PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 11, 1H8S. NUMHKIl . .1ST YE All V' Vv -- "--'- N' V r- f S ' . - F.M. n i""tv . V K (iX usurer - - Jamih ,me,J..dge. - - V II M AMOK lJirllll, - jj V WltCKHACH Coiiuclliueii, 1st ward, j A SAi-tsnuitY " 2nd ,,. a KHII'MXN ) M i MuueilY 3rd h VV DUfTON CO. (('CONMIB. 4th. " m Cai.ukx. 1'iiks 1.1 WJOMNH (N.CllAIBJIAN .. j ... V..r!.t Klll.l OOHItKK. "Uiuuiu" JlJ II UA HAWK, it WOBTII GOljV OFFICIOS. I. A. CAMI'RKI.I. TlltH. 1'llLI.OI K BiKi t'Kin:iiKiKixi w. ii. rMi. John M I.kvua W. C. JSHOWALTICK J. C. Kill K.MBAHV A. MaI'ui.k AM.K.N liKKN MAVNAHI) SelNK O. Kim-!. Treasurer. Deputy treasurer, - Clerk. - -Deputy Clerk. -Krcorder of Deeds - iMpiuy !Ct rdr Clerk of Litriet lo irt, SherRT. Surveyor. Attorney. hu;it. of Pub. School. f '..nut v J it. life l).HI OKSUr-ICUVIKOH. A.U.To..Ch'm.. - - wJJTvW"lVJr Lou i K..11Z. - . 1 K inwood A. I!. I kso.v. - ,t tfi V"-i-li.Uy vited to Httelld. ' .... itiMit'vT Vr n I . O. o I. iiif'Vi every 'trr..;iie r r . :iy each mouth t' Miif! Hull. -i i.. VI . uiili II. III. 1 l.lliinh Brother- are i'i"ci iuo- hall Triuslent brothers are r.-)- tf i U lu- 1'." J. Kanz. Inside Watch. 7,.. CAMI NO 352. MODERN WOODMEN CrneYi eVt.-Sj.coj.d ..".rlMonj .lav evening at K. of . '" All uano."fc .&Ur "art requested to meet witu .. U A. N.m ner. Veuurable I ;t wil ; . -. r , "es Mi orthy Adviser ; s. O. W .'Id". Banker , w. a. lioeck. Clerk. 1" 7 TTSJH HJ ril LOIMSK NO. 8, A. O. V. W. Me.-t- ev'-ry nlteruate Friday e vei.lnB at ItockiodhiUlatHoVloeK. All transient brotlip ern are r-wtMHy invited io attend. U W.Me. kecord;; ; lonara rwp. overseer. II L VTlMOt'TH LOIK'.E NO. . A. K. & A. M. 1 Hrrtira Hip r-t and third Mondays of each month at M.-ir j:jJI. All tra-.s'et J broth f are cordially ivue.l toj.e.t y. MU ?i W mHat v Xt-cretary. . Ml;Vs, -r,l ami fourth Ti. Jay of eaeh ,ouih at Hall. Transc.eut u.ulhei are inv.ted to .rt with us. p u p V.' 11AVS. Secretary. M r 7l(jN COMMA DAUV. NO. 5. K. '' MeeV- first unt t.ird Wednesday n. lit of eall month at M.iho Uall. is"i.i brother are cordially luviUd to ineet w ll h n. WU. llAY. Itdi.'. 1 . K. Will IK. fc- t - C mertrt tlsecondand fourth MoiutaV of each month at A" Kegent. V. C. Mi. sou. Secretary. MCCONIHIE POST 45 C. A. R- J. Y. J ohnhox ... omniandcr. F. a. HA r.w .Junior Adlutant. ;f.o. Silf.1 o m SerBt Major. I. CCl'tti' ioil V,"1'"M Aietin Saturday eveinu PHTTSMOUTH BOARD OF TRADE T?..l. It Wiiilh.lll Kol.t. IJ Windham A. . To.ld Win Neville I F. JleumaiiK ...F. It- (Juthman 1st Vice President..., iul Vice rresideut...... Seer far) j.Vea-'urer J JA.V,Ie?. h! El-o... C W. -SUernjan. F. ;or d" r. J. V. e l;b:ie!i. SiE.Palmer4Son GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS Represent the following time trial and iire-teited companies: Americau Cantral-S". Louis. Assets Coinmerci:vl Uuion-Euxlaad. Fire Assocl itlon-Phlladeihia. ' rranklln-FUIIad.-lplila. " Home-Xew Vork.. " Ins. C of VortU America, Phil. " '4rerpooliLond.a 3: 'iloba-Eajf " -tlti British Mercantile-Ko ' -ich Union-Rnelaud. leld F. & M.-Sprlng(leld. " St.25S.I" 2.u'.C.3H .41,V76 3.I17.U6 7.8j5. 