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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1888)
r PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 111, 1888. NUMBER J1: FIRST YE Alt ' ' F.M. Ku HKY W K FOX - Jamm Pattk.kmon. jk. - 11 V HON t'UHK - A Mauulk S CLIfKOHU Mayor, TrwAHurer, attorney. Kiilii-r. 1'olict JiiJxo, -Mrhall, V II MALICK ij V Wkckbacii I A HAMUBUUV Counciluien, Itt w arJ, ) D M JONK.f I IMI. A HlllPMAN , M It MUBI'HY 1 H V DUTTON M' O'CONNOK. II MlALI.KM. FttKS J V JoHN M,OlUlim KKKI OoKIIK.K D II HawksWokth 2ud 3rd 4tli. Board Pub. Work GOtjY OKFIGKliS. Treasurer, Deputy 1'te.nurer, - Cierk. - - Deputy Clerk, - Kecorder of Deed - Dtrrv Itecurder ClttTkh-l District Co art, Hherlif. Surveyor. Attorney, Hupt. of I'ub. School. County J u lice. D. A. CAMi-imix . TlH. 1'Ul.MltR BlKI I.'KITCIIKIKII . KxaCkiti-mkiki.u W. II. Pool. John M. Lkvia W. C SlIOWALTKIt J.U. KUtKNHAIt A.Maihilk - AI.I.KN 11KKHON MAVN AKI hfINK HOARD OK SU A.B. Tont. Cu'm., IiMUIH Fol.TZ, A. 1. Dickson, PKKVISOK. PUttsinoutli Weeping Water Kt in wood 1 1 ASS LOW J Mo IMI. I lVk VI? Cevery Tuenday ev'euiiK f bsu-U A tranilent brother are respectfully luvlted to attend. DLATTMOU rll KNCAMPMBNT N. 3 l.O. I O K meet every alternate r riday 1" each lno.,Vll l I H Ma-onic ; Hall. Brother are )uyltod to attend. mUM LODUB KO. SI. A. . ' W .--Meets 1 every alternate Krlday at K. of I . Iiall Transient brother are respectfully lu lled to attend. K.J. MorK.n.MasterVVorkmwi S K. . Barxtow. Foreman ; rrank Bron. Ovi i.r- Recorder; II. J. Jidiii.soii. Financ ier ; V aM i. Hinith. Iteofivar: M- Mayhrhthl. l'at M. W. . uk pitMKherty. Ina'-de Ouurd. 1ASS CAMP NIK3M. MODKKN WtMM'MEN t- of Aiiiwiiua Meets second and fourth Mou yvJ"lU at K. i AH transient iTuttier- are ra.iue-l.d to meet with .I. U A. K.w. o m.r, VncaUio tn.ui : F, Worthy A.lvlser ; B.C. Wilde. Hanker; W. A. Voeck, Clerk. 1M,ATTSMOUrH LODOK NO. 8. A. O. IT. W. Aleut, every alternate Friday evenliiK at Kockwood hail at o'clocic. All transient broth ers ara respectfully invited 10 attend, i- p. llui-soe Jl W. : F. Boyd. Foreman: S. C. Wl)de,' l;gcorder ; ,eoar J Anderson. Overseer. in.ATrsHoirni loimjb no. o. a. k. Jt a. m. 1 Meets oil fl- fr.t and third A acl MMiiilk at their li.ill. Ai trnb nt l,i oth ers are cordially l Uc l to vvttU us. Wm. Hath. Secretary. . AT KBKASK A CHAPTKlt. NO. 3. K. A. M A Meet second and fourth Tuesday of each month , nt AIium.ii'- Mall. Transcient brothers m l.nyited to iHWr With l p yjt. 1IA. Si-cietary. 11 t. ZION COM MA DAKY. NO. 5. . K. T. JlMeets first and third Wednesday muht of eaeii inontl. at Mo . s hall. Visiting brother ere i-ordiaily invited to nifetw lih us. CASS CDC NCI L NO inal. ltOYAL J UCAN UM meet the second and fourth Mondays of each month at Arcanum HalK LEJ(Jf Reent C. M I Noil, Secretary. MqCONIH'E PQT 45 C. A. f. liQSTEU. T W Tohnsost Commander. 3C .JJtor Vice A-j..n.. U:. ::::::;::-f xft j t? i'Lkti. .-..Post Chaplain ifee-tin aatiirday eveniutf PUATTMOUTHBOAHDOFTRADE vrfii.l.i.t :r ...:i;put. ":"" 1st Viee President .,: : 2nd Vice President Secretary T-'i 4ii rr A. B. Tort. I .,.Win Neville .. K. Herrmann F. It. Cuthman I1K K.i TO KS. 1 r P.i bev F. K. White, J-C Patterson, i A C.