The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, August 02, 1888, Image 3

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    - . . .. . . . .:,: ' V " ' .
I he "Jlorse Woctor" of Tweoly-flve Year
Ago Skillful rrarlitloura or New York
. City Their Yearly Incomes Veterinary
Colleges Home Hospitals.
Whilo land wns cheap and is cheap jieople
were accustomed, and are now in fa-t, to re
gard tho death of t or k as a matter of little
ronwquonoe. There was then, say twenty
five yean no, from which time tho profession
date its sulistatitial progress, little demand
in tliU country for well educated veterina
rian. He wan tlien, perhaps ho is now iu a
RoM many places, tho "horse doctor," or
worsoKtill, tlio "cow doctor, a his fellow
with a rough voi and shaggy overcoat,
wlio Krrwllcd of hi patients, npit tobacco
juice ami "iniHseil" like a herd driver. Twenty-five
years ago in thin city there were, ac
cording to Dr. Alexander F. Llautard, tho
lean of the American Veterinary col lego in
West Fifty-fourth street, only three well
educated veterinary burgeons. Now there
ttt' let wecu fifty and sixty skillful practi
tioners hero whose names appear in the busi
directory. Hut tho names in tho direct
ory do not give an idea, of the real number
t t men practicing here. And quacks still
flourish, not alouo in this city, hut all over
the country.
It d-s not pay a skillful veterinarian to
follow his profession in a country town, and
hundreds -f towns, villages and hamlet
throughout the land rejoico in their "horse
and cow d-n'tors." Jinny of them aro men
of good common sense and can pull their
patient. through, Lut the largo cities, where
frtock i valuable, can't exactly lo proud of
veterinarians of a class that humanitarians
protest against. An animal cannot tell its
troubles, cannot sue for damages; but if it
could, would it not resent tho offices of a
"doctor" who can scarcely write his own
name? Yet, on good authority, it may lc
nai.I that there are mich men in tho profes
sion. It is Raid that out of 0,000 or 8,000
veterinary Mirgeous in the country only 1,000
.are educated.
The prou'"11 l",H 'ia'l to 'ar the
odium of quark." with much cost to itself.
Two years ago tho societies showed the legis
lature tho necessity ot passing an net for
regulating the practice rf veterinary surgery,
lt'was provided that all veterinarians who
had practiced three years prior to the pus
sage of the act should bo allowed to continue
in "practice on filing with tho cyunty clerk a
cvififii-atj to that effect.
Professor Law employs from fourteen to
wxteen surgeons in the services of the bureau
f which he is the heaiL Tho lowest salary
he pays is $1,200 a year, and that to a recent
graduate; while one of his most capable
ussistants gets $ 10 a day und expenses. "Look
At my 'Rogues' Gallery,' " said a well knowi.
veterinary surgeon the other da-, pointing
to the pictures of the graduates of his col
lege. "All of those 180 fellows, except half
n dozen, aro doing well, making from $1,-100
to 3,000 a year." Professor Liautard is an
icntiuuit in tho future of his profession.
"Iu tei j-pnrs," saitl ,iC witu R frliru2 of llis
shoulders, ";)jo American veterinarian will
eclipse the world." Why should not the pro
fessor bo right? He camo here twenty-five
years ago from Franco. Thtni, in this fit-,
there were only three 1 rojierly educated
-veterinarians, and now there are between
City and sixty. There are now two colleges, well "equipped hospitals, veterinary
-societies and veterinary journalism firmly
established. .Pesides that, the pi ofioii is
respected by the nodical fraternity. Ono of
tho colleges hero is sadly overcrowded, and
I s sent out an appeal for a building fund,
'no hospital are always full and urp obliged
to turn away patients at times. The vtIii2
of stock l:as greatly Increase!. The domestic
animals of the United Stages now repre
sent an aggregate wealth of upward of
There are about sir veterinary colleges in
this country, and four of them, lil most
American institutions, owe their suA-css to
their own effort. T1)e Europcau colleges aro
subilized by their governments. Yet Frauco
i said to have only three colleges, Germany
no more thau tliis country, and England even
less. Dut governmental assLstaiico enables
even lioumania to give students a
iivo veers' course; Franco four, Portu
gal "five, Russia four, Sweden four,
inland four, Germany three and oue
Lulf aud England throe. Tho course re
quired here is only two years, and short
e:irs at that. Germany requires about forty
J - of recitation and lectures a week for
thoTfir."- J"ear onJ Dearl 6iit' bours tue
sveoud year.
