The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, July 31, 1888, Image 4

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Tne Evening Herald.
A. Salliiborjr, Deatlut, Rock wood Building,
Telephone So.
Dr. Ktffln, Office In Gcrlng't Droit Store, Bettl
itnet Cor. Sixth and Granite, Telephone So. 42.
Dm. Car A Smith, the Pal a If OentUts, I'nlon
Block, orer Citiienn' Bank, Plattaniouth.
The heat for the past three Jays has
been prickly.
A prominent citizen declares that the
future postoflice will be on the west half
of block 11, lot 24.
If you wish premium lists of the
State Fair, apply to R. B. Windham,
member of the State Board of Agriculture.
The reporter caa now pass through
the waiting room of the B. & M. depot
and safely dot down the names of all the
patient people as Omaha passengers with
a little variation.
Mr. Nathan, who has been in the dry
goods business here for several years, has
declared his intention of selling out and
moving to another city in which to trans
act business. They are now making
cheap sales and departing with their
goods at any price.
"Work has been commenced to remove
the telephone posts out to a sufficient dis
tance to allow the building of a twenty
foot side walk, the building of which is
soon to be commenced. About the time
the paving, sewer and sidewalk building
ia about half done, the city will remind
one of Pompeii.
The Omaha merchants would reap
rich harvest if they would law a mtor
line between here and Omaha and get it
in shape for carrying passengers. The
Plattsmouth business men would then be
obliged to move their place of business
to that city and they would probably sel
more goods to Plattsmouth customers.
Dr. Livingston, sr., who exammea
John McClelland, of Ashland, finding
him to be hopelessly insane, imparts the
information that he entertains faint hopes
of his surviving any great length of time
and he may not live longer than 3 weeks.
The man when asked his age yesterday,
claimed to be about nve hundred years
The ball game which was played
yesterday between the strikers and bach
elors terminated in favor of the strikers
by a score of 10 to 14. The only reason
we can state for the defeat of the bachel
ors wfta the non-appearance of any o
their lady admirers. If the latter club
had had that encouragement, we could
not entertain a doubt as to victory for
About twelve young people, provid
ed with fishing tackle, started about 10
o'clock for the fishing quaiter on the
Platte river, familiarly known as "The
Dump." The party is going under the
style of a leap year party and the young
ladies have promised to care for their
friends, assist them when fishing by ex
tractin" hooks from the mouths of the
fish, taking care of the fish, &e. Partic
ulars later.
Mack Jones who was examined by
the commissioners here a few days ago
nnd sent to the Lincoln insane asylum,
died in Lincoln yesterday. W. D. Jones
received the news of his death and start
ed immediately for that place, and
brought the corpse back this morning.
The funeral will take place this afternoon
from the residence of Douglas Jones at 4
o'clock. .The deceased had been sick for
some time, the insanity being caused by
softening of the brain. He is a cousin of
Mr. W. D Jones.
A prominent gentleman of this city
and an extensive grain dealer, whenever
the reporter asks for any news, he invari
ably insists that "it's a warm day," and
if he cannot be present on the streets him
self to impart the information, he leaves
the word with a friend to deliver. If
we considered it neccessary to publish
ucu news, to make.people believe it, it
would afford us great pleasure, but now
we prom'ue him to inform the people
through the paper of the first cold day
that comes if he will help us out. It's a
cold day when it isn't warm.
Last night the drum in the ears of
the music loving people was struck rath
er forcibly by the sounds of melody which
wafted on the cool and soothing mid
night air, as their possessors were build
ing air castles in the land of nod. The
first thoughts that presented themselves
upon awakening were: "What are those
sounds I hear? "What mcancth this?
Wonder if they mean that for me? Had
I better go t9 the window and give them
a clap of the hand? What do they ex
pect me to do if they are thinking of me?
I have nothing in the house to give them."
By that time the mechanics of the staff
have completed their invigorating efforts.
