The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, July 31, 1888, Image 2
THE DAILY 11EUALD: PL ATI'S too u rxi, wiSiiKASKA, TUESDAY, JULY 31. 1SS8. The Plattsroouth Daily Herald. KKTOTTS BBOS. Publishers & Proprietors. THE rLATTSMOUTII I1EKALD I published every evening except Sunday Hid Weekly every Thursday morning. lteKh tered at the postofllce, I'lattfiiioutU. Nebr.. t iieMnd-chis matter. Olllee corner ol Vine ana Klitti rtreels. TKNM FOR UAILV. One eopy one ear In advance, by mall $5 x One ciiy e r mouth, by carrier. M One copy er week, ly earrier TKRMS rOK WKKKLV. One copy oue year, in advance. .$1 TA 75 Une copy all luonm.. In advance... NATIONAL REPUBLICAN TICKET. KOK J'KKSIUKNT, . liKXJAMLV IIAKKISONr, of Indiana. for v;ck PKESIPKNT, LEVI I. MORTON, of New York. Daily delegations from surrounding states and localities wait on Gen. Harrison who receives all and who has already become famous for the brilliant and ver satile qualities of the muny short, iia jtrointu, addresses he has already made. That made to a delegation of miners on the 2fith inst. contains more statesman ship and more loyalty to American inter cuts than U rover Cleveland is capable of comprehending were he to live a century. Presenting the delegation of some SHOO cod miners trom Clay county, a miner Gained Edward Wilson, said: The miners have come here to take a hand in procuring the bread and butter mentioned by our chairman. Free trade will bring us low wages and a very strong smell in the butter. We did not leave the shores of the old country to be bossed in this land by foreigners. We believe iii America for Americans. Those who want a foreign policy ought to go abroad to live. The highest wages for miners in Southern England is (52 12 cents, and the highest wages in England for mining is $1 a day, aud half of this goes for bread. We can make as much in Ameri ca in one day as in two ia the old coun try. Let us vote to make a demand for our commodity labor. We intend to vote this time for our wives and children. We are going to take a hand in this fight." Robert Lee McCowan, a colored man. of Knightsville, also made remarks ex pressive of the esteem in which General Harrison is held in Clay county. Gener al Harrison said in reply: Gentlemen, and friends from Clay county: I thank you for this enthusiastic demonstration of your interest. I am glad to be assured by those who have spoken for you today that you have brought here and desire to evidence some personal respect for me. This demonstra tion has relation, I am sure, rather to principles than to men. You come here as representatives of the diversified inter ests of your country. You are fortunate in already possessing diversified indus tries. You have not only agriculture, but the mine and factory, which provide home markets for the products of your farms. You come, as I understand, from all these pursuits to declare that in your opinion your interests as farmers, as min ers. a3 mechanics, as tradesmen, are iden tified with the maintenance of the doc trine, of protection to American indusries, and the preservation of the American market for American products. (Cheers.) Some resort to statistics to show that the condition of the American workman is lctter than that of workmen of any other -uuntry. I do not care to deal now with statistics. One fact is enough for me. The tide of immigration from all Euro jean countries has been and is toward iur shores. The gates of Castle Garden rwirj-j inward. They do not swing out ward to any American laborer seeking a lietter country than this. (Cries of "Never.") My countrymen, these men, who have toiled at arages in other lands that barely sustained life, and opened no ayenue 01 promise to them or their children, know the good land of hope as well as the swallow knows the laud of summer. (Applause.) They testify that here then Are better conditions, wider and more liopoful prospects for workmen than in Any other land. The next suggestion I have to make is this: That the more work there is to do in this country, the higher the wagis that will be paid for doing it. (Applause.) I peak to men who know that when the product of their toil is in demand in the market, when buyers are seeking it, wages advance with the demand, but when the market for your product is de pressed and the manufacturer is begging for buyers, then the wages go down. I it not clear then that that policy which secures the largest amount of work to be dose it home is the policy which will secure to our laboring men steady em ployment and the best wages. (Cheer? and cries of "that s right.") A policy which will transfer work from mines and our factories to foreign mines fc.nd foreign factories inevitably tends to the ciepres ion of wages here. (Applause.) These are truths that do not need pro found study. Having here a land that throws about