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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1888)
THF DAILY HERALD: IXATITSMCJUTH, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 4, 1888. Tho Plattsmouth Daily Herald. KNOTTS BEO S., Publishers & Proprietors. THE PLATTSMOOTII IIK8ALD Is published every evening except Sunday aud Weekly every Thursday morning. Jtegis tred at the postofllee, Plattimioutli. Nebr.. as second-clas matter. Olllee corner of Vine and JTlUli streets. TERMS FOR DAILY. One copy one year In advance, by mall $0 no One copy per month, by carrier 60 One copy per week, by carrier, 15 TERMS FOR WEEKLY. One copy one year. In advance One copy six months, in advance.. $1 M 75 NATIONAL REPUBLICAN TICKET. FOK PRESIDENT, BENJAMIN IlAliRISON, of Indiana. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, LEVI P. MORTON, of New York. Since the New York Tribune fired its double shotted charge the other day into the political viscera of the great civil service fraud in the White house, the re mains are hard to recognize. The Trib une says: It is whispered that sundry mugwumps have organized themselyes into a lodge of sorro.v in order formally to give vent to their feelings in relation to the awful havoc wrought by this Tribune gun. Mr. George William Curtis is understood to have expressed to the lodge his firm conviction that the Tribune must have known that the gun was loaded. We don't often agree with Mr. Curtis nowa days, but this conviction of his corres ponds with our own. We deliberately loaded that gun for the purpose of rid lling the record of a bogus reformer. We took that target excursion on pur pose. Rumor has it that Oeorge Jones assur ed the lodge that he never realized to what a pitcli of perfection the modern firearm had been brought until he beheld Mr. Cleveland's truly good reputation fter the Tribune's gun had been fired. "I tell you brethren," exclaimed Fagin, the tears running down his cheeks like another Jones river, "there actually wasn't enough left of it to wad a toy pktol." Thy lodge said it would be glad to hear from Larry Godkin, of the second ward. But Larry's feelings were much too painfully deep for coherent utterance. Ever sice the gun waa fired he has gone tbout with cotton stufTed in his ears, muttering under his breaih, "Will the noise of the gun never cease?" We may tatc here, for the benefit of Mr. Godkin, that the reverberations of the report of that gun will be heard by the voters all through the campaign. P. S. A correspondent wants to know whether in going a gunning last Monday and making a dead duck of Mr. Cleve land in his character of "reformer" we were not violating the game law. We nuswer, no. The game law does, indeed, prohibit the shooting of ducks during certain months. But nothing is said of lecoy ducks. The most casual observer cannot fail to notice the vast strides of improvement Outing is making under its new manage ment. Not only do we find each issue to contain a rich supply of first class articles descriptive of sport in its various branch es, but there is an abundant supply of fiction taking rank with the best publish ed, and its many illustratins compare are excellent and compare most favorably with those in any magazine in the market. "While the contents of Outing for Au gust are admirably adapted to this lazy month, there is nevertheless enough oi youl-stirring sport to captivate the most enthusiastic sportsman. The disciple oi Isaak Walton will read the article, "A Rare Fish," wondering that such account have never before reached his car.--, while the spell will be further enhanced by tin charming illustrations. Following this is a seasonable article by Francis Trevtl yan on the many and varied delights oi Old Father Thames, entitled. 