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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1888)
THE DAILY HERALD : I'Lxi riSflxouTxi, wrfCKABKA, THORSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, lUi i Plattsnjouth Daily Herald. KNOTTS 33RO S., Publishers & Proprietors. THE rLATTSMOUTII 11EBALD Is published every evening except Sunday and Weekly every Tnurmlay morning. Hegis tered at the MMiofllce. I'lntrmuouth. Nenr., s dfcoiid-cliut matter. Ofllce comer of Vine and Filth streets. TKKMS FOB DAILV. One copy one ear in advance, by mall 8 00 One copy per month, by earlier 5" Oue copy per week, by carrier is TKKMS FOR WEEKLY. One copy oue year, in advance . One copy Hi nioutns. in advance... ....$1 00 73 NATIONAL REPUBLICAN TICKET. FOR MIESIDENT, benjamin; iiakkisox, of Indiana. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, LEVI P. MORTON, of New York. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. FOR OOVERXOlt, JOHN M. THAYER. FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR, GEORGE D. MEIKLEJOHN. . FOR SECRETARY OF 8TATF, - GILRERT L. LAWS. FOR TREASURER, J. E. HILL. FOR ACDITOU OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, THOMAS H. BENTON. FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL, WILLIAM LEESE. FOR COMMISSIONER OF FUBI.ICI.ANDS AND BUILDINGS, JOHN 9TEEN. TOR SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC IN STRUCTION. GEORGE B. LANE. The democrat are badly disappointed with the result in Vermont. Hurrah for Vermont ! She is as solid republican as her eternal hills. The republicans did not commence this campaign with a forced hurrah nnd a strained effort at noise and cheap effect. but they will close it with a tremendous, solid, far reaching boom that will draw victory in its rippling and luminous wake. Lincoln Journal. " I'm not sure that this is not a plan to accomplish with votes what they couldn't do with the sword in the south. No one who had anything to lo with this tariff scheme, from the president down, ever struck a blow to save the life of the country." Cheers. Ben Butler. It is announced from Washington that t'le business of the post office department for the past fiscal year shows a handsome increase of revenue. This is a strong argument for the reduction of postage to one cent, which was called for by the Chicago convention. Every voter who wants one-cent postage should ycte for a republican congressman this fall. The fact that very few pension claim hayc been adjusted during the last two or three weeks may be readily accounted for. A large corps of the clerks of th1 Lurcau have been engaged iu the prepar at ion of a campaign document designed to show how Cleveland has benefited the country by his severing vetoes of the claims of the disabled union soldiers and their needy wives and children. 1. As a whole they are the. finest lying: lot ill the city. 2. They are shaded with beautiful torest trees. 3. They are located between Chicago and Lincoln Avenues, the two finest drives about the city. 4. They are only a ten minutes' walk from the business portion of the town. 5. Ten minutes' walk from the new Driving Park and Fair Grounds. . 'Uy reason of their location between the two main thor oughfares into the city, they are more accessible than lots in other additions. 7. The only addition in the city reached by two established avenues. 8. The only new addition to the city reached by water mains and with a prospect of being supplied in the near future with complete water privileges. 0. New sidewalks recently constructed to within a few feet of the addition andVill shortly be extended. VERMONT. Hurrah for the Green Mountain state t The result in Vermont, the first of the northern states to hold an election this fall, will he received with a hearty cheer in every republican camp. It is an emphatic second to the motion of Oregon that Mr. Cleveland be taken at his word, and that his incumbency end with one term. It is proof, positive and unanswerable, that the people of this country arc in fa vor of the policy of protection to Ameri can industries the maintenance of the wages of American workingmcn. t,It sounds like the death knell of dem ocratic hope in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, and thus in the nution. Vermont has set the pace. Hurrah for the Green Mountain state ! Maine fol lows next Monday and it will do equally well. Omaha Republican. Secretary Whitney's conduct of the Navy Department will inevitably bi regarded with critical scrutiny when he quits office. There have been frequenl . rumors that he would not continue it his presentvplace even if he had th. chance to do so after next March. Hi must expect to encounter the sharpest kind of criticism. That is what hechost to invite by his unwarranted and wholh unjust attitude toward the Roach cruisers. He must expect to be measured in tin scales which he himself constructed, ant": to be judged according to his own stand ards. Even now it