The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, September 18, 1888, Image 3

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    ,..OTrt, rtiSJKASKA, THESDAT, SEPTEMBER -18.---.,
j rbyatchut JI Observed
. ..Uie or ThHr Practice Pja
Temprramcnt of tlie American
JUJo Apjallliy; Stnto of Tbilisi.
)r. B. 8. Arnulphy, tho heart ami lung
peci Allot, was the first nhysiciun nppealod
to for information on the tubj'-et. Ho said:
"My practice in America only extends back
two and a half years, but in that timo 1
Lave, I think, seen Mifliiient of tlm nso of
unos Lactic!! to enablo mo .to speak intelli
gently. 1 have jn tu-tivl extensively in
iCusMiii bik I Frnin-e, nnd tri tlio latter country
buciely women, as u class, jiro xoniHwhnt le-V0U.-.I
to tho morphine ainl chloral
Ilut to far n I have Ixfii nLl to observe',
there ii inoro ri"sriinjr to uiirx-silietics in tins
country than in aiy c n::try I bavo rtsitleJ
in. It may l.c !n. to tho pvtilinr wn.sitivo
nes.i mi'l -::"ita!i.lit y of fnttplo inhabiting
this part of t be worll. Thy pcuplo hero uiw
Iiicvo ! iil).i f ci:i'iiio::o of pnr; mid
i-i!iif than t!:sof ithT l;i!il. TI10 sys
tem of tho !'.v .a ;j ilu'::itt'il American is
wrouI.t. 'ri t- n j itc'.i t.f i:ci voii.:ncsM uhich
1 navo oi;-..'rvivl no'.vlicro el-o, mid this era r
inj for relief from pain an. I Kli-eplessnes-s,
which in in turn proi luces t ho li-iiv for i;n
nna-tbi-t.ic, is tho hrwt outcome of this wr
vou .lie of t'm;'-rainnt..
".My observations teach mo that rnorrihine
is tho iru iiin'-i c inrnojijy used by those
iicrvom men m.I vi uncii, and tho extent to
vbielj it is 1;. -cd j.j tiurmo'.is. There are,
however, new aj'ents that bavo lately
Co:ik into pra W'-ti which ure claimed to pro
dueo tbo '!l'ccts of morphine nnd partako of
none of it.- d : n.'jiT.s."
'"At.d m bat arc tho syinpt ns that show a
won;n:i t- be a m.i'.o f ni:;i-.tlietic-:, and that
fho-.v Ik r Mi" is brcahin dov.-:i."
'Tii- 1 fii'o l .-.i'uly a:iy svnmtoms at first.
I'rh:i; :- th re i:::iy boa liii ie heavines-sof tho
b".;J, a biitor tv.V in t!:e l.iuulh and an al-
L.;t'. r 0:1, of emire, tho
i i mi 're cxciiablo, as larc r
'i'li- .su v.h bavo been in
injections for any length
h''.l.! Mali rot less n:id nil
.' t find l eii" f a 'o.l while
i:ij.-ct;t.n. During v. hat
1). i V.r.i , .;. I' ill
!.;-.; ::;v ! "j'l.r. 1
of tii:it S' o;i ;;; i)'.v
easy, a1;.! uiy ubi
lifter t:.l.;.;' t:i.
.!iy.-,iei.ins ciiii tiio iir. 1 prtott t mori'aino
tabin t!ie i.; j.-clio.n wiil be fallowed by in-
titanr relief from pain ir sleottlessncsn; but
beforo I !;; the re lu f is not to bo had except
by iticii is.ii the tloo considerably, and
after bavia;; acted as an nna:tbelio, tho
tlru jrat ie.ithr. -ts as a i?l iinu'lai.t. 1 kno-.v
people v.uw i h' have jronc f.i far that they
nro uinbli) t ace'-nioii.-ii any ordinary task
read, write, or wcrk without tiieir ii:jecliou
of mnrphlno. It raises the tone of tiieir in
Ullect; tliey would lo wrecks -xc'pt under
tho influence of a t-timulant.
