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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1888)
Tne Evening Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. A. Kallnbarf. DeatUt, Rock wood Baildiar, Tclepkaa 21. i. Dr. Mxgtan, 0(1 re la flerU' Draic More, Bl ar tor. Sixth tiraaltc. Trlrpboae So. 42. Dra. Cot Nmlta. ihm I'alalnui PratUU, I'nloa Block, oTor CltixeaV Baak, FlatUMoata. CITY CORDIALS. Tomorrow is the day set for the state convention, which is to bo held at Lin col. The corn crop throughout the coun try is reported as being good. The small grain however, is not so good, as was ex pected. The democrats turned out in full force this morning and attended the county convention held at "Weeping Water today. The friends of Mrs. John Barnes, of York, will be grieved to learn that she was thrown from a carriage today by a runaway team and badly injured. Mr. Philip Weyrick of Tazewell county. 111., who is here on a visit, has rented a farm occupied by and will make this county Geo. Perry, his future borne. The delegation to state convention from this county was instructed to use all honorable means to secure the nomi nation of Capt. C. N. Baird for state treasurer. The ladies of the United Presbyter ian church, of Murray, will give an ice cream social, at the church, on Thursday evening, Aug. 23rd, to which all are cordially invited. Thos. Wolf, living north of Union, is the owner of a half-blood Ilolstien calf probably the largest ever known in this part of the country. At its birth it weighed 10$ pounds. F. M. Young, eight miles southwest of town, is building a fine new residence; diuientions, 28x38, two stories. Mr. Young is among the many prosperous farmers of that community. There has been considerable trouble in the Christian church since the resigna tion of Mr. Hampton has become known. A conference of some Christian ministers from abroad was held in the city yester day, and it is reported Mr. Hampton has since abandoned the pulpit. Jas. J. West, publisher of the Chicago Times aad Mail, accompanied by a party of friends, passed through the city on a special car attached t No. 2. last even ing. They were met at the depot by Co. Treas. Campbell and wife and Miss Paul, who accompanied them a3 far as Pacific Junction. Mr. West is an old friend of Mr. Campbell and Miss Paul. The party have been spending a couple of weeks at Manitou Springs, Colorado. --A'two-year-child of Mr. Jake Stulls merits death in a shocking manner yester day afternoon. The little girl's mother Lad been in the habit of hanging a pail of milk in the well each day and occasion ally the child would watch her while in the act. Yesterday the child wanted a drink of milk and went the well, un noticed by the mother, and removed the covering from over the top In trying to pull the pail up, she lost her balance and fell into the well, a distance of eighteen feet. It is thought she was killed by the fall. The mother was al most frantic with grief when she dis covered her child and could get any as sistance short of a mile and a half. They live on what is known as the old Miller A remarkable sensation occurred in this city of the Platte within the last few days in which one of our brave boys was about overcome with the scare it afforded him. The young man takes his meals and rooms at a house on Oak street. In his absence one evening some of his friends quietly made it up among them selves to put up a job on the fellow, mors to test his staying qualities than for any other reason, as he excels as a boaster. A dummy woman was dressed up and put in his bed to await his arrival. The amused crowd waited for him until a late hour when at last he put in an ap pearance. He sat contented on the edge of his bed making preparations for retir ing. The window-b'.ind was fastened back so that he could easily discern any object in his room. When he was about prepared to emerge himself and close his peepers for the night, he was startled to observe the streaming tresses and bright face of a woman. He never Cott-on, and in an excited state of mind rushed from his room, inquiring for a match. None of his friends in any of the up-stairs rooms could find a match for him. He then passed swiftly down the stairs and rapped on the door