The ladies and gentlemen we have refer
ence to were on the streets last nigfkt un
til a late hour, serenading their friends
and favoring all within a hundred y
of their different locations, witn m
which they were capable of rendeiing.
chalf of their friends we thank them for
their effort and request them to call on
ri ci th!r rtit t--?tl t?ur.
us raw I
We acknowledge the receipt of a
ticket to the Omaha Fair and Exposition
to be held at Omaha Sept. 3rd to 8th in
clusive. Dr. Schildknccht removed a needle
from the heel of Max Chapman, son Of
Judge Chapman, this morning. The
needle was driven Into his heel full
length which caused him intense agony.
Miss Etta Schildknccht, of Green
wood, daughter of Dr. Schildknccht, re
turned home yesterday with her mother
who went to Greenwood to accompany
her. She is suffering from very poor
health at present and is here under treat
ment of her father. "
Almost every day of late some for
eigu lady has arrived at our depot and
been unable, without considerable
trouble, to ascertain the whereabouts
of their friends. This morning a Danish
lady by the name of Maryanna Stienholtz
and four little children arrived. From
what was understood she inquired for
her husband. Some men who heard her
speak the name say that there is a man
working in the shops by that name. She
looked very much fatigued and imparted
the information in a way that she had
been on the road six weeks.
A prominent citizen of this place and
an acurate mathematican met with what
Bome'people would term a misfortune ow
ingjto a miscalculation. The gentleman we
have reference to got his rig in readiness
and drove to the campmeeting which
was held at Eight Mile Grove last Sun
day. On their return the nag exhibited
signs of a thirsty disposition and the
gentleman took advantage of the first op
portunity to water his horse. He drove
up to a farm house by which there was a
well and pulled up a bucket of water.
The lady of the house informed him that
they were not in the habit of U6ing that
water for watering their horses, and re
quested him, if he wished to water his
horse on their premises to take the buck
et of water he had drawn, go to a pump
about a hundred yards distant where they
generally watered there horses, and prime
the pump with the water he had drawn
It is needless to say the gentleman was
afforded a little displeasure on account
of this, but nevertheless he lugged his
burden of bucket and water to said
pump and gracefully, but not willingly
turned the water into it and pumped the
same amount again for his horse. If he
had gone through the motions and left
the water on the outside it might have
suited him much better. He has notjyet
recovered from the burden of disatisfac
tion of having complied with the whims
of an obstinate woman.
M. If. C Mercer is in Omaha today on
Mr. J. G. Richey is in Omaha today on
Mr. S. F. Thomas went to Omaha this
Mr. W. J. Agnew took a trip to Ash
land last night.
Mr. Wm. Neville returned from Oma
ha this morning.
Mr. O. M. Btrej'glit took a trip to South
Bend last night.
Mr. J. G. Richey was a passenger to
Omaha this morning.
Mr. Ed Ripple, of Louisville, arrived
in the city this morning.
Mr. Jas. Patterson, sr., left for Lincoln
this morning on business.
Mis IJattle Latham was a Omaha pas
senger to Omaha this corning.
Mr. Clam Brekenfeld left for Wabash
this morning, where he will spend a few
Mrs. Elizabeth Owens left for Lincoln,
where she will spend a few days with
Mr. Will Fenner, of Indianola, Iowa,
was in the city yesterday visiting rela
tives. lie returned this morning.
Mr. J. E. Leyda and wife, of Weeping
Water, were in the city over Sunday, on
a visit to his brother, J. M. Leyda.
Rev. W. B. Alexander and brother,
D. R. Alexander, who has been visiting
in the city for some time, left for Omaha
this morning.
Mrs. W. II. Thomason, feister of Mrs.
Dr. Marshal), who has leen in the city
for some time on a viii o her relatiyes,
returned to her home at Chariton, Iowa,
this morning.
Messrs. E. D, Einscl, cashier of the
Holdrege Commercial State Bank, and
G. Xorbery, two prominent citizens of
Holdrege and also prominent politicians,
honored us by a pleasant call today. Mr.
Einscl will be a candidate for the nomi
nation of the office of state treasurer.
An Interesting Confab.
Member of Young Men's Democratic
Club o President. "Say, we have got
to do something; the republicans are
making it hot all ove the county, and we
as a club, ought to be doing some work,"
President "I am nnd have been trying
to stir the boys up but I can't get enough
together to answer aye at roll call."
