fef MS. PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, THUltSliAY EVENING, AUGUST 10, 1888. NUJIHElt !8() FIRST YE Alt I w Gl'I'Y OFFICIOS. Mayor, I'lerk, Tre.inirer, - K.M. Kit II KV W K Fox - Jamki Pat t k bho n , .i k. . , - It V ICON Cl.AMK - A Makoi.k H ILIKKOUII W II MAI.1CK attorney. Engineer, )'1icm Judge, Marshall, Couucilineu, 1st ward, 2nd " )J V WK.OKHAC1I A Kauhhukv ) I) M JONKH I I. A Sill I'M AN ) M It ML' It Ml V S W Dl'TTON COM O'CONNOK. 3rd 4th. 1 l McCalmc.v. runs 1.1 V, i KlIKI D 11 .1 W JoHNH IN,CIIAIU1AN Board Tut). Work Kl(KI OOllDKK 11AWK.HWOKTH Treasurer. Dpuiy Treasurer, - Clerk. Deputy Clerk, Recorder 4.1 Deeds Deputy Recorder Clerk tf District Court, Slierilf. - - - Surveyor. -Attorney. Supt. of Pub. School. -i:iiiiiLv Judife. j). a. camimuci.l. Thoh. 1oli.o:k PlKI CKITi'llKIKI-a Ex a Cm ichuki.ii W. II. Pool. John M. Lh.yia W. C. SlIOWALTKK J. C. Kl K KNBAIII A. M AOOL.K AlJ.KN ltKKXON MAVNAKI S4MNK HOAKD OK HOMtKVISOHH. A T T.X.I. f'l.'lll.. - - I'lattMMOIlth l.Ol'IS Holt., A. B. DICKSO-N, Weeping Water El in wood GIVIG SOGIKjr.M3. iVWjVdYk'no. I- O, K. Met?t.H Levery Tuesday evening of each week. All tran.Ic'it brothers are respectfully luvited to attend. 1LATTM()UT11 ENCAMPMENT No. ,3. I. O. -L O. F nieel very alternate Friday In each moiitti 111 the Masonic Hall. Visiting Brothers are invited to attend. MIRK) L7fUK NO. HI. A. O. U. V -Meets I every alternaH Friday evuniui: at Iv. of l . tiall. Transient brothers are rhspe-etrully In vited toatteud. F, J. Morgan. Maatur Workman ; K. S. Barstow. Foromau ; Frank Brown. Over seer ; 1. llowen, Oulde ; Ueoitfe llousworth. Recorder; II. .1. Johnson. Financier Wash. Hmith. Receiver; M. Maybrliiht. Past M. Y.; J.wk patiKherty. Inside Ouard. 7AXS CAMI' SO. 222, MODERN WOODMEN J of America Meets second ud fourth Mon (1 ay evening at K. of 1. hall. All transient profilers are requested to meet with us. L. A. K'ewuoncr. Veuerahle Consul : O. f. N'lef, NVorthy Adviser ; S. C. Wilde, Hanker ; W. A. Boeek, Clerk. ' I'll. VrTSMOLTTH LODGE NO. 8, A. O. U. W. Meut every alternate Friday evening at Roc wood Ui! at S oVJock, All transient broth e.3 arc resceetfully Invited to attend. I,. J,rson. M. W. ; F. JJoyd. Foreman : S. C. y iJJeTliecorder : Leonard Anderson. Overseer. ill. AT rSMOUT" I.ODOE NO. C. A. F. & A. M. A Meet i on nrst ad t;ir4 Mondays of each month at their hail. Alt transient broth rrs are cordially Invited to meet with us. ve J. Ci. Uiciiky, W. M. vrujlLv. Secretary. . T RttKASK A CKArTRH- NO, 3, K. A. M il Mets second and fourth Tuesday ot each rio!h at Mason 11-iU. Tranacieiit brothers luvited to meet with . Jf p Wm. Havs, Secretary. r. ZION I'OMMAMIAKY. NO. 5. K. T. JlMeets llrst ami third Wednesday night of each month at Mso ' hall. Visiting brothers tr cordially luvited to meet with us. tjAM. Havi. Kee. V. E. Wihtk. E. O. I S3 COf t SCI L NO. 10--1 . UOYAI. KCAXl'M VJ inj.el thK Occomj and fourth Momlavs or lieb liionth at Arcanum Hall. K. N. liLK.xx, Uegeut. - J. C. Minob. Secretary. McCOWIHie POST 45 C. A. R- UOSTKIt. J. W. JrtiiNsos ..Commander. C S Twi'H Senior ice V. a", it at its'. Junior " " i;ro.NiLK.s Adjutant. Hznky sritKHiiiT M a i.on Of on Otlicer of the liar. ANir.Kso.v Fitv .SerKt Major. jii.oi.i;.)Ki'.KM.l-.. ..quarter Majcr Seritf. i,'. C. Cijutjs lost Chanlaiu Meetinir Saturday evening PLATTS MOUTH BOARD OF TRADE 1'reshlent ..Uobt ( Windham .A. It. Todd 1st Vice Tresident and Vice I'rcsident Secretary Treasurer ...Win Neville .. F. Herrmann P. K. (iulhman lilKKCTORS. .1 C l.lchev. V. K. White. J C. Tatterson, rf. A. C'i,nlier. It. KIsoll.C. S O r. J. V. vVeckbaelf. Sherinan, F. Ior- H.LPalmer&Son QEaSTEHAL INSURANCE AGENTS teproor.t the following time tried uiul tire-tested companies: American Central-S:. Louis. Asueta $1.25s,l00 Commercial Union-England. " 2.W5.3U Fire Association-Philadelphia. 