The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, September 17, 1888, Image 4

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.kwood tiaildlug,
.Ick'i l)ri Starr, Ur
.tte, Telrphoae o. 4i.
. ie lellU, I'nlon
4 brK Mr i'lattumouth.
tm ru rtta;i their
. oopy on? ar In ndup.
.ecoiy per week, by cat. for
b' ,.ecoiy per week, by cat. for vour little
'O eopy ou year, ill alvfftrellC(, WH l,e
Une'cjuy six luunibb. In r , , ,.
. , Wednesday next.
. jIOU8C,norcCOin-
" NATIONAL R furniture store of II.
. ny ilace ia town.
Tct that the wedding ard
15 Vn be wm Tor a certain even
te given to the bride us a wedding
i Another company of hunters, con
Xistinr of Messrs. ('has. Ilrown. Walte
Thomas and Win. Moore took their de
parture for Whitmore and Alliance this
Mr. Jas. Donnelly sells the Atwooi
Suspender, the only suspender in the
world that can he adjusted to me iorm
of all. Non-elastic shoulder straps am
clastic back straps. tf.
The ladies of the M. K. church are
requested to meet ar the church Tuesday
afternoon at three o clock, litis mcci
inrr U nnfii to all who wish to come. A
good attendance is desired.
The sewer mechnnics have already
f vtended their work from the H. & M
yard to the bridge at the comer of Wasli
. ington avenue and 7th streets and rapi
progress is now being made.
The ladies of St. Luke's Guild will
tr'wf. a sociable at the residence of Dr.
Livingston, corner of (Jth and Oak streets
AVednesdav evening. Sent. l'.Uh. A cor
dial invitation is extended to all. tf
The work of locating the curbing
stone on Main street and making prepar
ations for the paving will soon bo com
plcted the work commenced. In a short
time Main street will have the appearance
of an earthquake shock
S. F. Thomas has rented a house be
lonsinjr to C P. Smith, which is locatec
in the vicinity of Moore's green house in
the western part of the city, and as soon
n it ran Up f nrmslicl Mr. I nomas anil
wife will move in and take charge.
Dr. Sehildkneeht was thrown from
his bn?!?v this morninc by a runaway
horse, but fortunately escaped withou
serious injurv. The buggy was over
turned and the shaft partially broken
The horse rot scared at some curbing
Atones iilcd on the corner of Gth and
Uev. W. B. Alexander preached his
farewell sermon last niht t a large con
gregation in the Methodist church. II
takes his departure for lieatarice next
Weduesdav morning to attend the con
fcrence. Mr. Alexander has faithfully
fulfilled his enaaireinent here and has
created a friendship among the citizens
of this nlaee which will ever retain the
fondest remembrance. Wc wish bin
success and as manv friends in his new
field of labor.
Stoves were ii more demand in this
city yesterday than the gold to purchase
them. Men were striding alonjr the
streets with their coata buttoned to their
throats apparently in search of a fire in
some ouarter. Somo fcttended the niorn
in" services at the churches for the first
time in a year, but were even disappoint
ed there. The cola coming so suctaenij
and with such force found the majority
of people here, unprepared, and the tin
smiths and hardware merchants are do
ing a rushing business today.
--The wedding to which we made
reference in Saturday's issue by statnir
that due notice would be given, takes
nlace tomorrow afternoon about three
o'clock at the residence of Mr. D. B.
Smith. The happy couple who are to
make the sacred vw are quite well
known in the ci'v, and their friends wish
them an enjoyable trip over the matri
monial sea. Mr. A. I Campbell and
Mrs. Ella Martin are the couple who
have selected the contracting party.
Thev will start for 1'rincetown, in., on
the dyer.
The musicians with crooked cars and
no ear at all for music who drop into i
certain book store in the city occasional
ly and test the accordeons and instru
inents they arc familiar with to test their
quality, shoud be taqed for the price of
each instrument tney operate. i n
melodious sec-saw strains which general
ly extend about a block from the store
when the experts handle them we believe
would rather turn customers in a direc
tion which would increase the distanc
Wtwcn them nd the store each step
they should take.
