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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1888)
THE DAILY 11EUALD : l'L-ii IYSjuou tA, v.,iSKASKA, SATUKDAY, SEKfEMiyiU K, ' It I THE CITY. ralt. Telephone o. it- the Palale Itoatlrta, I'aloa 'a llraic htorr, fMatUnoath. -lTY cordials. .'im May Kennedy is confined to her .9 by sickness. lira. Oeo, Dovey will open her Kin J7gerten school next Monday. A wedding which has been talked of for some time will occur within a few days and doe notice will 1m: given, There will he preaching at the new colored church tomorrow at 11a. in. and ' - alsQ at 3 p. m. Everybody id cordially in vited , The wife of Mr. T. T. Wlulen p- sen ted hi ui with a boy which weighed j- eleven pounds this morning. A vote was taken last Thursday night, on a train from Lincoln before its arrival here, for Harrison and Cleveland. The vote stood 187 to OS, in favor of Harrison. Mr. George A. Williamn, representing the Andrews Dramatic Company, is in the city. The company will play here five nights next week and put some of the most popular plays on the boards. A road inspector's steam trolley is now being finished up in fine style at the B. & M. Paint fchops. It is bui't some thing after the style of a street motor, and is furnished up as neatly ns a palace car inside. It is the idea of Mr. Calvert, who had it made to ordcf, and the car will le used by the inspector of the road. It is a complete arrangement and pre sents a very handsome appearance. Complaints are heard almost daily from subscribers who do not receive their paper regularly "N'c are sorry that this dissatisfaction should occur, and every possible scheme we could think of has been tried to prevent it. If the sub scribers would tack a small box to the fence or in some convenient place, the carrier boys could have no excuse to offer. "When the disagreeable weather comes on the papers will easily be des troyed, unless some box or covering can be made for them. In the future we will do our best to sec that the paper reaches every subscriber regularly. A much larger crowd than was ex pected, turned outlast night and took in the excursion to Omaha to witnesa th-i Siege of Sebastopol. Two hundred and twenty passengers were counted on the return tr!j. The perforiuauce was very much enjoyed by the majority of tho crowd and it apparently did not fully reach the aaticipationa of many, some objecting to as much of a circus performmcs as they gave, such as tight wire walking, tumbling, etc., which did not correspond with the surround ings. A more complete display of fire works could not be seen at any place and the scenery could not be excelled. Mr. M. Archer, of this city, was about the only man from itere who nt tended the republican rally at Malvern lat night We received a yery fayonbl report of the proceedings from him, and he stated that it turned out to be a suc cess ia every particular. There were about seven bands in the procession which was headed by about four hun dred equsstrians. The Malvern citizens were disappointed when tbey learned that the republican club of this city had abandoned the trip, as they had a warm welcome awaiting them. A club of 100 of Glen wood's belles attracted much at tention by their beautiful costumes of dark dresses which were ornamented by stars, while a club ot the same number of Malvern young la dies won the admiration of all, by thei; uniforms, which were made of our flaijv Mr. Archer says he found many pleasant people in the city and feels well repaid for his yisit. PERSONALS. Mr. Charles Forbes and wife returned from Lincoln yesterday on the flyer after a few days visit. Mr. John Giser lctt for his old home in New York state, where he will reside permanently. Mr. Mike Grassican, of the post ollice book store, took his departure this morn ing fr St. Jee where he will spend a few days. Messrs. Brad White and Val Burkel, accompanied by Misses May Fellows and Nannie Sampson go to Omaha tonight to attend "Keep it Dark," which will la played at Boyd's. Mr. George Chatburn, princi pal of the high school here, who has been spending his vacation at