The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, August 06, 1888, Image 1
ii r i iii - r wr .t .-aw- III III K PliATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, MONDAY 13VI3NIXO, AUGUST , 1888. NU3IIU:ii71 CF-PY OFFICES. Mayor, tnerk, - Treasurer, F. M. KM 1IKY w k rox J AMK-t PATTKKMOI. JK. Attorney. Kniiccr, . - Police Judg!, Mar hull, Counclliueii, Intward, 2nd " " 3rd - llVltO.V Cl.AMK - - A Mahdi.k - W II MALItK j J V WKCKIiACH I A SAI.IKKUKV ) l M Jl'MKrt I lK. A KlIIPMAN t M It MUKI'HY 8 W DUTTON t Co. O'CON.NOK. 4th. I I McCallk.v, J'KKS I J W Johns Khkh 1ohi ( D 11 HAWKS V Johns n,C'haihi an Hoard Tub. Work IVKK kdWoutii OljSTY OFFIGKliS. Treasurer. Deputy lreaiurer, - Clerk. Deputy Clerk, ltecorder of Heeds J.mutv Uec-irder Werk if litrtct Cojrt, Sheriff. Surveyor. Attorney. Hupt. of Pub. Schools. County J ii. lue. L. A. Campkki.i. TlIOH. 1'OI.I.OCK Hiki CitrrciiKii'Mi KxAt'KirriiFiKi.u " W. II. Pool. John M. Lkvda W. C J. (J. ElKKMKAUY A. Mauiii.k Al.l.KN llKKM'l.V Maynahd Si-ink BOA HU UK HU FEUVISOKS. A. It. Todi. Ch'm., Iajvih Fol.T., A. It. Dl'.'KSOS, riattsmouth Weepini; Water Kiinwood GIVIC SOGIKr.KS. AMASS M)D!K No. Ili. 1 O. O. K -Meets Vevery Tuesday evening of each week. All transient brothers are repectfully invited to attend. IJLATTMOL'TH KNCA.Ml'.MF.NT No. 3.1. O. O. F.!. pieet every alternate k riday lit e'.tci tiilntU in the Masonic I!!. Mailing Jirotljers are invited to atteml. . W rumo i.oih;e no. si, a O. U. W. lleets Vry alternate Friday evening at K. of I. litill TruTi4iiiit l.vnthc.f are rospectf nil V in Vlte J tonttuud. K.J. Morgan. MastiirWoikmaii ; li. S. Itarto. Foreman , Fr&rik brown. O ver nier; ! Bo'cn, iulde; t;eoia lluuuworth. Ueeorueri II. J. JoIiiimiii. Financier Wiiah. Kniitli, Kecelver M. May bright. Past M. W. ; Jack Uauicberty, lns!de Uii:rd. AMASS CAMP NO. 332. MODHKX WOODMKN of America Meets second and fourth Mou lt ay evening at K. of 1. ball. All transient brother are requested to meet with ui. I.. A. Novvco ner. Venerable Consul ; C. K. Nile. Worthy Adviser ; S. C. Wilde, Hanker ; V. A. jtorrK. Clerk. LAiTSilOUTAi lA.tAiK M.3, A. O. V. W. J-' Mct-tf f-vry Mtefnaie IT'.day eveniiiK at r1.-.fci'"ood Kail at f oVIock, All transiiit uroin- iMfJua.U. w-i MoyiJ. roremao : . v. W Benoracr ; l.conam .iidenjoi,. Oyerseer. lI.ATTbMOl"ril U)l)(i SO.e, A. K. A A.M. A Meets on the Ilrt and third Mondays of eaeh mouth at Ibeir ball. All transient broth ers are cordially Invited to meet with us. J. . Kichky, W. M. Wm. Hats. Secret nry. r,o: - B: A. M Tueid!iv t each a. ji jeu if on-'i aim niunn .a...ih Mvoir Hall. Traujcitut brothers t.iti.iuviled to bieet wiiU us. - I.. . K. E. Whitk, II. P. V,M. IIavs, Secretary. )Tt.1Vi7n ;OM MA "HA .:'. Nf. ,5. K. T. -5-Meet- tir-t a.Tl ttli;4 Ws,biie.oay infill of r'fVWntocrtHU Miso Uah..- VirUtniK brotbern I to eifdi-aliyinyitcd (o meet V.irli in. ' " V-i"- Hav.-Kcc: "K. E; WittTK. E. C. ASrtCOt'NClLXO tCt. KOVAI, ) OAhl-M ineet t lie eecond and fourth Mililas of 4 ach month at Arcanum Hall. f K. N. tiLF.NJf, Ucgeut. P. C. Mi nor. Secretary. McCONIHIE POST 45 G. A. R. J. v! .foriN.sftS.". ..tvi C. s. TV i V. A.tfVr prgr. HTft'py STUKlUHf... l....(,t. lfli;,v . t-HAitUH lhrti ANOKKSOrC Khv jaiob;ob'kmax.. !onimander. .Senior Vi'ce ' J 'alitor V A4Jutant. .ii.M. ..::..Oss-Qf .e iay. " iuard Pergt Major. ..Quarter MSitgr SiTgt. L. I . CCKTIS I ost vuaj'iaiu ifeetiui "aturday eveaiu PLATTSMOUTH BOARD OFTRAQE Ti .Mn-.t lioLt. f( Wi.Kiham Jst'X ice IVesi'jiMit. " ..'.'...A. It. Todd nd Vice lUeIU.uit.. ........ H m Nevill.! - A... ' ' 'if lli.. 