is easy to see how hardly he will fare under such an ordeal The incompetency of his administratioi is shown in the delays that have charac terized his whole work. Though tin time has expired, or is shortly to expire, on many of his new vessels, none is neai completion. It is safe to say, however, that the measure which must be meted out to him will not be extended to tin contractors. No republican administra tion would desire to bankrupt all tin shipbuilders of the land and extermjnat oue of the industries upon the mainten ance of which the Natian's life to a great extent depends. N. Y. Tribune. Alen G. Thurmajt will address tin democracy of New York City tonight. Perh-ips he will take this occasion to ex plain to people thereabouts how In reconciles his support of Mr. Cleveland for re election with this emphatic ex expression of his earnest convictions: (From a speech by Allen G. Thurmnn at Columbus, Ohio, 1872.) My friends, you will never have any genuine reform in the Civil Service until you adopt the one-term principle in re ference to the presidency. So long a the incumbent can hope for a second term he will use the immense patronage of the government to procure his renoni ination and secure his re-election. Call for Republican Primaries. The republican electiors of Cass Co.. Neb., are requested to meet in their re spective wards and precincts on Saturday Sept. 22nd, 1S83, to elect delegates to a convention to be held in Louisville, on the Cth day of October, 1838, at 11 o'clock a. in., for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates for the follow ing offices: Ona senator. Two representatives. One county attorney. One county commissioner. The several wards and precincts are entitled to the following number of delegates: Tiptun precinct 7 Greenwood 6 Salt Creek i) Stove Cieek , 9 Elmwood 8 South Bend (j la ft M Weeping Water 20 Center 7 Louisville . 9 Avoca 7 ML Pleasant 0 Eight Mile Grove 7 Libertv 8 Rock Bluffs. 9 Plattsmouth Precint 7 " . 1st ward 7 2nd " 9 :rd " 13 4th " 12 Primaries will be held in the various wards and precints on the 22nd day of September at the following places: Tipton at Eagle C p. m.; Greenwood at voting place 7:30 p. in.; Salt Creek at skating rink in Greenwood village 7:30; Stove Creek at Elmwood village 7 p. m.; Elmwood at Center school house 7:30; South Bend at school house 1 p. in.; Weeping Water precinct at Cascade school house 7 p. m.; Weeping Water city at Union hall 3 p. m.; Center at Man ley 3 p. m.; Louisville at Adams' opera house 8 p. in.; Avoca at llutclnns school house 2 p. in.; Mt. Pleasant at Gilmore's school house 2 p. in.; Eight Mile Grove it Hyalt's school house 7:30 p. nr; Liber- y at Union school house 7:30 p. m.; lock Bluffs at Bergers school house 3 p. il. ; Plattsmouth precinct at Taylor's school house 4 p. ul; Plattsmouth, 1st vartl at county judges office 4 to 8 p. ni., Jnd ward at 2nd ward school house 4 to i p. m., 3rd ward at Ritchey's lumber ifficc at 4 to 8 p. m., 4th ward at Byron Jlark's office 4 to 8 p. in. M. D. Polk, Chairman. R. S. Wilkinson, Secretary. They Pay $500, or Cure. For many years the manufacturers of Dr. Suge'sCatarrh Remedy, who arethor mghly responsible, financially, have of fered in good faith, through nearly every lewspaper in the land, a standing reward of $500 for a case of nasal catarrh, no matter how bad, or of how long stand ing, which they cannot cure. The Remedy is sold by druggists at only 50 cents. It is mild, soothing, cleausing, deodorizing, antiseptic and healing. Common Sense In the treatment of slight ailments would save a vast amount of sickness and misery. One of Ayer's Pills, taken after dinner, will assist Digestion ; taken at night, will relieve Constipation; taken at any time, will correct irregu larities of the Stomach and Bowels, stimulate the Liver, and cure Sick Headache. Ayer's Pills, as all know who use them, are a mild cathartic, pleasant to take, and always prompt and satisfactory in their results. " I can recommend Ayer's Pills above all others, having long proved their value as a Cathartic for myself and family." J. T. Hess, Leithsville, Pa. " Ayer's Pills have been in use in my family upwards of twenty years, and have completely verified all that is claimed for them." Thomas F. Adams, San Diego, Texas. " I have used Ayer's Pills in my fami ly for seven or eight years. Whenever I have an attack of headache, to which I am very subject, I take a dose of Ayer's Pills and am always promptly relieved. find them equally beneficial in colds ; and, in my family, they are used for bilious complaints and other disturb ances with such good effect that we rare ly, if ever, have to call a physician." H. Voullieme. Hotel Voullieme, Sara toga Springs, N. Y. Ayer's Pills, PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer tt Co., Lowell, Mast. Sold by all Dealers in Medicine. REPUBLICAN PLATFORM. The republicans of the United States, assem bled by their deligates in national convention, nanee on the threshold of their proceedings le honor the memory r.f their first great leader and immortal champion of liberty and the rights o( the people. Abraham Lincoln, and to cover aUo with wreaths i imperishable re membrance and gratitude the heroic names of I our later leaders who have been more recently ' called away from nnreounciU, tyrant. Garneld, ! Arthur, Logan and Conkling. May theirmem ' ories be faithfully cherished. 