The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, August 06, 1888, Image 2

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    TUK DAI LV 11EUALD: 1'LATrBfliou m, mSKASKA, MON DAY, AUQDST C, 1888.
The Plattsmouth Daily Herald.
Publishers & Proprietors.
Is published eery evening except Sunday
and Weekly every Thursday morning. Kegls
tered at the postofflce, Ilaitamuuth. Nebr..KS
necond-claMs matter, OITtce corner of Vine and
Fifth streets.
One copy one year In advance, by mall $ 0
One copy per month, by carrier. fio
One copy per week, by carrier 15
One oopy one year. In advance $1 B"
Uue copy six inontns, in advance 75
of Indiana.
of New York.
The following press dispatch from
New York shows the drift of the Iiish
vote-in New York. They are coming
General Benjamin! ''One huudred thous
and more":
New Yokk, Aug. 2. Numbers of
democratic workinginen here are threat
ening to vote for JIuirLson because of
Cleveland'a tariff policy. A fair ripre
ten ative of this disaffected class is Dav
id J. Lauglilin, one of the most promi
nent labor men in New York. lie is
judge advocate of district assembly 40.
He says he has always been a democrat,
was a member of the general committee
in Tammany hall in 1881, but he is not
going to vote for Cleveland this year.
Said he: "One hundred thousand Irish
men who have heretofore voted the dem
ocratic ticket will vote for Harrison this
year. It is a common charge that Irith
men who are opposing the tariff policy of
the democratic party are acting selfishly.
Perhaps they are. But I want to ask you
if the English free traders who want us
to pass free trade bills are not acting sel
fishly? I have been a salesman in the
dry goods business for twenty years. I
have been connected with LeBoutilleer
Brothers for something like three year?.
Do you know that we are making no
woolen goods here at all of the kind that
are sold over the counters of the big dry
goods hsuses in this city? "Why, pretty
near all of the woolen goods sold in this
city now are made in France and Ger
many. We cannot make them here un
der the present tariff, because we pay our
workmen too high a rate. Why, j'ou
can't manufacture ladies' dress goods m
this country. The present tariff does not
admit. Even under the present tariff we
lire obliged to patronize the German and
French industries, when, as a matter of
fact, we can make a better article here.
The French manufacturers are making
the bulk of the money that is being made
in the clothing trade. I want the Amer
icans to make that money. That is all
there is about the matter." Si-journey
W. Fay, anotcr woolen man, is also op
posed to the tariff policy of the demo
cratic party, lie said: "I most certain
ly am against the Mills bill and the tariff
policy of the democratic party."
Their homes were cold and cheerless in
the extreme, but they had powers of re
sisting it that seemed phenominal and far
beyond human endurance as we have
found it limited in our own zone. I have
known one of these cold-weather caval
iers to take a reindeer hide that had been
soaking in the water, and that was froz
en as stiff as a plate of boiler-iron, and'put
it against his bare body, holding it there
not only until it was thawed out, but un
til it was perfectly dry. The skin was
to be used as a drum-head for singing
and dancing exercises, and had to bedry
aud hairless to answer that purpose, the
soaking ridding it of the hair, while
there were apparently no other means of
drying it than the heroic method adopt
ed. From the large number of reindeer
killed by these Eskimo they are abun
dantly supplied with skins for bedding
and clothing, and in the making up of
these nccccssaries they have displayed s
much tact and talent with the limited
means at hand that thev are the best
dressed natives in the north. From on.
oi mcir iancy displays on certain gar
ments the boot tops they get their dis
tinctive tribal name, the Kinneietoos.
Frederick G. Schwatka, in the American
Magazine for August.
We gravity fear that the editor of the
Journal returned Saturday evening from
Weeping Water thoroughly frantic with
the idea that be has been the victim of
"robber tax" protection for years. lie
has, judging from his paper, had a lurk-
ing'suspicion. for a few days past, that
the republican party has been an organiz
cd conspiracy against him daring the
past twenty-eight years; and, we fear,
after Mr. Morton lets the cat out of the
. meal bag and discloses the fact to him
that ho has been paying robber prices for
tccl rails,' Bohemian cut glass and im
ported silks, that graceful and conserva
tive cqoipais which has always disting
uished him as the greatest advocate of
economic nncstiona. since the days of
Ada Erritb.