-Vner. lV Klson, C. W. Sherman, F. or d r, J. V. eckbafh. JLLPalmalSon QENERAL IMSUUHCE AGENTS Kepresent the following tiine .tried and lire-tested companies: American Central-3'. Louis. Assets Ur.iou-EiiKlaud, " '. Fire Association-Philadelphia. Franklin-Philadelphia, " Home-New York. " Ids. Ca. of North America. Phil. " LIverpool&London fit Olobe-Eng " North British Mercantile-En g " yorwich Union-England. Springfield F. & M,-Springfleld, " 8 1,258,100 2.KW.3H 4.4 15,576. 3,117,106 T.V5.59 .474.362 6.639.781 3,378,754 1.245.4G6 3,044)15 Total Assets, f42.115.774 j&ss Afljastfii eni FaiflatthisAgeney - WHEN YOU WANT HBK DOI -OF- CALL ON ' En. . Inarson, Cor, 12tU and Qranite Streets. cntractor and Builder Nept. 12-6m- AN OUTLET 80UTH. The Convention at Denver in the Interest of the Culf Harbor. The Object of the Meeting and What It Is Proposed to Do. Dun visit, Aug. 29. The deep water conveution has been in session three days, and aaide from the agitation of the ques tion of a harbor for oceun steamships on the gulf, nothing will be accomplished. The convention very wisely has tnken occasion to say to the large delegations present from Corpus Christi, Galveston and Arkansas Pass, "you must keep the whole subject of location in the yeas, to be settled by competent government tn gineers." The attendance from all of the western states shows a growing interest in the subject. Pet Imps less than one hundred Nebraska people have ever giv en the subject any consideration. THE ItEAL QUESTION. The state of Texas is fust awakening from her slumber and begins to realize that her commercial prosperity can lie as sured if -ho can bring ocean ships to her shores and load them with western grain and beef, which supplies are now shipped by rail to New York. It is claimed that the western farmer will effect a great sav ing in. cqsf- qf trnnsporUtiun by opening up the gulf route. If such is the case, and it looks reasonable, Jiejmblican will heartily favor the project. It will always be my pleasure to advocate any movement which is cajdjlnted to aid that large agricultural class wjth whpm I have always been identified, and the que in whose prosperity eyey business man is iuterested. I have no desire to go into statistics at this time. Governor Thayer has given the matter considerable study, and he clearly demonstrated in his open ing speech (hji aferpqon tiat a deep water harbor on the Texas shore would enable the western farmer to hettep prices for hi- pioduets. WHAT MUST BE DONE. The subject must be agitated until the congressional delegations in the west and south will unite and pass nn Slpy&priar tion for the necessary harbor facilities, which are required for the largest ocean steamships. Of course the movement will be opposed by eastern railways, YtliifU are i&teresied in the big haul, but that opposition can be overcome. For the purpose of agitation the Denycr conven tion will result in much good. It is pro posed to hold a convention in Tore:a, Kansas, to be iVilowed by a rousing one in Omaha, where steps will be taken to place the keystone in the deep water and to le enacted by the wesf and sQtJi. When tl.o Um6 '.oies, timuha must put on her lest clothe9 and give thft business men of the Lone Stare a royal welcome. THE NEBIIASKA DELEOATION. Some forty-eight Nebraska people are h.ere from Neh.rus.ka, ad J.le it ' ftUout as follows; The IIou. John M. Thayer, Max Meyer, William N. Nason, John F. Boyd, G. M. Nattinger, Colnoel C. S. Chase, Hermann Kountzi L. J. Thornton, Alfred Frost, W. J. Baker, John M. Mon roe, G. It. Dqane, J). Y- RarHalqvF, S. Rounds, Jlpses