the working man social and political conditions more favorable than are found elsewhere, if we eu pre serve also more fayorable industrial con ditions we shall secure the highest inter ests of our working classes. (Great r.heer ing.) What, after all, is the besttyidence ofa national prosperity and best guaran tee of social order if It is not an intelli gent, thrifty, contented workijg class? Can we look for contentment if the work man is onfy able to supply his daily nec essities by his daily toil, lut is not able in the vigor of his youth t lay up a store ngiinst old age? A condition of thlng9 that compels the laborer to contemplate jyant as an incident of sickness or disa bility is one that tends to social disorder. (Applause aud cries of "That's so.") You I are called upon now to consider these problems. I will not debate them in de tail. Others will. I can only commend them to your thoughtful consideration. Think upon them; conclude for yourseves what policy as to our tariff legislation will best subserve your interests, the in terests of your families, and the greatness and glory of the nation of which you are citizens. (Cheers.) My colored friends who are here today, the emancipation of the slaye removed from our country that which tended to degrade labor. Men are now all free. You are thrown upon your own resources. The avenues of intelligence and of busi ness success are open to all. I notice that the party to which we belong has been recently reproached by the sugges tion that we have not thoroughly pro tected the colored man in the south. This has been urged as a reason why the colored people should join the democrat ic party. I beg the gentlemen who urge that plea to answer this question: Against whom is it that the republican party has been unable, as you say, to protect your rneei (Applause and cries of "Good," "Good.") Thanking you again for this demonstration and your friendly expres sions, I will, if it be your pleasure, drop this formal method of communication, and take my Clay county friends by the hands. (Great cheering.) This short, terse, trenchant, view of the situation by Mr. Harrison should be placed in the hands of every working man in America. How well it reads along side of one of Grover Cleveland's plagerisms? "SHOCKING." The newst industrial "craze" is "smock ing." Now "smocking" is a revival. Years ago our grandmothers "smocked" or "honey-combed" their best bedspreads and towels. Now it is being used con siderably for tri.iiBiii)2 dresses. It is very ornamental; the pattern is usually a diamond-shaped design, and it is said the knack once acquired, the work is easy and rapid. Curious it is how fashions reassert themselves in all branches. Take a errouo of ladies, chatting over their morninsr fancv-work. The needle of one speeds over a band of smocking-work; another clicks a bewildering number of long, steel needles, roundiq the toe of a silk stocking, and another crochcia s quaiut coin purse, just a3 did the dames a century ago. Adjust Table Talk. .To racing for Iler Cats. The spectacle of a handsome woman in au unmistakable "Worth gown plucking grass out of a Fifth avenue dooryard would, I am certain, Lava attracted the attention of au even loss curious person than myself. The fact that I was well acquainted with tba charming wearer of the gown and had never known her ti bo adieted to excesses of lunacy added to the Interest her act inspired in me. Her explanation was simple enough, however. She was foraging for her cats. Pussy, it seems, has a gastronomic fondness for grass second only to that which she th: ishes for catnip. She devours grass, my fair friend avers, as a tonic, and a eat well dosed with grass will, she states, preserve its good condition against all tho ills that felinity is heir to. Having two cats in her family, my gentle informant should certainly be an authority. Khe goes to the trouble of carrying a hand ful of grass home every day to her pets to nibble on, and they do it justice, she says, as a properly constituted Frenchman would render its due to the most succulent salad. They get the grass as a regulaF diet, and cat nip as an occasional reviver at this season, but in winter time have to worry along on catnip alone. An additional and curious item, cc cording to my enlighteuer, is that a fairly well bred cat infinitely prefers the dried cat nip one buys at the druggist's to the leaves fresh from the field. lussy will roll herself on the fresh leaves, and perhaps nibble them just a little. She will roll on the dried cat nip, too, and then devour it to the last crumb and then stagger away to sleep oit her ,da bauch in a quiet corner, like any experienced rounder that travels on two legs. Alfred Trumble in New York News. Press Censorship in Russia. The drastic censorship of the press in Rus sia is a curious study for Americans. We