9 6.G39.781 S,S7i,75J 3,oujaa Total Assets. ?12.113,77-' juaAJjEiteltniPaiiatlWsACMi WHEH YOU WANT -OF- 5T 2ESLI3loL -CALL OM 2th ati'l Granite Streets. :07 and Builder IRK II HUBRAH FOR MAINE Republicans Elect Their Candi dates by the Largest Majority Since I860. THEY CARRY EVERY COUNTY. Prohibition Cuts But Little Figure. All Congressmen Llocted by Increased Majorities. The Maine Election- IVuhland. Me., S -pt. 11 There nro 507 towns nntl plantations in Maine; of these, returns have been rroeiued from 211, which gave Uurhili (rep.) rfi,01D, Putnam (dem.) 41,48, CusIiiiifjCprohib.) 1,774, Bcatterin'r.4J.'7. Tlie same towns in IHS'i gave tlie repullicans 4U.1H0, democrats 3U,09."i, prohi!itionits 2,442, kcntteriii HnrK-ish' plurality i 14,37:1, aiiuBt 10, 005 in IHsr,. Tlie rep ublican gain is 4,:i0S. The 2tf towns to hear fro;n gave In 1860, republicans 20, 8:51, democrats 17.UH, prohibitionists 1,420. If the same ratio of ?ain r.nd loss Iri maintained tie final Yte will stand ; Republican MOr2.5i. democrats (;0,443, prohibitionists 2,810, scnttering 957, total 144,104, with a plurality for ho republicans of J9.R07. In 1884 the total vote tdood: Republicans 78,Cy, democrats C8,9."4; republican plurality 10,733. Tlie labor vote this year is in cluded in the scattering, bMt evidently somo of the Rcattcrin" should be assigned to the prohibition vote. Four represen tatives in congress are elected with in creased majorities. Thirty-seven towns and cities in the First district gave Reed (rep.) 15,548, F.mery (dem.) 13,005. Reed's plurality is 2,543. The same l-owns in 1S8G gave Reed 1.375 plurality. Augusta, Sept. 11. Chairman Mauley has sent ihc following telegram; To Hon. M. S. Quay, chairman of the republican national committee, New York : We haye carried the state by a plurality pf twenty iiiOuud- Have chosen the entire deliation in congress. Reed's majority will reach 2,500. The majorities fop P'Pgley, Boil telle and Miliken will exceed six thousand, re sDectiuely. We have chosen every sen ator and nearly four-fifths of the repre sentatives in our lejis'-ahne, r.nd have carried every county in the state on the popular vote. Bbiine. has telegraphed General Harri son as toiioArj; Augusta, Sept. 11. General Ben Har rison, Indianopolis, Ind: Returns up to 9 o'clock indicate that the republican candidate will have more tha twenty thousand majority over the democratic candidate, the larcofc majority since 1800. Tlie prohibition vote falls off everywhere. James G. TJlaixb. A I-irge bodv of citizens, headed by a band, tendered Governor-elect Burleigh a sereuade this evening to which he res ponded in a brief speech. The proces sion then called at Mr. Blaine's residence and in response he also made a congratu latory speech. Lewistox. Sept. 11. In the second distric t ex-Governor Dingley (rep) is re elected by pearly 5,000 plurality oyer Allen (dem) and 3,500 majority over all, a republican gain o about 1,000 over ltis majority of 18S4, and 1,000 mote than his mijorsty in 1880. "TIpi la TVortU Msnti. Poet Edmund Stedman, stock broker, when not courting the Muses has hit upon jt new idea In connection with interviews. Th JSew.York Herald published recently several coluinns pf extiaets rrom Miss Ameh Rives' closet tragedy of "Herod." Tho tal ented Virginia lady is still Miss Rives in tin literary ranks, though she has become Mil, Chauler. A -reporter was then sent to Mr. Stedman to" gef hia opinion of the tragedy ia the form of an interview. The reporter found Mr. Stedman, but did not get the interview. "Did you bring a check with vouT the poet broker asked. 