The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, August 20, 1888, Image 4

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    Tne Evening Herald.
A. Saltabary, DeatWt, II or k wood Baildinr,
Telrpboa Ho. li.
Dr. SIf(U, Offlco la taring's Dm Store, BcnI
ieaca for. tilth aal Uranitr, Telephone So. 42.
Dm, Ct A Nmltfc, the Palalemi lentlxt, I'nloa
Black, OTtr Chilean' Hank, FUtUmouth.
.. All those taking part in the drill for
the social meet at the Waterman opera
house tonight at 7:15 6harp.
On the 17th inst. the wife of Mr.
Con Connor presented him -with a fine
bouncing boy weighing ten pounds.
All members of the Y. L. R. R. A.
are requested to meet at the reading room
Tuesday evening Aug, 21st, at 8 o'clock.
Mrs. Chapman who has been seriously
attacked by a fever within the last few
days is at present reported to be improv
A meeting of the St. Andrew's
brotherhood will be held at the Espisco
pal church tonight. Meet?)" called at
jo'clock, sharp.
Mr. ltobertMfctte'e,an old man of
about 73 years, who has always voted
the democratic ticket, informs "us that
lie intends to help Harrison out this time.
The "Advertising social" will be
given in Waterman's opera house Wed
nesday Aug. 22nd. A cordial invitation
is extended to nil. Admission, adults 25
cents; children 10 cents.
A large crowd attended the Episco
pal church last evening to witness the
installation of sixteen members in the St.
Andrews' Brotherhood, by Rev. II. B
Burgess. There are thhty-two members
in the society of this city, but the other
members did not put in an appearance,
Tli3 brotherhood is under the supervis
ion of the Episcopal church, and it is
said to be benedictory to the church. It
vi becoming very popular througout
the country.
A young man from this burg who
was evidently short of the necessary fi
nances to smoothly navigate yesterday,
bat who could not condescend to recede
from his usual high life ambition, walk
ed into one of the large hotels of the city
f Bluffs and consulted the clerk to as
certain what liabilities he was liable to
rome in contact with should he take din
ner at their house. "Fifty cents," said
the clerk. The young man set his fertile
brain to work and shortly he raised his
head and in a much subdued tone request
the clerk to pass him in for half price
as he was a very moderate eater. We
are sorry to say the clerk looked at him
by a rather sarcastic glance and replied:
"We could not afford to let you in there
for a dollar."
Mr. Jerry Farthing went to Lincoln to
day. L. C. Eikoff returned to Louisville
Saturday night.
Mrs. Drake, of Louisville, is visiting
Mrs. Ed Fitzgerald.
Mr. Henry Johnson, mayor of Wahoo.
is in the city today.
Mr. J. C. Eikenbary and son, Elmer,
are in Lincoln today.
Misses Lidia and Irene Patterson are
spending the day in Omaha.
Mr. Thos. Reynolds spent Sunday at
Rock Bluffs with his brother.
Mr. Courtney, a prominent attorney of
Lincoln, is in the city on legal business.
Mr. Rickards, of the firm of Rickards,
Lamb & Wilson, is in the city today en
Senator Brow j, of Lancaster county, a
prominent politician, was in the city on
1 Mr. A. Reinhackel who is now working
in the U. P. Shops at Omaha, spent Sun
day at his home, here.
Mr. W. A. Keithley, a former foreman
of this office, spent Sunday in the city.
He was accompanied by his wife and
Mrs. Murkin, sister of Mr. W. C. Show
alter, who has been visiting in the city
for a few days, left for Brainard, Neb.,
this morning.
Mr. J. M. Keeney and two sons are t !s
iting the metropolis today. Mrs. Keeney
is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. E.
Davis, this city.
Base Ball Notes.
Two' men out Play for the .batter.
If you won't hit the ball, get hit.
Nobody out, now ft r a r'ce little
double. Strock.
Cotton says to the manager. We've
come up here to skin you and we're going
to skin you.
A nice base hit now is worth three runs.
When I tell you to slide I want you to
slide. Strock.
Play ball ! Play ball ! Cotton.
The club reached Pacific Junction.
. Farmer Brown made a great throw
from first.
Wasted Several scholars on instru
mental music Call on Mrs. Ida C.