'We also recall with our greetings and prayer for his recovery the name of one of our living heroes whose HJHILalLfl HKT . TFIHIIES IP1 -T1 Txrexx t3rOxxe 5 10. New brick school house now being constructed. 1 1. Will certainly have street car privileges at no distant date If you wish a fine view of the river, locate on a lot in goutji 1. 13. If you wish a sjgjjtjy and picturesque view of Platts mouth, it can be had from a S'outh Fajk lot. H. To persons in the railroad employ, the eastern portion of South Park is the most desireable residence locality in the city, 15. To persons desiring a residence on Chicago Avenue, the westeMi portion ot South Park is available for that purpose. lfi. The It. &c if. rijroad track runs near the east line of the addition,' furnishing good facilities for manufacturing industries. 17. If you locate in South fark you w)l Jaye gooj neigh bors j . Mayor Simpson? John J. Cp'x, John A. Dayies, John L. Minor, J. V, Wepkbaih, Cjias. Lfarrjs, John II. 1'oung, .Henry Waterman, W. C. Ingraham, Jerry Fart)iing, Thos. Reynolds, 8. A, Davis, JLi. A. Miner, C. M.' Weed, Frank Irish, J. N. Glenn, C. L. Colemone, S. A. Speakmap, A, Jeeson, Chas, memory will be treasured In the history both of republican aud of the republic. The name lHtnaioi me unuie aoiaier anu lavurue u of victory. rhllTn II. Sheridan. in i lie spirit ox inose great it'aarro aim ui um devotion t human liberty, and with that hos tility to ml forms of desotim ar.u oppressiou which is the fundamental idea of the republi can party, we fend Iratenial congratulations to our fellow American of l'.razil upon their great act of emancipation which completed the abolition of slavery throuhout the two American continents. We earnestly lioie we may soon congratulate our fellow citizens of 1tIi birth upon the peaceful lecovery of home rule for Ireland. WK AFFlliM OnB UXSWKBVINli IEVOTION to the national constitution aud to the indis soluble union of state to the auloouiny re served to the states under the constitution, to the personal rights and liberties of citizens in all elate and territories in the union and es pecially to the supreme and sovereign light of every citizen, rich or poor, native or foreign born, white or black, to cast oue free ballot in tbe public elections and to have that ballot duly counted. We hold a free and honest pop u'ar ballot and lint find equal representation oi all people l ie me louuuauou vi our ic publican government and demand effective legislation to secure the integrity and purity of elections which are the fountains of all pub lic authority. We charge that the present ad ministration and the democratic majority In congress owe their existence to I he suppression of the ballot by the criminal nullification of the constitution and laws of the United States. We are uueroinproinisiugly iu favor of the American system ot protection. We protest against the destruction proposed by the pre! dent and his party. They serve the interests of Eurcue WK WILL SUPPORT INTKHK8TS OP AMKBICA. We accept the issue, and confidently appeal to the people for their judgment. The protective system must be maintained. Its abandonment has always been followed by general disinter to all interests except those of the unsurer and sheriff. We denounce the Mills' bill as destructive to general business, labor, and the farming inter ests of the country, and we heartily endorse the consistent anu patriotic action of the re- fiubltcan representatives in congress in oppos Ilg its passage. We condemn tne proposition of the democratic party to place wool on the free list and insist that Hie duties t hereon Hha-I le adjusted and maintained so us to fur nish full and adequate protection to that in dustry. The republican party would effect all needed reduction of th national revenue by repealing the taxes ou tobacco, which are an arrogance and burden to agriculture, aud the tax upon spirits used in the arts and for mechanical pur poses, and by such revision of the tariff laws as will tend to check imports oi such articles as a e produced by our people, the production of which gives employment to ur labor, and re lease from Import duties these articles of for eign production, except luxuries, the like of which cannot be produced at home, there f hall still remain a larger revenue than is requisite for the wants of government, of internal taxes rather than surrender any part of our infec tive system at the joint beiwst of the whisky ring and agents of foreign manufacturers. AGAINST PAUPFIt AND LAHOIt THCS'S. We