THE DAILY HERALD: PLATTSSMOUTii, WiSiJKASICA, FRIDAY, JULY 27. 188. S BLEMISIIES.' .J SUPERFLUOUS HAIRS HE UGLY LITTLE MOLE. , to tti Klectriral Ilylcln Mow Je Max Keiuoved A StiU-h In we Frrrkl Not Feared Formerly. i C'nre. .fothing except wrinkles is so disliked by 9 feminine variety as the unexpected np aram.'o of a long wiry hair protruding oui the chin or any part of the face. They jein tocoino without any warning; no pre monitory fuzzinesa, but in a iiigbt they ar rive. 'f ho first resort when they are discovered id tlio scisKors. I!ut they grow again, like mush rois after an August rain, ull tlio thicker anil moro bristling after each cutting. Then comes the reign of tho tweezers, and, regard less tit pain, out they must come. Hut, as in tlio enso of gray hairs, they, too, conio to tho funeral. Still, sti'-h wero the only remodie of the women of yesterduy, and they had to Lear this sign, us well as others, of advancing g with w hat courage they could, l'oor old things! you had to put up w itu such a lot of trials we escajie. V!idays a woman with superfluous hair tins o Jly to make two or three or foujr visits to an electrical physician. Indeed, tha fam ily physician often undertakes tho removal, and ut each visit Lo removes homo half dozen of tho objectionable eapillaceous adornments by the aid of his electric needle. Oue tiny puncture at tho root of each hair, one quick, littlo shock from the battery, and good-by hair forever and aye. It isvery unwise to have more than nix or seven hairs removed at once. It lccomes then a case of moro haste loss speei I, for tho operation is apt to jirodtiro u sore which will prevent any fur ther procedure until that is healed, but a few may be removed at a time say, twice a week without any inconvenience. Nor Heed any jiersori fear any after effects what ever from this cause if done carefully a few at n time. "Another discovery of modern study of phya'cnl development is that there is no need of nlii'ing such unsightly disfigurements as molest tV:ntinue upon the human face or l.ody, although persons rarely go to tho trouble of hav.Ui any such thing removed from tho Jody unless on tho arms or neck. Physicians touch the surface pf a mole very lightly with a pencil or sharp pointed stick liplcd in fuming nitric acid. When in tho -mbryo state it requires no moro than two applications to entirely eradicate tho deface ment, aiul it is very unwise to await tho cer tain growth of the excrescence before taring it treated. It is, x-rhnps, as well not to give here the strength of the acid necessary to perform the operation, for it is a dangerous thing to triflo v.h and should be left entirely to the use. of jilijcjciaiis or surgeons. A single drop too much t ft time will not only eat away tho mole, but a very nico littlo round hole in the skin all altout iho place where, it used to lie. Women must remenjljor that they forbid children to play with fire. Certain small round brown inoies are con sidered mark of leauty, and therefore unless they" are as thick as freckles, which they resemble, jt is not worth while to tamper with tberu. .Especially should one nppear on the back of the neck, it should lie treasured like a ruby, for rysthe old rhyme wo learned with our Mother ioosa Moles iu the ucck, money by tho peck. It is tho clear, w hite, watery kind of mole from w hich hairs grow that is so ugly such as afflicted Liszt, tho composer, who was known by his moles, bis waxen death mask -!. jwiirjj them, plainly. There is a kind of white mdlo or hard pimple which grows ibout tho eye and eyelids which is one of the most disfiguring things seen on a face. Some iiow one iievw likes to look directly at a per poif who is so afflicted and has not gone at once about their rcjiiovab They grow with astonishing rapidity and soiiaotjmes come in little groups, which as they grow arc suddenly discovered to have run together and made one large one. Getting rid of these is such an easy matter tlmt there is no excuse for permitting them to rpmain. Ono visit to a surgeon or oculist, one touch of his sharp scalpel aud the cause, little hard, round, white lump, rolls out, and tho little cut in the skin soon heals. Sometimes tho puncture of tha ekjn with a needle is all that Is necessary, but usual) the foreign substance is imbedded so deep that one fears to fool around the eye with a sharp pointed needle. There is no Jotion or wash or ointment which has the slightest effect on these sort of things. Freckle are looked at iu a very different light today than they were