FIIIST YEAU PL-ATTSMOUTII, NEIUlASIvA, TUESDAY 12VJ3NING, JUL.Y 111, 188S. GVUY OlUUCKljS. V. M. KM II KV V K Fox JAM K4 PATTKRS.IM, jk. - 11 V HON I'UKK - A MADOI.B W 11 MAI.IcK .lurk, i"re:iuirer, ,tiorney, Kui.ine-r, J'llllCf J HtlM, Maietiall, Counciliueu, Htward. 2i.1 " ,. 3(il 4lll. " i .f V Wkc-khacii A SAMMil'HV 1 M JoNKH J UK. A SHI I'M A ti ll M li Ml ltlMI V Is W Uu-rroN Ton O'Connor. 1 f rnwi I J V JoTINH'IN, CHAIRMAN BWud Pub. Work, j f H'JoBTll Treasurer. I'euuiy Treasurer, - Clerk. lieputy Clerk, itecorder of Deeds linputv ltmrlr Clerk of Dixtrict Coirt, Sheriff, -Hurveyor, -Attorney. Kuot. of Tub. School. County J ul. ltoAUD OF BUI A. B. Toti. CIi'iii., I am in Koi.r., A. H. 1)1. KSON, 1. A. CAMI'ilKI.L TllOS. 1'lll.lCK Kino Ckit:ih-Tki.i . KXA till KHHIKI.II V. II. I'ooi. .loiIX M. UVDA V. C. SlIOWAl-TKJt .1. C. ElKKNIlARV A. Mahoix . A I.I, K.N 1"K.K..H'N Mavnahu Si-ink 0. HUrtSKl.l. 'K II VI SO us. l'lattsliioiltll Vei-dii Water Kiuiwood CIVIC SOGIK'MS. 1AHS I.ODUK JSo. O. O. F. -Meets 1 fc;ii:ll weeK. All transient brothers are re-i-ectfully Invited to . - I.... I.ATTMOUTH KNCAM PAIKNT No 3. I. O ucli moiilli ill the. Maxoiilii Jiaii. JSrolhcrs are biyitad to attend. Visiting fJihlO I.OIM1K ND. !. A.O. U. W.-Aii'HS I every atutrnal Friday evening at Jv- of 1 . hull Transient brother ar rHspertf i-lly in vited to attend. K.J. Morgan. Master Workman . K. M. Han-tow. Foreman ; Frank brown, over- ..II... ........ III. lid 11 II MM..r I. IlilWeil- t.lllUU ; liriii r li .1 .l.ilnisoii. Financier; Ya -li. Hinith, Uf'eeiver ; M. Mayhrii-ht. l'a-t M, iitk .'auKhei ty, Inside Uuaid. VY. 0 IASS CAMP K0.3.M. MODEIIJI , ,i Vi of America .Meets seconu auu mm i -yvninif at K. of P. hall. All transient oaj- IrlWti le requested to meet yitli uj. U A. Kewncr, Venerable (;;..sul ; O f. N'ler-. iUtcck, Clerk. ILATTSJH)UTIf M1)K NO.i. A. O. V. V. Friday evening at KockwoodhallatHo'clM'ic. All transient broth er are respectfully invited to attend. 1.. . .i.cii.1 l W. i V. liov.l. Foreman : h. C. U'ltda, h'ueorder ; Leonard Anderson, oversfer. 1"i. TfMOJJ . iTloih;..: ko. a. f a.m. Meets on the tlr-t and third Mondays of each month at their hall. All transient broth ers are cord hilly invited to meet with us J. (i. Kuiikv, W. M. 5.V..I. li Aj. Seuetary. 'KIIAKA ( IIAI ii-l.. '. il u.ui ! mwl fiu'irili Tuesrlitv of e:i ll ;;ionio at MaonV Hall. Transcieul L-ivIUcis M' I?ti1 IO inert i K, E. Wiiitk, 11. P. Wm. Hays. Secretary. MT, ZHiS CKHMAHAUV. '0. 5. K. r. Meet a tirt aud thiid Wednesday iiijiht of l',: h month at Maso .'a ball. Visilinu brut her nr.. I'nriliulU' invit.i'il tit llllef U'iill US. VM. IIavs. Kec. F. K. Whitk, K. CiAssroi;xriLN K'-'i. koyal i:caxi.m V meet-t lie xeeond and fourth Mondays 'f caih at Arcanum Hall. K. N. ti le.nx, Kejjeut. P. C. M i nor. Secretary. McCONIHIE POST 45 C, A. R- KOSTKR. i 0 Jounson Ioaimander. CjTtiss Wei.ior ice K. A. Batics Junior " " ijko. Nii.k.h Adjutant. HjCNRV STltKIiillT M i.on Dixon ORleerof the iay. CUAKLKS Fi.KD "0 " u!trd AMitKMiN r'KV. Serat Major. .1 ooiii;.HK.KMAN.. ..quarter Master SciKt. L iACi'htm Post ehaplam Meeting Saturday evening PLATTSMOUTH BOARD OF TRADE President Kobt. li Wln.lliain 1st Vice President A- - l?dd ?ud Vice President cville Secretary 1?- Herrmann Treasurer'. F. K. liuthman DIKKI.TORS. j C l hev. Y. . White, J C. Patterson, .1. A. Cornier, li. IClfon, C. W. Shenuan, F. Cor d r. J. V. VY tckbach. H.E.Palmer&Son C3-ID 1ST JB R. J.Ta INSURANCE AGENTS Ilepresent t! time- 10 following tried ;ml tire-tested companies: American Ceutral-S'. Louis, Assets .l.2..loo Commercial Union-EiiKlaiid, 2.RW.314 Fire As4clation-PhlladeIpiiia. Frankl in - Ph ilade! ph la, lioine-New '(.rk. Co. of North America. Phil. o!&LouJon & iJlobe-Knj; Nr'h British ft Mercantile-En io.wich ITnloa-Eiiland. Bpringaeld F. & M.-Spi infiel.!, 4.4 15,57e 3.U7.10C 7.855.M 9 t,17t.3C2 6.039.781 3.37S.754 1.245.40C 3,044.913 Total Assets.? 