llarkalqvr, William, flem raing, E, M. Andreesqn. A: P. Yociiui, Cadet Taylor, A. L. Green, Joel Hull, C. E. Adams, John Jensen, N. Roberts, M. W. Butler, Peter Crockrell, J. B. Evion, M. M. Neeves, F. Q, Bell, J. M,. Lee, O. E. Goodell, 1L I. Atkin, M- L- Murphy, J. M. McMurtrie, Ira Rrasheara, W, U, Connor, J. II. Von feieer, L. C'rounse, Warren Cole, E. L. Fine, R. Hollings worth, Harry Davis, Henry C. Smith, Irving J. Mavatt, F. Corinth, D. A. Campbell. The delegation unanimously selected Col. Chase for temporary chairman, but Colorado captured the position before the Nebraska people could present their candidate. Besides Col. Chase declined to allow the use of his name if it would antagonize the candidacy of Gov. Thayer for permanent chairman. This doop water convention will adopt some resolutions, appoint an executive committee to consider the subject during the recess, and adjourn. Some members are of the opinion that but one more meeting will be necessary, but the major ity incline to the belief that neither Kap sas nor Nebraska are as yet thoroughly informod as to the importance of the subject. Republican. This rasse- for Joke. "She signed a contract," grumbled the par tiruonious man, "to only want one sateen dress a year after we were married. Well, haven't you the contractP inquired Lis friend. . . Y-e, tt sf5'-1 1 different n that, and it reads s-a-t-i-a ,n .... "I'll tell you how to spoil that," said hu friend. "Just tell her that every dresa h has will bo satin after she has worn it-hal hr Detroit Free Frefc . M mi! d- Batter In Vrurnnv. One of the curious customs of Uruguay i the method of making butter. The dairy man pours the milk warm from the cow Into an inflated pig or goat-kin, hitches it to his saddle by a long Lasso and gallops five or six uuies into town with the milk sack pounding aloncr on the road behind him. IVhon I. reaches tho city, his churning is over, the uuiter is inauo ana be peddles it from door 10 aoor, dipping out with a large wooden SPOOIl tho flUantitV duKl'rivl I.V pmpIi fnmilv Thoufeh all sorts of modern agricultural ma- cmiury are used, tuo natives cannot bo in duced to mint if. tlw rmvli.ii otini-.i milk is sold by driving cows from door to uoor a long tne principal streets and milking into the jars of the customers. William tieroy Curtis. On the IustuUroeiit Tlan. There is one grand scheme that has caused mo frequently to wonder why it bus not been brought into general application, in viovf of the ingonuity and genius that is ly- iug around loose; and that is tho getting of a wife on the installment plan; that is, I don't ineau the wife, but the dowry. There arc- a good many fathei-s who couldn't sjMiro (5,000 cash (down, but who could readily pay in in stalliiieuts of say $.KX) or $1,000 per year. Note- could be given, and even mortgages on land for security of payment at the stated periods, say from one to ten years. A failure to pay would enable tho husband to foro fIosgl JIU money would bo safe at any rate, dou't you seel American Hebrew. System of Secret Marks. A girl who has written a good many maga zine Stories, and has succeeded in getting n few published, confided to me that slid had been told that the readers pf tho uiagatines hail ri system of sfcor-et marks which they put bit vcj&iited manuscripts so that, although to an ordinary eye a manuscript appeared per fectly clean, tho initiated could at ouce tell whether it had been offered to an editor be,: fore. "I copy my whole manuscript every timo I have to send, t put,' she concluded. 