have most of us seeu Jbissiaii newspapers with whole columns blurred oui by fbe cen sor. Carlisle's histories of "Frederick thw Great" and the "French Revolution" have only just been admitted to circulation. The queerest thing is to take the French and Russian editions of Rambaud's "History of Russia" (London, 1879), and compare them, No one would recognize them as tho sarno work. But, then, as tho celebrated Olga NovikofI once said to the present writer: "You know our peasants are not allowed to know that Peter III was murdered by the Empress Catharine." The whole thing was contained in that sentence. Belford's Maga zine. Italy's New Criminal Code. The new criminal code of Italy, just pro mulgated, abolishes the death penalty for murder or any serious crime. It' substitute therefor imprisonment for life. Tho first ten years is to be in solitary confinement at hard labor. At the end of that period, if the convict has conducted himself well, he can thereafter 'work among his associate con victs, but is still condemned to remain silent. For continued good behavior he is to bo re warded by permission to 6)eak .occasionally. In case of dueling the court has first to mine whether all laws of honor have been complied with, and then the penalty is six months' imprisonment for mere fighting. For death, vo years' imprisonment; seconds in the first case to have three months, in the second case two months and a half. New Orleans Times-Democrat. Male Versus Female Journalist. When a male writer begins to rust out he takes to ink. What does a woman do? Can any oue tell me? So far as memory aids me, it seems to mo that womeu jLlq work hard at literature die while working, unJe&s th7 piarry young and give up their work. They get tired to death and then lie down aud die, but they never becoma the wrecks men da By the way, it has just occurred to me that sampling liquids is not confined to broken riowu ioiirnalists. for it ia the failiucr of eHvmany a brilliant, bard working writer. Per c" I Tups the sampling superinduces rer-t But brlUiant women do not indulge in such ex- eesstU I'ernaps that is the reason I bey uio la harness. Marie FJaaeke in The Journalist. REPUBLICAN PLATFORM. Tim renuiilicans of the United States, assem bled by their delipates In national convention, online on the threshold of their proceedings t honor the memory of their ilrst great leader and immortal champion of liberty and the rights of the people, Aliranam i.incoin, nu m cover also with wreaths of imperishable re membrance and gratitude the heroic names of our later leaders wno have been more recently called awav from our councils. Irani. tlarlleld, Arthur, Logan and Conkling. May their mem ories be faithfully cherished. We also recall with our greeting and prayer for his recoveiy the name of one of our living heroes whose memory will be treasured in the blstory both of republicans aud of the republic. The name l that of the noble soldier aud favorite child of victory, Philip H. Sheridan. lu the eplrit of those great leaders and of our devotion t h an liberty, and with that hos tility to ail forms of despotism at.d oppression which is the fundamental idea of the republi can party, we send fraternal congratulations to our fellow Americans of P.razil upon their great act of emancipation which completed the abolition of slavery throuliout the two American continents. We earnestly hope we may soon congratulate our fellow citizens of Irifli birth upon the peaceful recoveiy of home rule for Ireland. WK JtFKlHM OI7R tiNSWKBVIKIJ PKVOTION to the national constitution aud to the indis soluble union of states to the HiitooEiny re served to the states under the constitution, to the personal rights and liberties of citizens in all states and territories in the union and es pecially to the supreme ami sovereign right of every citizen, ricb or poor, native or foreign born, white or black, to cat one free ballot in the public elections ami to have that ballot duly counted. We hold a free and honest pop ular ballot aud just and equal representation of all pe ople t be the foundation of our re publican government and demand effective legislation to secure the integrity and purity of elections which are the fouutauis of all pub lic authority. We charge that the present ad ministration asd the democratic majority in congress owe their existence to the suppression of the ballot by the criminal liiillitieat'oii of the constitution and laws of the United States, We are uucroinproinisingly in favor of the American system or protection. VS e protest againut t)ie destruction proposed by the prel dent and Impart. They serve the inteies of Kurope WRWM.L SCPPOltT INTKKFSTS Oir AitEHJCA. We accept the issue, and confidently appeal to the people for their judgment. The protective system must be maintained. Its abandonment has always been followed by