"A j ounjr pbysb-iHu hon I met not I0115
r.obal attained a b n'n when lie could hardly
le aroused from a Kound th-cp except by mi
injiX-tio.i of mui'phiu;-. Having thereby
achieved tho f alines--: of bis l'acuHies, hecouid
drive out and m-o bis patients, ilut ho would
Oitaii! bwoso tired, wini ont, a!id btraijbtway
fell into a sound sleep, from which ho could,
of couno, only be aroused ly a iv::itio:i of
tho injection, iio of course, is a d'xraioil
"It is a well known fact that iliislih
women, jarticularly in London, during tho
fashionable season there, are jnvat consumers
of ether. They Mmply; it, as you woul.t
a cocktail. It c:at3 in them a kind of
fetimulu.ticju, brui'ii' a Uuh of red to tho
cbeeka end a sparkle to tho ej-es which,
aloao is fiulacieut to make a woiuan use it. I
Lava net observed any indication of ether
eommmption in Americans; it stems to be
lon exclusively to Knlish society women."
"Dr. J. Auauii) Alleu'd remarks, direstcd of
terms and pbraseJ peciUiar to the medical
profesfcion, juay bo epitomized ea follows:
"The rago jul now among tho women cf
Paris is for onti-pyrin and anti-febrin, two
preparations that are analogous anil manu
factured from various chemicals. They aro
claimed to be the best known cure for head
ache, cud ar used in large quantities by
women iu society. The latest production,
vL;eli is used hero, and which wiil tbore.ot-e
interest J'oa more, is 'sulphonal,' a nu-.v
r.ent, claimed to lv a perfect substitute f.T
luorr-hino aud alo claimed to bo absolutely
v.ituout injury to thes system. Sulphonyl,
recording to my observation, is used vcry
f.cutraliy. Poop's carry aati-pyrii? and s-ul-plional
aroun l with them row c.a thy oi l
tber when it was li; - " iutrorbiev 1. It is a
pecn'iar fuc-fe tt.r.t .vl...!;jv;r ur.ytbinj now
in tho way of cnuucthalo is i:itroJ:iceJ, thi
claim i- advanced forii tiat it is entirely
hf rr.dfsr. It trr.j t'aij v. - y with chlon.-iX-rm,
cccair.o, cblo.-.!, t-t.'., an l now it is true c f
anti- pyrin aud 'su:;)honaL'
'Old. conservative doctors who bavo
watched the i: traduction and uso of tl..w
fi:n: say IV :i i:d i-o.' Tun a is i-u:o 10
rrovj ci:e accuracy of their judgment. Kvery
agent that ii cap;; Wo cf pi o.Su.jir.5 a iowcr- j
ful effect 0:1 tL j rys!cm is cpablj of doii'g ,
injury if improperly administered. Tho
cbemist3 aro nov making a host of com- I
poamLr, in bebr.1 of which tho no dan jer
claim is cdvauccd. Thes.i componr.di a:o
dangerous in j-x-t tho proponioa tfer.J they
ponta'a tbesu" nowerfvl ingreuieuf 5. Tiir.ti
tfcey tr? ec-M to'i.u.l co:;i;::ucJ by 6.-;wcl:cuy
iu Chicago stands t.i reason, or city cberrtiot.-,
would not 1 roclua thjm. There aro a c!oz;.-:i
saUtitutei for r' 'cvoz'crja and ether that r,y
by tliSerent r'a2-. A young ii tcud c: ro,
'doctor, and an eulleut tiiiov.-, hiHid Li:?.'
f with o wLtfTo? chlrofcnn. Ho was in
habit of cotcir.g L-.nto tired out, 11-4
2" bi:'Ui:elf in ti way toproduco floep.
powetc'ul A dose on3 day and I
Cut it waa too
, tho habitual ucaol auutstact
:f mac :f eat in interference
,t"s digestion, neuralgia pains,
tdfi tx Th9 continuous usi
.a crdr to procure sleep, necesii
j'Jnued increaiH in the dimensions
os9 in order to prccure tho desired
Continue J adherence to tho practico
3 j,Ta'"'jal paralysis of th-j bear.
mcn grcjv fat, and others emaciated,
"-etic3. Woineu who tako morphica
1 do it to obtain sleep. TThea they
no drooping spirita and energies
"orrify themselves for a possibly
-ement, they tako bromido. I
repeats dly in tho courso of "
re ia the habit of drinking
rouM think it a disgraco
of ordinary Epirits in tho
many chemical 6ubstance3
'jstanco Eke chloroform,
perfumes that, if taken
will act as anaestbet
s who aro unsuspected
nra drinkers of neas
"O nter Ocean.
