1 - v. , k Ill CJTY. .. t.:: ry. Peatl.t, KcWm4 Baildliff, Dr.SIn !. Oflca la tierl'. DraKtr, Bl- Cor. Sixth u4 tiraalte,Tlepha ! 42. Dm. Car Kmttk, the PalaloM Itoatbta, I'aloa Block, ov.r 'rlcfcc' lira Hlor; flatlaaiuBth. CITY CONGREGATIONS. Catholic St. Taul's Church. Oak. between Filth ana Sixth. Father Carney, 1'antor. Benrlces: 'Mass at 8 and 10 uTO A. M. Sunday Hcbool at 2 i30, Willi benediction. Chhhtiax. Corner Locust and Eighth Stt. Bunday tkbool to a.m. EMucorAL.-St. Luke's Church, corner Third and Vine. Iter. 11. B. KiirKea. pator. Ser vices : 11. M. :dTJOP. M. Sunday School at 2 :30 P. M. Obrmam Mktiiodist. Corner Sixth St. and Oranite. Ker. lllrt. Pator. Services : 11 a.m. and 7 -M P. m. Sunday School 10 -TO A. m. Prksbytekian. Main, between Sixtli and Seventh. Rev. J. T. Rain), pastor. Services: uitual hours, morning and evening. Sunday School 9 :30. First Mktiiodist. Sixth St., bet wen Main and Pearl. Kev. W. li. Alexander, pastor. -- tierTlcei : 11 a. m 7 : P. M. Sunday School 2 P-!m. Prayer meeting Wednesday even ing. German Prksrytfrian. Corner Main and Ninth. Kev. Wttte, pastor. Services : usual hours. Sunday fcliool ::w A. m. BwrRDHH Conorkcational. Granite, be tween Filth and Sixth. CITY CORDIALS. J. F. Johnsou is on the sick list. Elder McCrea, of Liverpool, Eng., will preach at the Christian church, to morrow, Sept. 2nd, at 11 a. m. and 8 p. ni. This will be his first Sunday in America and we hope a large audience will greet him. A boat by the name of "White Wings," which skims over the great Manawa pond, near Council Bluffs, cap sized one day last week. A sarcastic ed itor of that viciuity says that while she was sailing home her wings grew weary. What's the matter with adding a tune and give it tone. Mr. J. A. Connor and wife tre spending the day at Omaha. Mr. Con nor is negotiating for an $18,000 resi dence in that city and signifies his inten tion of removing there if he ran purchase the desired residence. We are sorry to learn that we are to lose as valuable a citizen from our midst. We are pleased to acknowledge the receipt of the Denyer liepublican through the kindness of Mr. Frank Carruth who is a delegate from this city attending the deep water convention, being held at Denver. The paper gives full proceed ings ot tne convention, but as our space is limited we are unable to publish it. A popular colored republican known as "Ned'' in this city made the follow ing assertion to some hard-skinned d'm ocrats who are in the habit of talking him with an eye to next November: "If dar was nobody in dis har world to vote do 'publican ticket but me, you demo crats will see me vote dat way all de time." The "Twelve Temptations," an ex. tensive exhibition which has been given a temptation to many of Plattsmouth's citizens All who have seen the great snow pronounce it oeyoml any imagina tion and were more than pleased with the sights. Several went to Omaha this morning to take in the matinee there this afternoon. ine "iiitties worm company' is haying its lithographs posted up con spicuously on the different bill boards. This company has an extensive reputa tion, having traveled over the entire country. Those who have seen the play speak very highly of the drama, and we feel confident that their visit to this city will prove to le a profitable one. The company will play here on the even ing of the 8th. The B. & M. will sell round trip tickets to Omaha, during the great fair, which is to be held there from the 3rd to the 8th of September, at h half-fare for the round trip from all stations in Ne braska, good to return until Sept. 10th The siege of Sebastopol, the great mili tary spectacular conception and pyrotech nical display, will be produced nightly during the fair and on alternate nights thereafter during September. Only a few days since, we published a list of names of the old veterans who yoted for Harrison in 1840, but as the ncmes printed were secured by advertis ing, a few of as prominent ones have been received within the last few days, of which we are pleased to make special mention. The gentlemen we have refer ence to, are still strong supporters of Harrison in 1883: O. S. Cooley, of Louisville; A. Cole, Plattsmouth; Mr. Macdougall, of