4.415.570 Franklin-Philadeluliia, " 3.1 17,1 OC Home-New York. " 7.8i5.5f9 I os. C, of North America. Phil. " 8.474 .302 Uverpooli London & Jlobe-Eiij; " C.d39.78t North British A Mercantile-Eu " 3.373.751 orwich Cnion-England. " 1.245.406 Spiiuflelil F. A M, -Springfield, " 3,041.915 Total Assets. J42.115.77l Lso? AiiMtcJ snft PaiiattMsAietcy WHEN YOU WANT WOI DOM -OF- CALL ON Ea. US'. EaaXSQX2, Cor. 15tU and Grnnite Streets, Contractor and Builder Eept. 12-Gm. Harrison On Pauper Labor. I.NniANAiifi.ii', August lfi. Six thous anl visitors from Hush. Decatur and Delaware counties called upon Gen. Har rison this morning. In reply to the ad dress of the upokesman, General Harrison made a short speech, cullin; attention to the necessity for legislation in the interests of the protection of an honest ballot in Indiana. Later in the dny two more delugations arived from Delaware and Decatur counties. In these dele gations were al-irge nuin1er of veterans and colered men. In reply to the address General Harrison gave his views liiifly upon the subject of pauper labor and American wages. He said: "The disastrous effects upon our work- ingmen of competion and underpaid labor are not obviated by keeping the cheap worker over the sea if the product of his cheap labor is allowed, free com petition with the products of underpaid labor abroad as well as against the com ing to our shores of paupers, laborers under contract and Chinese. These two thoughts are twin thoughts, the same lo gic supports both, and the republican patty holds them ai a dual conclusion of one great argument." A SONG Or DREAMS. A il t-arn rf a merry child at lav, Dlui; eyed and fair, frolicsome, (ray, Iliad us the birds iu the sprintiuio are, sorrows pllpnt ite cloud fri Caiuka-S ot iruublu, untouched by fear, Htuius her way through the golden year. A dream of a ircuan, old and gray, '4t .iililol and bunt, wending her way Iiiiesonii-ly towrrd I he lat milestone. Where the grim, dark bhadow of death Is thrown. Storm stained and weary. ""4 5,'orn with carjr The candle of life at its riual flare. A dream of a. grave iu a churchyard lone, ICeglected.'d'rcar, with' weeds o'crgrown, With only the chirp of the cricket's son;. As It sings in the grass the whole night long, To break the silence that broods so deep Where the wornout sou) and Ixniy sleep. Susie IL liekt In lionie Journal. ItlTers SrerrlBg to the West. It appears that the western an4 south woji epa bank of tho liiq Grande is thq one which uffers most from the abrasion of the current. VVhy does the river show this tendency to work to the westward? Something like this appears in tha cae of thq Mississippi. 