Tableau "Hush !" From two or three
mocrats present.
Iverything necessary for furnishing a
hoc-s can bs p-rc1 ?i tt EL f
Composed by C W. Creen on the
Death of Kindred Neighbors.
Written forTiiK Hkbal.
How sad and believed, our earthly condition.
When loved wnes are called to sever their
mission :
We miss them by day. we mim them by night.
And vainly would auk their return with delight.
Hut to ub In the flesh they never can come.
For t!od In It 1 at wisdom has prepared us a wel
come. Our kinared to Kreet in a mansion above.
Where angcla in company all ruptures their
While sad to reflect in the flesh here below.
Let ua remember to the loved ones we may ro
And greet them In heaven in garments of whl,
Happy with Lulu, Manerva. in realms of lhjbt.
How reetlens and rambling o'er thoughts every
Reminding us ever of duty we transit to clay :
Tib oft by Minfortune we are called to reflect
To stop our eareer of wilful neglect.
But few months ago, all pictures of health.
More valuable to man than coffers of wealth.
Located as neighbors, on the street of little
All at their homes, affectionate Stars.
Families once happy, by reason of good health.
Till old Father Time, as seeking by etealth
Brought to the home of Lulu May Ureen
The Angel of Death, that changed the home
Later a few days. In answer to prayer
One waiting acd watching, her summons with
In anthems of praise, though pain was severe
She left the impress, of a Christian career.
Next in the home, a family of three.
Husband and wife, the mother and daughter ;
The wife Christian in spirit, an example was
To wait on the sick, good deeds did she minis
ter. (Sod has taken her away, from labor to rest
With Jesus in Heaven, she is now with the
In the hearts of her friends, who linger behind
Will credit to iter life, her acts that were kind.
Let us take comfort, in reading the bible,
I he will of the Lord, is to be his deciple.
Let the of our life, into darkness so snlne
When the summons may ready in line.
Un into glory we ll pass in review.
Dressed in the garment, by Jesus made new,
Fcrever to reign, with the oeoDle of God
Shall be our happy lot, when released from the
Take courage my brother, 'tis vain to be sad.
We shortlv shall go, to the home that makes
That we Khali be numbered, witli thousands on
Hedemtiou to sing, resundmg through skv.
l'laitsmouth July 30, '88,
A man can furnish his house more com-a
pletely from the furniture store of II.
Boeck than at any place in town.
"New Letter of Jnuius."
During the war of 1ST0 there was published
anonymously a brochure called "A New Let
ter o! Junius," the author of which was M.
Alexandre Dumas, Jr., which contained till
remarkable prophecy concerning the then
crown prince of Germany: "And when
Prince Fritz shall wish to resist the current,
and shall say, 'But I, Lord, have always
loved peace,' tho Lord shall answer him, say
ing, 'I have declared equally guilty those
who do evil and those who permit it to be
done in their sight. I have made thee hand
some and good, not solely that thou mightest
make reparation for the paternal crimes, but
that thou mightest prevent them. Thy pun
ishment shall be to die without having done
good.' " Figaro.
A Product for Bnildlns Paper.
Resin, as used in building paper, is being
largely replaced by a petroleum product
called "still wax," or wax tailings. An im
portant advantage in the usa of this petro
leum product, in connection with paper and
fibrous subbtances, consists In its non-liability
to oxidizo and'tLfS produce spontaneous
combustion. Moreover, it ssaid to toughen
with age, instead of growing"T2ot brittle.
luce resin and coal tar pitch. It is not mora
combustible than resin ; it burns slowly with
a dull flame, producing immense quantities
of lampblack or tine quality. It melts rap
idly at 200 degs. fahr., and in that state
combines perfectly with resin, asphajtum
and warm oiL Its use is therefore expected
to increase largely. Frank Leslie s.
Everything Klse Settled.
"So you have my daughter's permission to
ask me for her hand, have you, young man?"
"I I am happy to say, sir, that I have,
replied tbs poor but worthy youth.
"And I suppose," said the banker, after a
pause, "you have also asked her to name the
day. About what time, sir, do you expect to
break into the family V Chicago Tribune.
Fair Maidens of Circassia.
