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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1888)
tiiftitli) ATTS3I O UT II, N H 15 1 1 A S IC A , 3IONIAY KVKNING, HEl'TKJIISKIt 17, 1888. NUMlIKlt v vNI YKAll f j 5: oiiiGFtr,s. F. M. iikv v K Fox JAMK1 P.TrKIIS().N,.IB. - IIVII.." Cl.AIIK - A MAIM.I.K S Cl.l KMHtl V 11 MAI.IOK v - ai'.-r, ,.rney, ..'.jllCf J'l 1 ' jwiruan. .. . . . s. i J V WM'KIIACH COUneilmci. 111 warn, -j A ai.imit rev liud :trd 4th. It M JOSKI. I UK. A Sill I'M A V 1 M il iMLKi'iiv I s W In; iT .N CoN t I't'O.N XIK. 1 P M" CO.I.KN. 1'KKS ,1 W J'OiXrt .I'H AIMM AN Boaid ru! .Work-? nix I H r GOKOK.K Hawks A oimi ''V-as'irer. 'l. uy I'.e.nirer, -Clerk. Deputy CI -rfc. -Heeorder ol .Deeds lo .uv K r :Vl ;r Clt-rk i iM'tuci ''jrc, Stl.'Mil. - 8 irv-y.-r. - -Att"i"'y. Knot, of PuV School. county 1IDA ltl OK HUI'I A. 1. Tti. Cli'm., I.OL'I.H K'll.l.. A. It. Dl KSU.V, 1). A. L'AMIMIKI.I. TlltM. 1'ol.l.ol'K Hn:l Tin 14 lit 1 KXA ClM U'UKI Kl.l w. ir. I'omi. .! I N M I.KVKA W. C. J. i'. Ijlil.MlAIIV M lnI.K A I.I.KS ISKKHKN M.irSAHIi M INK 0. KfSBI,!. iUVIi'fl'- Flattsmouth VMII W'tllT E. 111 wo. id GIVIG SOGlKi'rS. CiA"- i.o;' n- n,; i-vt-rv lili.--l.iV cv.-M.i I i. I). F. -Mci'M iC each w-cli. All tranideiil brothers ate atif.ul. r.-specttuliy nmieu i IJLATTM l' ni ENCAMPMENT No. . I. . Brothers ate. I iiicl 10 attend. Titio ijmmik "x Vim. a. - . W-,rMri's 1 every Friday evening at jv. of 1 -hall Transl.-t brother are repectriiily "i at (. .. K..I M...UA.1.M iHtHrWork.-.m! ; K? P. Rrown. Fore -can : G . , e- Beer- U. A. Taite, Financier : . fr. House wortli. ; M. M5 brig it. I." J. KlIliZ. Il'S iIe W;;lcl i i VHH c mTNo. ::ij. M DDKHN wddiimks day ev.-ni..s itt K. of f. hall. All transient l.ruther- re r.-.,.ilea m ; m-et wil l. I.. A V.-:..-r i!-!e J!:;,'S1',I; ' Worthy Auvif-r ; S. O. N li'le. , . a. Uoeck, link. fjUvrVsMoL; 1 11 i.ix;i: x . a.o. it. w. 1 ffry :iIl.Tn;tte l' eeinn H Koci;w'."l !i illiit .h..-cI.ii:. Ail UiiMM.-i.i t.r-.iii-ew sio reH--ifiiHy i..Mt -l atui:l. . . Larson, ii. W.: F. r.o.l. I-oremaii : -WlMe. K.-O.T U r; l.M lia:-i AliJ rv..i."v----i. 1I.T1M'ITII I.M'CF. Xl'.ii. -VI..V A.M. 1 Meets on t!ie UrM :in.t ili r.l Moiolays ol each 111011M1 ;.r Uieir hall. All transient In. -th-ers are cordially tin lte.l t ,,.;" '' J . t . lilt II Kl ( 1 . iI . W M .J Ia S-ere 1 a ry . VKIUIASKA ClIAI TKi: X. . 3. K. A. M i Meets x-.i.ul a-i-l fourth I n est I a ot 1 . 1 w.r,ii,:.t .M.mV Halt 'iral.sei. nt bio.lieis are inviteJ to meet with us Vm. Havh, !-'et ietaiy. K. WisirK, H. I TT r ZlOX ('iillMA OAKY. M. -.. Mr-el- first an.l Hiir.l ; e.ln.-s.i ,y n's-'l't each monih at M 1-0 'slul;. isiti.i brothei vi. Ii us VM. Has. Ueo. t-F. in 1 fc. 1 . "'VSt''ilTN""I ID-''. It V Vi. K.'AXl'M V' iiieet the ee ..I an. I fourth M.-n-iavs or taC! moutii at Aa,....n Ha r. C. Min'ok. Soi rc-tary. ClcCJsilHJ POST 45 G. A. R. HOST Fit. J. W..Tonssosi .... ...'o M.nan.te, f! S.Tks Me,..,.ijr ',e .. -.f-:!1:- Aaj-iytet. I C.fyurii .Mt -l:a;l"' ileetl.i -:-.r'ii-.lay cvunms pUTTSM3UrH BOARD OF TR 1 . it 1 1-: ...1 1. .. ... t. ,(.u. "i"""-'"' 1st Vie-t I'resiilent. Sail Vlee l'ieiaeilt . j- Secretary - Treasurer J.W.V" A. II. lo'l.l v i Xi-vi!!