2ho, the reporter d id not bring a phect- 2?cws. papers are not in the habit of sending checks by reporters to pay for interviews. "Very well; no check, no interview," said Mr. Jf the Herald wanted an in terview wi'.h him about the book pf Wiba Rives, it should be willing to pay for it. His time and opinions were worth money. Tho IkreM itself reports Mr. Stedman this way. Foiiibly the poet lias already obtained olj tfuj newspaper fame he wants. ' Possibly "ht thinks the interview business has been car ried too far. If lliat is his opinion, a good maDy othero share it with him. But there is kUI a pretty large number of men, of various d'egteesof greaitj-fi, whq frQuld be glad give interviews gratis, just for the glory of getting into print The craving for that kind cf glory probably will never die out York Cor. Detroit Free Press. An Archaeological Wonder. Excavations made in Tzintzuntzan, in Ya it'is, Mexico, iu search of treasure are said to have revealed a magnificent palace, which is an archasoiogical wonder. Boston Budget. Tbe Kussian Cradle. '"The Russian cradle is never empty." As a statistical fact the excess of Russian births annually U from 1,000,000 to 1,250,000. There are but three cornet factories in the country, and these are at Bob ton, Philadel phia and Elkhart, Ind. REST. Silence, nW-plcj": on a wast of oeea-i; t',iiulo n. westward trailelh a red ml real:: On wliit xeu i:rl. i--J llli kcurco u motion. Cliall-t:fcs the MiMmtw with a b!:ri-k; ('liai!en;:fj the stillnt-ss. upward wln-elin;;. Wheiv noroo rveky x-aU couttiimnh her rude n'..t. WUilo t!i shadows o'er the water they cin? Ktenlin A they whisper to tlie lulenee: "T'l-'iv i rvatf" Uown where tho broad a-nlx'si river Glides awuy Into mime hhadowy l.r'oon. IJe. the auielipi;. aad hears the .-:dl.'ts rj::i .--.-, Sha!;ea l" the sultry bivut'i of neou; Si'iti tho water ripple in i:.s lluwi:: Feelu the uluiosphere with fragrance ,ip prest. rrea!iitf liia di-L'aiiis, but the mvetest U the t.n.w Th::t uj-jo him aud around lii::i thre L-i ivst. Centuriti have fadel Into shadow; L.inh is fertiln with the dusi f niau s decay; Pil-jriuiM ail iimu wen to o:ue bri-'it. 11 l;raiio. But they wearied aud they laintf.' by tho v.ay Eonio wero sick r. 1th the smrfrituru f plia:ire: tioiuo ivero bowed beneutli u oiux' encumbered breast ; Cut, in turn, they all trol lif's stately measure. And all paused belimcd to wonder: -Is (hero restf" Look, O man 1 to that limitless hereafter, Wheu thy annuls' i shad bo lifted from Itu dust: When thy Wit-pliiji shall ho melted into laughter, Aud thy love bliull bd sevei-ed from its hut; When thy soul bliull bo sanctified with seeing Tho ultimate dim Thule of the Llet, And the passion huuuled Tever of thy being Shall b drifted ia A univorse of rent) lVrcy Somers rayno.' A Lesson In Art Criticism. At one of the elegant homes of the city there is a daughter who js quite an artist Recontly a gentleman called who prides him self upon being an art critic. "O, did you know we have just purchased one of Frederic Loighton's pictures, Mr. Adalbert i" asked the younjj giiL "Do come out and