The regular opera house orchestra
will furnish the music at the op-?ra houst
this week. Manager Andrews informing
Mr. Young that he had to discharge hi
band, and cannot replace them for his
engagement here, and as the advertising
matter being put out advertise s band and
orchestra, Manager Younir thought best
to inform the citizens of this fact so they
will not be disappointed. The pcrfor
mance will be given in a first-class man
ner, by the full strength of the
and our nnera house patrons have the as
surance of fine entertainments.
The largi crowd who aiked the
question: "What's the matter with the
republican young ladies?" when the
Frances Cleveland club made such a
creditable appear.nwe on the streets, will
le agreeably surprised to learn that the
republican ladies will laugh last and
best. A meeting will be held tomorrow ,
evening at 8 o'clok, at the office of
Judgo Rnssell, for the purpose of organ
izing ft young ladies' republican club,
andU who are desirous of participating!
ia this more, of iy who can ass sr. are
rrr-:tly reqetrtjd to tttend.
They were. Opened this Morning
With Splendid Prospects.
A Total Enrolement of 709.
Owing to the icsignation of several
teachers last week, the full quota was
short. The vacancies were looked after
at once and new teachers examined the
latter part of the week. Up to today
noon the teachers were not all assigned
te their respective places, but by tomor
row it is expected that all will have
charge of their proper school.
Prof. Drummond has been very busy
arranging matters to the best possible in
tercst of the schools, His ability in that
line is well known, and under his careful
leadership, assisted by his excellent corps
of teachers, there can bo no doubt of suc
Wc began cur visit to the schools this
morning by calling at the first ward
school where we found Miss Hattie La-
throp presiding as substitute over the first
primary, and had 44 pupils in attendance.
The second primary is in charge af Miss
Katie Oliver, who has an enrolement of
1; another class, however, is to be ad
mitted to her room which will increase
the number considerably.
Miss Fulmer is teaching the seond
ward school and had 45 pupils this morn
ing, all bright and intelligent looking
faces. West third ward is taught bj
Miss Lou Sampson, who has 40 pupils,
ranging in age from six to ten. Miss
Sampson informed us that her scholars
were mostly Bohemians and that they
were very orderly as well as apt scholars.
At the west fourth ward the schools
arc taught by Miss Carrie HolJoway, 1st
piimnry; and Miss Kiddle, 2nd primary;
both teachers of experience. Hiss IIol
loway bad 44, and Miss Riddle 25 schol
ars. The east fourth ward is entering on
its second year under the control of Miss
Etta Shepard, first primary, who had Si
pupils, and Miss Cora Woodroe with 20
pupils, in 2nd primary.
At the high school wc found the schol
ars nil taking an interest in the opening
of the year's work, and the teachers busy
arranging their classes and getting mat
ters in proper shape for th ir duties.
Our first call here was ot room 1 where
Miss Edith Hanna presides over 30 brjgh
looking pupils. Miss Hanna is recently
from tlcnese, 111., and expressed hersell
as pk-ascd with her school and surround
ings. Miss Anna Murphy was found iu
room 2 with the 4th and 5th grades in
charge. There were 25 in attendance.
Room first primary, is taught by Miss
Gertie Kerney, where we found every
seat occupied, there being CO in attend
ance, and three in a seat. Hootii 4 with
40 scholars is taught by Miss Lillie Pol
lock. Boom 5, Gth grade, 30 pupils, Miss
Schulhof teacher, lloom G, 5th grade,
30 scholars, Miss Etta Searle substitute.
Room 7, 4th and 5th grades, 33 pupils
is taught by Miss Vallery who has served
in the Plattsmouth schools for five years.
Room 8, A and B 4th grade, 3-1 scholars,
is taught by Miss Safford who has taught
here for four years.
Room 10, 7th grade. Miss Addie Searle
teai l i r, 27 scholars. During last year
time were 38 promotions, 17 from one
elas and 21 from another. Room 11, 7th
grade, Miss Alice Wilson teacher, 30
scholars. Miss W. is entering on her 7th
year's work in Plattsmouth schools.
Room 12, Miss Gas?, 9th and 10th
grades, IS scholars, will have many more
wheu the classes are arranged properly.
Miss G. has also taught six years in the
Plattsmouth schools. Room 15, Miss
Wiles, 8th grade, 22 scholars. This is
Miss Wiles' fifth year in our city schools.
