NUMJIEK 2Hi PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, 3IONIAY EVENING, AUGUST 188S. FIJIST YEAU F, M. Kicii Mayor, Clerk, Treasurer, W K Fox J AM Hi PATTEUSON. JK. . liVKO.V ObAIlK - A Maimh.k H - ( UKKOKK W 11 MAlltK Attorney. Engineer, police Judge, -Maridiall, Council men, lit ward, 2ml " (J V Wkikiiach 1 A HAI.WHUKV ) D M JdNKS I It. A SHI I'M A t M it Muiimv I a w uvvros i:i o'Conndk. 3rd 4tti. i F M:CAI.LKN. FlttM i J W Johns V KKKI JoHI J 1) 11 1IAWK8 V JOMNH N,CllAIHMAN Board rub. Work llK.K rbWohtii COLTNJllY OFFIGJcIiS. V w ' - I. A. CAMIMlKI.I. TlUM. ri.M;K BlKl CiiiTi;iiKiKi-n . ExaCkiiiiimki.d W. II. Pool. Joll.V M. I.KVItA W. C SlIOWALTKK J. C. ElKKKItAlt A. Maii.k AI.I.KS BK.KSOJ MAVWAHO SPINK O. BlSftltLL Treasurer, Deputy 1'reasuref, -Clerk. - - - Deputy Clerk. -" Recorder of Deed 'Deputv Recorder Clerk of District C'ojrt, Slierltl, Surveyor. Attorney. Hupt. of l'ut. School. County J udge. HUAKI) OK MUI-EHVI80HH. a it tv.i.i, rii'm . - - Flattsinoutli - ' w Weeping Water EllllWOod l,o I J I Fol.T., A. K. l)i:KoM, G1VIG SOGIKJll1S. 7iAHsTVuTlTNJ! 'llO 1 O. O. F. -Meets V'eyery Tim-day evening of each week. A" transient brothers ate respectfully Invited to attend. . DLA TTMOU Til ENCAM I'M EST No. 3. I. O. J o F meet every alternate I-nday in each month lu Hie. Ma-onie Hall. V wiling Urol hers are hivilod to attend. rilRIO LODOK NO. A. O. U. W. Meets A every attentat Friday evening at lv. of P. Iiall. Transient brother are respectfully In vited to attend. K..I. Morgan.MasterWorkman ; K. S. Bar-tow. Foreman ; Frank Brown. Over peer ; I. Howen. Cuide ; Houh worth. Recorder; II. .1. Jl"f T'T.'.'LVm W ' Nmtth. Receiver ; M. Maybrlght. 1 act M. W. . Jack Daughcrty. Inside tiuard. 1VSS CVMF XO.att, MODKIt.N WOODMEN J of meric.i Meets second and fourth Mon d ay evening at K. of P. hall.. All transient brother are requested to meet with us. L. A. 'Kewco-ner. Veueralde Oonsul ; .. I-. ,""1 Worthy Adviser ; S. O. Wilde, Hanker; W. A. lioeck, t'lerk. 1LVTrSMOUTH I.OIM1B NO. 8, A. O. U. W . Meet- every alternate Friday evening at KocUwoo.l hall at A 'clock. All transient broth ers are n-speetfully Invited to attend. J., n. Larson. M. W. ; F. Uoyd. Foreman : b. t. Wilde. Uecorder ; Leonard Auderson. Overseer. ax iTMIlHIIITII M)1x:E NO.C. A. F. & A. M. Meets on th lir-t aud tlnrd Mondays oi :u-h month at their hall. All transient nioiu- ers are cordially invited to meet with us KlCHKY, W. M. "Wm. Hats. Secretary . a'EBKASKA CHAI'TEIU NO- 3. K- A. M. Meets second and fourth lues.lay oi earn ikv, :iui n:i M. iranscieui ununci-i sire invited to meet with lis F. K. Wiiitk, II. P. Wm. JIavS, Secretary. iit. ZION COMMAMiAItY. NO. 5. . K . 1. 11 Meets lirst and third Wednesday ni'ht of each month at Maso Ts hall.. Visiting brother are cordially invited to ineet with ii. WM. Havs. Kee. F. E. Win tk. E. t . riASSCOl Xt l L NO l.f-M. KOYAI. J KCANFM j meet the cecond ami fourth Mondays of each mouth at Arcanum Hall. li. N. Ulkmx, Itegent. 1'. C. M i son, Secretary. McCONIHIE POST 45 C. A. R- HOST KB. J. W. .Tonxsox C. S.Twiss F. A. JUTKS F.O. NlI.KH llXSKV STBKIOHT. M ALON 1)1 XOX i.'H AKLKS FOKl A.NVKUWI.V Fkv.... ,lA(!lBII)HLKMAX. commanuer, ..Senior Vice .Junior " Adjutant. 1. M. Ollleerof the way. Ouard ... .'. Sergt Major. ..Quarter Mcister-Serjst. Tost Chaplain I., i',. :hkti.s Meet inir Saturday evening PLATTSWIOUTH BOARD OF TRADE Prsli ... 