'yc merly tjja river li4 its principal debouuU mcnt into the sea through bayou Manchao and the lakes. In the course of time that route was abandoned for the one now known as tho main river, which is very considerably to tho westward of the old outlet. In the meantime the river has shown a disposition to transfer its channel still further to the westward thi'ovgh the Atcbafalaya. Can it bo made to' appeait1 from these facts that tberVT is a tendency in great rivers 'flowing in general directions alons meridians of the earth's longitude to swerve to the westward! Can it be held that because tho rotation of tho Wirth pn its axi to the. eastward the I weight of the water in such longitudinal rivers is thrown by the centrifugal forco against tho western bank so as to abrade them with increased energy and effect New Orleans Ficayune The Emperor and the Xaukee. It Is tod that whijQ he late Jirrpufof Frederick was in Lpndon for the queen's ju bilee Sir Morell Mackenzie introduced a noted American doctor to him. After a careful examination of his throat the ini lerial patient, in his usual cheerful manner, inquired, "I suppose an imperial throat is very much like that of other niortals? 'Wells slri" fame the quiijc reply, "we "will try and make it so' at any Tate." 'The then Crowrt pi;ineo thoroughly appreciated ' the quick Yankee wit, and, striking bis broad chest, said, "But this is all right, is it notji "The Yankee gravely looked the splendid "pr.ot; (tortious of the illustrious patient up and flown, and deliberately drawled put, "As for the rest, sir, ypu would make a good Amer j? can." Friti's niarriment was great, but th Qerman doctors presejit wtsro aghast at such levity. Now York Tribune. How It 7. Done. Mrs. Degusha Mr. Brown, don't you think Miss Smith is a very beautiful girl And st is so intellectual. Mr. Brqwu Yei, but, as I was going on to, say, the Inclemency of tho weather prevented mo from attending the lat meeting, and I lost Letter. Mrs. Pegusha (to Miss Snuth) Mr. Brown is quite taken "with you, my dear. He paid you a lovely compliment today. He said you were tho most intellectual and beautiful girl ho had ever met. New York Tribune. New atntl Artistic. A new and artistic idea has been intro duced at dinner parties lately. The knives, and forks are all different, and each one made after some special design. Diminutive copies of antique German and Turkish swords serve the guests masculine for knives, matched by iny daggers of Italian patterns given to those of the sex feminine. Chjca') Herald, London Shopkeeper's Announcement. A London shopkeeper coolly announce that he is cleaning soruo frocks for the Duch ess of Teck and one of the princesses. Fancy what would happen to a New York or Boston dyer who told a secret like that, unless in deed ho spoke of somebody belonging to the classes understood to like advertising. Bos ton Transcript Doesn't Like to Be Ttored, Sho (a a garden party)4-Isa't that young Professor Brainfog coming this'way, Mr."D Sappy? He-Ya-as, Miss Maude. Shall 1 present him? She Oh, dear, no. I think young mep with brains, Mr. De Sappy, are such a bor& Tha Ppocb, Vital power Is deficient in rery fat people. Real Estate Bargains EXAMINE OUlt LIST. CONSISTINd K CHOICE LOTS x 3r South - Park, 21 lots in Thompson's addition. 0 lot3 in Towiuepds addition. Lot 10 block 13tf, lot 5 block 104, Lot 1 block , lot o block S).J. Lot 11, block 111, lot 8, block CI. LOTS IN YOL'NG AND HAYS AliPlTIOX. Lots in Palmer's addition. Lots in Iake' addition. .. . i Improved property of all descriptions and in all parts of the city on easy terms. A new and defjipUJa ve?e0ce 'n South V'irk, can be boaght on monthly payments. Before purchasing elsewjierp, tkii and sec if -kg cannot suit you better. 