The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, August 22, 1888, Image 3

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    . I 4
Car of th Hands Uht tUm XT Urn
aorrr It Men Only Kmw Femlnin
Pockets Headdress Women Who Kerer
Rmt NoU'l and Items.
First and foremost, health and it great
sustaiuer, cleanliness, demand a dry cellar.
The floor, in order to prevent the entrance
of moibturo from below, must be laid with
cement or asphalt, and the cesspools and
plumbing must be in good condition. To
prevent tho entrance of moisturo from above,
the pavement in the front area and in the
rear court yard must be firmly cemented
betwoou the flag stone; otherwise water will
drip through their crevices after a heavy
r&ln or during the thawing period.
Bop&rato bins for wood, and for range and
furnace coal; aro extremely desirable; they
add to the neat appearance of the entire
, collar, and keep their content within their
proper bounds.
There nro many modes of building them,
but a simple ami practical way hi to firmly
plant four uprights, one at each corner of the
square or oblong of the desired dimensions.
The wall f,f the cellar may IjO utilized for one
t'le, and cr.K.-iboai-ds nailed to tho uprights
iriu two iiioiu Tho front must lie arrange!
eo ua t nllo'-r it. vntiro rrmovul wlien tho
bins require Gliing. This can bo dono by
grooving the two uprights, bo that tho boards
can bo shoved upward and lifted out Tho
coal heaver beginning, of nourae, at tho low
est, returns each board to its Aucn as it bo
coina m-ewnry to curb the limit of tho in
creasing pile. Ai ojeiiiiig l-irg enough to
!Oii!y admit tho shovel is left in tho lowest
A. B. -. so that tho fuel can be readily ob-
c cool comer of tho cellar, rrmoto from
furnace, build n shelved and roomy
rioset, wlue door is provided with a lock,
for tho storing of jellies, preserve., pickles,
etc., the floor of which can bo utl.izl for
tho winter's stock of jtatoes. To keep ths
closet light nml well ventilated, havo it
built of sluts liko a picket fence.
Shelves may bo attached to tho wall here
and there, and will prove convenient to hold
empty bottles, which should lo ranged in an
orderly manner, pints aud quarts in separate
rows. Flower pots, if inverted and set one
over tho other, may also Iks placed upon these
shelves and are out of danger of breakage.
If rags aro allowed to accumulate, await
ing tho ragman, keep them in a large caso or
trunk to prevent their being scattered over
tho floor. Soap boxt-s, empty cases and use
less articles of furniture should at onco le
reduced to kindlings and thrown into the
wood bin.
Bull, when removed from the garden, can
bo thrown into a basket aud hung from a
convenient hook in the ceiling or under side
ufa shelf. Children's sleds, garden imple
ments and sundry other articles can be hung
from tho walls, and tho hose, unless coiled
about alio.; carriage, may bo rolled up and
"' tied and suspended in tho samo manner.
- A coat of whitewash applied yearly to
shelves aud walls aud closets nnd bins
greatly adds to tha cleanliness of tho cellar
nnd lightens its usual gloom.
To keep the cellar us pure and clean as it
ought to lo kept, tho housekeeper need give
but threo orders, each of which, however,
mast lo implicitly olwyed: First, the cellar
to be thoroughly swept not less than onco in
a. fortnight, and during the heated term
occasionally washed with a broom and
plenty of water. Second, all ashes from the
furnace must bo daily removed as long as
tho furmuo is kept going. Third, any inoist
spot uioii tho floor must bo reported as soon
as detected. Onco rejorted, it is her duty to
' immediately ascertain its cause and take the
necessary stei to prevent its recurrence.
Harper's Bazar.
Care of the Housewife's Hands.
One of tho greatest trials of women who
must do more or less housework is that of
keeping their hands in shapely condition. It
is alf very well to say put on a pair of gloves
to dust or sweep, to make leds, or to gardea
in, but who, in tho busy rounds of daily re
curring duties, can tako tiino to get her
gloves, ami do her work so much the slower
-for having them on? Yet nothing is more
mortifying than on ugly hand, rough and
stained, with stumpy fingers; nothing more
rouses in a woman envious feelings than tho
comparison of her own hands lying in her
lap, showing evidence of bard work, with
thoso of some sinter woman white, well
hapen, dainty objects of admiration and
real beauty. Doubtless one reason for this is
that hands aro always before one's eyes, and
so are not as easily forgotten as noses and
teeth; and, therefore, unless there is a sense
of satisfaction in their prominence there is
nn uneasy consciousness of their presence.