'The Thames of Londoners." A stirring bal lad of the steeplechase course, "IIow we heat the Favorite," by Adams Lindsey Gordon, will interest even readers who perhaps have never seen a race track. Two seasonable articles from .the pens oi undoubted authorities are: "A Few Hints on Cricket," by "Mr. Grundy" oi the Staten Island Cricket Club, and "Baseball in Colleges," by Henry Chad wick. Canoeists will be delighted with C. Iiowyer Yaux's article with 'its life likt illustrations on the "American Canoe As sociation. Scott Campbell contribute? a thrilling piece of fiction. "The Ball oi Fire;" and a most remarkable little papei in this number is "Hints on Svomminp for Women." "Faed" Wilson's "Irish Outing Awheel," is continued with il )oautiful illustrations by Harry l-nr. nud Edgar J. Taylor; followed by "Rosi Morn," a poem of btamp far above th average poetry in magazines All read ers and yatchsmerl in particular, will reac Ihe late Capt. R. F. Crtion's.-Memories oi Yatching CmMcs" with keen interest, and Mrs. Rockwood's charming poem, "Outing," in honor of the new manage inent. embellished by a full pnee illustra tion by Edgar J. Taylor, adds to tin V wealth of this excellent number. Bui thi Is oot all of the feast. The well-knowi. rort:r2 writer "Rockwccd" cives ayiv- on Zimmerman contributes a charming little tale, in negro dialect, "The End of the War;" that well-known cricketer, Howard MacNutt, discourses on "Phila delphia Cricket." Past and Present, and Lew Vanderpoole is the sponser of a quaint and charming poem, entitled "The Cricket Song." Next come the regular departments which close Outing for Au gust with their store of interesting, use ful and amusing data. Our readers do no better than to subscribe for can this matrazine. Buv it at the newstands or write to Outing, 230 Fifth Avenue, New York City CROCODILES AND ALLIGATORS. Peculiarities of the Tarloan SpclN of the Saurian Tribe. Tho crocodiles inhabiting the lower parts of the Brumese rivers are of a very large size, some of tbem attaining to nineteen feet in length. A writer, who states he has visited India, says ho cannot discover the difference lietvreen the eastern crocodile and the Louisi ana and Florida alligator or cayman ; that there is none, in fact, except in name. It is evident he has not seen any at close quarters, for there is much difference between the several varieties. 'Khere are actually twelve species of the crocodile, eight true, one gavial and three alligators; these have a specific, not a general, difference. Those I saw in tho Granges have long, narrow muzzles and are called gavials. They are peculiar to that river, being found nowhere else. I have met with the saurian tribe in Egypt, West Africa, India, Burmab, South Amer ica, Jamaica and the southern states, and have found that all differ in some particular. The Burmese name for them is "meejoung." There is a town ou the left bauk of the Ir rawaddy called Hinthadah, where I resided for some months. During tho year previous, I was informed by the head man of the place, . over 100 persons were killed by these fero cious reptiles. There is a ford over the river at this place, and the crocodiles had an in convenient habit of lying in wait for those persons crossing the ford, seizing and carry ing them off. Not being fond of their food in a fresh condition, they hide their victims in the mud at the bottom of the river until the flesh has gained by keeping a sufficiently gamey flavor to bo relished by them. Dogs are a favorite food of theirs, and a crvxxiile will often land and run after a canine to try and capture him for his larder. As the rep tile can only run fast in a straight line, being too un wieldly to turn quickly, the dog gener ally contrives to elude his pursuer and make his escape. I killed several crocodiles during my stay in Hinthadah, and had their bides prepared and tanned, and utilized them for boots and shoes. Being impervious to wet, I found them most serviceable during the wet mon soons. I used to get a Burman to paddle ne about in a dug out until I caught sight of a "meejoung" lying on a sand Iwnk, basking in the sun, when J fcosk a careful aim at their vulnerable part, their belly, yvhez$ tiv 6cales are thin, and a conical bullet will erictr jh ease. A couple of these leadeu pills fired into this portion of a meejoung's