'Jt is An awful bother; but anyway, I get ahead of their tricks." Arlo Bates. 1 3 tutenavia tM franco, Th Ftv-tioU census reported 180 persons who wero 100 years old or over, but M. Levasseur, who bas been investigating the matter, re ports to the Academy of Science that sixty- seven of these were only "Leljoved1 tQ be sq by thir relatives, and that there wore pjily sixteen whoso age could be proven to be over 10U years ty authentic documGnts. la esti mates that thera are pver fify wentcnarians jn thafountry, pjpag Jiemld. Quick Work. Philadelphia Guest (at a "reasonable rates" seaside boarding house) Humph I Hero is an elaborate bill of fore, biit yau everything I ask for-. i$ pi I un& into tlie JiiUnS, t-wain wiibin five minutes after the bell stopped ringing. AS aitcr i es, sah; but some of the guests got in befoh the beli stopped ringing. Phila delphia Record. l;e I.atvyer:- SlilJ He tort. Thero wero two opposing barristers. Tho lawyer for the defenso was so severe r.pon the prosecutor that the latter rose and a&Lcd. "Does tho learned counsel tuink mo a (oolf The retort was prompt .iJy ieud wishes to kiio;: i -;isKt'ef'Lim a fooJ, and in re ply to iVw quofction 1 caa o:ily s.iy tht 1 am not prepared to deny it.' Cuambers' Journal For Sale. J fiffef fqr sle ror thirty days, at low Hgili-o, my residence property, Cor. Gth and Dey streets. House of 8 rooms in thorough repairs, good stable, large cis tern and city water, four lots filled, uith fruit ftnd shrbbprf &pd uimandjng a ftnn view ox the rivor, aQOliearlng grape vines.- If taken soon will sell at $1800. Part lime if desired. tf. Mrs. J.. A. Bcem.. To Buifc?erst The time fr rpeeiviflg bids for boiler room to High School building ha? been extended to Sent, 34 168$. Plans and S.ecincatious can be seen by enquiring of Wash. Smith, at B. & M. shops. Th,e right is reserved to reject anj oif- 11 bids. 4 vVes., Sec. BiV Edt Wood for Sale. Leave orders with J. D. Tutt, at Ben nett & Tutt's store. tf. Look and Live. My lady reader, -don't pass me by with the unkind remark, ''Only an advertise ment," J may do you good. I may un fold to your view the "pearl of great price." I may be the means of restoring to you health and bappines3. I surely will if you are suffering from any form of nervousness or female weakness, and will act upon my suggestion. I bring to your notice, with every confidence in its merits, a remedy especially compounded to meet ju-t the requirements of your case Dr. Pierce's Fayorite Prescription, bidding you look and live! Ladies everywhere, who have used it, speak volumes in its praise! Dr. C- A. Marshall. Resident IDonfict. Preservation of the Natural Teeth a Specialty. Auesthetics given for Pain less FlLUXO OK EXTRACTION OF TEETH. Artificial teeth made on Gold. Silver, Rubbi-r or Celluloid Plates, and inserted as soon as teeth are extracted when de sired. All work warranted. Prices reasonable. FlTZQESALn'd BLICK Pt.4TTSMOUTBi N8 BUSINEi'V. DJltECTOKY. ATTOKNEY. S. K. THOMAS. Attorney-at-baw ami Notary I'ul.lic. Fitzgerald lllock. l'latloiuoiilli. Neb. mice in ATTOltNfcY. A. N. SULLIVAN. Will give prompt Attention to all btiKine-iH Intrusted to him. Ollice in Union lllock. East sidr, I'latt.nnouth. Neb. AtJKICL'LTUKAL I M PLKM KNTS. HALL Si I