The simplest thing a woman can do to make
tho hands attractive is to care for tho nails,
but any attempt to file them ia tho modern
fashion introduced by manicures is simply
useless. Tho most ordinary duties about tho
lious,are certain to break long, pointed nails,
and getting one's finger nail into shape after
euch a misfortune is no easy task. Two or
three so broken would drive tho most sweetly
smiling faces into wrinkles and scowls of
yso, it is wisest to keep the nails trimmed
!iosely, neatly rounded so that the tip ia
shaped exactly liko tho half circle at tho bot
tom, using tho file frequently, for that makes
a neater, clearer cut edge than any knife or
scissors. Keep the little fold of cuticle which
encircles the nail free from hangnails and
show the half moon at the bottom, which is
called tho mark of beauty in the nail, by
pushing tho fold freely back with a 6harp
!ointed ivory instrument. After a little time
this becomes easy enough. Then drying the
Lands with a coar3e towel push the flesh back
from the nail constantly.
Then, no matter if tho tasks of tho day in
clude preparing small fruit for preserving,
'and washing pots and pans, which are some
of the hardest duties of housework on hands
and finger nails, never permit tho nails to re
main in a stained condition. Wash them in
an acid and rub them briskly and forcibly
with a nail brush in a bowl of oat meal and
water. Jfever scrape the under part of the
uaiL The roughness thus engendered will
- catch and hold dirt for days.
Every one uses more or less creams or gly
cerine or vaseline on the skin in the winter
time. Tho latter is the easier to procure,
the less expensive and tho more efficacious in
keeping tho skin soft. Better than the use of
. any such application is the habit of wearing
a loose glove at night, not a greased glove,
Lut an ordinary kid one, two or throe sizes
larger than the hand. This soon coascs to
bo annoying, aud, simple as it seems, is, be
yond doubt, the most certain method of
keeping soft, white hands. A woman who
Is noticeably - awkwark with her hands
should tako paics to learn tho freeing mo
tions of the Dela&rte system, aud with prac
tice by herself the awkwardness will soon
The fingers of seamstresses are often a
source of much annoyance to them from the
, jxrictj necdhM. Women who sew want
rcme wot removing the very evident pin
rxUZa, il roc;b Fslc stone Is the
best remedy. If it smooths down the flesh
until It smarts, a cot the finger of an old
glove to bold a profuse application of vase
line, will heal the soreness in one night "8.
a E. M." in Chicago Herald.
What the Wife Deserves.
"My dear," said an eminent philanthropist
to his wife one day as he suddenly burst into
the sitting room, "I have been counting the
windows in our house, and find there are
forty. It just occurs to me that you have
to keep these forty windows clean, or suier
intend the process. And that is not a begin
ning of your work. All these rooms have to
be swept and garnished, the carpets mado
aud cleansed, the house linen prepared and
kept in order, beside tho cooking, aud I took
it all as a matter of course, I just begin to
see what woman's work is, even when she
has help, as you are not always able to pro
cure. You ought to receive a monthly sti
pend as a housekeeper would. Why haven't
you made me see it before? I have not been
Just to you whilo I have boen geuerous to
The wife who told this in after years to
her husband's credit, sat down with him and
for the first time since their marriage opened
her heart freely ujon the topic of woman's
allowance. She confessed to having had
many a sorrowful hour at her osition as a
lggar. At tho head of a large household in
a western town where domestic service was
both scant and incompetent, she had hardly
been trusted with $5 at a time, during their
united lives.
"itobert and I talked it over," sho said,
"and decided that the woman who takes care
of any household article, like a cwpet for
instaium, from the time it is first made till it
is worn out, has ex))eudodupoii it an amount
of time, and strength fully equal to tho labor
that mado it, counting from tho shearing the
wool till it comes from tho loom. It may be
unskilled work, but it is work all tho same.
And this is only ouo small item in her house
keeping labor. Does she not deserve seme
payment besides her board and clothing?
'Robert saw woman's work in a new light.
From that tiino till today he has placed a
generous share of his income in my hands, not
as a gift, but a right. Aud ho knows that I
will no more fritter it away than he will. If
I chose to deny myself something I need and
bestow its cost in charity or buy some book9
I crave, he no more thinks of chiding mo
than I think of chiding him for spending Lis
money as ho likes."