anatomy will make Lim feel very sick indeed, and he will soon give up the gho$. On approaching a dead crockodile. the heavy and ndr?.ting odor of musk is most nauseating, and it was a long time betore I became accustomed to it. Cor. San Francesco Chronicle. At the J aril In de Planter -The acclimation of plants is here also well attended to, and the hot house filled with graceful palms and tropical flowers surround ing a lake, terminating with fern covered rocks bicb shelter a grotto, is one of the at tractive spots of tt,e garden. Yet for plants, their variety and extensive cltro carried to tho highest point of human iugenjili', p,p must visit the Jardin des Plantes in all ns details. In these grounds nearly every beau tiful tf&a, which lends the shelter of its thick foliage at tiiis season, is the native of sonie foreign country. An American in this piace feels quite at home, surrounded fcy pho grand piano trees, the chestnutj tho walnut jtr.q, the snow bushes of Virginia and the magiw lia, all belonging especially to his native country. A gar.den apart for students of botany, where not .only tho botanical names of the plants are given, but each plant is placarded according to its medicinal, nour ishing or harmful properties. Here I saw with pleasure our sweet honeysuckle, attached to a small trellis work, which gave, hofoy but a faint idea of tho charm it lends to us, as it climbs high up along our walls and ver andas. The hothouses at the Jardin des Plantes are very numerous and extensive, and there are still others in construction. The number of persons employed in earing for the plants alone would furnish a good aised regiment. When within tho conservatories oiie eic. down from corridor to corridor to find an atmosphere each time warmer, and himself transferred to a strange land, through the surroundings of it3 most marvelous produc tions. There is no known plant of beauty pr interest in the world which is not to be found here, and an immense amount of money is expended in obtaining some choice produc tion, since as much as f 100 is given for a tiny piece of green, which would be without in terest or worth to the uninitiated. A. E. Burkhardt la Cincinnati Commercial Ga zette. And Poor at That. A sago who lived before our day remarked that "speech is silver." Could ho overhear tho smaii talk of society totfay his remark would have beea modified and his immortal saying would have been, ''Speech is nickel, and a very poor quality of nickel at that" Harpers Bazar. Which are the two hottest letters in the alphabet? J N (Cayenne). A Warning. The modes of death's approach are va rious, and statistics show conclusively that more persons die from disease of the hroat and lungs than any other. It is probable that everyone, without excep tion, receives vast numbers uf. Tubercle Germs into the system and where lUcsg germs fall upon suitable soil they start into life and develop, at first filowly and is shown by a slip lit tickling sensation in the throat and if allowed to continue their ravages they extend to the lungs produc ing Consumption and to the head, caus ing Catarrh. Now all this is dangerous and if allowed to continue will in time cause death. At the onset you must act with promptness; allowing a cold to go without attention is dangeroita and may loose you your life. As soon as yoa feel that goraetMBT is wth your thro&L r"tTvUiex ton tl )- J sol . iei, Oj 1 "". r ' ir vrf REPUBLICAN PLATFORM. The republicans of the United States, assem- . bled by their deligHtes In national convention, fiaure on the threshold of their proceedings to lonor the memory of their first t;reat leader and immortal champion of liberty and ihe rights of the people, AbTaham Lincoln, and to cover also with wreath f imperishable re membrance and gratitude the heroic names of our later leaders wno have been more recently called away from ourcouncilR, Orant, (inrfleld, Arthur, Logan and C'oiikling. May their mem ories be faithfully cherished. We also recall with our greetings and prayer for his recovery the name of one of our