-' .... F. Meirmain. ..F. H. linltiinai: .1 C. rsittfrso", lieiinaii, F Cor- ,T. C. Ki t.ev. F. K. Wilis J A. foniiT, i:. KN':i, . x. d r. J. V. SKklnch. WH YOU WANT UiSU -OF- ' --. - - 11 XT T-IL33-OL CALL ON- un l Gnnite Streets. Slid BUlluef ' Salo- nts per pnuiitl. t-rper & Troop's or n'u store J. E. Lee? let 5o uits -s JSuits "jatle Suits laele Suits WORK Ilk' c p a f m - OUI! EXPRESS SYSTEM. " MARVCLOUS PERFECTION OF vOUR PUBLIC CARRYING SERVICE. Primitive letlimln or Karly laj Won derful I'romplin-is ami Celerity of Hie System ut TMlay A Frequent t.'uii.4e of SllrTtakeK Tlio "Old 11ok" l'.ooia. Nest to tlio mystery of tho rKistofilce, with It, anJ even millions, of letters, crossing ami reerossiiig each others paths daily, coming from everywhere mid going every where else, with comparatively few miscarriage?, the great express systems in the iiKKlem iullie carrying wrvico nro eiually a matter! marvel l casual ouservera. m priniiti days, when ICeziah ltoot passexl tlio d-K.r on reulnr lays of tho week in his farm wagon on tho way to market, and was tho common carrier for everything '-goin' to town," it was not hard to understand how tho knibled socks reached Undo Uen "in tho first while honso with a red larn lioyond tho orthodox moctiii' liouso fit the corners or how Aunt Tabby got her pail of butter, for Farmer llrit was explicitly directed to "go dow n tho ma'sli road'' on his way from Market, "and turn in the lano next to So phrony Thomas', tho who was Sophrony I'earce, old Dca. Pearce's daughter, whose barn in tho niedder w as burned last j'ear and lost all his pigs, and then 'twould be tho Finull white houso with the cobbling shop in front." Lator, as the world grew and modern busi ness methods arose with tho iucreaso of trade, the problem of sending packages, whether of morohandisa or of privato goods, was still comparatively simple, for the driver of tho express, w ho took tho parcels at tho door, waj in the majority of cases tho same who delivered them at their several destina tions. Even after the railroads were in vented and put into common use, during tho first few years theexpress service did not form any great system. Now, however, with the greatest business centers of tho world within tho country, and with theso centers intimately connected with each other by in numerable ties, public and private, commer cial und social, tho interchange of goods and packages has reached an enormous extent, which is not found anywhere else in the world. In no other country is such a mar velous amount of business dono nor such a jierfect running service found. And it is this promptness and celerity of dispatch, consid ered with tho number of pieces handled and the confusing variety of destinations, which makes tho wonder of It, A man is relieved of all cere in sending parcels. It is as easy to send a package to a friend in Arizona or a great box of dry goods to a merchant in New Orleans as to send a letter to either party. All that is necessary niter tho parcel is arranged is to know the ..lidrcss of tho party to whom one is sending tho parcel. Instead of getting a postage stami one simply hangs out a flag. There tho consignor's labor ends. The express company's carrier appears, takes tVti parcel in hand, gives a receipt for it, which, repri huiiLs it in value, and the company thereupon takes full charge of it until it reaches its des tination, or until it is handed over, at the end of that particular company's limit, into (!:: bands pf soino corresponding company, w hie h amounts to the samo thing as far as the sender is concerned. Or.e dots not need to know anything id.o-dt the location in tho city if tLo address is given, nor take the troublo to find out how to get to the city, tiether it is i.i Main ir Now I?tio. The i. -.