There ore other Roberts who have yet to
learn this lesson of justice ami they are found
in every walk of life. I havo known rich
men who were ready to buy silks, velvets and
diamonds for their wives, sometimes far
beyond what were desired, yet who grudging
ly doled out $5 at a time when apealed to for
a little money. The reason given is that it
may bo spent foolishly. If anything will pro
long babyhood into maturity it is such treat
ment. Against it a woman's nature rise) in
rebellions indignation. Thoughts of bit
terness rankle in the wounded heart
and there are flighty, mocking, flip
pant creatures made so by just this
want of trust on the part of their husbands.
Tho gravest and most elusive faults are
always found among dependent classes.
Hester M. Poole in Good Housekeeping.
If Men Only Knew.
If men only knew. But they do not, and
never wilL
Tho women they marry are often enigmas
to them.
In "courting days" the girls are angels,
their whims are adorable, their defects
beaut 'es. They pay compliments out of
No one was ever so beautiful, so sweet, so
bright. But after that it is different. After,
he judges her coolly and criticises her frankly
something whieh can never be agreoable to
any one, except perhaps a German philoso
pher, who regards himself, as he does every
thiug else, in the abstract.
She does not, if she has sense, believe her
self an angel, or a ierfect beauty, or .
marvel of brilliancy, but she thinks he holds
that opinion of her. She is willing to live
aud die for him becauso of that. She en
gaged herself to him because be held those
opinions of her. It is of tener than a man
knows that a woman loves a man because he
loves her; gives herself because he seems to
need her. And now they have been ten
years married, and what did he say just
"But, really, you are so touchy, Jane."
Touchy I Had he not asked her how she
could lo so "fidgety?"
Did he not say only yesterday: "You re
member how you felt when you were a pretty
girl yourself I" Does he not speak invari
ably of "all that sort of thing" as past?
The other evening did he not say that ii
was "stupid" in the moonlight on the piazza,
and go in and get a lamp and a newspaper,
when sho was just thinking: "How like thi
is to old courting times," and expecting him
to put his arm around her? And did he not
remark of her last dress: "Don't squeeze
yourself, Jane, You can't make an eighteen
inch waist now; it's gone forever?"
He, who swore that she could never change
in his eyes.
Touchy? She is miserable; her heart is
breaking. She would not toil him for the
world, but she is crushed.
And he he loves her more than ever. The
glamour of courtship is gone, but honejt
atTection is there.
His wife is better to him than all the world
Us never doubts she knows it, and he
wishes sho would be her own dear self, and
not so grumpy; and he sighs as he thinks her
health may be breaking down, but he never
guesses that it is his insistence on the com
monplace view of life and matrimony that
has altered her his constant utterance of so
many of those blank, bald truths about time
and love that men delight in uttering, and
women bate to hear.
And, since it is the satisfied heart that
makes a charming woman, it would be to his
interest to court his wife, while tho twain
dwelt upon this earth together. Mary Kyle
Dallas in Once a Week.
Mysteries of Feminine Pockets.
A fashionable young lady thus reveals one
of the mysteries of shopping:
"As I make small purchases I lift the back
of nry bat and shove into the crown such
trifles as hairpins, lace, needles, gloves,
thread, etc. You have no idea how conveni
ent it is, for in warm weather one needs both
bauds for parasol and fan," and here fashion's
favorite raised her parasol of tulle and silk
and gracefully swung it over her left shoul
der. "Whenever I go to a picnic or boat ex
cursion I get rid of my gloves and handker
chief in this convenient place. 1 went home
with Rosa II one day last week, and
wLcn she took off her hat there in the crown
were two pairs of silk stockings, three pairs
of kid gloves and four embroidered handker
chiefs. The hat makers have been thought
ful enough to make the crowns of the bats
as largo as a good sized basket, and my bas
ket, you sec, I carry on my bead add not on
my arm."
Many ladies out shopping have been seen
to dispose of parcels of quite a large size in
their closed umbrellas, the overlapping folds
of silk entirely concealing them from pub
lic view. It is a notorious tact that shop
lifters make use of their bustles to oMceal
purloined goods. A lady's gown Is provided
with but oue pocket, while the tailor bestows
upon a gentleman's outfit a dozen or more,
and thus the gentler Bex are forced to resort
to some expedient to make up for this defi
ciency. During the reign of tie backs even
this one pocket was relegated to dowdies, as
it destroyed the graceful, flowing outlines of
the figure. A lady's glove too, is a recep
tacle for small change, memoranda, etc., and
the handkerchief is generally tucked in the
belt. The nuns carry in their long, loose
sleeves their mouchoirs, and many an apple
and juicy orange is drawn from its fold to
be presented to the favorite scholar in the
convent schools.