11(111. I it ii.h. 1st Vice President .A. 15. Todd Vud Vice President Secretary Treasurer - 1I KKi TOIiS. .1 r. Kichev. F. F. White ...Wm Neville .. F. llerrmanu F. It- Cutlmian .1. f. Patterson, J A. 'onner. P.. Kl-on. j. . ouerma", d"-r. J. V. Wreckbach. H.E.Paimer&Son C3-E XSTE n. INSURANCE AGENTS ;nt the following time- Ivcpres tried ami fire-tested companies: American Central-3". Louis. Assets Commercial Uulon-Enffland, Fire Association-Philadelphia. Frnklln-FhiladelphU, Ilome-Xew York. In. C. or Vorth America. Phil. " L.lrerpooliLoii lou Si llobe-Eng " North British A Mercantile-En " yorwlch Cnion-Enzlan l. " PjuiugOeld F. A M.-Spriugfield, " $1,258,100 2,E90,3U 4.1 15TC 3.11 7.1 06 8. 47 1.302 3,378,754 U"i.4V5 S,04l.!15 Total Assets, 312.11S,t;4 losses Adjusted sniPaidaltMpccy WHEN YOU WART WORK OHMS -OF- J-zx-y 3ESLxx CALL ON ITfl.iS-. laarson, f ' Cor. 12th ahd Grnnite Streets. utraciorandBailder 12-Cui. SOCIETY'S CRIMINALS. ' pTRACTS FROM AN INTERVIEW "VITH COL. ROBERT G. INGERSOLL. t'e Are Well. In m Mrunre, Itesponslble for the Fxlittenre of T'elona Tho llur clar'a lleeinnlnir No Iteformlnir Power In Itevenge Another Mew. Tho iirolmbility is that 6K-iety raises its on criminals. It idows tho land, sows the wed nnd liarvests tho crop. I believe that tho shadow of tho giblet will not ulways fall upon tho earth. 1 believe the timo will come when wo will know too much to raise crim inals know too much to crowd thoso who lnlior into tho dens and duiiseons that we call tenements, while the idle livo in palaces. The timo will como when men will know that real progress means tho enfranchisement of tho whole human race, and thut our interests are so united, so interwoven, that the few cannot be happy while the many 6iifTer; so that the many cannot bo happy while the few suffer; so that none can bo happy while one suffers. In other words, it will be found that the human race is interested in each individual. When that time conies we will stop producing criminals; we will stop pro- iniong failures; we will not leave tho next generation to chance; we will not regard the gutter as a proper nursery for ioKterity. I'eoplo imagine that if tho thieves are sent to tho penitentiary thut is the last of tho thieves; that if those who kill others are hanged society is on a safe ami enduring basis. But tho trouble is here: A man comes to your front door and you drive him away. You have an idea that that man's case is set tled. You are mistaken. He goes to tho back door. Hi is again driven awav. But tho caso is not yet settled. Tho next thing you know ho enters at night. Ho is a burg' lar. Ho is caught; ho is convicted; he is sent to the joiiitentiary. aud you imagiuo tint tho case is settled. But it is not. You must remember that you have to keep' all the agencies alive for tho purpose of taking care of these iHjople. You have to build and maintain your penitentiaries, your courts of justice; 3"ou have to pay your judges, your district attorneys, your juries, your witnesses, your detectives, your iolicc all these people must bo paid. So that, after all, it is a very expensive way of settling thistpjestion. TIIE BCRCLAtt'S BEGIXXIXO. Yoai conld have done it far more cheaply had you found this burJar when he was a child, had yon taken his father and mother from tho tenement house, or had you com pelled tho owners to keep the tenement clean ; or if 3-ou had widened the streets, if you had planted a few trees, if you had had plenty of baths, if you had had a school in the neigh borhood. If you had taken somo interest In this family some