Newspaper Note and Comment Conoern
1ns Men Mors or Less Famous.
William Weightman, who is worth
$20,000,000. started life as a drug clerk.
Cyrus W. Field fcot his first start o
clerk in a commission house at $2 a week.
Gen. Spinola is said to look tho oldest
man in the house of representatives.
Addison Canimack began life as a mes
senger boy in a New Orleans shipping
firm's oftice.
Frank Cashing has returned to tho
Zttiii land to get at some more of the se
crets of those ancient New Mexicans.
Dr. Aveling, tho Socialist who lately
visilci'l this country, has dramatized Ilaw
t bore's 4 -Scarlet Letter."
Roswcll P. Flower began his money
making oeratkiis as a day laborer in a
brickyard at High Fall:!, N. Y.
Emperor William II is tho first Russian
sjienking king of Prussia. Prince Uis
luark speaks Russian Uuenlly.
Sidney Dillon earned his first money
by carding water to tho lalorers on the
railroad lietween Albany and Schenec
tady. Before lie discovered the cholera mi
crobe, Robert Koch was known simply
as Dr. Koch. Now he is Ilerr Geheimer
Medicinal Rath Professor Doctor Robert
The youthful emperor of China rises at
3 o'clock in tho morning, breakfasts at
15, dines at noon, sups at 3 o'clock and
goes to bed by 0.
Ex-Governor Berry, of New Hamp
shire, is "going on" 93 years of age and
still skips about from house to house vis
iting among bis friends.
Mr. Burno Jones' Btudio presents Q.
striking contrast to those of other emin
ent English painters. It is simply a work
room, with bare floor and whitewashed
Tho richest peer in England is the duke
of Westminster, who owns vast estates
in Cheshire and in Wales. His income
is said to equal thirty shillings a minute.
James Payn, at nearly CO years of age,
is square headed, broad browed and
spectacled, looking like a prosperous doc
tor rather than an author. He has eleven
A prominent addition to the legal pro
fession lias lust been inaue at Cleveland,
O., by Messrs. Ilairy A. Garfield and
James R. Garfield, They have formed
a partnership under the nanio of Garfiejd
& Garfield.
Bishop Perry, of Iowa, has received
the degree of D. D. from the University
of Oxford, England. Tho only other
living American who lyvs received a like
distinction is Rev. Phillips JJrooks, of
It is said that ex-Secretary Robeson, of
tho navy, is financially exhausted, and
has bravely started in life again by
swinging his sliingle out as a Lawyer,
lie is over CO years old, is blessed with
good health and expects to prosper.
Alfonso Celso, of Rio da Janeiro, has
offered a, large montldy subsidy to the
theatre of the capital which shall pro
duce national dramas, and a premium of
$3,000 to the Brazilian author who .lu.U
produce tho best national drama.
Tho czar of Russia is a great fisher
man, and he has just bought in Finland
a tract of land with a river swarming
with salmon. His imperial wife is also
a fly caster, and can manage a wicked
fish with fl3e and grace.
Lord Albemarle, tins Waterloo veteran,
Is a small, spare man with brighf; eyes.
Ho wears a black velvet skull cap. " He
is now 89 yeare old, and is the solo sur
vivor of tho eighty-four officers who sat
down to the duke of Wellington's last
Waterloo dinner. He gives a reception
every year on the pmxiversary of that
"world's earthquako.,,
Dr. Allansan, of London, is distinguish
ing himself by raising a fund to establish
a vegetarian hospital in that city. An
imal food in no form will be allowed in
this hospital. Something of tho earnest
ness of the English vegetarians is shown
in the fact that several thousand dollars
have been promptly subscribed tovard
making the project a success.
Gen. Lew Wallace, the author of "Ben
Ilur, is passionately fond of baseball,
and has never been known to miss a
game if ho could possibly be present. It
is said that at his home, Cf awfordyille,
Ind., he is the principal patron of txu am
ateur club which ranks as one of the best
in the State league.
Mr. August Manns, thefamousmusica1
conductor of London, i3 a gray featured,
kindly looking man, of middle height,
with a broad forehead, long, lyayy hail
touched with white, and brushed
smoothly back, mustache and imperial,
and large, bright eyes covered with gold
rimmed glasses. Ho is 03 years old.