Manly and Wm. Young, of Rock Bluffs precinct. The seven year old daughter of Mr. Cbas. Spangler, who resides about two miles south of the city, met with what proved to be a very painful and serious accident yesterday afternoon. While a cider mill was in oferation and she was playing around it, she dropprd her hand into the machine. The finger of her right hand were so badly cut and crushed tbut her physician thinks it will be necessary to amputate the third and fourth fingers. While under the treat ment, it was found necessary to adminis ter chloroform. ..t an express parcel to the ILbbald Oi7.ce this afternoon, taxed 50 cents. Our thanks are due Mr. Eli as Sage, for the largest as well as the most deli cious watermelon of the season. It weighed 38 pounds and for flavor we will wager that it can't be beat. A Mr. Both well, of Topeka, Kansas, has accepted an inyitation to act as gen eral secretary of the Y. M. C. A. for this city. lie ia expected to arrive next Mon day or Tuesday and commence duty. The Y. M. C. A. of this city has. durintr its short term of existence, gained for it self an extensive reputation throughout the state. Mr. J. A. Archibald, who represents the Wrought Iron Range Company in this state, is in the city today. He will put in the company's improved heating furn aces in the basements of several of our largest and best houses. Messrs. Wm. Neville, F. S. White and Timothy Clark have contracted for the heaters. They are said to be the most serviceable of any in the market. A base ball club from the city of Murray, which has secured for itself from the joking crowd of boys this city is in fested with, the name of "Cornfield Ca naries," arrived in the city this morning with fire in their eyes and determined ex pression clothed visages, prepared to meet a club of this city, known as the "Clippers." They will play on the fair ground base ball diamond this afternoon, The Clippers should not break their rec ord. The train (No. 5) which now errives here at 7:30 a. m., from the east, will, in the future, arriye fifteen minutes sooner, at 7:lo, leaving Pacific Junction at 7 o'clock. To the many who express con siderable dissatisfaction because the train now passes here at such an early hour and frequently miss the train, this information will surely not be the the most consoling. Probably some of the alarm clock dealers have been negotiating with the B. & M. Several complaints have been heard from some of the firemen since the report of the Nebraska City celebration which was printed in yesterday's issue. We did not hold ourselves up ns any authority on the table which was printed at the foot of the report, but simply made the state- ment as we hadreceived it from a few, as we mentioned yesterday We also stattd that a majority of the firemen and and those who went, thoroughly enjoyed the day's festivities. A free minstrel show company held down a platform on the corner of Fouith and Main streets last night. That num ber of the population which could not put in an appearance, were ceartainly sick or disabled, for a larger crowd has not been seen in any locality ou the streets for some time. The company of colored men, fiye in number, are employ ed by a Dr. Turner, who gives the per formance as an advertising scheme and to attract a crowd. It is a good one and must invariably draw a large aud ience. Their concert consists of nej melodies, songs and dances, choruses and farces, and they are all rendered in a pleasing style by the funny men. They afforded considerable amusement for the appreciative crowd The dramatic season will open with "The W orld" at the opera house on next Saturday night, September 8th. This company and play is so well known by our, theater going people that but little need to be said. The following we clip from the Baltimore American: "The stirring and ever-popular melodrama, "The World," was given last night, with Mr. J. Z. Little in the chief role, for the first time this season in Baltimore. The first production last night was a highly successful one and got a very enthusiastic reception from the audience, which wss a large one and intensely interested in the piay. jjir. juutie was supported oy a 1 r . t "ni . i strong company