A pocket sewed within tho corset serves in
traveling to stow away bauk notes and dia
monds, suierseding the stylo of former days,
w hen money was concealed in the shoo and
stocking. A chamois leather bag, too, is very
often used en voyage susjeudod from the
neck, and in these the careful beauty places
ber finest jewels, unwilling to risk them in
her trunks. Tho fashionable damo, too, car
ries nt her side a full accoutermeut of neces
saries, mode of silver and susended by a
richly wrought chatelaine. Among the pend
ants tho most prominent are the viniagrette
nnd bonbouniere, tho latter of antique silver,
filled with choice French bonbons. St. Ixuis
G lobo-Democrat.
flat fur Short Ladies.
In the hoo of adding to her height, a
diminutive daughter of Eva will mount on
her head a hat as tall as ono of tho '-busbies"
of her majesty's horse guards. But thus to
make one's se f all head, and nobody, accentu
ates shortness. Believe m-, a towering hat
dwarfs more than a perfectly flat headgear
would It is only n tall woman who can
wear, without entirely destroying artistic
proportion, a hat of the exaggerated height
wo sometimes see.
Tho true proportion for a hat, if a erson
wishes to make every inch of hat tell, is this:
tho height of the hat must be equal exactly to
tho distance from the chin to the eyebrow. If
tho trimming is at tho back of tho hat it can
bo worn higher than if placed in front.
Broad brims dwarf a figure unless tho line
of tho circle is modified by narrowing or
turning up tho brim at tho back. This style
is becoming to most faces. For a tall ierson
a broad brim and rather high crown are best.
For if the hat is small and flat, it contrasts
too strongly with tho wearer's dimensions,
as when tho hat is huge and tho lady under
neath small, one is tempted also to draw
invidious comparisons. Loudou Cor. Kansas
City Journal.
The Fare and the Veil.
And ono must consider the size of tho veil
also. Tho part of the face that shows tho
marks of ago first is the lower part wrinkles
deepen attout tho mouth aiiil tho skin gets
brown there. For this reuson a uoso veil is
unbecoming, except to tho young and bloom
ing. It leaves the least beautiful part of
the face exposed, and so, of course, exag
gerates its defects. French women, with
their keen, artistic eye, never make tliis mis
take. Their veils always reach to tho tip of
the chin.
Another error that American women are
especially prone to is letting the veil como
only half down the nose. This will do for a
jierson with an exquisite nose, but a long
nose is increased in size by such a short veil.
It is more becoming for a person who has
this feature we are discussing, "tip-tilted
like the petal of a flower," to bring the lower
edge of the veil in a sharp angle up to the
side of tho hat, for this apparently lengthens
and depresses tho nose. On the contrary, a
Roman nose requires that the lower line of
the veil should take a moro horizontal direc
tion, and bo fastened at tho back of the hat,
London Cor. Kansas City Journal.
Wuuien Who Never Rest.
Many women never rest. They seem not
to understand what rest-real rest means.
To throw one's self down with a newspaper
or a book is not rest; it is only a change of
occupation. To sit down and keep tho lingers
flying over some sort of fancy work, as if
ono were pursued by a demon of unrest, is
certainly not rest. But to lie at full length
upon a hard surface, arms extended at the
sides, head back, with no pillow, eyes closed,
all cares and worries dismissed this is rest;
this will smooth awaj- wrinkles in face and
in temper; this will give an air of repose tc
tho tired, anxious, nervous woman; this will
tako away many an ache and straighten out
rounded shoulders and craned out necks.
English girls who are famous walkers are
taught to lie down for a few seconds when
ever they come in from their tramps. If
Americans would learn the value of lying
down frequently, say two or threo times a
day, they would have twice as much go ahead
and power to go ahead as they aro now fa
mous for. "S. S. E. M. in Chicago Herald.
Care of the Hair.