livinK heroes whose memory will be treasured in the history both of republicnnt!i and of the republic. The name in that of the noble soldier and favorite child of victory, Philip II. Sheridan. In the plrit of I hose great leaders and of our devotion t human liberty, and with that hos tility toad forms of despotism ar.d oppression which is the fundamental idea of the republi can party, we eeud fraternal congratulations to our fellow American of I'.rail upon their great act of emancipation w hich completed the abolition of slaverv throuhout the two American continents. We earnestly hope we may coon congratulate our fellow citizens of Irlidi birth upon the peaceful recovery of home rule for Ireland. WK AKKI1CM OTTK DNSWKBVIVO DEVOTION to the national constitution aud to the indis soluble union of stateu to the autoonmy re served to the states under the constitution, to the personal rights and liberties of (iti'.ens in all fiates and territories in the union and es pecially to the sup'eme ami sovereign light of every citizen, rich or poor, native or foreign born, white or black, to cast one free ballot in the public elections ami to have tiiat ballot duly counted. We hold a free ami honest pop ular ballot and juxt and equal representation of all people t be the loundatiou of our re publican government and demand effective legislation to eecuie the integrity ami purity of elections which are the fountains of all pub lic authority. We charge that the present ad ministration and the democratic majority in congress owe their existeuce to the suppression of the ballot by the criminal iiullillcat'.on of the constitution and laws of the United States, We are uncromproniisingly in favor of the American system of protection. We protest against the destruction proposed by the pre si dent and his party. They serve the interests of Kin-one WK WILL StTl'OllT IMTJs-.JiKSTS OF AMERICA. We accent the issue, and confidently appeal to the people for their judgment. The" protective system must be maintained. Its abandonment has alwava been followed by general disaster to all interests except those of the uneurer and sheriff. We denounce the Mills' bill as destructive to general business, hjbor. and the farming inter ests of the country, and ve heartily endorse the consistent auu patriotic action of the re publican representatives in congress in oppos ing its passage. We condemn the proposition of the democratic party to place wool on the free list aud insUr. that the duties thereon sha 1 be adjusted and maintained so as to fur nish full and adequate protection to that in ch try. The republican parly would effect all needed reduction of the t.iitioual revenue by repealing the taxes ou tobacco, which are an arrogance and burden to agriculture, aud the tax upon snirits used lu the arts and for mechai ical pur poses, and by uch revision of the tariff laws as will tend to check imports or such articles as tve produced by our people, the production of which gives employment to our labor, and re lease fi-o;n import duties these articles of for eign production. eoe?it luxuries, the like of which cannot be produced t 'jo.vie. there 'hall cr i 1 1 voikfitn o I -i ftit'iir no t liu'fi ti ' . i II ii i t f . for the wants of government, of Internal taxes rather than Mirientler any part of our i rotec tive system t the joint beht st of the whisky riiii and agents of foreign manufacturers. AOAINST pAypKJl AND LAIiOK TEUSTS. We declare hostility to the it. traduction into this country of foreign contract labor and of L'hhu'so labor alien to our civilization and our constitution, and ye demand the rigi 1 enforce ment of existing laws ajjuips-t it ami favor such immediate legislation as will exciuda such la bor from our shores. We declare our opposition to all combina tions of capital organized in trusts or other wise to control arbitrarily the condition of trade among our citizens and we recotrmend o congress and the state legislatures in their 'uiMsdictions sueli legislation as will prevent the'K&m&. of all scheme to oppress the pe pie