FIKST YE All PliATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, 3IONDAY EVENING, JULY HO, 1SS8. NUMISltfg GI'FY . OFFICIOS. Mayor, clerk. Treasurer. - K.M. Km ii kv W K. Fox Jamkh Tattkhson, .ih. liVKON (J LA It K - A Mauoi.k S Cl.lKF(lltll W II Attorney, Engineer. Police .1 udn, Alar hall, - Councllnien, 1st ward, M V Wkck hach t A Sai.imi-.uuv ) l M JN KH I I) It. A WHITMAN I M it MUltl-HV S W DirtTON I I'ON d'COSSOB. 2n.l 3rd ith. I P Mi'Callkn. I'kes Johns in.Ciiaiumam IJ w Kiik I 1 il Board rub. Work Kiiki ;iti)Ku llAWKSWOKTII GOXJjTilxY OFKIGlUiS. .-eatircr, il unity Treasurer, -Clert. 1'eputy Clerk, iteoordcr ol Heed lipptuv Iteoorder Mrk of JM-tiict Court, Klicriir, Hurveyor. Attorney, Kupl. of lul). SchuoU, County Ju'Iki. - U. A. t'AMi-Kur.L. TlIoS. l'ill.l.OI'K HlHI Cl'ITcm-lKM! fcXACB! w. ii. root John M. I.kvua W. C. SHOWAI.TKIC J.C ElKK.NUAK A. M AlXlLK A I.LKS ItKKHON Mavnahk S-M U. UpJitKLfc f.oAKIj OV rlr BKVISORS. A. h. . Tono. Ch'ia.. - - riattsiiinuin Lot: is Foi.T., Weeping Water Eiiuwood A. 15. Dl' KHOX, GIVIG SOCIK-JMiS. ClASS LODCK No. Il'J. 1. O. O. K. -Meets 'every Tnc-day evening f each week. All transient brothers are reHpectlul!" invited tc Ciiii : : ' - k LaVT MOUTH KNCAMPMEST No. 3. 1. O. 4 (I. F.. iiiecis every alternate, 1-riday III VJLch nonlh ill llie ' MiiMimic Hull. Visiting lUutlipM are iuvUad to iiteid. rrililO LOIMilC NO. til. A. O. U. W. Meets every alteniat Friday eveulnu at K. of I. Hll. Transleut brother art respectfully tu- vited toattend. K.J. Morgan. Master Workman ; K. S. It:iritow, Foreman ; Frank lirovn. Over- rhi-r; I. Ilowen, 'iuide ; Uemne Houewortli. Recorder; 11. J. Johnson. Financier; Wa-li. Minltli, Ueoeiver ; M. Maylr'.Klit. i'aft M. W. ; JucK lu:"4erty, Insioe liii.-ird, l,HS CAS.P NO. MOuKKN WOODMEN ( Ainfrte Meets second and fourth Mou 4:iV Pveuini? at K. or 1. hall. All transient l.rJthers ave requested to meet with u. b. A. Vwpo ner, Venerable Consul;. K, Mlef, Vo,'iiiy AdviKi-r ; S. V, WiMe, Hanker j W. A. !":, C'lciii. ' " lLi"i rsiiOJTH LOliiiB 8. A. . L. W . I- Me't every alternate Friday evening at J'fjo wood l,a!l at 8 o'tloCK. All transient broth-rtr- reuivtfilv invited to aftend. J-. h. i..irrn,. 4. v . i v. 4:.y i. l-j.i't.iiiu ; . U WiiVe. huoorder ; Leonard Anderoii, Overseer. In.ATrsMoUTH i.oix; e no. . a. f. & a. m. Mre"ts on the r-t stud lliirrt Mondays of each month at their hall. All transient broth ers are cordially in ited to meet with us. J. O. UICHKV, W. M. W m. Hath. Secretary. . TJz' 'I 'S'A CITAl'TEIt. NO. , U. A. M. W H1 sonn and l-mVli T.e.,jy oi each ;,u.ti;h "it irasoa - Hnn. -TraiiJltwt brothers i im'teu t meet ;. ' Wsi. IIays, Secretary. . lfT. ZION COMMA l)Al!Y, NO. 5 K. T M Meets Hrst and tliird Wednesday night of each montli at M:sw .'s hall. Visiting bl)lllerH are conliiilly invited to meet '.villi us. VM. 11as. Kec. F. K. Wiil i K. E. O. ' S3 1 O" NCI L NO. tVl. F.OVA 1. 1CAN L" M VJ is. et" th.; second and fourth Mondays of i ath ihouth xit Arcanum Hall. ' I!. N., Kegeut. p, C. M.o:. beeretary. MOCONIHIE PG5T 4S G. A. K- ItOSTKU. J. W. .ToiinsoV 0. S. T.vtss F. a. Hat its (!ro, Nii.k.s lU.NItV SlKKIOUT. M ALUS IUXO.V I'll ULKS FOKI AXUKKMOX KKV J ACOB liOmii.FMA.V. commander, .Senior Vice Junior " Adjutant. i.M. oilleer of the bay. Ouard Sergt Major. .Quarter Master St-rgt. Post Chaplain J.. C. CCHTM.. '&s.ciur stu.uay evntn;; PLATTSMOUTH BOARD OF TRADE President lit ii-f President... ..Kobt. B Windham ..A. il. Todd .Win Neville F. Herrmann , 11. Cuiliinan -'ml Vice President Keerotary - Treasurer llltK(TOItS. .1 r. Pichev. F. K. White. J C. Paltersop, J. A. '(inner, II. Klson, C. W. Sherman, F. lior- d r, J. - Weikbaeli. H.E.Palmer4Son GENERAL INSUaiNCE AGENTS ltepresent the following time triJ tuul fire-tested companies: American Central-S". Lou's, Asets Commercial ITiiion-EoKlaiid, " 31.238.100 2.90.314 4,4 J3TTJ 3.117.106 7.S55.) 