'Ireaxurer r. ii. duthman ntI!F TOIW. T C. Kitl.ev. F. E. White. .1. C. Patterson, .1 A I'onner, B. EI-on,C. W. Sherman, F Sor d r. J. V. Week bach. iit.Palmer&Son UOTANCE AGENTS Represent the following tinie trieJ auJ lire-tested companies: Amerlom Central-S". Iouis. Assets Commercial Ualon-FuK'n, ". Iie .ssooi:i'.ioaPdilaueti.lila. franklin-Philadelphia, " Home-New York. " Ios-Co, ot Vorth America. Phil. " Li verpooli London & Globe-Eng " Jpjrth British & Mt?rcantile-En " Norwich Union-England, Spi iiifieM F. M.-Springaeld, Sl.3,100 3,117.1 06 7.&-V3.V 9 8.47IJ02 C.G;53.7S1 3,378.75 1.2 3.041.(15 Total Asets,?42.H5,774 ttw Afljustfsi 'Hi Paid attlisApncy . WHEN YOU WANT -OF- Any nSLlxici CALL OX Hrj.t. ILj arson, (3or. IStU aitd Granite Streets. ntractor and Builder u 12-Cm. - WORK When your skin is yellow. When your skin in dark and greasy. When your akin U rough ami-course When your skin is inflamed and red. When your tkin U full of blotches. When your skin is full of pimples you need a good blood medicine that can le relied upon. Ileggs' Wood Purifier and Blood Maker is warranted as a positive cure Tor all of the above, so you cannot posHiMy run any risk when you getabot .tie of this wonderful medicine. For sale by O. P. Smith & Co. I wish to notify nil those who knew themselves indebted to m, th-it unless. their accounts with me are .settled by September 1.1, 18H8, they will be placed In the hands of a collector, who will col lect the same. Ilespeetfully, dl4t Tiiko. P. Livingston, M. I). Colic, Diarrliua and Summer com plaints are dangerous at this season of the year and the only way to guard against these diseases is to have constant ly on hand a bottle of some reliable rem dy. Ueggs' Dianhcva Italrtnm is a POS ITIYE RELIEF in all these disagreeable cases and is pleasant to take. It will cost you only 35 cent. O. P. Smith & Co., Druggists. Everything necessary for furnishing a house can be purchased at II. Doeck s. Light snmmcr shoes for your little girls, 23 centa only, at Merges'. Men's, capvass fcbqis at Merges', only 85 cent?, every thing cheap. tf. A man can furnish his house more com- pletely from the furniicre store of II. )io.cck than at any place in towu. yA'TEp A good girl wanted in small family. Enquire at this office nr at the corner of Sixth and Granite streets. Child's high sanduls, only 23 cents a pair, at Merges'. Sherwin & Williams' mixed paints, the best in the iarket, at i"ricke .L Co's. dru rug store. 8-tf. Two "llei! l I riJ. ! " t!!'-!f f "i'l SMe !-: i. ; -!' iMti - I;. w;i- W o is Uoi'iiif:' t!;e riM au'ij'iril wit . ejiivlk'tit "iK-iiisof itiL L llcreurou coiit!. f tliein- "I.i-rlitniiiu j.l.iyeil a qsirt-r i-a;x': ui n r.inrii i:er Itjir.ilo, V T., rofe;it!y. I: ruck a !rl wire fence an! for u (iistauct n I'Ji) yartl iiiellol iJio liarbs witli Mit in ;ueir.i; rii: ijirimij jmj!i.-t ;,it (::;.', c( ! fiJi'it liut'bu't: !i.v!! io. Uk po.-.ts. -.'iin rttrhrtml VmiiIs tiftre'natlf liinlfu into t:.vl vrett's a'l niekcl plateiL" Jim Ulerins, liv nj; near: -riiite" Civf!i, r-.t., killoil a verj Irtrje '-hicke:i a fe,v ':t- r:c VipJ u U-iiicj Uie cuiKuf V-' :rually lav- i!iil ill sbat6.l'ir."!i1if:4;i ri'u'iuii"uri founj ii 'o cpntain ' cjkV' uu;-i au-i i:i t!io lior:i prairig 't. j, o.jtioj Ui iiiu.s,,:ke cUasij IU& fit i;:ta I'-iw Loi'ii. mi.l to securt .he j-nt awallowetl the horn." New V-Ji SJun. An Inrrease lo '--Villst Autliurs." It is surjrising to nota what an increase there Lms lee;i wit.hip thp last flftvi) jtai-s in tLat class kaonii - as ''ui'tirft "autboi-s." Thirty -five years go "Ailuison Iliehctrds, ami the late DaVld' tL ptrother ("Porte Crayon almost htjUV a jnonopoly In that fielL Today its' &c' a yeritnblo ariiiV of men doiiis' similar frorl. W. Hamilton Gibson, UowarrJ fyjp, Ailfn 0. Iieaw-i-a i , peruaps, best out there is a host of others, espe cially on the comic pajers and the doily press, who, while turning cuf falf Work' as