-s people d-Vall for him. Oil? i f tho r.'.os't f.-eijuciit causes of mistako i:i rending parcels is absent mindedaesa. A clerk v.iii li'd cv.t a way bill from a box r.iarkid for lVrt!:-.:d. ultiug ia the name end r.trcer nddr-:..i right, tad then, wiib the na:::o Portland before his eyes, writs New York on tho bill. The New York messenger, i.i t'..j L.tsta of pressing business, simply ci.!:::ts tlio way Lills, sets tkit ho has the suv-e:it.-:n - tv.oi'uy pi;-i".:3 m-n-kfi Nev,- Ycrlc, ..:u' i'i-i;i)ii. Tho mistake is not four.d o::L u;:t:l the delivery marking takes place in New t rk. The same absent way of writing i...t ...-.- 1 -..s nut tl;ir:!i occarj with the co:i- si;r..c:s thems-.-Ivcs. Ve ry often they send a friend n:i Fifth avenue, New York, . h.-vr liuir.-j and lsurtiiiCf they know ir.ti-uti-iv, " ith .-.! adu:-3 o s;::ull town- In : Is.-fhiu'.-it. Anoth; r cai:::-- for a great deal of couf ttsio-.i i tho old markings 0:1 dry f.ov.U b -X-3 which have boon used before. rdv.i & Ma.rbh, or any eiaiilar large firm v. di !-.U soul's of tho packir.g coses lu whie'j goods come to them. When tho boxe3 are again usjd the aJ-lrcis to Jordan & Marsh, p.o-ton. is left upon the fcid'. The new ad- .iresi is put upon tho top, inmcaiing, wo ui sav, some one in Fawtucket, 11. I. Some- r i ..,.-, v. Vine, in looking over the f, tock, tho messenger picks put all that which is goir.g to Boston, among which, ho takes tho hex with tho narao of Jordan ; Marsh Iijhui it. Then confusion crises, indeeil. with ihc-fo losses which is known in every express oiaceas the ':old hcs room. This J3 tho room whicij holds all tf tho imclainicd v.cnde:i :-s, the t?.'Jm wplfs cad ragged put- cwts wi.o arc r.wuumg cn ovcr. faey crc -oods "on hand," and tl:3 letters ' O. II."' on Ihoelipa which are ttcclica tthem p.ivo t so to the rquiiiO r.p,x-ilAtion. These fetra.. p2i-csla get i:ito tho "old Ljss; room f;-ora cl mcsi csmar.y c?Uf?c3 c- liK-r .'re startling ,,o r'i-,rf''t" Tl r y z:JLZL 7. SO 10.00 25 00 as of 3oys "STouth.s' and Ch.ildrxi's Overcoats. TTo-u. miss it if you don't buy yovu? Olctniagr, Sats, Caps, Fur nishing Goods, Boots and Shoos, to., of The - One - Price - Clothier, Plattomouth, - S'ebraoka. I couldn't be found," anu Cio ccTusigtior,- al I though duly notified, has never cared to re claim. Ono firm has sent goods to some per bon at his own order. lie returns them with some complaint. Tho firm will not admit the complaint, and send them back with a very pressing bill, or elso to avoid being heU for receiving them back at all, they will not touch them, but leave tbeui in the storeroom of the express office. As neither party will have them, they naturally go to tho dead room. Some aro absolutely lost. No or.o cf the numo indi cated ca:i bo found at the address given, and for some reason all trace of tho consignor disappears. He Las moved, or died, erhapa. So they all drift into tho "old Loss," and cro kept a year iialess of a perishable nature and then sold at auction. Tho variety of theso waifs is both interesting and amusing. There is hardly anything in tho domestic dictionary omitted, from packages of hair pins and sewing machines, laces, silks and jewelry to cookig tloves, guns, fishing tackle, paiLj of tobacco end empty beer bottles. A largo general ttoro could not do better than to buy tho whole stock at what ever lump price they could buy them in, for aJuiost every cor.ceivablo