In 1810 Henry Mogel, father of County
Treasurer Mogel, of lteading. Pa., caught
a turtle on his farm and cut mto its back
the initials "II. M., 1810." It was not
seen again until a few days ago, when
the county treasurer discovered it alive
and well not more than forty feet from
where his father had found it seventy-
eight years before.
Dr. Sivartha, of Chicago, has just left
that city for Palestine, via England. IIL
idea is to rebuild Jerusalem, and he ex-
iiects to take out a largo number of peo
ple from Chicago and other American
cities as well as from England. Dr.
Sivartha has worked out elaborate plans
for restoring temples, gates, walls and
public buildings, according to descriptions
eiven in the Hi'ila.
An Explanation.
What is this "nervous trouble" with
which so many seem now to be afflicted ? If
you will remember a few years ago the
word Malaria was comparatively un
known, today it is as common as any
word in the English language, yet this
word covers only the meaning of another
word used by our forefathers in times
past. So it is used with nervous diseases,
as they and Malaria are intended to cover
what our grandfathers called Biliousness,
and all are caused by troubles that arise
from a diseased condition of the Liver
which in performing its functions Hading
it cannot dispose of the bile through the
ordinary channel is compelled to pass it
off through the svstem causing nirvous
troubles, Malarin, Bilious Fever, etc.
You who are suffering can well appreci
ate a cure. We recommend Green's An-,
gubt Flower. Its ceres are citrvelotuj.
The republicans of the United States, assem
bled by their deligates in national convention.
p:iuce on me inreHiioiii oi ineir proceeuing" io
honor the memory of their first great leader
ami Immortal champion ol liberty and the
rights ot the people. Abraham Lincoln, and to
cover also with wreaths ft imperishable re
membrance and gratitude the heroic names of
our later leaders who have been more recently
called away from onrcounciU, (irant, (iartlelrf,
Arthur, Logan and fonkling. Way their mem
ories be faithfully cherished. Vte also rerall
with our greetings and prayer for his recovery
the name of one of our livimc hero whose
memory will be treasured in the history both
of republicans and of the republic, 'f lie name
Is that of the noble eoldier and favorite child
of victory, Fhilin II. Sheridan.
In the f pirit of those great leaders and of our
devotion t human liberty, and with that hos
tility to ad forms of despotinm oppression
which is the fundamental idea of the republi
can party, we fend fratcnal congratulations
to our fellow Americans of upon their
great act of emancipation which completed
the abolition of slavery throuhout the two
American continents. We earnestly hope we
may soon congratulate our fellow citizens of
Irixh birth upon the peaceful recovery of home
rule for Ireland.
to the national constitution and to the indis
soluble union of states to the autoonmy re
served to the states under the constitution, to
the personal rights and liberties of (itiiens in
all states and territories in the union and es
pecially to the sup'eme and sovereign right of
every citizen, rich or poor, native or foreign
born, white or black, to cat one lice ballot in
the public elections ami to have that ballot
riulv counted, We hold a free and honest pop
ular ballot and iujt and equal representation
of all people to be the Ioiin;lal ion of our re
publican government and uoma;!l effective
legislation to pccuic the integrity anl parity
of elections which are the fountains of all pub
lic authority. We charge that the present atl-
ininistrMtion and the democratic majority in
congress owe their existence to I he suppression
of the ballot by the criminal nuUillcafei) of the
constitution and laws of the United Mates.
We are uncromuromlsiuuly in favor of the
American system of protection. Me protest
against the destruction proposed oy me pren
dent and his party, 'l hey serve the interests
of Emote
We accept the issue, and coundently appeal to
the people for their judgment. The. piotective
svstem must be maintained. Its abandonment
lins always been followed by ueueral disaster
to all interests except muse oi tne uinuier
and sjjeiiif.
We tenounc th Milla-' kill :is destructive to
general business, labor, and ilia farming ln'er-
ests of the country, and we heartily imnorse
the consistent aii'i patriotic action of the re
publican representatives in congress in oppos
ing its passage. We condemn tee proposition
of'the democratic party to place noo1oii the
freg list ami insist, that t he duties thereon
sha 1 ne mljutled and maintained so as to fur
nish full jjntj (iema; protection to that in-au'-try.
