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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1888)
tHE DAILY I1EKALD: PlATTasiUurxi. friSflKASKA, MONDAY, AUGUST 20. 1S88. -r r OX BOTH SIDES. TALMAGE RETURNS TO THE TABERNACLE. XUm Combined fchiidow of Invalidism and nan-lul Enbrrament The World Fatteu the Mono It tVaata to Driv. I (owe Trouble OutaId rrr'ecutlon. IJROOKr.YX, Aug. 19. The Rev. Dr. T. Do Witt Talninge'a RubjVct today was 'Trouble- on Both Sides," and lug tot 'There was a fcliarp rock on the one nido, and a tharp rock on the other nide," I Sam., xiv, 4. The cruel army of the Philistines must be taken and scattered. Thcro is just one man, accompanied by his bodyguard, to do that thing. Jonathan is tho hero of tho ticenc. I know that David, p tacked the ekull of tho giant with i few lobbies well Iung, and that SOG (Jideonites Bcatterel 10,009 Amalekitea by the cradi of broken crockery; lut hero U ft more wonderful con flict. Yonder aro tho Philistines on tho rocks. Hero m Jonathan with hid body V'.uard in the v;d!oy. On the one wdeis a rock called lozez; on tho ether h.djj- is a rock called Seneh. These two wi ro as fatuous in olden times as in inodt-rn times are Plymouth J.'ock an4 Gibraltar. '.Thoy vero pieeipltou3, iin fccalabfo 'an ' iharp'. IJctweeU these two rocks Jonathan must niakp hji ascent. Tho day cornea for tho scaling of tho lu4prht. Jonathan, on his hands and feel, liegins the ascent. "With strain, and fcliand bruise, I eupiioso, h-i still on and up, first goes Jonathan, and then goes his bodyguard. Poze Cue Hdc, S...eU iiu iiio 'other. : lAftrr a ohorp tng, and push, and cling nZ. I "Z Z i' Jonathan aljove tho liolo in tho mountain; and there is a challenge, and a fight, and a supernatural consternation. Theso two nen, Jonathan and his bodyguard, drive back and drive down tiie Philistines over the rocks, and open a campaign which demolishes the enemLss of Israel. I 6up Iose that tho overhanging and over shadowing rocks on either side did not balk or dishearten Jonathan or his body v guard, but only roused and filled them with enthusiasm as ther went ui. iThcro was a bharp rock on the one side, atid a sharp rock on tho other tide." My friends, you have been, or are now, come of you, in this crisis of tho test. If a man meets one trouble, ho can go through with it. Ho gathers all his en ergies, concentrates them upon one point, and in the strength of God, or by his own natural determination, goes through it. Put the man who has troublo to the right of lnm and trouble to the eft of him is to bo pitied. Did cither troublo come alone, ho might endure it, but two troubles, two disasters, two overshadow ing misfortunes, are Bozez and Seneh. God pity him! "There is a sharp rock on tho one side, and a sharp rock on the . other side." In this crisis of the text is that man whose fortuno and health fail him at the paino time. 2ttne-tenth of all our mer chants capsizo in business before they come to forty-five years of age. There Is some "collision In commercial circles, and they stop payment. It seems as if every man must put his name on tho , back of a note before ho learns what a r fool a man is who risks all his own prop erty on the prospect tliat some man will tell the truth. It seems as if a man must have a large amount of unsalable goodu -pa liis own shelf before he learns how much easier it is to buy than to sell. It seems as if every man must be completely burned out before ho learns tljp import nnce pf always keeping fully insured. It seems as if every man must be wrecked in a financial tempest beforo he learns to keep thiug3 snug in case of a sudden euroclydon. "When the calamity docs come, it is awful. Tho man goes homo in despair, and ho tells his family: i V'e'il have to gq to tho poorhouse." lie takes a dolorous view of everything. Jt seems as if he never could rise. But a littlo timo passes, and he says: "Why, J am not so Uully oil after all; I have my family left." Before, tho Lord turned Adam out of Taradise he gave him Eve, so that when lie lost Paradise he could stand it. Per mit one who lias never read but a few novels in all liis life, and who has not a ieat d?al of romance in his composition, o say, that' if, when a man's fortunes fail, ho ha3 a good wife-r-a good Chris tian wife he ought not to be despondent. 