declare hostility to the it traduction into this country of foreign contract labor and of Chinese labor alien to our civilization and our constitution, and we demand the rigid enforce ment of existing laws against it and favor such immediate legislation as will exclude such la bor from our shores. We declare our opposition to all combina tions of capital organized iu trusts or other wise to control arbitrarily the condition of trade among our citizens and we recommend to congress and the state legislatures in their respective jurisdictions such legislation as will prevent the execution of all nchemes to oppress the per pie by undue charges ou their supplies or bv unju-t rates for the transportation of their products to market. we approve legislation by congress to pre vent alike unjust burdens and unfair d:scrim ination bet u eon states. I'CULIC LAND LEGISLATION. We reaffirm the policy of appropriating the public lands of the Uhited States to be home steads for American citizens and settlers not aliens, which the republican party established in 182 against the opposition of the democrats in congress, which has brought our great western domain into magnificent de velopment. The restoration of unearned land grants to the public domain for the use of ac tual settlers, which was begun under the ad ministration of President Arthur should be continued. We deny that the democratic party has ever restored one acre to the people, but declare that by the joint action of republicahs and democrats about llttv million acres of un earned lands, originally granted for the con struction of railroads, have been restored to the public domain in pursuance of conditions inserted by the republican party in the oiigin al grants. We charge t' e democratic adminis tration with 1 ail n re to execute lawn securing to settlers title to Iheii homesteads and with us ing appropriations made for that purpose to harrass innocent settlers with spies and prose cutions under the false pretense of exposing frauds aud vindicating the law. ADMISSION Oy TERRITORIES, The government by congress of the territor ies is based upon necessity only to the end that they may become states in the union : there fore, whenever the conditions of population, material resources, p:.blic intelligence and morality are such as to insure stable local gov ernment therein the people of such territories should be permitted, a right inherent In them, to fori.i for themselves constitutions and state governments aud be ad mitted into the union, fending preparati n for statehood all officers thereof should be selected trom bona fide resid uts and eitizers of the territory wherein they are to serve. Suiith Dakota should f right be immediately admitted as a state in the union under the constitution framed and adopted by her people, and we heartily en dorse the action of the republican senate in i twice passing bills for her aliniission. The re fusal of the democratic house of representa tives, or partisan purposes, to favorably con sider these bills is a willful violation of the s;u red American priuciple of local self-government, and merits the condemnation of all just men. '1 he pending bills in the senate for acts to enable the ueople of Washington, North Dakota and Montauna territories to form eon stitu ion-t and establish state governments should be passed without unnecessary delay. Hie republican party pledges inseif to do all u Uh nower to facilitate the admission of the ter ritories of New Mexico. Wyoming. Idaho and ! Arizona to tne enjoyment oi seit-governnient as states. Such of them as are now qualified as soon as possible.and others as ioon as they may become so. Reasons Por- Ml TIIK MOKM01T QUKSTIOW. The political power of the Mormon church In the territories hs exercised In the past is a menance to free Institutions oo dangerous to be Ion suflei ed. Ti . refore ep edge the re publican party to appropilate legislation, asserting the sovereignty of the nation In all the terruoiies where the same is questioned, and in lurtherame of that tnd to place upoin he statute book legislation "trlngent enough to divorce political from ecclesiahtieal power, aud thus stamp out the atteLoant wickedness of polygamy. '1 he republican party is in favor of the use of both geld and silver as money, and con demns the policy of I he democratic adminis tration in Its efforts to demonetize silver. We demand the reduction of lelier postage to 1 c ni per mice. , In a republic lke ours, where the citizens Is .i.., i.... ...wi niei-l i he rerviint lie Burn .. - ...... - ---- where no power is exercised except by the wi l ... 