thing which could bo asked for by rational beings is there. Boston, llerald. " ! uuserveU gneata ut lite hotels are ... W V those married eouples in which tho man is old and the woman is young. There are al ways many of them at Saratoga. They ore always the same combination a rich wid ower who marries n poor and pretty girl. Money will buy nearly everything on earth, and a handsome wife is not ono of tho excep tions. A married pair sit on tho veranda in sight from my window as I write. He is CO, and there isn't a romantic hair among the gray of his head or whiskcre. He has a ca pacious paunch. He can see his legs now, for they are laid comfortably out in a chair, but he couldn't get a full view of them standing. He has to use spectacles in read ing his newspaper. His entire aspect is one of plethoric old age. Sho is 20, und sho is an embodiment of youthful freshness. Sho was a working girl in a millinery store, at 0 a week, until two years ago. Then the portly old sexagenarian offered marriage to her, and so she is now a Saratoga bollo. "Why shouldn't she be satisfied' he said yesterday to a crony of his own age. "Sho has luxury in tho place of ioverty. Does she love me? No; or at least not in a roman tic way. I don't exjiecther to. She respects me, she respects herself, and sho won't get into any scandal. Now, John, you're a rich widower, and I sincerely advise you to buy a 3-oiing handsome wife. Bo careful to pick out a sensible girl, who has had to work hard for a living, and who, therefore, will appre ciate good fortune. Don't make love to her. There's a girl who might do." It was in the Indian Grove, where children and nursemaids abounded. A jwrticailarly pretty maid, in a white cap and apron, wa taking a fiv e cent ride on ono of the donkeys kept for rent to tho children. She was as pretty as a picture, and her position made her piquante. "That nurse girl is a sort of governess for some children, for- a friend of mine," the matter of fact man continued. "Sho has enough education to be very intelligent, sho has acquired nice manners by service in a cultured family, end she only lacks the clothes to be a lady. Marry hei old fellow, and life will be worth living again." Sara vga Cor. New York Star. A New Tork City Crook. I thiuk tho so called sharpers of Jvovy York city aro thu most unprogressive robbers in tho country, for they try to work strangers by the same tricks they played thirty years ago. Only last week an ancient trick was attempted on my friend and fellow atfcp;-.jtey on the Wabash legal stof;, iu iew York city. My associate is young and has a western look, facts which the dull brained Gotham crook took as evidences of verdancy. When tho St. Louis railroad lawyer entered New York city ho went to the Vabja'jh, office and thencQ to. the Mej ppolitau hotel, where he put up. When we walked out on tho street after dinner, a well dressed fellow approached him end said cordially, "Let me see, I sold you a bill of goods once. Your nnrr,a is?'1 "Johnson," seid too St. Loui lawyer.,' takinjj in the situation'ond giving that (ato name. "Yes, Johnson," said tho New Yorker, "and you're in tho" "Gimlet business at St. Louis," said my friend, seeing that the man wanted his business and city. "Yes, the gimlet business at St. Louis," said, hi. c rook. "Where are you, sloppjugi'1 ' "At the Metro lolitan," said my" friend. "Yes, yes," said tho crook. "I'll come up to the Metropoli tan this afternoon and see you." "Do com3 