The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, September 18, 1888, Image 4

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Irn Mor, ttl
.MlU, Telephone 42.
FalalPM Itoatlit, 1'nlon
i Draff Ktor, l'Uttmath.
3 ladies of St. Luke's Guild will
a sociable at the residence of Dr.
ingston, corner of Gth and Oak street,
Wednesday evening, Sept. llUli. A cor-
.uial invitation is extended to all.
Dr. Schildknfcht has made im
provements in his oflice and house recent
ly which aid its appearance and conve
nience very much. His residence and
office will be lighted by gas in the future.
Win. Witte, son of Rev. Witte, has
been seriously afflicted with dropsy lor
sometime. Dr. Schildknecht performed an
an oocration on him vesterday afternoon
"and relieved him of over two gallons of
ir..i.i. wr-nic- Ktot-
illtMl 9. .VU1.V., m. ....... .
t.r Dn,l .Inlm Nnli. win; were arrested I
-nm time ao for assaulting Mr. John
t,.. i o.. ,w.,.r rv.lnr f'rppk on
UOUCI, twin ovo, . - - .
i.- !i.t fS,,,t. 1st. with intent to
i,:n u0f..r .T..,lr ves-
Alii nilV liV 'vv.v - - r I
tor.biv. Thev iaid fines and costs
j j
amouuting to
Dr. Withers, of Oakland, Neb., has
purchased the dental business of Drs.
Caye & Smith, who had rooms in the
Union block. Dr. Withers takes posses
sion of the business immediately. Dr.
Smith, who had charge of the business
here will open up an office in Des Moines,
shortly. He leaves the city this cvenin
for Winchester, Ind., where he is called
on account c f Ids father's sickness.
A large democratic flag is suspend
cd over Main street, near Sixth, bearing
the likeness of Cleveland on one corner,
while on the other corner a large bandana
is tacked on to represent Thurman. Un
der the bandana, a picture of Thurman
fs supposed to be located. Whether
they are ashamed to show him up, or
they will show the bandana ns their rep
resentative, in preference, is the question
Tlic young lauies or tins city snouiu
I- J 1 A 1.... ..1.1
meet at the county judge's oflice this cv-
cninff ana assist in mo organization oi
young ladies' republican club. The
Francis Cleveland club has made a fine
apperance and done itself proud, but
there is no rcanon known why the repub
lican young ladies of this city cannot
hold the fort. Let all who can help in
this good advancement turn out and or
ganize a club that can't be beat.
The Andrews Dramatic Company
will put a double bill upon the boards
ims ev , , . ...
be introduced first. This company will
. . - ... ii. 4i
rema n for five nights and during that
. - r i
. - --r 1 i - .1 . .1 tVI
time will seieci lueir isyunie iajs nim
tffeir repertoire: Ingomar, Our Boys.
Romeo and Juliet, Esmeralda, Pygmalion
and Galatea, The Octoroon, The Marble
Heart, Rip Van Winkle, Unknown, May
Blossom, Monte Cristo, Xaval Engage
ments, and others.
The day which has been selected
by the base ball clubs could not have
nncfiihlv been a more suitable one. It is
certainly not too warm, and is just cool
enough to work. A great game is ex
pected and considerable money is being
put up. The home team feels confident.
Although they wiil have as hard a tussel
a? they ever did We wish the boys sue
i . i - r : 1 1 nAnn.l. .nn. I
cess, anu me cuneus m !iiuui i
port them today, me game is caueu hi
3:30. A full report tomorrow.
The Cass County Twenty-second An- j
nual Fair opened at the new fair grounds
south of the city today. This will doubt
less be one of the most successful yet held
here, as in all particulars everything is
much more favorable than on any pre
vious year. The rac meeting this year
will be a yery attractive feature.there are
first-class horses from a distance entered.
A lare jiumbr of visitors are in the city
nrl pvprvll in r looks iiroinisinir. The
new fair grounds are located as favorable
for the accomodation of Cass county
f:.rnifirs is could be desired. The grounds
can bs reached by either Chicago or Lin
coin avenues, as they are located at the
juncture of the two ayenues, and only a
short distance south of the city.