'Oli," you say, 'that only increases the embarrassment, sinco you have her also to take care of." You are an ingrate, for tho woman as often supports the man as the man supports the woman. The man may bring all the dollars, but the woman generally brings the courage and the faith in God. Well, this man of whom I am speak ing looks around, and ho finds his family is left, and ho rallies, and the light comes to ius eyes, and the smile to his face, and fche courage" to liis heart. ' In two years he is quite over it. 'Ho makes his finan cial calamity tho first chapter in a new era. of prosperity. Ho met that one trouble coilquered it. Ho sat down for a little while under tho grim shadow of ' the rock Bozez, yet he soon rose, and be gan, like Jonathan, to climb. But how .often it is that physical ailment comes " with financial embarrassment. ' "When j.he fortune .failed it broke tho man's fepirit. ' liis nerves were sliattered. His brain Was stunned.- I can show you hundreds of men in New York whose fortune and health failed at the same fuiae. They came prematurely to the " Etail. Their hand trembled with incipient paralysis. They never saw a well day since tho hour when they called their creditors to gether for a compromise. If such men aro impatient, and peculiar, and irrita ble, excuse them. They had two troubles, either one of wliich they could have met successfully. If, when 'the health went, flie fortune had been retained, it would pot liave been so bad. The man could have bought the very best medical advice imd he could have Jiad the very best at tendance, and long lines of carriages would have stopped at the front door to inquire as to hi welfare. But poverty on the one side and eickness on the ether ' are Bozez and Seneh, and they interlock their eliadows and drop them upon the poor man's way. God help hira 1 There is a sharp rock on the one side, and a virp rock on the, other side." wliat Is uch a jnan to do? L. the name of Almighty God,' I will tell him what to do. Do as Jonatlian did climb; climb up into the sunlight of God's favor and consolation. I can go through tho churches and 6how you men who lost fortune and health at the same time, and yet who wng all day and dream of heaven all night. If you have any idea that sound digestion, and 6teady nerves, and clear eyesight, and good hearing, and plenty of friends are neces sary to make a man happy, you have miscalculated. I suppose that these over hanging rocks only made Jonathan scramble tho harder and the faster to get up and out into the sunlight; and this combined shadow of invalidism and financial embarrassment has often sent a man up the quicker into the sunlight of God's favor and the noonday of Ids glorious promises. It Is a difficult thing for a man to feel his dependence upon God when ho has $10,000 in tho bank, and $0,00G in government securi ties, and a blek of stores and three shis. ""Well," tho man says to him self, "it is hilly for mo to pray, 'Give mo this day my daily bread,' when my gan try is full, and the canals from the west are crowded with breadstulTs destined for my storehouses." Oh, my friends, if the combined misfortunes ?.nd disasters of life have mad you ciimb up into Ihe arms of a syinpatheUo and compassionate God,' through ' all eternity yoi will IJc&A him that in this V'AfM '-lhr a sharp -ock on the ono bide, and a ihnrp rock on tho oth;r bide." Again, tLafc r..Vn is hi tho crisis of the text who has homo troubles and outsido Iersecution at tho same time. Tha y aid treats a man well ius$ iong as b tdya bej$ t,G iiet him welL As long as it can manufacture success out of his lwne, and brain, and muscle, it favors him. Tho world fattens the horse it wants to drivr. But let a man see it his diiy o, cross tho track of the v-'rV ttieu 'every' bush is full of lion is and tusks thrust athim. They will belittle him. They will cari cature him. They will call his Keneros ity self aggrandizement, and hi piety sanctimoniousness. The very worst per secution will some time come upon him from those who profess to be Christians. John Milton great and good John Milton so forgot himself as to pray, in Ko many words, that his enemteg mig!;t 4 f 1 j1 .1 - 1 J. 