The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, September 20, 1888, Image 1
41 if 2II YEAR PIjATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, TJIUKSIAV EVENING, SEPTEMBER :, 1SS8. PllY OFFlG351S. lOt, ..remurer. F. M. KM II KV W K Mix J AM Kit rATTK.Kl40N.JK. KVIHIN CLAIIK - A MAIiul.K S C L.1 FOIl l W II M ALU, It Attorney, Kugin?er, Police JuJga, Marshall, Couucilmea, lit ward, .. 2li .. 3rd " 4th. " 1 J V Wkckiiacii ) A hAl.lfU'.UKV j l M .Ixxka I IM. A Sllll-MAN M K Al I.' It I'll V J S V iJb'TTtiN Cov O Cn.VNOK. I 1'ltKS J Vv J" i I) 11 11 i J Vy J'f s ,Ciiaiuman Board Pu!. Work (iiiir:)t liAWHWoKTII Treasurer. Iepnty 1're.tiarer, - Clerk. Deputy Clerk, Kecor-lcrot !.' J s iputy iir;tiil'?r CiiTH ot li-t:ic' Co art. hUert.'f, -Kurveynr. -Attorney. - bupt. of Put). SciioolJ, . County Judge. 1. A. CAM l'KF.1.1. TlHU. IMM.IK K 1Ui:i CK1TCH l-'l KI.U f, . A l it I K HHKI O W. li. I'ooi. .IiMI N M I.KYKA V. C MIOU'AI.TKU J. C. Kl K KN HAKt A. M AHOI.K A! I,KN liKKSON MaVJiAHD b pink C. It U MS It LI. i.)AH! ok Mureiivi.ious. i t i-h'm.. - - Plattsinoutli ty, ;iV - Weeping Wler Liniwood A. H. 1I -K-', CIVIG SOGHVIVliS. C"iAS.V'iyUVK J.'.!V'l,Jii. 1 O. . F.-Mei-t 'every Toe-day evetiin of t;cli week. All trannient brothers are repectlu!ly invited -to attend. in ATTMiliril fcVOAMP.MRNT No. 3.1. O. A o F.. niee every alternate Friday ill each month lu ihe Maxonli: Hall Visiting Brother are Invited 10 Hitenu. fTrniolTi-E N. si, A. o. U. W.-Meets the president's annual message, and dis, every alternai 1-rl.lay eveuln? at I. ul V. ciised , from a deiiiocratio i.landpoiur, hall. Transient brother are retn;tf ally lu- I ' 1 vtted toaiteinl. K.J. Morgan, Master Workman ; ' the question of the surplus and of a pro K. P. llrowu. Foreman li. Hemster. Over- ... . i i i i i i a i eer; 15. A . Taito. Financier: '.. F. limine- tective tariff, which he declared to be worth, lleeonler; M. Alaybriulit. Keceiyer; ,..-.,., uf njiked robberv " 1. M Sinith. 1'ust M. W. : (. N. lioweu, Uuile ; ,l sJ<,u 01 naKCfi roootry. J'. J. Kunz. insiuo W;ttc. J Mr. Stewart next addressetl the senate, Ciass cam I X). MODERN wtioiiMKN . pjfpresoing views directly opposite of of Aninriua Meets fecornl iiinl fourth AIosl- , t 1 .1 dayeveniutf at K. of Y. hall. All transient hall brother are re.niesled to meet with ii". L. A JNeweoner, Venerable Consul ; ii. K, Nile, Worthy Ail vlser ; S. C. Wilde, Hanker ; W. A. Boeek, CJerk. 1L.vTrMoi;ru i.oixje xo. s. a. o. v. v. Moet everv ulteruate Friday evening at KuckwooaiiallHtSo'ulocK, All transient broth er are respectfully invited 10 aileii.!. I.. S. J .arson. M. W. ; F. l!oyd. Foreman : rt. C. Wilde. Kecorder ; Leonard Audrsou. Overseer. 1H.ATTSMOIJTII LOUt:KXO.f,. A. F. & A.M. Meet Oil file llr-t and third Mondays of each month t tlieir hull. Ail transient broth ers are eordialiy United to meet with us. J. O. Uk-iikv, W. M. Wm. Hat . Sec re 1 ary. : KIJUASIC A CII VITKU NO 3 K. A. M. I XI Meet seeoml ail fonrtli Tueila t eaeji month at MarouV Hall. Traiisciria brothol'4 are invited to meet with us. F. E. Wiiitk, If. P. Wm. Havs. Secretary. 