artists, pan hTtfo jo'u a peat story Qr artic e, 'produce any dmciunt of jingling rhymes. Oliver Uerford, Harrington, Michael A. Volf, W. IL McDougall are a few of those whose work is most frequently seen. "B. B." in The Epoch.; Protection from l'mbryU FieudAw In New York e sagacioiis' man with a' diU esetit; Tegarti 6r: the safety of his follow faiip'gs has invent4 ft globular rubber tip to pa on the point of umbrellas and canes to pre vent their improper intrusion into the eyes of human beings. The tips are on the same flan ts the rubber guard on n foil, They hurt the appearance of n stick, but ca an, umbteiia taey are not so disrji;. C-Uicaga HeruU The Yquiic Emperor'i Saffceatlon. The curt remark of the young German emperor the other day to the municipal authorities of his capital, "Make it your business to see that more churches are built in Berlin," has P'Ore. significance than appeara pr ha surface. For Ber lin,. notwitVstahding Bismarck's boost hat the Germans love God and fear no body, 13 the poorest capital of Christen dom In the matter of churches. It has little more than sixty places of worship to satisfy the wants of nearly a million and a lialf of people, and the number of worshipers in all the churches on an, av erage Sunday is said to be Jess, than 2 per cent, of the entire opulation,. Doubt less the yo.ung exiipeior thinks anarchy, communism and lawlessness are calcu lated to find a congenial soil for growth in a city where only 23,000 out of over a million of people assemble in the churches on Sunday. Once a Week. The largest Gas Well. The new roaring gas well of the Phila delphia comiwny, back of Canonsburg, in Washington county, according to the registered pressure, is the largest in the world. The gas locks jike a solid piece pf blue steel for some distance after it comes out of the pipe. Solid masonry, twelve feet thick, was put in around the top of the well to hold the cap on. The tools and rope thrown over were, per haps, the heaviest of any yet moved in that way. The iron in the tools weighed 3,000 pounds; the wet rope, nearly 2,000 feet long, weighed as much more, but all was thrown up like a rocket. Boston Transcript. A correxpondent wants to know what would 1x9 a good name for a cat boat, ' Call bw "Kitty,-aKHu-qr- , A Wonderful Hocking Stone. Imagine a Jtone. in size containin aUut 300 cubic feet, in shape nearly as 'ouiiuasnn orange, in weight not less than 80,000 oiiudti, or forty tons, and 60 nicely balanced upon a table of rock that a child ten years of uge, by pushing against cither the north or south side, can rock it back and forth; yet the strength of 100 men, without levers or other appliances, would be insufficient to dislodgo it from its position. Such is the celebrated rocking stone on the farm of Mr. J. McLaury, two miles west of Monticelio. This is one of the greatest natural curiosities in our whole country. What sculptor could chisel out a piece of maruie of its size, and then xise it so nicely that it would vibrate under bo light a teuch? But its shape, size and losition aro not the most wonderful tilings about it. Its body id composed of a somewhat loose and soft sandstone in. winch are itnbeded numberless round and flinty pebbles, of a diamond liko hardness. In all the valley where it is situated it is the solitary specimen of its class. Around and under, tho rocks are of a totally different structure. The table on which it rests is a hard 6tone, nearly as hard and close grained as tho blue stone of our quarries. From whence came this wanderer and how? Monti- cello (N. Y.) Watchman. St lido ..tit from tho Cuilltle School, Sixty-two of. (ho Indian' studeiits who have speiit five or raore ye:iis at the Car lisle Indian "school at Carlisle, pa., were sent to their