Tfce republican party would etett all nedJ
reduction f tho rational revenue by'repealing
the tas?s on tobacco, w hich arc an
and 1 urden to agriculture, and the tax upon
spirits used io the ulU ami formecharieal pur
posef, fttid lv spell revision nl tie turiji laws as
will tend to check imports o such arti- lep as
a-e produced by our peoplu. the piotiiictiou of
which gives employment to our labor, and re
lease frm import duties tnese articles of for
eian production, except luxuries, the like of
which cannot bt produced at home, there hall
still remain a larger reveuue than is r iuisitt
for tti' want oi governinenr. oi internal
ratfier fa,; surrender auy part of our I rotec
t!VC svsleni sf Xl.e gOh'f ieii Kt of the whisky
ring Oi)il adepts of foiyfigg 'j,iafi.iif.c.tri ;s.
AOAiM'r f-tl'PFJJ AN M!f ?'I'r!T
We declare hostility to the i! frpdpctiop into
this country of foreipn contract lauor apfl of
Chinese labor alien to our civilization and our
constitution, and we demand the rigid enforce
ment of existing laws against it and favor such
immediate legislation as will exclude such la
bor lro.i o'tr shores.
We declare or oonositton to all combina
tions of capital Organised trusts or other
wise to control arbitrarily Uie vendition of
trade among our citizens and' v-e recommend
to coiigrc.ssif.ud the tate legislatures in'their
respective jiiriaJifif Ion sih legislation as will
prevent the execution oi stf h?me to oppress
the per pie by undue charges on tiiou' ivplies
or by iiDjust rates for the transportation of
their products to market.
we approve legislation by congress to pre
vent alike unjust burdens and unfair discrim
ination between states.
Wereawirni tiie poj cy of appropriating the
public land3 of jthe Uhifed ituU'3 to ise home
steads for American citizen's and 'settlers not
alien, which f lut repub'Jitap party established
in l.;2 against flip opposition of
the democrats in, hi;h has brought
our great western domain into i;iag,i.;!!e:'.;.( de
velopement. 1 he restoration ot unearned land
grants to the public domain for the use of ac
tual settlers, which was begun under the ad
ministration of President Arthur should be
continued. We deny that the democratic party
has ever restored one acre to the people, but
declare th.t by the joint, action of republicans
and dcj.-iofrfUi ii'mist Mfty million acres of nn
earnetl lands, oi:igttiar; r;i?d fur the con
struction of railroad, have fit'efi 'restored to
the public domain in pureunuce of conditions
inserted by the reoubllcan party in the oiiuiu
al grants. We charge t e democratic adminis
tration with lailure to execute laws securing to
settlers title to theii homesteads and with us
ing appropriations made for purpose to
ha-iya.r.u innocenr settlers with spies and prose
cutions t!.i f-ilse pretense of exposing
frauds and vindii-at1i te ir.
The government by congress of the territor
ies is based upon necessity only to the end that
they may become states in the union: there
fore, whenever the conditions of population,
material resources, pnblic intelligence and
morality are such as to insure stable local gov
ernaint I'usrein the people of such territories
should te'iVm(tivd. . risrht inherent !n them,
to form for theinsi'ic's t:.j:.1r.I.illow nnd state
governments and be. ad mttpd hit J tne oi;-.,;.
fending preparation for statehood jiJj oitiee'r's
thereof should be selected trom bona fide
residents and citizens of the territory wherein
they are to serve. South Dakota should -f
right be imiiie-ilately admitted as a slate in
the union under the constitution framed nnd
adopted by her people, and we heartily en
dorse t't;e fnitjoj of the republican senate in
twice passing for hp? ad:i!.ssion. '1 he re
fusal of the democratic tiOiifVs'fcf rp.senta
tives, 'or paMI-an tmrptses, to fawiraiVli' con
sider those bills is a willful violation of the
sacred American principle of local aeif-govern-ineut,
and merits the condemnation of all just
men. 'I he pending bills in the senate for acts
to enable the ueoplc of Wishington, North
Dakota uud Mont anna territories to form con
stitutions trd establish state governmects
should be piiss-d ji itjiout unnecessary delj-y.