see it," leading the way. It repre sented Htdesierted wharf, with a young girl, hor draiiet ies bloivu by tlie wind, looking out over a rough sea. Mr. Adelbert wus eharined "Such color! Such a curve of the arms! Stieli io:e a:ij g:;isu i:i tlio fi;rur! Ia foir Frcderie's ltst Vi-in. Believe mu, yon have n peni in thU picture." Tho young lady's mother was alarmed, olieror.ld not leruiit sueli deivptioq. ''Why, J) ulfii paintir.) that herself, Mr. Adelbcrt. She ltwin-j yoq for flattery." F.xit Mi. AileJb.'ft with a j u.-er l-xik on his :';:ee :::s'i wi'.h Mis.' Gladys biting her lins lii' aiile the dimples Ht er.ri'i from V.m latig'.i .uljl!.!:g t:; froin her very toes, lla'f the itt rritUi-i are just like that, too. f.'o nmeh :i a t;a::;o. Aa artist i;oc; one thing graitdly. Then he e;.n 11 dauLis f-.ivver after on rejm .atio.i. A-i cuihor j. i ves us o;ie good iMiok. The .at e.iay s:ll bn tr.".s!i, but i;ol!ly knows it 'I I..' v.Tiysef ihir. c: it :c::l, iihij-iit, fawn wuiiU .ire, i.-.d-.-e-!. jiast tiuding out. r!' M. Ci;.;il i i in Arkaut-aw Trqv-c!;r. Don't Learn tq C:irve Ifeyer learn to c-i'V, yottiig man. There is no fun i:i it. A knowledge of the art saddles you with a responsibility which, while it may procure you invitations to dinner, sits heav ily on the soul and brings wrinkles on th forehead. Jf ypU UPt perform the work artistically you are criticised. If a tough fowl gets away from you and takes refuge in a lady's lap you are laughed at and made an enemy of the fair pne whose dress yon soil oy. epoil.' Vw offend Jones jf you ' send ihd choicest cut to Smith, and vioe vei-sa. You must send tho best away and reserve only the least to be desired for yourself. The waiters make you the subject of their remarks, and by putting their heads together and Jerking their, thuubs pycf their, shouldof n your direction embarrass you tlreadfullyj you know by the fiendish leer 0 their faces that they have set you down as a blacksmit'i. If tho room is warm you are thrown into a violent perspiration; your collar wilts, neck tie gets awry, your appetite leaves you, aud whe your labors are finished you begin your dinner with the air of ouo who has been in a pugilistic mill and come out second lest Don't learn to carve. Nebraska State Jour nal. . . A Curious Rank Sill. In 1S01, among the notes made by the gov ernment for the Second National bank of Spriiigtleld, Mass., wero three that by an error in printing were $10 bills on one side and 20 bills on the other. Tbey w-r.-i siioU and paid out before the error was discovered. Then' the bills were called in. Two were found and destroyed; the third is in posses sion of A. M Craig, who has refused $200 for it. N-jw York Sun. To Make Wood Cniuflanimable. Experiments made at the instance of the Belgian minister of public works indie.ste, that wood cannot Jm rendered iucQmbustibili. It may, hbweverj be protected from fire to a considerable extent, either by tho injection of certain saline solutions or the application of a paint or coating. The latter plan is tho more practical, and the p-jbstancas inosily tt be i-eqpmmended are cyanide of 'potassium--a dangerous poison and asbestos paint Arkansaw Traveler. The Grave of Wendell Phillips. Thegravo of Wendell Phillips, at Milton, Mass., is nnmarked. But