The hospital S3 J,laJ Cool V?
re here of late yeai J'Ut it is as yet crude
and inadequate, accordiC. to tu opinion of
well known veterinarian rUo is connected
with a hospital of good standing. ? here are
not cuougb hospitals here and the L?st man
aged ones aro generally overrun. One hos
pital was opened live years ago with accom
modations for six horses. Sow it cail take
care of thirty horses aod a large numb
dos. Twenty thousand dollars were taken
ia at that place last year. The colleges also
have hospitals. .
Tho horses are comfortably stalled in the
hospitals, somo of them having box stalls.
The oilier day a renortcr saw one horse tak
ing electric; shocks for spinal trouble with as
much equanimity as a human being. The
sling is an interesting appliance. It is used
to supoort a horse that has lamed or utrnjned
itself cr is uot strong enough to stand all
the time. The sling is large enough to give
a horse a good imitation of a hammock
wiw,and it is rather interesting to see a
dotrt horses ia their stalls lazily enjoying
the supiort of their slings. An ingenious
xuachine is used for securing horses that are
to bo operated on. It looks like a small
'thrashing" machine. The horsa is fasteued
to a part of the machine whicli looks like a
let down leaf of a dining table. The assist
ants turn a crank aud the leaf with the horse
fastened to it slides up to its place on top of
the table aud there tho horse is high and wry
and ready to be operated on by men who un
derstand their business. Sew York Tribune.
Two of Envelopes.
'Alwavskceptosis c letter envelopes
0-1 your dfei. caa b-iall enough to slip easily
ir.lo tha ether. An editor always pilfers
yoitr ;lt Llr: te.l and stamped envelope tj
ut :r.?z out In loesa cr ttuck to your letter or
mamibcript A regard thowa for his coin
fort will conduce to a regard for your manu
- script Have your manuscript weighed be
fore closing the envelope, and put in ta
envelope wish the stamps allised whicli aro
' requisite for its return.
If your manuscript is valuable and cannot
ly ba reoroduced, register it when you
1 it Tea cents' worth of registry fee is
- than tea dollars' worth of trouble ia
a eecond copy of a manuscript which
-ay ia tha mails, nine times out of
"1 your own carelessnes.
Cf your manuscripts, aad,
- 1 ' t t'.- iaess letters, noting
The Line A Ions Which Tie Works Fer
tile In "Scheme" Bfethods.
A lato aspiraut for honors iu the news
paper world is the, "loom writer." lie enters
a town, and with his quick eye and acute
mipd readily comprehends the line along
which he must work. He is fertile in re
sources, "schemes," he says. lie talks with
somo of the leading men, and expresses his
surprise that a town so happily situated,
with so many natural advantages, has not
become more widely known. There is no
earthly reason, he ays, why Boomville
should not become a metropolis. Thousands
of ieople in tho crowded states along tho At
lantic coast aro searching tho papers eagerly
for a western town of promiso in which to
invest their hoards of wealth. Tho money
burns to lw invested. All that is needed is
to let these greedy people know about Boom
villo and its wonderful resources.
Having interested his hearers, tho boom
writer now makes a contract with tho pro
prietor of tho daily Gossip or tho weekly
Tell Tale for a certaiu amount of space iu
each issue.