general disaster to all intorps's except those of the unsurer and sheiiil'. We denounce the Mills' bill s destructive to general business, labor, and i lie farming inter ests of the country, and we heartily endorse the consistent and patriotic action of the re publican rwprcseu tali yes in congress in oppos ing Its passage. We coodefun the proposition of the democratic party to place wool on the free list and Insist, that Hie duties thereon sha'l be adjusted aud maintained so as to fur nish full aud adequate protection to that in outry. , , The republican party would effect all needed reduction of the i.ational revenue by repealing the taxes on tobacco, which are an arrogance ana bun'en to agriculture, aud the tax upon spirits lis'ert n Li2 ar! and for mechanical pur poses, and by such revision tJ:s tariff laws as will tend to check imports o: such' aiin iej iic a-e produced by our people, the production of which gives employment to our labor, and re lease from import duties these articles of for eign production, except luxuries, the like of whif-h capnot t. produced at home, there i hall still remain a larger revenue tnan Is rcouisito for The want of government, of internal taies rather than surrender any part of oiir i rotep tivesvstein at the joint benst of the whisky ring and agents "of foreign inanufuetiu'era. AGAINST rAlI'BR AND LABOR TRUST S. We declare hostility to the h. traduction Into thij country of foreign contract labor and of Chinese ia.r p.'Mn to our civilization and our constitution, an'd we dviiiiu:t the ngi 1 enforce ment of existing laws agaln.t it and tor ?'.!"h immediate legislation as will exclude such la bor from our shores. We declare our opposition to all combii.a tiohs of va;;' organized In trusts or other wise to control iiviiv:-.;r5y the condition of ti nif 'iir.mtL' oiir citizens and we ieconi"iend to congress and the state legislatures in their respective jurisdictions such legislation as will prevent the execution of all schemes to oppress the pecpte oy purine charges on their supplies or by unjust rates ror tje transportation of their products to market. '' we approve legislation by coogrifsj to pre vent alike unjust burdens jmd unfair discriin ination between states. rUKLIO LAND LEGISLATION'. We reaffirm the policy of appropriating the public lands of the Ubited States to be home steads for American citizens and settlers not aliens, which the republican party established in against the opposition of the democrats urc.ongjvss, --hioh has brought, our great western diln:iin ifit j liiaiciwilfent Ie velopcnient. The restoration of unearned Ian J grants to he public domain for the use of ac tual settlers, which was begun under the ad ministration of f resident Arthur should be continued. We deny that the democratic party lias ever restored one acre to the people, but declare that by the joint action of republicahs ail- democrats about, fifty million acres of un earned laiidjj, ori:inally granted for the con struction of railroads, ;aye been restored to the public domain in pursuance of conditions inserted by the republican party in the oiinin al grants. We charge t- e democratic adminis tration with lailure to execute laws securing to settlers title to theii homesteads and with us ing appropriations made for that purpose to harrass innocent settlers with spies and prose cutions under the. false pretense of exposing frauds and vindicating the la-. AD5IISSJON Of TF.HH1TOJUK3, The government by congress of the territor ies is based upoH necessity only to the end that they may become states in the union : there fore, whenever the conditions of population, material resources, public intelligence and morality are such as to insure stable local gov ernment therein the people of such territories should be permitted, a right inherent in them, to form X.r themselves constitutions and state governpitiits jhd b.? ad nitted into the union. Pending preparation fjj'r statehood all ojlieers thereof should be selectej rom k'ona' jjde residents and citizens of the territory w herein they are to serve. Mouth Dakota should of right be immediately admitted ,l state in the union under the constitution framed and adopted by her people, and we heartily en dorse the HCtion of the lepublican senate iu twice passing bills for her admission. 0 lie re fusal of the democratic house of representa tives, ior partisan purpese, to favorably con sider tuse bills is a willful violation of the sai red American i'-'uc'itle of local self-government, and merits I lie condemnation of all just men. 