UAKi, Agricultural Impleii.eiits, t'ouitlaiwl IwikuIck anrt It ii th ford Wauoiif. "(iood 'limber and Hone liy." sold and Warranted. Main street, between Sixth and Seventh. BANK.1 FIKST NATIONAL RANK, of Pliittsmoutli. Capital S.KI.ihmi ; sui plu $11, 00. John Fitzi;piald, I'roMdent ; S. WhiikI". t'ashier : K. . White. Vice-President. Hoard of Director. : .John Fitzjierald. F. K. White, duo, 11. Clark, I), liawksworlh, 8. Wauh. BANK. Til K CITIZEN'S HANK, of I'lattsinout!.. I upit I stock paid in, .v.r,o,fMHi. Frank Carrutli, President ; W. II. CiisIiiiik. Cashier; J. A. Connor, Vice-President. A ceneial banking buni-ics transacted. clec tionw receive prompt and careful alteiiilon. BLACKSMITH. UOHKKT DOXNKI I.V. ISIacksmith ud W..j"n : ,. le: iiiIUh, i'mni's and FiUhi4. in Ai.. BOOTS ANDSIIOKS. JOSKPII KITZKK. Hoots and Shoes. Kepainnx prompt Ij' attende.l to. outh iSide Main street. BOOTS AND SHOKS. PETKli MEKCES, A complete afHortmeni of ev-ery kind of Foot wear and cheaper I Uau the cheapest west of the Missouri Itlvor, Also niauufart uring and Itepaiiiiiif. BAK11EU SHOP AND HATH HOOM, El. MOIILEY. Hot and Cold Ha: lis at all hours. Indies' au.l Children's Hair Ciittiu a KpecUity. Cor. Mil and Main, under Carruth'.. ' DAKEPY. F. STADELM.YNN. Kread. Cakes, Pies. Huns, etc., fieh daily. Party, Wedding and Farcy Cake a specialty. Ice Cream in any quantity. DOOKSELLF.ll. ETC. D J. P. YOUNG, Hookseller, Stationer, and News Dealer ; Fancy Goods, Toys. Confectionery, Fine Cigars. Soda ..' ........... t:ti. i. i. ii...... . .... . Musital IiiKtruinents. Q LOTH IN U. S, & MAYER, Gent's Fundbuiiujs, Fine Tailor Made Clothing in Men's. Hoys' and Children's Wear. Theii prices defy competition. T'hcv misrepresent notliiiig. Their word 's Their Hond. PL.OTUING. L. GOLDING, Cloth!r. Furnishing Goods. Go to the old re liable house for Hats, Caps. Umbrellas, Trunks. Hoots, felloes. Main street, next Cass Co, liank. pLOTIUXU. C, V. WESCOTT, Clothing. Hats. Cans. tc. Fine Fill nishinjis our npet'lalty. One price and no M""ey Hus- inesn. it pays to trade with lis. Kockuoi1 Hik. CAN.MNfi COMPANY'. CAKKUTH CANNING CO "9 Frank Carruth. Henry J. S.u-e-iht, Propiietc Packers of the CUua BrauU V egetablex. pON fRCTIONEK Y. yj run. i. in kh trs. Lru'ts, Coiifectionerv and Fine Ci?ar. DRUGS. O. P. SMI I II & CO. Dealers In Wall P;i.'-r, Paint. Oil, Art Mi ials. Ciga;:i jc, itJekwood lilook. Mater- DKUGS. GERINO & Ci.. Ding, Chemicals, Paints, Oi!. r.KUGS. U f O FKICKE t CO.. lu'. Medicines. Chemicals. Faint. Oils, Yavnilrs, Dve fetuft' etc.. Fine Matiouery, Select Toilet and Fancy Articles. DRYGOOD:, GROCEhlES. V S WH ITK Dry Goods, Groceries. Notions, funeral Mer chandise, etc. S. E. corner iMi and 6th St. TwiYOaoijs, ' i . ncHiiii.i;. - , Dry Goods. Notions and Ladies' Furnishing Good. One ooor east First National liauk. DRY GOODS. GROCERIES. E. G. DOYEY & SO.X. Carry a Lirjte stock of F Groceries, Dry (inoiis, carpets. s le-ensware. Motions, ana Fancy Goq.U, to Velound in the cmtuty. Up per Ala n street, between 5'h and ut'.i. DENTISTS, DRS. CAV & SMITn, "The Painless Dentists." Teeth extracted without the least pain or harm. An ilicial teeth Inserted immediately lifter extractinir natural one when desired. Jold and all other Fillings strictly first olass. Office in Union Block. FUUX1TVKE. HENRY IIOECIC. Furniture. HeddliiL'. I.ookiur (ilasse. Picture Framos. etc. Wooden and Metal Caskets kept m stock. F URN MURE. I. TEARLMAN. Furniture. Parlor Suits. Uoho'sterv tJonds. Stoves. Oueensware, Tinware, and all kinds of Household Goods. North 6th street, between Main and Vine, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. J. II. DON NELLY". Gents Fine Furnisher and Hatter. The most complete and (Id est stock in the city. Carrutli block, cor. otn ana Mam. Cr ROCERIES. ill. 1. 