selected by himself, and the dramatic situations of the piece were presented with great power, and elicited enthusiastic applause from the spectators. The scenery formed a verv imnor- tant feature of the production. The raft scene, the sinking thiD. the wharf scene and others were presented in a realistic and startling manner, which called forth the warmest approbation of the audience. The play is a strong at traction and will probably have a very successful week's run." Baltimore Amer ican. Reserved seat tickets will go on sale next Tuesday Morning. Price 93c. Newest Styles in Fall Goods in Single and Double Breasted Sack and Prince Albert Suits at Mayer's 2t A Card of Thanks. We deiire to return our hearfelt thanks to our friends and neighbors for their sympathy and kindness to us in the hour of our deep distress over the death of our little babe. Mr, and Mrs. Pbentiss. Special Sale of Fancy Balbriggan Un derwear for this week ouly. Odd Shirts and Drawers worth $1.25 t $1.75 each to close at the Uniform Price 75 cents at Mayer's. 2t lit. J. C. jQiImore was A paisenger to Omaha this morning. I Mr. Inhelder, of Cedar peek, is in the city today on business. ' Mr. Chas. F. Whitney went to Omaha this morning on business. Mr. Peter Coon, of Manley; was in the city yesterday on business. Miss "Axie Critchfield turned this morning from a visit at Weeping Water. Mr. J as. Knotta, who has been to Illi nois on an extended yisit, returned to the city this morning. Mr. Thos. Murphy, who has been spend ing a few days at Valley county, return ed home last night. Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Wise returned last night from Indiana where they have been on an extended visit. Mrs. Dr. Schildknecht, who has been visiting at Lincoln for several days, re turned home last evening. C. L. Jean, living south-west of town, was in town today, and in order to keep posted, paid cash for the weekly. Mr. A. P. Carmechael and wife, of Omaha, are in the city, yisiting their son, Mr. J. E. Carmechael and family. Mrs. O' Brien, of the state fisheries, ar riyed in the city this morning and is vis iting at the residence of Dr. Livingston. Master Willie and Mis3 Lizzie Car stens, of Omaha, came down this morn ing on a visit to their cousin, Charley Rhode. Mrs. J. Boeck and daughter, of Fair field, la., returned home this morning af ter a short visit with the family of Mr. Thos. Pollock. Mr. W. II. Pool and wife eo to Elm- wood this evening to spend Sunday. Mr. Pool will return Monday morning and leave his wife to visit for a week. Mrs. Cooper and daughter, Mrs. Oearns, have irone to Omaha on a visit with friends for a few days. Mrs. Gearns will return to this citv before returning: to her home at Lincoln. Mr. Dunbar and wife, of Pennsylvania, friends of Mr. II. M. Gault, jeweler, who have been in the city for a few days iu- soectinsr nronertv with the intention of A. speculation, returned home on the flyer yesterday afternoon. Deep water soundings. When young men and maidens go out canoeing together their thoughts are sailing to the port of canoebial felicity New Orleans Picayune. A boy's ambition is to go back to school in the fall all tanned up. The schoolmaster's ambition is to tan him up some more. Boston Transcript. Passenger (on the "limited") Are you the conductor of the Pullman car, sir? Conductor (meekly) No, sir; I am merely the conductor of the train. New York Sun. Countryman (at Central Park menag erie to attendant) 'Bout what might them eagles be wutb, mister? Attendant (indignantly) An eagle, sir.is worth f 10. Epoch Bride Darling, will you let me cook your breakfast to-morrow? Husband--Certainly, pet. (Goes off.) Bride Where are you going? Husband To make my will. Time. "Aunty," said a little New Jersey boy who was on a visit, "I thought you said you didn't have any mosquitoes in this part of the county." "We don't, dear." "But I can hear them singing just as they do at home." "No, Tommy; that is a saw-mill you hear." Harper's Bazar. Woman (to tramp) If I giye you a nice dinner will you help me put up some patent self-rolling window curtains? Tramp No, ma'am. I'll saw wood, carry in coal, or dig postholes, but I wouldn't help a woman on window cur tains if she