formerly. They are regarded as a beauty, and women go so far as to have them painted on in certain lieautifying emporiums, where the art of whitewashing bleaching, calciruining and painting is carried to a remarkable degree of jicrfection, though it must le confessed the result of their experiments and researches is art. very evident art, and not nature at all, nor even the semblance of it. ' There are hundreds of preparations for re moving frrickles, some ot J hem pleasant, agreeable washes to us, but none pf them truly cflicaciousL Freckles which com in unt?wcr time wear away when the blight, hot sunVJno goes. A few days spent indoors, in cool, dak rooms, makes them disappear; a littlo attention to the diet, tho abstinence from food and drink" containing iron is a par tial cure. But freckles have a comely, healthy, wholesome air, and it is rather nice than otherwise not to look exactly the same all the year round. Besides, open air exereiso is the fad of tho day, and the woman who wraps berself all up in veil and gloves is all out of tho fashion. Brave tho freckles and have a good time all su-nmer. "S. S. li II." in Chicago Herald, j V Kid In- Il',it. The skirts are still made so narrow that as a fashionable tailor told raw the other day they are beconriui each season closer allied to breeches. By til by, tbesa articles, made in doeskin, are beginning to be worn in pref-erenL-e to any other kind. They ar expen sive to start with, but they last practically forever, and are the ierfsctiou of comfort iu wer. lltindeer is another material used for tUa same purpose. There has been a great effort madd by some of the best tailors to re introduce the all round basque again, but; it Las not found favor. Plain clothes, not Xraided, fitting doJy, high sleeves to wrist, are what are to be seen in the parks. The novelty seems to li in the waistcoats, which at. seen sometimes only at tae neck, some times at the waibt also, and are uiada of check" woolens, ipeckled linen and tinies of leather. Some of tha habits only open anongu to show a man's necktie. Dsrk blue, green and brow as aro still the favorite flairs. A few habits have b-jen outdo this "ar in pepper and lt mixtures. Elastiu ' Venetian cloth, doeskin (which is an I -Ted make, much stronger than tho old serges, are all employed, and most of are waterproofed. . - not agree vrixh a very dry USES OF 'STRATAGEM. DR. TALMAGE ADDRESSES HIS COM RADES OF THE THIRTEENTH. Victorious 1 1 trout Tlio Triumph of the Wicked (it fchort Theatre aud Drink ing Saloon to lie Turned Into Asylum, Art Galleries and Churches. Feekskiix, N. Y., July 22. Chaplain T. De Witt Talmage preached today to the Thirteenth regiment of the New York Btato National Guards, now encamped hero. Tho regiment assemhled at ii p. m., when jieople from tho neighboring country, towns and cities were present in immense numbera. A military band conducted tho musical part of tho ser vice. Chaplain Talmage 'b sermon, which was on ''Uses of Stratagem," was based on Joshua viii, 7: "Then yo shall rise, up from the ambush, and bcize uion tho city." lie said: Men of tho Thirteenth regiment and their friends here gathered, of all occu pations and professions, men of the city and men of the lields, hero is a themo fit for all of us. One Sabbath evening, with my family around me, we wero talking over the scene of tho text. In tho wide open eyes and tlio quick interrogations and tho blanched cheeks I realized what a thrill ing drama it was. There is the old city, shorter by name than any other city in tho ages, spelled with two letters A, I Ai. Joshua and his men want to take It. How to do it is the question. On a former occasion, in a straightforward, face to face fight, they had been defeated ; but now they are going to take it by am buscade. General Joshua has two divis ions in his army the one division the battle worn commander will lead him self, the other division he sends off to encamp in an ambush on the west side of tho city of Ai. No torches, no lan terns, no sound of heavy battalions, but 30,000 swarthy warriors moving in silence, speaking only in a whisper; no clicking of swords against shields, lest the watchmen of Ai discover it and the stratagem be a failure. If a royster ing soldier in tho Israelitish army for gets himself, all along the line the word is 'Ilushl" Jojhua takes the other di vision, the one with which lie in to march, and puts it on the north side of the citj of Ai, and then spends the night in reconnoitering in the valley. There he is, thinking pver the fortunes of