interest in this child in stead of breaking into houses, he might have been a builder of houses. There is, and it cannot bo said too often, no reforming influence in punishment; no reforming power in revenue. Only tho beat of men should be in charge of penitentiaries; only the noblest minds and the tenderest hearts should have the care of criminals. Criminals should see from tho first moment that they enter a penitentiary that it is filled with tho air of kindness, full of tho light of hope. The object should be to con vince every criminal that he has made n mistake; that he has taken tho wrong way; that the right way is the easy way, and that tho path of crime never did and never can lead to happiness; that that idea is a mistake and that the government wishes to convince him that he fcas made n mistake; wishes to open his intellectual ej-es; wishes to so edu cate him, to so elevate him, that he will look back upon what ho has done only with horror. LIKE A WILD BEAST. This is reformation. Fnnishmcnt is not. When tho convict is taken to Sing Sing or to Auburn, and when a striped suit of clothes is put upon him that is to say, when ho is made to feel the degradation of his position iso 6tep has leen taken toward reforma tion. You have simply filled his heart with hatred. Then, when he has been abused for several years, treated like a wild beast, and finally turned out again in the community, he has no thought, in a majority of cases, except to "get even"' with those who have persecuted nim. He feels that it is a perse cuf ion. Another view of tho subject is this: I have read that of fifty criminals who had been executed it was found, I believe, in nearly all the case3 that the shape of the skull was abnormal. "Whether this is true or not I don't know, but that somo men have ft ten dency toward what wo call crime I believe. Where this has been ascertained, then, it seems to me such men should be placed where they cannot multiply their kind. Women who have a criminal tendency should be placed where they cannot increase their kind. For hardened criminals that Is to say, for t!io people who make crime a business it would bo better to separato the sexes; to send tho men to one island, the women to another. Let them bo kept apart, to the end i that people with criminal tendencies may fade from the earth. This is not prompted by revenge. This would not be done for the purpose of punishing these people, but for the protection of society for the peace an4 happiness of the future. New York World Interview. fomenting About the Dugong. The dugoug, a species of whale taken in largo numbers at Queensland, has probably furnished the slender basis of fact upon which the mermaid arvl merman stories are foundeL It is about eight to twenty feet in length, Jives upon submarine beds of seaweed, breathes by means of lungs, has a humanlike head, with hair resembling a man's beard. The flesh of the animal is eaten and is said to have the flavor of beef, veal or bacon, according to the part of the body from which the meat is taken. The oil has all tho medical qualities of cod liver ff il, without the disagreeable taste or smell of tho latter. j"h:'psgQ Herald. An Explanation Desirable. lie was doing very nicely in the parlor, when a solemn voice came througty the open window from the porch: ;TUlt young man makes me very tired." "Pou't be alarmed, Mr. Sampson," said the girl, as he hastily started up, "it is only J'olly, our parrot." "I understand it's the