9 ft. 171.302 C.t)?9.7Sl 5.371,754 1I3.16 3,041,915 Fire Assoelatlon-PUiladetphia. Franklin-Philadelphia, .i Home-New York. . " I ns. Ca, of North America, Phil. " IdverpoolXLoiidon & Olobe-Ena " BrJtUU & M,rcar.t;ierEii ' ,jixioh Cnlon-Englaiid. " Bpilugtield F. 4 M. -Springfield, " - T.dal Assets. $42,115,774 Losses A-Jjoslfti PfiiJaUWAireiicy - . WHEN YOU WANT WOE DONE -OF- CALL ON Hor. 12th and Granite Streets . Contractor and Builder 'pt. 12 Cm. ' NOTES AND PARAGRAPHS. Sit of flood ICalin; CIlprxMl from tli Kx change Stray Item. New York finds that an electric plant for the execution of dogs will cost but $000. A lily, jet black in color, id in bloom at Chico, Cal. It emits a very disagree able odor. Tw o pure white robins hare lieen taken from the nest of an ordinary redbreast in Galena, Ills. " Twenty-one years faithful service en titles a public school teacher to a pension in Wisconsin. Tlie cyclnraina of Niagara has hail an enormous ft-iccess in Londoti. A.s the Engiih say, it has 'fetched" tlie town. Tin president of the Imperial academy at IVkin has undertaken, by command of the cnr-Hi-or, to translate.' 'Uaml.t" into t.'hinc.-o, A mass t copjx-r weighing alxut twenty tons; is been found at Copper Palis. Mich., and is (winy cut up into merchantable .ized chunks. I lie latest iiwt'VT story is one 1 1 1. ;t is .d! g(sl to sia. and iave fallen near Iview. l!us- whicli. wlun broken open, is Klid to h ve iK-cn iound full of small diamonds. A western man is sclIJn. ties of nn i;.k ncl ti t,v la r, anti- iaiTs ''lovers' tliv.t the writ-c-ntircly disap- iiik." Iim I'lx.uliai iiv is iu in which it i- used jK-ars altiT twelve hours. I-'iii .biWii ( Jiir: aie iilMint in k( it in iiilc 'ln; days,"' wherein a con certed eiforl will le madu ii e.xtei ndnaie the iiiMvts that jut now are playin; havoc with fruit and vegetables. An experiment in tobacco growing in now in progress i;i southern Florida i? is said the prH''.rrt :i!i eoui in'ons',' anil limi lln(.c- in Opa'cau bo grown nnnualhv It is a leading crop in some sections of the state. At a recent meeting of the Feer.p'.. Physical awotv Hr. "Vihani ThonisoW waft piesent, aiid rtatcd that,' acco'rJins fo liisf determinations, the rate Of difTu faion of electricity was a hundred p.r.d fi times tis rnp?: 3 that q heat in. the esf pondupto.1.3; JNeport? received by tbp vitif-ulimal commission show that the wino crop of California this year will not be less than 23,000,000 gallons as against 17,000,000 last year. The outlook for raisins and table graries is also good. TV. r?or.a'.u C. ILxd Las collircUil Msany J'aofs relut'ih'g o the use' of salicylifj acid for rhcuniatisii. ' Of 72S atients ticaU.' Wii'ii sji!ipyi:tte5i 35 were relieved of their jiains within seven days; whereas, of G12 patients treated by other methods, only 140 were relieved within the same time. TKc flo. Itaduon Taylor, of the In land China mission, says: f'Afler' c-islity years of contact with England, there are yi.000 Christians, for w Inch we may be thankful, and 130.000,000 oj"itun smokers, ii.c which we liiay hang our peads in shame. The slave trade, the honor traffic, the licensing of iiutaoiftliiy liiL-se weie bad euough. but the opium curie is the sum of all villainy." W. A. Lyman, of