- marry! A coun-
s married E3
' in Decern
', 8 each in
neb, April
i 4 each
. the eye of n roud Wah
.tor of me ins U to ecuro a
irinia cook an "old uuntiej'
um they aro called- one who tinsn't too many
newfangled notiom, and U willing to work,
and who takes a delight in preparing deliciouji
tiomo meals such as she uxed to servo up "'to'
tho fall of Kichmon'," at w many of tho
dark ie hero express it It must not l l.i
fsrrcd that there are no Rood cooks among
the j'ounger generations, for there are, ami
of recent yeni-s negro men have bcon culti
vating the art of cooking, nnd negro male
cookn, while employed chiefly at hotels and
restaurants in this capital city, ure al o be
ing utilized in the homes. A darky is no
fond of good eating that it is but natural
they should cultivate tho -art cf improving
themselves so that they can command big
wages. Tho younger set nre not as reliable
and steady as the old timers who wcro trained
in slavery days, but they do quite well con
sidering all tho eircumstanoes, and if a
t: .usekeeper is a fairly (rood manager thero
isn't really much troublo in securing hero a
good cook.
Thn wife of a westorn Republican senator
fiys that when sho was a huiall girl sho used
to bear l craged grandmother t dl; of dishes
that were peculiar to Virginia, her grand
mother having gone west from that state.
Tlio senators wifo bad almost forgotten
these dishes, but on coming to Washington
to live sho emploj-ed a negro woman as her
cook, and it was not long t;fore "old aunty"
was placing lie fore her s-omo of the dishes
nh' had heard her grandmother speak of.
"Old aunty'' has succeeded in changing com
pletely tho diet of her western employers, and
they nre ro fond of the now way of eating
tilings, fo fr as they ara concerned, that
they prefer it to the western.
This is tho bright sido of tho culinary ques
tion in Washington. Some people have no
end of trouble, especially those who happen
to engage a restless, impudent and worthless
young lilac!; woman, who Ins at t imes had
her own way and literally bossed tho people
who hired her. They have this kind in Wash
ington ns treasures, and unhappy is tho lot
f tho family who has an experience with
cooks of this description. Ono good" house
wife, it bout six months ago, lost a valuable
cok who bad lieen iu her employ for main
years, and sho bad a tormenting esjcrieiioo
befuroshe secured a not her that approached
her After trying a half dozen sho hired ono
d 'y a likely woman who camo well recom
me:i -d and said sho had lieen walking
around for a week looking for a place, nnd
seemed glad to fiu I employment again. Do
ing told that she would be expected to pre
pare a light supp r on Sundays, she indig
nantly replied: "No, indeed, ma'am; you
caul git mo to cook not bin' on Sunday even
in' fer nobody." Sho then switched off to
look for another place. for. St. Louis Ko
publiu. Largest flower In tlie World.
In tho furthest, southeastern island of the
Philippine group, lliudinao, ujkhi ono of its
moinitams, Parag. in tho neighborhood of
tho highest peak in tho island, tlio volcano
Apo, a party of botanical and ethnograph
ic;) 1 explorers found recently, at thu height
ef ,',r,i,lO feet above tho sea level, a colossal
flower The discoverer, Dr. Alexander Seha
doubcrg, could scarcely believe bis eyes when
he saw amid the low growing bushes the Im
mo'.ifo buds of this llower, like gigantic
brow i cabbage heads ilut ho was still more
astonished when bo found a sjecimeu in full
bloom, a five jctaled flower, my fly i yard in
diameter as 'iar&o its u curi-iao wheel, in
fact. This enormous blossom was borne on
a sort of vine creeping 011 the ground. It
was known to the native who accompanied
Dr. Schadenberg, who called it Bo-o. Tho
party had no scale, using their boxes and
s;.-ecimens as weights. Weighing these when
epport unity served, it was found that a single
C iwcr weighed over twenty-two pounds.