homes in the west recently. txime went to Montana, soma tu Idaho, others to. Arizona, New Mexico, Indian territory, Nebraska and Dakota, rvpro- sentimr (il'tcaii diirerent Indian agencies. This party ot Indian vomit was the brightest crowd of 1hv: and trirls ever ent out bv the Carlisle school. In fact, so much confidence was placed in them that thev were allowed to return to their western homes without an escort, some thing never In foro done in ilio history of the school. The party consisted of thirty-live larjfa U'pZ- t rtuali ores and twenty -one .'t.'l'"- Soma i"' heiii" were very glad V return to their "relatives, :roni whom 'I hey have' been separated so ong. but others appreciated !ht; fa.t lhat ihere is iiq ;dvauV.:'i !W liiein fi-om the Indian ways when unee brought in con- ;act with them again at their homes, and much preferred to remain in the cast, fhe demand of the p:irc!it3, of course, jverthrows the ilesire of tlte young Indi ins. and the govern mejit, I'.y'vMx nr, to its ooiiat i".! v- iv;:.iii ai; tivi th" .'Xpiratiou '6f thtli' l::iu .seudj" liiem back. Boston Trauici'-i'i.t. ' Olio o it-.a 1U I!C!J .A.bOtli 1'' est pu:ce pi juti inc the h't- vi Ui' tiuih. To: w l-ef.4M Iho sua. "oOallZeS ht-tf. inl cue r.iearound v. i;!i the i.-eii'iur that io U uin eUy umkr the r.ivs r.f a Lin ning ;la?s. Vy ;-r,e'u :i tcu-rid spot shoul.i :ave Ihch selected for t!ie caiup met-tin-'. t round which, as a nucleus, these nlucc.-. lave grown, it d::ilCiiit i trnagin'e, but M?rla tiie leiii')f'ature iSS'et"s-ttC'rwail. ts tho result of the conccuirhikm ( bo line! i religious fervor ii (I'p llow vcr Mint jyy by,, it 3 !;' !at litre is it as soci as, v!i he iMiuudary bi'iw- rtr&i-i, UJ" I U .;. i- .. .. -v..S tO x ir-j. 1 o m.o fjregan- lii'i e ava 1 he lame, t'.iu JiaJt and die blind; gravy uiui i-cvei-oini clergy men; cuUitvd fpp.iti Ui great itumliers; mammas, with tlieir nurses and littb i'.es. The babies are the only eopie who display much energy, and they hare a good deal more than their nurses feel to be at all desirable, considering the position of the mercury. Qnovlass, how ever, is. conspicuous, by its absence a pretty u l la a rara avis. Perhaps it is the way tho girls get themselves up, but they produce the impression of being a singularlv ill favored companv, Mew York Star. Going a IJttlo Too Fast. On.o. c tite loetors is warning summer vacationists that their chief danger is go ing too fast. 4 'The most common error at the start is overdoing." There is a walk of several miles on a mountain; or, if it is batlung in tho tea, an hour is spent among tha waves. "Degreeingly to grow into, anything," says one of the old writers, "is reserved unto the wise men.'- He adds that auy change that is mado in our mode of life should be grad ual. "The first exercise of any kind should never be to the extent of fatigue. As to bathing, it is to be remembered that man is not an aquatic animal." The trouble with those who seek a summer's rest is that they are carried away by thej novelty of new situations and do not con tent themselves with peacefully enjoying anything. This, is particularly so of the women, who naturally hugely enjoy a break up of the monotony of housekeep ing. Globe-Democrat. Not rha Rllit Temperament, Summer Resort Hotel Man I am very sorry, sir, but you wont do here and I must dispense with ycur services. New Clerk Eh? What1 the matter! 