parrot," ho replied, "but I would like to know who taught her to talk." New York Sun; . . Moue Saved by Sanitation. Medical men have long been famili. r with tho fact that sanitation has been a saving to tho community at largo In doctor's bills, in nursing, and even in days of lalor to tho in dustrial classes. Hut it has been difficult to put results into figures so as to impress the public mind. Mr. Brudenell Carter at tempted this in his inaitgurul address to tho College of Stato Medicine. Every caso of fever, he calculated, cost tho community $10. Tho reduction in tho annual death rate from fever to 4S1 per million from the 1801-00 rato of U08 ier million represented a total saving of 1 1,500,000, "but of this no one seemed conscious; while tho annual cost of scarlet fever at tho present time was ,000,000 a year. If, therefore, wo could trace scarlet fever to a deflnito cause, as a bovine disease communicable by milk, wo could adopt pre cautions which "would save tho country everj' year somewhere about half as much money as tho recent conversion of stocks, ljesidcs much misery." ilero is a new light upon disease. It is increasingly preventible, and as wo reduce its virulence and range we save money. Herald of Health. The Shall' Imperial l?dict. Tho shah bus caused a great stir in Persia by issuing an imperial edict telling bis ieo- ple that "they may engage with perfect con fidence in all industries and enterprises which are tho lasis of civilization and the sources of iiappiuess and prosperity," that they "may without fear or apprehension of any kind exercise all rights of ownership over their property," and that they "may undertake any- enterprise requiring the com bination of caoital or the formation of com panies, such aa the construction of public works, roads, etc," The world may bo con sidered conouered when Fersia oicns hex doors to civilization. New York Sun. Tho President of 3Iexlco. A correspondent writing from the City of Mexico says : "I saw 'IJoii l'omno,' as the people familiarly call the presi dent, in tho forest of Chapultcpcc this rnorninjr. He was mounted on a hanu- eouio horse, wore a cutaway coat, riding trousers, top boot3 and a tall, shiny hat, and was as handsome a figure on horseback a3 he is on fcot, which is saving a good deal, as Gen. Diaz is a very oblo looking man. He rides with grace and ease, and was today accompanied by an aide in characteristic Mexican riding costume. Is ow we are to have, as we trust, four more years of Diaz and peace, wlucUtlie busv, progressive men of the counc lerventiy nope lor. ' isew lorK Sun. Tho German government has paid 200.000 marks to an Austrian engineer named Mannlicher for a patent cylinder stopper for quick loading rifles. Dr. C- A. Marshall. "Resident 13 enlist. Preservation of the Tsatural leetn a Snecialtv. A ucst net ics given lor iaix- .ESS FlI.I.INO OK JiXTKACTION OF 1 KKTII. Artificial teeth inndu on Gold, Silver, Rubber or Celluloid Plates, and insetted as soon as tct th are extracted when de sired. All work warranted. Prices reasonable. FlT.fJKltAI.O'S UbOt'Ii Pl.ATTSMOUTIt, ii. M. GAULT lias moved and is now in the Mierwooo room. Cor. 5th and Main Sts., where he is better able to show his Large Stock of Watchep, CLOCKS AHD JEWELRY ! Than ever before, and v ill as nn induce ment sill you Watches way down. Call and get the Special Prices in Gold Watch es; it will surprise vou. A Full Line of the best styles ot Jewelry and Silverware. Repairing will be si ven Spi.cial