by undue charge';, o t'leir suoplies or by iiLijut rates for the lran'spOi'ttton of their products to market. Ave approve legislaf by congress to pre vent alike unjust burdens and unfair discrim ination J?et weon states. PUBLIC I-A.Vi) RpjSTION-. We reaffirm the policy of appropriating the public lands of the United States to be honie-5i,-.uii for American citizens and settlers not alieiis. wtiiuh fhe republican party established in ISi a.'iaiiipt tLa peiviwte jt opposition of the democrats in' congress, 'hih has brought our great HTsfern domain into hnignlfjcent de velopeinect. Itie restoration pf unearned land grants to the public domain for tho use of ac tual settlers, which was begun under the ad ministration of President Arthur should be continued. We deny that the democratic party has ever restored one acre to the people, but Ipelare that by the joint action of republieahs ixutk dt;.oaraU Rhojit fifty million acres of un earned tind.'.tv i5ra:ifri for the con struction of falro:i'd, ifare ei. to the ptittilii di!,)ajh jn nijrsua.'ic'e. "of ' conditions inserted by the ipPmLIiVhii party in the oiigin al grants. We charge t- e uefnot-riitif! adminis tration with laiiure to execute laws securing to settlers title to theii homesteads and with us ing appropriations made for that purpose to 4Ljya innocent settlers with spies ami prose cuttns Kktf-e'-' fjuVe pretense of exposing frauds and vlu.jr4iiis' t'a law. AnMISSION Or TF.VLHlCiiZJZg, The government by congress of the terrltor- I ies is based upon necessity only to the end that tbsy may become states in the union : there fore, wiiwiijvjr the conditions of population, material'ec, pvIie intelligence and moralitv are sit elf as io itisme iaid2 'oca I gov ernment therein the people of such territories should be permitted, a right inherent in them, to form iitr themselves constitutions and state rovel-i'miiiLts and b'j ad tdtted Into tho union. V rending prepflrUjh f;jr SLiieJ iififl nil Oliicers thereof should be selected Iro;n i..ona fide residents and citizens of the terriJoi'y' nerein they are to serve, riotttl) paUo'ta spoi'ild f right be immediately admitted iw f state in the union tinder the constitution framed and adopted by her people, and we heartily en dorse the jict ion of the republican senate in price passing bills for her admission. '1 he re fiisat o ?;e democratic house or representa tives. ior jiartiaau Wf-v. to favorably con sider these bills is a ijlfiu loru:?;u of the sm red American principle oi local setr-govern-meiit, and merits the condemnation of all Just men. Ihe pending bills in the senate for acts romiaWe the people of Wishington, North JaJj&t and Aloiuanna territories to form con- tifut;oin ai;d 'VbtabHeit s'te governments xhouid be passed vwtiioiu uueiic-arr ficiy. 'Ihe republican party pledges nisfirtoUo'a!! in i's power to facilitate- the adm'iasiou of the tcr litories of New Mexico. Wyoming. Idaho and Arizona to the enjoyment of self-government as states. Such i f them as are low qualified as soon as possible.and others as soon as they may become so. THE MORITO; QUESTION. The p.ylltial power of the Mormon church iu the leriisorfes aa ercjd !n the past i a menance to free institutions to.) fia,igerous to be lone suffered. Tuerrfore ve p eiie'tpe re publican party to appropriate Wislation, at-serting the sovereignty of the nation in all the territoi ies where the same is questioned, and in furtherance of that end to place upon the statute book legislation stringent et.iMg;-t9 divorce political from ecclesiastical power. ui stamp out the attendant wickedness of poiygb.!. 