1. 1 II 1. .V c... The Leading Dealers in Groeerie-. (;rockery. China, Lanps. Wooden anil Willow ware. Flour, Feed.&c. Cah pa'd for country produce. M. Is. MURPHY & CO.. GROCERIES. LKHXnOFF & SOEXXICHSKN. Groceries, Provisions, Glassware ind Crockery. GROCERIES. F. McCOURT. Green. Staple ami Fancy Groceries. GROCERIES. BENNETT & TUTT, Staple and Fancy Groceries, Green Fruits and Canned Goods. GROCERIES. AUG. I1ACII. Imr f-H An anil OiiA.nai-nro Klf.l.r f.n.1 'Pep.l uuu ... '... . ...... . " " ..w. Cigars, Tobacco and Cutlery. Riddle House. GROCERIES. CHRIS. WOHLFARTH. Staple and Fancy Groceries, Glassware and Crockery, Flour aud Feed. OOTEL. O- FRED'OOS, Proprietor t'ity Hotel. Terms. Sl.oo day. Special Attention given commercial nier. HARNESS. W. G. KEEFER. Successor to O. M. Streight. Harness, Saddlery Goods. Net'. Robes. Dusters, and all horse fur nishing soods. HARDWARE. JOnXPOX BP.fiS . Hardware. Stoves. Tinware. Table and Pocket Cutlery. Rasors, etc. Household Sewing Ma chines and Jewel Gasoline stoves. Tin work of all kind done at reasonable prices. Main street, Roekwood Block. OILOSIUfG- BATS THE Positively Your Last Chance ! WILL, - rona, 7 a in. id.'oiiay morning, -August 27tli, Until lO p, m., Saturday ovoning SoptomTsor 1st. D i f voir a ii k i x n !: Tin's is an opportunity oiiuivil lor ship ii pound of freight SLAUGHTER - win You soon and those wlio wen; K-d to be lieve that our Closin-out Sale was mere ly for advertising purposes will lind our doors closed and the opjiorttinity afford ed for buying goods cheap forever gone. DO - 3ST O T - X 3E3 Lj Jk. OLOiVIO White Front Dry OooiIm THE DAYLIGHT STORE f "We have just placetl on our shelves a NEW STOCK OF ZEPHYRS We are daily receiving our New And have a Complete Line of FALL WINTER GOODS Our Yani3 in Spanish, Saxony, German aud Zephyrs are on sale. T !R ESS GrOODS I Dress Flannels and Velvets, Carpets, etc., in all the Latest LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOIS I Xone but "Western-made Goods JKept in That Line. Give us a Call. JOS. V: WECKBACH. L IRS. CAVE & SMITH, "Painloss Dentists." Trennl. Penti-t- in the West controling this New Hvstem of Extracting and Filling Teeth without Fain, our anaest lietic is en tirely free from CIILOROFOR3I OK ETHER AND IS ABSOLUTELY Harmless -- To All, Tee'h xtracted and xrtificial teeth inserted nxt d;v if desired . The preservation of the " natural teeth a specialty. GOLD C0TO. GOLD CAPS, BRIDGE WORK. The very finet . Office In I'nion Block, over Fricke Drug Store. rqa.ttm ra tC - - IT-tsra-v BEAT SALE! ELAYJ : i o v a s y t ii j kh. .:i.Ii luiycrs. Arc do not wih to and vc art; willing to THE GOODS - X .-7 IVIATHAW, lEonst? ?Iaiii St. For Fai! Trade Novelties. BROWNE, F.T.sonal attention to all Bugiuees Entrust, to rny care. XOTAKY IX OKKICK. Title Examined. Abstarcts Compiled, In surance Written, Feal Estate fold. Better Facilities for making Farm Loans than Any Other Agency, I'laltMinoutit, The finest l-edroom seta can le found at II. BoeckX