5 acres of iiu.oveit ground north of the city limits. !i acres of ground adjoining So'j Park. 3 Acre of" ground adjoining South Park. 14 acres of ground adjoining South Park. 20 acres near South Park: S? J iec, 14, T. 10, W, 12, van county, price $1, 800, if sold soon. nw i sec. 8. T. 12, K. 10, Cass Co., price $2,000. A valuable improved, stpfk fvani in Merrick Co.. Teb., 1C0 acres and on reosontible terms." Windham & Davies. Consult your beet interests by insuring in the Phoenix, Hartford or itna com panies, about which there is no question as to their high standing and fair dealing. TORNADO POLICIES. The present year bids fair to be a dis astrous one from tornadoes and wind storms. This is fore-shadowed by the number of storms we haye already had the most destructive one so far this year having occurred at Mt. Vernon, 111., where a large number of buildings were destroyed or damaged. The exemption from tornadoes last year renders their oc currence more probable in 1888. Call at our office and secure a Tor nado Policy. Unimproved landa for sale or ex change. WINDHAM OrIES. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB.. HSU RANCH BUSINESS DIRECTORY. A(l HI CU I.TU It A I. I M H.K.M KNTS. 1IAI.I.& ( ItAlli. Agricultural I iiilleitients, I'oiutlaiwl Uutjuieo anil l:iith(orl Wapon", "(SoihI Umber and Itoue Dry." sold and Warranted. Main street, between Sixth and Seventh. BANK. KIKST NATIOXAI. HANK, ot riKttsmoiith. Capital S.i.ihki ; surplus Sll. .lohii l-'ituerald, l"r:t-ilint ; S. Wiuinh. fiishier; K. S. White. Yire-rre.sMent. Huanl of DireetoiH John KitGerald. K. K. White, .Ini). il. t lark, 1. liavksoiili, s. Waiili, BANK. TI1KCITI7.KNSUANK. r J'l.ittsiiioui:.. aitl slodk paid in, SrWMM). l'lank C'arruth, I'rei-ideiit ; W. II. taishiiij.', I'awhier; J. A. Connor, Vlee-l'ref ident. A ireneral banking hiil'ics I raiifaef ed. C'ollee tiunx receive prompt and careful attention. BLACKSMITH. UOHKUT DONNELLY, lslackwmitli and NVajronmaki-r, Dealer in Viiul inllU. t'uiii ih and Eiltinus. BOOTS ANDS1IOKS. JOSEl'II FITZEH. Hoots and Shoes. Hepaii inti inniit ly attended to. South Side Main street. BOOTS AND SHOES. 1'ETEK MKKOES. A coinjilete at-f"! I! ! f ive-y I, 'a.l ( ' V ... wear and cln a. i i lii.m the cheapest wt-st of the .Missouri Kiver. Also inanufai Hiring u ICepairint;. BAKUEK S1IO-' AJ.'D .lATll l:OOM. V-l. MOULEY. Hot unit Cold I'.a'lisat all Lours. Ladii's' and Children's flair Cutting a specialty . Cor. .Mil and Alain, under CarruthV. BAKKKY. F. STADEl X?ANN. I'.read, Cakes. Vy. H.1114, etc.. ivesh laily. I'arty. Wcitdinj; add Farvy Cake a specialty lev Creatu iu any niianUty. B OOKSELLE.lt. V.TC. .1, 1". YOUNG. IiokteI1ni'. 8f at ionei- smd Va (ioodrt, Toys. Confeel ioiiei-y. Fine f inals. Soda W ater and Milk Shake, l'iaiios and Organs and iittnil(l turn IIIMC1113, pLOTHIM. S. & O. MAY Cent's Funiishings. Fiyp Ti'io- Made Clot liing iu Men's, I'oii'. ...i Children's Wear. Their PViffa uery competition. Tliev misrepresent uotliiug. Iheir Word s Their Soul. LOTUING. L. COLDING. ClothTfr. FurnishiiiK Ooo.'