12.115.774 Losses Aijnsl?.I ni PaiiattMsAsescy WHEN YOU WANT -0F- CALL OX Cor. 12th and Granite Streets. -.tractor and guilder! . 12 6m. WORK II A HIDE IN GUATEMALA. ROUGH TRIP THROUGH THE COR DILLERAS' SIDE SPURS. Stage Travel In Central America Indian Way A IJvely Scene Irllnjj Throneb a Town at Full Gallop A Tiresome Ascent Down Grade. I left Quezaltenanjjo by stage for San Mar cos recently. The road runs through the side spurs of the Cordilleras for thirty-sis miles, and the up grades are so heavy that to make any time tlio animuU aro whipped along on every level stretch and sent faster down hill, tho brake being applied only when the wir,'on gains too much on the horses. Tho team we had was mado up of threu miserable horses, not more than four teen hands his'', and one lazy mule of ubout the KHI13 si?. The stagra aro canvas cov :rel sin'ing wagons, seating four eoplo iii tiide und ono with tlio driver, all seats on the same level and cushioned with leather wtulVed with straw, ai;l as hard as tlio boards under neat It. Must of tho drivers are Mexicans, wearing s:iiiilril-J and such clot lies as they may liorrow. or steal. The dil'gence com pany supplies a few extra pieces of chain, leather, mi iiuai.'iise l:-.s!i whip, and u large Knne. with which tho driver fashions the leather to repair tho dozen or so break? of the hiiriiL-ss in tho course of tho day. The tirst town reached w::s San Mateo, about two lcar;ii!,s from Qnczaltenango, and o:ie league furtiicr on, as we iictircd tho foot of tl:o moi!i.ia:i:s, we p :s-'d through .Sun Juan OsUt.icalco, a 'pueblo"' of (u"J or TOO souiA It was S o'clock in tlio morning and the streets were tided with Indians bringing in market produce, some carrying t'.i 1KU itl b-tAi ts on ih'Af I r-i:l-:, but the majority had thpir cargo?; 'n tlu' ir bac-ks in what is called a "eanas'iu." This is a wcxiden ii-ainework of shelve.-: fa -toned into four up right pieces of vood :id still'ened with raw hide thongs, I huso or ordinary size being alKtut four foot high, thirty inc hes wide and twenty inches deep. Cords around the bot tom and middle aro joined to tho leather headpiece, or broad strap, which passes across tho man's forehead and sol ves to hold the contrivance in place. The Indian, in clining his body slightly forward, travels for days thus laden w itb his iick of 150 pounds so delicately balanced and ad justed that he feeU iiu .xlss ni s.ti ain on any particular point Many were driving goats and ehecp in front of them, and others dragging them with ropes tied around their necks. The pretty, bright colored dresses of the Indians added much to this lively scene. Now and then you could see tiie entire family bringing in the produce of their faru). tho father himself carrying his load and driving the "burro," so heavily packed that nothing but the tips of his ears and his fet could ba loen, followed t llti &tiuer yyliU abasket; on bar baid tuul fb?younC.t strapped to her back, with his legs dangling out of the folds, of the shawl and his little black head peep ing out of the top. Then come the two bo3a both carrying loads; the older one tugging ut a rope tied to the neck of an obstinate, squealing pig, who wishes to go in any direc tion but the proper one, and who is being urged forward by tho younger boy, who is laying his whin across its hind quarters at every step. They seem to make but slow progress, but they will reach the plaza and in time for market hours. Through tho main street of San Juan, paved with cobble stones and filled with such fe crowd, pur driver force1 his animals at a gallop, urging them on with his w hip and a shrill whistle, and being comparatively fresh they responded quite willingly. The leader with sleigh bells tied to their necks, warucu all in odvauce to get out cf the way. Away we went, bounding over the uneven pave ment with a great racket, and in ways so narrow that the crowd had to hug the sides of the houses to escape our wheels. For blocks in front you could see the Indians escaping into