Soon the quiet, slow going citizen sees in
hi morning jmper columns of burning, pro
phetic words graphic pictures of Boom
ville's prosperity and rich surroundings. He
opens his eyes in amazement to think lie has
lived in Boomvillo so long and has never
grasped these startling truths. Alliteration
runs mad in the columns of a paper which,
but a few days ago, was content to chronicle
tho local gossip of tho unassuming town.
Poetry, patriotism, figurative language,
columns of figures are crowded in a confused
mass. The boom writer knows how to make
figures lie.
Enthusiasm is contagious. Tho citia-ns of
Boomvillo grow interested. Ileal estate ofli
ces open in every vacant room, and trades in
lots become the chief business of tho day.
All these are duly chronicled in tho glowing
words of the boom writer, who begins now to
reap his harvest. He sells copies of each
issue of tho paper in bundles of hundreds to
tho enterprising citizens, who mail them to
friends and acquaintances in older towns.
A subscription list is made for the purpose
sending over tho land these graphic accounts
of the new metropolis. The boom writer
unfolds one scheme after another, as the ex
citement increases, and his pocket book grows
When his quick eye sees that tho cnthusi
asm begins to waver, tho boom writer ro
inemler3 that he is engaged to write up the
next town, and away he goes gayly, leaving
Boomville to sink slowly back into a quiet
life, but not the same life, for the boom
writer has so aroused the faith of tho Boom
villians in the future prosperity of their city
that years of dull times cannot wholly de
stroy their confidence. C. L. Stonakcr in
Th? Writer.
A Case ot Monomania.
The difficulty in distinguishing an insane
from a sane man, particularly if it be a case
of monomania, is oftentimes very great, as
tho following incident will show: A few
years ago a physician whose entiro life,
almost, aud practice had been spent in an at
mosphere of insauity, and who is considered
tho best authority extaut on such matters,
called at the St. Louis insano asylum for the
purpose of locking through it, relying on a
physician of his acquaintaiiCO who was lo
cated there to show him about, Sear the
gate he met a gentleman who was very se
date, courteous and intellectual. Of him he
inquired of his friend, only to learn that he
was absent at the time. Supposing his com
panion to bo a medical attache of the place,
from certain terms and theories peculiar to
tho medical fraternity, which tho latter ad
vanced, he engaged him in conversation.
Tho man was very rational and displayed a
thorough kuiihidge of tho classics and of
science and art as well, upon which iu talked
at length and very entertainingly.
Finally he volunteered to show the visitov
through tho Institution, and as he did so b
made a minute diMgoApis pf ?ach case which
was presented. Tho visitor was
until suddenly interrupted by tho appearance
of tho keeper and assistants, who unceremo
niously beiisd his edifying conductor, man
acled Lini and led him o a cell, despite his
violent resistance. This would hate been
quite natural under tho cfrcumstauces with
even a " 7?an antl tbo 2CPcrfc was unde
ceived still, nntil Lis former entertainer
shrieked back to him: '.'They're going to
crown me emperor of Germany, and I scorn
the crown! Save me, save me!" The ex
pert's medical friend appeared on the 6cej)0 a
little later and congratulated tho vis
itor on Lis narrow escape, informing
him, to his astonishment, that this
was tha most violent subject under their
charge; that he had cAcape bis cell for the
third tia.c, and that in the former instances
he had brutally beaten his keepers. This
tL;s)onstrates the inability of even the most
experienced jodento decide infallibly as to
the condition of a nuu?i mind. Dr. Max
Sjtarklou! in Globe-Douioerat.
Prices neeelTCd Authors.
These are some of tho prices that authors
have received for works now famous; Gold
smith, 20 for "The Traveller," 00 for "Tho
Vicar of Wakefield" and 100 for "Tho De
serted Village;" Fielding, l,CO0 for
"Amelia" and 2,200 for "Tom Joues;" Dr.