of his landlord's room, exclaiming: "Mr. A ! Mr. A ! Have you got a match? What woman is in my room? If you put any body in my room I want to know who it is' lie insisted on Mr. A accom panying him to the room. The landlord opened the door and walked in, followed by the terrified one. When the fellow looked over the shouldcr.of his landlord and discovered the truth, the relief and Surprise coming in contact on his nature about foundered him. He baa threatened to leave town If the bova wnnVl nnnui t hoax A House for the Habitual Drunkard. To our knowledge this subject has never before been introduced to the pub lic, and for what reason we know not, and cannot refrain from expressing surprise, when the daily demand for such a place must leave an impression on the minds of all who may walk the streets and wit ness the degraded state of humanity in some cases. Men, young and old, who have, by iu ccssant indulgence in taking too freely such an erroneous step, habituated them selves to the evils of liquors, and are now unable to take care of themselves, are left uncared for by many who are direct ly interested in their welfare because of their evil habit. Suchjnen still retain a chance down in their breasts which would, if an opportunity was afforded when these men are made aware of their wreck Ickhdcss, be taken advantage of and they would still be men and come to the front as resectable people. As long as they are left to themselves and so many temp tations arc daily set before them, they will never take advantage of that oppor tunity. When the people of this country realize the fact that they can still do something for their friends when in such a state of helplessness, they will be more cgre to give an assisting hand and help in the good we are about to speak of. The citizens of Plattsmouth, or any oth er burg, who 'are directly interested, should petition the men who represent us at the capitol, to build houses or work houses in certain parts where those men could be kept and employed. When a man would apparently become so help 1 -S3 that he would become of no use to himself or anyone else, that is where he should go if the proper authorities, after being satisfied with an examination, should think it a proper place to send him. If those men who are now only moder ate drinkers would think of the place as their future home, they would certainly use a little more precaution than any of them do at present. When the men would be confined at such a house for a long enough time to satisfy the author ties that they could refuse a drink when offered to them, they should le set free again. O Such a place would certainly benefit not only the man and his family, but the whole community. Why not some interested person urge the matter i Firemen Attention. The following letter has been received by the fire department: Nebraska City, Aug. 15. 1888. (JhitfFire Department. Plattsmouth. Neb. Dear Sir: Your lire company is respectfully invited to be present at Nebraka City on Thursday, the 30th of this inontti, to participate with us in the celebration of the completion of the "Q" bridge at this city. The Board of Trade has offered prizes as follows: $65.00 first prize and $35.00 seconu prize to the hest and second best companies. The Nebraska City fire com pany will not enter the contest for said prizes. . Will send you transportation from rjattsmouth to Nebraska City and return provided you accept this invitation and notify us of the number of men in your company tliat will: attend. Arriving here at'l0:30 on the K. C, will be in plenty of time. You can leave next morning at 4 o'clock over same road. Let us hear from you at once. John C. Watson, Chairman. H. L. Wood, Secretary. At n meeting of the department it was decided unanimously to accept the invi .tation and the following committee was appointed to ascertain how many would attend, and take the names of all mem bers who desire to go. The committee appointed represents one member of each company, and all members of such com panies will report to the member from their respective companies. S. C. Green, chief. T. S. Clifford, Whites;" L. Reinhackel, "Rescues;" W. L. Thomas, "Wideawakes;" James Johns, "Rich: y's;" D. M. Jones, "nooks." The members going will go in a