the side streets when possible, and though these people are subjected to the dan ger of being run over every time a diligence passes, they seem to bear no ill will to the careless drivers. They have never seen any other management of horses, and I presume they think that this is the proper way to drive. And besides, they depend on the stage line for the execution of any commissions they may have in tho neighboring towns. Many times our driver stopped in the long streets of San Juan, always a welcome guest, dropping packages here, picking them up there, and at every stop receiving his small piece of silver and a drink in payment. Ho took so many drinks before coming to the hills that I begau to have somo fears for our safety on the steep and dangerous roads o coma Three miles to the north of San Juan the long and tiresome ascent begins, and so nar row that horsemen only can pass the stage. The road is cut into tho mountain side, many places in solid rock, in which, as you go slowly ahead, can be seen many names and prettily carved crosses; and on uearing tho summit you see many wooden crossc3 planted on iho roadsMo, inscribed with the names of the saints in whose honor they were erected. Looking back, the entire val ley of Quezaltcnango is spread out before and about 2,00;) feet below you, and often obscured by the clouds, for you are above them and in them, and the blankets over your Li:ee3 and your h-avy wraps do not make you feel over warm. We were nearly live hours making tho ridge, a distance of about s-?von tnius. The mountain scenery in tlds region U grand, bui any viovs, no natter how beautiful, would beeo:uo monot onous when seen from au almost spriuglcss vehicle, riveted over a rain washed, rocky ro;:d at a gr.lkp, accompanied by a Mexican lrivei-'s y:lls and whistles, and the incessant aappiug of his whip; so, at about 1 o'clock w hen v.-e puiieJ up fct the breakfast station i j a 1 jvely gveea mountain valloy, it wa3 not -lie sticnJ "that pleased us, btit the relief felt i:i irettiaj oat of that hard cushioned, wagon crA cway from tho driver uoise. Tiii? stages meet at this stopping plooe, and when tho drivers Lad "flnifhei their conversa tion without any consldci ai'ou for t'.io feci lass of the inraticr.t psiugj;-3 wc- V7cr? a ain off, cnJ s'ou -' the do wo jjrade. It was fro- :o rooi;y tui-i m$ ioa. .i. cci: u a-.-l ho'.cing cu l ; I'- - vidv-s, I very vftsa Aug vk" c.l v..'ih vVlcCt a Ouium that I v-;t if .u.v ii'al column had f;oi:3 up tr.rour. x rron!.i . r.iy t:vi:i. iive a f;id lur .on cud taeu ih suJ smash side i t.C-iS. i'hi.- b.l. i '!' .-oj.t:in'-ed 1-JVtwo houi-s, 'juil!, tticiv ui.! y cvrusted. ne crrivea at ji'i Vru.i.ii:! K .li'o, w ht-ro e caught a Ti-i'j-w r. i iiv'r U el :izawv la aa v cue. LOVE'S FAITH. If. n kIioiiM come aud tell me that the birds Had lost their voices; that the flowers no more Gare forth soft odors; that for lack of dew The i-a3 blades drooped at dawn time; that the sheila Had left the ocean's shore, the pearls Its bed; That frost and fruit ape had congenial grown; That the lost Sister of the Pleiades Had reuppear'd In Taurus; that the sun Had wheeled Its polden chariot to tho north; If one should come ami tell me this, dear love, I milit believe him. But if one should come And tell me you were false; why, 1 should stand. With folded arms, and dart thro' him n glance Bo keenly eded with scornful disbelief Tlmt liock he would recoil like April clouds Before the advancing nun, and call upon The mantle of his wrath to cover him. Orelia Key Bell in Detroit Free Tress. THE BALKAN PENINSULA. Conservative I dean of the Turkl!,H Wo men Tlio ill as Stevens' Views. In all countries the most conservative part of the population aro the women, and par ticularly is this the case in the east. ' A man may change his religion, his politics, hisraco and social prejudices, and sever his alle giance to king and country, even in the Bal kan states, where these mai ters assume he roic