.s. ,tn to the old re liable house for 1, Caps. I'mhrellas, Trunks, Hoots, J',e. Maiu .street, next Cass Co, Hank. P LOTH IS (J. Clotlitng. Hats. Cars, :to. Flue l-'urnishinu'' our specially. ine jric ami no .Monkev Hus inesi. It pays to trade with us. 1 lock wood Hlk. PANNING COMPANY'. J CAKKCTH CANNING CO., Frank Carrulh. Henry .1. Sfreilit. I'l'Oiuletors. Hackers of the Climax Ununl eaelables. pONri'CTlONEKV. H11ILLIII KUAl'S. Fruits. Con feet ioiii'i'v and Fine Cigars. RUGS. ' O. P. SMI MI & CO, Dealers In Wall Haper, Habit", Oil, v Mater ials. Cigars &c. Hotkuood lUVi. DKL'GS, BERING &C'. Dings Clieinicals, 1'aints, oi!s. DKUGS. F. G. FHJCKK CO,, Drugs, Meilnunc-i. Chemicals, I'arnts, Oilf, Yarniohest. Dye stuffs etc.. Eine fctatiouery, Select Toilet ami Fancy Articles, DltYGOODS, GHOCEHlEfi. i-: M. WHITE. Dry Goods, Groceries Notions. General Mer chandise, etc. S. E. coiner Main and ;th Sts. DKY GOODS. F. HEURMAVM, Dry Gocili, Notions and ladies' Furnishing Good.-. Ono dOvveat,t Firt National Hank. DKY GOODS. GliDCEl'IES. E. G. DOYEY i SOIf. Carry a lirge stock of Fine Groceries, Dry floods. Carpets, tjcicensware. Notions, Mid Fancy Goods, to be found in the county. Up per Ala 11 street, between oth and 0th. DENTISTS. Ib. CAVE & SMITH, "Tho Vainless Dentists." Teeth extracted without the least, pain or harm. Ariiticial toetli inserted immediately after extracting imtnral ones when desired. 'Gold s all other Fillings strictly tirt clas. Otnoe i" Cnion Hlock. FUliNITV'HI! HENIiY HOECK, Furniture. Hedding. Lookiui: Gbmse'. Ficture Frames, etc. YVouiUu uud Metal Caskets kept 111 stock, UHNIIt'UE, I. TEAK L.MAN. Furniture. Tailor Suits, I'pho'stery Goods. Stoves, imeensware. Tinware, and all kinds of Household Goods. North Cth street, between Main and Yine. GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. J. II. DONNELLY', Gents Fine Furnisher and lintto'. complete and finest tok nv the cily Hlock, C(' ..tii aiU Main. The most Carruth GROCERIES. M. R. MURFHY . CO., The Leading Dealers In Groceries. Crockery. China, Lamps. Wooden and Willow ware. Flour, Feed, to. Cash paid for country produce. GROCERIES. LEHNHOFF & SOENNICHSEN. Groceries, 1'rovisious, Glassware mid Crockery. GROCEK1 ES. F. Mcf'OUUT. Green. Staple and Fancy Grocerirs. GROCERIES. KEN NEXT fi TCTT. Staple and Fancy Gotries, Green Fruit and Canned Goods. GROCERIES. AUG. BACH. Grortlies and tjueensware. Flour and Feed. Cigars. Tobacco and Cutlery. Riddle House. HOTEL. FRED'-OOS, Proprietor City Hotel. Terms. 1.00 per day. Special Attention given commercial men. HARNESS. W. G. KEEPER. Successor to O. M. Streignt. Harness, Saddlery Goods. Net. Robes, Dusters, and all horse fur nishing goods. HARD W A RF. JOHVFON BROS., Hardware. Stoves. Tinware. Table and rocket Cutlery. Rasors, etc. Household Sewing Ma chines' and Jewel Gasoline stoves, linwork of all kinds done at ratten able "prices. Main street, Rockwood Block. JEWELRY'. d FRANK CARRUTH & SON. Always carry a fine t-tock of Diainonls,".Vatch es. CI cks. Jewelry. Silverware and Spectacles. Drop in and inspect theirgoods before parcha--ing elsewhere. TEYVELRY. J J. SCHLATER, Jewe'er. Waltham YYatehes a Specialty. Main Street, near Fourth. JEWELRY. B. A. McELYVATN, Watche3. Clocks. Silverware and Jewelry. Special Attention given to Watch Repairing. y Tuo 111 eelis yore Take Time by - 2T OT . OI U filJH.VT CLOSINi! OUT SALK Will Terminate Aug. 27. Wb aro under contract to open our ITair--.i:nt TT-" Scptombor 1st. Thoto who luiYC not taken nch :ml iijri of tho I'aryains ofitretl duily itt our (ircat