The high school proper, is iu charge of
Mr. George Chatburn, Supt., and for the
present, Miss Graves, of Iowa City, will
assist him. We found that they were
organizing this forenoon and by tomor
row will be ready for regular work
They have 50 students in attendance.
3Iuch credit is due to Mr. D. K. Barr,
the j mitor, and to the school board for
the improvement about the grounds of
the high school building, new fences and
sidewalks have been built and the
grounds seeded down ai.d cleared up
generally, giving it a neat and tasty ap.
pearance. 3Ir- Barr informed us that
they had recently purchased two new
Dorrence rocking grates, to be used in
the boiler; it will save in the expense of
fuel from $200 to $300 anuuallv. The
new boiler room, a much needed
i.nprovemeut will soon be completed.
All the school yards in the city have
Iieen treated to new fences and sidewalks,
together with other improvements, which grcat'y to the neauty fcof the sur
round ings.
New Time Table-
A new time table has been intro
duced on 'he B. fc M. which took effect
yesterday morning. The morning trains
going to Omaha leave still earlier than
before and the regular travelers to the
metropolis express considerable dh-satis
faction on account of that change. The
western bound trains leave as fol'ows:
Xo. l. :io a ni.
Mo,f.-1 :4rtp. m.
No. a. in.
No. 7.-7 -JO p.m.
No.o. :17 p. in.
No. 116 ;27am.
Xe. 2. I 3 p. m.
No. 4. 10 :.t a. m.
No. fi 7 :13 n. m.
No. 10. 9 :45 a. ffi.
Child's high sandals, only 25 cents a
pair, at Heroes'.
Fair Notes.
The fair is looming up in great shape,
A visit to the grounds shows a large
number of speed horses already on hand
although the races do not commence un
til Wednesday. Among the horses ar
rived and now spceJing on the track.are
Makquis and Black Tom,
handled by F. M. Harlan, of Wichi
ta, Kas. These horses will probably lo
entered in the free for all trot, as their
records are in the twenties.
Fkeduy Mourns,
handled by Mr. Lehman, of Omaha,
in the 3 minute and 2:50 trot.
Billy Fokd and Alma Boy,
handled by Arthur Perry, of Wahoo,
Ford will be in the free for all trot; and
Alma Boy in the 3 minute and 2:50 trot
Silver Kiko,
handled by J. F. Miller, of Lincoln,
in the 2:50 and 2:35 class.
Ben Dork and Prosper Merrimer,
handled by Matt Bobbins, of Perry,
Sorrel Seal, running horse,
G. B. Shreye, Plattsmouth.
Joe F and Goldust, roadsters,
W. D. Jones, Plattsmouth.
Nig, roadster class,
Dr. E. Cook.
Grey Mare, roadster class.
Sam Shoemaker.
In addition to these, two car loads of
fine horses came in this morning from the
Lincoln fair, and will be among the fly
ers. The speed stalls are filled and car
penters are buisy making new ones.
The new building is completed and the
merchants are buisy making their display
and tomorrow eveniug will witness one
of the best exhibits our meichants and
ladies have ever made at any fair held in
the county.
The secretary, II. C. Ritchie, will open
his office on the grounds tomorrow, Tues
day, morning, and will be ready to re
ceive entries, many already having been
niabe. All entries will positively close,
except speed, on Wednesday morning, at
9 o'clock.
Wednesday will be school children's
day. All children will be admitted to
the grounds free.
1 he gentlemen s roadsters race occurs
on Wednesday, Sept. 10. Among the
entries in this class there is considerable
rivalry manifested; Messrs. Jones, Holmes,
Streight, Shoemaker, and others, and it
will be oue of the most interesting of
There is one thing that must be looked
after by the association, and that is trans
portation of the public to the fair grounds
at reasonable rates. Let our livery men
and all interested get together and make
a low uniform rate, and see to it that the
public are not robbed.
Mr. M. O'Rouk sr., of Missouri Valley,
was in the city Sunday.
Mr. John Davies is iu Greenwood to
day attending to legal business.
Fred Murphy, of Cedar Creek, spent
Sunday at his home in this city.
Mr. E. A. St. John, our genial express
agent, spent Sunday at Ouiaha.
Thos. Stevenson, a prominent lawyer of
Nebraska City, is in town today.
Miss May L. Roberts, of Lincoln, is a
guest at the home of Mr. B. Spurlock.