importance. Tho Oriental woman, how ever, opposes with a conservatism that is sublimely tenacious, all change all progress in these directions, and stranger still, all tendency toward her own emancipation. If a movement were set on foot to do away with tho yashmak (face veil) and the life of ceclusion led by Momen in Turkey, the Turkish woman herself would oppose the innovation stronger than anybody. She re gards her position in society from a very different standpoint to our ideas. To us she seems a prisoner, fettered and, trammeled by the chains of a barbarous social system that persist) in treating her as an unimal who is the pi-operty of her husband. If we could wo would take her by the hand, reniovo her yashmak, take away tho lattico work from the harem windows, and give her the same freedom as our own women enjoy. We would introduce her to the ball room, to tho drawing room, permit her to mingle and converse with gentlemen and to- become a social biiig. 'In doing all this v'e should, of course, ' bo governed by the kindest motive, no more, no less, than that of securing for the Turkish woman social freedom and elevation, and, ccnt(, according to our ideas, increased happiness. Nothing is more certain, however, than that the Turkish woman would raise her hands in virtuous horror at such a proposi tion. She doesn't consider V;"-Sjiv a olavo or a p'is5r,s; Ly ny mcaeS.1' felie believes tjjat she ehjoyi ia fapjgreaterjaca-.;-- -J 7;cC(Jom than, tho E-ru or American lady. The barrier that separates her from the world at large, gives her a little -orld, all her own, to do as she pleases in. Whilst her more un fortunate sisters of the wtstare forever under the critical and censorious eyes of tho opjK site sex, she is able to snap her fin gers behind the veil of mystery that no man dare lift without her permission. Not even her own husband dare presume to violate her incognito in public, nor dare he invado her apartments, in his own house, without permission. All this tho Turkish woman re gards as real freedom, which she would in no wise change for tho social condition of the women of Frangistan. Our sympathy for interference in her behalf she neither asks nor desires. But despite all this conservatism and aver sion to change,' the Turkish woman reserves to herself a woman's prerogative to be just a wee bit inconsistent with herself. Change she will not listen to for a moment yet she has changed, and keeps on changing. But it is only in the matter of indoor dress, only a little matter of feminine apparel within tho precincts of her own exclusive world. Here tho Turkish lady has of late seen fit to imi tate the modes of Paris and Vienna, whilst for outdoor costumes she still clings to the old feridji and veil. Thomas Stevens in Woman. A Shoemaker's Bright Idea. "I will repair for nothing any bqpt or shc that I sell," said the shoemaker. "But w here does the profit come in.'" asked tho scribe. "Just as it comes to the saloon keeper who furnishes his patrons with a free lunch in fact, I got the idea from a saloon kaeper. People are always on the lookout for 'snaps.' If you can make them belie vo they aro get ting something for nothing, 3-ou are all right. I know a Bowery tailor who, by guaranteeing to keep all clothing made by him in repair for one year, has increased his sales over 1,000 per cent. There is also a wall paper dealer in Brooklyn who sells wall paper at a price which includes the hanging. For instance, if you buy one or more double rolls of paper from him he will send a man to your house to put the paper up. See tho business done by that theatrical manager who gave away deeds 10 California building lots with every resell od seat ticket. The souvenirs presented by our city piqnagers is only another scheme for milking people think that they are getting something lor nothing. By agreeing to resole all shoes i bought of me T niere divide my profits with my customers, L any loss sustained by this division is inoro than made good by the increased volume of business done." 