'l ' . T . ' oc ciernany inrowij uovvn 41110 tuu uam est and JteiKJsp gulf of hell, and bo tho undermost and most dejected and the lowest down vassals of perdition! And Martin Luther so far forgot himself as to say, in regard to his theological oppon ents: "Put them in whatever sauco 3 0U please, roasted, or fried, or baked, or stewed, or boiled, or hashed, they aro nothing but asses!" Ah, uiy fiiehdsj f John Milton or' Martin Luther could come down to such scurrility, what may you not expect from less elevated opponents? Now, tho world sometimes takes after them; tlw newspapers take after them; public opinion takes after them; and the unfor tunate man is lied about until all tho dictionary of Billingsgate is exhausted on him. Yiu often see a man whom you know "to be good, and pure, and honest, set upon by the world, and mauled by whole communities, while vicious men take on a supercilious air in condemnation of him; as though Lord Jeffreys should write an essay on gentle ness, or Ileiiry VIII talk about purity, or Ilerod take to blessing little children. Now, a certain amount of persecution rouses a man's defiance, stits his blood for magnificent battle, and ' makes him fifty times more a man tlian he would have been without the persecution. So it was with tho great reformer when ho said: "I will not be put down; wili be heard." And so it was with Millard, the preacher, in " the time of Louis XI. When Louis XI sent word to him that unless ho stopped preaching in that stylo he would throw him into tho river, ho replied: "Tell tho king that I will reach heaven sooner by water tlian 'lie 'will reach it by fast horses." A certain amount of jtersecutiou is a tonic and spiration, but too much of it, and o,o long continued, beccn'jes the VPOk. Bozez, thi-owing a dark shadow over a man's life. What is he to do then? Go home, you say. Good advice, that. That is just tho place for a man to go when the world abuses him. Go home. Blessed be God for our quiet and sympathetic homes. But thci is many a man who has th reputation of ' haying a home when he has none. Through un thinkingness or precipitation therg are many matches mado that ought never to have" been made. An officiating priest cannot alono unite a couple. Tho Lord Almighty must proclaim banns. There is many a home in which thero is no sympathy and no happiness and no good cheer. The clamor of the battle may no have been heard outside, but pod knows," notwithstanding all the. playing of the "Wedding March"' and all the odor of the orange blossoms anoj thq benediction of the officiating pastor, there has hecn no marriage. Sometimes men liave awakened tQuul on one side of them the r.oek pf- persecu tion, and on the pther' side the rock tif domestio infelicity. What fchaU Rich, an one do? Do as Jonathan did climb. Get up the heights of God's consolation, from which we nay look down in tri umph upon outside persecution and home trouble. While good and great John Wesley was being silenced by the magis trates, and having his name written on the board fences of London in doggerel, at that very time his wife was making him as miserable as sho could acting as though Ehc were possessed of the devil, as I suppose she was; never doing him a kindness u.ntil the day she ran away, 60 that he wrote in his diary these worda: 'I did not for sake her; I have not dismissed her; I will not recall her." Planting one foot, John Wesley did, upon outside persecu tion, and the other foot on home trouble, he climbed up into the heights of Christian joy, and after preaching forty thousand sermons, "and traveling two hundred and seventy thousand miles, reached tho heights of lieaven, though, hi this world he had, it hard enough ?a sharp rock on the one side, and a sharp rock on the other." Again, that woman stands in the crisis of the text who has bereavement and a struggle for a livelihood at the same time. Without mentioning names, I speak from observation. Ah, it is. a hard thing for a woman to make an honest living, even when her heart is not troubled, and she has a fair cheek and the magnetism of an exquisite presence. But now he hus band, or the father, is dead. Tho ex penses of tlie obsequies have absorbed all that was left in the savings bank; and wan and wasted with weeping and watching, 6he goes forth a grave, a hearse, a cofiin, behind her to contend for her existence and tho existence of her children. When I seo such a battle as that ojxn I shut my eyes at the ghantliness of tho spectacle. Men sit with embroidered slippers and write heartless essays about women's wages; but that question is made up of tears and blood, and there is more blood than tears. Oh, give women free access to all tho realms where she can get a live lihood, from the