Atteu- 1011. All work warranted to give satis- ictiou. DRS. CAVE & SMITH, "Painless Dentists." The only Dentlcts In the West controlinjr this m. . . . - .1 i iev fiysicitl I cxinicuiiK nun r iiuos without Pain. ur anaesthetic is en tirely free from CIILOKOFOKM OR ETHER AND IS ABSOLUTELY Harmless To - All, TeeMi extracted and artificial tee th inserted next day if deshed. The preservation of the natural teeth a specialty. ! OLD CROWNS, GOLD CAPS, BRIDGE WORK. The verv finest. Office In I nion r.lcek, over The CiiizeLB bunk. B. KEMPSTER, Practical Pram and Organ Tnner AND ItEPAIUFIb First-class work guaranteed. Also deal er in Pianos and Organs. Office at fJoeck's furniture store. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Legal Notice. To Joseph S.Kohn : You are hereby notified hat iii sth lav of November 18m the fol lowing described land toit : The4J x Unr :mn t he N Eur of thels V or of lufor. 11 vi i lie f Sj-roWiisiiJp twe ye f P,'l N range twelve 12 eaet la'Cass county. Nebika. taxed ?o J. S. .ohn for the year IstS. -va sold to J. C Ploonier at public tax sale for the taxs oi I the treasurer of Cass county. N ttie tunc tor redemption from sab ebraka. and said sale will ex pire on the 8th day il Noveniue iei ; ana lurtherthat the ceitiflcate cf has been assipned to the undersigned and that if said land Is not redeemed ficiu said a'e I iiall demand a deed for the fame from the treasurer of said county. oo i L17.ABKTH C. KIMBALL. "By'p. C. Bloomer, he.- agent and attorney BUSINESS JHKKCTOl&Y. TTOUNKY S. F. TIH'MAS. Attorney-at-baw nnd Notary Public. Fitzgerald liluck. Plattmouth. Neb. office In ATTORNEY. A. N. SUM.IVAN. Attomey-at-baw. Will tflve prompt attention to all bUfinesK intrusted to him. Olilce iu Union Block, EasCrslde. Flattsiuouth. Neb. A GltlClbTUlfAb IMP I. KM K NTS, XI 1IAI.L& C K A I I Alm irult iiml I in i)l em en ts. Com tliiinl Puguien anil Kutlifonl VVanoii" "(Jnod 'J i ui her an. lirv." sold and Warranted. Main street, hctwnen'iSiMh aud Seventh. BAN K.I FIltST NATIONAL HANK, of PLittsnumtli. Capital $..(i.(iimi ; surplus 11, l)(M. John Fitzgerald, Proidetit ; S. Wauyli. (.'ashler; F. S. White, Nice-President, board of Ui rectors : John Fitzgerald. F. K. While, Jno. It. Clark, U. liawksoith. S. Waunh. BANK. THE CITIZENS P.ANK. of Plattsmout:.. Capital stock paid in, .). Frank Carruth, I'reMdeiit ; vv. it. dishing. Cashier; J. A. Connor, v lee-rref liieni. a general hanking biiM-ie-s transacted. Collec tions receive prompt mid careful attention. BLACKSMITH. KOP.EKT Ii.lN.Ni. blacksmith mid Wagonmaker, i.V. Ucaler in A'ind- uiillx, Puiiipsand Filtinf;. BOOTS ANDSHOES. JOSEPH FIT.EK. Uoots anil Shoes, lirpaiiiiitf promptly attended to. South Side Main street. BOOTS AND SIIOKS. PETEU ME1MJES. A complete aiortiuent of eveiy kind of Foot wear ami ciieauer tnau ine wi'si oi the Missouri Kiver. Also inaniilartiiiiii ami Kepairiiifi. BAKI'.EK SHOP ANO I5ATII liOOM, El. MO K LEY. lot :ind Cold bii'lis at all liours. Ladies' and Children's Hair t'ultiiifr a Specially . Cor. .Mh anu Main, utuler Larrutii t. BAKEKY. F. KTAPELMA NN, bread. Cakes. Pies. Huns, etc.. fres-h Iaily. Part v. WeddiiiK ami l-arey Cake a specialty. Ice Cream in any quantity. BOOKSELLEK. ETC. J. P. YOPNO. P.ookseller. Stationer, and News Dealer ; Fancy floods. Toys. Confectionery, Hue t'lars. Soda Water and Milk Shake, Pianos and Organs anu Musial Instruments. CLOTHING. S. & f. MA YE It, (ient's FurnishiiiK, Kine Tailor Made Clot hiiiK in Men