The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, September 18, 1888, Image 1
i mm w V U r PliATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 1, 188S, NIL JND YEAR V v. 1". M. nr.y - v K tc - JAMK4 I'ATrKHHON, JM. liV !' I'UIIK A Maiiui.k S ( LIKKOKII V MA LICK nurer. .orney, iiipue-r. olio Jnlg, Marshall. Councilman, 1st ward, 2nd " .'ltd 4th. J V Wh kuacii I A ."AI.IHIIUIIV i It M kh I !:. ft SHI I'M AH ) M rt Mil II I'll V r VV lu IT' N t iN .'Cos N OK. r MlCLLK, I'KKS i.I W r K K l J D 11 W JortNS ..ClIAllOl AN Board Pub. Work l lion OKI. Haw km Worth Treasurer. Doiuy lie.ii'irer, - Clerk. Dcpuiv Ch rk. Hfcwr IT of Deed., lMiutV llie. .ler Cler r .!-ttic Cojr', Sherili. Surveyor. Alloiuev'. S i . fa. il fill) Schools I) A. CAMIMiKI.L Tll'H. I'Ol.l.'M k Mi iti i:i i en r i r i.ii l. A t i:i i .i I-1 Ki.u W. M. i'lXM. J. .'.' M I.KYIIA V . .sin .v A I.TMl .i.e. i.i u i Niwio . M A HOI.K AI.I.KN I'.KKSON JUk.NASHS'l X K C. Rissti.k 'utility J u l.. - r.oAim iirji'rKiiv! us. rintt siiioutii A. R. TO!M. t'll'lll.. hoi' IS F A. li. 1I 1.1.. Weeping U iler h IllWOOd C; ASS I.' ,:'- N" 1 I .). F. -Meets of f ich Week. All -pccll'iilly invited to transient lip.'tiicrs re attend. OLA 11" M'M' i il :c m I'M i:n r -.. :;. I. o. l-r'dav in - (). f.. lu i i-vi'i y a ti-i ':t i' ..! l. ...I.' Ml I II- ! I-OIIH' ll !l. i.:iiii Br.lheis aiv i v i : cl o attend. nitio MM). N . HI. A. . L. V. .Meets v i'l iU.iy evening al K. ! 1'. Prut her ;ir.- resp.-cttuiiwiii-..I M.u j iH.M tst;-r Workman '; r i hall. Tr.tnsi.' it Vltl'il IiuMiM'I i. F. P. Brow ;i. Fr teer ; R. A T;i i I win Hi. Kt ror.ti r ; i.:ui;t. li. vi'iint-'i. wvi-i-l'iii;mrii-r r a. K. Hoiihh '.M. M;i In :u!it. il. !. v. -r ; M. W. ; I. .. Bowi'ii, Ciiiik ; 1. It -tuitli. I':i-I 1. .1. Kun. Inside Watch.. . . . ... .... . . .... i. ii i '.' i. v . i i. I i l I. V caii .v - J of Auit'i'l-M Mi'i't" 'oini ;i!il .nu I li Moil i ay ev.-iiiiin at K. f l". h.iH. A" traiisieiit brother ale i f;iiHi-.l to mi l l wiiii n. , Nawi M er. -:ier ii.ti; ' nvit ; ;. r, Nile", j fi1out by the incendiary liinguage recent Worlliv iivix r: S. C W ilile. J'.; ; V. A. 1 . , . . r... . lioeck tV-iii. ly used by those two negroes. The nffair I ILAT rSi()L' I II hOIK'.li N 8. A.D. If M"et ev.'iv alt'-ruate l-'iid.iy eii'iiin VV. at II:- l:cko..l at x n elnCK. All tiaiisunt bi ers are tt'ul y i-vited atten-l l.'11-.oii. !. W. : li5.1. I- iiri liiuii h. S- S. C. Wilde, lJ.MMnler ; 1.3 u nd Andi-r ver-eer. 111. VTI MOT Til I. U'CK N (.;. A. r. . A.M. A Meets on the lin-t and iliir.l .MiiI.UlV- HI :t.-. iiuenh at their iiall. All traiKH'i.i iiioui- ri. :ire i-.irili.ili V Hl.iteil to meet with us .1. :. Kiciiky V. M. W.M. H ats. Seereiary. TTklJUAKA I'll A I'TKU NO. ::. K. A. M ll fourtll I'llesda "f eaeli month a. Mai-i-iiV i.all 1 ransei. lit lio;i;ei are invited t ineut wiln tK AVm. II a vs. Secretary. !:. Wiin t:, II. P IX. ZII1 C'iM'.tA I I ; Y . N .r) t . i-.Meeif lirt and third Wednesday ninM oi eai li moatii at M io 's h ill. Visiii:i !ii.llin are eor.i! iliy li.Mt d to laee: wi.ti us. V3f. liAiS. i.eo. I". K. WMITK. L. ( . ASl'UN'I N loM. U YaI. Kl'ANOf V7 meet the ach tttont ii at Arj.i'iiuu tlall. it. N. tii.KNN", Uejrent. 