up," said ray friend, his eyo oiukluig with western humor as he spdke. "I 'Wve jus won a large prize in the Louisiana lattf V-J1. and would like to have yau o with me and identify nio at the New York office of the concern." The crook bit his lip nervously, Icoked sharp at my friend as if ho thought him a detective, made a Hur.chniug reply, and in ebi ibau half a minute stepped in to, the crowd and disappeared. Railroad, AtT toruey in Globe-Democrat. Cost of Aluminium. By the Costner process some new works at Oidbury expect to produce 1.500 pernios p sodium daily, fronj n hieh a ton and half of aluminium can be produced a week. This process reduces the cost of aluminium from forty shillings per pound to fifteen shillings r 'is. or from dE.000 to 1 ft1! Per ton Child's Kilt Suitsfrom Child's Suits from Uoys' huits from Youths' Suits from A C'AIII. Having this day soltl my stock of Hardware, Stove.-, Tinware, etc., to Messrs. Jhekenteld & AVeid man, I would respectfully and ear nestly ask that all those in my debt come forward promptly and settle their accounts; as it will le neces sary for me to close up husiness as speedily as possible before en- (riVrilliT ill otllCl' pill'SllitS. I Jllso take this occasion to thank the public, both in the city Jind county, for the very liberal patronage iv- ; en me during the time I have been j eniraofed in business here, and hope j the same will be extended to my j successors. .7 NO. COX. doct l-w3in Dont go to Omaha when you want to get your beautiful parlor and bed room sets but go to Hinry Bocek's fur niture emporium where you can get every tiling in the furniture line that will go to make your home beautiful and comfort able; and above nil you can get it cheap, liemcniber that lie who sells most can sell cheapest. H.LPalmer&Son GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS Represent the following time tried and fire-tested companies: American CentraUS-. Louis, Assets Sl.258,lw Commercial Union-England, " 2.MW.3M Fire Association-Philadelphia, ' 4.4I5.57G Franklin-Philadelphia, " 3,117,1(G Home-Sew York. " ?.Sj3.' D tns. C . of North Aner'toa. 1U11. " 8.171.3C2 Livernoa'.4t,ondon & Olobe-ICng " C,639.7l North British & Mercantile-En 3.378,754 sorwich Union-England. " 1.243.4UG Springfield F. & M, -Springfield, " a.C-H.tjia focal Assets. S12.113.774 Losses AdjnstRi sni PaiM tuisApicy BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ATTORNEY. " " S. F. THOMAS. Attorney -at-Law and Notarv TH'tdtc olllce in Fitzgerald Block. VfcVtiiiutiuU), Neb. ATlOUNt.vT " A. N. SULLIVAN, Attorney-at-Law. Will dive prompt .utentiob to all business Intrusted to him. O'Uee iu Union Block, East side, riattsjuwuh. Neb. AG It I C Ul .T U H A 1. 1 M irLr ll ENTS. If ALL & CKAlti. ARrlcultiiral Implements, Cuinllan.i Buggiee and K nth ford Wagon?, "Good 'limber and Bone Dry." sold and Warranted. Main stree-t, bejween Sixih and Seventh. BANK VI S e NATtoXA L BANK, of PinHsmo.ilh. Capital; surplm $11, 00. John Fitzgerald, Frcrident : S. Wauijh. e'ashier : E. 5. White. Vice-President. Board of Director : John Fitzgerald. F. E. White, Juo. K. Clark, D. liawksorth, S. Waujh. BANK. " THECITI?ES9 TiANK, of rJattsuKonff.. e apit l stooK paid In. $50,000. FrauH Carrulhi Freddent ; W. H. Gushing, i aaliier j J. A. Connor, Vice-Presideic A ireneial hankini! btiflness trunsacted. Co,;cC tions receive prompt and careful attention. LACKSMITH ROBERT pMAf,fif.LY. Blacksmith 834'SVaMOiimaker, Dealer In Vind