telegraph office to the pulpit. Let men's wages be cut down lefore hers aro cut down. Men have iron in their souls and can stand it. Make tho way free to her of tho broken heart. May God put into my hand tho cold, bitter cup of privation, and givo me nothing but a windowless hut for shelter for many years, rather than that after I am dead there should go out from my homo into the pitiless world a woman's arm to fight the Gettysburg, the AUbtcr litz, tho Waterloo of life, fv bread. And yet Iiqw yumv women thero aro sealed between the rock of liereavement on tho ono side, and tho rock, t-f destitu tion on tho other, Biaea and Seneh i", terlocking their shadow and 7",pin them uin her miserable 7 ' T hero is a sharn rook t- ...... J. , mo ono sum. nn, i TI 011 tho other Rido." What aro such to do? Sujiiehow. let them climb up into, the heights of tho glorious pro:r-au: ".Leave thy fatherless childreu; I will preservo them alive, and tf thy widows trust in me." Or getvp into, the heights of that other &lirious promise: "The Lord prfovc-veth the stranger and relieve tho' widow and the fatherless." Oi yo sewing woman on starving wages. O! yo widows turn.od out from tho onco beautiful home. Ol ye female teachers,, kp on niggardly stipend. O! yi despairing woman, seeking in vain for Work, wandering along the docks, and thinking to throw yourself into the river last night. O! ye women of weak nerves and aching sides, and short breath and broken heart, you need something more than human sympathy; you need tho sympathy of God. Climb, up into his arms. Ho knows it all, and ho loves you more than father, or mother, or husband ever could or ever did; and instead of sit ting down, wringing 3'our hands in des pair, you had l?tter begin to climb. There aro heights of consolation for you, though now "there is a sharp rock on tho ono side, and a sharp rock on tho other side." ,Again, that man Is in tho crisis of tho text who has a wasted lifo on the ono side and an unilluniined eternity on the other. Though a man may all his life have cultured deliberation and self poise, if ho gets into that position all his self possession is gone. There are all tho wrong thoughts of his existence all the wrong deeds, aH h,o, u jong words stratr. a.bjb strata, granitic, ponderous, overshadowing. That rock I call Bozez. On tho other side are all the retributions of tho future, tho thrones of judgment, the eternal agest angry with his long de fiance. Thai; rock I call Seneh. Between these two rocks Lord Byron perished, and Alcibiades perished, and Ilerod perished, and ten thousand times ten thousand have ierished. O! man immevtii, man redeemed, man bcfid-lough't,' climb up ut of thosq shadows. Climb up by tho way of tho cross. Have 3-our wasted lifo forgiven; have your eternal fife se cured. This morning just take p;e ooi? to the past and sec. whaj t has been, and take pyift 'oak io the future and see what it threatens to be. You can afford to lose your health, you can afford to lose your property, you can afford, fa ioo your reputation; but yp cannot afford to lose joxi? soul. That bright, gleam ing, glorious, precious", eternal jiossession you must carry aloft in the day when, tho earth burns up ant the heavens burst. Yutt; see, from, my subject that when ft man goes. in,to the safety and peace of the Gospel, he does not demean himself. There is nothing in religion that leads to meanness or unmanliness. Tho Gos pel of Jesus Christ only asks you to climb as Jonathan did climb toward Gcd, climb toward heaven, climb into tho snnshiue of podW favor. To become a Christian is not to go meanly down ; it is to come gloriously up n into tho communion, of saint3, up into the peace that passeth all understanding, up into tho companionship of angels. He lives up; he dies up. O ! then, accept the wholesalo invita tion which I make this morning $0 all Iho people. Comet 'p t-roni between yot:r invalidism arid financial embarrassments. Coiiie up from' between your nients and your destitution,, pome up from between a Wusied life and an unil-luniinc-d' eternity. ' Like Jonatlian, climb with all your might, instead o? tatimg down to wring your hands in the shadow and in, t, W aykriess '.'a, sharp rock: cm the one side, arid a sharp look on tho other 6ida'1 The Mystery AVas SolTed. Back in 18S2 they had an epidemic of typhoid at Auxerre. No ono pculJj ieti why. The disease appeared suddenly. There was no evidence