Mil ford, Conn., is making the smallest jtossibie snimen of an esigine. It will le made from a silver iialf dollar. The boiler i to hold. alnt f-jh$ drcps of wate.j:, but with foiif dt-ofis the engine can le worked feveral niinuts. When finished it is to be placed under a glass case three-quarters of an inch in diameter and an inch and one-eighth in height. Some of the parts will be so line and delicate that they cannot be made without the use of a magnifying glass. A specimen of a riew campaign torch yfhich proicisc-s to become quite jiopular js made from a combined composition of inflammable matter, and when lighted, burns dry; that is to say, ji is fro from ftitase, does not run, and gives off no bad odor. It may be fciuek on the end of a handle or ole, can be carried in the pocket and is always ready for use. It yields a large flame. It burns thirty minutes, and three of them (with the stick) form an outfit suitable for any political processioji. Julian Hawthorne still continues to write on the calamities of authors and literary people generally. In a paper ojx literary syndicates contributed to the currctit number of America, he says: "The magazines are all over stocked, and no author can live on the royalties of his books. A syndicate will, indeed, almost always take a short stoiy, if it be short enough; but 'short enough' means 1,500 & 2,000 words, an.! what author,' who values his reputa tion, will use up his plot at such a rapid rate as that?' A 'Wonderful Fire licet t p. A eautifiil specimen of the celebrated. West India cuculo, or fire beetle., waa relight the other night in a door yard in Brooklyn by a little daughter of Mr. Stephen Avenll. It is about an inch and a half long, and upon the thorax are two eye like spots, resembling those of an ordinary water beetle. "When the insect is placed in the dark these spots Bhiny with a greenish light, strong enough to produce a perceptible illumination around them. From the segments of the body underneath the wing covers a similar illumination is produced. The intensity of the light is apparently under the in sect's control. When undisturbed for time the light gradually fades out. but if its autennai are touched, or it is otherwise irritated, the oval spots on its back and its body underneath glow with surprising splendor. So bright is the light that the insect flitting among the trees on the evening of its capture was at first mis taken for ft toy fire balloon. It may have been brought to Brooklyn in some fruit laden schooner. New York Sun. " DAUGHTERS OF EVE. Queen Victoria's favorite color is blue. Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt pays her pnysician iv,ouo a year. Emily Faithful decries the "shabby genteel'' idea that work is degrading for women. Miss Edna Dean Proctor has given a drinking fountain to her native town, Henniker, N. II. Mi.-s Apes, daughter of thr governor cf Massifchu.--etts, is said to look wonder fully lik the Princess of Wales. "Jenny" is one of the baptismal names of the new empress of Germany. That has a pleasant, homelike sound. The death of ex-Empress ( 'arlolta, of Mexico, may occur at any moment in Belgium. She is rapidly sinking and has become entirely hclpl'-ss. Sumo forty-tliiio descendants of IJe becca Noiirse, "the pious uiioimf l("'.)-,," piciiic!:ed in her honor ;lt Dan vers Cen ter, Mass,, the other day. Miss Auhcs Brown Blackwell. a daugh-t-.i '.f Ifev. Antoinette h. Brown Black well, was awarded the highest prize in lh; "life clans' at Cooper Union at its late animal examination. A M'hool of liOi!se!i".'7i'",; stal led in 1 : t. v,.. ,- t.y the ; :as lieen " countess of iia.