a menument is coon to bo erected by Mrs. Green, the sister of the d-a4 filter. It will P a Vwugh. weather stained granite bowlder about five feet ia height, and la the front center will bo placed u sunken tablet learing an inscrip tion. The stone will be placed in the rear of the lot and iu view of the path. New York Tribune. Observing the Proprieties. Minister (to bereaved widow, whose hus band was Mown up by dynamite) Would you prefer a short sermon at the church, my dear Sirs. IJ-;r.drieks? ' Bcreare4 'Widow Ah, jes, Mr. Goodman, there wai so little of poor John found that I think it would ba more appropriate. New Yoi'k ciuii. . . Our Presidents. There ha ve bceu twenty -two presidents of tlie United States, five of whom were elected at 57, and six attained tlict peat ofllce before the a e of ZJ. Three military men past GO Ijjvetieea cicefJtt Two tiled very socu, mid tlio other w-is Gen. Jac::s-ii. he v. us Lui bl when elected. Cinea;- Huge Halt uii the Rhine. The Christian at Work, alluding to the proposed method of trans-xM-ting logs fnom Nova Scotia to New York, foints out that the project "lias almost its counterpart iu the huge Rhine rafts which are floated down that river every j ear. Theso ruf U are formed of several smaller ones which havo been floated down the mountain streams from tho Black forest When they reach the Rhino one Luge raft is constructed. Layers of huge pines are placed upon each other, and over all is laid a rough deck of deal. Upon this deck aro erected small cabins sufficient to accommodate, in somo cases, as many as 400 Iersons, as the raftmnn generally take their families with them. Live stock is also put on board, and the whole constitutes a float ing village at once unique and picturesque. Tho final destination of these rafts is Hol land, where they are sold for amounts rang ing from $100,000 to 1 150,000. "The Epoch. I'aintod by the Son. Those who attended tho hop at one of the summer resorts not long ago were startled by the appearance of a Philadelphia lady in a decollete costume of a pale heliotrope silk. It was not the dress, which was altogether corn mo il faut An intricate pattern in bright pink was outlined on tho ivorv f'-cii iT the fair PhiladclpM.:-:. . uiijt, bud. thus decorated her? The secret was simply this: The lady had been sitting half tho afternoon in tho sun, clad in an airy muslin waist, with an open worked neck. The sun, shining through the holes, had imprinted tho pattern in pink on the skin as carefully and accurately as if it had lieen done by hand. Home Journal. Dr. C- A. Marshall. : vlrv.'i n, il.T.,-2.- fr Preservation of the Natural Teeth a Specialty. Auesthrtifs given for Paix 1.1:BS Fll.T-lNCl ou Extkactiox f Tketh. Artificial teeth made on Gold, Silver, Rubber or Celluloid Plates, nj.d inserted as soon as tet-t 1 re estrncted when de sired. All work warranted. Prices reasonable. FiTzn kr a IjOs lir. xriv Ii.atts.moutii. Nk.ii TJ-A.'W OFFICE. l,?,rsonal attention to all f!i'.iitec8 Cutiust o my care. XOTAKV I.N OKPICK. Title rCxamtned. Abstarets Compiled, In surance Written, l-'eal Kstate t-old. Retter Facilities for niakhit; Fa nr. Ioaiif thsn Any Qthav Agencre PlallHiuoutli, - "Sen -la "MEN OF MA III 5 9 A it WRITTEN BY Rev. J. W. Simmons, JJ. T). This bok is one