Wagner, residence of John Waterman, tf
. ,- .. .. ... - 1 " i
Council Bluffs vs. Plattsmouth.
Yesterday morning about fifty people
from here accompanied tins base ball team
to Council Bluffs, the required number
being secured to reduce the rate. The
Council Bluffs team met them on the
Lake Manaiwa bull ground, where
promptly at 3:30 the game was called.
About five hundred people were present
and witnessed the game. The Platts
mouth team was apparently far from be
ing in as good a condition as usual and
the Bluffs team was not obliged to exert
themselves to win. The battery for our
team did good work with the exception
of allowing as many base steals. Their
field did very poor work. The score
would have been considerably reduced
had they not made a fool play by letting
in three men who could easily have 1cen
shut out.
The officious manager of the Bluffs
team disgusted many of the spectators
and fatigued the players by his authori
tative gibbrish. Such a bull-headed
fanatic, as a manager of a base ball
team, exhibits very poor judgment on
the part of the team as they will surely
be obliged to put up for his funeral ex
penses should he be allowed to accom
pany them very far from home
The umpire received considerable
credit from both teams for bis good
The Plattsmouth club left their op
ponents in the batting record, but owing
to the good fielding of the other side, it
availed them but little. It is reported
that two or three imported players assist
ed the Bluffs team.
As some ui the home team were in a
poor condition, they cannot receive the
full blame for their loss.
The following is the score by innings:
Council Bluffs.. 0 0 3 1 0 1 3 1 8
Plattsmouth 0 200000002
Base hits Plattsmouth
Bluffs 4.
G; Council
Errors Plattsmouth 14; Council
Bluffs C.
Batteries for Plattsmouth, James and
Sam Patteroaj for Council Bluffs, Stev
enson and Strock.
Umpire, M. B. Brow a.
Republican Primaries.
The following is a list of the delegates
who were elected ficm the different
wards last Saturday to attend the oouniy
convention which is being held at Weep
ing Water today;
M. D. Polk, D. A. Campbell, L. E,
Skinner, A. B. Knotts, Henry Jackson,
L. C. Stiles, Henry Waterman.
Joe W. Johnson, Chas. Harris, P. D.
Bates, Wm. Weber, Robt. Donnelly, D.
K. Barr, JI, C. MeMakeu, Ed. Martin, V.
J. Mullis.
F. II. Steimke, S. W. Dutton, I. II.
Dunn, S. C. Greene, J. II. Donnelly, J.
II. Hall, II. E. Palmer, Jas. Mitchell, O.
C. Smith, Wm. McCaulley, Chas. Forbes,
M. B. Murphy, Wm. nayes.
Wash. Smith, Wm. Ballance, D. B.
Smith, J. M, Summers, Walter Thomas,
Steve Buzzell, J. W. Sage, P. J. Johnson,
T. C. Shepherd, H. P. Sundell, Eric
Messier, E. W. Cook.
Democratic Primaries.
The democrats met Saturday evening
and elected the following delegates to
attend the county and state conyentions:
1st ward for both county and state.
F. E. White, D. M. Jones, B, S. Ramsey,
I J. E. Ruffner, Wm. Osborn, Michael
A-rber, Ted Clifford, Moses Dodge, C.
W. Sherman.
2nd ward delegate to county conven
tion. J. A. Connor, W. II. Cashing,
Geo. Horn, Ed. Stamm, J. M. Schnel
bacher, Fred Gorder, T. P. Livingston,
S. Waugh and John Bauer. To the
state convention: II. Ilerold, J. M.
Schnelbacher, Ed. Fitzgerald, Ed. Stamm,
Mat Gering, Joe McVey, A. W. White
and T. W. Riddle.
4th ward, both state and county: Con
Connor, C. M. Butler, Wm. Winterstein,
Jacob Kepple, A. Tartscb, John Blake,
Pat McCallan and W. II. Malick.
3rd ward delegates to the state. C.
Xichols, Jas. Grace, W. B. Porter, jr.,
W. II. Miller, Jas. Paling and Dave
McEntee. Tojthe county: Peter Mumm,
Kelley Fox, J. Johns, Jas. Peterson, jr.,
and Dr. Si serins.
The county conyention will be held at
Weeping Water, on Wedneday next, but
the time has not yet been set for the state.
A Challenge.