Johnson, 125 for JRafselas;' Macaulay,
20,000 for the "History of England:" Bos
well, 1,000 for tho "Lifo of Johnson;" pry
den, 1,200 for his translation of Virgil;
Georgo Eliot, 2,000 for "Bomola," and
never less than 1,000 for any novel, it is
said; Walter Scott, 700 for tho first Waver
lya and large sums for later ones, with
000 for "Woodstock' and 1S,000 for the
"Life oi Sapolcon;" Zola, $S0 for hi3 first
storv and fi,000 for ''Assommoir;" Wilkio
Collins, 5,000 for "Arniada'.e;" Milton, 15
for "Paradise Lost;" Byron, io.OOO for "Don
Juan" aud 4,000 for "Childo Harold;"
Moore, 3.000 guineas for "Lalla Rookh" and
15,000 for "Irish Melodies;" Campbell, 20
for "riea-urps pf Hope;" Burns, 20 for the
first edition of hi works f-ud 700 for tho
last; Too, 20 for "The llavcn;" Longfellow,
54,000 i20 a lino) for the "Hanging of tho
Crane," tho highest prico ever paid for f.
poem; Whitiier, for tho copyright of
his works, which he afterward bought back
for 1,200; Tennyson, $13 a lino for "Re
Vc3ge." Sew York Sun.
Where to Draw the Line.
The tallf of society must of necessity be
somewhat insincere. For politeness is the
Eeueschal of society. He will not open tho
door for us unless our speech be silvern, and
Indeed we have no right to go to the house of
a friend unless we are prepared to be agreea
ble. The world has grown full of dissiuiula
tioa and compliment, therefore it is difficult
to be always polite and always truthf uL Yet
so clear is the moral sense oa this point thai
no character in society's so suspected and
detested as is the arrant flatterer. The lino
L quickly drawn between the necessary and
unnecessary dissimulation. We are com
mitting no deadly sin, however, if we refrain
from looking bored-when we are bored; we
aro not "deceivers ever if we refrain from
telling disagreeable truths. We must learn
tact know where to draw the line. 1L C.
Precious Iloure Lost in DUculng Ques
tions of Inferior Importance Little
Excuse for Goeitipy Gabble Callers
Who Bore Cs Ignorant Teople.
I havo been trying to enumerate at least
a part of tho ways in which life slijis into in
signiucance; lor until wo Know ino new wo
bhall not find tho remedy. Gossip unques
tionably takes a high plaeo in the list of men
tal and moral worth. By gossip I do not
I menn tho vulgar racking of a neighbor's
character or qualifications with delight at
the sport of backbiting. This sort of busi
ness I rank no higher than cock fighting and
bull baiting. Whoever engages in it is
either too course to comprehend tho values
of time, or is nauseated by each indulgence
until cured or ruined. Tho confirmed back
biter is so thoroughly diseased that she or ho
may bo ranked with phthisical patients not
to Im cured or not worth the curing.
But gossip is something a great deal more
general than backbiting. It is tho applica
tion of the mind to questions of positively in
ferior importance to the exclusion of matters
of permanent value. Of course it is not easy
from j-our htamlpoiiit to judge of what I
should bo conversing. A man is quite sure
,to dospiso questions of woman's dress jer
haps of dress altogether. But with us it in
volves art, and develojw tho ieculiarJy fem
inine capacity of appreciating fltncesin form
and color. But clearly th: m is avast deal
of intellectual wasto on small topics. This is
somewiiat excusable at parties, when tho
mind is btuefiod, of ten, in its abnormal de
sire to please or shine; when wo are com
piled to converse with those whoso intellec
tual tastes wo know nothing of. Terhaps it
is for this reason that it has coino to bo held
as ill breeding to introduce any topic of
weight. Can not society move with a
higher grade conversation? Tho effect at
present is to send sensible people home with
a feeling of distress and loss, while tho vapid
are made to consider that vapidity has
In our homo lifo and general social rela
tions there is far less excuso for gossipy
gabble. Those who aro unable to converse
except on trash should bo classed with tho
ash barrel scavenger and denied tho privi
lege of controlling any portion of our time.
