The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, July 25, 1888, Image 1

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first vi:au
'laynr, - - K. M. Kmiiky
Mt-rk. W K Kox
l'rc.nurcr, - - Jamkh I'a i i :iiin, .111.
Attorney. - Hvkn Cuiik
Kniu-r. - - - A Makhi.k
1'olic .Iu.Ik - . - S Ci.if nncu
Mar-hall. - - - W li MAi.icK
. l .1 V WK.t KI' M il
Couaoiimeii. 1st ward, -( A sall-huk.
. ",, Kit, A Ml I I'M N
41 Ik .
I M II Mi: II I'll V
t I'liN (I'l'dNMiK.
I 1' M UA I. I.K.N'. I ICK.1
I .1 V .Imiinh
Hoard 1Mb. Workn-? Khm iiniKK
I D 11 IIawkhW
OK I'll
(ioLTjVi1 v o inn g k ijs.
1). A. CA.MI'IIFI.I.
III Hl lltl Till K I l
i:xa I'm rriiKi ki.i
W. II. l'oi.
.loll N M. I.K V I
J. C. Kikkmsai:
A. M aiioi.i;
Al.l.KM ItK.KS'tN
C. Uus.itti.i.
Wfcpint; W;ii--Kiiiiuooil
I k;xly riciuurer, -Cl.-ik.
li.puty I'h-rk.
J't-coriinr tf Dri'ds
llnpiuy ICi'Ciiriifr
Cltirk ol District Co art,
SherUT, -Hurveyor.
Siit. of I'ul). School,
Com.ty Jti.if.
A, H. Tom;, Ch'n;.,
I.Ol'ial l''tI.T.,
A. li. II JKHo.V,
SS 1.0IX:K No. lit!. I. C. F.-Mi'ftH
lfv-ry Tiii-silay fveniin' of earli ''U. Ail
transient brothers ur rcM'-'et fully invited to
1. T. iiii-. i; ;. r all :!. 1' nda .
(';. li huntli 111' th; ' Mammii! Hall. isitnitf
V-rotli To are invited to attend.
mui7-Ti,i7iiNi. n, a. (i. u. w -.Miou
every a'.rt'riiat-i Friday eveiii'JH h . t.f '.
Kill. Traiisl'-iit i:i;i!it:i'H am nvs.fii;if uiiy o. -vit.-.i
toattiMnl. K..I. Mors:tii. Master Workman ;
i: S liar-tow. Foreman ; Frank lirown. Ovrr-H.-er
1. lloAcn, ciiiiile; eieoitfc lloiwwtirili,
K rdi-r; II. .1. Johnson. Fiiiaiit t.-r ; Wa-li .
Umit h. U'-ceivcr ; M. .Maybri-slit. i'at M. W. ;
. .lark Daiit-Ltrty, Inside Cuard.
j ,,r 1 if.i MVf'i.seiroiiil and four! It .! n -
dav .-Cl-iiui:,' at I,, of r. hall. Ail tlMnic.t
"H.t'iH iieriiiUft'dto n.fci viMiiii'. J,','
Nd'ASoTit'r, Vem'ratdi; Consul;;. H ,
Vorlhy Adviser ; f. U. Hill', ian.c , . . a.
iL-VTTSHil'TH l.lDiK M). . A. W. L'. W'.
Meel evry alternate Friday eveniiiK at v vod ball ::t uVock. AI! tiaiiteiit W'nlli
t.,rf o.r' r.-3i-iifiiiiy invire.l in :ittei..(. J.. .
.-rsnj M. V, '. lia.. ''
. ..ei'iiaru .vnuerson, overseer.
1i.ATrsMoi:Tiu.f d;f, no. r,, a. f. a..m.
Meeis on the lirt rt'ud Utii'd Alomlays of
?;;o!l (J'.i-i.tii ui their hall. All transient luoth
;:s a-' co.'diaily invited to meet with 11s.
.J. (J. Kk iikv, V'. M.
Wtf. II v. Secretary
V 1:1: j:ska chaitkh. xo. . u. a. m.
Meets second and fourth Tuesday of each
month ar MaonV Hall. Transcimt brothers
are inviied to meet with us.
F. K. WillTi', II. P.
XV M. H vw. Seeielary.
M r. ZION niMMA-DAIIY, NO. 5. K. T.
Meet?- first and third Wednesday nilit of
ea-h month at M iso i's hall. Vlsitim; hers
(Mi'dially invited to meet uiih us.
v m. 11 av. i;c. F. K. w hitk. F. ('.
t'ASStol'NCIUNO IHlM. K')VA I I:'.N1'.M
' laeet-t he t-eeond and lo'.llth Moiida.s f
jie'i foutV i;l A",c;illi.iii Hail.