It was impossible to transport the fresh
flower, so tho travelers photographed it, and
dried a number of its leaves by the heat of ft
fir?. Dr. Schadenberg then sent tho photo
graphs and dried specimens to the Royal
Botanical Gardens at Breslau, where the
learned director immediately recognized it
C3 a species of rafibysia, a plant formerly dis
covered in Susnata. in4 namod arter tut
English governor, Sir Stamford Raffles.
The new flower was accordingly named Raf
fli?s;a Schadeubergia. The live petals of this
immense flower are oval and creamy white,
and grow around a center, tilled with count
less loiig violet hued stamens, thicker and
longer in tho female, or fertile liower.s, than
in the iufc-rtiloi. The fertilization is 'accom
plished by jniects, whose larva breed in tho
der aying flesh of its thick pctali TUo fertile
flower develops a Bote berrylike fruit, in
which countless seeds are imbedded. The
i'ower exhales a poisonous gas, even when
first opened, which Is- most unpleasant.
Domorest's Monthly.
llo-.dina Out Yablq Cliina;
The manager of a bouso furnishing estab
lishment said to a reportc?: "This custom of
renting out cbiua and table furniture grew
up gradually until we found ourselves doing
it dj a regular business. We do it now
straight along nt a fixed tariff, and we have
got together all tho things that mesfc house
keepeis rro apt to wan!'.' "We rant t hings. .t
from 10" to per cent, of tlo value of tlia
goodi according to tbi auiount uwrtd. You
8.0? very fow ladies even rich ladies have
china enough for a large dinner party, and
fo they conio to" us. Sometimes wa rent a
compV-t" d'ruer Eerrir-o ;riL'ti,-ries; a vvith
that lady who was going out as you tamo in,"
in: rely a dozen flag jr bowL;. ' Not Zoug ago
at a bouse worming on Prairio aveuuo-wo
not closw rented th; table idtiua, bo? iojlefe
sets for every room in tho house, Cno sc-tj
they v. ere, t'jo"; and all thr company thought,
cf cosjrse, that they belonged to the family,
r.b.hough tho washbowLj and pitchers and
things only stayed there ono evening pnd
were all back in the stoic her Pct qay." ' '
"How about breakages?'' '
"Wo aro responsible for all breakage ia
taking the goods out an l back; the rest the
renter paj"3 for. Rreakage, however, is not
a heavy item, with ordinary care. It 'aver
ages about 15 per cent, ia the year; not more
than that." '
"And is tho trado largo enough to amount
to Rnythirgr'
"It is so large with us that we have to keea
separata books for it and employes specially
for the taking out and caring for the rented
"Do yon rent disht3 to any one besides
"OU yes; to picnics and clubs and special
dinners. Tho caterers rent from us, and so
do the men who arrange excursions. They
biro beer glasses and knives and forks, you
knw. It is a queer business, but we have to
make it a regular department of our store."
Chicago Jsews.
it I an 111 TTIad. I te. j
Caller (to bereaved widow) Mourning is
a sad garb, my dear 2 Irs. Ilobson, but ii is
certainly very becoming to you.
Widow Ah, ys 1 think so myself, U.-s. ,
Bently; and it makes such an effective back- i
ground for the diamonds poor John gave me
shortly before his death. The Epoch.
New Edition of the Came of " l'uy In a
Corner" Th Cme. rrrclml t'pon it
Syruiuoro Llanb In at Whirlwind of
I'rrocloiu Hound.
"Is this a coon or a fox bunt?" asks a lady
on a spirited little bronco. "I came out
for wildcats."
"Anil you Khali bavo one," said the master
of the bounds, as the bay of ol 1 "Music"
broke the stillness. "If that isn't n cat 1 am
greutly mistaken. Stand back, gentlemen,"
be cried, as a moment later the sounds grew
louder, and then tho whole pack swept by as
if in review by the sweating dialing horses;
away they go, a living whirlwind, the horses
leaping ufter. The plunging, rearing,
scrambling is indescribable. Down the bank,
up the other side, the green bands cursing,
while tho old climbers scramble over and
find themselves in tho thickness of thick ur-
1-03-0 jungles. Shouts come from all about.