1IT. ZION COMMA DAIV. XO. 5. K. T. '"Meets lirst and third Wednesdav nit;lit of each moDth at .M tso 's hall. Visiting brothers are cordially iuvited to inert with us. W11. II a vs. live. F. K. White. E. C. CvASsroi'xrn.No io-.m. koyai. kcasi'.m - meet? the r-ecoud and fourth MonUas of tacb mouth at Arcanum Hall. 1:. X. t;i.KN-, lieg nt. 1. C. Mi.xoit. Secretary. PL ATTS MOUTH BOARD OF TRADE 1'resident 1st Vice I'resU'.eut Itoht I', Windham ..A. 15. Todd .Win Neville F. Herrmann iind Vice 'resident Heeretary Treasurer : F I'llfKi Tons. It tlutlinian j .1. C. Itiolsev. F. K. White, .1 . C. 1'atterson. .1. A. eonunr, li. Klxoii, C W. bherinau, F. !or Ut, J. V. weckb.ich. McCOHIHIfc POST 43 C. A. R ROSTER w. Johnson.;!oYViwmm" .. Junior " " Adjutant, o. M. oilieerof the iay. " uuatd ?eri;t Major. S. Twiss K. a. ItATru !ko. Nii.k.h 112nkv stkkioiit. Mai.on Imxon- CH KLKS Ftltl Anuekhon Fit v. ... Jacob !. km ax. L. '. CTktis.... ..liuarter Master Serpt. ; . Tojt Chaplain Meit ins -Saturday cveniaji WHEN YOU WANT -OF- CALL ON Cor. 12th and Granite Streets. tractor aud Builder 12-Cra. "rapes for Sale. le at A cents per pound, j Eigenberger fc Troop'j or j inechsen's store . J. J5. L.EESI.EY arking Suits :siness Suits Made Suits ra Made Suits WORK nam FIFTIETH CONGRESS. senate. "Vaiiiiin;ton, Sqt- 20 In the seuatt; this morning Mr. Edmunds reported from Jlie committee on foreign relations the following order: Ordered: That the president of the senate be directed to w ithold transmission to the of representatives of the act (house hill) to prohibit the coming of Chinese laborers to the United States un til further direction of the senate. He asked for its immediate considera tion, but Mr. Teller objected, nud it went ovt r until tomorrow. The Chinese bill hns already passed from the crstudy uf the senate nud is in that of the house, ready to go to the president. Mr. Edmunds also offered a joint res plution appropriating $100,000, to be ex pended under tile direction of the presi dent of the United States, in relief of the suffering caused by yellow fever now prevailing in Florida, and asked for its Immediate consideration- AHcr brief remarks the resolution wan passed, 3r, Sberman'a resolution as to Canad ian affairs was, at the request of Mr. Morgan, postponed until tomorrow. Mr. Jones Gf rknnsaa proceeded to address the senate on a motion to refer nunc put loiniuu ny jouls, uui umai- ing that the existing stagnation and de pression of prices did not result from the tariff but from the demonitization of si I ver. At the close of Mr. Stewart's speech the house bill to authorize the construct ion of a bridge across the Missouri river within one mile north or south of the mouth of the Kansas river was taken up and passed with amendments. I 111 -.r nnn o. mu ijjjivjji ihiiiil; ) -titjjj for n postoflice at St. Paul, Minn., wis then passed and the senate adjourned. House. Washington, Sept. 20. The house re sumed consideration of the conference repoit on the sumlr' civil apjiropriation bill. Mr. White, of Indiana, favored the adoption of the conference report, while Mr. ifoiman opposed it. Mr. Kerr, of Iowa, said that if congress had been deceived by the architect on the matter of c timates for the new library building it should not bo in favor of voting another dollar to be spent under the supervision of that architect. Mr. Adams, of Illinois, opposed the conference report, although he epresed to votc ?io;ooo,ooo to I rect a suitable building for the library. ;j r j The votc on agreeing to the conference , , 0 I report resulted, yeas G, nays 7 no I . .. . , .. 