The republican r.a'tv pledges "'f to do all in
its power to facilitate ti:e aeiiiiiiSida of tic ter
litories of New Mexico. Wyoming. Idaiib and
Arizona to the enjoyment of eif-governnienl
as states. Such of them as are tow qualified
as soon as possible. and others as soon as they
may becume so.
The political powc' of ! IMormcn c'.nirch in
the territories as exercised fa the past i a
menance to free Institutions too damrcrous to
he Ions suffered. Therefore v.e p edge the re
publican :arty to appropriate legislation
assertir the .overeiant v of the nation in all
the terntoiies wiiers the some is questioned,
and in furtherance of end to place
upon the statute book legislation stringent
euouuh to divorce political from ecclesiastical
power, jma thus stamp out the attendant
ickedness of polvir;wuv.
The republican party is in favor of the use
of both gold and silver as money, and con
demns flic policy of the democratic adminis
tration in its efforts to demonetize silver.
We demand the reduction of letter postage
i i oi per ounce.
In h republic lijfe ours, w here the citizens Is
i oe soveitigu an.i nip omcii ine servant,
where no power is exercised fxcpt by the will
of the people. It is Important that ihn sover
eign people should possess intelligence. The
free school is the promoter of lhat intelligence
wh Ich is to preserve us a free nation. There
fore, the state or nation, or both conbined.
should support free institutions of learning
suflicient to Kfford to every child growing up
in the land the opportunity of agood commou
scl.ool education.
We earnestly rennminond that prompt action
be taken in c. -epics in tjie ei actment of such
legislation as will best t ecu re ti;e rehabilita
tion of our An. eric-n merchant mnrme. and
we protest against the passage by conerees cf
& free ship bill as calculated to work Injustice
to labor by lessening the wages of those en
gaged in preparing materials as well as those
directly employed in our shipyards. e de
iii a u.l appropriation for the eorlv rebuild inir
of our navy, for the construction of coast
lortiiic rttions and modern ordinance nnd other
ipproved modern mea"s of defense for the
protection of our defenseless hsrhois and
cities, for the pavment of lust pensions to! our
soldiers, for necessary works of national im
portance in the improvement of tho harbors
and clianteU of Internal, coastwlser -and
orccn comraeroe, for tS f ' cij
the shipping Interests of the Atlantic. Gulf
and Pacific states as well as for the payment
of the maturing public debt. This policy wilt
give employment to our labor, activity to our
various Industries, Increased security to our
country, promote trade, open new and direct
markets for our products and cheapen the cost
of transportation. We allirm this to be far
better for our country than tuo democratic
lolicy of loaning the covemment's money
without Interest to "pet banks."
The conduct of foreign affairs by the present
administration has been distinguished by inef
ficiency and cowardice. Having withdrawn
from I he senate all pending treaties effected
tiy republican Hdministratioi s for the removal
of foreign burdens and restrictions upon our
commeice and for its extension into a better
market U has neither affected nor proposed
any others in their stead. Professing adher
ence to the Monroe doetrire. it has seen with
Idle complacency the extension of foreign in
fluence In Central America and of foreign trade
everywhere among our neighbors. It lias re
fused to charter, sanction or encourage any
American organizytion for constructing the
Nicaragua canal, a work of vtal importance to
the maintenance of the Monroe doctrine and
of our national influence in Central and South
America, and necessary fo- the development
of trade with our Pacific territory, with South
America, and with the further coasts of the
1'acillc Ocean.
We arraign the present democratic adminis
tration for its weak and unpatriotic treatment
of the fisheries question, and its pusillanimous
surrenderor all privileges to which our fishery
vessels are entiMed iu Canadian ports under
the treaty of lsis, the reciprocate marin
tiue legislation of ls:tO and comity of nations,
and which Canadian fishing vessels receive iu
t he ports of the t'niled States. We conJemn
the policy of the present administration and
tho democratic majority in congress towards
our tWheiics as unfriendly and conspicuously
uii patriot ic an;l as tending to destroy a valuable
national iudiiruy aii'.t a.i indispen'.slble resource
of defense against foreign enemy.
The name of American applies alike to all
citizens of the reiubli . and imposes, upon men
alike the same obligation of obedience to the
'aws. .At thesame timeci'lzeiishlpis and must
be the panoply and safeguard of him w ho weais
it, should shield and protect him whether liirli
or low, rich or poor, in all his civil rights, it
should and mustalloid him protection at home
and follow and protect him abroad in whatever
land he may be on a lawful errand.