'Dq you make any reduction in price if a enstom'er waive all claim to the repairs?" "Hardly. I have only one price repairs or no repairs. Yes, that is a good thoe. Thank you when the heel or soles become worn come in ard see mo and Til Us them up for you free." New York Mail wad Express. On the Fourth Floor. A New York coroner's physician remarks that in his experience ho has found that more people die in the fourth floor of a building (ban any pi the others. In the cases of sud den deaths he says that there are more which take place on the fourth Boor in one year in New York than in all other parts of the bouses combined. Chicago Herald. Chart of the Pleiades. A remarkable photo-engraved chart of the Pleiades, f bowing 2,320 stars from the third to the seventeenth magnitude, has been pro duced at the Paris observatory. Sir Isaac Newton autograph, in the shape of a letter, brought tS15 at a recent Bale in England. It was bought for Trinity college, Cambridge. . A comparison of the work of English, French and American detectives show the latter to be 12 per cent, ahead all around. oun Amo MANIACS. ENGLAND DOES THIS, SAYS THAT OR THINKS THE OTHER. Uut What Does It AH Signify to Any Good American? Let I" Follow Our I) nil Methods ami Make Our Own Manners. A matter that will constantly e-cito the wrath of good Americans is the jwrja'tual iterat ion o; tho way in which tho people of England do this, or say that, or t Inn!: t !i" other, in contradistinction to ilio w-jy 1.) which wo ujhhi this side of the yiobe do, : ay and think, as if in I;iglLdi methods only wore to lie found the highest seat of nient and last court of appeal. This ih Ter ence to English ideas has developed ii mon' us an cniaM-ulated t lass of minds that docs not even thii !; its own t hought i ehieves of t::e ttr IV :i I i;i ' ori.i: col: in art cle, ;ilil in endeavoring to Le j ure E:i.;!;.' ii succeeds in In o .:iin;; poor American, in manner, in '. and it civa.c:. "... i i:r old colonial i -case to be a l.-.'o' 'i'hi-i is ::ji)arei!t i.i i'n-.s, l - : ... il-' - . i.;' I c. :;-;..:.;: l.. .'.'laic, i:: Licit v.e :.;;;.'i ie of n Po v." li. voi.)! ii::c".:t ! ::v :it::l. ;s wo h.ivo teen and as v. o -ov -. niaiorial life 0;:r c..ii!iti.y coaM i::;:-.21y havo l-' -a si. ::ed .as n -ei-;c: is! colony of .':vi' IVitai.a. . Its goo a;iju;;-:;l situation, i;. isolatioti from the Old World, its i a: extent, lis po:-'o.ssion of nil tHuiati s, :: soil-:, .ill wooiis, iJl metal is!' o..,.:i.;.-.ii ail pre .'ions things, n;.:t k t'.-.ui :.s for u .t: owe, v.i,::.j ;;c:r..! iois Lave imparted to the descendants of its iir.-t sclik r s a charac ter of their own, and i is given to the dc aceialants of Liter w. tiers li. re to iutermarrv ind a-sioeinre with ti.osc of loader date, and make themselves a li'"ia-);;ei;eous peo'u'L'. There is no more i e.a:.oii hy this pr.-iple civilization, thou, should l-o on an Eariish than on a French, nn Italian or a mvu!:i model, it should i.e on iih,.: f t'.n :ji. h should be An'i.t.ic it;. Iii ir.u c?.ur-j of ri:::e it sltoa-d i.iie gr-eat A iiicricr.n peon'e. varying only with l:.e tecvs:;;L.s i:f it allcls. the customs t.f ii j isc -f---., : !: life (.'. its hills plaint, aud rca.-.l.o."o, as it mav Ik, but all on one broa. scale t.nd t?!j:i:0 oi a new and loftier civilir.i-.tion poLoioly thu;i lias appeared in tho world L-efc-re. It would seem (hat it would he wbo to iei the manners mid s!m;! v..A LAiitsi t-t s-.i' li a leojde ;V-V-;4 HevZvX'i to ;Ueir Own ii. cl -.. aud iK.fin r.ttcniiJttO cV-'- u-.-cu th.f.iujt aJ.Lit.fJ svsie.u of another and t.-t..:.;.- T.i lereut country, clima;;- and i;:sf ;t.,i:o- o: c:iste. What odds is it wo vo;j..:;aijn o) the northern re-iinii:'...