1 he republican party Is in pf the use of both gold and silver as money,' and iin demns the policy of the democratic adminis tration in its efforts to demonetize silver. We demand the reduction of letter postage to l c-fit ,er ounce. In a republic Iifc.e ours, where the. citizens Is the sovereign and th ojic!h1 the servant, where no power is esendsed except f,y Lije will of the people. It is Important tiiat the 'sover eign people should possess intelligence. The free school is the promoter ol that intelligence wh ich is to preserve us a free nation. The r fore. the state or nation, or both conhined. should support free institutions of learning tupicient lo ntford to eveiy child growing up in tn Janfl the opportunity of a good common school jedncaticsr ,OB Uf.RCHAJfT AflZXR. V'e earnestly recommend that projnpt aUI;i be take) in ici'Tg' css in the ei actnient of saoh Ipgfoiarton as will test si-cure the rebabilli'a- I Hon of our Anrhj"ii merchant marine, and; we protest ogniiist ihe pasag by congress of a free ship bill as calculated to work injustice : to labcr by lesser Ir.g the wages of tlioett en gaged in preuaring materials as well as those directly employed in our shipyards. e de mand appropriation forthe emly rebuilding of our navy. -Jor foe construction of coast fortillratiarfs and modern ordinance and other PUPTPdinodern meas of. defense for the Pjhieidion of our defensele.w harbors and f tle paypieui or jun -nenaiosio our the shipping interests of the Atlantic. Gulf and Pacific states as veil as for the payment of the maturing public debt. This policy will give employment to our labor, activity to our various Industries, Increased security to our country, promote trade, open new and dlieet markets for our products and cheapen the cost of transportation. We aflirin this to be far better for our country than tne democratic policy of loaning the government's money without interest to "pet banks." KORKION ltRLATIONS. The conduct of foreign affairs by the present administration has been distinguished by inef ficiency and cowardice. Having withdrawn from the senate all pending treaties effected by republican administratioi s for the removal of foreign burdens and restrictions upon our cummeice and for its extension into a better market, it lias neither aflected nor proposed any others in their stead. Professing adher ence to the Monroe doctrire, it has seen with idle complacency the extension of foreign In fluence in Central America and of foreign trade everywhere among our neighbors. It has re fused to charter; sanction or encourage any American organizytlon for constructing the Nicaragua canal, a work of vtal importance to the maintenance of the Monroe doctrine and of our national intluenee in Central and South America, and uecessaiy fo- the development of trade w ith our Pacific territory, w ith SouHi America, aud with the further coasts of the Pacific Ocean. FISHERIES QUESTION. We arraign the present democratic adminis tration for its weak and unpatriotic treatment of the fisheries question, and its pusillanimous surrender of all privileges to which our fishery vessels are en tb led in Canadian ports under the treaty of 1818, the reciprocate marin tine legislation of is:io and comity of nations, and which Canadian fishing vessels receive in the ports of the United States. We condemn the policy of the present administration and tho democratic majority in congress towards our fivheries as unfriendly aud conspiciom-ly unpatriot ic and as tending to destroy a valuable national indust ry and an indispensible resource of defense against foreign enemy. The name of American applies alike to all cilizens of the rep.iblt''. and imposes upon men alike the same o ligation of obedience to the laws. At thesame limeci'izenshipis and must be the panoply and safeguard of him who weais it, should shieid aud protect him whether high or low, rich or poor, in all his civil rights. It should and must afford him protection at home ami follow and protect him abroad in whatever laud he may be on a lawful errand. pi yiL SERVICE IIKI'OHM. The men who abandoned the republican (tar ty in 1884 and continue to adh.cre to the demo cratic party have deserted not only the cause of honest government, but of sound finance, of freedom iand purify of the ballot, but espec ially have deserted the caue of reform in the civil service. We will not fall to keep uiir pledges because t ey have broken theirs, or because their candidate has broken his. We therefore repea.' our