'lul - luln! nll-1 tlle quysu uujourueii, The Yellow Fever. Jacksonvit.le, Sept. 20. The official report for the 24 hours end ins at G p. in, yesterday, shows 140 r,ew cases of fever, making a total so far reported of 1,3C3. A very large proportion of the new cases now are among the colored neo.rJe Jiving in the suberbs, and they will die rapidly unless cool nights soon prevail. The deaths reported today number 14. Total to date, 170. Ffforts will be made to convince the negroes that it will be lust for thorn to go to tle refugee camp, but thousands will prefer to stay in the city if they can get free food. Rev. Mr. Suowden, rector of the Episcopal church at McCItnny, died yesterday. No i-iore c; s s arc reported. MoMTriOVKHT, Ala., S-pt. 30. .Today Montgomery's quarantine against Dca tur is to be raised. There hits been but one suspicious case of fever reported fvom that place, which was ten days ago, an(i jt is fdt that there is. no further dan- ger of trouble there. IEailES $ 4.05 7.80 10.00 25 00 Lino of Soys', "STou-tlis' and Ch.ildren.?s Overcoats. You miss it if you don't Tau your Clothing, SCats, Caps, Fur nishing Goods, Soots and Shoes, otc, of New Postmasters Appointed. "Washington Aug. 20. The following Nebraska postmasters were appointed to day: James Marsh, A ten, Ceder county, vice John Aten, resigned; O. II. 1'. Ituch nnnn, liuchanan, Lincoln connty,viee liut ler ISuchanan, resigned; Win F. Skinner, Charleston, York county, vice Silas F. Wagner, rrsigned;John J. Downey, Dale, Custer County, vice Robert J. Kelly, resigned. A Mimic Naval Battle. Kkakxkv, Neb., Sep. 10. The naval engagement on Lake Kearney this even- I ing was one of the grandest exhibitions ever displayed in the west. The hillside overlooking the lake from the wtst was covered with spectators. Thrco batteries located on points on tlio opposite side of the luke were mounted with howitzers. The steamer Nepturo approached them quietly with lights suppressed, and when within range of the guns the battle began to rage. Ominous clouds overhung the scene. Sharp lighting added to illumin ation. A Rousing Republican Rally- Ui.yssks, Neb., Sep. 20. A grand ro- publican rally took place in Clysses hist night. The torchlight procession was a pretty sight, and consisted of one hun dred republicans in uniform, sixty-four on horseback, headed by martial music. After the procession the audience assem bled in the school house to listen to G. W. Lambertson.- of Lincoln, and the David City glee club, Mr. Lambert son's speech wad frctiucntly Interrupted by ap plause, but at no time was the clapping of hands so general as when he spoke in praise of Attorney General Leese and en treated all, both democrats ana republi cans, to give him their vote. At the close of the meeting three cheers were given for Harrison and Morton that made the windows rattle. A Clever Illinois Swindler. Toi.onq, Ii.T,., Sept. 18. A swindler, n yet unknown, has succeeded in work ing IJusey's Bank nt Uibana to the amount of $2300; J. W. Helm, pf Dan ville, $4500, and Gillet & Ball $1500. By the use of forged bills of lading he secured the payment of drafts on eastern houses f:r the Above amounts. The drafts bore the name of Brothers, a well known grain firm at Hammond, 111. The signatures, though clearly a forgery, were veil calculated 10 deceive. Helm identified the man nt Busey's Bank before he learned that he himself had been victimized. There is no clev tw the swindler's, rofjlidc-ntity. r,d he has disappeared. A Fatal Boiler Explosion. Blair, Neb., Sept. 20. At 3 o'clock this afternoon, the uv mill of M. Hamil ton, situated on the bank of the Missouri, two miles east of this city, bursted, in stantly killing two men and injvtrins half a dozen others, Those killed were Ileary Alexander, fireman, and Henry Morrill, engineer. The injured are: John Mclveen, slightly; John Noll, injured about the head, and Cody C. Pate, scald ed. Noll's iniuries are