1". C. MlMilt. Seeret iry. McOaNlKi POST 45 G. A. R. KO-'.rKK. J. W. Ji:ixs n C. S. Twins . a. IUts ito. Nll.FS ....... Hx-vitv ST!tKt:rc JlALoS IUXOV charlks k r" Akdukson Krv. lAf!.-B H KMAX ..'V'"inan:!er ..Senior Vice " .Junior " Adjiitiiet M. 'liieer of tip iJaj " 4uar ?erj;t Majot ..ijaar'er Master Serj:'. L. C. CURfH,. . ..1'ihl Ulllja.llli leetin -aturd iv eveni PLATT3M10UTH BOARD OF TR & DE President Klt. IJ Windham 1st Vice President. ,',',, 2nd Vic: President ii 'evili Keerewry Jfrraiaiii. Treasurer P l-iilhman TURK T'US. J. C. Ki lev V. E. Whire. J C. Pattersoi, J A t'onii-r, II. Li-oii. t. w. Slierinau. P or d r. J V. ecui eh. -OF- CALL ON' Cor. 12th in 1 Gr.inUe Street?. tractor ana Builuer 1 3-fim. pes for Sale- at 4 cents per pound 4-nlx.rger & Troup's or e'isen's store J. E. Leksi.kv rking Suits ines Suits ;t Made Suits fora Made Suits ' Xiiao of W-iJ YJLi I WANT- Two More McCoys Killed. CATi.KTTtii;t:ii, Ivy., S-pt. 1H. An other riii.l was made by the McCoys on the ir.'ttfit Kl H'.ttli'nitnt Friilay l ist, in which two of the Vct Virqiuiaiia were killed nnil tv& .more h.-idly woundctl. Tlie Ki-ntuckiutis rscupr il unhurt. Accidentally Shot Himself. Davio Crrv, Xtb. Sept. IS. Frank Mushit, miction hand n the Klkhorn nt this place, accidentally shot himself while defining an old revolver. The ball took e(Te( t just nbov! the knee, passing through the lleshy part of t lie thigh and making a painful but iut dangerous wound. Kurt in a Runaway. Coi.r Miirs, Xb., Si-pt. IS. Hubert Kiimnier and wife, fjnite an old coujile who li ye about seven miles southwest of this city, met with a serious aocident about 5 o'clock this evening. While driving up Eleventh street, their team became unimnageahle, throwing them both to the ground breaking his collar bone and her wrist. Fears are enter tained that they will not recover, as both sustain -d bodily injuries in addition to Woken bones. Negroes Riddled With Buckshot Xi:v Our.KANs, Sept. 18. .V special frjtn Oiiclousas, La., ays that yesterday morning, at Villa Platte Prairie, a crowd rt iirincd men rode to the hous' s of two negroes, named Jean 'Pierre Salert and Dideare, and after leading them a short distance away, riddled them with buck- isiiot, ki mptt hem l:tli instnnt y. '1 he ' " J killing is siniposcd to have been brought hot, killing them both instantly. The created intense excitement in the nt igh- borhood where it occurred. Escaped a Second Time. Vai.kntixi:, Xeb. Sept 18. Hobinsou, the murderer of Sheldon, again escaped from jail last night, this hdng his sec ond break for liberty. Deputy sheriff Ulyne had taken t lie prisoners their sup per, leaving tlie front do5r unlocked, w1 ten Hobinson slipped behind him and made a rush for the door, getting out and locking it on the outside. Before an d irr.i could be raised the prisoner made good his escape. Sheriff Little has offer- il ?,.vj 'or Ins capture, ami is out witn a force of citizens searching the entire country and hopes to capture his man tod v. Femalas In the Prlza Ring. Bt'KKAho, X- Y., Sep. 18. Ilattie Les lie, a variety actress, and Alice Leary, an amateur actress, had a prize light on Xavy island, down the Niagara river. George La Blanche, the Marine, seconded Hatti:?, and Bill Baker helped Miss Leary. Jack Leonard, the pugilist, was referee. Marquis of Qiieenbcrry rules governed the