Judge Sullivan took his departure for
Omaha this morning on legal business.
Mr. Lee Sharp came down from Omaha
Saturday night and remained over Sun
day. Phillip Kraus. who has been spending
a few days at St. Joe, returned last evgn
ing. Mr. Lou Horton left for Omaha last
evening to take charge of a yard engine
Mr. L. C. Ervin and wife, of Omaha
visited at the home of Nelson Jean yes
Misses Maggie O'Keefe, Kittie Flynn,
and Kittie Kell, of Omaha, visited with
Mrs. R. Fitzgerald, here, yesterday.
Mrs. Louisa Kellerstraus and Mrs.
Fred Giger, of Omaha, visited at the
home of Mr. IL Bocck over Sunday.
Mr. J. W. Ball, formerly local editor
of the Herald, but now editor of the
Ashland Gazette, spent Sunday in the
Miss Millie Bell, of Ashland,- who has
been visiting her cousin, Miss Hattie
Sheffcr, for several days, returned home
this merning.
Mr. Geo. Spurlock, who has been visi
ting his parents in this city during school
vacation, returned to De Pauw college,
Newcastle, Ind., this evening,
Miss Mate Newell took her departure
for Fairmont, where she has a lucratiye
situation in the store of Solomon & Na
than, there. She was employed by them
for some time while in business here.
Republican Meeting Ton ignt.
The Young Men's Republican Club
will hold a meeting tonight at the
county court house. All members are
requested to be present, as business of
importance will be transacted. By order
of the president, John A Davies.
All Cods of O. P. Smith & Co. at tha
fajr will be for Bale cheap. i
The Base Ball Match.
The proposed base ball match which
will bo played between Beatrice and
Plattsmouth is expected to be the game
of the season. The game will be played
on the old fairgrounds, west of the city,
and street cars will be run regularly to
convey the admirers of the game. The
bas-j ball season is about at a close, and
this will bo about the last game played
here, consequently there should be an un
commonly large turnout. The club of
this city have expressed themselves as
grateful for the support afforded them
by their admirers and are encouraged
much by the interest which has been
manifested in their success.
Ihev are all fullv determined on win
ning tomorrows' game and, by so doing,
still retain the amateur championship of
ttie state. The visitors will no doubt be
prepared for a hard fight in every partic
ular and it is expected to be the inoi-t
exciting game of the season, even more
than the last. The interest has been
awakened this season in the game, and
next, year, it the players still remain in
the city they will doubtless receive a Following are the names
of those who will play tomorrow and
their positions:
Dallas c J. Patterson
Weaver p Tom Patterson
Poole 2b Smith
Doud 3b. McKeloy
Peason s s Miller
Lenhart If Sheelds
Grear c f Reese
Fulton r f O'Rourk.
Do not fail to t'iill nnl examine the "('ash" Prices we will
lor I lie Next Thirty Days.
You Can Save 25 Per CeL
"While we are havinr this '( I rvat 'Ca-hM KcIu lion !Sale.
There is not one thing that puts a man
or woman at sucli disadvantage before
the world as a vitiated state of the blood
Your ambition is gone.
Your courage has failed.
Your vitality has left jTou.
Your languid step and listless ac
tions show that yon need a powerful iu
yigorator, one bottle of Beggs' Blood
Purifier and Blood Maker will put new
life in a worn out system, and if it does
not it will cost 3'ou nothing. O. P. Smith
fc Co., Druggists.
When your skin is yellow.
When your skin is dark and'.
When your skin is rough and coarse.
When your skin is inflamed and red.
When your skin is full of blotches.
When your skin is full of pimples you
need a good blood medicine that can be
relied upon. Beggs Blood Purifier and
Blood Maker is warranted as a positive
cure for all of the above, so 3'ou cannot
possibly run any risk when yoo get a bot
tle of this wonderful medicine. For sale
by O. P. Smith & Co.
The Last Call
All persons knowing their indebted
ness to the late firm of Smith & Black,
druggists, are requested for the last time
to cull at the store of O. P. Smith & Co.
and settle with Mr. Chas. Black, assignee.
ILfl bUUUu
e are now
Showinir a new and Attractive Lini
Our Line of Fall Dres (Jooihs is the I.:ir;t :-L mimI
Jstoelc in the City, ami
we are showing
t Complete
Dress Flannels, Broadcloths, Hanriaffes.