44 You are too thin skinned." "Sirf 44Qh, 1 mean no oiTense, none at all; it's your misfortunes, not your fault. You see your skin is to thin that th blood shows throuli. You ti ish up eerily and when the thermometer is over 150 in tbe shade your face gets so red and you look so uucomfortable that itdrivos away custom." Omaha World. The Baby' Endurance. Some genius with a fancy for handling ba bies has 0,jured out that a piece of wood the jize of a month old baby would be worn down ono-balf in six months if handled ns much as the average baby is. Nashville American. ' Philadelphia hotel men calculate they give away $3,000 worth of stationery a year by letter writing finds who don't pay the hotels a cent. SEEN ON A TRAIN. Peculiar I'lmara of i.fe Voted by an Old Itullroud Conductor. "Yes," said an old conductor on ono of our trunk lines recently, "we see all manifesta tions of human happiness and sorrow hero iu the course of a few months. Sometimes wo carry a funeral party in one part of the train and a lot of roistering pleasure seekers on another. We become accustomed to such scenes, and the hurry and worry of our work prevents our sympathizing or rejoicing with them, no matter how much we might feel so disposed. And did you ever observe how few people there are who manifest any breeding when traveling? People who would bo called cultured at home will sometimes act in the most shocking manner aboard a train. How frequently we 6ee men, and even women, with their feet upon the velvet cushions in front of them. Men who would be ashamed to have it known that they use tho weed will spit tobacco juice over the foot rests and floor until they render tho place thoy occupy use less for decent people. These coaches are scrubbed, dusted and polished every trip, but people don't seem to appreciate it. "It's a fine place to study human nature. For instance, look at that man curled up in iun usuuii v H-euji:i'ii riy lour : i-n gers. He thinks that, because ho lakes his boots off ho has the right to project his big dirty feet into the aisle as far as he pleju. But no matter; I can squeeze ly tueiit when necessary, and perhaps givo his less a tweak now pud then that 'will make him think we have been telescoped. "But all people are not boors. Yao can distinguish the true lady or ttautioman here as elsewhere, TUey ae never impertinent. drunk, nor sprawling dead asleep over the seats. They seem to take it for granted that all is being done for their speed and comfort that Is possible, and are battened. Coarse men, women, and old people make us the Uiost trouble. They seldom know exactly what they want, and so are never at onsrv The latter class we can tolerate for humanity's suke but the men 1 Why, I feel liko Ditch ing them from the train sometimes. Thev imagine their little slip of pasteboard entitles them to all the room they can occupy and a voice 111 the train management bpi Jc "We see all sort; cX raj tings, cf course, but Uiio is one kind t shall never cet used to and; that 'is1 a'soiOare. manlv voimrr full .caving bis old father or mother 01 Slfft heart I tell you the 'G 0(1 I. voiil' nrirl Be a good bey i' and' the tears mean some thh'g tVten, and don't you forget it. When he takes his seat he has plenty to think abont, and you can tell by a glance at his face that life for him has begun in dead earnest May be you have been there yourself i I have," and seizing his lantern ho left me to iy meditations. Chicago News ' 1 'llie Xphs Tree of Civilization. The continent is an armed camp. The nations labor, as the 4ews rohyiJt .Jerusalem, with a sn-ci-l ia hand and their industrial tools; in tye othor. Restless, 'snspio'ious armies are encamped. sC& by s.ide where formerly uaticmn Uvtd and labored. Every year some oiw or other of these armies iuvetitd some more deadly weapon than lis rival, some more terriflo explosive, some more exiedi tlous mode of slaughter. No sooner does this happen than all the others h&s,twU to adopt it, piling on with, desperate enrt-gy " the PftUPpSy ui armor benfeath which' humanity is crusted Amid the ceaseless el.;b, ud ijiow of human affairs, ns piiiioAQenciV ueWr varies. 