Some see the game, and some merely think
they do; but linally, amid u icrfeet pande
monium, comes tho welcome sound, "Treed!
1 ne norses come struggling up, some
without riders and riders without bats.
Some are caught in the briars and seem un
able to get out, but finally the field is
assembled around a big sycamore, about
which tho dogs are grouped, making music.
Some attempt to climb and fall back. Ono
young dog gains ten feet up the slippery
trunk, only to slide down again. What Is it
nil n!outJ Cast your eyes upward fifty
yes, sixty feet, and there is the object of all
tho work, sjort, early rising and general up
roar the arch chicken thief himself. How
big be looks crouching on a big limb, backed
ngainst tho trunk, looking down at his tor
moutors; his two eyes blazing green and j-el-low,
bis ears twitching nervouslv, and the
short tail moving back and forth, indicative
of rage and fear. Treed surely, but caught ?
JNo, indeexb The chances are that he will
make another treo before the finish.
"Give him a chance to rest," says tho mas
ter of. the bounds, who believes in fair play,
if anything. "He is winded, and so are the
dogs." But the latter do not care to wait.
They sit and look with eager eyes, tongues
banging out, and white, froth flecked teeth,
showing a formidable array for poor puss,
who looks down to almost certain death.
Still, cats nre said to have nine lives, and he
does not propose to give them up so readily.
"Now, ladies and gentlemen," says the
huntsman, "form yourselves in a circle about
tho tree, and give the dogs full play, and
don't sheot; the hounds have worked for tho
cat and they deserve it. Again, it is the
most humane way oMooking nt it; the dogs
will kill the cat sooner than a bullet."
With the little speech delivered for the
lienefit of tho excitable tenderfeet in tho
hunt, the horses are arranged in a big circle
about tho sycamore, and a young man who
wishes to beard the lion in its den crawls
slowly up. As he draws nearer the cat the
hitter looks around iu desperation. The tail
twitches quicker and more nervously; glanc
ing down at the open mouthed dogs, then nt
thu approaching human enemy, the poor ani
mal is evidently considering the chances.
Nearer the clinker comes, until man and oat
gaze into each other's, eyes soaroe three feet
away, for a moment puss hesitates; then,
turning qm'okly, he steadies himself, and
with a mighty spring, is in the air. Down
he goes fifty feet, bounces among tho bush, a
mass of springs, steel and rubber, and is
away. He has landed just beyond the cipolo
and d horse has dashed aside to. let him pass,
followed by the j-ol in full cry. They go
tike a dash of light, a roaring, crashing
sound; a scream and puss is again visible,
perched upon the limb of another big syca
more. The same thing is repeated again and
again, and the ladies repent, and cries of
"Let her go," "Poor puss," are heard among
tho baying of the dogs that are growing
fairly mad with uhappeased ferociousness
Again the young man faces th, cat, this, time
fuily sixty feet frpm, tUa geCiin.d. Surely, 1
ever ap animal had won its liberty, this ono
had. But the game is up; the dogs are
spreading, and as out into the air the cat
leaps, in magnificent form thoy collect.
Down becomes like a gigantic flyinij qqyrrel
wiih legs spread far p.rat, theVoft' cushion
like pads ready, for. a rebound. Like a flash
he cuts the air, strikes tho ground at tu.
writers teet and is enyelopeq $ wuirwmq
of ferocious b.quijds.
The agony of the cat is over in a second,
but the dogs fight, war and struggle until
each has vented his rage upon the inanimate
skin, that is now borne aloft as a, trr.hy.
Not a few of the dogs but have, not felt' the
sharp teeth aiv eiaws. of he vicious cat that
tips iue. scales, at nxty pounds,
"Well," said a tenderfoot, "for up and
down excitomont that beats anything I ever
saw or heard of. It makes your very hair
stand on end, and I fancy that if the cat
should strike any one during the jump be
would in ail probability go uudsr."
Two other cats wore, r&e$, and' those, with
a cc.en pod a ctoyotepeoistituted the morning's
hunt." Like fishing, wildcat hunting changes.