Cold tea is said to be excellent to keep the
hair in curl, many women using this in pre
ference to any other preparation. Wet the
bair with the tea before doing up, roll up and
let remain till morning. When let out it
will be very soft and easily handled. Another
very good preparation is to get an ounce of
quince seeds, put in a quart of water and let
simmer for twenty minutes, then strain,
bottle, add a little scent and it is ready for
use. This preparation is 6aid to keep the
hair in curl in the warmest weather. The
white of an egg is also good for this purpose.
A thin solution of isinglass is liked by some
to keep tho hair in curl. Any of the above
recipes are good if lued correctly. Boston
Infants' toys 6hould be systematically
cleansed. The child beslavers the imple
ment several times a day, and leaves saliva
in tho rattld or whatever as a culture tnxl of
bacteria. This condition of things goes on
till tho toy is a magazine of animal poisons,
to contaminate and recontaminate the inno
cent victim of thoughtless inattention.
Short, light, straight bangs, or the hair
turned straight back, is the nicest manner
for a woman to wear her hair about the
house, for any kind of crimps soon become
a wreck and present the appearance of un
kempt hair, than which nothing presents a
moro slovenly ciTecL
Women who must do a certain amount of
cooking are always much troubled lest
working over the stove shall injure their
complexions. Washing the face in hot
water and then dashing very cold water on
it subdues the flush perhaps as quickly as
anything. I
A working woman, whether she work at
home or abroad, will gain time and energy
for her work, youth and a peaceful expression
in her face if she will seek perfect rest and
quiet two or three times during the day.
' I
Give buffalo bugs just what they want,
some old, soiled, wornout clothing. Deposit
pieces in the corners and on the floors of
c-losota The bugs will soon find them, then
gather and burn all together. In this way
I cleared a house that was uuested.
Oil of i-iniwmmi will cause tha disappear
ance of warts, however hard and large they
ma by. There will be no pain.
A Woman's Ideas Concerning the lie
velopment of Dliod and Character A
Whole Sermon In Ilrief When the Mil
Ivnnlum May lie Inspected.
"Plain living and high thinking." That
was Emerson's motto, wasn't it? How many
women realize thut they exactly reverse this
motto; or, worse yet, make it, "High living
and no thinking f Of course, I mean by
"thinking"' real thought upon the serious ef
fairs of tiio day, tho duties of women
women, the development cf mind and char
acter, both in themselves and their children.
As society is composed of men and women,
women's thought and character are valuable
to it; and they are valuable to it, In any
broad sense, iu exact projiortion ns they aro
distinctively womanly. Let women train
themselves, then, to grow up into tho full
stature of womanhood. The exigencies of
life demand that sho bo trained to eaiul, oil
all vital questions and lessons of huirinity,
firm, self ioiscd and self supporting. How
shall a woman d this if her whole force of
mind be given to getting herself up iu tbi
latest approved mode, if laco hats aro to her
thinking of far greater interest than tho
tariff question, if tho matter of Air.crcaa
public! schools and tho issues deriving from
them stand second to tho question whether
bu ties aro really going out of style, if new
books and healthful reading must lw dis
pensed with iu order to get something to
wear, which very likely is not nepi'ci '
whoso only raison d'cli-j i., ll.ui uicy-'are
all wearing it, if keeping tho hands white
and soft uud doing tl cm up in all sorts of
pastes and lotions for hours every day is of
more consequence than employing them in
sonio form of honest labor which shall help
somebody or something and tend to brighten
up some corner of tho world generally.
Now, a woman need not bo a guy. A
woman who thinks uud reads and talks in
telligently need not, of necessity, transform
herself by negligence, jierhups into that
lightly e-tve med iiersonago commonly desig
nated as a "frump." Sho ina v consider w hat
is iHJooming to her stylo of beauty or hick
of it, and keeping within the bounds of fash
ion not way behind it dress within her
means, and still havo time to read and think.
-Moro than that, sho may plan uud make her
own wardrobo without having her mind en
tirely absorbed in it; or do her ovn house
work, if need l, and not l entirely given
over to tho cares of tho world or the diist of
8o many women aro straining for a piano
of high living which they cannot auord. 1
havo known women who would deny them
selves the comforts of lifo in order to have
tho show y luxuries. There is a home not ten
miles from Boston which is over l.0 years
old. It is filled with old furniture, qu.-iint
doviccs, and tho air of old associations. A
Commonwealth avenue lady visited it ro
ceutly and went into raptures over it. On
coming away she said: "Now, coma and see
mo soon. I havo an elegant house and quan
tities of expensivo things. But I can't show
you anything liko your own house. Miuo is
a display of tho most elegant uphoh.tcrer's
wares in tho city, but that is all."