Mr. G. B. Kempster, who has recent
ly come to our city, has attained for
himself an enviable reputation by his
thorough knowledge of pianos and or
gans. He has acted as agent for seyeral
eastern firms since locating here, and has
been very successful. He received a
piano for Mr. Oliver Dovcy a few days
ao. As the instrument is the most styl
ish and possesses the most charming tones
of anv we have seen or heard In the city
we consider that it is worthy of special
mention. The instrument is valued at
000 and was manufactured by Wm
Urowai! & fW of the Boston conserva
tory. As Mr. Kwiter is a resident of
the city, and understands nis i usmess
thoroughly, be ahould recm tn patron
gc ot the citizen. Mr. Kenipster guar
antee every instrument he sells and is
tlwaya hero to attend to them when his
f-rx'.T re repaired. t
Cass County's Twenty-Second An
nual ruir-
Already the street arc crowded with
visitors and indications iusuro a grand
micci'ss in every particular.
The npfcd stalls which were thought to
be 6uflicient to accomodate tho luunber
of upecd horses received, are short of the
expectations by ten stalls which were
erected today. Thirty horses have arrived
A large number of entries in all classes
have been made and more are coming.
The exhibitions are of surpassing quality
and the taste in preparing and arranging
has presented the exhibitions in pleasing
order, and this year's fair will do the
county and society proud. The stock ex
hibits are very line. Two shows and
various amusements are on the grounds.
T ho Prosrammefor Wednesday.
The fair programme for tomorrow is
as follows
wkdnksuay, sept. 1!.
Lot 1. Pony race, free for all; purse
",(. Running race for ponies under
141 hands high, one-half mile heats, best
two in three. First horse, 25; second.
!'; third, $10
Lot 2. Three minutcstrot; purse $100.
Trotting race forhorscs that have never
benUn three minutes, mile heat".
three in five. First horse, .0; second
third, $20.
LotS. Dycycle race; purse $'10. Half
mile heats, beit two in three. First,
second, $10; third. $5.
Lot 4. Gentl-niens roadsters; purse
$.")0. Horses that have never trotted for
money outside of Cass county, mile heats.
best three in five. 1-irst horse, tf2.;
second, $15; third, $10.
To-noirow will be school children's
lay. All ciniiircii win ie .iiiiiiiiitu m
tlie grounds free.
R9sults of Stooping His Paper.
A Sunday school paper tells the follow
ing '-whopper" of a certain man getting
mad at an editor and stopping his paper:
"The next week he sold all his corn at 4
cents below the market price; then his
projTety was sold for taxes because he
didn't read the sheriff's sales; he lost $10
betting on Mollie McCarty, ten days af
ter Tn I5rpck had v n the race; he was
arrested and fined $10 for going limiting
. , f , .
. , . , vertis(d
, . .llt!rtn,i nnt
InU n unv niv ''iv x.-.-.-
to negotiate them. He then paid a big
Irishman, with a boot like A. Derrick, to
kick him all the way to the newspaper
office, where he paid four years' subscrip
tion in advance and made the editor sign
an agreement to kick him down and rob
him if he ever ordered his paper stopped
At tho Opera House Tonight.
The regular amusement season will be
opened tonight, at the opera house, by
' ' ' manv
the popular Andrews Dramatic company,
' . '
rt-ho will inaugurate their season of five
nights with a grand comedy bill, consist
ing of the sparkling English drama, en
titled, "Naval Engagements," and the
mirth-provoking farce, ".The Fool of the
family." This bill has been a very suc-
e.;fvd. one wherever presented by the
Vndrews company, and is always received
with thouts of laughter. Gertrude An
drews will be seen in her charming por
trayal of "Mary Mortimer" Popular
prices will prevail, 25, 35 and 50 cents,
As th; city is full of strangers, the house
no doubt, will be well filled.
.Tudge Chapman returned from Omaha
tliis morning.
m..s Kitc Kennetlj of Corning, Iowa,
.g .Q tJlij dty today vis;ting i,cr brother,
John Kennedy
j, m Richardson, of Eden, Peoria
Co.. 111., arrived in the citv today. lie
will vi:t friends at Eight Mile Grove.
Mr. F. M Somers, editor of the Beat
riee Exmes. accompanied the Beatrice
i.i tp:iPi to Plattsmoutij. in order to
aprii-c :i pnrrect renort ot liie same iui-
ifternoon. to Transfer Man
A ti..t class opportunity will be open
tomorrow and during the fair days for
livery and expressmen to have their rigs
n the streets for the accomodation of
the public, to oonyery people from the
city to the fair grounds. Persona will
tie desirous of going to and from the fair
incessantly, and a favorable opportunity
awaits those who can provide accomoda
tions in this way, to coin money.
Young Ladies' Republican Club.
There will be a meeting of all young
ladies desirous of joining the Young
Ladies Republican Club tonight at the
office of Judge Russell. The meeting
will be for the purpose of organizing a
club, and as large a number of young
ladies as can attend are requested to be
present. Meeting called at 8 o'clock. All
who can assist in any way are earnestly
requested to be present..