The men who abandoned the republican par
ty in 1SS1 and continue to adhere to the demo
cratic party have deserted not only the cause
of honest government, nut. oi sound finance, ol
freedom u, id p,irit'r of the ballot, but espec
ially have deserted the cau of reform ;n the
civil service. We will not fail to keep our
pledges because t' ey have broken theirs, or
because their candidate lias broken his. We
therefore repea our declaration of ismi, tow it :
The reform of civil service auspiciously begun
under republican administration should be
completed bv a further extension of th reform
system already established by law to all grades
of tne service io '.ehieli it js applied. The spir
it and purpose of inform should be observed in
all executive appoint Incuts, and all laws at
varience w itji the object of exist iug reform lg
islation should be lepeuled. and that the dan
gers to free institutions which lurk in the pow
er t nftiu.d pap'ppage piay he wisely and ef
fectively avoided,
The gratitude of t he nation to tho defenders
of tiie union cannot be assured except bv laws.
The legislation of congress .should conform to
the pledges made by a loyal people, and tie so
enlarged and extended as to prov'de against
the possibility that any man who honorably
wore the federal uniform shall become an in
mate of an almshouse or dependent on i rivate
charity. In ilio mesence of an overflowing
treasury tylwo,;.',i.'p"-a piibKc scandal to do less
for thosp whoSe'vaiorous gj?j-yice preserved the
goyeriimrnt. VVe denpunce 'the liosfhe spirit
shown uy J'rpsidept Cleveland in his numerous
vetoes of measures for pension relief, and the
action of the democratic house of representa
tives in refusing even consideration of general
pension legislation.
In support of the principles berewith enun
ciated, we invite thd co-operation of patriotic
men of all parties, especially of all working
men whose prosperity is seriously thretttencd
by the trade pplify of the present admin
istration.' Republtcan State Convention.
The republican electors of the state of
Nebraska are requested to send delegates
from their several counties to meet in
convention at the city pf Lincoln Thurs
day! August 2P, J 88, at 2 o'clock p. m.,
for the purpose pf placing in nomination
candidates for the following state offices.
Lieutenant Governor.
Secretary of State.
State Treasurer.
Auditor of Public Accounts.
Attorney General.
Comniissioiiep of PuLlic Lands and
And the transaction of such other busi
ness as may come before the convention.
The several counties are entitled to re
presentation as follows, being har-edupon
the vote enst for lion, tsamuel Maxwell
judEre, in 1887, .eiving one delegate at
large to each county, and for ech 150
votes, and major fraction thereof:
Box lUitte
l'.uftalo ... .
("asi.: .. : . . .
Cedar. . , ,
Ch rry
Co; fax
' inning
Da wsOfj:. ......
Dixon..,. ..
Dodtre ,
Frontier ,
tlesper..... ..
Hayes. ,.
Hi Ich cock
..i 2: Johnson
f Kjarncv
1 .'veyha. Paha..
!H Lincoln..
. .H
Logan. .
Mcl'herson .
k'aili3 ...
. . . 7
. S; Phelps
;.iv:i!d Wiio;v
.. i Sarpy
. .lOiSauuders
. . 7-Seward ....
. .10;Sherp!an
. . !; Sherman
..1!) Sioux
.. 3 -tanton
.. f Thayer
: . JlThomas
.. 4;'ailey.
. Hi Washington
. .ln!Wavne
.. Kj Webster
.. i Wheeler
, , ti Vork
. .14 I'norganiztid Ter...
. t;
. f
. 1
!! Total 671
It is recommended that no proxies be
adn.itted to the convention exceptsuch as
are held by persons residing in the coun
ties from which the proxies are giyen.
To Chaw-pep County Central Commit
tees: Wueukas, At the republican state con
vention held at Lincoln October 5, 1887,
the following resolution was adopted:
Ile&olcccl, That the state central . com
mittee be instructed to embrace in its call
for the next state convention the submis
sion of the prohibition question to there
publican voters at the republican pri
Therefore, in -with the
above resolution, the several county cen
tral committees are hereby instructed to
include in their call for their next county
convention the submission of the prohi
bition question to the republican voters
at the republican primaries.