The Union Croquette club of Eight
Mile Grove will challenge the Platts
mouth club for a combat, said game to
!e conducted according to the Union
rules. By order Committee.
Gko. Bcbkle. President.
Fred Dreasox, Vice-Pres.
If the Union Croquette Club will call
on the Plattsmouth Club,a contest can be
arranged for. By order of Secretary of
Plattsmouth Club.
S. P. Vanatta, Sec.
I agree to forfeit $10 to any cigar
dealer of Plattsmouth who will produce
a foreign 5 fient cigar that will equal in
fineness and qWity that of Pepperberg's
"Bads". Donall speak at once.
18-lw vviv Pepferbeko.
THE DAlLV lifiilALD! tLAl-iTSMOUixi,
Having this day 6old my stock
of Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, etc.,
to Messrs. Iirekenleld & AVeid-
man, I would respectfully and ear
nestly ask that all those in my debt
come forward promptly and settle
their accounts; as it will be neces
sary for me to close up my business
as speedily as possible before en
gaging in other pursuits. I also
take this occasion to thank the
public, both in the city and county,
for the very liberal patronage giv
en me during the tin? e I have been
encraeed in business here, and hope
the same will be extended to my
successors. JNO. Rt VOX.
A Narrow Escape.
Mrs. Walter Young, who resides on
west Main street, narrowly escaped a hor
rible death last evening by the dangerous
fuel, gasoline. The gasoline in the stove
was about exhausted and before she was
about to refill the tank she turned the
flame low enough to extinguish it as she
thought. She went down cellar and re
turned with a crock full of the fluid and
as she leaned against the stove to pour
the oil into the tank, spilled a small
quantity which was caught up by the
She did not discover that her apron
was afire until she felt the heat from the
blaze which got a good start on her cloth
ing. In her excitement and attempt to
put out the fire she dropped the jug
which she held, and it fell to the floor
and broke, letting the oil run, which
scon caught, and in an instant the whole
room was filled with a blaze.
She immediately ran outside and at
tracted the attention of her husband and
his brother who were near at hand. Mr,
Ed Young In attempting to stop the fire
on her clothing knocked her down
While in that position Mr. McDonald
who was near by, tore up a piece of car
pet from one of the rooms and wrapped
it &iGi,i.jJ her smothering the blaze.
Mr. J. C. Coftniau, fciieigfcfir succeed
ed in stopping the fire in the room by
the aid of some carpet which he tore
frcn; the floor.
Her limbs weic lvJy burned and she
was also badly burned about Hie body
It is not yet known whether she will re
No Excuse fpr Him.
Leader of lynching party: "Now,
young man. make a full confession, or
up you go."
Prisoner: ''I was fooling with a gun
I pointed it at my brother, and
"You didn't know it was loaded ?"
"Men, puli on fjie rope and let him
swing." Lincoln Journal.
Struck by Lightning.
Mr. II. M, Gault, jeweler, whojwaspos
sessor of a fine stallion valued at $3,000
was informed this morning that the horse
and a cow which he kept on his farm
about five miles northwest of the city
were struck by lightning and killed last
Dont go to Omaha when, you want
to get your beautiful parlor' and bed
room sets but go to Henry Boeck's fur
niturc emporium where you can get every
thing in the furniture line that will go to
make your home beautiful and comfort
able; and above all you can get it cheap.
Remember that he who sells most can
sell cheapest.
xu9 use or cocaine Is steadily increasing in
the practice of medicine in this country. It
Is ? roost dangerous drug and one of the
most useful in tne bands of our practitioners.
You hear people abusing cocaine, and talk
ing about the lives it has wrecked and every
scientific man must admit that the cocaine
habit is about the worst thing a man or
woman poulu get; but you don't so often hear
the things (hat ape pn he predit side of the
ledger. Cocaine has made the surgery pf th
eye and (be larynx very much easier. It is,
as you know, a local anaesthetic. Much of
the most delicate surgical work would be
very difficult without it, and in spite of the
failure which several doctors have mode, I
believe it may be used with magical effect in
cases of melancholia.