Vs. "
There will be a caKed meet big of the
Y's. Wednesday p. m. at 4 o'clock. In
the Presbyterian church to elect delegates
to the state convention. Members who
have uot pai.l their dues are requested to
come prepart.d fo do ?. By order of
the J reaidenf.
lU.i riSakOOXu. xiDKAli:iM 'ii'LUaV, o..
Having this clay sold my stock
of Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, etc.,
to "Messrs. Brekenleld & Weid
inan, I would respectfully and ear
nestly ask that oil those in my debt
come iorward promptly and settle
their accounts; as it will be neces
sary lor me to close up my business
as speedily as possible before en
gan otnL'r pursuits. I also
take this occasion to thank the
public, both in the city and county,
for the very liberal patronage giv
en me during the tin e I have been
engaged in business here, and hope
the same will be extended to my
successors. JNO. II. COX.
There is not one thing that puts a man
or woman at such disadvantage before
the w uld nsa vitiated state ot the blood
Your ambition is gone.
Your courage has failed.
Your vitality has left you.
Your languid step and listless ac
tions show that vou need a powerful in-
yigorator, one bottle of Heggs' JJloou
Purifier and IHood Maker will put new
life in a worn out system, and if it does
not it will cost you nothing. O. P. Smith
& Co., Druggists.
About fifty of the Iieatrice sports ac
companied their ball club to this city to
day. No doubt they are prepared for
every need and will help their team out
in every possible way. It is reported that
each man is the possessor of a tin horn
which they are to toot whenever oppor
tunity is offered by a good play by their
club, or when a blunder of some
kind is made by our home team. The
boys here have signified their intention
of being prcpered for them if such is the
:as. If horns are scarce they can locate
"Cotton" out in the field, whose voice,
we are sure would be equivalent to a
dozen or more of the loudest horns.
Drive through South Park in return
in" from the fair grounds. 18s-3
.-Dont go to Omaha when you want
to get your beautiful parlor and bed
room sets but go to Henry Boeck's fur
niturv emporium where you can get every
thing in the furniture line that will go to
make your home beautiful and comfort
able: and above all vou can get it cheap,
Remember that he who scll$ most can
sell cheapest.
Drive through South Park in return
ing from the fair grounds. 18s-3
When your skin is yellow.
When your skin is dark and
When your skin i rough and coarse.
When your skin is inflamed and red.
When four skin is full of blotches.
When vour skiu is full of pimples you
need a good blood medicine that can be
relied noon. Becas' Blood Purifier and
Blood Maker ! warranted as a positive
cure for all of the above, so you cannot
uossiblv run anv risk when yoo get a hot-
lle of this wonderful medicine. For sale
by O. P. Smith & Co.
The Last Call-
All persons knowing their indebted
ness to the late firm of Smith & Black,
druggists, are requested for the last time
to call at the store of O. P. Smith & Co.
and satle ytli Mr. Chas. Black, as
Private Sewerage.
All parties desiring private sewerage
connection with the main sewer, can be
accommodated at any time, by address
ing Haulins & Shelton, gewer Contrac
tors, P. O. box llflO, or by calling at the
office, Murphy's store. lm
Mr. Jas. Donnelly sells the Atwood
Siiciiriwlrr. the onlv suspender in tlie
world that can lie adjusted to the form
of all. Non-elastic shoulder straps and
elastic back straps. tf.
Colic, Diari lnva and summer complaints
arc dangerous at this season of the yer
and the only way to guard against these
diseases is to have a bottle of some reli
iiblo remedy. Betr;s' Diarrl.rra Balsam is
a POSITIVE RELIEF in all thtso disa
greeable eases and is pleasant to take.
It will cost you only 35 cents. O. P.
Smith & Co., Druggifts.
School books cheap at the Post Oflice
Book Store. ISStf. W. II. Bakek.
Lii.;t srsmmer shoes for your little
girls, 5 cents only, at Merges'.
II. Boeck's furniture stock is acknowl
edged to be the finest and most complete
in tho city,
Shcrwin & Williams' mi$cd paints, the
best in the market, at Fricke & Go's, drug
store. 8-tf.
Child's high sandals, only 25 cents a
pair, at Merges'.
Everything necessary for furnishing a
house can be purchased at II. Boeck's.
Plenty of feed, flour, graham anil
meal at Heisel's mill, tf
Tlie finest bedroom sets can be found
at H. Boeck's.
Wood for Sale..
Leave orders with J. D. Tutt, at Ben
nett & Tutt's store. tf.