his home in Ilarlen, Iowa, returned to the city last night to resame his duties here as teacher. Don't forget the grand concert given by the Y. P. S. C. E. next Monday night. Program is in tlm evening's paper. Admission only 10 cents. O. P. C--b & CcNf ill retail their NOTES FROM THE EAST. Ourtrayellng Correspondent Lands In Holmesyllle, Holmos County, Ohio. Seen and Heard on the Way. IIolmkbvii.le, O., Sept. 11, '88. To thk Editor ok Thk IIekald: 1 promised to send you some items. I left Ashland at 2 o'clock Friday, and ar rived at Chicago at 11 the next day. Tho cars wen comiug in from all direc tions loaded with men, women and child ren, consequently there was a tremendu ous at that point. Started from Chicago at '.I o'clock; there were not cars enoutrh to accommodate oe-fourth of the people, thc'hallancc were compelled to wait for another train, but when the time came the crowd was larger than be fore. We saw many curiosities on the road Saw many towns lighted with gas from the earth, which is a curiosity to some. but not to all. We saw hundreds of acres of cahhagu along the road, a good prospect for corn, in Illinois, but not so fair as in Nebraska. Apples not more than half a crop at least we would think so. We arrived at Columbus at 7 o'clock, where we remained all day, and it did not seem much like the Sab bath day. The crowd continued to gather till nearly every available place waj taken. I had intended stayiug two .lays at tha reunion, but thu cars came in every few minutes loaded with people, I suppose there never was such a crowd in that city before. At 12:30 o'clock the next morning we left Columbus and ar rived at llolmesville at 7 o'clock in the morning. Have been here two days and rind tli crops fair through this part of thecouatry; apples fair but not much more th in half a crop, peaches in abuu- dance. While on my way from Burlington to Chicago a "political expression"' was tikenof the men in the cars. There were seven for Cleveland, and twenty nine for Harrison; between Chicago and Columbus we took another expression: eighty-live being for Harrison and twenty live for Cleveland. That would not be a fair expression, for they were mostly soldiers. Ohio will undoubtedly give it usual republican majority for Harrison. We will start lor Pennsylvania in the morning, and when I get through you may expect to hear from me again. It. M. Y. M. C A. Movements. The Youn z Men's Christian Association met and elected the following board of directors for three years: J. II. Water man, 1J. B. Windham, Thos Pollock; for two years: D. B. Smith, Wash Smith, II. L Gault; for one year: YV. II. I'ool. C. Barbour, Fred Gorder, The board met last night at the office of It. B Windham to arrange for extend ing the work in Plattsmouth. Mr. Pol lock was called to to the chair to preside at the meeting. Mr. J. II. Waterman was ch cted president, "r. II. Pool, yice pres.; II. M. G-uilt, treas.; Thos. Pollock, recsec. D. B. Smith, Thos. Pollock and II. M. Gault were appointed a committee to examine and report on rooms suitable for the work in this city. Plattsmouth has more young men than any town the same size in the state, ami the Young Men's Christian Association in openin parlors and reading rooms in the interest of young men, are doing the one thing needful" and should be encouraged and helped in the work they have undertaken The meeting last Sunday was of unusual interest, 47 rcre present and one young man gave his heart to the Lord. Th i young men hold a meeting tomor row, Sunday, at 4 p. m. in the Presbyter ian church, for men only. Beatrice vs. Plattsmouth. Another game has been arranged be tween Beatrice and Plattsmouth for Tuesday next, the ISth. It is unneccs sary to say that the game will be interest ing, as ths two teams are determined on victory, and the Beatrice club will siyelr work with more energy than at the previous game, to gain the champion ship. The same men, as near as can lie bucurni uv uom ciuos, win piay. ir me 1 1 I. -.1. . 