the constitution, to
the personal rights and liberties of citizens in
all slates and territories in the union and es
pecially to the supreme and sovereign right of
every citizen, rich or poor, native or foreijju
horn, white or black, to cast one free baliot iu
the public elections and to have that ballot
duly counted. We hold a free and honest pop
ular ballot and just and equal representation
of all people t he the foundation of our re
publican government aud demand efl'eclive
legislation to secure the integiity and purity
of elections which are the feuutains of all pub
lic authority. We charge that the present ad
ministration and the democratic majority in
congress owe their existence to the suppression
of the ballot by the criminal nullificat ion of the
constitution and laws of the United States,
We are uncrompromlsingly iu favor of the
American system of protection. We protest
against the destruction proposed by the preei
dent and his party. They serve the interests
of liuroue
We accept the issue, and confidently appeal to
the people for their judgment. The protective
system must be maintained. . Its abandonment
has always been followed by general dis.-ster
to all interests except those of the unsurer
and sheriff.
We denounce the Mills' bill as destructive to
general business, labor, and the farming inter
ests of the country, and ve heartily endorse
the consistent' and patriotic action of the re
publican representatives iri congress in oppos
ing; its passage. We condemn the proposition
of the democratic party to place u ool on the
free list aud insi' that the duties thereon
slia 1 be adjusted and maintained so a to fur
nish full and adequate protection to that iu
outry. The republican party would effect all needed
reduction of th rational revenue by repealing
the taxes on tobacco, which are an arrogance
and burden to agriculture, aud the tax upon
spirits used in the arts and for mechanical pur
poses, aim Dy sucn revision oi tne tann l.iws as
will tend to check imports o such arti 'lei as
a e produced by our people, vhe production of
which gives employment to our labor, and re
lease frin import duties these articles of for
eign production, except luxuries, the like of
which cannot bt produced at home, there - hall
still remain a larger revenue than is requisite
for tne wants of government, of internal taxes
rather than surrender any part of our i rotec
tive system at the joint beh-st of the whisky
ring apd agents of foreign manufacturers.
We declare hostility to the it traduction Into
this country of foreign contract labor and of
Chinese labor alien to our civilization and our
constitution, and we demand the ngi 1 enforce
ment of existing laws again.' t it and favor such
immediate legislation as will exclude such la.
bor from our shores.
We declare our opposition to a'l combina
tions of capital organized iu trusts or other
wise to control arbitrarily the condition of
trade among our citizens and we recommend
to congress and the state legislatures in t heir
respective jurisdictions such legislation as will
prevent rne execution oi auscnemes to oppress
the pecple by undue chaises on their supplies
Inatlon bet..
We reiiliinn th
llib!lc lands of the
steiitli! IT Ali.el it'im el! lei 1 h.
a! ifin". hlc IIih ifpisiiiii'.ui puily e .('e
In 12 lig'V list 1 lie pisistc it pif hllioll
the democram in congress, which l as lnniil
our great wt st-i u diiii.jtiu into ntngi. illci nt ('
velopemerr. '1 Iih res'eralhia el iii.e;u :el 1 i
grants m the public doin in for lite l:r? f n
lilal settlers, v hleh begun if'il-r tie Hil
iiiinl'llalioii f I n s i'ei'1 -I'lmr s):miM h
colli imied. We (buy Hi r hi !cm ei t c pari
has ever lesti-ri il one aeie in tin' pi-o-.h , bli
declare I hat by the j"tiil ;i.-ll'n of le 11 11 i'-jt I.
and democrats alimi' t . 1 1 ii.i;c.on acres f im
earned lands, originally g:mied lor th" con
i-x rue! ion ( f railroads, li ivi l ei-n i etorcd
the public domain in pinuaiict of eoiiili, Inn
inserted by tin leiii!i)ir;iu pMify m i be oi l.'ln
Migrants. Wecha-ect e i!-ni'iatic iidiniiil
ti atiou w It h l:iilre o execute l.ivs securing
s el tiers title to t heii ItonioMe ils and it h u
ili'jr apt r' piij'.tlot..- iu:nle for that purpose to
hai'iass l' tiocetil Keillors with pb ami i.iom
eul ii ns uiider l !i fal-c .r ton-. ol exposi:
frauds and vindicating the law.