1 . t. !.... tit ufkvur. li re no power is extrciseii except "J ir the people, it is liuortant that, the soyer sn people should possess The e school is the promoter of that Intelligence oi tne els: f.uA Iw t liu nrj ..i.i.i. u i iiriiunvK in a free nation. J lie re- fore, the state or nation, or both conbined. should support tree institutions of learning sufficient lo afford to eveiy child growing up iu the land the opportunity of agood coininon scl.oul education. OUK MKKCIIANT MAKINK. We earnestly lecominend that prompt action be taken ii eorpiess iu the ei act men t of such legislation as will best secure the rehabilita tion of our Ainericii merchant marine, and we protest against the passage by congress ef a iree ship bill as calculated to work injustice to labor by lessening the wages of those en gaged in preparing materials as well as those directly employed In our shipyards. we de maud appropriations for the early rebuilding of our navy, for the construction of coast fortifications and modern ordinance and other approved modern mea"s of defense for the protection of our defenseless harbors and cities, for the payment of just nerslonsto. our soldiers, for necessary works of national im portance in the improvement of the harbors and channels of internal, coastwiser and iore'gn commerce, for theicoiiragement of the shipping interests of the Atlantic, Gnlf and Pacific states as ell as for the payment of the maturing public debt. This policy Will give employment to our labor, activity to our various industries increased 'security to our country, promote trade, open new and direct markets for our products and cheap 11 the Cost of transportation. We unlrm this to be far better for our country than tDe democratic policy of loaning the government's money without Interest to "pet banks." FOREIGN RELATIONS. The conduct of foreign affairs by the present administration has been distinguished by inef ficiency and cowardice. Having withdrawn from the senate all pending treaties effected by republican adniiulstratiors for the removal of foreign burdens and restrictions upon our comineice and for its extension into a better market, it has neither affected nor proposed any others in their stead. Professing adher ence to the Monroe doctrine. It has seen with idle complacency the extension of foreign in fluence in Central America and of foreign trade everywhere among our neighbors. It has re fused to charter, sanction or encourage any American organizytion for constructing the Nicaragua canal, a work of vtal importance to the maintenance of the Monroe doctrine and of our national influence iu Central and South America, and necessary fo' the development of trade with our Pacific territory, with South America, and with the further coasts of the Pacific Ocean. FISHERIES QUESTION. We arraign the present democratic adminis tration for its weak and unpatriotic treatment of the fisheries question, and its pusillanimous surrender of all privileges to which our fishery VFSseN are entitled iu Canadian ports under the treaty of 1818, the reciprocate inarin tine legislation of 1830 and comity of nations, and which Canadian fishing vessels receive in the ports of the United States. We con-Jemn thetclicyof the present administration and the democratic majority in congress towards our fisheries as unfriendly and consplciously unpatriotic and as tending to destroy a valuable national industry and an indispensible resource of defense against foreign enemy. The name of American anplies alike to all ciliens of the rep.ibli'. and imposes upon men alike the same obligation of obedience to the laws. At the same ilmecl'ixenship is and must be the panoply and safeguard of him who weais it, should shield and protect him whether high or low, rich or poor, in all his civil righto. It should and must afford him protection at home and follow and protect him abroad in whatever land he may be on a lawful errand. CIVIL SERVICE REFORM. The men who abandoned the republican par ty in 1884 and continue to adhere to the demo cratic party have deserted not only the cause of hoi et government, but of sound finance, of freedom and purity of the ballot, but espec ially have deserted the cauee of reform in the civil service. We will not tall to keep ui pledges because they have broken theirs, or beeause their candidate has broken his. We therefore repeat our declaration of 1884, towit : The reform of civil service auspiciously begun under republican administration should be completed by a further extension of tha reform sstem already established by law to all grades of the service to which it is applied. The spir it and purpose of reform should be observed in all executive appointments, and all laws at varienee with the object of existing reform leg islation should be repealed, and that the dan gers to free institutions which lurk in the pow er f official patronage may be wisely and ef fectively avoided. The gratitude of the nation to the defender? of the union cannot be assured except bv laws. The legislation of congress should conform to the pledges made by a loyal people, aud be so enlarged and extended as to prov'de against the possibility that any man who honorably wore the federal uniform shall become an In mate of an almshouse or dependent on i rivate charity. In the presence of an overflowing treasury