-KK-r . rom. v.n'is t:: :( receive a practical training in domestic eeonoirsv, marketing, cooking, nu.-:;;'?; iuel lauii del iiig, An Jltigli.-hniais thus diveiiiies Queen Margheriia of ludy in the Pall T'lall Ga zelle: "Her fiice is to s;rntaneoiily in terf Ming aial vivacious that it might le long to any born lady untrammeled by i a:es of .-.'.ate. Her .-.milt, her lov, her r:-a;ly words aie thi i"-r..?-;14 0f royal air , ; ,1. ijM.yr llie 'un lcai i:c-(l perlcct ion of a royal nature." The Journal du Havre has found the arte de naisrance of Sarah Bernhardt. hoe was mother v. born ia KM- j ( vi e. Her ? t..u.gI:i;.-Vof a Boilm cu- list, aa.l her' official, who falhor was a government iftorv.ard committed i-ui- cide. Sarah's oWri iiuuie wnsllosalie. 1 his );.vs of the storv that she was Dutch. Prince-s Irene of who has just married F-i inco Henry of Prussia, has re ceied n thorough housewife's training. She can sew, make bread, and do every thing she would have to do were she fated to become the wife of a poor nar. All the Princesses of Hess- yveits trained in, this way by their' mother, tlie late grand5 'duchess, daughter of Queen Vic toria. The French minister of war has de cided to award the cross of the Legion of Honor to Mme. Drouan at the coming July fete. She was tho faithful attend ant of !p. F;r, v-nunh regiment of in fantry during the war of 1870, behaving with tlie utmost valor during the battles about Mctz and attending to tl;5 f.Cioers and men, even who; hey were under a hf-ay Are, urtil she was taken prisoner, Preserve tho Oovenmient Landmarks. There Is surprising recklessness regard ing the preservation of monumeuts erected by the government surveyors throughout the northwest. The surveyor of Brown, county. Dakota, gives this timely warning in a local paper: I notice a lamentable want oi care cf the (government corners among the fartnei-s and landowners of the country. Where stakes existed they are rotted off, often pulled out and used for firewood; the mounds are erased by cattle or travel, the pits are filled up and obliterated, and soon, if not already, no certain evidence will remain of their exact location. Now I need not enlarge on the very great import ance of preserving these points to mark on boundary lines. Residents from the east can recall any amount of trouble arising from some "lost corner," doubts, disputes, litigation and terchance a big surveyor's bill. Therefore, let every one of these corners receive the prompt at tention necessary to make it definite and permanent. Since each corner has an individuality of its own, owing to the marked irregularities of tlie government surveys, it is a mistake to. think that a lost (WKcr Uiuy readily be restored by measurements from adjacent corners. For enduring monuments I would sug gest a pointed stone or iron rod, or where practicable plant a tree. To forestall any subsequent dispute two or more of the adjacent owners should unite in the planting of the corner. I would caution roudmasters against carelessness m dp bury ing too deeply ihi-ac Chicago Times, 6troying or landmarks. - A Test cr Goml ISrerdii). Traveling is one of the severest tests ol good breeding: and whoever leaves homi to go to the seaside or to the mountains, does well to 1-ear this f:',et in mind. At the places of suiunter ic-n it, t;o. pooplV are Uov in danger of making disadvant aged., or even ohj-.