gave me a Delmonico spread. -New York Sun. Citizen I sold you that mule, Uncle Rastus, on the condition that you were to pay so much aweek, and if the payments were not promptly made I was to have the animal back. You haven't paid me Rastus a cent in two months. Uncle Yuse right, Mistah Smif; dat. was de 'greement, an' Ise willun te. lib up to it De mule died larst week, an' yo' kin fotch soon's yo' like. Epoch, Wanted. Salesmen to solicit orders for new and choice varieties of Nursery and Green house Goods. Previous experience not essential. Liberal commission or salery paid. Address, L. L. Mat, Nursery and ilornts, St. f aul, Minn. Miss Nadia Schlater, dress maker. Orders taken at the home of Mrs. Ed. Fitzgerald,corner Fourth and Locust Sts., and Mrs. Schulhoff. Pearl street block 8th and 9th. dlw. Sherwin & Williams' mixed paints, the best in the market, atFricke & Go's. dru store. 8-tf. Parties wishing ovsters for Sundav. should buy them of J. P. Antill, as he will receive a fresh case this evening. It. Everything necessary for furnishing a house can be purchased at n. Boeck's. Light snmmer shoes for vonr little girls, 25 cents only, at Merges'. rinra I7ow let sa'aea what tkos eacce ara. In the first place, the air of the mountains la less dense than that of tb sea shore. It contains a leas amount of oxygen In any given quantity, and hence, In order that the blood may be duly oxygenized, the respiration must be more active. A person living In mountainous regions, breathing, as he does, more actively than one living on a lower plane, has more fully developed lungs and a larger chest. It would seem proper, therefore, that those who have narrow chesta and a tendency to lung diseases will do well to spend a month or two in the sum mer in high altitudes and in climbing moun tain sides. I have frequently witnessed the good results of such a course of life. The greater part of New Mexico, for instance. Is from 5,000 to 7,000 feet above the level of the sea. I have seen many weak, puny, narrow chested men and women who, at their homes on the seaboard, panted violently from the slightest exertion, become after a few months' residence in Santa Fe strong and ruddy, with their breathing capacity greatly Increased, and able to walk briskly two or three miles, or climb up to the top of a steep mesa with out losing their wind. Again, the air of mountains possesses a greater amount of ozone than that of the seashore. What particular effect ozone may have upon the health of man has not yet been clearly made out. In some directions it seems to bo absolutely injurious. There is good evidence to show that it is often productive of bronchial affections and especially influ eiiza. During an epidemic of this disease an increased amount of ozone has been found in the atmosphere. On the other hand, there is no doubt that ozone is a great purifier of the atmosphere, ana it is doubtless owing to the increased amount of this agent in the air of mountain regions that its salubrity is In great measure due. I have subjected putres cent meat and vegetables to the action of ozone, and invariably the bad smell was at once corrected. It may, therefore, be re gards a as the destroyer of certain germs which are capable of producing disease. Dr. William A. Hammond. Precautions In Bathing We have already called attention in Science to the danger of injury to the ear in bathing as described by Dr. Samuel Sexton. The London Lancet, in the following language, directs attention to still another danger. The bathing season, though not yet advanced, has already been marked by the levy of that fatal tribute which year by year is exacted of the ignorant and the indiscreet. The recent death by drowning of a young man in the public baths at Poplar suggests one cause of accident which is too apt to be overlooked. The deceased had entered the water soon after partaking of a hearty meal, and the fatal result was attributed to cerebral congestion due to sudden immersion at such a time. V hat may have been the particular ap pearances observed after death In this case we have no means of judging, but it may be well to consider shortly some reasons why the practice of bathing soon after meals Is justly