An.Mli-'MO.Y OF Tl- niMTOl'IV!.
The government by coi-gie- of the lerrif r
b'i is based upon iieccssil y only to the ej,d t ha
they may become state in t lie union: incn-
fore. whenever I lie conditions of population
material resources, p' blic intelligence and
morality are such an to insure stable local gov
eminent therein the people of sii'-h terrttorie
should b permitted, a right inherent '.n them
to fori.i for themselves eouit ut ions and state
governments and be ad Mted into the union
T'ending preparati n for statehood all olllcers
thereof should be selected Irom bona titli
residents and citizens of the territory heiein
thev are to serve South llakota should
right lie iniiiK'i'iate! v admitted as a state 111
t lie union under the constitution fi init-d and
adoiited bv her neoi.le and vie hearliiv en
dorse t he act ion of the lepuldlcan senate in
twice passing hills for her admission. 1 he re
fnsal of the democrat ie house ol tepresetita-
tives. 'or partisan purt:ses. to favorably con
sider these bills is a willful violation of th
sa red American principle ol local Hell'-govci ii
inent, anil merits the ion of till just
men. 'I he pending bills in the senate for acts
to enable the neople of W lshiiigton. North
Dakota and Montanna territories to form con
stituuons aud establish state govel uniei ts
should he passed without unnecessary dc'ay.
I he republican party pledges nisell to do all in
i's power to facilitate the admission of the Ter
ritories or rew Mexico. Wyoming, lciaiio and
Arizona to the enjoyment of self-government
as states. Such of them as are now qualified
as soon as possible. mid others as soon as they
may uecoine so.
The political power of the Mormon church In
me ten nones as exercised in Ilie past is a
uieiMiice to free insi it ul ions soo daiu-eroiis to
be long suUered. Ti erefoie ve i edge the re
publican party Ut appropriate legislation
asserting the sovereign! y of t lie nat ion in ail
the terntiM les where the snine is questioned.
nd in lurt Iterance of that end to nhice
upon t lie Matiilc book legislation st iiiiL-ont
enough to divorce political from ecclesiastical
power. Hud thus stamp out the a.ttciiaiil
wickedness ol polygamy. .
i lie repuoucaii party is in lavor of l ie us
of both gold ami silver as monev, and con
demns the policy of the democrat ie adminis
tration in lis ellorts to demonetize silver.
We demand the reduction of letter potag
to 1 cm per ounce.
in a republic like ours. vh-r the eitiensis
the sovereign aud the oliicul the servant
where no power is exercised except bv the ui.l
ol llie people, it is imoitani tliat, the sover-
igu i eople should possess intelligence. TI.
free school is the promoter of that, intelligence
which is 10 preserve us a iree nalion. i lier
fore, the state or nation, or both conhined.
should support free Institution of leHi'inne
stunciein to nnoru to every ciiild growing up
in me lai.u ine opportunity olagoud common
scl.ool education.
We earnestly recommend that prompt action
he taken in ei.itress iu the ei actmeiit of such
legislation as will best secure the rehabilita
tion of our American merchant marine, and
we protest against tin- passage by congress of
i tree slitu uui as calculated to work luiustice
to labor by lessening the wages of those en
gaged in preparing materials as well as those
directly employed in our shipyards. e de-
maua appropriations ior t tie erty rebuilding
oi our navy, for the construction of coast
lurtitiratious and modern ordinance and other
pproved modern mea s of delense for the
protection of our defenseless harbois and
cities, for the payment of just pei sionsto our
soldiers, for necessary works of na'ioi al im-portarc-
in the improvement of the harbors
and chamels of internal, coast wiser ami
ore gn commerce, for !Ii encouragement i f
the shipping interests of the Atlantic. Unit
iinl l iiCltic states as " ell as ior the pavii.ent
of the maturing public debt. This -,o:i;'v will
give en; ploy men i to our b.bor. act i vit v id our
various industries increased security to our
country, promote trade, open new and direct
markets lor our products and cheap n the cost
of transportation We nilirm til's to he f : r
better for our country than t:?e democratic
policy of loaning the government's money
without interest to "pet banks."