'Thft ?iun ,tai expended u Vjad tVr' ' slaughter cjnsUA." ' Every year mo,ra iJ j increases. Vhe Sc41 iu ...ore is drained from tf- yuer to feed the magazines. . . ory year the barrack gains on the cottage, and preparation for war becomes the absorb ing preoccupation of a great proportion of the flower of our youth. From every able bodied man this armed peace exacts three, four or five3'ears of life when it is at its richest and brightest When the youth steps into manhood and begins to dream of love and labor and of the sweet joys of home and family, there swoops down Ujon him the kidnaper of Mars and carries him off to the barracks and the camp. This vast organization for murder is the upas tree of civilization, and all the continent is sick ening under its fatal shade. Tho first cost is the cost in actual cash paid down, the second in life wasted at its prime, the third in the condition of unrest which saps the sense of security necessary for the prosecution of business. Business is diflicult when peace is not worth three months' purchase. Every year commerce becomes more and more in ternational. Every year, therefore, any dis turbance of peace becomes more dangerous to the trader. Even tho shadow of war 110 produces far more serious dislocation of in dustry than in old times was caused by tLo actual progress of a campaign. For in old times every parish was a little world in itself, a microcosm capable of independent exist ence, and able to carry on its own business and grow its own crop if all the rest of the world was in measureless confusion. Today all this has changed. A network of rail ar teries and telegraph nerves now knits all Eu rope into one organism. Pall Mall Gazette. Fishes of the Sea, Though no sharp line of separation can be drawn, marine fishes are roughly divided, for convenience, into three categories shore fishes, which habitually frequent coast lines, and rarely descend to a greater depth than 300 fathoms; pelagic fishes, which inhabit the open sea, most of them spawning there also, and the deep sea fishes, which live wbere the influence of light and surface tempera ture is but little felt The shore fishes, ac cording to Heilprin, number upward of 3,500 species. Their northern range extends to or beyond the eighty-third parallel of latitude, but in the southern hemisphere they are not known to go beyond the sixtieth parallel. In the different zones these fishes are largely identical in both tho Atlantic and Pacific basins, as well as on the opposite side of these basins. Tropical waters, however, produce a greater abundance and diversity of forms than those of temperate regions, while the reefs give to the Pacific and Indian oceans more species than the Atlantic Our still very meager knowledge of the pelagic fishes is sufficient tc indicate that the number of such types is very limited. They diminish rapidly from the equator, and become rare beyond the fortieth parallel. Of the deep sea fishes, Gunther enumerated upward of fifty forms supposed to have been obtained from depths exceeding 1,000 fathoms, twenty-six from depths exceeding J.WO fatboms, and nine frnm Q U) ft.brm. Ofhr KriMMM linrA nine1 been obtained, one from the extreme depth &aw i nun unn urami mm auu. Real Estate Bargains EXAMINE OUH LIST. consisting of CHOICE LOTS - X INT n CP uiiiiiii i aiKi 21 lots in Thompson's addition. 40 lots in Townsend's addition. Lot If) block UJy, lot 5 block Hi I. Lot 1 block fi, lot (i block !).. Lot 11, block 111, h.t 8, block CI. 1-OlS IN VOUXU AM) HAYS' AUDITION. Lots in Palmer's addition. Lots in Duke's addition. Improved, Pniy of aU descriptions and ia nil parts of the city nncauy terms. A new and desirable residence in South Park, can be bought on monthly payments. Before purchasing elsewhere, call and see if we oniuiot suit you belter. 