I met but few women of the pare Cir
cassian race iq (be Balkan peninsula, as
these people have been removed over into
Asia Minor and colonized on land there,
The days are gone by when Circassian girls
are openly sold into slavery to the Turks,
although, like many another thing in Turkey
that he law professes not to recognize, the
practice is by no means stopped.
A few years ago the Circassians sold their
daughters and sisters to the highest bidder,
with the same cold blooded bargaining that
might characterize the sale of a horse. The
more lovely the girl the higher the price.
Far from objecting to this commercial trans
action, the Circassian girls' lamentations
were loud and long when they learned that
their chances of being bought and carted oil
to Stamboul were lessened by the edict of
the porta making their purchase illegal. This
transfer from their uneventful village life to
some gilded harem at the capital was the
goal of their ambition. But after all it is
hardly necessary to use the past tense in
treating of the Circassian giil. If she is
beautiful she is as certain to drift to Stam
boul nowadays as she ever was; her fathers
and brothers are just as unscrupulous, she is
just as willing, and the law is practically a
dead letter. Thomas Stevens in Woman.
Xir 6tyle of BarometeA
A new idea, and an excellent one. There
Is some talk of making a new styla of barom
eter out of ground hog fat. That would open
a new Industry in ground hogs and give em
ployment to some otherwise worthless human
beings. Let us have th new barometer.
Detroit Free Press."
One evidence of vulgarity is the strain
ing of every nerve to keep up appearances.
The Oxford English dictionary shows phnt
there are 15,000 words in current use begin
ning with the letters A and B.
I shut the door and I am now alone
Alone with that El ill form upon tn bed,
1 draw the curtains back, but make no moan
As I look down on my beloved dead.
Uine now. O, surely I may cell thee sol
Now that the fret of life for thee is o'er.
Quiet and cold thou licst ther so low,
. Aqd thou wilt speak to me no more, no more.
For the last time I como to look on thee,
To 6tamp upon my aching heart thy charms,
And aa a memory to take with me.
Hold thy dead form once more within my anna
One last Jong kiss upon thy lipm I lay;
Mar angels speed thee to a brighter clime.
Farewell forever. Now J turn away
O sweet, dead tore! tula to the last, W ttm.
. --V --- -
There is not one thing that puts a man
or woman at such disadvantage before
the world as a vitiated state of the blood
Your ambition is gone.
Your courage has failed.
Your vitality has left you.
Your languid step and listless ac
tions show that you need a powerful in
yigorator, one bottle of lcggs' Blood
Purifier and Blood Maker will put new
life in a worn out system, and if it docs
not it will cost you nothing. O. P. Smith
& Co., Druggists.
Ladies, Attention !
Kecamier Toilet Preparations which
include Cream, Balm, 3Ioth and Freckle
Lotion, Powder and Toilet Soap, are sold
only by Gering & Co., and recommended
by the following society ladies : Mcs
dames Adclina Patti-Nicolini, James
Brown Potter, Lillie Langtry,
Bernhardt, Helena Modjcska,
Eavenport, Clara Louise Kellogg and
one hundred others. tf.
O. P.
Smith Sl Co 's List of Things
Funny to See.
A fly light on their fly-paper and then
set off.
A customer get Wall Paper cheaper
than at O. P. Smith & Co. 'p. .
A farmer buy Oil cheaper than at O
P. Smith & Co.'s.
One of the fat base ball players suffer
any torture as long as O. P. Smith & Co.
has the large stoc k of Liniments and St.
Jacobs Oil they have.
Furniture for Sale-
A fine lot of household furniture can
be purchased at a moderate price, also a
fine residence can be rented which is in
a convenient location for parties wishing
to keep boarders. There are several
large rooms in the house which would
find ready tenants. For information ap
ply at this office. lOjl.
To Builders.
Bids will be received tor building a
school house in South Park until Mon
day 12 o'clock, August G, 1888.
Plans and specifications can be seen at
Bennett & Tutt's. The right is resumed
to reject any nnd all bids.
tf Wm. Hayes, Secretary,
Board of Education.
For Sale
Household furniture for sale, consist
ing of kitchen, dining room, parlor and
bed room furniture, also bedding, in fact
everything necessary in keeping house.