rtie conduct of foreign afiairs by the piepeiii
administration has beeu distinguished by inef-
hciei cy and cowardice, jlaving withdrawn
from the senate ail pending tiea ies effected
by republican admiiiistratior s for the removal
of foreign burdens and restrictions upon our
comiiieice and for its extension nitj a bi tter
market U has neither affected nor proposed
any others in their stead Professing adher
ence to the Monroe doctrine, it has seen with
idle complacency the extension of foreign in
fluriiee in t.'entral America anil of foreign trade
everywhere among our neighbors. It has re
fused to charter, sanction or encourage any
American orgaiiizvtion for constructing tin;
Nicaragua canal, a work of vtal importance to
the maintenance of the Monroe doctrine aud
of our national influence in Central and .South
America, anil necessaiv f' 111 development
of trade with our eaeiiie tenitory, with hou'li
America, anu wnu t:ie iurttier coasts ol lite
Faciiic Ocean.
We arraign the present democratic adminis
tration for its weak and unpatriotic treatment
of the fisheries question, and its pusillanimous
surrenderor all privileges to which our fishery
v ssei are en us H d in Canadian ports under
the treaty of lsl8. the reciprocate marht
tine leeislai ion or 1830 and comilv of nations.
and which Canadian Ashing vessels receive in
tne ports of t lie l mted States, vve crnilemn
theiolicyof the present administration and
the democratic majority in congress towards
our uvheries as unfriend!', and eouspiciouslv
unpati iot ic and as tending to destroy a valuable
national iudustiy andau iiKiispenslble resource
ot deielise againsi r reign enemy
llie name of American applies alike to s-Il
cilizens of the rcpjblt". and imposes upon men
alike the Paine obligation of ohedin-.e to the
aws. A 1 1 he same t iniecr izeiishin is and in us?
be the panonly and safeguard of him w ho wais
t. snouiu suiea anu protect mm w tieliier litgii
or low, rich or poor, in all his civil right. It
hould and mustafford him protection at home
and follow and protect him abroad in whatever
land lie may he on a lawful errand.
The men who abjioioned the republican n;:r-
ty in lssi and continue 10 adhere to the demo
cratic party have deserfed not only the cause
of honest government, but of sound finance, of
freedom and pumv of the ballot, but espec
ially have deserted th caueof reform In the
civil service. We whl r.vt tail to keep our
pledges because t' cy have broken theirs, or
because their candidate has broken his. We
therefore repea our declaration of icsi. towit :
1 lie reform or civil service auspiciously bf gun
linger republican administration should be
ccnpleted by a further extension of th reform
sistem already established uv law to all grades
of the service to which it Is applied. The spir-
t and purpose oi reform snouid tie observed in
all executive appointments, and all laws at
varience with the object of existing reform b g
islation should be repealed, and that the dan
gers to free institutions which lurk in the pow
er of off cial patronage nny bs wjicly and ef
fectively avoided.
1 he snumae ot the nation to the defenders
of Use union cannot he assured except bv laws.
The legislation of congress should conform to
the pledges made by a loyal people, and be so
enlarged and extended as to p''de against
the possibility that any man who honorably
wore the federal uniform shall become an In
mate or an almshouse or dependent on t rivate
charity. In the presence of an overfiowinjf,
treasury it would b a public ecandai to do 1pm
for those whose valorous service preserved the
government: We dosounce the hostile spirit
shown py President Cleveland in his numerous
vetoes of measures for pension relief, and the
action of the democratic house of representa
tives in refusing even consideration of general
pension legislation.