We are privileged by nature to exclude tho
gossip from any householl familiarity.
With theso scavengers I class tho bores who
lack all valuation of tho time of other peo
ple, persons who do not gossip, but in reality
do nothing, and compel you to do tho some.
An honest person, man or woman, should
havo the days apportioned with great nicety
to occupancy and nso. For the unexpected
and unforeseeable interruptions one may
allow justly an hour a day. For probable
interruptions another hour. To avoid the
loss of two or three more hours requires both
tact and decision. It is perfectly right to
require all callers to report themselves, and
to reply to many of them "not at home," or
an equivalent.
There is no substantial reason why our
callers should not only send in a card, but
should also add tha object of the call aud
siKK-ify the amount of time desired. This,
placed on a card, will cause tho applicant
little time aud trouble, and will save tho
recipient vast loss. Is all the social obliga
tion on the side of the visited? I think not.
I believe na op.g has a right ia ask pup min
ute cf our time without apology and expla
nation. My time is my money. One hour is
worth a cash value. Whoever takes it from
me takes from my inoomo as well as my
comfort. This it is not righteous to demnnd
nor right for mo to allow. 'J'ueio n; o claims
of friendship. These aro compatible with
work. Truo friends will not rob each other.
There is compensation ia such cases.
I am not so confident what reward ov com
pensation thero may be for our necessary
dealings with ignorant people; and as a rule
this includes all the help we can employ.
Tho narrowness of their vision makes it im
possible for them to seo or teel with us, and
if we get oa with them at all we must come
down to their level and talk from their stand
point. This may not bo altogether injurious;
for we are likely to get too far away from
tho masses, and lose ail communicating
power. More than that, the highest' mental
lifo is too strictly a brain lifo. It is an tn
valuable power to bo able to drop down at
times into a more physical and simple life,
provided our doing so does not involve sensu
ous degradation. That danger is constantly
near, and must bft carefully guarded against.
Too close familiarity with tue grosser
sort is overwhelmingly fatal. But we may
go so far as to bo kindly and friendly, and
help to lift to a higher plaue. But nothing
is more difficult than honestly to secure the
real friendship of people morally and intel
lectually our inferiors. The largest generos
ity and mo,t kindly treatment will not make
a firm friend of one who cannot understand
you. And as a rule the ignorant can never
understand tho cultural. They may under
stand tho more ignorant, bus can use no
mental measure greater than that possessed
by themselves. Mary E. Spencer iu Globo
Democrat. An Organ of Paper.
A very original musical instrument has
recently been constructed fit Milan an or
gan whose pipes, instead of beiu of metal,
are of paper pulp. Its history is quite cu
rious. Father Giovanni Crispi Rigghizo,
having learned that the parish dell' Incora
nata, at Milan, was destituta of music for the
offices, conceived the idea of devising a
cheap material that would permit of con
structing organs under such conditions that
tho most unpretending communities could
purchase one of these instruments. This
monk, who hd passed his life in poverty,
was confronted by a lack of money, and,
notwithstanding bis efforts to caixy out his
undertaking, was beginning to despair of
success, when lie had the fortune to meet an
artisan, Luigi Colauibo, who understood the
construction of the instrument, and wa3
good enough to aid him ia carrying out his
They both wnt resolutely to work, and,
finally, in June, 1SS0, finished the iustru
ment in question. Unfortunately, by reason
cf lack of funds, they could not exceed
twenty-two registers, forty-four pedals and
1,400 pipes. The final result, however, is ex
tremely interesting, giuce it is generally
agreed that tho instrument possesses great
power, and a sweetness of tone not found ia
organs hitherto constructeo. ut science ea
j Faiaille.
j Mere Force of Habit,
j Distinguished Foreigner I think the voices
of American girls very sweet, but thy would
bo still more musical if conversation wcrj
! carried on in a lower tone.