1 T -11 , -r j ,. same nine cannot oe secured nrre, as good substitutes will be put in the field and good work will bs done. The same mon-'ywill be played foras before ($100 a side) and the conversations now lead A ft , t , - " . us to neiieve mat considerable money will be put up on the outside. The Be atrice people will no doubt come loaded 1 .1. :n v-t-i i uuu mcj win pru!aiiy nnu some one here who will be willing to hold them . uuiju)c never netore seen the boys play should see the coming game if possible, as many believe it will prove to be one of the most excit ing matches ever played on the diamond here. Give the boy3 the support they deserve and turn out in large numbers. Friyato Sewerage. All parties desiring private sewerage connection with tho main sewer, can be accommodated at any time, by address- tt . esc n c . m? Hfia.ins & Shelton, Sewer Contrac tors, P. O. box 1180, or by calling at the office, Murphy's store. lm it . CT . . . AU goods of O. P. Smith & Co. at the fair will be for wle cfcesp. I Y. P. S C E. Concert. The Young People's Society of Chris tian Endeavor will give a concert in tho M. E. church, Monday evening, Sept. 17. The following programme will le ren dered: Selection Y. M. C. A. !lee Club Duet Mr. and Mr. Keiiiptr Lullaby.. Mlsse Kiltie Kussel and Clara Urt-en Solo and Chorus, "The old Church Kelts are Silent" Missps Murphy and Straight, Messrs. Dickson aud Streljjlit. Selection MatlMiiouth Gl"e Clut) Molo,-The llillsttf the Lord"..... Mis Kearuey Solo and Clionii. "lie's a Drunkard Tonight" Mosdanies Martin an I Joverhi. M. ssrs. liek- soii and Itaiikio. I'Uno Nolo Mi-s Clara Paul Main QunrtPttt'. "'erenad AlesMH. Dickson. Mnt. Kiiiikin and Mreight. fcol , "Tie? as a lord" W. A. Derrick l-en.iile (juaiieite, "Mothers I.ullabv" - Misses Kiis-ell. liicliey. Nticlnlit and Airs'. Martin Solo. When tlx; Leaves lSej;in to Fade"'. . Miss Oliie Mat hew s. ShIo.ohI Chorus, "The of Sharon" ..... Dickson n.nd Striht, Misses Mur-. 'y and MreiyUt. Selection V. M. C. A. :ieo Club 'olo ; Mr. Kempster Harmonica Solo Mister Hilt Wei-rott Solo. -Not Sparrow Falleth'' Mrs. Martin .u olctt-. Sins thou merry Ilij-.l" Mit-s Anna Kussell, Mrs. l.o verin,;'. Vas and it tiikin. S'jlo aud Chorus Admission lOcts. Proceeds tolc used to send delegates to the state convention, to be held at York. Oct. 9th to 11th. Waterman Opera House. The Andrews Dramatic Company will commeuce their five nighfs engagement next Tuesday night, and present their great success, a grand double Kill, A Naval Engagement, and " Uncle Josh." Two laughable comedies. The following we clip from the Crete, Nob., Ulobe, where the company played last Monday night: Last Monday evening the Andrews Dramatic Co., opened the season in Crete with two complies, "Naval Engage ments" and " Uncle Josh." Where all did so well it would not be. right to sin gle out any particular ones to receive a larger mead of praise than others, still we cannot help remarking that "Uncle Josh." as represented by Fred Andrews, eaini! anoui as near tiic reality as it is possible for acting to get. This alone was well worth t lie price of admission. If the company ever returns to Crete they will be greeted with an overflowing house. Reserved seat tickets now on sale at J. P. Young's. Admission, 50c. and 35c; gallery, 25c. Crapes for Sale. Grapes for sale at 4 cents per pound. Leave orders at Eigenberger fc Troop's or Lehnhoff fc Soennechsen's store Sli-dUt J. E. Lkesi.ey Colic, Diarrhrcaand summer complaints arc dangerous at this season of the year and the only way to guard against these diseases is to have a bottle of some rdi able reined v. Hoggs' Diarrhoea Balsam is a POSITIVE KELIEP in all these disa greeable cases and is pleasant to take. It will cost you only 35 cents. O. P. Smith & Co., Druggists. School books cheap at the Post Office Book Store. loStf. W. II. Bakeu. See O. P. Smith & Co.'s display at the fair. Having just returned from New York aul Chicago with a stock of clothing, nuts anrl caps, shirts and drawers, and everything in the gents furnishing line. Call and see Elson The One-Price Clothier. tf Look our for O. P. Smith & Co.'s dis play at the fair. . .A man can furnish his house more com pletely from the furniture store of