battle, and seven threc-trdnute rounds wire fought. In the fourth round Alice drew first blood by a hot blow on Ilat tie's month. Ilattie knocked her antag onist all over the floor in the seventh round. When time wr-s called, Alice threw up the sponge. The women fought like tigresses at times, but hit no foul blows. Sacrificed at thd Stake. Los ANtiEi.Es, Cal.. Sept. 18. A hor rible death by tire was inflicted by a band of Mojave Indians on a young squaw living on the eastern boundary of the st ite. The squaw, who was about eigh teen years old and quite comely, had in some way acquired the reputation of bc iug a v tch, and the head men of the band concluded to put her to death. Ph j girl was stiipped naked and bound to a strong strike, around which had b.-cn heaped wood and biush, and the co:nbuit;llcs were t cm fliv. Ii was two hours before she died, and during that time she kept up an incessant shriek ing, while the Indians danced about and added ful to tlie flames. She was burned to a cris'j. s 4.05 7.80 10.00 25 00 if , q c 3ESL MBaHHaaBkMaHHMMaKn)MCMBiHHHHinlllililMMnil'llM'lH TBoys9, "Toutlis' aiad Cb.ildrsxi's Ovrcoat3. ITqu miss it if you. dc't bviy your Clothing, Sats, Caps, 2vir- nislung Goods, Soots a,xid SIiqoq, Qto., of DESOLATE. Nw ch haa passed the limit 4 of tho llpht And pone to where evnotiuj rtmt begins; Now she U shut forever from my Right, And rid of sorrow rqiuUljr with tios. It seerua my shallop frail lrlf U rudderless the toy of every gala. Tier abwure Is no strange, and j-et so near! Even today, although the lougdrawu hours IIuvo lenthenetl into tieosons dull and drear, That deitolatioo unrelentless dowers: My life's expectant goal Was lighted from tlio windows of her conl. 6he was most Rraclously nugimt, and fair lleyoud coinparibon of word's conceit; CissVom her small feet to her raidant huir Hho was in all ways regally complete;' And now Ah, could I know Why envious Kate despoiled and doomed me so! John Moran in Once a Week. Advice to Those Who tVrlte. JTewspaier writers unquestionably sow seed from which great harvests ore garnered, but they never have the satisfaction of seeing it, or very rarely. at least. There are thousands of young, middle aged and elderly men writ ing on the newspapers of the world. They are impersonal. No one knows them, no one cares for them outside of their immediate circle. Now and then a man, by force of ex pression, by virility of idea, becomes recog nized among tho members of his profession, and obtains, to a certain degree, celebrity, but all that passes away when he goes. We have had great men in metropolitan journal ism, whose names you never heard of, whose history you could not give the first letter in the alphabet. It seems to me wise for literary men, for men of thought, in whatever profession, whether in journalism, medicine, law, theol ogy, the arts and sciences, to have this idea in mind: perpetuate your work in permanent form. Don't bo content with newspaper ar tieles alone, don't be content with preach ing alone, doirt bo content to practice in medicine or law or working successfully along tho lino of art and science, unless it be in painting or in sculpture, but put in per manent form your thoughts. Publish your sermons, publish noted cases you lost or saved in the