in(ll3, Puiiips and Fittings. j - -' 1 .... - 1 1 BOOTS AND SHOES. JOSEPH FITZKR, Boots and Shoes. Repairing pruupOy attended to. South Side iret, DOvTS AND SHOES, " O Fr.'t'KU MERGE-!, A cornploio ae6rtineiit of every kind Of Foot wear and cheaper than the cheapest west of tlie Missouri River. Also liianuf art 1111113; Ad K'euairing. BARBER SHOP AND UaTh ROOM. !. MORl.EV, Hot and Cold Ba'hs at al lioiirs, ladles' and Children '-s. Hair Cut tivg a spedutiy. Cor. 5Lh and Main. und,f-r e'jvi-ruth v. Bake iryT" F. ST ADEEM ANN. Bread, e'akes. Pies. Huns, etc.. frc-h. iaiiy. Partv. Wedding and Facy t';lka m .poei!ly. Ice Cream iu any oi';miV'y. BOOKSELLER. ETC. J. P. YOUNG, Bookseller. Stationer, and News Dealer ; Faney Gootls, Toys. Confectionery, Fip,e Cigai-s. Soda Water and Milk Shaket Ppiqoa ar organs and Alusii'al Instruments. L.OO to o r- 42.00 to 1 i).S0 3.25 to i0.90 4.00 to 15.00 TH We have just placed on our shelves a NEW STOCK OF ZEPHYRS -Wo are daily lew Goods And have a Complete Line of FALL & WIWTER GOODS Our Yarn.; in Spanish, Saxony, (Jcniian and Zephyrs are on s:ilr. DRESS Ci O O I s Dre-ss Flannels and Velvets, Carpets, etc., in all the Latest Novelties. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S. SHOES I None but Western-made Goods Kept i: That Line. Give us a Call. JOS. V. WEOKBACH. CLOTHING. K. & O. MAVKl!, Gent's Furnishings, Fine Tailor Made Clothing in Men's. Hoys' and Children's Wear. Their prices defy con-petition. Thev misrepieseiit nothing. Their Word s Their It iml. CLrTIIING. L. GOLDIN'tL ClotliM'fr. FurtilHhiliK Goods !o to the old re liable house for Hats, Caps. FinbrHkis, Trunks, Boots, Shoes. Main street, next Cass I o, Ua:ik. ninrHlxn. , - C. F.. WESCOrT. I Clot hlne. Hats, Cars, Ac. Fine Kurnishinss . ...... ....u .....1 1 unlr t.r ft'.uu- ...r viaiijf. wiik pmr hhm hu ..... inesi.. it l-ays to trade witii us. Jiockwood Blk, CANNING COM I'ANY. CAKKUTH CANN'lNtl CO.. Frank Caniiih. Henry -J. Streliiiit. Proprietors. Packers of the Fiiinax. Brand Vegetables. ! (V I' EOTION Kl! V. ! l PH 1 1.1.1 II K It FS. I ru'ts, Coiifectionerv and Fine Cigar.. UL'tiS. " I o. p, srdi ft & co" Dealers In Wali Paper. 1'aiiits, Oil, Art Mater ia!d. C'lfjrir Jtockvood Block. j DltUGs! OEIil XG S Co. I Drug, Chemicals, l'ttlrd. Gi.'x. I 1 F. G. FRIOKE t- CO.. OriifT. Medicines. Chemicals. Paints, oil. Varnish' s. Dye Stuff. etc.. Fine Stationery, Select Toilet and Janey Articles. DRYGOODS, GKOCKK1ES. t- S. WHITE. Dry floods. Groceries Notions. General Mer vhau.liso, etc. S. E. corner Main and t;:h Kts. DKY GOODS. I F. II EHRMAXV. 1 Dry Goods. Notions n:v Ladies Furnishing Goods. One uoor ea-t First National Rank. UYTiOODri. G R iCF.K I KS. e. ei dovey & so:j. Carry ft 1 irse stock of Fine (iroceries. Dry Goods, Carpets. Oucensware, Notions, nd Fancy Goods, to he found in the oouuty. Up jer Ma 11 street, between 5th and Uth. DE NTISTS. DhS. CAVE & SMITH, "The Painless Detitir-ts." Teeth extracted it Stout t he least, pain or harm. An ifk-ial teeth niserted Immediately after extractiiig natural ones when desired. Gold and all other Fillings f trictly first cla&s. Ofllce In Union Block. Furniture" hen'rv hoece". Furniture. Heddintf. Iooklntr t;iase. Picture Fiamv-a. ett. Wooden and Metal Caskets kept i,t .ioi-k. T7URNI1UKE. e I. PEARLMAN. Furniture. Parlor Suit, Upho'stery Gondf. Stoves. OueenswAie.T in ware, and all kinds of Household Goods. North cth street, between Man. and Vine. GENT'S FUKNIniNG GOOHS. J. H. DONVKLLY, Gents Fine Furnisher and Haiier. The most complete and finest stock ia the city. Carruth Block. Cor. 5th and. Miu. GROCERIES. M iJ. MURPHY & CO., The, Leading Deiilers in Grocerier. t rockery. China, La"'ps. Wooden and Willow ware. Flour, Feed.