the coming day, with something of thcwfccl ings of Wellington the night before Waterloo, or of Meade und Lee the night before Gettysburg. There ho stands in the night, and says to hiniself : "Yon der is tho division in nmbubh on the wet side of A i. ' Here is tho division I have under my especial command on the north side of Ai. There is the old city slum bering jri its sin. To-morrow will be the battle. Look! the morning already be gins to tip the hills. TJio military olficers of Ai look out in the morning very early, j and while they do not see the division in ambush, they behold the other division of Joshua, and. the cry, "To arms! to armsj" rings through all the streets of the old town, and pyeiy sword, whether hacked and bent or newjy welded, is brought out, and all the inhabitants of the city of Ai pour through the gates, an infuriated torrent, and their cry is: "Come, we'll make quick work with Joshua and his troops." No sooner had these people pf Ai come out against the troops of Joshua, than Joshua gave sucli a command as he seldom gavej fFall back!" Why, they could not believe their own ears. Is Joshua's courage fail ing him ? The retreat fs beaten, and the Israelites are flying, throwing blankets and can teens on every 6lde under this worse than Bull Run defeat. And you ought to hear tho soldiers of Ai cheer and cheer and cheer. But they huzza too boon. The men lying in ambush are straining their vision to get some signal from Joshua that they may know what time to drop upon the city. Joshua takes his bur nished spear, glittering in the s?jn like a shaft of doom, and points it toward the city; and when the men up yonder in the ambush see it, with hawklike swoop they drop upon A., trd-"without stroke of sword or Etab of epear take the city and put it to the torch. So much for tho division that was in ambush. How about the division under Joshua's com mand? sooner doe3 Joshua Btop in tho flight than all his iac ston with him, and as he wheels they wheel, for in a voice of thunder ho cried "Halt!" One strong arm driving back a torrent pf fly ing troops. And then, as he points his spear through tho golden light toward that fated city, his troops know that they are to start for it, What a 6cene it was when the division in ambush which had taken the citj marched "down against the men of Ai on tha one si do, and the troops under Joshua doubled up their enemies from the other side, and tho men of A were caught between these two hurri canes tif Jsraelitish courage, thrust before and behjnd,' utflbbfed jn breast and back, ground between the upper and th? nether millstones of God's indignation. Woe to the city pf Ai! Cheer for the triumphs of Israel! Lesson the first : There is euch ft thing as victorious retreat. Joshua's falling back was the first chapter in his success ful besiegement. And there are times in your life when the best thing you can do is to run, You were were once the vic tim of strong drink. The demijohn and the decanter were your fierce iocs. They came down upon you with greater fury than the men of Ai upon the men of Joshua. Your only safety is to get away from them. Your dissipating com panions will come around you for your overthrow, lluri for your life! Fall back from the drinking saloon. Fall back from the wine party. Your flight is j our advance. Your retreat is your victory. There is a Ealoon down on the next "street that has almost been the ruin of your soul. Then why do you go along that street? Why do you not pass through some other street rather than by the place ; of your calamity? A Bpoonful of brandy ; taken for medicinal purposes by a man who twenty years before had been re- , formed from drunkenness, hurled into inebriety and the grave one of the best f riend3 I ever had. Yonr retreat is your j victory. Here is a converted infidel. ' He is so strong now in his faith in the Gospel he say he can read anything, j What ore you reading! Bolingbrokef HERO AND LEANDER. Between the folded blockneMi of the sea and sky, bha ses her lover' foe gleam like lotun flower One breath lews moment stands with flaring lamp held high Then, like a falling star, drops from her foam girt tow er. Above the loud, insatiate sea, with hurrying feet. All heedless of the unaccustomed pttth tliey tread. Two sliiuiug shapes fluish through the ebon gloom to meet And cling and pass content nor dream that I hey are dead. Felix Cray in New Orleans Times-Democrat. Tho Cars of "Juggernaut." Ono of tho most widely known idoU is Jagannath, on account of tho fanatical cus-to-n of his followers in flinging themselves beneath the wheels of tho greut cars on festi val days. The ISritish government has put a stop to tho frenzied carryings on, but the riK.ji-.lcr cars are yet seen htunUing iu the center of th villages hs one pusses through. 