sick chamber or in court, gather to gether your fugitivo pieces from the news papers, or, better still, write some kind of a useful, thought breeding book, and you do stand a chance, then, of being remembered after you have gone, or at least of having somethiug better said of you on the day of your funeral than that you were "a fuuny old man." Joe Howard in Boston Globe. Interrupting a tlellslous Meeting:. Tho wild country of Wales is a land Haw ing witb'salmon and trout streams; in whereof they tell a story c me wild "little valley of LlanbsJarri, where one Sunday by tJid brookside the good minister of the lonely parisn naq taicen down bis little flock for baptism. Just, as ho was placing his hand in blessing upon a recent convert's head, ho sud denly ducked it away under the benediction aud in tones of the wildest excitement cried, "Mon! I've got him! I've got him!" The would be convert was floundering on his knees and hands in a pool; the dominie looked round for his deacons; they had forgotten time and place and had plunged in likewise; the Welsh maidens on the banks, awaiting their turn, tucked up their skirts and took to the water as welL The secret of tho who'e excitement was a big salmon which had darted under a tstone in front of the congre gation; catching the fever, tho minister him self plunged in and chased the salmon around the pool ; after the twenty-three pounder was landed the service was resumed. Boston Transcript, Tlie Models of Paris. The models have a whole street to them selves In one part of Paris and their name is legion. They are almost ali Italians, and form a distinct and ever inoreasing class. They begin their professional career as little children of 2 or S years; and if they have the good luck to possess a good figure or characteristic features or coloring, they will probably continue it until they die. " One man who posed for us as an abbe assured me that he had sat for every picture and bust of Napoleon I that had been produced for fifteen veal's. Another was always employed for religious subjects, and had been the model for Christ in many famous pictures. One dark browed Italian woman was in all exhibitions as Judith; and another was tta conventional Mary for a convent aitar piece. With these there are also a few negroes, who are always in great request. Demorrst's Monthly. Gen. Sheridau's Hard TUiukinff. No man ever considered bis plans more thoughtfully than Sheridan, and his most dashing exploits were the result of former calm deliberation. Shortly before his death, referring to thi3 subject, he remarked: u know I have got a reputation for dare devil try and dash as a soldier. I do not deserve that reputation and I don't want it. 1 never undertook to do anything without bestowing on it all the thought at my command." But the thinking once done, Sheridan believed in hard fighting. Onca a Wejli, It is ueconiing quite the thing ror foreign ers f wealth to see this country by contract. Tho railroad companies agree to show the country from Maine to Mexico, with a pri vate car, for a certain sum. This includes board, car fare, guides o'ld mules for the moun-aius, and, In fact, every necessary ex pense of an extended trip. The Argonaut. ITS Child's Ivilt Suitsfrom Child's feuits from lioj's' Suits from Youths Suits from AT TDESIES 33 Jb-3- Timo Table. iOl.NO KAK'. No, 2.