-:, to the co boys o the southwestern r.iirlcs, to the minus oi liio llocky lnoualains r.:: ! the .Sierras, to t.hi nlantersof the Mis!;iRip?..j level:', how I'in-.iii.s:: lords and ladies ami ila: ddre, tiieii visiting can's, enter their carriages, dip thoii spoons' Ami w hy should the gi; 1 graduate of Vassal or Wcilesiey trouble herself with tho fancy that because site does not uso the risiug inflection of voice ut the close of tli her sentences as the Girton graduate does, her education is therefore deficient and her r esou rces 1 i l it i ted i It ii a matter of question whether the English domestic life, pure as it is, is of purer quality than the (.k-rmaij; whether tho English inenfo life is of finer strain than the French; whether tho Swede and .Norwegian aro not as manly, as genial, as true, as the English; if the Italian and tIo Spaniard are not of a more poetical sort; whether, in short, there Is any jieculiar reason why t ha English behavior aud thought should be mado our standard rather than that of any other people. Wo may bo told that some reason lies in the fact that we tqieak the same language; but when we come to coy-' sider the matter of language, the question be comes a still more open one. There isnot a whole county in all England where the lan guage is generally .spoken in anything ap proaching purity; there is but one where it is pretended that it is so spoken; there is no region of a hundred square miles in the three kingdoms where it is spoken with the purity and perfection that is used, for instance, iu tho state of Massachusetts, In our owu country; and there is ueither rhyme nor reason in the effort to impose upon us a foreign vernacular, especially those portion's of it whh have become the slang of thr upper classes using that vernacular, in which "nonsense" is called "rot," bad weather is called "beastly," our own euphouioua "swill"' is called "hog wash,!' unseemly conduct L3 called "nasty," and ieculiar people aro called "rum ones." It seems to us that perhaps it would be just as well to follow our own methods and make our own manners, suro that manners which are gentle, cleanly and pure, and which hurt no one's feelings and hinder no ones advan tages, can only be right manners; that the language of Shakespear-e Und the Bible, which is spoken more nearly here than anywhere else in the world, is a good enough languago and form of speech for us, answering all pur poses of literature and daily life; and that eventually the English, if their insular con ceit ever allows them, may wake to the fact that the best thing they can do is to follow our examplo in a few things, if not in all, and setting aside written speech, which ia a fixed quantity, correct their own spoken speech by one that more closely touches the standard of precision than is at present reached by their own vernacular. Harper's Bazar. An Englishman has invented a violm bridge iu three sections. The two outer sec tions inclose a middle section honeycombed by more than 100 cells. The general lines of the bridge are not departed from, except thai it is 'made thicker, and the increase of power and brilliancy is said to bo very great. New York Sun. Very MueJi ACeeted. Sympathetic Old Lady (to convict) Ah, my unfortunate friend, your fate is indeed a hard one, and as she thinks of you here in this dreadful place, how your poor wife must suffer! Convict (very much afTected) Wh which one, mum? I'm up for bigamy. Life, IVe Can Get Alonjj. Just as an Italian chemist hid discovered a way to manufacture real diamonds at the rate cf a peck per day he got 1 u the way of a -tage and was run ever ard killed, llhino ;:oia.v.i will, thorefaiv, have to bo worn by a .irg-. majority i:nt:l ?or:b ore else can pick jlj ti:3 secret. Dsvoit Frc-i Press-, Ileal Estate Bargains EXAMINE Ol'i; LIST, mxsis'i i.; ok CHOICE LOTS - i 2r Miuii-raiKi 21 lots iu Thompson's niidition. 