condemned. Effusion of blood in or upon the brain, when it occurs in such cases as that already referred to, is probably not a primary cause of mischief, but rather a con sequence founded on other circulatory and nervous disturbances. It is an evidence of eclampsia, and the physiological basis upon which this is founded consists in that inward diversion of blood toward the alimentary tract which characterizes normal digestion; the other tissues, notably the brain, being at the same time proportionally anemic, and the action of heart and lungs impeded by a distended stomach. A natural result of cold immersion at this stage is to encourage or in duce a tendency to syncope, to concentrate surface blood still more about the central organs, including the heart, which, especially if at all unequal to its duties, labors ineffectu ally to readjust the blood pressure, and finally succumbs with lungs and venous system en gorged by passive congestion. It is as if an enemy occupied the outworks of a fortress left for a time unguarded, and forthwith paralyzed the resistance of the citadel. It is best, therefore, to wait for at least an hour and a half or two hours after a good meal before bathing. Science. Child's high sandals, only 25 cents a pair, at Merges'. Plenty of feed, flour, graham and meal at Heisers mill, tf Fresh oysters at Antill's this evening. It. Special Reductions in Fancy Neckwear. Look at the elegant display in Mayer's Show Windows of 25 cent Scarfs. School Books and Supplies. J. P. Young is now ready for schools with a full line of school books, slates and other school supplies usually used in the school room; the best and largest scratch, and writing tablets, and beyond a doubt the best 5c. book strap. Phil will also give you a box of slate pencils with eacli slate you buy. 2t A fine lot of night shirts just received at J. II. Donnelly's. To Builders. The time for receiving bids for boiler room to High School building has been extended to Sept. 3, 1888. Plans and specifications can be seen by enquiring of Wash. Smith, at B. & M. shops. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Wm. Hates, Sec. Bd. Ed. Wood for Sale. - Leave orders with J. D. Tutt, nett & Tutt's store. at Ben- tf. Dr. C- A. Marshall. Hoeident 23 outlet. Preservation of the Natural Teeth a Specialty. Auesthetics given for Pain less Filling ok Extraction op Teeth. Artificial teeth made on Gold, Silver, Rubber or Celluloid Plates, and inserted as soon as teeth are extracted when de sired. All work warranted. Prices reasonable. FlTZO B B A LD'S BLOCK PLATTSMOUTH, NB SPECIALTIES ; 52 inch All-Wool Dress Suitings in all the JN"ew Mixtures, only 00 cents a yard. 52 inch All-Wool Broadcloth Suitings in all the New Shades, only 85 cunts per yard, worth $1.00. Ladies' Long Cashmere Scarfs, Fringed, only 75 cents each. Ladies' Long Cashmere Scarfs, Fringed and Embroidered, only 85 cts., worth $1.25. Ladies' Long Persian Scarfs, Fringed, at $1.35, worth $2.00. Ladies' Cashmere , Scarfs, Fringed and Embroidered, $2.25, worth $3.0Q. . - in (D H H B 4 7ft U2 Special Values In Gloves ! Ladies' Brilliant Lisle Gloves only 25 cents, worth 50. Ladies' Pure Silk Gloves only 39 cents, worth 50. Ladies' Pure silk Gloves only 50 cents, worth 75. Ladies' Five Button Undressed Kid Gloves, Scallop Tops, Embroidered Backs, in Black and Colors, only $1.00. Ladies' Four Button Dressed Kid Gloves, Embroidered Backs and Colored Welts, only $1.00 a pair. Ladies' White Linen Collars only 5 cents each. II rj 0 Mi H ii 0) I ONE DOOR EAST FIRST NATIONAL BANK. A CARD. Having this day sold mv 6tock VwV a of Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, etc. to Messrs. Brekenleld & Weid man, I would respectfully and ear nestly ask that all those in my deb come forward promptly and settle their accounts; as it will be neces sary for me to close up my business as speedily as possible before en gaging in other pursuits. I also take this occasion to thank the public, both in the city and county for the very liberal patronage giv en me during the time I have been engaged in business here, and hope the same will be extended to my successors. JNO. It. COX. doctl-v3m Dont go to Omaha when you want to get your beautiful parlor