1 hey are still used to draw tho idol through tho streets, tho ponderous vehicles being dragged along y crowds of ticople. These Jagannath ears are really gorgeous affairs, covered with gilt, mirror work and paint ings, eclipsing ino most gorgeous circus wagons ever seen in America. Jagannath is usually built of wood, and onco a year is taken out of the temple to be bathed in the presence of vast crowds. This th occss is sup posed to give tho idol u cold, and so, ten days later ho is placed iu tho cur, and amid the wildest tumult, is hauled away to pay a visit to some other idol near by, for a change of air. After remaining on fraternal friend ship wilh his host for a week, ho is dragged duck uome. dagannaui, it win be seen, is a comical looking idol, his edigreo is rather obscure, but he is thought to have leen some local divinity of some aboriginal tribe whose worship, at some remote period, was en. grafted into Iiindooism, and their idol ad mitted into tho ominium gatherum of the Hindoo pantheon. Tliomay Stevens. ' Hints In Ultrary Composition. In answer to a correspondent, Mr. Philip U. ilamertou detailed particulars of his method of work. Said Mr. Hamerton in his interesting letter: "I think that there aro two main qualities to bo kept iu view in literary composition frankness and finish. Tho best way, ia iiy opinion, of attaining both is to aim at freshness iu the rough draft, with little regard to perfection of expression; tho finish can bo given by copious subsequent correction, even to the extent of writing all over again when there is time. Whenever possible, I would assimilate literary to pic torial execution by treating tho rough draft as a riipid and vigorous sketch, without any regard to delicacy of workmanship; then I would write from this a second work, retain ing as much as jiossiblo tho freshness" of the first, but correcting the oversights and errors which are due to rapidity." Home Journal. Dollar IInii!cra Destitute of Humor, Certain pursuit, certain liabju of mind iend to repress, and finally eradicate humor. Among these, notably, as has been indicated, is tho steady pursuit of weulth for wealth's sake. Any number of rich men may lie pos sessed of humor; but you almost never find a man whose constant aim is to get money that has a vestige of the happy quality. He may have had a fair fund ot it ih the' beginning; but the concentration of his entire thought and feeling in one direction, and that direc tion sordid, must ere long extinguish humor by drying up its springs. To be a humorist, ono must bo accessiblo to ideas, must give hospitality to surrounding influences, must bo "related to tha rhojo world, Atd when one is absorbed in pecuuiosity, is shut away from all tho better, more wholesome emana tions of liie, it is impossible to feel the faint est throb of humor. The l'lionogiapli Xo Perfect, rjdison's cjaiiij that his phonograph, wijl displace the stenographer is a littlo vivid. Mr. L. F. Brown, who has carefully exam ined the invention, sajs it can never arrive at that state of perfection. Ho says of it: "It is too complicated with its rubber hose mouthpiece, its discs and needles (I use un technical names), its hearing tubo adjusters and additional ear pieces, sound multipliers, lathe kuife, electric attachments, wax regis ter feleeves, uus, battery ud weight. And its tone is too indistinct and metallic. If a cornet is placed into it the beauty of the music is not preserved; its reproduction is like that of a ventriloquist. Detroit Free Press, Silent Forces of Xature. Mr. Trofundity sat at the breakfast table and between sips of coffee discoursed ponder ously as fCrJlQWSj "It is the silent forces of nature that are most potent. The silent stream runj deep est; the silent power of solar heat brings forth tho flower and grain; the silent moon heaps up the ocean tides, and and " "The silent sow gets the most swill," said Profuudity's wife, helping hin put A3 he hesi tated' for sirniles and ' spilled soft boiled egg on his jnaijly bosom, Arkaasaw Traveler. " Artist Whistler's Dining Koom. The dining room of the artist Whistler is furnished in yellow and greenish blue. The walls ara painted in this greenish blue, and tho ceiling is pale yellow, whilg tho sorbose is the color of a ripe lemon. Tho hearth stone is yellow, and lemon colored tiles bor dered with blue add a finish to tho fireplace. Tho matting is in blue and yellow squares, while -ellow curtains, elaborately embroid ered, fall unconfiued from the top of the windows to the floor. Harper's Bazar. Fresh from the Filter. 