that every loyal per son should possess. It tells of all the foremost colored men of the United States. It gives their biographies, and hns over 100 fine steel engravings, J OK ?J O, BOONE, Asent for Ci ss Count v. HEALTH iS WEALTH ! SlLAUX Dr. E. C. West 's Nerve and TMv.)a Tvn::Piit a guarantee specific f7 ilvstriisi Dixziress. Couvuiain-. tit -Viats Neuraljiia, ll-cl-aclie. ivcrveous I'reslrtitJoii eatiped t.y of H-ioliul cr tobhoco. Wakefulness. Ver.tal De-preii-lon, Softet.lnjr of the Hraln rtsnliit-t; its in sanity and leadirK t misery, decay nnti death, remal tire old Age. liarreuiiess, l.oti r-f I'mv er in either sex. lnvuiiitavi' 4-r-- per mat rrha-a eau-'Cd iy over-exertie.n ef Uie brajn. 4,eiiciV)ae orover-hicitdfeiice. Kach hr.y contains or.e's treatment. ?l tie a 1 ox orsix boxes for 5.C0, sent by mail prri-asder receipt tf pi lee WE GUAPAJTIE SIX T?C? ES To cure any case. W ;l',i "oi?er rereiveci liy iii; for 5-x boxen. aceon:pau ed with ?. eo. weatvill send the purchaser tir written guaran tee to return the lecney if the matmeiit does not effect a cure. Guarantees Issued by Will J. Warrick sole agent. riatts-nouiV-. -Veu C3-. S. KEMPSTER, Practical Pieni end Cnan Tnner First-class work guaranteed. Also deal er in Pianos and Organs. Ofiiee at Boeck's furniture store, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. K.B, Wixpn, JOMXA. PAVIKB, Notary Public. Notary Public. -V1MJIA1I& IIAVIKS, Attorneys - at - X;D.w. Office over Bank ef Cass Coiiaty PtATTPMprxri, Nbuasea B, M, Time Tacic. COINtl WK'T. No. 1. 5 :lo a. ni. No. a.--7 :rifl p, nt. No. 5 7 :; o a. m. No. 7. 7 :15 p. m. GOl"0 KAS". No, 2.-4 :2". p. m. No. 4. 10 :.".0 a. !ii. No. B 7 :ir p. ni. No. 10. 9 :45 a. in. No. 9 6 :1" p. m. No. 116 ;27 p. nj. A'l trains run daily by way of Omaha, except NoV 7 and 8 which run to and from Schuyler daily except Sunday. No. 30 is a stub to Pacific Jnnetlon at f.tri No. 19 ia a stub from Paeiftc Junction at, --cvA - -W?ix?4TR EAT" ENT" DAYLIGHT STOt THE We have just place, on our elielves a NEW STOCK OF ZEPHYRS -We are tlaily lew ioods And liave a Complete Line of FALL $t WIN EH GOOLS Our Yarns in Spanish, Saxony, (icniiaii aiiI Zejihyi'M sire on sale. UKEbd Gr O OD8 J)res.s Flannels and Velvets, Carpets, etc., in all the Latest Novelties. LADIES' A ft D CHILDREN'S SHOES I None but Western-made (Hoods Kept in That Line. ( J ive us a Call. I JUSTNESS JMKECTOItY. A "ttounky. S. F. thoma. . Attorney and Notary 1 ulilie. oniee in Fitzgerald ltlock. I'lattnioulh Neb. ATIOUXbY. A A. N. RDM. IVAN. Wii I give prompt Attention to all butiuew intrustet to him. Office In Union Block, Kast fide. I'lattsinoutli. Neb. A (iKICL'LTb'HAb IMI'hKM KNTS. ii HALL & lit AMi. Agricultural lini'leiuents, Coin Hand Bti;Kie and Jtuthford Wsikoiih, "(iood 'Jimber sir. J Hone Dry." sold ami Warranted. Main street, between Sixth and Seventh. BANK. FIRST NATIONAL liANK. of ri.ittsmouth. Ciipital SSo.itoo ; suipliiH $11, 0(KJ. Joliu r'Hrt'.fiuM, l'rst-ident : Wautjh. Oauhier : F. 