Sometimes they are plentiful, and again not
one Is seen. In all several hundred of these
mischievous animals have been killed by the
hounds of Mr. Bandini, and the FJW may
bo ranked with any n ccitement while
being followed oa horseback it affords a, rido
through one of he most delightful portions
of the southern country,
The wildcat pi this fcouutry, while not so
Jai-g as its cousin of Colorado and other
states, is a large and powerful animal for a
cat, averaging forty or fifty pounds, with
small tassels upon its ears, high rump a.rd
small, ridiculously small tai, . Lich," how
ever, is a vfry ixpi,cssive 'organ.
The Wildcat is, according to some authori
ties, the ancestor of the present domestic
cat. The long tail of tho house cat may bo
accounted for by assuming that genu-aiioiis
of boys in pulling the t&ils eJ cats have pro
duced ha i-dongaled caudal appendage.
Tho southern California wildcat impro
perly speaking, a lynx, being a variety of
these animals and known to scioneo as lynx
nipea, variety maculatus. It has a wide
range over California, Arizona, New Mexico
and to the north and south. C F. Holden in
Sau Francisco Chroidclo.
A Blean Chicago Man.
Much has been written about th9 Way in
which the proprietors of small candy stores
cdjacent to Svipol bousea in this city cater to
depraved tastes in their small patrons through
the indiscrinunate sale of cigarettes and the
introduction of all sorts of "prize package"
gambling devices. There M one man, who
runs a place of ki sor$ across the way from
a South, side sphQol house who takes the gate
money and the belt for meanness. Of courso
be sells cigarettes, and be has taken advan
tage of the children's craze for the "cigarette
pictures." These ho carefully removes from
all the packages in his stock and peddles them
out at the rate of two for a ccut to the little
collectors. His nerve would be a good micro
scope through which to study his principle.
Chicago Herald. '" -
Lccnclunr Lore Coaeeralns Ml
, vorlte Soma btrMiige IW-Wcr.
"Tlio owl shrieked at thy birth, an ev'l
Kigll," is said to the luckless Henry VI, who
was to sco tlio throne wrested from himself
and race, big queen and child flying panting
and desolate through the land tho one to
seek a lifelong and unhoiiored exile, the other
an early and unavenged death nt 11 caitiffs
hand, and to fall beneath a murderer's blow
in his own royal palace, which be had known
longer as a prison than n home.'
Again, "the bird of night did sit, even at
noonday, upon the market place, booting
and shrieking; four-and -twenty hours to
foro Ca.sur went out to fall under the dag
gers of friend and foe alike, with bis mautio
over his fuco to bide tho death ugony from
the bowling crowd around. Was Minerva's
bird of wisdom giving a fair and friendly
warning when ho left his day haunt and,
braving all the dangers if a superstition
steejied race, came out to lnxt Ca-snr back
behind his gates, or was bo reveling in the
knowledgo of the great Roman's certain
coining fate?
It is said that whenever a member of the
bouse of the Arundcls ef Wardour lies on
his deathbed a pair of large screech owls fly
round the battlements each night till his do
cease. iJeyond tho fact or non-fact of tho owl bird
licing one of ill omen various leliefs have
clung to his blank, blue crbs and aerie cry.
He spat joison upon those who chanced to
win his ill favor, and tho only cure, if nny,
was to bathe at midnight, when the moon
was shining full, on the Eve of tho Dead.
The North American Indians name it tho
"Death Bird," and if after dusk they beur it-
6creech in the wood they call out to it in re
turn; if 110 backward answer comes their
death within the year i; .:'.:.:. . O.i i..c
banks of the Gange-s the owl is sacred to
Itahu, who made his night journej-s seutod
astride the soft, dusky buck of this lover of
The namo of tho "Baker's Daughter,"
which earlier poets like to give it, alludes to
a talo of Palestine that ono such hud refused
to givo our Saviour breud, and for a punish
ment was thus transformed A barn door
belief did or does exist, that tho round, flat,
glowworm like e3'e bad a power of fascina
tion on its prey similar to that of the round,
cruel ono of the serpent.