&c. Cash paid for country produce, GROCERIES. LKHNHOFF & SOENNXCif SKN . Groeerie. Provisions, Glassware id Crockery. fiROCEKlES. VJ F. Mct'OUP.T. tr-HCn. Staple and Fancy Groceries. GROCERIES. BENNETT & TUTT. Staple and Fancy Groceries, Green Fruits and Canned Goods, GROCERIES. AUG. BACH. G roc tries and Queensware, Flour ard Feed. Cigars. Tebacco and Cutlery. Riddle House. !-AS03iT 0F"- Men's Overcoats Men's -Nobby Check Overcoats Men's Fur Beaver Overcoats -Moil's Black Worstetl Overcoats DAYLIGHT STORL receiving our or Fai GUOCEK1KS. t'HIHS. WOHI.I'AUTH, Staple and Fancy Groceries, Glassware and Crocket y, l-'loiirand Feed. HOTEL. FRED ':)()?, Prorletor City lintel. Teniis. SI.imi er day. Special Aiteuiioii given commercial men. HARNESS. W. G. KEEPER. Successor to O. M. Stri-iKht. Harnet-s, Saddlery Goods. Nets. Robes, Dusters, and all horse fur nishing floods. HARDWARE. JOHNSON BROS., Hardware. Stoves. Tinware. Tab!.; and Pocket Cnt'ery. Rasor. etc. Household Sew ing Wa ehines aud Jewd Gas.iline Htoyen. 'Jluwork of all kin. !s done at reasoiiable piices. Alain street, Rockwood IJlock. JEWELRY. ' J H A. McKLWAIN. WatchPi. Clocks. Silverware und Jewelry. Special Attention given to Watch Repairing. JEWELRY. w FRANK CA R RUT 1 1 & SON. Always carry a lino tock of Diamonds, Waf di es, cf cks. Jewelry. Silverware, and Spectacles. Drop in and inspect their poods before parchas liijj elsewhere. JEWELRY. O J. SCHLATER, Jeweler. Waltham Watches a Specialty. Main Street, near Fourth. LIVERY STABLE. C. M. HOLMES & SON. The Checkered Barn. Livery. Feed and Sale stable ; parties conveyed tonil parts of the city. Carriages at all trains, (,'orner Vine and 121 h. MEAT MARK ET. RICHARD r.ILSTEIV. Who'esale and Retail Dealer In First vualily Beef. Pork. Mutton. Veal. Lamb. etc. Sixth stree', Neville Block. Prices moderate. MEAT MARKET. J. II AT T & CO.." Ki!l tlieir own Cattle. Render tlu ir own Lard and Cure their own Bacon. Maiu utieet. MEAT MARKET. KICK LEIt Kl CO.. Frrs, Poultry Jee. We use ihe best irrarfft of native stock. Oysters aird uanie in ireasoii. MEPCHANT TAILOR. C. F. SMITH. Merchant Tailor. Main street. 'over Merge' s.iii store, e.'on plete rtock of Fainpl. s. Fit KiiaiMntee.I. I'riees defy coiiipetitiou. MILLINERY. MRS. J. F. JOHNSON. A Complete Line of the Latest Styles of Mil linery und Trimmings ; also Children's and In fants' Bonnets, to he closed out at cost. EST A U It A N T AND LUNCH ROOM. JACOB HENNCH. Meals and Lunches sei ved to oi der at all liourr. Also Oysters, cigars. Tobacco. Pop and Cider. Opposite Riddle House. QAM PLE ROOM. O FRAHM & K LI ETCH. Sanspl-; Room, lmpor'ed and Doiaeslic W'iie.. Liiiois und Clears. Only straight jroods han dled. Milwaukee Bottled Lager a Specialty. Cor. 5' h and Main hts. QAMPLE ROOM. J THE AMERICAN EXCHANGE. Kick Cunningham, proprietor hole Wine. Lirpiors and Cigars. Pool and Bil.iard Tables. R ddle Hoii'e Block. SAMPLE ROOM THE ELK HORN SALOON. Win. Weber, proprietor. Manufacturers of Soda Water. Birch Beer. Cider, etc. Aiient for Fred Krug's Celebrated Lager Beer. SAM.'LE JtOOM. JOHN BLAKE, Sample Room and Billiard Hall. Choice wrne Liquors and Cigars. Billiard nd Pool Tables. $ 2.00 5.00 12.50 10 00 Trade . v.