'the pending bills in t lie senate foy acts to enable the ueople of Wishiugtdn, North Dakota and iMoiitanna territories to form con stitution aud establish state governments should be passed without unneces-ary del; y. '1 lie republican party pledges inself to do all m its power lo facilitate the admjwsion of the ter ritories of New Mexico. Wyoming. Idaho and Arizona to the enjoyment of self-government as states. Such of them as are now qualified as soon as possible, and others as soon as they may become so. TUB SIOIIMO QUESTION. The political power of the Mormon church in the teriitories sis exercised la the past is a menauce to free institutions too dangerous to be long suffeied. Therefore ve pledge the re publican party to appropriate legislation, assertiog the sovereignty of the nation in all the territories where the same is questioned, and in firtteraiice of that end to place upon the statute' hook' legislation stringent enough lo divorce political froto ecjlesiatit-al power, aud thus stamp out the attendant wickedness of polygamy. The republican party is in favor of the use of hot li gold and silver as money, and con demns the policy of the democratic adminis tration m its efforts to demonetize silver. We demand the reduction of letter postage to l c-iit per ounce. Iri a republic like ours, where the citizens Is the s'oveitfKii official the servant, where no power Is'ex'er'oised yscpt by the wbl of the people. It is important that tiie oyer eign reople should possess intelligence. The free school is the promoter of that intelligence wh ich is to preserve us a free nation. T here- fore, the state or nation, or both coubined. should support free institutions of learning uMebint to nfford to every child growing up pi the lana tiie opport unity of a good common school education, OUR MHKCHAKT M AltINK, We earnestly recommend that prompt action be taken in cor.piess iu the ex act men t of such legislation as will best secure the rehabilita tion of our American merchant marine, and we protest ngniust the passage by concress of a lree ip bill as calculated to work injustice to labor by lessening the wages of those en gaged in preparing materials as -ell as those directly employed In our shipyards. We oe inand appropriation" for the early rebuilding of our navy, for the construction of cast fortiuratiotis mid modern ordinance and other approved modem niea-s of defense for the protection of our . defenseless harbors and cities, for the payment of just persions to our soldiers, for nec"s;iry w iks of Datioral im portlle', in the improvement of the harbors aud ehanrels cf iutemal, coastwiser and foieigti commerce, for the encouragement of the shipping interests of the Atlantic. Coif and t'acillc states as well as for the payment of the maturing public debt. This policy will give employment to our labor, activity to our various industries. Increased', security to our country, promote trade, open new and dliert markets for our products and cheap n the cost of transportation. We hlllrm this to be far better for our country than tiie democratic policy of loaning the government's money without Interest to "pet banks." for re i delations.' The conduct of foreign affairs by the ptesent administration has been distinguished by inef ficiency and cowardice. Having withdrawn from the senate nil pending tieaiies effected by republican administrations for the removal of foreign burdens and restrictions upon our commeice and for its extension into a better market, it has neither affected nor proposed any others In their stead. Professing adher ence to the Monroe doctrir e. It has seen with idle complacency the extension of foreign in -ttuence In Central America and of foreign trade everywhere amouj; our neighbors. It has re fused to charter, sanction or encourage any American organizytion for constructing the Nicaragua canal, a work of vtal importance to the maintenance of the Monroe doctrine and of our national influence in Central and S uth America, and nccessaiy fo- the development of trade with our Haciiic territory, with South America, and with the further coasts of the Pacific Ocean. FISHERIES QUESTION. We arraign the present democratic adminis tration for its weak and unpatriotic trealment of the fisheries question, and its pusillanimous surrender of all privileges to which our fishery vessels are entitled in Canadian ports under the treaty of lss, the reciprocate marin tine legislation of ltco and comity of nations, and which Canadian fishing vessels receive in the ports of the I'nitcd States. We con Jenin the policy or the present administration ami the democratic majority in congress towards our linheries us unfriendly and eonspieiously unpatriotic and as tending to destroy a valuable national iudustry and an ludispensible resource of defense against f. reign enemy. The name of A merican applies alike to sill cilizens of the rep:ibll and imposes upon men alike the same obligation of obedience to the laws. At the same time citizenship is and must be the panoply and safeguard of him w ho weais it, should shield aud protect him whether high or low, rich or poor, in all his civil rights. It