-4 :.U p. III. No. 4. 10 :.'W a. in. No. 7 :!.'! . in. No. lo. 11 :43 H. in. No. ! --! :17 p. in. No. 11 C ;'J7 a. in. All tralim run rlally by wavof Omaha, except Nos. 7 and S which run to and from hchuiler daily except .Sunday. No. : is a ftnblo Paclfle .Junction at H.3oa in No. ID Is a stub from Pacific Junction at II a.m. BROWNE, m,-w OFFICE. Personal attention to my care. to all iluginei-1) F.ntrust- XOTAIt Y IV OKKICK. Title Examined. Abstarcts Compiled, In surance Written, Keal Estate Hold. Better Facilities for inakiin; Farm Loam than Any Other Agency IMattNiiioutit, - rh ka C. F. S M I T The Boss Tailor. Main St., Over Merges Slu e Slore. Has the best and most complete stock of samples, both foreign and domestic woolens that ever came west of Missouri river. Note these prices: Business suits from $10 to fas, dress suits, $25 to $45, pants $4, $5, .f(i, $0.50 and upwards. ESWill guaranteed a fit. Prices Defy Competition. H.E.Palmer&Son QEN"ERAL, INSUR-yCE AGENTS Represent the following time tried and fire-tested companies: American Central-S". Louis, 31,258, Inn f Commercial Union-Ep'.aisa, ' Fire Association-Philadelphia, rraukl i 11- Fh ilade.l phia, ' Home-New York. Ins. C , of North Amerloa, Phil. ' blverpool&bondon & Globe-Eug ' Vortli British & Mercantile-En vonviuh Union -England. " Springfield F. & M.-Springfisld, ' 2 KW,".U .', r ,4io,.'io 3.117,1 C 8,47t.32 C,G.)!).78I 3,378,751 I.245.4GC 3,011,015 Total Assets, $42,115,774 Losses Afljustoa snd Paifl at mis Agency BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TTOK2JEY. ' " " S. F. THOMAS. Attorr.ev-at-Law and Notary 1'iihho. Onke in Fiizgeru'.d Block, t'lattaiiiouth. Neb. ATTOHNKY. A. X. SULLIVAN, Attorney-at-Law. Will give prompt attention to all bufineso Intrusted to him. Ofiice in Union Block, East side. I'lattsnionth. Neb. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. IIALL& CKAiO. AKricnltural Iiuplenients, Coin Hand BugKiec and l'uthf'ird Wagons, "Coed 'J i in her and Bone Dry." sold and Warranted. Main street, between Six ill and Seventh. BANK FIRST NATIONAL BANK, of Plattsnioiith. Capita! ifiXl.nnO ; suiplii; 11, 000. John Fitzgerald. Prci-ideni ; S. Wau-;h. Cashier: K. 1. Wlnte. Vice-President. Hoard of Directors : John Kit?gcra'nl. F. K. White, J 110. K. Clark, D. ttwksorth, S. Waugh. BANK. THE CITIZENS BANK, of Plattsniotu:.. Capit 1 slock paid in, $50,000. Frank Carruth, I'rei-ideut ; W, H. Cushiug, afhier; J. A. Connor, Vice-President. A irencra! banking bunnies transacted. (Collec tions receive prompt and careful attention. BLACKSMITH. ROBERT DONNELLY. Blacksmith ud Wagonmaker, Dt-aler ill A'lnd inills, I'uiiips and Fittings, BOOTS AMt SHOES. JOSEPH FITZRR. boots and Shoes. Repainng promptly attended to. South Side Main street. D0OTS AND SHOES, iJ PETER MERGE.. A conipletfl ariiorlinent of eveiykind of Foot wear and cheaper than the cheapest wst of the Missouri River. Also manufarlurins and Repairing. BARBER SHOP ANO BATH ROOM. Ei. MORJ.KV. Hot ami Col l Ba'hiat all hours. Ladles' and Children's Hair Cutting a specialty. Cor. .rh and -Mi;ih. under Carruth V. BAKERY. F. STADELMANX. Bread, ('akes. Pies. Puns. etc.. fre-h diij'iV Parly. Wedding and F.'i'cy Cake ;v -ot-iaity. Ice Cream in any quantiiy, BOOKSELLER. ETC. J. P. YOUNG, Bookseller. Stationer, and News Dealer : Fanev Goods, Toys. Confectionery. Fine cigars. Soda water and .Milk snake, I lanoeand organs and Musi al Instruments. B. &. M. OOIXO WK"T. No. t. 5 :lo a. in. No, 3.