Beiges, Serges, at Prices not fo be duplicated.
i8 inch All "Wool iiitins, Solid Colons and Mix lures, only 4oc. yd.
40 inch All-Wool iiroadcloths. b'olid Colors and .MixtUK s, only
00 cents per yard.
52 inch All-"Wool llroaddoll;?, fcolM Colors and Mixtures, only
S5 cents per yard.
54 inch French lhoadcloths. Twilled Hack, at 1.G0 a yard.
These goods sold last reason at $2.00.
40 inch All-Wool Serges in all the popular shades, only 05c. yid.
40 inch French Jienriette Cloth, in all the popular shades, only
75 cents per yard.
The Lamest and Fine.-t
everything in the
we have ever i-hou n coinprir-ing
Latest Novelties in
Private Sewerage
All parties desiring private sewerage
connection with the main sewer, can be
accommodated at any time, by address
ing Ilaulins & Sheltou, Sewer Contrac
tors, P. O. box 1180, or by calling at the
office, Murphy's store. Ira
Colic, Diarrhoea and summer complaints
are dangerous at this season of the year
and the only way to guard against these
disenses is to have a bottle of some reli
able remedv. Begiys' Diarrhoea Balsam is
a POSITIVE RELIEF in all these disa
greeable cases aud is pleasant to take.
It will cost you only 60 cents, u. r.
Smith & Co., Druggists.
School books cheap at the Post Office
Book Store. loStf. W. II. Bakek.
See O. P. Smith & Co.'s display at the
Look our for O.
play at the fair.
P. Smith & Co.'s dis-
II. Boeck's furniture stock is acknowl
edged to be the finest and most complete
in the city.
Sherwin "Williams' mixed paints, the
best in the market, atFricke& Co"s. drug
store. 8-tf.
Every thing at the fair belonging to
O. P. Smith & Co. will be for sale cheap.
Everything necessary for furnishing a
house can be purchased at II. Boeck's.
Gimps, Passementeries, Braids, Etc.,
Also Full Lines of Foragers, Ornaments and Loops, Our
Comprise everything iiW
Jhillet Silk Tailor Jiuttns,' Jets.V
Trimmings, all shades, only 40 cents yard, worth 50.
and Fauey
....! r
ain and
Plushes in all Colorings, sl,c!i as Tabac, Ma,,
ogany. Moss, Olive,
81.00 a
Gold, Saph;re, Kavy Uiuwn, Cardinal,
yard; same goods sold last s asun at si.
Surah Silks in all shades only ! cents a vard, worth $1.00
JJlack Silks at 81.00, 51 23, 1.50, s?1.75, frl.S5 and 82.00 a yard
all good values. '
err 111 an m
mi m
Plenty of feed, flour,
meal at Ileisel's mill, tf
The finest bedroom sets can be found
at II. Boeck's.-
Send your job work to the IIekald
Notice to Property Owners.
1 Office of Board of Public
I Works.
( Plattsmoutii Neb., Sept, 15, 1888.
To all whm it may concern:
In compliance with resolutions of May
or and council, Mr. J. E. Riley, who has
the contract for paving and curbing Main
street, will reset any old curbing which
owners may wish to have reset; provid
ing such old curbing complies with spec
ifications, to-wit:
All curbstones shall be of good qualitv.
cut in rectangular form, 5 inches in thick
ness and not less than 20 inches in depth,
and not less than 36 inches in length with
a bevel of one-half inch at top. The
edges and face of all curbstones shall be
dressed smooth and even, to a depth of
10 inches below the top and not less than
6 inches on back.
All persons wishing to have their curb
ing reset will immediately hare it taken
up so that it may be inspected by the
engineer in charge, and if not found suit
able may be replaced by the contractor
with new curbing. J. W. Johxsok,
Chairman Board Public Works,
30 t)t
qt Tb. JNest 30 Dga
AVe will h ave a Special Sale of all Articles in Stock, so as to make room
for our Fall Pun has.
In every Department, and all goods kept in a First-Class Tin Shop acif
Hardware More will be tounJ in our Mock. Call and see us
before buying elsewhere. 1
Weidmann & Brekeni (
(Successors to J. 11. COX.)
plattsmouth - - - :