s. Hoys' ami tihililreirs w ear. J neir lnees lely roniietition. lliev misrepresent, nothing. Their Word 's Their P.ond. V L. OOI.OINU. "lothirg. Furnihinf; Ooods. Co to the o'd re liable house for Hats, Caps. Umbrellas, Trunks. Uoots, Shoes. Main street, next UussCo, lsaiiK. pLOTHINU. W C. E. WKSCOfT. Clothing. Hats. Caps, tc. Kine Furnishings our specialty. One price and no Mf'-cy tins iness. it pays to trade with us. lioctv.wod pANNINt; COMPANY. u jAia:irni canmm: co.. Prank Carruth, Henry .1. Streilit. Propiiclors. l'ackers of the Climax lrand Vegetables. fl()NFECTIONlii: yj phili .III Kit A PS. v and Fine Cij rirtc. Coiifectioner DKKJS. O. P. SMI III .t CO, Dealers In Wall Paper, Paints, Oil. Art Mater ials. Cigars c&c. ICockwood block. kUUGS. V GERlNO&Ci'. Diuff, Chemicals. Paints, Oils. t;uis. F. (J. FKICKK t CO., Irui;s. Medicines, t iieniicais. raiius, mis. Varnish s. Dye Stuffs etc.. Hue Mationery, Select Toilet and Fancy Articles. DKYC.OODS, OHOCKHIKH. K.S.WHITE. Dry Goods, Groceries. Notions. General Mer chandise, etc. S. E. corner Maui and tith Ms. DKY GOODS. F. HliUIIMANV. Dry Goeds, Notions and Ladies' Ftimisiiii Goods. Oue uoor east First National Hank. D ItY GOODS. GliOCKKIKS. E. G. DOYEY & SON. Carry a rirje stock of Kine Groceries, Dry Goods. Carpets. O'leeiisware.VNotions, Mid Fancy Goods, to lie found in the county. Up per Ma ii. street, ueiueen ain ami oin. DENTISTS. DUS. CAVE & SMITH. The Painless Deutii-ts." Teeth extracted without the least pain or harm. Artificial teeth inserted immediately after extracting imtnral ones when desired. Jold and all other Fillings etiietly first cUiks. Oftlce in Cnion IJlock. FL'KN ITU KB. HENRY r.OECK. FurnituTC. Eedding. l.ooKitiK (ilat'sei. Picture Frames, etc. Wooden and Metal Caskets kept m t-tock. Fl'KMllKE. I. PEAKLMAN. Kurnitnre. Tarlor Suits, Upho'stery Goods. Stoves. Oueeusware, Tinware, and all kinds of Household Goods. North Cth street, between Main and Vine. GENT'S FUltMSHING GOOD. J. II. DONNELLY. Gents Fine Furnisher and Hatte-. The mrst complete and finest stock In the city. Carruth Hlock, l or. 5th ana .Mam. GK'JCEIMFS. M. B. MURPHY CO., The Lending Dealers in Groceries. Crockery. China, Lamps. Wooden aud Willow ware. Flour, Feed, ice. Cash pa:a lor country proouce. GKOCRK1ES. LEHNHOFF & SOENNICHSEN. Groceries, Provisions, Glassware and Crockery. G IiOCEKIES. F. McCOUKT. Green, Staple and Fancy ;roceries. GTwOCERIES. BENNETT & TUTT. Staple and Fancy Groceries, Green Fruits ad Canned Goods, GROCERIES. AUG. BACH. Groceries and Queensware, Flour and Feed. Cigars. Tobaccq and Cutlery, liiddte House. GROCERIES. CHRIS. WOJILFARTH. Staple and Fancy Groceries. Glassware and Crockery, Flour and Fee. HOTEU FRED ''OOS, Prom iet or City Hotel. Terms, Sl.oo per day. Special Attention given commercial men. HARNESS. W'.G. KEEP Eli. Sncces9or to O. M. Streiiriit. Harnes-i. Saddlery Goods. Net". Robes, Dusters, aud all horse fur nishing uooaa. 7 " ' : HARDWARE. JOHNFON BROS.. Hardware. Stoves. Tinw are. Table and Pocket Cutlery. Rasors. etc. Household Sewing Ma chines and Jewel Gasoline store. rinwork of all kinds done at reasonable prices. Main street, Rockwood Block. O Positively Your Last Chance ! JUMJAINS UMMtECKDKNTtJ) WILX, - BPJ - OFFERED From 7 a. m. Monday morning, August 27th, tJntil ID p, I F Y O U A 11 K 1 N N K Tl opportunity oflered us is an siiip :i pounl ol lreilit D MOT SLAUGHTER THE FOR CASH Vou soon and those wlio won that our Closing; -out Sal y i'or advertising doors closed and the ed tor buying goods DO - KTOT'T3KIjA.Y"1 SOLORiOl WSsitc "Front Iry Cols JEWELRY. O V. A. MrELWAIN. Watcher?. Clocks, Silverw.