'Jtastus An' how's de ole woman, Uncle 'Zekiaii eke Poahly, chile, poahly. She's dat weak in her iusides dat shocau;t di jnk nuCh but pilfered wattalu' 'fiastys Fo de Lawd! wot kine of wattah am dat I . .7 -;Mm Zeko 'Pears hke yo' git ignoranter as you gits older. Do pilfered wattah am de pewer itinT, vot' al '(iewities am pilfered out wid Band an' grabbeL Pittsburg bulletin. ' Quacks and Invalids. A recent number of Tho Hearth and Home states that thcro are i.'oO.OOO chronic invalids in the United States. Tho names of these invalids are known, and aro peddled, quoted and sold as au article pf commerce. In sup port of tho statement, the names of quack doctors dealing Lo them ore given. Th Argonaut. At the ricnle. He (with a bunch of -wild flowers in his hand) Ah, my dear Miss Sereandyellow, what kind of poeies will you choose! She (in a perfect twitter) Oh, Mr. Smith! Oh. te, he; te, he; I will choose pro-posies. Mr. Smith sinks into the earth. Washing ton Critic The latest returns of the various branches of the International Sunday School union make the number of Sunday school teachers in the world to be 1,504,613 and tha schohus ' VARIOUS SUPERSTITIONS. OUR INHERITANCE FROM THE OLD WORLD NATIONALITIES. AVhat Dreuiim Are Thought t Denote. Tlio Mystery of the Moun Women' Kn Ierlit loim Ilcgurding Cut Ilreuklng a Mirror tahitst Stories. With the promiscuous strains of blood that we Americans have flowing in our viens wo have iuheritiHl tho sujH-rstitions of many countries in tho old world. Whole volumes have been printed of tho English, Welsh, Scotch, French, German, Italian and Rus sian superstitions. Perhaps we have one or two which belong to each nationality. At all events wo have a variety. The commonest sujierstition regarding dreams isthat to dream of gold predicts joy; silver, sorrow; of Hying, a journey; of light ning, marriage; of killing serpents, victory; of blindness, poverty; of combing tho hair, sickness; of gray hair, death; of flies, ene mies; of Cupid, love, but if he breaks his liow, j-ou are to bo an old maid or a widow. To dream of white flowers is a good omen ; of yellow flowers, you aro to attend a funeral. A lady tells the writer that through her whole life all her various afflictions have been foreshadowed by dreaming of an infant. Tho ''child dream," as she calls it, gives her "warning," and she begins to droop liko a flower that is partly crushed while waiting for a new baptism of sorrow. Perhaps Jacob's dream of the angels and the ladder is a suflicient foundation for sujierstitions re garding dreams. "Dreams, idle dreams," says tliu ixx't, nut ttw y a;e ir;-i; y lightful if they are "idle." IlEIJAUDIXQ THE MOOX. No woman need bo ashamed to confess that she is superstitious regarding tho moou, or that sho deliberately turns her right shoulder toward the new moon and takes a good look at the new silver crescent. The Druids per formed mysterious rites in honor of the new moon, and Shakespeare calls her "the sove reign mistress of the melancholy." Probably that is the foundation of calling silly girls or boys "luny." The old superstition regarding illness being caused by moonlight shining on the face of a sleeping woman has a curious suspicion of truth in it. Certain school girls having hearii that one of their number had a horror of moonlight streaming through tho windows of her dormitory, stolo noiselessly into her ehamlier while she was sleeping and pushed back the curtain so as to let the moon shine full on her face. Tho result of this prank was the serious illness of the girl on whom it was tried a malady which puzzled tho phj'aieians in attendance until tho girls confessed their crime. The pld English cus tom for yoimg girls to address the moou New Year's evo regarding their future part ners for life prevails to some extent among us. Tho girl says: "I pray thee, dt-ar lnuon, reveal to inn who. my huiitniml will," etc., ail Iqok ior tha picture of her briut ed that is or io ne in vno rouna stiver game, tr a cloud sweeps over tho disk tho girl says: "Alas! not this year, ugly moon:"' Many women are superstitious regarding strange cats. If a cat is found in" a new house that house is doomed for the ill luck of its occupants. Actresses are said to be su perstitions regarding