--G :4 , III. No. 6. li :47 a. la. No. 7.--" I. III. -DLiIj SBASOIT OP- $lM to a 75 - 4J.OO to i).$0 3.25 to 1O.OO - 4.00 to 15.00 THE DAYLIGHT -Sit NEW - v e TIT are thiilv QOO Hew And have a Comjilete Line of fclR Alf9 IP" CP'S T iT a", f ALL K VV I Our Vnrns in Spanisli, art DRESS GOOD Dress Flannels ami Velvets, Carpets, etc., in all the Latest Novel tiep. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES ! None hut "Western-maile- (JooiJs Kept in That Li; (live us a Call. JOS, V. LOTI11NG. w H.iO. MAYKlt, ilent's Furnishings, Fine Tailor .Made Clothing in Men's. ISoys' and Children's Wear. Their prices defy competition. Tliev misrepresent nothing. Their Word 's Their IS nd. UJT1IINO. 1 lolh'ra. ru-ulH;.,nK tioods (In lo the o!d re- UaJ'Ii house for Hats, Caps. Umlirellas, Trunks, lioets, Shoes, Main street, next Ca.sul o, ltank. PLOTHIXG I C. r.. WKStuil, I t'lolhliiu. Hats, Caps, Ac. Fine F I our specialty. One pi ice and 110 Mo I .... wkscoit. in lushing inkev Has- I iness. it pays to trade with us Kockwood 111k HAN XING COM lA N V. yj OAifitr ni canning co.. Frank Carruth. Henry .1. Streiglit, rroprietois. I'aekers of the Climax Brand Vcj,'e table. poXFEOTIONEiT Till I.I.I H KItiUS. I ruits. Confectiemerv and Fine Cigar. DUL'CS. o. r. smi' n & eo. Healers In Wall Taper, I'ainti. Oil. Art Mater ials. Cigars &c. ltockwood Block. nituus. - GERIVG&Cif. Hrug, Chemicals. Paints, Oil. r.ltUGS. Lf V. G FJJICKE ,t CO.. lmin. Medicines. Chemicals. Paints, Oi'c, VarnlflK-s. Hye StulTs etc.. Fine Stationery, Select Toilet and Fancy Articles. DTtYGOODS, GKOCEHIES. F. S. WHITK. Dry Goods, (Jroceries. Notions. Genera! Mer chandise, etc. S. E. corner Main and Cih Sts. DiTy (iOODS. F. HEUji.MANV, Dry Gondii. Notions and Ladies' Furnishing Goodn. One uoor east First National Bank. rliY GOODS. t;itoCEIJIES K. C. DOVEY ft; SOX. arr (!ii( y a 1 irge Htock of l ine tirocerles. Dry -nd Up- 11s, carpels. Oueenswai-e. Notions. r aney itwius, to oe ioun;i in tne county, per Ma n street, between th and oth. DEXTI STS; DRS. CAVE & SMITH, "The Painless Dentiets." Teeth extracted without 1 he least pain or harm. Artificial teeth Inserted immediately after extracting: natural ones when desired. Gold and all other Fillings strictly first class. Oftlce in Union Block. Furniture! : iievry boeck. Furniture. Bedding, LooKim; Glasses Picture Frames, etc. Wooden and Metal Caskets kept 111 stock. Tj URN I TU RE. 1 I. PEARLMAX. Furniture. Parlor' Suits, Cpho'stery Coods. Sioves. I'ueensware. Tinware, and all kinds of I IIouehld (iooda. North 6th street, between Main and me. OEM'S FURNISHING COOhs. u J. H. DONNELLY. Gents Fine Furnisher and Hatle'-. The most complete and finest stock in the city. Carruth Block, Cor. Oth and Main. GROCERIES. Al. I!. MURPHY CO.. Tho Leading Dealers in (Jrocerie-. Crockery. China, La".ps. Wooden and Willow ware. Flour, Feed. lie. Cash pad for country produce, ROC FRIES. LEHNHOFF & SO EN N I CHS EN. Groceries Provii-ions, Glassware nd t rockery. GROCERIES. F. Mcf'OURT. (ii-eeti. Staple