I K. N. (iLK.VX, Kfgcllt.
i. MiNois. Secretary.
.1. V. .TotlXsrt.N- Coiiiinp.iuUT.
V. S. T-.viss Senior ico
F A.P.vri's Junior "
:k. Nii.ks .. Adjutant.
Hzn i:v Sti:ki.;u r . M.
M t on Iion Onieerof the iay.
(11 Mti.Ks Fi:iu " " 'inard
A n nr.KsoN Fkv Sori;t Major.
.1 voiu;hh:?,kman.. ...'ilarter Master Sen:!.
I . tM''.::;Tis I'ost Chaplain
' iMcelin Saturday evening
1 "resident
1st V tee President
'nd Vict President .
Seer -tary
"I r- 1 -1 1 r i-1' ...... .
i; Windham
. .A. P.. Todd
.Win Neville
F. Herrmann
. It liuthman
ii 1: K ro;s.
.1 Pifhev. I". 1- White. J C. Patterson,
.! A. ..ini'-r. P.. Kison, C. W. Sherman, F. C.r
i r, J. V. fteekbach.
11 .pre.ent the lolluwing timo
tricl and lire-tested companies:
Am?rican Central-S". i. u:s. Assets ?1.25K.1.X)
. Comuier.rial L'nioii-KiikCland. " 2.:.yi:.3U
Fire Assoela' ion-Philadelphia. 4,4I.".."C
Franklin-Philadelphia. " S.llT.leti
Home-Sew York. " T.iOS.M'.i
Is. C. of North America. Phil. " 8,4T4A
UvrpooL:I.ondon & Ulobe-Kiifj " ;.iU!'J.7St
N.r!h British .t Mercantile-Kn,j " ::.:IT,75
N-..r. eh Ciiioii-Eiii'land. " 1.24-". I'W
Sui-iigliehl F. &M.-Sprin-ficId. " 3.044.:13
Total Assets. S12.115.774
LraiAijasts! and Paift at tuisAeeacy
Cor. 12th and Granite Streets.
Contractor and Builder
' 't. 12 CuX
na cunj Ar:c madiz.
I I ; 1 ! t of .M.ioii.ui turin ; I.011 ;
Ijtr-.i, ':m:ii.iii I'aie.oiiH
rnr.-.nts" Sli.r l.-.:i t r.Iachioe tip
mi : ':irtri.:- " ! : . iny Mw:;i-.--l i:Mu t;at.
A.-; ii is niiiinlv I i '."h ! ich lh' !. t In nt !
try l ie -! I: !: I r f 'i'u:i la!i.i' u':.;iks :iii1
i.ii' i c 1 wrr ii:;im'I ial, I wejit 1 u ii t. Cit
;.r a 1 -u !:iys i! ;. to set.1 v. hr:l. was t. !
:s!i. !lsi in;; .'.'. ii' n't I ' t !.'i! ,! ;: l:t i oiir
iil. ;i: it y, v.'e v.i it !',;i r.. !i. ! with u fajia'.lt
;::di' irom m.-tia . nrknieii, r.ial
i.t ti.e'e t:ii'!- i ii;m 'ir tciir ! i!:: i rva! ion
.'.:;! iiujniry. Tie; h'i,, fliijiiueys (o.'n; of I
tin-:. 1 s vi r.:l I. t-t, I. ;!. r tn:!M tiio n.''!:ii
I : n 1 J . t :; r:!ioi:-; 1 i;,t (i;i -aaet-s beleliiiij
tori a si'r't-t , of s.t ::;;o ;'..U!ie, tin tiin t.f this
.te-'i.i i;:ii:ui:c:'s, t::j ra1i!o of j-caf I'ln'l all a!out, ii--. t'ie eoaiy, sot.ty
..sjKvt of the 1'l.ieu '. tii;fl'iiil V, v.t'l'e vei'V Iiil!''ll
niofi' : ii''-; t ive t.f I.::iic::siii!V if u Lit ff t ho
i'.L.i !: e.. .;::'!' t!.:.-i :( .u'lI'iiI, uatoral
'1'. i!-.y lie. l.r.ntidr'ry 'v;.K.i t in! .f.i ;. an area
of .; i: t i : :t-: u: ! . ; i; c th-' 'i 111:1 r.!ies
tti"';i-:' 11', ;::;.! t!:" o.i.uScr of won
i : i v
t-l:: loy rc.ll:i:i often to
! I,' C J v: e l i:i ll.c-e "i..;ir..j; t:!.i ; of peaoe."
i iie '.- !. ly . 1. "e slu t-! lining a e: i:'j si ::.:'
tiling lilai" .'-'.' t.'i.O The men j:ro divi.'.ed
into tv.o s!:::i .. au.l IheV tal.e !:;y ni;;:it
ttirits in iilti 1'iirtt s. that t!i'.' '"a-
ihi.K ry of t'ae uj'-f.ial if.ay sai.i tu-Vt .' to j
re:-1. ' ' I a.vic.vT. Ai-rij .r.vit.s.