Enquire of W. W. Cole. tf.
For Sale.
One Grand Square Checkering Piano,
almost new, and in good condition. In
strument can be seen at our store.
Solomon & Nathan.
When your skin is yellow.
When your skin is dark and greasy.
When your skin is rough and course
When your skin is inflamed and red.
When your skin is full of blotches.
When your skin is full of pimples you
need a good blood medicine that can be
relied upon. Beccs' Blood Purifier and
Blood Maker is warranted as a positive
cure for all of the above, so you cannot
possibly run any risk when you get a bot
tle of this wonderful medicine. For sale
by O. P. Smith & Co.
I wish to notify all those who knew
themselves indebted to me, th-.t unless
their accounts with me are settled by
September 15, 1888, they will be placed
in the hands of a collector, who will col
lect the same. Respectfully,
dl4t TnEO. P. Livingston, M. D.
Will J. Warrick has the best and larg
est stock of wall paper in the city, their
styles are new and fresh and no job lots of
last year's designs or bankrupt stock to
run off, if you want the latest and best
assortment of new goods see Warrick's
stock, dwlw
Colic, Diarrhoea and Summer com
plaints are dangerous at this season of
the year and the only way to guard
against these diseases is to have constant
ly on hand a bottle of some reliable rem
fdy. Beggs' Diarrhoea Balsam is a POS
ITIVE RELIEF in all these disagreeabh
cases and is pleasant to take. It will
cost you only 35 cents. O. P.- Smith &
Co., Druggists,
Light snmmer shoes for your little
girls, 25 cents only, at Merges".
A complete line of campaign badges,
handkerchiefs and hats at Doonelly's. tf
The fare has been put down on the ferry
boat (Katie Pease) to 1.00 for round
trip for two horses and driyer. Buy
your hay from the other side of the river.
13j lm Peterson & Co.
Men's canvass sliocs at Merges', only
85 cents, everything cheap. tf.
Wanted A good girl wanted in small
family. Enquire at this office or at the
corner of Sixth and Granite streets.
Your choice of a necktie for only 25
cents at Donnelly's.
Child's high sandals, only 25 cents a
pair, at Merges'.
Sherwin & Williams' mixed paints, the
best in the market, at Fricke & Co's. drug
store. 8-tf.
I sell shoes cheaper than anvbodv.
Call nrl be convinced, no trouble to
show goods. tf. Petek Merges.
II. Boeck's furniture stock is acknowl
edged to be the finest and most complete
in the city.
Plenty of feed, flour, graham
meal at Heisel's mill, tf
The cheapest shoe3 at Merges . tf.
The finest bedroom sets can W found
at IL Bpeck'a,
ial Mil
0ir Uoiablo TTold Cashmcro, 27 inchec
wide, reduced tliis wools to 15 cts, a yrcl.
Our Doublo 3Told Beiges 27 inclios wido
reduced this week to 15 cents o. yard. vi
Our Double Fold All Wool Newton
Suitings, 27 inches wide, this wools only
27 1-2 cents.
38 Inch All Wool Bromley Suitings
in Solid Colors and Misturos, worth. GO
cents a yard, reduced to 39.
-iO Inch All Wocl Albatross worth. G5
cents, reduced to 50.
-iO Inch All Wool Serges worth G5 eta
a yard, reduced tc 50.
Remnants of Bress Goods at about
One Half their 2leguar Value.
Satine B.obes in Blach, XTavy, Ssal,
Cream, with handsome Braided Banols,
B.educed to 5.
AT 12 1-2 cts. A YARD. OUR PRICE THIS WEEK 8 I -3c.
Closing Q
Saturday and
We desire to cl:ie out our entire stock ot
Parasols, Fans and Millinery' Goods,
At once ami we will pa' particular atten
tion to the entire disposal ot alove lines
on the days indicated. The ahove jood.s
will be old at half iirice. Do not delay.
do not be deceived by reports of
being merely tor advertising, our store
will positively be
0SG( S
All goods sold for cash only, daily special
sales in different departments.
Watch the - Daily - Sales !
Slain fltreet.
Iu lire Gils
- cLt Sale I