In stippoi t of the principles herewith enun- ,
ciate;!. vve invite the co-operation of patrto'ie
oen of all parties, especially of all working
men whose prosperity is seriously threatened
by the free trade policy of the jreent admin
istration. The fint co eern of U good government is
the virtue and sobriety of the i-eot)! i-nd the
purity of their homes. The republican party
cordially sympathize'' with fl wise and well
directed eflorts for the promotion of temperance,
IN TI...
Thoroughly .
fountain of tienltn, t
rn Medical lliiiooverj.
fair akin, buoyant uplr.
and vliror will bo establU..
Golden Mcdlcul liisoovcry ,
from the common pimple, hlo
to tho worttt "Scrofula, or bloo
peciully has It proven IU cnlcv
Halt -rheum or Tetter, 'C74ma,
Kever - soren, J dp -Joint Diwaso, 1
Sores and 8ve!tirigs, Knlurgod tlh
tre or Thick Neck, and Kating Iw
Ulcers. ...
(iolden Medical Pincovery cures Coniiu
tion (which la Hcrofula of tho Lamp', by t
wonderful blood - purifying, invlvoraf ln.
and nutritive properties. If taken in time.
For Weak Lungs. Spitting of Jtlood, Short
ness of Ureath. Cutnrrh in the Head, bron
chitis. Severe Cougha, Asthma, and kindred
affections. It Is a eovcreirn remedy. It
promptly cures tho severest Couglia.
For Torpid Mvor, UilioiiHticHH. or "Liver
Complaint' liynpepsia, and lndiRestlon, it U
an uneqimled remedy. Isold bv druggist,
iPrico J 1.00, or aU bottlea for $.00.
Choices! Brands l Cigais,
Including our
Flor do Pepper bero' rrd 'Eus
always in Ptork. Nov. 20. ISflR.
J C. 23 OC 1712,
All -work lirst-cl.-ifs; wvnt Fifth Street.
North Robert Sherwood's Stoic.
It. P.. WlMMIAM, JollN A. JlAVIKH,
Notary Public. Notary PiiMfe.
attorneys - a.t -
oiTh e over Ihitik of ("iihs County.;th, - - Nkijiiaska
Represent the following time
tric'l ami fire-tested companies:
American Central-.S. LouIh,
AsfftS $1,258,100
" 2.WW.3U
Commercial Uiiion-Eiixlainl,
Fire Association-Philadelphia,! in -Philadelphia,
4,4 1 .570
Home-New York.
Ins. C , of Mort.h A merlua. Phil.
LIverpoolSiL;):id'n & ;l b(;- Knji
North Uritish xc Mre.tiiLile-!-;n
Norwich Union - li.'ijIa'id,
ipringfield F. .t M.-Spiinufiehl,
Total Ansets. $42,115,774
Losses Ailja. M H P-iiflattliisApiicy
Br. C A. Marshall.
Resident ID racist.
Preservation of the Nnti;ral Tctth a
Specialty. A u s-th ties given for Pain
i.kss Filling or Extiiacuox of Tektji.
Artificial teeth ninile on Gold, Silver,
Rubber or Celluloid Plates, nnd inserted
as soon as tctth arc extracted when dc
All work warranted. Prices rcasonab?e.
A Warning.
The modes of death's approach are va
rious, and fctati.-tics ishow conclusively
that more ptrj-ons die from disease of the
hroat and lungs thaa any other. It ia
probable that everyone, without r-step-'
tion, receives vast iiumlieri of Tubercl"
Germs into the system and where tlV
germs fall upon suitable soil they r
into life and develop, at first slowl"
is shown by a slipht tickling sensir'
t5:e throat and if allowed to contir
ravages they extend to the lunp'
ing Consumption and to the hf
ing Catarrh. Now nil this 5"
and if allowed to contin"
cause death. At the o'
with promptness; alio
without attention is c
loose j-ou your life,
that something is wri.t
lungs or nostrils, obtain
shee's German Syrup. It v
immediate relief.
$50O Row
"We will pay the abo"
case of liver compla5
headache, indigestf
costiveness - we f
West's Vegetable L'
directions are stri
They are purely
fail to givls saj
rontaining 30 sti
For sale by all '
counterfeits a-
uine manufa'
& Co., 80" '