-ire and Jewelry. Special Attention given to Watch Repairing. JEWELRY. J FRANK CARRUTH & SON. Alwnvs carry a line ftocK of Diamonds. Watch es, t'l' cks. Jewelry, silverware and Spectacles. Drop in and inspect thcir;oods before parch a--iiijj rlse here. JEWELRY. J J. SCHLATER, Jeweler. Waltham Watches a Specialty. Main Street, near Fourth. L1YERY STABLE. CM. HOLMES .t SON, The Checkered Earn. Livery. Feed and Sale stable ; parties conveyed to all parts of the city. Carriages at all traius. Coi ner Vine and Cth. MEAT MARKET. RICHARD RIL3TEIN. Wbo'esale and Retail Dealer in First Beef. Pork. Mutton. Yeal. Lamb. etc. Quality Sixth streer, Neville Block. Prices moderate. MEAT MARKET. J. HATT & CO.. Kill their own Cattle. Render their own Lard and Cure their own Bacon. Maiu street. MEAT MARKET. F1CKLER & CO.. hirs, i of uativ Poultry &c. We use o Iy the best erade e stock, oysters anu game in season. MERC HAST TAIIJR. C. F. SMITH, Merchant Tailor. Main t-treet. over Merges shoe store. Complete Mock of samples. Fit guaranteed. Prices defy competition. MILLINER V. MRS. J. F.JOHNSON. A Complete Line of the Latest Styles of Mil linery and Trimmings ; also Children's and In fants Bonnets, to be closed out at cost. T ESTAURANT AND LUS'CH ROOM. JA. JACOB HENNCH. Meals and Lunches set ved to order at aM hourf. AUo Oysters, t'igars. Tobacco, Pop and Cider. Opposite Riddle House. SAMPLE ROOf. JOHN BLAKE. Sample Room and Billiard Hall. Choice Wines. Liquors and Cigars. Billiard aud Pool Tables. SAMPLE ROOM. KRAHM & KLIETCH. Sample Room. Imported and Domestic W'nes, Lbjuors and Cigars. Only straight han dled. Milwaukee Bottled Lager a Specialty. Cor. 5th and Main St. n AMPLE ROOM. THE AMERICAN EXCHANGE. Nl'k Cunningham, proprietor Choice Wines. Liquors and Cigars. Pool aud Bil.iard Tables. R'ddle Jiome Block. SAMPLE ROOM THE ELKIIORN SALOON. Win. Weber, proprietor. Manufacturers of Soda Water. Birch Beer. Cider, etc. Agent for Fred H rug's Celebrated Laaer Beer. Wood for Sala. Leave, orders with J. D. Tutt, nett & Tutt's store. at IJen tf, Plenty of feed, fiiui, graham ami meal at HtjseV? niilJ. tf BAY GREAT SALE! m. , Saturday ovoning SoptomlDor 1st. LAYX K I) O F A X V T II J N (i. i'nv p:isIi luiycrs Wc lo II in t not wibli to :ind we tin wi I 7 I'll to lt!- was iiicii- purposes av 1 1 1 lind out opportunity cheap forever all'. on i lone. i"A7H AIM, Ifonso Main Si. A H 5 P5 'A O 1 'A O P5 a V f O O 5 u 3 "3IEN OF MARK." WRITTEN BY Rev. X W. Simmons, D- D. This book is one that every loyal per son should possess. It tells of nil the foremost colored men of the United States. It gives their biographies, and has over 100 fine steel engravings. J O H 1ST C, BOONE, Agent for Cass County. R. B. Windham, John A. Davikr, Notary Public. Notary Public. I WlMIIAJI4lAVli:H, I Attorneys - at - Law. Office over Bank of Ca-k County. Plattsmouth, - - Nebraska B.St M. Time Table. r;oiN; tmt. No. 1. 5 :io a. in. No, 3.-7 :00 p. in. No. 5. 7 a. m. No. 7.--7 :i p. m. No.!'.-C :1" ). in. No, 2.-4 m p. in. No. L 10 :."o a. m. Na. J 7 :15 p. m. No. 10.--0 :15 a. in. No. 11 1 ;'7 p. in. A'l trains run daily by wavof Omaha, except Nos. 7 and 8 which run to and from Schujler daily except Sunday. Nn. 30 Is a tubto Pacific .function at e. .h No. PJ IsaBtub from Pacific J unctlou at tla.m. GOODS i f) CDol I O 5 V 5 I I i tr t t - id 'l s