and Fancy Grocerien. nROCERIES. " U r.EXNETr & TUTT. Stat ic and Fancy Croceries, tirecii Fruits and Canned Goods, nROCERIES. u AUG. BACH. Groceries and Queensware, rior.r and Feed. Cigars. Tobacco and Cuiiery. Riddle Hou-e. JHJST& 1 Men's Overcoats Men's Nobby Chvol; Overcoats Men's Fur leaver Overcoats - ?.J"nS lt--r."L- "Vrfi:f ci r"iv-.... t Wo have just lncnl on our thrives a STOCK OF ZEPHYRS receiviiio- our For Fall Trade lj 1 ui UUUW Saxony, (lerinan anl Zcjiliyi on sale. Trim? pi GKOCEKJ !:?.. ''IIKIS. WOIII.PAHTM, Staple and I'anev Ore-cei-ics, (ilassware and Crockery, Flour and Feed. HOTEL. FK i:i t'OOH, Propi ir-lor City Hotel. 1 c ruts, Sl.on per Special Attention given coiuinc iciul men. day. HA KM CSS. W. G. KEKFKU. Successor to O M. Streiglit. Harnei-s, Sadillery Goods. Nets, Holies, liii-lcis, and all hoise f ur nisliing kooiIs. HAKHWAUK. dOHNstix niros.. Hard ware. Sloven. Tinware, Table and rocket Cnllery. liasor., ele. Household htwii'jf Ma chines and .Jewel Gasoline Mover. 'Iluwoik of all kinds done at re axoiiahle prices. Main ftnet, llockwood Block. TEWELKY. 15 A. M ELWAIN. Walches. Clocks. Silverware and Jetvelr). Special Attention iriveu to Wab'h Bepaii iug. ! fEWELRY. I J FRANK CARKUI'ir & SOX. ! A brays carry a line Mock of Diamonds, Wat ch ' es. c eks. Jewelry, Silverware and Spectacles. I Drop in and inspect their goods before purchas ing elsewhere. TKWEI.RV. J. SCH LATE!!. Jeweler. Wallha'u Watches a Specialty. Main Street, near Fourth. LIVERY STABLE. C. M. HOLMES SON. The tlheekered Bam. I.ivei v. Feed and Sale stahle ; pari ies conveyed to all parts of t he eiti illy, a ii . i Carnages at all trains. Corner Vine and MEAT MARKET. RICHARD P.ILSTEIN. Who'esale and Retail Healer In First IJuatlfr Beef. Pork. Mutton. Veal. Lamb. etc. Slxtli stree. Neville Pdnck. Prices moderate. MEAT MARKET. J. II AT T ri CO.. Ki!l their own Cattle. Render tlicir own Lard and Cure their own Bacon. Main street . M1 EAT iM ARRET. FlcKLKIt CO.. lrKZ, Poultry &c. We use oi ly l lie best arade 01 native stock. Oysters anil iame in reason. MERCHANT TAILOR. C. 1'. SMITH. Merchant Tai'or. Main ntreet.'over Merges' shoe store, tlomplete ntoek of i-aiiipler. Fit Caaranteed. Prices defy competition. 1 MILLINER V. MRS. J. F. JOHNSON. A Complete Line of the Latest Styles of Mil linery and Trimmings : a'fo Children's and In fants' Bonue:s. to be closed cut at eoM. II EsTA U R A N T AND 1,1'N'CII ROO.M . Jacob hen n c H . Meali" itnd Lunches sei ved to eider at all hours Also OystTs. I'lgarc. Tobacco. Pop aud Cider. Opposite Riddle House. SAMPLE ROO.M. J FRAHM ft KLItTf H, Sample Room, linpe.r'ed and Domestic W'nes, Lbpiois and Cigars. Only straight gods l:ai.- dled. Milwaukee Pottled La"er a Stet laity. Cor. 51 h and Main Sts. SAMPLE ROOM. Til K A MFIfl'i V FVCII I vr: if Nick Cunningham, proprietor ( heice Si Iiks Liipmrs and Cigars. Pool and R-ddle Hmi-e Block. Bll.iard Tables. SAMPLE ROOM THE ELK HORN SALOON. Win. Weber, proprietor. Manufacturers of Soda Water. Birch Beer. Cider, etc. Age ate for Fred K rug's Celebrated Lager Beer. SAM.'LE ROOM. JOHN BLAKE, Sample Room and Billiard Hail. Choice Winn Liquors and Cigars. BUliard and Pool Tables. : $ 2.00 5.00 12.50 1000 n?, - The - One - Price - Clothier. - PSatfsmouth, - Nebraska.