of contagion. How about the water? Formerly tho in habitants used river water from the Yonne. But the town would modernize itself. A new quarter was built, and all the well tq do folk combined to insure a supply of "pure water" by the aqueduct of Valand. The poorer people, as of old, went to the rivefi Now, the typhoid at tacked only those who drunk the "pure water." Dr. de Carrieres, a specialist and expert, was chosen to make a study of the case, and, if possible, to determine the cause of the epidemic. The doctor proceeded to examine the, Valand, waters at its source." Arrived there he found 'a farm house close at hand, arid,'of course, he found that necesr sary and more or less charming ornament of a farmyard, a manure heap. Inquir ing at the house he learned they had a patient who had lately come from Paris ill with typhoid. The plot thickens! The doctor suspected the big manure heap. He would try. So he took a quantity of rosalinine, a powerful red coloring mat-: ter, and distributed, ireely oyer the mass. Next morning when the surviv ing ''best people" of Auxerre turned on the taps, what was their surprise to jbvl the 'beautiful Valand, water as red as blood I The mystery was solved. Catholic WojW. SELLING BABIES. GLIMPSE AT THE DARK SIDE OP "ADVANCED CIVILIZATION." Tbe Common I'rartlre of I'nmotherly Wet Nurttca running Out Tliclr Own Chil dren ami Ilentlng Thvinsrlves to Wealthy folk A Source of Iiiease. Tho fact that hundred t-f foundlings are annually cared for ut the of the city and by our numerous private charitable in stitutions is very generally taken oa at least u suggestion of tho prevalence of gross im morality in Now York. IJecnuso tho census of tho child a.sylums and nurseries is con stantly increasing tho deduction is likewise made that tho im-troiohtuii nioralo is n"t of so hih a standard as in ywrs pa.-t, llos? much truth thcro may bo ia tho latter u.t sumption is a question tLafc must bo d"tcr luiiiol from othr data. In short, th erl belief that tho tiiiy wards yir iH-conie publio chju- every 10 oirspriug 01 ui 0 . ' ; mother H not ;01 u" ,u - jiTect. On tho authority of VUOM wl"" ... A, .1 , eh." jxjsition gives them tho best -co for investigation it is stated that a very largo proportion of tho waifs picked up 011 tho streets or discovered in out of tho way places aro tho children of women who abandon them solely for tho purpose of mak ing money by nurturing other ieople3 ba bies. V.'nAT TH2 OFFICIALS SAY. "There is no question but that women neg lect their youn V-i'"-; f"r :.!: .1 1 wages they ctm in nursing tho children of others," said tho superintendent of tho in fants' asylum oil Ibaudall's Island, where over 1,000 foundlings aro cared for at tho city's excuse in the course of a year. "It has been found by investigation that tho majority of abandonments aro made from sordid motives. Of course there cases where mothers are obliged to abandon their babes through poverty or fear tho shamo of their maternity should become known. But a largo proportion of tho in mates of tho institution aro dependent on the city's charity because of their mother's greed for money. At ono time in tho hospital's history wet nui-ses were hired, but tho em ployment agencies in tho city, whero the number of maternities is so hi-h per week, gave tho management much troublo by send ing scouts hero to tho island to entico them away. We cannot afford to pay the prices private families will give." At tho headquarters of tho department of charities and correction Mr, Blake, who lias held tho position of superintendent of out door poor, and is ono of tho best posted men in tho city on the subject, said: "Many of tho children two or more months old have been abandoned tw ico leforo they are brought here to bo cared for by tho c-ity. A woman with a child only a few days, old finds some ono with whom she. can board it. Sometimes a months board is paid in ad vance, which bisni-ea good care for it. Uuttho poor- women who expect to add $3 or f 4 to their meager monthly income seldom seth mother of tho child after tho (h'st month. Finally, after waiting a while, tho nurses abandon them." Thcro aio certain institutions in Xew York whero a premium is practically put ou this heartless abandonment of babies V'-J merce nary mothers. Certain restrit-ilons nro im posed as to tho admission, or patients in the maternity wards, but there ere, noiwitle standing tuis, loopholes