'i. White, Vice-President. Hoard of Direetors : John KitGerald. V. K. White, Jno. It. Chirk, D. iiak.sorth, S. Waiifh. BANK. Til K CITfZKNS BANK. f Plat turnout:.. Capit Istook pail In. SaO.oOO. Frank Carruth, Prec'deiu : W. II. Cushiug, laxhier; d A. Ci'liuor, Vice-I'reMdcut. A eeue.irtl banking bm-l'ie-s t rMii-acted. Collec tioo receive proiiipt smd careful attention. BLACKSMITH KOI5KKT DONNELLY, lilaeksmith !nd Vaj;oiiiriMKt;r, Dealer iu vVind uiiils. Piitiips and Fitting1;. BOOTS AND SHOKS. JOSFl'H FIIZKB. Boots and Shoes. l:-pxii injj promptly attended to. South Side Main street. BOOTS AND ftUOEft , PF : MEKtiFS. A cOMinteie aKHortiuent of eveiyklnd of Foot wear and cheaper than the cheapest v-st f the Missouri i'iver. Also laaiiufart iiriii tiiid lier-airiug. BAKBEK .SHOP AND JiAl llTlTlOM. V'.O. MOIil.KV. Hot and C'dd iia-lisat all hour.'!. Ladies' and Ch.i.iren's Hair e'utlinjr a specialty. Cor. .ViU and .Main, under CariuthV. BAKERY. F, SXAPCLMANN. Bread, Cukct, I'tesi, Buns, etc., freh daily. Party, Wedding and Far-cy Cake a se(;iaily. Ice Cream in any juantity. BOOKSELLER. ETC. .. P. YOCNO, Bookseller, Stationer, and. News Dealer ; Fancy floods, Tovs. Confce.aionery, Fine cigars. Soda Water and MBk Shake, Pianos and organs atid Musical Ir.trtimcnts. LOTH IN U. S. & O. MAYER. C!en"s Ftim'tshiiijjs, Fine Tailor Made Clothing in Men's. Boys' ami Cl'Jldren's Wear. Their prices defy cou j'ctltloti. Thev misrepresent nothing. 1 hi lr Word 's Their B ind. r-LVTlilNO. v L. COLDINO. Cloth'rg, Furi;ifi:liiK ('ok'iS. u-i to the old re liable house f;r Hats. I:. ps. Umbrellas, Trunks. Hot --is, Shoes. Main street, next CasM o, Ha:ik. r LOTHlN'j. v r. k. WESCorT. Clolliin?:. Hats, e'at.s, At. Fine Fui ulsbfiit:s our specially. One pi ice and no M""v'?v I'.'is iiness. it pays to tra'le wjtU lis. tioekuod Blk. PANNING rUMI'ANYT v CA KKl'Til CANMNf CO.. Franit Carrtuh. Henry J. Stre!;l!t. JTitprietors. Packers of the Climax Brasd VegetabiK. poNFECTlONEKYl w PH'Li.IH KR AT S. ru:t, CauJeettoiierv and Fine Cigar?. GS. O. P. SMI H & CO. Dealers 5n Wall Paper, paim. Oil, Art Mater ials. Cigars &:. P.Ov-kv. jid B!ock. Dt;Ue.S, OER(f; .'c Of. Ditig'i, CheniiealH. l itints, Oi's. LRU OS. F. C. Fl'il'KF, A CO.. Drug", Medicites. chemicals. Paint-. Oils', Varui-h s. Dve s: nff- etc.. nine fctatiaoery, Select Toilet a';id Fancy Ai'Jc'.ei. DitV(;ooii.-,I wRocEhiEs. F. S. WHI1 E. DrjOocds, Oroeeries. Notions. Oeneral Mer chandise, etc. t. E. corner Main and tub St. KV tiOODS. F. II EI R MAN . Dry Goods, Nt-iioni aad Laities Furnishing Goods'. One aooi east First National Bank. tii ;uois. ;i;t'CFi;iKS. K. ti DOYEY St)X. Carrv a lir;:e stt.ei f.j Fine Giocerie. Dry Go(!h, Ci'.;el!. .'ieenware. Notions. -nd elooil!'. to be found in the county. Up per Ma n etrc et. between :h and cth. EMI SIS. DRS. CAVE & SMTTH, The Painless Dcntiftt." -feeih extracted wiihout the least :in or liarni. An itjeial teet' inserted inunediately after extracting natural one when desired, fiohl and all other FilUbgs sfictly first e'.a'-s. Cflice in Uuion rdock-. l--ukmiukF! C HENr.YP.OFCK. Furuiture. Bedding. IamxIux (.!te. Picture Frme?. etc Woe dem and Metal Cflskets kept in "itocs., 11 L reeeivin our or Fall Trade V. WECKBACH. e I. PICA Ul. MAN. i'liriiiliirc. I'arh.i Suit . I'plio'stery (Joodf. Moves, ,iiieeusuait', 'I inware. and all kliwlft f lloii-fliiili! O. mhIm. Noil h ct'i street, between Main ami Vine. GENT'S Fl-KNI-HINt; ;oo)S. .1. II. DO.WPLLY. CentH Fine Furnisher and Hatter. The most complete iind llncst stock in the city. Carrutli UliK'k. Cor. .Mh and Main. GK'JCHUIr-S. M B. ML'Jtl'llY Ar CO., 'I he Leading Dealers in f'roeei le. Crockery, China, La-i'ps. Wnodeii and Widow ware. Flour, Feed, fie. Canh ald for country produce, GKCM'FKIKH. I.Kil N HOFF SOKNN1CIISKN. Oro-erieH, Pi'ovbloiis, Classwuie it ml Crockery. G1 KOCEJllKS. . F. MeCOl UT. t'leen. Staple and Fancy Oiocerlef. nKUCEltlKS. BENxirrr ft iftt. Staple and Fancy ('roeeries, lit ecu Fruit and Canoed t'ned.