it would b a public scandal to do less for those whose valorous service preserved the government. We denounce the hostile spiiit shown by President Cleveland in his numerous vetoes of measures for pension relief, and the action of the democratic house of representa tives in refusing even consideration of general pension legislation. In support of the principles herewith enun ciated we invite the co-operation of patriotic men of all parties, especially f all working men whose prosperity is seriously threatened by the f t ee trade policy of the present admin istration. The first co- ceru of all good government is the virtue and sobriety of the ueople Mid the purity of their homes. The republican parlv cordially sympathizes with all wise and well djrepted efforts for the promotion of temperance, PAR UJJ ILLI U In A, liankln, Sarah E. Alexander, John Moore, M. A. Shipman Lillie Kalisky, T. W. Faugh t, Clayton Barber, W. J. Hpsse Ilarry Kneller, J. E. Barwick, J. G. Royal, W. N. McLennan,) I . C. Minor, F. McCourt, J. C. Fought, W. J. Warrick, Judge . A. N. Sullivan, and other prominent citizens are owners of South Park property. JS, Over 14,000 worth of this desirable property has been disposed of within a short period and no part has been sold to outside speculators, which is solid proof of the substanti growth of this part of the city. 19. More substantial houses have been built in South ' during the year pat than in any one locality, and 6" building boom continues. 30. Terms, one third cash, balance in one and two yc lots may be purchased on montldy payments. 31. "Purchase a lot and we will loan you monev with M J Thoroughly cleanse the Wood, which 19 the fountain of health, by using lr. f lerce'a Gold en Medical Discovery, and good digestion, a fair skin, buoyant spirits, aud bodily health and vigor will bo established. Golden Medical Discovery cures all humors, from the common pimple, blotch, or eruption, to the worst Scrofula, or blood-poison.- Es pecially has it proven Its efficacy in curing Salt -rheum or Tetter, Ecwmia, Erysipelas. Fever-sores, Hip -Joint Disease. Scrofulous Sores and Swellings, Enlarged Glands, Goi tre or Thick Keck, and Eating- Sores or UGolden Medical Discovery curei Consump tion (which is Scrofula of the Lungs), by its wonderful blood - purifying, invigorating-, and nutritive properties, if taken In tlmo. For Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blood. Short ness of Hreath, Catarrh In the Jlesd. liron chitls. Severe Coughs. Asthma, and kindred affections. It is a sovereign remedy. It promptly cures the severest Coughs. For Torpid Liver, Biliousness, or "Liver Complaint' Dyspepsia, and indigestion. It Is Price $1.00, or fix bottle for JULIUS PEPPERBERG. MANUFACTURER OF AND WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN THE Choicest Brands of Cigais, including our Flor de Pepperborgc' and 'Ends FULL LIKE OK TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES always in stock. Nov. 20. 188fi. J. O, BO OUE, BARBER AND HAIR DRESSER. All work first-class; west Fifth Street. North Robert Sherwood's Store. A Warning. The modes of death's approach are va rious, and statistics show conclusively y that more persons die from disease of the hroat and lungs than any other. ' It is probable that everyone, without excep tion, receives vast numbers of Tubercle Germs into the system nnd where these germs fall upon suitable soil they start into life and develop, nt first slowly and is shown by a slight tickling sensation in the throat and if allowed to continue their ravages they extend to the luugs produc ing Consumption and to the head, caus ing Catarrh. Now all this is dangerous and if allowed to continue will in time cause death. At the onset you must act with promptness; allowing a cold to go without attention is dangerous and may loose you your life. As soon as you feel that something is wrong w ith your throat, lungs or nostrils, obtain a bottle of Bos shce's German Syrup. It will give you immediate relief. For Sale. To be sold in ten days Lots Tt. 0 and 7, in block 4, and lot 8 in block 12 in South Park; also one square Grand piano. Enquire at B, & M. store department or ou p rnvses. tf J. D SivrsoN. $500 Reward. We will pay the above reward for any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, indigestion, constipation or coslivcness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Li vcr Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely yegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes containing 30 sugar coated pills, 25c. For sale by all druggists. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The gen uine manufactured only by John O. We & Co., 802 W. Madison St. Chicago.aud Sold by W. J. Warrick. The standard remedy for liver com plaint is West's Liver Pills; they never disappoint you. 80 pills 25c. At War rick's drug store. Fire Insurance written In the Etna, Phcenlx and Hartford by Windham A, Davios. 0 ET H? 2 i P IN 33