II. Bocck tliau at any place in town. A large stock of Gents furnishius of the latest styles can now he seen at El- son's, the One Price Clothier. II. Boeck's furniture stock is acknowl edged to be the finest and most complete in the city. Elson, the one price clothier, has the most complete stock of ready-made clothing in the city. Sherwin & Williams' mixed paints, the best in the market, nt Fricke & Co's. drug store. -tf. For boots and shoes, socks and any thing for the feet, go to Elson's the Once-Pricc clothier. Every thing at the fair belonging to O. P. Smith fc Co. will be for sale cheap. Everything necessary for furnishing a house can be purchased at II. Boeck's. The handsomest suits of ready made- clothes can be found at Elson's. Lit;ht snmmcr shoes for your little girls, cents only, at Merges'. Plenty of feed, flour, sraham aud mel Ht Heistl's mill, tf The finest bedroom sets can be found at II. Eoeck's. Child's high sandals, only ?3 cents a pair, at JMerges'. Notice to Property Owners. l Office of Boakd ok Pcblic -j Works. ( Plattsmouth Neb., Sept, 13, 1888. To all whom it may concern: In compliance with resolutions of M.iv- or and council, Mr. .T. E. Riley, who has the contract for paving and curbing Main street, win reset any old cnrbiii"- which owners may wish to h ivo reset; provid iog sucli okl curbing complies with spec ifications, to-wit: All curbstones shall be of "ootl qualitv cut ia rectangular form. 5 inches in thick ness and not less than 20 inches in depth, and not lc9s than 3G inches in length witli A lievpl of onp.lmlf t' mi. - ed-e9 and face of all cnrbstnn.Awi ! dressed smooth and eren, to a denth of 1J 'ncues below the top and not less than inches on ". All persons wishing to have theirenrb- ins TJet immNiLi, Zll Z"??, up so that it may be inspected by the engineer in charge, and if not found tuit- able may be replaced by the contractor with new mrhL. j w r-JJZr Chiirrria Board Public T7erVi! A c:aiii. Having tliis day sold my stock of Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, etc., to Messrs. UrekenleM fc "Vcid inan, I would respectfully and tur nestjy ask that all those in my debt come iorward promptly and settle their accounts; as it will be neces sary ior tne to close up my business as 'speedily as possible beiore en gaging other pursuits. I also take this occasion to thank tin public, both in the city and county for the very liberal patronage giv en nie diirintr the tin eJ have been enor.-iged in business here, and ho pi tne same win he extended to my successors. JNO. II. COX. doctl-wsnr CAD BLOOD. There is not one thing that puts n man or woman at such disadvantage before the world lis a vitiated state of the blood Your ambition is gone. Your courage lias failed. Your vitality has left you. Your languid step and listless ac tions show that you need a powerful in y isolator, one bottle of Hegg.s' Ulood Purifier and Elood Maker will put new life in a worn out system, and if it doe: not it will cost you nothinir. (). P. Smith & Co., Druo-ists. Our Suit Department is complete in all lines, Men's, Youth's Boy's and Children's suits. You miss it if you don't buy your clothing of Elson, The One-Price clothier. When your skin is yellow. When your skin is dark and When your skin is rough and coarse. When your skin is inflamed and red. When your skin is full of blotches. lien your skin is lull ol pimples you need a good Mood medicine that can he relied upon. Beggs' Blood Purifier and Blood Maker is warranted as a positive cure for all of the above, so you cannot possibly run any risk when yoo get a bot tle of this wonderful medicine. For sale by O. P. Smith & Co. The Last Call- All persons knowing their indebted ness to the late firm of Smith & Black, druggists, are rt rpusied for the last time to call at the store of O. P. Smith fc Co. and settle with Mr. Chas. Black, as signee. Dont go to Omaha when you want to get your beautiful parlor and bed room sets but go to Henrv Boeck's fur niture emporium where you can get every thing in the furniture line that will go to make jour home beautiful and comfort able; anil above all you can get it cheap. Remember that he who sells most can sell cheapest. D.