c.uite severe. The boiler was one that had been used at this mill about two weeks, but had been used at the mill of Hamilton, at Florence last winter. No defects were visable or- known to the men so far as could be learned. Mr. Noll is quite badly injured. He said at the time of the accident he was stand ing by the side of Mr, AU'SancIcr, the fireman, ur.d w's talking to him about putting on a belt that had just been fixed. The first intimation he had of anything being wrong was a moan from Alex ndcr, looking at libit lie saw blood copying from his h,ead arj! tMt same iuataflt he was blown or knuckcel through a large iron wheel, the spokes of which had been broken iu ths explosion, and was landed iu a safe place. Alexander w'ftS crushea and badly mangled. Morrell leayesa family consisting of a wife and several small children. Child's Kilt SuitsfYom Child's Suits from JbJoys' Suits from Youths' Suits from Mothodists at Beatrice. Bka i kk k, Sept. 10. The Nebraska annual conference of the Methodist church opened in their spacious church here this morning with an attendance of 150 ministers and forty ladies. ihop Foss, of Minneapolis, presided. After organization, Dr. J. W. Cox spoke on Sunday school tract societies and was followed by Bishop Taylor, on mission ary work in Africa. This evening Dr. Gray gave an interesting address on the freedmeu's aid society in the south. Members ot the conference have beeu ar riving all day and a large attenJence is looked for. The people of IJeatriee are kindly entertaining all who come. Among the members is He v. W. K. Means under whose pastorate in Beatrice the Methodists built their $2:1,000 church. DAD DLOOD- There is not one thim; that pv,tj ;i m:i! or w oman nt SIK h iia;.d vam.igu Ix loi c the wotld nsn viliutcd state ot the blood Your ambition is gone. Your courage has failed. Your vitality has left you. Your languid step and listless ac tions shuw that you need a powerful in ylgorator, one bottle of leggs' lllood J ami 1'UHHl Kt'r W1' l- , ill t .1 T 1 k - 1 1 in t humi win j .-tiviii, iiim 11 ii uwi n not it will cost you nothing. O. P. Smith & Co. Druggists. T-.-A.-W OFFICE. Personal attention to all Business Entrust to my care. XOTARY IX OKI'lCE. Titles Kxaniiiit-il. Ahsfaict? Complied, In surance Written, Keal listate olJ. Better Facilities for making Kami Loans than Any Qther Agency, I'iaf tsiiioutti, - Ztn C- F. SMITH, The Boss Tailor. Main St., Over Merges' Shoe Store. Has the best and most complete stock of samples, both foreign and domestic woolens that ever came west of Missouri river. Note these prices: Business suits from to $:3.", dress suits, $25 to $4.i, pants $4, $5, $0, $0.50 and upward?. ESPWill guaranteed a. fit. Prices Defv Compelition. KUSXN ESS "Dili KCT0UY. ATTORSKY- !. V. THOMAS. Aturi! and Notary l'uhlie. Fiizgera'd Block. I'latibmoiUh. Xeb. Onke in ATT O It -N h. Y A. X. SULUVAN, Attorney-at-Law. Will ?ive prompt Attention to all biiHine.j intrusted to him. Oflice in Union Block. ISast sid. I'lattsmouth. Xeb. A1 KICULT Ul'A L 1 M PLKM KNTS, I1AI.L& CliAHJ. Afrricultural Inmlements, Coiiiilniid BuKien and liuthford Wagon", "(inmi 'Jlmber and Bone Dry." sold ar.. I Wairauted. Main street, between Siin ana Seventh. BAN K. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, of rinttsniouth. Capital $50.000 ; surplu? ?ll, 000. John Fitzgerald, I'rident : S. Wauuh. Cashier; F. S. White, Yice-I'resideiit. Board of Ui lectors: John Fitzgerald. F. K. White, Jno. li. Clark, 1). liawksworth, S. Waugh. BANK. THE CITIZENS BANK, of l'lattsiiiout:.. Capital stock pait in. 5o.fifio. Frank Carruth, President : W. II. Cushiug. Cashier; J. A. Connor, Vice-Vresident. A ireueial liankitig buine"s transacted. Collec tions receive prompt and careful attention. BLACKSMITH. ROBERT DONNELLY. Blacksmith nud WatroTin-aker, Dealer in Yind- I 1111117, IOIlips ItllU X ULlIJg. BOOTS AXTSHOF.s JOSEPH FITZF.R. Boots and Shoes. Repairing promptly attended to. South Side Main street. EOQTS AND SHOTS. PETER MERGE. A complete assortment of eveiy kind of Foot wear and chearer than the cheapest w st ot the Missouri River. Also m.uiuf aitui i:ig and Repairing. BARBER SHOP AN D BATH ROOM. El. MORLEY. Hot Tid Cold Ba'hs at all hours. Ladies a nr. Childrf Ji'-s Hair Otirtiiif; a specialty. Cur. r,ih BAKERY. F. STADELMANN. Bread. Cakes. Pies. Buns. etc.. fie h dailv. Party. Wedding and Ka cy Cafee a specialty. Ice Cream in any quantity. pOOJt SELLER. ETC. - J. P. YOUNG. Bookseller, Stationer, and News Dealer ; Fancy Goods, Toys. Confectionery. Fine Cigars. Soda Water and Milk Shake, Pianos and Org-tris and Musical Instruments, 1.90 to or"" 2.00 to O.sO 3.2 to 10.90 4.00 to J5.00 t DAYLIGHTS i TISST I FSL YV linvi;. just jilaccil on our bliel ve a W STOCK OF ZEPHYL NE -"We art; daily J IjOOCIS And have a Complete Line of FALL & WINTER GOO Our Yarn. in Spanish, are DRESS G- O O D Divsss Flannels and Velvets, Carpets, etc., in all t lie Latest Novelties. LADIES.' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES I Xone but AVestern-made (Jive JOS. V. WE 0KB A QH CI.OTIIIXO. S. & V.. MAY Kit, Cent's Furnishings, Kine Tailor Made Clotliin in Men's. Hoys' and rhil'Jrcn's Wear. Their prices defy competition. Thev misrepresent nolhii)!'. Their WorJ vs Their IMml. pl.TIIlN;. " I L.f;(i.DiN(i, j eioili'iv, Fiirolfhiii Cixuls. (lo to the o!d re- ! 1 i ahi e house for Hats, :;is. Umlirellas, Trunks, j ISootH, .Shoes. Main street, next ease i ', iia'.ik. pi.ormx(j. ' w v. v.. wKscor r, I (.'lot li i 11 fr. Hats, Cais, tc. Kine Kurfilshin our specialty. One pric ai.d no Monkey Hus- niesf. Jt pays to trade with us. KocKwoou lilK. CAXXIXt! (OM CA N Y. 'Altltl;TII l)XNIM! CO.. Frauk Carruth. Ilenrv .1. Slreiulit. I'roiirietors. 1'ackers of the Climax Braud Vesjelahlec poXFECTION KKY. W I'M I LI. Ill KB MS, I ru't.s, Confectionery and Fine Clar. D . r. smi 1 11 & co. I-alei In Wall Taper, Paint. Oil, Alt Mater ials. Cigars '. Kockwood Block. DKUNS. " OIUMXt; fi:Ci. Drugs, Chemicals, l';;iils. Oils. U V. Ci FBICKK .t- CO.. iii'tigs. Medicines. Chemicals. Paint". S1, V'.-.,ish' s. Dye Stuffs etc.. Kine Stationery, Select Toilet and Fancy At tides. DUYCOODS, (iKOCKIilKS. F. S. WHITE. Dry floods, Groceries. Xotions. tleneral Mer chandise, etc. S. E. corner Main aud Gih Sts. DUYCOODS. F. HERRMANN. Dry flood". Xotions and Ladie4s' Furnishing (ioods. One aoor east First National Bank. DRY (iOOI'S. fiRi'CEltlKS. K. i. DOVEY Si SON. Carry a l uge ftoek of Fine t roceries. Dry floods. Carpets. Oueensware. Notions, Miiit Fancy Ooods, to he found in the county. Up per Ma 11 f treet, between "tli and (,th. DENTISTS. DBS. CAVE & SMITH, wirhout t he least pain or harm. An iflcial teeth ones when desired. Oold and all other Fillings strictly lirst class. Oflice in Union Block. TTURNITURE. r HEVRYBOECK. Furniture. Bedding. IxioKimr (Jlas"(, Picture Frames, etc. Wooden and Metal Caskets kept 111 slock. CiURXnUKE. P I. PEaRLMAX. Furniture. Parlor Suit". Unho'sterv floods. Stoves. Oupcusware, 'I inware. and all kinds of fou--ehold Ooods. .xortll 6l!i street, between Main and Viue. RENT'S