-ctiosiablt, :.equ:;in tanc.'ihijis than they are at their owi homes, from the very fact that here ni the world mei ts o:i a more familiar foot ing; and as every i e: on is a fc! ranger t evei v oilier, peopL uf ';-.uil''jl charactei or repulatioii succeed in pa thr v are not. i: ;ieir name i-iaees, oueii ;.i:ig them: elvi soiV for what in theciowd of a watering p:a.'-e. All this is so thorou; NewjMirt ai:d 1'tiier 1;: summer ic.-oits that rhly recognizeil at :rgo and t'sicluiiivc riraner. genteei or idhcrwi-k will find great difilcully in making any ac;jua:ntai:ces among tin fumuier peoph', "' as they are called. If he have no friend to i a him, and bring no letter of ij:UKliiciio:i, ho need not hoj" U) j ln in the gayety which he sees around him. He is only a specta tor, ami probably leaver his hotel at the end of August, thor-a'.'.giily disgusted with the invisible but lui ltrriers which havo cxchtdal liim f;-oa th-j circle, Demorest's MoatlJv, cnarrucd HOW I KfJOW. IVcauso she has sweeter and fairer crown ; Devii use her v.iee has a teuderer toue: Deuausi) her eyes dr.jop wh-u fhey meet my own I know my darlinjj lovca me: Cocauta her smile Is a vision of bliss; . necr.uso on h-r red lips trembles .i kiss: Beeauso of all tliat. an I because of thin I know my darling; lovea mo! BecaiLsc the touch of her dear- hand thrills me: Bocuuso herthoii,'hU lead and her inin 1 wills ine; Because her sweet presence with lovo fills me I know I love my darling 1 Because kIio makes my poor life worthiUi paia; Deeuuse soul's strivings seem not in vain; Because with dear lov I liv uuin I know I love my darling : Euscnu Field in New Orleans Pieayuue. An Over I'unctillomt People. In tho higbland region of tho western Caucasus dwell a race of peoplo called tlie Miugrelians. As iu Pulestino and elsewhere, iliugrelian etiquette requires that saluta tions should be exchanged ns soon as th parties come within sight of each other, uud to leave out tho most trivial inquiry about tho members of another's freylv :' ;v---1 asm very had tuio. A oouide t Mingivlians will begin a sori of bows when half a mils from p;ch other and when the v are-within hailing distance tb inquiries begin: IIow is your health? How is you- mother, your wife?" and so or, even to tho most insignift cant se4'At, aud not forgrttiug even ths vks. The Mingi-elians havo the- extraordinary custom of going bareheaded ono day in tho w cok. This they do in honor of tho Sabbath, though they niako no other dist inction be wvoeii this and any other day of tho week, vorking and living as usual. But wet or dry, I ain or snow, none ever yo. abroad on Sun day except vri;'n uncovered head. Their tn.hUyliquetto is peculiar. They eat nn-h arid eat greedily. Portions are allowed ac cording to ago and position,, according to ago iu tho family, aii according to position at tho feasts, w which these peoplo are much .ltoted. Boston Transcript. Relies of ar .i.,-i-iit icaee. Recent ?'plorations in Spain by two P.Sigiau scientists have resulted in some very interesting discoveries. Belies of a prehistoric race have lecn found in great abundance, ranging from the stone age tc. that of bronze and metals. These people buried their dead not only in stones, graves and cells, but also in great jars of burnt chvy, accompanied by pieces of iiottery and other art idea of use and value, This form of jar burial Is very widespread and examples hav been found from.' Japan to Peru. These relics are suposed to belong to that ancient race which lived in Europe previous to the Aryan immigration, tho various branches of which are known as Iberians, Pclasgians, I.iguuans, etc., according to th yuniry in which