3 acres of improved ground a?rtii of ie city limits. 3 acres o ground adjoining J3- tl Park, 9 acres . ark. .f ground adjoining South acres of ground adjoining South Park. 20 acres near South Park: Se J sec. 14, T. 10, U. 12, Cass county, price $1, 800, if sold soon. nw i sec. 8. T.' 12, Ii. 10, Cass Co., price $2,000. A valuable improved stock frain Merrick Co., Neb., ICO acres and reosontible terms. in on Windham & Davies. Consult your best interests by insuring in the Phoenix, Hartford or yEtna com panies, about which there is no question as to tlieir high standing aud fair dealing. TORNADO POLICIES. The present year bids fair to be a dis astrous one from tornadoes and wind storms. This is fore-shadowed by the number of storms we haye already had the most destructive one so far this year having occurred at Mt. Yernon, 111., where a large number of buildings were destroyed or damaged. The exemption from tornadoes last year renders their oc currence more probable in 188S. Call at our office and secure nad Policy. Unimproved lands for sale change . Tor- or ex- UWINDOAM&UiVIES. PLATTSMOUTH, NED. INSU RANCH. Dr. C- A. Marshall. , ... r ai XJOCDUJ IU B.MTIST! PreMervallou 1 f naturxl teeth a apri-lalty. ', txtnu tttl u iftitiiitjKiln l,y ue of iMUfjhitig a km. All work warranted. Prices reasonable. FiTZOKiiAMiN Block. Pi..vTrHMouTii. Nik DRS. CAVE & SMITH, "Fainleos ODontiGts." Tl-e only IietiliHfH in the West control In ir Mi la New Hy.-fetii ! IC tract inu' Hint 1' iilliiK 'J ecllt ut Pain. 11 r iniaen hello Is en tirely free from CIILOKOFOK3! OKKTIIJSH AM) IS All-OM TEI.Y Harmless - To - All. Teeth extracted and iiitilieial teeth Inserted next day if ileslx-il . '1 he prenei vatluii of the natural leetli a .specialty. GOLD CBOWMS, COLD CAPS, BRIDGE WOHL The very finest. One in t:i:in 'I he Cilietk' l!;tnk. Block, t.ver llttn-.eiiti:. 2. Telrr GrO TO Win. Hcrold & -Fort Son L'ry uQOuS. Mioiis t;oois m ,i EHocs or Ladies and Gents FURNISHING - GOODS. He keeps as large and 11s wi ll -SELEGTFIj STOCK A can be found any place in the city and make you prices that ilely competition, harper's Bazar nitim m Ball's corset?. Watches ! Watclaos I H. M GAUL lias moved and i nnv hi the fthcrwoou room, Cor.. )l and Main tis.t where V.e ;s better able f, tlo ,;s Large Stock of WatchcP, CLOCKS A1TD JEWELRY I Than ever before, and will ns an induce ment sell j'ou Watches way down. Call and get the Special Prices in Cold Watch, es; it will surprise you. A Pull Line of the best styles ot Jewelry and Silverware.. Repairing will be given Special Atten tion. All work warranted to give satis faction. C. F. SM ITH, The Boss Tailor. Main St., Over Merges Shoe Store. lias the best and most complete stock, of samples, both foreign and domestic woolens that ever came west of Missouri river. Note these pi ices: EusiiuFS suits from $10 to dress suits, $25 to $45, pants $4, $5, $0, $0.50 and upwards. C2?Will guaranteed a fit. Prices Defy Competilion. 0 III W f 0 ' o o U 5 W si W sa S 'S. n 2 s lb Z O K V. P3 o 10 V o o 0 0" b in C3-. 33. KEMPSTEB, Practical Pmq ana Organ Tuner AND IlKPAini-'K. First-clags work guaranteed. Also deal er in Pianos and Organs. Office at Hoeck'a furniture store, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. B . &, M. Time Table. GOI5 WMT, No. 1. SM a. rn. No, 3.-:40 p.m. No. 5. 9 Ar a. m. GOINO FAST. So. 2.-4 :25 p. m. Ko. 4. 10 :J a. tn. No. C 7 :13 p. tn. No. 8. 9 :60 a. m. No. :45 P- W No. .-6 :17 p. m. o. 10. : a. w. All traiti run dally by wavof Cwaha. except Nos. 7 and 8 which run to and front bchujler daily esc, pt Sunday. No 30 is a tub to Pacific Junction at S 3oam.. No. 19 is stub from Paeinc Junction at lia.ot.