Return on Lincoln avenue from the
fiar grounds, and drive through South
Park. IgS-q
Return on Lincoln avenue from the fair
gronnds, and drive through South Park.
Send your job work to the Heham
CrciM Erreloii Which Are Relljr la
- - vixatloiii of the Deity Bad Tate.
When we come to thiult of it, almost every
body swears. Not a downright, up and up,
out aud out swear, to bo sure, but fiorflfl sort
of a makeshift for an outh falls now and
then from almost everybody's lips. There
are times when what aro popularly known
ns "cuss words'' seem the only thing to fill
tho bill the masculine bill, that is.
Muny outh have lot their original signif
icance and evil virility, and survive merely
as more or less innocent expletives for the
relief of feminine feelings. How many of
the women who a dozen times a day ex
claim, "O dear!' or "O dear me!" stop to
think or would know if they did think
that these careless expressions are invoca
tions of the Deity? "O dearl" conies from
tbo Italian, "O Dio!" meaning "O God!"
and "(J dear me!" from "O Dio mio!" "O
myOodl" while "I vum!" qtiito a common
expression among New England country
folk, both male aud female, is doubtless a
corruption of 'I vow to Him!" There be
thoso who say that "Dear sui!" a favorite
old fashioned feminine expletive means, or
once meant, "Dear Jesus!" and who does not
know that "Gracious!" and "Goodness!"
mean "Gracious God!" and "Eternal Good
ness" if they mean anything?
Tho rustic evades tho oath with his "I
swan!" "15y might-!1' and similar expres
sions, which servo as a safety valvo, without
to his thinking violating tho decalogue.
Yet "1 swan!" can bo traced to "I swear to
Oho," and "By mighty," of course, means
"by tho Almighty." That atrocious huoolic
concatenation, "I snum!" defies definition,
but who can doubt that it originally meant
something it ought not to mean?
My good and devout old grandfather, who
would, as soon have taken a life as tlie name
of his God in vain, would have been horri
fied to hear that his semi-oeeasional
"Zounds!"' was but an abbreviation of
"God's wounds!" while his brother, who in
emergent moments was given to shouting
"S'death, sir!" would have been equally
scandalized to know ho was swearing by
"His (Christ's) death."
While there can bo little question that
swearing was resorted to in tho first instance
to emphasize men's meaning, thero can bo no
sort of question that tho promiscuous pro
fanity of today utterly defeats its own ob
ject. It emphasizes nothing but the speaker's
lack of meaning and of taste. Remonstrate
with any habitual swearer, and ho will say
ho "means nothing by it." But, if ho doesn't,
why constantly violate not only the deca
logue, but the sensibilities of those about
him? Mary Norton Bradford in Boston
l'eculiarities of tho Jail Birtl.
Tho liberated jail bird is a study for the
t.loso observer of human nature and cTiarac
Jer. llo looks ffervouily over his shoulder
t every step, as if suspicious of being fol
lowed, and is half inclined to break into a
run or to dive into the first secure alleyway
that presents itself. K is apparent from tho
expression on each man's faco that he can
hartllj" realise that he is free once more.
His independence actually oppresses him and
makes him ill at case. Thero i3 something
about his clothes, too, that he cannot seem
to forget. However old they may be, they
have at least a certain feeling of newness to
him, and ho keeps constantly looking down
at his wrinkled trousers, gives his coat sleeves
a straightening pull every thirty seconds, or
brushes somo particularly dirty spot that ho
observes on his vest with the palm of his
hand. Then he takes off his hat to make
sure that it is not the striied one he has
worn for the past sis months, and when he
convinces himself that it is uot ho replaces it
upon his shaven head again with grim satis
faction. The chances are that the jail bird will have
a friend awaiting him outside the gate, or
perhaps tho wife whom he a short time ago
almost murdered will be there with a baby
in Ler arms, forgetting how be abused her
and ready to welcome him back again. Oa
the other hand, if no one comes to receive
him ho will, as soon ai he reaches the first
crossing, come to a sudden halt, with uncer
tain resolve which way to go. There are
only three directions to choose from, that is
certain ; but which to take it is not a little diffi
cult to decide. Had he a coin in his pocket
it would be a toss up; but he is, unfortu
nately, not overburdened with wealth. Sud
denly, however, he will hurry down down
town, and in a moment is lost in the crowd,
on his way no one knows where. That same
evening you may, perchance, see him sitting
on one of the Battery Park benches, where
if he happens to fall asleep be will be arrested
for vagrancy, and next morning the same
little high pressure tug that brought him to
the city will carry him back for another
sojourn among tho granito quarries and
produce gardens of Blackwell's Island. John
Preston Beecher in New York News,
He Filled tbo Void.