they lived. Sev eral skeletons were found adorned with silver and gold oreaments. One of the most remarkable, r alias is 'a female skul encircled hy a band of silrcr, to which is attached a thin plate of the &.rme metal. Brooklyn Eagle. Instantaneous Interest Indicator. A machine by which the interest on any sum from $10,000 to $1, from ten years to one day, at any rate per cent., may be determined in thirty seconds, by simply turning a knob, has been, patented. An interest sheet is wound around tho rollers jnsids tuo machine, which are ro tated by the knobs at the side to stop at the given amount desired, and given rate per cent., as printed on the interest sheet, tins jortion then appearing in the open space on the left hand margin of tho ma chine. Then the smalt metal tablets on the face and across tho pen ter are thrown up with t''0 point of the ieneil, for the time the interest is to be computed. This being done, the required interest is in plain view. By the use of this ma chine all ot the menial and thrcc-fourtlis of tho physical labor is dispensed with. It is cpuiekcr than books or charts. It is safer than books or charts, because you cannot see any figures but those you wish to see. It keeps its own time. Scientific American. Christmas ft"' for the lusquimau. TiYC" years ago, when the bark Napo leon was wrecked near Cape St. Vincent, on tho Silferian coast, tho Esquimaux generously divided their stores with the half dozen survivors of tlu.t ill fated ves sel. In return for their kindness con gress appropriated $1,000 to be expended in presents for them, such us firearms, cotton clolhs, flour, fish hooks and other articles of practical value. The presents have been purchased and will be shipped to tho Esquimaux at the first favorable oppoi tuisity. Philadelphia Time. Slave Trade lu Africu. The condition of the slave trade may be estimated when it is learned that Car dinal Lavigirie, archbishop of Algiers and Carthage, has felt it to be his duty to go to Europe to denounce its continu ation. He has lately delivered most im passioned harangues from the pulpit of St. Sulpice, Paris, He says that the evi dence is that 400,000 slaves are annually sole on the African shores, and that, tak ing into account those killed i:i capturing them and the deaths from barbarous treatment, the slave trade counts 2,000, 000 victims every year. New York Sun. He Did Splendidly. Sunday School Teacher Johnnie, you did splendid J y today. "Yes, ma'am." "I wish all tho little boys in the class would study their lessons as you do. Are you struggling to win the prize?"' "2aw. Dad said he'd gimme a ticket to the next cirrus if I got oil my lesson without a break." New. York Granlic. , Thinks It Lucky. Mr. Lazybones thinks it lucky wo are not centipedes, because' it would be such dreadful work to button on fifty pairs of boots every time we wished to take a walk. Youth'i Companion. Real Estate Harains EXAMINE OUB 1. 1ST. CONsrS'i IMi OK CHOICE LOTS 3C 1ST ii i (Mi 21 lots in Thompson's addition. 40 lots in Townsend's addition. Lot 10 block 138, lot T, block KM. Lot 1 block , lot block 1)5. Lot ll', block 111, lot 8, block 01. LOTS IN YOl'XCI AND HAYS' AUDITION. Lots in Palmer's addition. Lots in Duke's addition. Improved property of all descriptions and in all parts of the city on easy terms. A new and desirable residence in South Park, can be boa "lit on monthly payments. Before ptirchnsing elsewhere, call and see if we ennnot suit you better. 5 acres of improved ground north of the city limits. 