body and lake the Neville cart. All members must be in uniform, as far as possible. The committee will meet tomorrow, Thursday evening, and make up their report nt the council chan.ber. By order of department II. C. Ritchie, Secretary. A party of singers were out doing the serenade act on Monday night. The people, within a block were all enjoyins .the melodious strains until a gentleman on a balcony immediately above the par ty extended his head far enough over the side to be discovered by one of the sing ers who immediately took up an obligato solo in which there were about a dozen demisemiquavers and in an excited man ner commenced to sing "Water, water, water, oh, look out for water." The solo was not accompanied as it should have been and the harmonious crowd took a sudden leave while the man on the bal cony tried to explain that he did not in tend to throw water on them and that he considered their sudden departure a slight. Wild and lured looking lithographs are being posted in prominence on each side of Main street entitled. "The Twelve Temptations" which is soon to visit Oma ha. Plattsmouth does not require an ad dition of twelve to show up in promi r -ca ia that lizs. THE DAILY HERALD: PLATTSBIOUTH, PERSONALS. Mr. H. Waterman went to Lincoln this morning. Mr. Jos. Connor and wife are visiting friends at Ashland. Mrs. Wabright and little girl went up to Omaha to spend the day. Mrs. Qayle, daughter of Dr. Winter stein, is spending the day at Omaha. Mr. J. Pepperberg has taken a trip to Lincoln and Omaha on business. Mr. W. Q. Mercer came down from Omaha yesterday and returned this morning. Rev. M. A. Hampton and wife took their departure for her home near Lincoln this morning. Mr. George Ailswortb, of London, Ont., grandson of Mrs. Kate Oliver, is visiting his relatives here. Mrs. D. A. Campbell went to Lincoln this morning. She was accompanied by her husband as far as Omaha. Mr. Bob Iden, who has been attending Dr. John Black during his long illness, took his departure for St. Joe this morn ing. Mrs. Dr. Livingston and daughter. Miss Janet, accompanied by Miss Cora Hill, were passengers to Omaha this morning. Miss Maggie Streight and friend, Miss McFarland, who have been visiting at the state fisheries for a few days, return ed home this morning. Mrs. Taylor and daughter, of Central City, who have been spending a few days with the family of Mrs. Oliver, left for their home this morning. Mr. II. Chapin, who returned only a few days ago from the west, has again gone to Orleans to work for a few weeks for the B. & M. at that point. Miss Lou Ingail, of Hastings, who has been east as far as Chicago for several weeks, arrived in the city today on a two weeks' visit to the Misses Weckbach. Mr. Joe Fairfield and brother, Mack, two old Plattsmouth citizens who have been living in Cheyenne county for sev eral years, are in the city on a visit to their many friends. Mr. Nash, state secretary of the Y. M. C. A., arrived in the city yesterday to make arrangements for their conference which is to be held here next Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Mr. T. J. Thomas, who recently took a trip to Washington, D. C, returned to our city this morning, accompanied by his wife. He reported a pleasant trip. We are glad to welcome them into our midst. Mayor Richey and A. B. Todd returned from Denver and the mountains this morning where they have been recreating for the past week. Glowing reports are given by them of the west, but they were a little dissatisfied to learn that they had missed the primaries. Two of our popular young men who are generally possessed of a humorous turn of mind and who, when the public is not convenient to receive their jokes, hammer away at each other. The two fellows were standing on a corner the other evening with their heads together, agreed among themselves to rest on humor for a short time and look into the future with a broad view. Matrimony, f course, was introduced, among the many subjects, when the following .re mark broke from the lips of the more amerous one: "Pete, why don't you get married and settle down ?" "Settle down !" says Pete, "it keeps me a hust ling all week to get money enough to settle up." The state secretary of the Y. M. C. A. arrived in the city