There was a whole ecrmou m tho lady's
modest disclaimer. And if tho woman who
cannot afford rich furniture would remember
that her house, with it3 plain, unpretentious
furnishings, but bright, social, "homey" nir,
is infinitely more prcfcrablo t: her "neigh
bor's costly stiff plush chairs, velvet carjcts
and lack of refinement, sho w uld ;o much
happier, and stop contriving how sho may
secure those things. And if sho would bo
content with becoming, lady like, inexpensive
clothes, when she can't afford better, and
spend an occasional dollar on sor.iu book that
is really worth one's while, f.he would bo not
only happier but wiser.
It is important, so long as women continue
to be, as is everywhere conceded, tho "finei
portion of humanity," that they make
themselves attractive, but that is a term and
a qualitj- that pertains to tho mind as well
as to tho body. Women should remember
that; and "with all their getting, get wis
dom." Wlien tho average woman comes to
believe that an unformed mind is as much a
blemish as a muddy complexion ; that lack
of tasto in good literature is as much a de
ficiency as the absence cf half a dozen even
ing dresses in tho wardrobe; that iguorauco
of the world's progress is more deplorable
than freckles, or a figure which is not an ex
act model of a dressmaker's '"form;" that the
attitude she takes on tho topics of tho time
and the training of her children is of infin
itely more consequence hau "parlor sets"
and laco bed hangings, then he will know
what to do with tho ballot when she gets ir.
And then the millennium may be expected.
Helen M. Winslow in Boston GIoIks.
A Train Worth IUdius n.
There is one train on the Central road,
however, which, though his heart has yearned
to rido on, has never taken Chauncey M.
Depew. That is a mysterious train". Its
coining aud going no man knows except the
superintendent. It flits hither and thither
like a specter. One day it is in Buffalo and
the next in tho remote and desolate corner of
tho state where Chatham lies. You will sec
it moving mysteriously out of tho yard in the
dawn and a, noon the telegraph reports it at
Niagara FaHs. All trains on the road give
it precedence, it picks its way in aud out
between other trains during the day aud nt
night Hashes here and there like a firefly of a
summer evening. It goes as if the speed of
thought were in its limbs, and its mysterious
passeugera dart thus about in no sportive
humor, but with great cares upon their shoul
ders, great pistols in their pockets, and the
keys to sf cI safes in their possession.
This mysterious traiu I the pay car of tho
great Central system. It has had more nar
row escapes than any train on tho road. It
makes it owa time- table, and it goes between
stations sometimes with a rapidity which the
old Commodore never experienced. The
engineer has the brain of a mathematician,
and the J ny stories of a thousand local time
tables are as clear to him as logsa-itWiS to
rrofessor Nowcomb. Tho paymaster-; keep
one ear open for the dire tooting of the figral
of danger, and when it comes they brace
their feet against anything which will steady
them and await a shock, and sometimes thc-y
get it. Once it threw tho clerks tl-o whole
length of the car, as thc-gh they had 1 en
shot from a cannon, and they voudiroJ if
they were alive. Thcro aro suggest: jzis of
robbers of ner vo and brains ever prosea, and
tho clerks are ready for them if they come.
To prevent the possibility of maliciously
tampering with the track the coming and gc
iug of tho train is a secret whereof no uaa
save one has the key.
2Cow, this is tho train that Jlr. Depew de
sires ia his heart to spend a night and day
upon. As ho once said to the writer, "It
would bo un experience in railroading that
would make life worth tho living." Now
York Evening Sun.
Old Lady (to street gamin) You don't
chew tobacco, do you, little boy ?
LittU Boy N;m; but I kin gi.te ycra
cigarette. New York Sua.
The Plattsmouth Herald
Is enjoying a
Will le one (luring which the subjects f
national interest ami importance will he
strongly agitated anil the election of a
President will take place, 'lhe people of
Cass Countv who would like to learn of
Political, Commercial
and Social
-of this year find would keep apace with
the times should
Daily o-r Weekly Herald.
Now while we have the subject before the
people we will venture to speak ot our
Which is first-class in all respects ami
from which our job printers are turning
out much satisfactory work.
Bodmin both, its
Year 1888