Geo. D. Iieiklejohk, Chairman.
7alt. IT. Crrxsr, Escrcrr;s
I- IE5
Bennett T H t-
Will call your attention to the fact that
they are headquarters for all kinds of Fruits
and Vegetables.
We are receiving Freeh Strav; berries every
day. ,
Oranges, Lemons and Eansnao constantly cn
Just received, a variety of Car.ned Scupe.
We have Pure Maple Sugar and r.o rr-ietaVe.
Jonathan IIatt.
Sugar Cured Mets, Hams, Baccn, Lard, &c.f &c
of our own make. The bef-t lufunls of Oi'STElW, la c-ais ului t-iiljt, in
All work first-class; west Fifi'ii Street,
North Robert Sherwood's Store.
studio over pmeh 9; RA:.:p";
MEAT market.
N. SULLIVAN, Attorney at Law. Will
Ar pive prompt attention to all buciiiese In
trusted to liini. Ol'fiC" in Union lilock, East
Mde. riattsmuutli. XeU.
Send fr Clrculni-.
Omaha, 1Tb.
yName this paper in your order.)
Job work done on short notice at
he Herald otTtce,
$500 Reward.
We will pay the above reward for anv
ease of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick
headache, indigestion, constipation or
costivenets we cannot cure with
West's Vegetable Li yer Pills, when the '
directions are strictly complied with.
They are purely yegetable, and never
fail to give satisfaction. .Large boxes
containing SO sugar coated pills, 25c.
For sale by all druggists. Beware of
counterfeits and imitations. The genu
ine manufactured only by John O. V ell
& Co., 862 W. Madison St. Chicago, Its
Sold by TT. J. Warrick.
J. W. .Martius.
JULIUS FfrpiF.pcrP,,,
if A N CKAfJ L il Mi !' ASp
IEAI.E1( IN Tllli
Clioiccsl Brands of Cigars,
including our
F.'or do Pecpcttcrto' trc 'Cifs
''; . , : '
always in stock. Nov. 20. 18.1.
rfjLTR E ATM E ' j
I)r. E. C. West', Nerve find Hi Din Tk jtt in .t
aKuariintee l,ci;c for UvMimm Dizinss.
('(iivulsioiis. Kit. Nei yons NeLi'f.lf:ia, llmtf
ii' he. Xei veous I'ros! rf km cjii ' l y ve
1 aicoliol or tol'a-eo, - ak-f ii'ik st,. Aient.-il I)e
prfccjon, Softenia.-r ff th-j I' rain refill ii' ii
j- and li:i';Iii $ ; niisry. flp h(nV'tYtr.
-reiii.iture M Aie. l;i ri i.,ns. J-oks i f 1'cJ--'
er in either h x. Jnvt luiitury I. i-rn t-j f r
mat rrhtf-a eaiisi.U .y oier-oertion of the
ln'Hin. peif;il,use or over-inriiilfreiice I ch l x
contains one n oi'.iliV iresitnu iit. (1 m a .ix
orsix boxes for is.eo, scut by n ail pri.ail on
receipt of pi Jre
To cure any caee. ith cat li onU r K teived
tiy i: for six oes. a--oii:Tan ed wliii f5ii,
.fitl sopil tliV 'iiriii;i.S'r ir vi if t en u.iani.i -tee
to ifturn the ironey if the ti iilin 1,1 ti V'j
not etteet a rnre. (HiHijinteeH issued mlv ly
Will J. Warrick sole nuent, I'lattsinouilt, Neb.
The standard remedy for livtr cm
plaint is West's Liver Pill?; they never
disapp. ir.t you. .'JO pills .1c. At War
rick's dl U htnrc.
WW, Iv . URQ W N E,
rrsnnal attention to all Cugineen Entrust
to my care.
Titles Examined. Abstatet fViiin.ilcrt in
surance R in ten, fieal Eftute t ld.
Better Facilities loi-TnanUis firm Loaa tiiii
Any Other Agency
I'lattsmoutli, - Xcb la
Notary I'liblic. Notary rublic.
attorneys - at -
Office over Bank el Ca?fc Cotiai!
PLATTSMOCTn, - - i;-
- - . . . - w . -