40 lots in Townsciul's addition. Lot 10 block loS, lot block 1C 1. Lot 1 block (i, lot (i block D5. Lot 11, block 111, lot 8, Mock CI. LOTS IN VOt'.Mi AND IIAYs' ADHITION. Lots in Palmer's addition. Lots in l)uke's addition. Improved property of all descriptions and in all parts of the city on easy terms. A new and desirable residence in South Park, can be boaglit oc, ,aonthly payments. XiOitf purchasing elsewhere, call and see if we cannot suit you better. ii acres of improved ground north of the city limits. o acres of ground adjoining South Park. 3 acres of ground adjoining South Park. l acres of ground adjoining South Park. 20 acres-near South Park: Sc. I sec. 14, T. 10, It. 12, Cass county, price 800, if sold soon. nw i ece. 8. T. 12, P. 10, Cass Co., price $2,000, A valuable iniproyed stock fram in Merrick Co., Xeb., 1C0 acres aud on rcosonuble ternis. Windham & Davies. Consult your best interests by insuring in the Phoenix, Hartford or -Etna com panies, about which there ia no ipuestion 3 to their high standing and fair dealing. TORNADO POLICIES. The present year bids fair to be a dis astrous one from tornadoes and wind storms. This is fore-shadowed by the number of storms we liaye already had the most destructive one so far this year having occurred at Mt. Vernon, 111., where a large number of buildings were destroyed or damaged. The exemption from tornadoes last year renders their oc currence more probable in 1888. Call fit our office aud secure a. Tor nado Policy. Unimproved lands for sale or ex change. WIHDHA6&D.7IB8. PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. 0 i)t RAN CE. Dr. C- A. Marshall. r.2" mJ-a "V UMBiW V.; ... .-'f.L J ,HTIST! pieMeryatloii of natural teeth a H-irclally. ict th u traett ti u illmul miu tii uur, tJ ljnujhlit (Jt. All work warranted. Pricon reasonable. Pi r.!l':itAI.I'H Itl.'X K I'l.-iTTRMOUTII, N Ml DRS. CAVE & SMITH, "FainloGG aDcn-tiGtf3." The only DenllKtc In the West rontiolhiK thit New System of Kxtrnot iiik hikI FIiIIiik 'icetli without rain. Our nnae-t hot ie in en tirely free from CMILOnoroiIMOUKTJIKU AMI IS Alt -OLl.'TKI.V Harmless - To - A1K Teeth exlniete.l and pi t lllcial teeth Inserted .-Mu.iy iinesire.1. I lie l efel vul ion of I lie. It ;i I u i ;il teeth a specialty. fiOLD CROWNS, GOLD CAPS, BRIDGE WOHL The very llnest. Oiliee in I nion I'.loek. olr '1 he CitieLH Hank, Win. Iferold & Son Dry (roods. Notions Boots, and Sfcocs or Ladies and Cents FURNISHING - GOODS. lie keeps ns large mid ns veil SELECTI-ID STOCK As can he foum any iJ;ie In the ril y and make jou prices, tiial defy i'(inietilimi. Agents for Harper's Bazar Patterns in Bali's Corsets Watclies ! Watclies I H. M. GAULT Ilns moved and is now in the Sherwooa room, Cor. olli nnd Inin Sts., where he is better able to j-how his Large Stock of Watchen, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY ! Thnn ever Jeforc, and will as nn induce ment sell you Watches way down. Call and get the Special Prices in Cold Watch es; it will surprise you. A Full Line of the beft styles ot Jewelry and Silverware. Repairing will be given Spicinl Atten tion. All work warranted to give satis faction. C. F. SMITH, The Boss Tailor. Main St., Over Merges' Slice Store. Hns the best and most complete utock of samples, both foreign nnd domestic woolens that ever came vest of Mi&Hotirl river. ZVote these prices: I'usiness suit from ."SHI to dress suits, $25 to $4-, pants !?1. $.", .fo'.oO and upwards. I'Will guaranteed n fit. Prices Defy Competilion. C3-. 23. KEMPSTER, Practicsl- PiBno cEl Organ Tuner AND ItKPAir.FI!. First-class work guaranteed. Also deal er in Pianos and Organs. Oflice nt fiocck furniture store, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. D.&. M, Time Table. GOIX WRIT. Sa. 1. :50 a. m. No. 3.- :4) p, in. Ko. 5 9 ::-" a. m. Ko. 7.--7 :45 t. in. OOTXO KJIflT. Ko, 2.-4 :; p. hi. Ko. 4. 10 ::x a. ni, Ko. f 7 :)3 p. in. No. P. 9 :10 a. m. Ko. 10. 9 :43 a. la. Ko. 9.-6 :17 p. m. AU traina run daily by wav of Omaha, except Kos. 7 and 8 which run to and from tchujler daily xct pt Sunday. Ko. so is a stub to PaciGe Junction at 8 3oa.m "So, 19 is a Bt ub from Pacific J unction at lia.iu " f U - i-q s CQ (OS n ii2 M J 1r 2 ill Hit 1 1 OS-" p-g-Mli! O ' t U u I .1