and bed room sets but go to Henry Boeck's fur niture emporium where you can get every thing in the furniture line that will go to make your home beautiful and comfort able; and above all you can get it cheap, xiememuer mat ne wno sells most can sell cheapest. Stove for Sale. For sale at a bargain, a small gasoline stove (Quick Meal) with oven. First offer accepted if reasonable. Apply of Q. B. Kemp6ter, office or residence. BAD BLOOD. There is not one thing that puts a man or woman at sucn disadvantage before the wt rld as a vitiated state of the blood Your ambition is gone. Your courage has failed. Your vitality has left you. Your languid step and listless ac tions show that you need a powerful in yigorator, one bottle of Beerers' Blood Purifier and Blood Maker will DUt new life in a worn out system, and if it does not it will cost you nothing. O. P. Smith & Co., Druggists. Colic, Diarrhoea and summer complaints are dangerous at this season of the year and the only way to guard against these diseases is to have a bottle of some reli able remedy. Beggs' Diarrhoea Balsam is a 1-US1T1V1S KELIEF in all these disa greeable cases and is pleasant to take. It will cost you only 85 cents. O. P. Smith & Co., Druggists. When your skin is yellow. When your skin is dark and greasy. When your skin is rough and coarse. When your skin is inflamed and red. When your skin is full of Llotchs. When your skin is full of Dimnles you need a good blood medicine that can be relied upon. Begss' Blood Pnrifipr ana Blood Maker is warranted as a positive core for all of the above, so von cannot possibly ran any risk when too ret a bot tle of this wonderful medicine. For sale by O. P. Smith & Co. THIS WEEK! II) o (D O H' J) H H' (I) 0 SAM.'LE ROOM. JOHN BLAKK. Sample Konm aud Billiard Hull. Choice Wine, Liquors and Cigar. Billiard and Tool Tables. SAMPLE KOOM. KHAllM & RMETI IT, Sample Room. Imported and Domestic W'nes, l.iUors and Cigar. Only Ntrainlit oods han dled. Milwaukee Bottled Lager a Siecialty. Cor. 5th and Main Kte. SAMPLE ROOM. THE AMERICAN EXCHANGE. Nitk Cunninnliam, proprietor Clioice W Inf s. Liquors and Cigars. Pool and Billiard Tables. R'ddle Hou e Block. SAMPLE ROOM. THE KI.K1TORV SAi-OOV Wm. Weber, proprietor. Manufacturers of Sod:i Water. Birch Beer. Cider, etc. Agent for Fred Iv rug's Celebrated Lager Beer. JEWELRY". B. A. McELWAIN. Watche3. Clocks, .Silverware and Jewelry. Special Attention given to Watch Repairing. JEWELRY. FRANK. CARtiUTH & SON. Always carry a fine tock of Diamonds, Watch es. CI cks. Jewelry, Silverware and Spectacles. Drop in and iuspect their gooos before parchao nig eUewlierc. TEWELItY. J. SCHLATER, Jeweler. Waltham Watches a Specialty. Main Street, near Fourth. LIVERY STABLE. " C. M. HOLMES & SON, The Checkered Barn. Livery, feed and Sale stable ; parties conveyed to ail parts of the city. Carriages at all trains. Corner Vine and cth. MEAT MARKET. RICHARD MLSTEIN. Who e.Sle and Retail Denier In Virvt Quality neei, i-orK, jwuiton. eai. Lamb. eic. six th sircc, nevuie ciock. rnces moderate. MEAT MARKET. J. hat r Xr cn Kill their own Cattle. Render their own and Cure their own Bacon. Maio street. Lard MEAT MARKET. FICKLER no Eggs, Poultry Ac. We use or ly the best erade of native stock. Oysters and m in .,... TRENCHANT TAILOR. a. K H f TTTT Merchant Tailor. Main rrl . . shoe Ktore. Complete nock of ample., it guaranteed. Prices defy competition. ILLLNER Y. " ' Conml(fi l inn nf lli. T .... fants Bonnets, to be closed out at coet. RESTAURANT AND LUNCH ROOM . Meals and Lunches seived to order at all hnn r. er. B. A NI. Time Table. GOINO w-trt-r No. 1. 5 :10 a. m. OOINO KA8T. No, 2.-4 iX p. rn. No. 4. io :3oa. m. No. . 7:15 p.m. 10. 10.-9 :Ai a. Hi. No, 3.-7 :00p, m. -No. b. 7 Lift n. m No. 7.-7 :45 p. in. pio.a.-s :17 p. ni. No. U6 :27 D.m. A.n rat?" ru" dally by way of Omaha daily except Sunday ' w.nc run to and from fi.i,Y: j 18 a 8tuD to Pacific Junction at s 30 No. IB is a stub from Pacific Junction at iu 30m. m in. R.B. Windham, j0hw a. Da visa. Notary Public. Notary Public W1SIDHAM UAVIEt) Attoraoyo - at - X.a-. Office over Bank of Ca. Cnnnt Plattsmouth, . . Nebbaska H. Boeck's fumitnr tnlr to .w edged to be the finest and mctc'v in the city. .