! Chicago Belle We make a good deal of
noise, but. you must remember our favorite
nmnwrnmit ia concert f?oin?. and one sets in
the habit of loud' talking trying to make
I one voice tumru iuuto j-mw j v-i .
-o rrr-'v.
Vfhat a Lady Principal Thluku of "Cram
ming" Methods In Our Schools.
A lady, who is principal of ono of the
largest and finest of cur public schools, and
whose mental and physical qualifications are
fur abovo the average, said: "Am I glad the
examinations aro over? Glad? Why, it is
like letting ono out of prison like lifting a
ton's weight from mo. It is to nio a terrible
ordouL Theso examinations of tho school
aro really examinations of me. My pupils'
standing is my standing. I am judged by it.
Sometimes when I think that all are well pre
pured someof them may fail me. I worry and
fret (to myself and within myself) more than
any one knows. 1 labor and strain some
times it is almost agony to prepare them.
I heartily denounce tho forcing, cramming
process. It? is wicked and wrong and un
reasonable, and very often defeats itself. I
cannot help what I have to do, and to go
through these examinations these children
must bo forced and strained. I can see
plainly, and so can any intelligent person,
that the children suffer in health mid iu
mind. It is cruel, it is unjust, it is very un
profitable. "Many I say many, and I know what I
say and mean it very many children
memorize lessons and can rejieat them like a
parrot; they tug, struggle, push aud pass
their examinations simply because they are
shoved or hoisted through by machine like
methods. They can glibly rejicat many
things that they study, of the souse and prac
tical application of which they aro utterly
ignorant. Girls, of course, are naturally
more prone to spells of exhaustion and faint
ing, but tho frequency of such instances is
not an 'ordinary but extraordinary feature.
I havo instances in initi 1 of -,'.!: v It , l .-...'..
ing that they had but a short period to go to
school, and because of the poverty of their
parents they must soon begin to earn their
bread, with commendable ambition and dili
gence labored with all their might to advance
as fast as possible; luliored harder than some
others who easier; labored beyond
their strength until they were stricken down
from sheer brain and body exhaustion. One
of theso I had cautioned repeatedly, and even
urged her to take a rest for awhile.
"She was near graduation, and felt that
unless she could pass examinations then she
would never havo another chance. She
studied hard and learned slow'y and with
difficulty, but was persistent and determined.
She was an unusually amiable, sweet tem
pered, quiet girl, whom everybody loved. 1
had noticed her growing pal-? and thin, and
knew that she wa.sstrainingall of her mental
and pli3sical powers in the contest for suc
cess. One day, in tho class room during ro
citation, the book slipped fro-n her hands,
eho pressed her lingers against her temples,
and exclaiming in a mournful voice that 1
shall never forgot: "Oil, Miss -, my head,
my headl' sank down in a faint. She was
taken homo and brain fever ret in, and on
the very day ot the closing exercises of that
term she was buned. SUo was undoubtedly
tho victim of brain overwork. This was m, ex
treme case, but 1 assure you that have seen
many instances of girls njuie.d for lifo from
the samo pause. :"Now York Star. '
Career of a Danseiise.
"I began my dancing career at t he nge o
7 as one of the pupils, or 'rats,' as thoy are
called, and went on laboring until I was Hi.
At this age the primary education of an 'out'
pupil is generally terminated, tho neophyte
being then suflicieutly advanced to go up for
"At this stage the 'rats' venture on tho
quadrilles, but have to pa through another
examination for tho new grade. Even when
fairly launched, aspirants have still to prac
tice two hours at home daily. In addition to
this come tho rehearsals, the work done bo
foro the public, tho morning osonfi, etc
"What pay do we get at tho Paris oiera
for such hard work? Tho tariff varies with
tho grade of tho dancer. The 'out' pupils, or
'rats,' arc paid at the rate of forty cents for
each appearance; tho demoiselles do quad
rille, $20 to $-10 a month ; tho coryphees, :50
to $00; the sujots, $GQ to $1:20; the dancers in
the lirst rank, $1'J0 to fcoOO; and the 'stai-s,'
?o,00J to 0,000 a year.