The trouble is that we do not know how to
use cocaine as yet. It la a new discov
ery not ten years old. We have not had
time to study it, you nee. The cocaine habit
is formed as easily, more easily than the
habit of drink, and once it takes hold of a
man he is a goner, it saps all his will power
and makes hini . first a slave and then a
maniac. But for all that the drug will be a
blessing to men when we understand it
rightly, as we will twenty years from now.
i think it will be classed among important
ucdicine3 with quinine and chloroform.
Chicago Jfawi,
Order Adjourning: the September
Term of the District Court.
In compliance with the unanimous ap
plication of the bar of Cass . county and
being well advised in the premises, and
deeming it to be the best interest of the
public and of all parties interested in the
September term of the district court of
Cass county 1888. and that sufficient
cause exists for an adjournment of said
regular term. It is hereby ordered that
said term of court be and the same is here
by adjourned until Monday the J 0th of
Novenber 1888 at 2 o'clock p. m, of said
Witness my hand this 20th d&y of
August 1888.
Sam'l II. Chapman, Judge.
iSJ51iAtJKA, MONDAY, AtfcrOST 20, iSSS.
52 inch All-Wool Dress Suitings in all
the New Mixtures, only CO cents a yard.
52 inch All-Wool Broadcloth Suitings
in all the New Shades, only S5 cents per
yard, worth $1.00.
Ladies' Long Cashmere Scar(s,.Fringed,
cny 75 cents each.
Ladies' Long Cashmere Scarfs, Fringed
and Embroidered, only 35 cts., wortli 1.25.
Ladies' Long Persian Scarfs, Fringed,
at $1.35, worth $2.00,
Lidjes' Cashmere Scarfs, Fringed and
Embroidered, $5.25; worth 33.00.
Special Values In Gloves !
Ladies' Brilliant Lisle Gloveg only 25
cents, worth 50,
Ladies' Pure Silk Gloves only 30 cents,
worth 50.
Ladies' Pure silk Gloves only 50 cents,
worth 75.
Ladies' Five Button Undressed Kid
Gloves, Scallop Tops, Embroidered Backs,
a a
in Black and Colors, qnly $1.QQ.
Ladies' Four Button Dressed Kid
Gloves, Embroidered Backs and Colored
Welts, only 1.00 a pair.
Ladies' White Linen Collars only 5
cents each.
F0 Herrmamn
There is pot one thing that puts a man
or woman at such disadvantage before
the world as a vitiated state of the blood
Your ambition is gone.
Your courage has failed.
Your vitalitv has Wt vnn
Your languid step and listless ac-
iions snow mat you need, a powerful m
visorator. one bottle of Ttoorcra' TCloorl
Purifier and Blood Maker will put new
life in a worn' Yri 'iJ if' Aka
not u win cost you nothing. U. 1. Smith
t ... . ..
s to., uruggists.
To Builders.
Bids will be received until noon, Au
gust 28, 1888, for building a boiler room
addition to High school building. Plans
and specifications can be seen at Bennett
and Tutts, the right is reseryed to reject
any or all bids. Wm. Hayes,
tf. ec. Bd. Ed.
Light summer shoes for your little
girls, 2;j cents only, at Merges'.
Colic, Piarrhftja apd Summer com
plaints are dangerous at this season of
the year and the only way to guard
against these diseases is to have constant
ly on hand a bottle of some reliable rem
edy. Beggs' Diarrhoea Balsam is a POS
ITIVE RELIEF in all these disagreeable
cases and is pleasant to take. It will
cost you only 35 cents. O. P. Smith &
Co., Druggists,
For Sale.
One charter oak cook stove for sale
cheap. Inquire of
tf Sqlomon & Nathan.
Sherwin & Williams1 mired n.ainf tho
best in the market, at Fricke & Co's. drug
store. R-tf.
Wood for Sale.
Leave orders with J. D. Tutt, at Ben
nett & Tutt's store.
I wish to notify all those who knew
themselves indebted to me. th t uiiIpks
their accounts with me are settled by
September 15, 1888, they will be placed
in the hands of a collector, who will col-
ect the same. Respectfully.
dl4t . Theo. P. Livingston. M. T).
A man can furnish his house more com
pletely from the furniture store of II.
Boeck than at apy place In town.
Child's Irish sandals, onlv 2.1
pair, at Merges'.
Plenty of feed, flour, crraham and
meal at Iieisel's mill, tf
The finest bedroom sets can be found
at II. Boeck's.