yesterday and is making arrangements for their conftr ence which is to be held here on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. All are cordial ly invited to attend the meeting next Sunday afternoon. Ladies are specially requested to be present. Meeting at the Presbyterian church. Chief of police Poisall gave a pros titute, who has been occupying the west ern extremity of the B. & M. yards here, a ticket of leave yesterday afternoon. She and some of her familiar friends were re quested to cross the river, which they did. she paying all expenses. The "Kit ty Pease" transferred the passengers. Great wrenar&tions are Iwincr mn.p bv the ladies of St. Luke's Gnill for advertising social which is to be given oy tiiem at the Waterman Opera House tonight. It being the first of the kind ever given in the city and also a great novelty, a large crowd 6hould be the re sult. Wood for Sale. Leave orders with J. D. Tutt, at Ben nett & Tutt's store. tf. Colic, Diarrhoea and Summer com plaints are dangerous at this season of the year and the only way to girtird against these diseases is to have constant ly on hand a bottle of some reliable rem edy. Beggs' Diarrhoea Balsam is a POS ITIVE RELIEF in all these disagreeable cases and is pleasant to take. It will cost you only 35 cents. O. P. Smith & Co., Druggists. Light summer shoes for your little girla, 25 cents only, at Merges'. Mr. J. Antill has reported a bis oys ter trada la tiij cc-th cf Acsrzt. CTCBIlAoKA, WJEDHEbUAI, AUtfUQi xooo. SPECIALTIES ' 52 inch All-Wool Dress Suitings in all the New Mixtures, only GO cents a yard. 52 inch All-Wool Broadcloth Suitings in all the New Shades, only S5 cents per yard, worth $1.00. Ladies' Long Cashmere Scarfs, Fringed, only 75 cents each. Ladies' Long Cashmere Scarfs, Fringed and Embroidered, only 85 cts., worth $1.25. Ladies' Long Persian Scarfs, Fringed, at $1.35, worth $2.00. Ladies' Cashmere Scarfs, Fringed and Embroidered, $2.25, worth $3.00. (t H H B (I) Special Values In Gloves ! Ladies' Brilliant Lisle Gloves only 25 cents, worth 50. Ladies' Pure Silk Gloves only 30 cents, worth 50. Ladies' Pure silk Gloves only 50 cents, worth 75. Ladies' Five Button Undressed Kid Gloves, Scallop Tops, Embroidered Backs, in Black and Colors, only 1.00. Ladies' Four Button Dressed Kid Gloves, Embroidered Backs and Colored Welts, only $1.00 a pair. Ladies' While Linen Collars only 5 cents each. 0) d (D 0 H' S H H" (D (I) I Fo Herrmann ONE DOOR EAST FIRST NATIONAL BANK A CARD. Having this day sold my stocl of Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, etci to "Messrs. Brekenleld & Weid man, I would respectfully and car nestly ask that all those in my deb come lorward promptly and settle their accounts; as it will be neces sary ior me to close up my business as speedily as possible before en gaging in other pursuits. I also take this occasion to thank the public, both in the city and county, for the very liberal patronage giv en me during the time I have been engaged in business here, and hope the same will be extended to my successors. JNO. R. COX. doctl-v.-3m Dont go to Omaha when you want to get your beautiful parlor and bed room sets but go to Henry Boeck's fur niture emporium where you can get every thing in the furniture line that will go to make your home beautiful and comfort able; and above all you can get it cheap, Remember that he who sells most can sell cheapest. I agree to forfeit $10 to any cigar dealer of Plattsmouth who will produce a foreign 5 cent cigar that will equal in fineness and quality that of Pepperberg's "Buds '. Don t all speak at once. 18-lw J cues Pepperberg. I wish to notify all those who knew themselves indebted to me, th t unless their accounts with me are settled by September 15, 1888, they will be placed in the hands of a collector, who will col lect the same. Respectfully, dl4t TnEO. P. Livingston, M. D. For Sale. One charter oak cook stove for sale cheap. Inquire of tf Solomon & Nathan. Sherwin & Williams' mixed paints, the best in the market, at Fricke & Co's. drug store. 