iheapiiearancc of a cat on tho stage tho great Siddons once faint ing when a black cat walked before her dur ing a performance at Drury Lane theater. Most women regard tho putting on of a gar ment the wrong side out as a liresajre of bad luck. Friday is a black day to some women. They will not start upon a journey, begin a piece qf wcu-k, have company or do any act o importance. A lady of unusual culture, travel and all opportunities which lwsition and wealth can give for intelligence says sho has a horror of ciowslng between the caniages of a funeral procession, and tells her coachman never to drive across the lino of a funeral cortege or before a hearse in such a procession. Sho considers such acts, by accident or purposo. warning of death to herself or family. BREAKING A LOOKIXG GLASS. To break a looking glass is the presage of swne terrible disaster or death In lbs house whero it occurs. Ie Constant, the favorite valet of Bonaparte, tells of his master being so agonized while iu Italy over breaking a mirror that lie cent a special envoy to Paris to learn if his beloved Josephine was alive and in safety. Josephine's ill luck, it is said, legan soon after this. She was as supersti tious as her famous second consort, Tingling of tho ears is asm1 sicn same- body a gossiping about you; burning of the checks that some one is thinking of you, aud if 3'our nose itches you are to see a stranger. Yellow spots on the nails betoken a near approach of death; white spots predict gifts. To cut the nails on Friday or Sunday is aw fully unlucky. Then there is the wiuding sheet in the candle, bnt if there is a spark in the wick it betokens a letter of good news. To some people odd numbers are lucky; to others, even numbers. Of all things a "wraith" Is most to ha dreaded-in shovE, a ghost of some ono you have known or of yourself. Robert Dale Owen, In his "Footprints on the Boundary of Another World," says that the Holland family of England always see their own re semblance as a warning of death. One of the fairest ladies of this noble family saw a most pqmplete and perfect likeness pf herself coming toward her in the garden. She un derstood this premonition, and calmly pre pared for her exit from this mundane sphere. A group of ladies gathered in a counta-y house during the gloaming told ghost stories recently till they were afraid to retire. Tho crowning experience was that of ojif of tho number while in a curious mental and phvsj? cal condition had beheld herself de'i "and her husband weeping beside ' her. As the pathetic or the serious is first cousin to the comic, so it was a relief to this gathering to hear the narrator, a buxom, healthy woman, "fair, fat aud forty," say: '-But, you see, here I am, and the mourner has been mourned." Brooklyn Eagle. - An Anecdote of Franklin. A volume of aunals cf old Philadelphia, contains an anecdote of Franklin which will, we think, bo new to our readers. A few days titer he began to publish a newspaper, he commented sharply on the dishonest conduct of certain influential and wealthy town offi cials. Three or four of his friends, 3-oung mechanics like himself, anxious to rise in thq world, sharply reproved him for his impru dunce, and told him that a poor man could not afford thus to make enemies. Franklin listened in silence and patience, nd when the lecture was over asked his critics to sup with him. They came and sat down, expecting a luxurious meal, such as was common in thoso days among the well to do. Before each guest, however, was a bowl of mush and milk and a pitcher of water. They tried in vain to swallow the coarse fare, watching Franklin as he emptied his bow) with evident relish. When he had ended he laid: ' "That is my usual supper. I have an ad vantage over you, as you see, for when loan can live on sawdust pudding and water he needs no patronage." Youth's Com- nanion. The Plattsmouth Herald Is on joying aSoomin both. it3 DAXXT AND WEEKLY EDITIONS. Year Will be one ilnrin which the Piihji'cts of national interest anil inijiortiiiice will le strongly agitated und the election of a President will tuke place, 'lhe people of Cass County who would like to learn of Political, Commercial and Social of this year and would keep apace with the times should -KOK Daily or Weekly Herald Now while we have the subject before the people we will venture to epcak ot our lJlrllni U livyilliuvJ I Which is first-class in all respects and from which our job printers are turning out much satisfactory work. PLATTSMOUTH, 1888 Transactions 3Bi KITIIKK THE NEBRASKA.