FURVls-HlNf; c.n.SfiT. ,J J. II. DON N' KI.LY. Cents Fine Furaishr and Hattc-. The most complete and finest stock iu the city. Carruth Block, Cor. 5th and Main. GROCERIES. M B. MURPHY CO., The Leading Dealers 111 Groceries. rockery. Flour. Feed. &c. Cash i.aM for country produce." ; &'0 LEIUNHOFF & 'OENNICHSKX. j t iroeei ies. Provisions. Classwurv , u Cneke, v. j ilROCEJ'J lS. i F. "McCOUItT. fireeij. S.'aple and Fanev Urocrrke. aROCERlES. BENNETT & TUTT. staple and Fancy Groceries, ;rtn Frult and Canned Goods. j GROCERIES. AUG. BACH. Groceries and Queensware. Flour and Feed. Cigars. Tobacco and Cutlery. Riddle IIot-o. MeiVH Overcoats Men's Nobby Check Overcoats Men's Fuv Ueaver Overcoats Men's Black Worsted Ovoit-oats receiving our or Fail Trade Saxony, (icrnian and Zcjiliyrri 011 sab. (looile Ivept in That Line. n.s a (Jail. ri:ocEKii:s. lx oniiis. w'om.rAimi, Staple and Kanev (Jrcrerles, ; lass ware and Crockery, l-'louraud Feed. HOTKI.. FItKI:tK, i'roprieloi-Cit y Hotel. Terms, 1.o per day. Special Attention (jlveli colniiieieial men. HAKXF.S. m W. (1. K KFFKIt, Siu-eessor to O. M. Strejht. llaniem. Saddlery Hoods. Nets. Kobcs, I Miricrs, and all home fur nishiiiK uoods. II AliDWAliK. JOIIXfON i!i:os. llaitlwHie. Ktoven. Tinware, Talde and l'oekrt I Cutlery. Basors, Hi;. Jloiischold Sewliu Mil- 1 cliim h aud .Jewel ;as.liue i-toveH. 'J in work 01 Jin kiiiiis (loin 111 ieaioiiaiU! prices. Main ' Mieet, Kockwood Block. TEW ELK Y. 1 B. A. Mf ELWAIN. t Watehe.i. Clocks. Silverware iiimI Jewelry. j Special Attention given to Watch Repaying. TEWELRY. " FRANK CARRUTH & St)N. Always carry n tine i-toeK of DlamoinlM, Watch es. CI i-ks. Jewelry, Silverware and Hpeetanles. Drop in and inspect theirgoods before parciia" nig elsewhere. T E W E LRY. J. SCII LATER. Jeweler. Walthatn AV'atches a specialty. Main Street, near Fourth. LIVERY ST A BI.K. '. M. HOLMES & SON. The Checkered Barn. I.iverv. Feed and Sale stable ; parties conveyed toafl nartoof the fitv. i Carriages at all trains. Coiner N ine aud tail. MEAT MARKET. RICHARD r.ILSTEIV. Who'esale and ltetail Dealer in First Quality Beef. Pork. Mutton. Veal. Lamb, etc. Kixth strec', Neville Block. Prices model ate. EAT MARKET. .1. IIATf A- f.O.. Kiil tlieir own Cattle. Bender their own I.ard and Cure their own Bacon. Main stieet. JJ EAT MARKET. FICKLKR ft Ct).. i f! oultiy ic. We use oily ft native stock. Oysters and u the best trade one in ceasoti. MERCHANT TAILOR. C. F. SMITH. Merchant Tat'or. Main "trett. 'over Meiges' shoe store. Complete Htock of arnplex. Fit guaranteed. Prices defy competition. MI LLINER V. MRS. J. F. JOHNSON. A Complete Line of the Latest St view of Mil lineiy and Trimmings : ui"o Cliildreii's and In fants Bonne's, to be closed cut at cof. RESTAURANT AND LUNCH ROOM . ' JACOB HENNCH, Meals and Lunches sei ved to order at a!l Unr. Also Oysters, cigars. Tobacco, Pop and Cider. Opposite Riddle House. QAM I'LE BOOM. 3 FRAHM Jt KLir.Tf H. Sample Room. 1 inpoi-ie.l and Domestic W'e. .nu;js aoo ,i-ars. niy Mialghl goods lian- ' -. . .vf.!ti', 'V',' LWr Srnlalty, 1 V ft . O' it 1U iiu r,i. S AMII T.Vr'i ?,r, , v ,v,.fI . K,. t. ,,k ,;un,!,tr1 '-S'l'ivri CiJ-'an. Pool and Bil.iard Tables. K (Idle iIou-t Block. SAMPLE BOOM THE ELKJIORX SALOfN. w m. eier, proprietor. Manufacturers of s"da Water. Birch Beer. Cider, etc. AgenU for Fred Krug's Celebtikied Lager Beer. SA.I,'LE ROOM. JOHN BLAKE. Sample Room and Billiard Hall. Clu.lce Wine Liquors and Cigar. Billiard nnd I'ool Tables. ? 2.f)0 5.00 12.50 10 00 i - 1 The One - Prioe Clothier. Piattsmouth Nebraska.