declaiation of 1884, towit : The reform of civil service auspiciously begun under republican administration should be completed by a further extension of th" reform sjstem already established by law to all grades of the service io which it is applied. The spir it and purpose of reform xhould be observed in all executive appointments, and all laws at variance with the object of existing reform Ug islatton Riiould be repealed, and that the dan gers to free institutions which lurk in the pow er of official patronage may be wisely and ef fectively avoided. The gratitude of the nation to the defenders of the union cannot be assured except by laws. The legislation of congress should conform to the pledges made by a loyal people, and be so enlarge.! and exteuded as to prov'de against the possibility tuat any man who honorably wore the federal unifo: m shall become an In mate of an almshouse ot dependent on private charity. In the presence" of an overflowing treasury it would b" a public scandal to do less for those whose valorous service preserved the government. We denounce the hostile spirit shown by President Clpyeland in his numerous vetoes pf 'measure's for pension relief, and the action pf the democratic of representa tives in refusing eveji' consideration of general pension lifjUia.nop. In support of the principles herewith enun ciated, we Invite the co-operation of patriotic men of all parties, especially of all working men whose prosperity is seriously threatened by the free trade policy of the present administration. Republican State Convention. The i"epublicanclecfors of the siaie of Nebraska are requested to send delegates from their several counties to meet in conyent.op at the city of Lincoln Thurs day, August 23, 1883, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates for the following state ofKccs. Goyernp.; Lieutenant Governor. Secretary of State. State Treasurer. Auditor of Public Accounts. Attorney General. Copi'mjssiper oi flic ands and RuildlPgb; And tiie transaction of such other busi ness as may come before the convention. THE APPORTIONMENT. The several counties are entitled to re presentation aa jfpq-3: being based upon the vote cast for iton.' Sauiuei JIaxwell, judge, in 1887, giving one delegate at large to each county, and for each 150 voiez, apd major fraction thereof: counties VOTES COUNTIES. VOTES. Adams .... Antelope .. Arthur... . Hlaiiid ... .' fioone.'.. . '. Box P.utte. Brown Buffalo ... Ilutlcr Burt Cass Uedr ChSb C'h-rry..-.-. Cheyenne.. Clay Co: fax - liming.... Custer . Iakota.... DaweS; ... . Da wsc b.'..7 Dixon...! .. Dotlue Douglass... Dundy . .. Fillmore... Franklin... frontier Furnas tJaare GAilieJd... Ccsperl.'.i . (iranfl... . . (iiceley Hall........ Hamilton .. Harlan Hayes Hitchcock . Holt Hoa'd Jefferson .. l-fl Johnson Kearney Keyha Paha. Keith Ilno... llancasfrr.'... I. in col n I.ogau Loup Madison McPherson .. Merrick Nance Nma,"-;;.,, . Nuckolls... . Oitre.J. I .. 4 .2. . s ..H ::d1 7 1 Pawnee . 7 Perklts , 17! Pierce . 5; Polk . Pl-'fte . J HjiWps...:.... '. fi;ttu;l.urdson. .12 lied Willow... ....10 . . . 7 12 . . . i ... l-t B ....Ik In . 27iSalioe. ... i Sarpy ...10 Saunders.. . . 7'Seward ...10 SherMau 7 ... o! Shennau 7 ...lftjsioux 2 r. . 3 tanton 4 :.. lThoTrta3 2 . . . i 'alley C ,;'li Washington. s . ..KijWavne ft ... 81 Webster 9 ... 4: Wheeler .. 3 . .. York 11 . ..14. Unorgauized Ter 1 - 7 .. 9i Total 671 It is reconimcndcdthat no ptOies be adn.itted to the convention except such as are held by persons ri siding in the coun ties from which the proxies are given. To Chairmen County Central Commit tees; "Wiieheas. At the republican state con vention held at Lincoln October 5, 1887, the following resolution was adopted: Iieso7ced, That the state central com mittee be instructed to embrace in its call for the next state convention the submis sion of he pj.ohibiti.op rtqestion to there publican yloieri ai; the republican pri manes, ' ' Therefore, in accordance with the above resolution, the several coupty cen tral committees are hereby instructed to include in their call for their next county convention the submission of the prohi bition question to the republican voters at the repjl licTi r"ir!