& M. Time Table. GOt NO WKT. No. 1. 5 :lo a. III. 3.-7 :00 p, m. No. IS. 7 :::o a. m. No. T.--7 -AH . in. No. a.--6 :17 u. ni. OOINO HAST. No, 2.-4 :'J5 p. m. No. 4. 10 :30 a. in. No. 6. 7 :15 . in. No. 10. 9 :45 a. m. No. 11 C ;27 a. ni. All trataB run tlally ly -avo( Omaha. xcPt N os. 7 and S which run to and from Schuyler daily except Sunday. No. so is a club to Pacific Junction at ft.SIa III No. 19 i.s a stub from Pacific Junction at 11a.m. Dr. C- A. Marshall. Prrservation of the Natural Teeth Specialty. Auesthetics given for P.ux- lkss Fn.i.ixis on Extraction ok Tektii. Artificial teeth made on Gold, Silver, Rubber or Celluloid Plates, and inserted as soon as teeth arc extracted when de sired. All work warranted. Prices reasonable. FiTziERM-n's fir. tcit Ir. itthmouth, Neb DItS. CAVE & SMITH, The Hentisf" hi tlip West controlling this New System Extracting mi1 Killiiivj'l eeth without rain. ur i.i:a--thetic is en tirfly tree from CHIiOIlOI -OK3IORETIIEB AND IS ABSOLUTELY Q - A Teetli pxtru!f(l r.'.rl tifieiiil tp-tli inserted next ilay if lieyiicd . The preservation of the r aiuiKl tfetli a specialty. POLD Cmm, GGLD CAf S. BBJDSE WOEK. The VPry fliiest Oifiep in I'r.ioii Block, ovti I'rieke's Ding Store, riattcms-itir. C. F. SMITH, The Boss Tailor. Main Sr., Over Merges' Slice Store. Has the best and most .couinletc stock of samples, both foreign and domestic woolens that ever came west of Missouri river. .Note these prices: Business suits from 10 to 3., dnss suits, .25 to $45, pants ?4, .f G, ?G..r0 and upwards. "Will guaranteed a fit. Prices Defv Competition. WMm Tj. BROWNE, OFFICE. PrsonaI attention to all Bualcesre Entrust lo my care. XOTA1CV IK OKFICK. Titles Examined. Abifarcts rcniplled. In surance Written, Eeal Estate Sold. Better FAcilities for making Farm Loani than Any Qttiov Agency. Plattsaoatb, - Kelt, ilia - . . - :ji - it... WHEN YOU WANT ANYTHING IN TIIK WAY ' , BOOTS AKD SHOi .Do not fail to call and examine the ''Cali' Prices we will for the Next Thirty Days. You Can Save 25 Per Cen W. A "We are now Showing a II Our Line of Fall Dres (Jomls is the Large-1 ami Mot Complete Stock in the City, and we are showino; all the new Coloiinos in Dress Flannefs, Broadcloths, Henriettas. Beiges, Serges. t Prices not to becypifCcted. oS inch All "Wool Suitings, Solid Colors ami SI ixtnro, only iHe. yd. -40 inch All-AVool Jhoau'eloths. bo!i Colors ami Uitnis, only () cents ,er yard. o-2 inch AlMVuul Ih-oadcloths, colM Colors and JUixtnns. only u inn ja i am. o-l -inch Imiich Hroadelot l,s. Twilled These rood.s sold last season at S2.0O. Ui inch All-Wool Senrc-i in all the popular shades, only fire. vrd. 10 irn-h French Jlenriette Cloth, in all the popular shades, onlv nU per yard. to cent.- liiiiis The Largest and Finest Line we have ever shown comprising everything in the Latt-.-t Novelties in Gimps, Passementeries, Braids, Etc., Also Full Lines of Foragers, Ornaments and Loops. Our STOCK OF BUTTONS Comprise everything IIin and Fanr-y Crochets, P'ain :, Juliet Silk Tailor IJuttoijs, Jets, Fancy Metals and Pearls. Feat' Trininiinr s, ail siuHles, only 40 cents Sillrs and Flushes in all Colorino-?, siicl LfoUI, bapii-re, JSavy, Uiow yaru; fame goods to'd last s.'.-enn at burah Silks in til 1 shade- only :o cent Jilack bilks at sl.oo, $lo, Va.C-O si all good values. fas 2l "W D00 E AST. pr 'AJ li Ji C5 80 DATS JO 'BATS i Jib 1 ' gl We will have a Special S-de of all Arti. I. s in Stock, so as to make root for our Fall Purchas. OUR STOCK In every Department, and all goods kept in a First-Cluss Tin Shop and - Hardware Store will be found in our Stock. Cull and sue us" before buvinj els win-re. Weidmann & Brekek (Successors to J. 11. COX.) PLATTSMOUTH PLATTSIV10UTH Dailv ONLY 15 CENTS PER WEEK! P OFFICE COOEK VINE ArX BUlIK oil i!jf C JOOS now ami A 1 tractive Lim of Iiach, at U:() an 1. md ither yard, worth 5. Pliaslies! cooes Bait i gs, such as Tahar, :,Ial:ogaiiv, Iosp, Olive, n, Card. rial, Wine, Ulnck" only 1.00 a !Kvard, worth SlJ'O. 7 in an it ATI02TAL EAI'K. 9 X iil'dd so i rs YS (