As parents the "lord of the dark green
wood" and his mate have an advantage over
the rest of the winged tribe, for instead of
bringing up a nestful of young of tho same
age, one will be a fledged youth, making eyes
at somo miniature mouse; another a callow,
younger brother, trying to claw his way up
to the edge of the nest; a third still content
to lie with closed lids and gaping bill, ready J
lor whatever chance may semi him, whuo a
fourth is chipping away at tho inner vault
of his limited and brittle home of shell. All
the Year Round.
TUo Complaining Dyspeptic Hoarder.
Who of us that has ever "boarded" in tho
usual way has not been at somo time afflicted
with the society of the complaining dyspeptic
boarder? The malady is too prevalent for us
always to escape her, though it doesn't follow
that she must bo a disagreeable stamp of
invalid. By no means. Hut thero is ono
specimen which haunts public tables, whether
at home or abroad, that we would all liko to
havouppressed by fair means or foub You
ask one of these dyspeptics, ""Will 3-ou have
somo white bread?" and she replies with the
air of a wifo of a candidate, "No, J don't eat
anything made of white floor. It seems to
swell up inside of nvv' "Shall I help you to
somo ragout of veal?" "No, thanks," this
tiUo she speaks with angelic sweetness, "1
love it, but it doesn't lovo mel" such an orig
inal remark! "the last time 1 ate voal I wai
up all night," and then sho folds her hands
resignedly under the table. "Cheese?" "No,
thanks!" thi3 dyspeptic kind of woman al
ways says, "Thanks, it does not agree wf',,
me; my husband's father was a doeOvfx
he told mo never to eat choiia with mv
stomach," and so on, fiftd so on.
llien she wul b sure to recommend cer
tain diha to tho assembled guests, and to
her daughter, if she has a daughter, it is:
"Sufeie, dear, cat only the fitono fruit, and a
great deal of it; it is so good for yu, dear."
Or it is: "Susie, remember your stomach
was out of order yesterday; don't eat that 1"
Until vft have a succession of internal and
inf-nal pictures, as a delightful sauce for
jour dinner, breakfast and lunch conversa
tions. The beauty of it is, this' chronic sufferer-
pousumes more food than a person of
beaithy appetite with perfect digestion. You
Can't blamo anybody for having a dlsai tiered
pate de foio gras liver, but it lit rather dis
tressing to continually be' about it. As a
bright creature si$d nt long ago after being
thrown iuta the company of this pronounced
typa of dyspeptic: "Why, I'd just as soon
darn my stockings between tho courses, or
manicure my nails, or do anything of that
sort at the table, as to talk of uproarious re
bellious interior organs, and yet I have bad
to listen to a running commentary on them
for six weeks!" It is a question if a chapter
on this American traH shouldn't be added to
a certain little manual on etiquette and tabl3
manners that some of us would like imme
diately answered in the afnrmative. Bostoa
A Tillage In $mmY"-K
It was a pictureyejua pjaoe and we camped
out a while under an old cart near the road
side. Perhaps it would havo been wise if,
like Mr. Hamortou, we could have seen only
the pleturesqueness of the Highland clachau,
only the color and sublimity of the huts, only
the fine women who live within them. Cut
how could we sit there and not see that the
picturesqueness was that of misery, that
whatever color and sublimity thero might bo
aud to h,&. sublimity I must confess we
weva blind were but outward signs of pov
erty and squalor, and that the huts sheltered
not only strong young women, but f eUo old
meu like that pathetic figure with the clasped
hands and bent head.) We have seen the old
oge of $b,a pfjov when we thought it but a
peaceful rest after the work of years. In
English almshouses we bare found it in ou;'
hearts to envy the old meq and women their
homes. But here despair and sadness seemed
the portion of old age.
A few miles away, men in a fortnight
throw away on their fishing more than these
people can make in years. Scotch landlords
reut their wild uncultivated acres for fabu
lous sums, while villages like this grow deso
late. If when you are in tha Higblauds you
would still see thorn, as they are in the ro
mance of Scott or in the sickly sentiment of
Landsecr, or as a mere pleasure ground for
tourists and sportsmou, you must gt the
people out of your mind, jnt as the laird
get3 them 0(? UU estate. Go everywhere, by
stag and steamboat, and when you coma
to a clachan or to a lonely cottage, shut your
eyes and pass on. Else you must realize as
we did and more strongly as we went fur
ther that this land, which holiday makers
ti.iTA pntnA tn rtrz mtviti a thoir mvn iz t h n
saddest on God's earth. Elizabeth Robins j
Permell ia Harper's Magazine. J
The Empress Victoria has. promised that
no biography of Kaiser ' Fritz shall bo pub
lished or five rears. There is no dread of f.
andU therefor at present,
f Uord
Tho importance of tho results of tha preaont
overestimated by thoeo who desire tho aucceisa ol V.