-5. f -DEALER IN- STOVES, FURNITURE, -AND ALL HOUSEHOLD GOODS. T I TrO'P -j I i.r 1 WINDOW KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. PICTURE FRAMES SIXTH STHEET, 1JET. MAIN AND Will call your attention to the fact that they are headquarters for aTl kinds of Fruits and Vegetables. We are receiving Freeh Strawberries every. day. Oranges, Lemons and Eananas constantly en hand . Just received, a variety of Carned Scujc. We have Pure Maple Sugar and r.o rciettke. BEKNETT & TUTT. Jonathan Hatt. J. V7. AIahtihs. WSOX.ESA.IiE ASTD RETAIL CDTYRflEAT MARKET. PACKERS akp PEAI.KKB in JIUTTETl AND i:C(!S, BEEF, P0KK, MUTTON AND YEA L. TIIE BEST TIIE MARKET AFFORDS ALWAYS ON HAND. Sugar Cured Meals, Hams. Bacon, Lard, &c, &c of our own make. The best brands of OYSTERS, in caps and bulk, ot WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. give 'i'iaiLflc' jaL 0.21!. J- C, BOONS, BARBER AND HAIR DRESSER, All work iirst-clas?; wct Fifth Street, North Robert Shenvood's Store. J. E- BOBBINS, ARTIST, INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN IN FINE OIL PAINTINC ALL LOVERS OF ART ARK INVITED T) CALL AND EXAMIUE ZMZY WOEK STUDIO OVER OLIVER & RAMSE MEAT MARKET. AN. SULLIVAN, Attorney at J.av. Will give prompt atteutioa to all bufiiieso in trusted to biiii. Ofiiee ia Union Block, East side, I'lattsmoutli. Neb. 1 (REPAREDImJQFIHGf Qeaeest&IcRoof . ajo AjiY climate, v Bead far Circulars. rOK. SALE HAVEN & RHODES Omaha, 2?b. (Name this paper in your order.) Job, work; flone on short noJ.ipc at ho Herald ofnee, $SOO Reward. We will pay the above reward for any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick i : - ucaiiuuntr, lirni juaiiuu, LUUMipaiion or costiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liyer pills, when the ; directions are efriftlj complied with. They are purely vegetable, ' and never fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes tontainlng SO sugar coated pills, 25a For sale by all druggists. Beware of counterfeits and " imitations. The gena ir r-tisfactured oly by Jc' i O, V' KINDS OF- CJT'V'T l.'U ll,' i i uijo "i CimTAmS MADE TO OI'DER VINE. ri.Ai Tf-Mon ii, M r. JULIUS FEFFEF. ElFp, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DKAI.Ut IK 1 HE Choicest Brands of Cigais, including our Flor tie Peppcrtcrey tr& 'Ch'b TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES always in ttock. Nov. 2G. 188.1. HEALTH IS WEALTH ! Ir. E. ( . V. fst.'s Nerve and Rioin Trent n'i it a uuariintee speeilic lor Hysteria Infir efs. Convulsions. Ii'.g. Nervous eliol.'ia. Ii ad aclie. NerveoUH i rcsli.'lii.ii eined l y llie nee (.f aV-olio! or tolae o, Wak( fiili.isi,. r.:ent al 1 e presMon, JSoftenii.p of the Urain reMiltirg in in sanity and leadu tc t misery, lec :.y i,nd 'ieal Ji. eremature old Aue. Jiarrei iiess, J,.fcn of I cw- iii' iiuri an. jiii itn iHi v j.( t"i s huo r I r inat' rili'-a caused y over-cj(p, !i.,i of i ii brain". grtf;!b'Je or ovJ-f-intivilHu e l ;ir h In contains oi,e mol Mi'. treatment, ' 6! w ;i )C5 or six boxes for $5.e0, sent by mail' inetald t,u receipt of price ' ,p WE GUAPAKTIE SIXEC Xi;S To c.ire any cae. Snii eaL-ii t , Vei.e.t by us f.jr t,Ix bosrs. accon.pan ed w iin no we will send the purchaser t ur written (iiiaran tee to leturn the ii ouey if the tn atmei.t does " 'ICf . a, c u r e . Guarantees issui d only bv Will J. M airick sole aeett, I'lattMiioutli, Neb. The standard remedy for liver com plaint is West's Liver Vllh; they r.ever diaapp ipt you. 'dO pills 2pc. At Wfif rick's dnijj store, ' WW, Z,. B RQWNEj X.-A"W OFFICE. Personal attention to all Business Entrust to my care. Titles Examined, Ah,tarotj 0.,iuilt'd in surance Written, heal Estate SoW. M ' ,n' Better Facilities for making Farm Loaii than Any Other Agency Plaltsmoutlt, - tii jijj R.B. WisDBAM, John A. DwiK-. Notary FuWlc. Notary r ublfc. Attoraoyo at - Office over Hank of Car Co- Plattsmocth, . .