by which such women iii-e permitted to leave their yoirg to the tender mercies of these institutions. Tho cus tom, or practice, is wiakea at, because the city pays a bounty, as it M ere, for tho in fants th.ys, adopted, for the funds received dwpend upon tho number of children cared for. In somo cases mothers ' are- bound to as sume some slight responsibility or- eveu tech nical titlo to motherUv iufc at least ono institution no iiy- grants, but actually ex-. acts veloase of all claim to childreo'Cf which it assumes the care. rxMOTiiicrur :CTaensv 'I know from iersonal experience and ob servation that a very largo proportion of the wet uui'ses cmploj'ed in New YOrk havo been able to. obtain these placed solely through the abandonment vf their own flesh and blood," w3. th statement made by a well known physician of this city in discussing the sub ject. "I have been astounded and shocked. by the growing tendeucy on tha part o American women to leave tho care of their infants to others umofc from the timet ot birth,. Vou might regard it as a general ruin among the wealthy classes, and especially so iu case's where inothevs are what aro termed society hidies.' In the United States to lppst favored classes, so far as worldj.y'pos. cessions aro concerned, seem to, regard it as a disgrace to have more than two children. It i3 not many years ago that ft now noted illustrated paper mada tremendous hit and first couimeitd to boom by a timely rjuiovu atopos of the suicido of tha hotorio.;5 ii,ne. Restell. She was I'epu&J to havo had among her patients in her nefarious malpractice business women of tho 'Urst families of New York, or what Ward McAllister is pleased to term the select 400. This cartoon gave a prophetic scene, as it were, of what l'ifth avenuo would present ia a year or two now that Mrae. Restell's Eerviccs wero no longer to be secured. It wa3 tho aptness of tho illustration which brought homo to the public a realization of the enormity of what may bo termed a great national siu that set everybody talking about the paper that had exhibited tho courage to preach so powerful a. seiaion. There may be other Restella here today, but hardly less, n (u-iiiie than is practiced by them, is tho total abandonment of babies or tho shirking of the responsibilities of motherhood by these wet nurses. "The tempUttlona to shiftlee3 and mercen ary females due to the system are very great and few can resist them. AVet nurses are usually engaged by the year, and their wages range from. I'M or $25 a month to $40 or $50 and eveu higher in soma, instances. A woman gets a good home, all her ex penses aro paid, and 13 fed on the best of everything. Practically it is a life of easo and perhaps luxury for the term of their en gagement. Their deserted children can be put out to board for $1Q or $12 a month, and a great majority pf them are either adopted or become public charges,' If tha parents of babies realized the risks they run in taking this class of women to nurse their little ones there might be less of this sort of thing done. There is great danger of chronic diseases and various complaints being contracted by the babies. .The private nurseries in which the children of wet nurses are cared for are noS what they ought to bo by any means.. a tha first place, tho babies of necessity are bottla fed and are more or lftu neglected. They ara puny "and weak, and if they are pureed through the various, infantile, complaints are, for- many reasons, unlikely to become useful or desirable members of society." New York World. - Contented with Ills Lot. Visitor (to convict) What ar you in for, friend f Convict Bigamy, air four wives, Visitor Your life must b very sad. Convict It isat a sad as tfc Uf I led fcrt I c-i t:r Frc:v " The Plattsmouth Herald Is 011 joying; ciSoom in both, its DAXXZ AND WEEKLY EDITIONS. Year Will le one during which the subjects of national interest nnl importance will he strongly agitated ami the election of a President will take place. Ihe people of Cass County who would like to learn of Political, Commercial and Social Transactions of this year and would keep apace with the times should J'Oi: Daily or Weekly Herald. Now while we have the subject before the people we will venture to speak of our Which is first-class in all respscts and from which our job printers are turning out much satisfactory work. PLATTSMOUTH, 1888 KITIIEIt TJ1K fO) rn mi M NEBRASKA.