Democrats, besides tho " Solid Soutb." aro. In the i
breastworks of public patronage. It will take Btead.
work to dtelodee them. No'blngwill bo curely bring at
Best. nd united work as toe circulation ot sound politic aX .
LY NEWSPAPER Gpoocboa and documents are read tyth.
read are laid aside; tho newspaper l3the flresklo friend, tho
companion. Its inlluoncol continuous, constant. The Republic
aid their party better than by circulating
Tbe Da'Uf Infer eean.
It Is a live Republican Now -.paper, and has been faithful among tho falL.
Chicaco. No man baa ever questioned It eoundnoan on tho platform, bee
the principles of tho pla form havo been advocated by THE INTER OC
MARKETS FOR AMERICAN PRODUCERS have been its battlo cries from tL
beginning:. It did not take it tlx weeku to ascertain, whether it could ttand
the platform or not.
Republicans hive dono much to aid In tho inculcation of ftlsa politic!
doctrines by patronizing papers that advocate them. Why fchould they do bo
when they can avoid it by subscribing for THE INT0.R OCEAN, which 13 ,
acknowledged to bo
The I3est and 7Vlpot Reliable Hewapapcr
Published in Chicago? In en'orprl jo, nws, odltorlal ability, and overythlnjy
that goes to maHo A COMPLKi E NEWSPAPER it is unoxcellod by any of
its contemporaries.
Every Republican ought to subscrlbo for it.
Every workingm in ought to fau'ocribe for P.
It Is the paper for all classes of patriotic pooplo who believe in protecting
the homes of America.
You can subscribe throueh your nwdoalor or noitmxnter. If you aro
unable to do that send direct to th office ol publication, flamplo copies aro
always cent on application. Aeldresa
I- IE3 H2 ZLj 2v 2T y
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Oranges, Lemon.-, Jianans
Canned Fruits
3aixi Street
Jonathan IIatt.
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Sugar Cured Meals, Hams. Bacon, Lard, &c, c
ol our own make. Tlie best brands of OYSTERS, in cans and bulk, at
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ConviiNioiis. h'i'.g. Nn vms Seiimlia. J !-' (J -arlie.
t-rvei'H rrcsti'Mtioli : i m-iI l y Ihr urn
of a.!'l or tol-aeeo. V nk lti'm kk. 'eni:il I
rriti, Si-lieiiii. of ll.e I'liiin i-nil!ii g in lit
saiiity anl leaon a t iiuyt-rv. !'! v Mio ':ealli.
j r-n a! m e 'M .', e. I::n r-i i-. Lie ol l'l n-
iriiiciiiicrKi x. j nviiiii tn y !..! stiiu S r
nnit n!i'it caiisl l.y ov. !- nt.'r.n if il:
I'Trtin. cPlf.'tbuse or ovcr-iminlpi ce. ':cli Im x
cuniains one mortli't treatlm lt. 'l 1.0 a b x
j T!i ImxcK for , st lil by iuki! nn'J oc
n;rni t'i pi ice
To fiiKi.nn c;if Vjtli e-li di'ir rr-'Tl
liy is fur lx l.o. ; (((ii'i'Mi ! uii t;ii.
we v, i'i! nentl the nn !!:.s-r t nr v, iiH n purrn
l e t 'elurn 1 1' c ! ii-ev ii ll:e a!n -.! '
not t-tii-et H cure. ;u.rar.e h i)-iuI n!y l-v
Uill J. AVanltk sole nei-t. I laltMiiruili. St-iu
PfSGticel Pfeno and Organ fener
Flrtt clafs work guarajiit'f tT. AIs-o deal
er in Pianos ami OrnR. Of!:ce nt f 3(-t V.'
r -j f - - - - -