5 acres of ground adjoining South Park. 2 acres of ground adjoining South Park. 1 J acres of ground adjoining South Park. 20 acres near South Park: 14, T. 10, B. 3 2, Cass county, sec. price s?l, 800, if sold soon. uw i sec. 8. T. 12, B. 10, Cuss Co. price $2,000. A valuable iinproyed stock fram ir Merrick Co., Neb., 1C0 acres and oi reosonvble terms. Windham & Davies. Consult your best interests by insuring in the Phccuix, Hartford or ..-Etna com panies, about which there is no question as to their high standing aud fair dealing. TORNADO POLICIES. The present year bids fair to be a dis astrous one from tornadoes and wind storms. This is fore-shadowed by the number of storms we haye already had the most destructive one so far this year having occurred at Mt. Vernon, 111., where a large number of buildings were destroyed or damaged. The exemption from tornadoes last year renders their oc currence more probable in 1883. Call at our office anel secure a Tor nado Pedicy. Unimproved lands for sale change. or ex- WINDHAM &D17IES. PLATTSMOUTH, NED. UUUl Dr. C A. Marshall. "O SiHTIST ! 1'renervntlon of natural teeth a upeclalty. fetth trtructal uillmul pain by ue of LauthinQ (la. All work warranted. Prices reasonable. FllZiJKllAI.D's I'.U'iV.K. I'IjATT AMOUTII, NKU DRS. CAVE & SMITH, "Paialoss "Dentisto." l i e only DoiitlKtK In the West controling thU New .system ! bxtrueilim and Killing leetii without Pain. Our anaesthetic is en tirely free from ClirAlUFOi;M01lKTJIEK AM) IS ABSOLUTELY Harmless - To - All. Teeth extraeled and Prtiflelal teeth Itourtoit next day if desired. The preservation of the natural teeih a specialty. GOLD CROWNS. GOLD CAPS, BRIDGE mil. The very llnest. Ofllee in I'nion llloek. over '1 he Citicim' Bank, lctti.c-v3.tir. XTcraLlcai, TJ Win. Herolcl & Son Fori Dry Goods. Notions Boots aud Shoes or Ladies fTnd Cents FURNISHING - GOODS. He keeps as large and us well As can l found un y place In the rity and make you price mat ueiy eompeiiiioii. A;entsfor Bazar Patterns "and Harper's Ball's Corsets. Watches ! Watchoo I H. H. GAULT Has moved Hnd is now in the Shcrwooa room, Cor. 5th nnd Main Sts., where he is better able to thow his Large Stock of "Watches, CLOCKS A1TD JEWELRY ! Than ever before, and will as an induce ment sell you Watches way down. Call and get the Special Prices in Gold Watch es; it will surprise you. A Pull Line of the boi-t styhs of Jewelry and Silverware. Repairing will be given Special Atten tion. All work warranted to give satis faction. C. F. SM ITH, The Boss Tailor. Main St., Over Merges' Sin e Store. Has the best and niobt complete stock of samples, both foreign and domotic woolens that ever came west of Miw-ourl river. iSote these prices: UiisiiiCHS suits from $1(5 to $:J5, dress suits, $25 to f45, pants $4, $5, $r, $0.50 and upwards. 5?" Will guaranteed a fit. Prices Pery competition. M o Hi: K 55 O P! H an "3 r. o K r- xn W o ca tl CD A 01 0 0 otto r - M a. G-. B. KEMPSTER, Practical Piano and . Organ Tuner AND I'.KPAiKFK. Firtt-class work guaranteed. Also deal er in Pianos and Organs. Office at Bocck's furniture store, Plattf-mouth, Nebrarka. . &. M. Time Table. COIXO V,7T, No. 1. 1 :5 a. m. No. 3.--6 :V p. in. No. 5.!) a. in. No. 1. 7 :t.rj p. in. No. 9.-6 :17 p- ni. O01NO FAST. No. 2.-4 fSi p. in. No. 4. 10 :.'(0 a. Ill, No. . 7 :i:i p. m. No. . :.r,0 a. rn. No. 10. 1 :I5 m. in. All trainii run dai'v ly wavof Omaha, f-xcept Nos. 7 and which run to aiid from h'ehujler daily except Kurday. No. 30 Is a tub to Pacific Junction at 3a m.. No. 19 la a stub hoot facific Junction at Ua.ra. :) ( ' Ml 4 1-3 3 CQ O I Wl II.. 9 W 1