"Advancement comes very slowly, it i
considered a greac thing to move up as I dii
from the second to the lirst quadrille. The
next step upward is to the envied position pf
premiere coryphee, possessing tho superb
emoluments of fTO a yeav. Finally, after
years and j ears o patient study, the dancing
girl attains the summit of her ambition, and
rises jnto a petit; sujet, which gives her an
individuality before the footlights. It took
me fifteen years to reach this giddy height
of glory and pay, tho latter being $1,000 per
"Stars seldom rise from tho ranks. The
Elssiers and Taglivnis form a class apart.
".Somo of tho women who appear today in
spectacular pieces are 43 and 50 years of ago.
Such women are retained solely by reason of
tho excellence of their proportion. Tho
brawpy or tho otherwise objectionable fig
urant is nearly always somo new coiner not
yet developed or broken." Far is Cor. Phila
delphia Press.
Food for TervQils Patient,
Dr. Glouslou in the annual report of the
Edinburgh 1103-al asylum answers the query
of Henry R. Johnson, of St. Louis, as to the
use of milk and eggs in tho cases of nervous
patients, lie gives to such patients as many
as a dozen eggs, and as much as six or seven
pints of nulk a day. When this form of
treatment is associated with plenty of walk
ing exercise in the open fur, a great iuereaso
of weight often takes place. "Tho greater
my experience becomes," writes Dr. Clous
toil, "I tend more to substitute milk for
stimulants. I don't undervalue tho latter la
suitable cases; but in the very acute eases,
both in depression und maniacal exaltation,
where tho disordered working of tho brIn
tends rapidly to exhaust tho strength, I rely
more and moro on milk and eggs mado into
liquid custards. One such case this year got
eight pints of mUk and sixteen eggs every
day for threo months, and under tis treat
ment recovered. I question whether he would
have done so under any other,
4'He was almost dead on admission, actually
delirious, absolutely sleepleis.and very nearly
pulseless. It was a hand to Land fight be.
tween the acute disease in, his biain and his
general vitality. If his stomach could not
have digested and his body assimilated
enough suitable nourishment, cr if he could
not havo been taken out freely into the cpen
air, ho mast hvre died. But today ho is. iul
filling tb duties of his rosiiio.i as we'd j; b.6
ever did in life. Ail acutrj m-tal ciioer.a,
lite most nervous diseases, teua to vhir-cess
of body, and tbereiiu-e all fexb., and all
ments that fatten, are good. To my assist?
ants, and nurses, aud patients I preach tk3
gospel of fatness as the great antidote to thg
exhausting tendencies of the disc-jso we have
to treat, aud it would be vell if all r-3pk ot
nervous constitution would obey this gospel."
Herald of Health.
Tho One Thins "Desirable.
TOev. Dr. Hautoa (after morning service)
Goad morning, my daar Mrs. De Twilling
hajn. We Lavo had rather, a small congre
gation this morning. -
lira. Da Twillir-'r?' Yn, Dr. IXautc-
-f ' - ' - ' ' -
The Plattsmouth Herald
Is enjoying a
Will be one during
nutioiiiil interest ami importance will be
strongly agitated and the election of a
President will take place. 1 lie people of
Cass County who would like to learn of
Political, Commercial
and Soeial Transactions
of this your and would keep apace with
tho times should
Koit kithkj: th k
Daily or eekly Herald.
Now while we have the subject before the
people we will venture to speak ot our
Which is first-class in all respects and
from which our job printers are turning
out much satisfactory work.
Boom in both, ito
which the subjects of