II. Boeck's furniture stock is acknowl?
edged to be the finest and most complete
in the city.
A new line of qeck ware just received
at J. II. Donnelly'. tf.
Mr. J. Antill baa reported a biar oys
ter trade in this month of Angurat
When your skin is yellow.
When your skin is dark and greasy,
When ypur skip is rough and course.
When your skin is inflamed and red.
When your skin is full of blotches.
When vour skin is full of nimnles von
need a good blood medicine that can be
ruiiea upon, lieggs7 liloocl Purifier and
Blood Maker is warranted as a positive
cure for all of the above, so you cannot
possioiy run any risk when you get a bot
tle of this wonderful medicine. For sale
!y p. 1. Smith Co.
For Sale-
Household furniture for sale, consist
ing of kitchen, dining room, parlor and
bed room furniture, also bedding, in fact
everything necessary in keeping house.
enquire or vv. w. Cole. tf.
Everything necessary for furnishing a
nouse can be purchased at II. Boeck's.
Dr. C- A. Marshall.
Resident Dentist.
T" i? . C j 1 --r . .
l reservaiion 01 me xxaiurai Teeth a
Specialty. Auesthetics given for Pain
less Filling on Extraction of Teeth.
Artificial teeth made on Gold. Silver.
Rubber or Celiuloid Plates, and inserted
as soon as teeth are extracted when de
All work warranted, Prices reasonable.
Fitzgerald's Block Plattsmouth, Nkb
HI"E1"T T7 HF A TT7" 99
Rev. J. W. Simmons, J). J).
This book is one that everv loval npr-
son snoum possess. It tells of all the
. ..."
foremost colored men of the United
btates. It gives their biographies, and
nas over joy fine steel engravings.
Agent for Cass County.
Practical Piano and Organ Tuner
First-class work euarantecd. Also deal
er in i-ianos ana Organs. Office at Boeck's
iurniture store, Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
B. 4l M. Time Table.
nmitii Tnr
No. 1. i jo a. m.
No, 3.e -AO p, m.
No. 6 9 as a. m.
No. 7.--T ;45 n. in.
No, 2. 1 -25 p. ni.
No. 4. 10 a. in.
No. 0. 7 :13 p. in.
No. 8.-9 :ftA it. in.
No,9.-:17 p. m.
No. 10. 9 :45 a. m.
All trfilna rmt rinllv hw nr.A 1. .
daily except Sunday. , ,
.Nv? 18 t?to pcne Junction at 8.30a.m.
No, ltlii stub from faciio Junction at
Real Estate Bargains
- I 3NT -
South - Park
21 lots hi TliCU!)son's addition.
- - - ,.,
40 ots n Towpepd'a addiiipji.
hot 10 blprk 138, lot 5 Wpck Jf4,
Lot 1 block 0, lot 0 block t).i.
Lot 11, block 111, lot 8, block 01.
Lots in Palmer's addition.
Lots in Duke's addition.
Improved property of all desciintippg
and in ail par 3 of fne cijy on easy yeriiu,
A pc-,v iinil d equable residence ia
South Park, can be bought on monthly
Before purchnsing elsewhere, call and
sep if pinnpt spij. you ctjcf..
3L 3iT 3D S
5 acres of improved ground north ot
the city limits.
5 acres of ground adjoining South,
2 acres of ground adjoining South
1$ acres of ground adjoining South
20 acres near South Park: Se i sec.
14, T. 10, R. 12, Cass county, piicc
800, if sold sooi,
nw i sec. 8, T. 12, R. 10, Cass Co.,
price $2,000.
A valuable improyed stock fram in
Merrick Co.. Neb., 1C0 acres and on
reosonuble terms. ,
Windham & Davies.
Consult your best interests bv insuring
in the Phoenix, Hartford or itna com.
panics, about which there is no nnratinn
as to their high standing and fair
The present year bids fair to be a dis
astrous one from tornadoes and wind
storms. This is fore-shadowed by the
number of storms we haye already had
the most destructive one so far this year
having occurred at Mt. Vernon, 111.,
where a large number of buildings were
destroyed or damaged. The exemption
from tornadoes last year renders their oc
currence more probable in 1888.
Call at our office and secure a Tor
nado Policy.
Unimproved lands for sale or ex
' . .f L