Closin' Out Sale will regret it when we are gone. bs. live Al 60 cts. per Pound, Worth 75c. Dress Goods Sale, Great Cloak Sale, Silk Sale, Carpet Sale, Tffunk and Valise Sale. Wc are too husy to make a Price List. To accoiniiio'late the great rush we will keep our store open until 10:00 o'clock p. m. SOLOMON & WA7HAW, White Front Iry Goods LIVERY' STARLE. C. M. HOLMES & SON. The Checkered Rain. Livery. Feed and Sale stable ; parties conveyed toail parisof the city. Carriages at all traitK. Comer Yine and i;th. MEA I' MARKET. RICHARD r.ILSTEIN'. Who'esale and Retail Dealer In First jualiv Reef, Cork. Mutton Veal. Latnh. etc. hixlh strce', Neville Clock. I'rices modi-rate. MEAT MARKET. J. II AT r CO.. Kill their own Cattle. Render their own Lard and Cure tlieir own Racon. Main street- MEAT MARKET. EICKLER CO.. Eggs. Touitry Sec. We usi; o ly the best tirade of native stock. Oysters and same in season. MERCHANT TAILOR. C. !'. SMITH, Merchant Tailor, Main street, over Merges' shoe store. Complete stock of samples, i-it guaranteed. I'rices defy competition. M 1 I.LIN E It V. MRS. J. 1". JOHNSON. A Complete. Line of the Latest Styles of Mil llnerv and Trimmings ; also Children's and In fants'' Roime's. to he closed out at cost. ESTAURANT AND LUVCH KOOM. JACOB HENNCH. Meals and Lunches sei ved to order at a'd hours. Also 0steis, 'iars. Tobacco, lop and Cider. Opposite Riddle House. SA.M.'LE ROOM. JOHN BLAKE. Sample Room :n.d Httliard HalLChoh-o Wines. Liiuors aud Cigars. Billiard and l'ool Tables. SAMPLE ROOM. i-'RAHM & K LI ETCH, Sample Room. Imporied and Domestic Wines, Liijuors and Cigars. Only straight woods han dled. Milwaukee Bottled Laer a Si e ialty. Cor. 5th and Main Sts. QAMTLE ROOM. U 11 x-i i L :. .1 .i i.. M I,,.. Liquors and Citfars. l'ool and BiLiard Tables. R'ddle Hon e Block. SAMPLE ROOM THE ELKIIORN SALOON. Win. Weber, proprietor. Manutacturers 01 . Soda Water. Birch Beer. Cider, etc. Anents for Fred K rug's Celebrated Laer Beer. Win. Weber, proprietor. Manufacturers of Watch.es ! Watches I h. m: gault Has moyed and is now in the Sherwood room, Cor. 5th and Main Sts., where he is better able to show his Large Stock of Watches, CLOCKS A2TD JEWELRY ! Than ever before, and will as an induce meut sell you Watches way down. Call and get the Special Prices in Gold Watch es; it will surprise you. A Full Line of the best styles ot Jewelry and Silverware. Repairing will be eiven Special Atten tion. All work warranted to give a,;ia-factton. the Forelock. DEL "S" I Geese Feathers House Miiin Hi. DRS. CAVE & SMITH, Paiale3S Dentists." Tl-e only Dentists in the West rontrolirig thl New System of Extractinc and I- iiiinir I eeth without I'ain. Our anaesthetic is en tirely free from CHLOISOFOK3I Oli KTHEK AND IS ABSOLUTELY , f ff t2L l?flll C S f O - iVIJ Teeth extracted and artificial teeth Inserted, next day if desired . The preservation of the natural teeth a. specialty. GOLD CAPS, BRIDGE WORK. The very finest. : tike in Ui.ion Block, over 1 he CitizeLs BrtLk, R. B. Wi.vmiam, John a. Davikh. Notary rublic. Notary Public. WIMIIIAMA IIAVIEH, Attorneys - at - Law. Cilice over Bank of Ca- County. Plattsmocth, - - Net.rafka AN. SULLIVAN, Attorney at l.atr. Will give prompt attention to all Undines In trusted to Mm. Office in Union Block, Et side. Hattsmouth. Neb. rJob work dono he Herald oulce. on short notice at w si i w . o - g a. vjx s