John Drurnmond, of tho Richelieu hotel, is
one of tho Lest nature! clerks that ever regis
tered a gurst or assigned a room. Ho is
popular and deserving, end is a great favor
ite w ith tho ladies, who ho delights to honor
with tho true chivalry bora of his Kentucky
birth ar.d education. Ths other evening a
pr.rty of ladies and gentlemen were dining in
the cafo of the hotel end John was intro
duced to them. One of the j-oung ladies had
a beautiful Mac'; and tan do with. L2r, and
JoI::i was reaisrkbiy solicitous for thy
diminutive canine's comfort.
'Y7Lr.t do you call hirai'1 as'.:ed John.
"Fr," said the young )3.dy sweetly.
'That's str-usc," said Jehu. '-vThy, I had
a 3ou:: ladv f:-;o:id onea who called ma
"Ecw vrr.s that?" inquired tho young lauj-.
"Oil." said John with a smile, "she ones
owned a little pug dog that she loved mora
than anything else in the world. I was in
trocLticed to her when she was in sorrow for
his loss. I seemed to fill tho aching void in
her young heart, and she called me Tug for
ever afterward. Pathetic story, isn't it,'"
And t-e young ladies all agreed that it was
indeed vsry, verv, pathetic. Chicago
Women as Dramatists,
"TThy is it, Ur. Boucicault, that so few
women have achieved puccessas dramatists S"
"Because they have not the power of in
vention. It is in intellect as in almos
everything else in this world that the malo
being is creative. And then the woman has
not the logic of events or the mechanism cf
Construction. Sho cannot put together
slowl' pieco by piece with one single aim and
end in view. Rer intellect and nature are
discursive and episodic, She walks for a
while on a straight road, but is tempted from
it by somo pretty winding lane, or she dallies
too long in some shady nook."
"Yet in novels women have shown inven
tion, and some of the situations conceived by
them have been remarkably effective en tba
"Admittedl In narrative form the. woman
often succeeds because the tendencies I have
pointed out do not then become or appear as
defects. In the very few instances in which a
woman has made a success aa a playwright
she has been like lime, de Girardin or George
Sand of a masculine temperament." Now
York Tribune Interview. -
Do not fail to" call anl examine tlie "CukI.' Prices we
for the Next Thirty 1W.
You Can Save 25 Per Cl
While we are having this (Jreut "Csli" Jiednction Sale.
We are now Showing a
Our Line of Fall Dress (Jood.s i.s
Stock in the City, and we
Colorings in
Dress Flannels, Broadcloths, Henrieltes,
Beiges, Serges, at Prices not to be duplicated.
:J8 inch All "Wool Suitings, Solid Colors and Al ixtures, only 45c. yd.
40 inch All-Wool liroadclotln?. fc'olid Colors and 3! ix tints, only
()() cents er yard.
Z2 inch All-Wool Jiroadcloths, Mlid Colors and Mixtures, only
S5 cents jier yard.
54 inch French J'roadcloths, Twilled liaclc, at $1.00 a yard.
These goods sold last season at $2.00.
jii inch All-Wool Serges in all the popular shades, only 0ik yid.
40 inch French Jlenrictte Cloth, in all the popular shades, only
75 cents per yard.
The Largest and Finest Line we have ever shown comprising
everything in the Latest Novelties in
Gimps, Passementeries, Braids, Etc.,
Also Full Lines of Foragers, Ornaments and Loops. Our
Comprise everything in Plain and Fancy Crochets, I'hiiri and
Jiullet Silk Tailor Buttons, Jets, Fancy Metals and I 'earls. Feather
Trimmings, all shades, only 40 cents yard, worth oO.
Sillszs and
Plushes in all Colorings, such as Tabac, Mahogany, Moss, Olive,
Gold, Saphire, Navy, Biown, Cardinal, Wine, Black, only 1.00 a
yard; same goods sold last season at $1.2;.
Surah Silks in all shades only !H) cents a yard, worth 1.00.
Black Silks at $1.00, 1 25, 1.50, 1.75, 1.85 and $2.00 a yard,
all good values.
if o ioi e :q? ir
30 J)AYS
I I -
30 DAYS 3fflsFC3r
"Ve will have a Special Sale of all Articles in Stock, so as to ma,
for our Fall Purclias.
In every Department, and all goods kept in a First-Class Tin Sfc'
Hardware Store will be found in. our Stock. Call and see i
before buying elsewhere.
Weidmann & Brekf
(Successors to J. 11. COX.)
new and Attractive Line of
the Lar&es-t and lo-t Complete
tire showing all the new