8-tf. A man can furnish his house more com pletely from the furniture store of II. Boeck than at any place in town. Child's high sandals, only 25 cents a pair, at Merges'. Plenty of feed, flour, graham and meal at Ileisel's mill, tf The finest bedroom sets can be found at H. Boeck's. II. Boeck's furniture stock is acknowl edged to be the finest and most complete in the city. A new line of neckware just received it J. 12. Dc UyV tf. THIS WEEK ! !'! (D H H P 01 d (D O H H' (D (I) BAD BLOOD. There is not one thing that puts a man or woman at such disadvantage before the w orld as a vitiated state of the blood Your ambition is gone. Your courage has failed. Your vitality has left you. Your languid step and listless ac tions show that you need a powerful in- yigorator, one bottle of Beggs' Blood Purifier and Blood Maker will Dut new life in a worn out system, and if it does not it will cost you nothing. O. P. Smith x to., Druggists. Everything necessary for furnishing a nouse can be purchased at II. Boeck's. When your skin is yellow. When your skin is dark and greasy. When your skin is rough and course When your skin is inflamed and red. When your skin is full of blotches. When your skin is full of pimples vou need a good blood medicine that can be relied upon. Beggs' Blood Purifier and Blood Maker is warranted as a positive cure for all of the above, so you cannot possibly run any risk when you get a bot tle of this wonderful medicine. For sale by O. P. Smith & Co. For Sale. I offer for sale for thirty days, at low figures, my residence property, Cor. 6th and Doy streets. House of 8 rooms in thorough repairs, good stable, large cis tern and city water, four lots filled with fruit and shrubbery and commanding a line view of the river, 300 bearing grape vines, it tasen soon will sell at f 1800. I'art time if desired. tf. Mrs. J. A. Buell. Notice to Draymen. The draymen and exiiressuien nr lipr. bv notified that the extent of tlu.Jr time for paying a license limited to one 1 r . i i - ... wetK. ii ineir license is not nnu i,v inar time, niey will l;e dealt with accord ing io law. Jy oruer or City Marshal, UEORGE fOISALL. To Builders. Bids will be received until noon. Au gust 2S, 1883. for buildiner a boiler room addition to High school building. Plans and specifications can be seen at Rpnnot and Tutts, the right is reseryed to reject j any or au pias. Wsr. Hayes, tf. Sec. Bd. Ed. For Sale. Household furniture for sale, consist ing of kitchen, dining room, parlor and bed room furniture, also bedding, in fact everyimng necessary in keeping house. Enquire of W. W. Cole. tf. "ADVERTISING SOCIAL" Given under the Auspices of the t Ladies of ST. LUKE'S QTJILD, AT THE Waterman Opera House WEDNESDAY EVENING, TJ Q- TJST S3. Admiatission: Adult 25 centa; Chil dren 10 ctrti Errrjtc'jc" . Real Estate Barg. EXAMINE OUR LIST. CONSISTING OK CHOICE LOTS 3NT South - Park, 21 lots in Thompson's addition. 40 lots in TowiiKend's addition. ' Lot 10 block 188, lot 5 block. 104. Lot 1 block 0, lot C block 95. Lot 11, block 111, lot 8, block CI. LOTS IN YOUNG AND HAY' ADDITION. Lots in Palmer's addition. Lots in Duke's addition. Improved property of all descriptions and in all parts of the city on easy terms. A new and desirable residence in South Park, can be bought on monthly payments. Before purchasing elsewhere, call vnl see if we cannot suit j'ou bettor. 5 acres of improved ground north of the city limits. 5 acres of ground ail joining S nth i urn. 2 acres of ground adjoining South Park. li acres of ground adjoining Soutl Park. 20 acres near South Park: Se i sec. 14, T. 10, R. 12, Cass county, price f 1,- 800, if sold soon. nw i sec. 8, T. 12, R. 10, Cass Co., price $2,000. A valuable improyed stock fram in Merrick Co., Neb., 1C0 acres and on reosonuble terms. Windham & Davies. INSU MIR Consult your best interests by insurinff in the Phoenix, Hartford or Stna com-' panics, about which there is no question as to 'their high standing and fair dealing. TORNADO POLICIES. The present year bids fair to be a dis" astrous one from tornadoes and wind storms. This is fore-shadowed by the number of storms we hayc already had the most destructive one so far this year having occurred at Mt Vernon, 111., where a large number of building wero destroyed or damaged. The exemption from tornadoes last year renders their oc currence more probable in 1 888. Call at our office and secure a Tor nado Policy. Unimproved lands for eale or ex change. r. ----