should and must afford htm protection at home and follow and protect him abroad in whatever land he may be on a lawful errand. CIVIL SERVICE BHKOBH. The men who abandoned the republican par ty in lssi and continue to adhere to the demo cratic party have deserted not only the cause of honest government, but of sound finance, of freedom , and purity of the ballot, but espec ially have deserted lie cau?e of reform in the civil service. We will not tall to keep our pledges because tt ey have broken theirs, or because their candidate has broken his. We therefore repeat our declaration of 1SS4, towit : The reforni of civil service auspiciously begun under republican administration should be completed oy afurther extension of th reform system already established by law to all grades of the service to which it is applied. The spir it aud purpose of reform should be observed iu all executive appointments, and all laws at varietice with the object of existing reforni leg islation should be repealed, and that the dan gers to free institutions which lurk in the pow er "f official palrpuase may be wisely and ef fectively avoided. The gratitude of the nation to the defenders of the union cannot be 'assured except bv laws. The legislation of congress should conform to the pledges made by a loyal people, and be so enlaigi'd'and exteuded as to prov'de against tli? possibility that any man who honorably wore tiie federal uniform shatl become an in mate of an almshouse or dependent on i rivate charity. In the presence of an overflowing treasury it would b a public scandal to do less for those whose valorous service preserved the government. We denounce the hostile spirit shown by President Cleveland in his numerous vetoes of measures for pension relief, and the :i"tion of the democratic house of representa tives In reiusidtf evt it consideration of general pension legislation. ' In support of the principles herewith enun ciated, we invite the co-operation of patriotic men of all parties, f specially of all working mpn whose prosperity is seriously threatened by the tree fradp policy of the present administration. Republican State Convention. rrhe republican electors of the state of Nebraska are requested to send delegates from their several counties to meet in convention at the city of Lincoln Thurs day, August 23, 1888, at 2 o'clock p. in., for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates for the following state offices. G overact, Lieutenant Governor. Secretary of State. State Treasurer. Auditor of Public Accounts. Attorney General. Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings. And the transaction of such other busi ness as may come before the convention. Til E APPORTIONMENT. The several counties are entitled to re presentation as follows, being based upon the vote cast for Hon. Samuel Maxwell, judge, in 1887, giving one delegate at large to each county, and for each 100 votes, and major fraction thereof: COUNTIES. VOl F.S.I COUNTIES. VOTES. Adame Ant vlope' . . Arthur... lilajue lloone,,,. .. IJox Butte.. Brown liulfalo ... liutler Burt Cass Cellar Chse Cherry Cheyenne... Clay Colfax.... .. uiiiitig Custer Dakoia Dawes , Dawson Dixon Dodge Douglass Dundy . ., Fillmore Franklin Frontier Furnas Gage Garfield... , Gosper . Grant Greley Hall Hamilton ... llarlaii.... .. II ayes, ... . Hitchcock .. Holt Howard Jefferson ... ..14 Johnson Kearney. Kevha Paha.. Keith Knox Lancaster.... . Lincoln Logan ... -1 . 4 i-H Loup Madison McPhersou ... Merrick Nance Nemaha .. Nuckolls Otoe .. Pawnee Perkins Pierce Polk .10 - o .i: .' 4 . I .10 7 Platte 8 Phelps G Richardson. . l'j'Ked Willow... 27lSalioe 4;Sarpy 10 . Saunders T'Seward 10'Sheridan. . Sherman .lylSioux . 3 Stanton . 5 Thayer . liTliotnas . 4:VaiIey Ill Washington . loj Wayne . 8 Webster . 4 Wheeler , clYork .14, Unorganized Ter. .11 . 1 Total 671 It is recommended that no proxies be admitted to the convention exceptsuch as are held by persons residing in the coun ties from which the proxies are giyen. To Chairmen poauty Central Commit tees: "YViiETtEAS, At the republican state con vention held at Lincoln October 5, 1887, the following resolution was adopted: Jfesojvefl, That the state central com mittee be instructed to embrace in its call for the next state convention the submis sion of the prohibition question to there publican voters at the republican pri maries, Therefore, in accordance with the above resolution, the several county cen tral committees are hereby instructed to include in their call for their next county convention the submission of the prohi bition question to the bepcbljcan voters at the republican primaries. Geo. D. Meiklejohx, Chairman. Walt. M. Shelby, Secretary. -DKALKIl IN- STOVES, FU -AND ALL HOUSEHOLD GOODS. -LATEST WINDOW KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. DPICTTTR-E FS.wa.M233 2v-I33E