-t. GKOCKKIKS. A CO. BACH. 'ror(lc end (jiicciisv.'are. Flour and Feed, C'.jj.tis, Tebaci-o and Cutlery. :iddle llouxe. GUOCEhlES. CHKIS. WOHLFA JTII. Staple and Fancy Oroeeries, Oiassware and Croc kery. Flour and Feed. HOTEL. FRED JOOS, Proprietor City Hotel. Terms, JJI.wi per day. Sliecial Alteulloii Kiven comiiK-K i:.! nu ll, HAItNKS-?. ' W I ' U W ! V l. Sc.r.ssor to O: M. Streilit. Harness, Saddlery ! t;oods. N-1. Robes, Dusters, and all horse fur- nishiug icood.i. HA KD WARE. .IOIINVON BROS., Hardw are. ctovti . Tinxvare. Table-arid Poelcet Cui!;i v. Hasorji, etc. Household hewimr Ka- j etilne and Jewel Oafoline Htov'et. 'J inwork (ifallkitiiU doiii; at reaKoiiable prices. Main J f treet, Jtockwood Block. I JEn-LRY."7; " v u A. JU'KIAVAI, Watehen. Clucks. Silverware and Jewelry. Special Attentin j-iven to Watch iCepairiti;. TEWELli Y. d FRAXK CARRUTH & POX. Ahras cairy a lino cfock of Diamond, Watch-e-. CI cks. Jewelry. Silverware and Spectacles. Dronin and inspect their goods before purchas ing elsewhere. TEWELRY. " J. SCH LATER, Jeweler. Waltharu Watches a Kpeeialty. Main KtU'rf, near Kourtii. T I V FRY ST A BLK. iJ C. M. HOLMES SON. The Checkered Bflrn. Livery. Feed and Hale stable ; parlies conveyed to ail parti. of the cil V. Carriages a all trains. Corner. Vine and 0th. TiTEA I" MARKET. RICHARD r.II.STEIN. Whn'esitle ar.d Retuil Dealer In First Quafitr Beef. Pork, Mutton. Veal. I.amb. etc. Sixth stree', Neville Jiloek. Prices moderate. MEAT MARKET. J. IIATT ft CO.. Kill their own Cattle. Render their own Lard and Cure their own Bacon. Main otieef. EAT MARKET. KICKLER & CO.. Fsgs. Poultry Jce. We use or ly the best trade of liaTive stock. Oysteisand came in oeasou. "Jiff ERCHAjN'i' TAII.'R. iii C. F. SMITH, Merchant Tailor. Main i-treet. over ."if erpe ' shoe store. Complete stock of ciiples. "it guaranteed. Prices defy competition. TflLLINER Y. i MI.-. J. F. JOHXfiOX. A Com.jilcie Line of the Latest Styles ef Jkrrf- Uiiet v and Trimminus : aico Chil'lu aud lii- I fatits' Bonne's, to be closed cut at cost. j D EsTAURANT A Ml Lf'NCH ROOM. ' .JACOB HEN NCH. MeaN ar.d Lttnehes sei ved to order at a'l lnnr. A -ti Ovmts. t 'lgnrs. Tobtceo. Pott and Cider. i Opposite Riddle f louse. QAMPLE ROOM. FRAHM t K LI ETC II. Sample Room. Imported and Do'.iesxio tV"ite., Lienors jind CiL-ar. Only straight ods ban died. Milwaukee Bottled Lae,- . jeialty. Cor. 5th and -Main Sin. SAMPLE TJOOM. Til K Aid KICA N EXCHANGE. Nick ('unulueliam. proprietor Choice Wines, U-juor f.iid Cigars. Pool and Bihiald Tables, lt ddie Hou"e Block. s AMPLE TiGOM THE ELKFIORX SALOON. Wrn. Weher. proprietor. Man fact tireri of Koda Water. Birch Ber-r. Cider, ett V. AyehU for F'red Ktr.g'i Ce!ebratt-d laager Pej. t, b AM.'LE ROOM, iJii1 BLAKE. Sample ulh) and Lmtard Hall. C'hoVs Wlrreo, Ltquon r.o'i C'tgars. Billiard and Pool Tables.