TO OlDEE SIXTH STUKEP, NET. MAIN AND Be i r e Wil call your attention to the fact that they are headquarters for all kinds of Fruito and Vegetables. We are receiving Freeh Strawberries every day. Oranges, Lemons and Eananas constantly cn hand . Just received, a variety of Csrned Scupc. We have Pure Maple Sugar and no roleteke. BENNETT & TXJTT. Jonathan IIatt.. J. "W JMahtuih. WHOLESALE .A IT 23 IUETAXr, COTY MEAT iMRUCET. PORK PACKERS and dealkks in BUTTER AND LGCS. BEEF, FORK, MUTTON AND VEAL. THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS ALWAYS ON II AND. Sugar Cured Meals, Hams, Baccn, Lard, &c., c of our own make, The best brands WHOLESALE BARBER AND HAIR DRESSER. All work first-class; west Fifth Street. North Robert Sherwood's Store. J. E- R0BBINS, ARTIST, INSTRUCTIONS G1VKN IN FINE OIL PAINTINC WATER COLORS. ETC. ALL LOVERS OF ART ARE INVITED TO CALL AND ZEX-A-IMIIIIsriE: IMI-Y- WOEK STUDIO OVER OLIVER .A RAMSE M EAT MARKET. N. SULLIVAN, Attorney Rt Law. Will give prompt attention to till biiniiifs in Tusted to him. Otlice in Union block, East id. Flattsniouth. Neb. lie Did Splendidly. . Sunday School Teacher Johnnie, you di4 splendidly today, "Yes, ma'am." "I wish all the little boys in the class would study their lessons as you do. Are you struggling to win the prize? ' "Naw. Dad said he'd gimmo a ticket to the next circus if I got off my lesson without a break." New York Graphic. $500 Reward. We will nav the above reward for anv case of liver coumlaint. dvsucnsia. sick headache, indigestion, constipation or costiveness we cannot cure witn West's Vesret able Liver Pills, when .the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely ycgetable, and never fail to give satislaction. Large boxes containing 30 sugar coated pills, 25c. For sale bv all drussrists. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genu ine manufactured onlv bv John O. Well & Co., 802 W. Madison St. Chicago, Its Sold by W. J. Warrick. Job work done on short notice at he Herald olllee. A Warning. The modes of death's approach are va rious, ana statistics snow conclusively that more persons die from disease of the hroat and lungs than any other. It is probable that everyone, without excep tion, receives vast numbers of lubcrcle Germs into the system and where these eerms fall upon suitable sou they start into life and develop, at first slowly and is shown by a slight tickling sensation in' the throat and if allowed to continue their ravages they extend to the lungs produc ing Consumption and to the head, caus ing Catarrh. Jiow all this is dangerous 1 and if allowed to continue will in time cause death. At the onset you must act with promptness; allowing a cold to go without attention is dangerous and may looee you your life. As soon as you feel that something is wrong with your throat, lungs or nostrils," obtain a bottle of B03- shee's German Syrup. It will give you immediate relief. RNITURE, KINDS OF- STYLLS OF- OTTRTAmS VINE. PLAITf-MClill, M !:. k 'I'M of OYSTERS, in cans and bulk, :it AND RETAIL. JULIUS FEPPEF.Et FG. MAMBCllliM! fK AJl) WHOLESALE & RETAIL DKAI.r.ll IN TDK Choicest Brands of Cigais, including our Flor do Peppetfcergo' srfl 'Ck's KPLL LIMO OK TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES always in stock. Nov. 2G, l-,r. HEALTH IS WEALTH ! Dr. E. O. West's Nerve and brain Treat iiient a guarantee specific for Hysteria Jiizluess, Ciinrulsloiis. Fits. Nervous Neiirnlfiia, Head ache. Nerveoun I'riistnit Ion c:!i;.M-o by tin i'e of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness. Mental Iie preMon, Softening of the Lrain remlting in in sanity aud leatlii g 1 1 misery, decay and death, rremature old Atie, Rarreime-s, I.f.B of IVvv er in either sex. Involiiutary Lete ami frcr inat'rrhO'a caused by over-exertion ol the brain, selfabuse or over-indulgence Each box contain? one month' treatment. 1 ou a box or six boxes for SG.M), sent by mail piei.pldou receipt of price WE GUARAKTIE SIX BOXES To cure any ease. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied with 66 00, we will send the purchaser our w rltten (Mianm tee to return the money it the ti atn.eot doe? not effect a cure. Guarantee lssut d only hy Will J. Warrick sole at'ent, I'lattMnouth, Neb. The standard rtmtdy for liver com plaint is "Witt's Liver I'illf; Ihey never disappoint you. CO pills 25c. At hr- 4 rick's drug store. TL..A.-W OFFICE. Personal attention to all Buglnen Entruit to my care. XOTAKY I. OVFICR. Title Kxamlned. Abstarcta Compiled In surance Written, Heal Estate Sold. Better Facilities for making r ami Loan tnaa Any Other Agency. Ilattiuouth, It a. Fire Insurance written In tho tna, Phospix and Hartford by Windham &. Davies. ' R. B. Windham, Johw a. Davifm, Notary' Public. Notary Public, . W1X1HIAII A I1AYIKN, Attorneys at Zc; Office over Bank of Can Count;. Plattsmocth, -