Tiir i apliaai-cs i:i use at Vv'ool-
ii'h for t!;j i.!a:'i;!ii .t;oa oi' t in; m;;-S"j '
uioltf'i ';'. einl Lall'-iilei'M la-'Xal Usui ill
n'i inal.i:!. art pei left f'M-eiiiit':;.: of rare
eiiiistrin.'! ivo f.!;i;l. TLa-y have, in.';..': d, I ecu
ii' by t rci'fi'ts to bo U10 Ix-st oxa'a
.!esof ot'cmtivo iaenaity in ust anyvvho;e
at l"e" cnt tiuie. We were aiauseil. a::d
it. t!:e ; a!:u; :;--;o;ii.;!!"d. f.r instamv. at
t!i.' absurdly e:t-y M':-i::;.' '.11 vi;iv!i the hii;.:o
ti'a'.i'liii' era;a s in.a'ec' hilhei' ami tlnthr in
tiie s oiliii-- and ooi'i':: sliop s .:cKin up jr. id
i-al l'Vii! a'.i'Clt t.;:i:i of metal just as easily
is a cliiltl cari ies al.titit a ball, lloth iIum
lepnitinenls, v!v."o lie, nu-'al is j.i .-laicd
f..r llm kuii la -lory 'i-'rop'. i-, Wore w.-kin- at
u;,r, pre. tuv.' Jn the .O.u ll im iary, tl.rv.p-
l. l. Pauiiei-:i:i l other j jvU t.'r
Vi.:riu. ua "-
ire jsliown us iu
fassing on to t he gun factoi'3' proper, which
s tho great center of attraction just now to
-.11 visitors, whether military or civilian, we
Intl ourselves surrounded by huo masses of
lUnvin metal in process of forging, welding
and shrinking, or undergoing a curious
process of disemboweling by means of a pow
irfully constructed borer. Gangs of work
men were busily engaged in heating, sawing
antl planing sections of guns of all sizes and
Bhapes, which are intended for the navy, tho
field as occasion miy require, and harbor
and home defense. The great object in view
bero at tbe present time is to provide as soon
as possible for tho needs of tho coaling sta
tions, upon tho security of which so much
would depend in ti rue of war. The guns are
shipped oi from the arsenal pier as they are
turned out, but tha work of constructing a
Woolwich infant"' L by no means as expe
ditious as could bo desiretL This new form
of weapon is not made out of one solid cast
ing, but of several distinct hoops or rings of
solid and carefully prepared 6tcel. The base
of the gun is upended, antl one ring after an
other is fitted upon it while the metal is in a
red hot state, each hoop slightly overlapping
the other antl shrinking as it cools. Tho
careful preparation of the metal and the con
struct ion of the splendid machinery for the
adjustment of the rings of which the gun is
built up arc matters about which the arsenal
authorities are wisely reticent. In fact, nest
to no information is given in these depart
ments to visitors, and it is scarcely to bo ex
pected in these days of international compe
tition for the iosses-;ioii ot the be-t weapon
which can be made at any cost.
The specialty of Woolw ich i.i its big grins,
its now famous and historic "infants' This
articular class 01 gun is made nowhere else,
and, in fact, is a local production altogether
of the bri.ins and biuows of the arsenal hands
themselves, the inventor of themoot inii-ort-ant
process connected with its manufacture
being a foreman in the works. In the weld
ing of theso Luge monsters of destruction,
which w iil carry a bail of a ton weight over
a distance of seven and a half miles, tho lar
gest tteatn in the world, with a
striking force of u thousand tons, is t-m-ploved.
The bullet machine is always r.n attraction
to visitors. It is worked ia the simplest way
lira lad, who, bj' turning a handle, hour
after hour produces an unending bt ream of
these giiitrir. mes.'.cngers cf death, which
drop troni the liys of tho clever contrivance
wituout cessation from morning till night. I
heard a curious fact in connection with our
English bull ts namely, that 0:10 cuW in
everv b'.'.udiv.l and seventy-four "luids ius
bl!kl" inllie bid;. of the unfortunate c::e:ny.
Thj Cirwan average is even lower. It is
so:aev. hat comforting, therefore, to think, as
one g:izes on tir stiver d'.'ath shower, raining
from tia litis of tho hun.h' of ballet 1:1a
chlr.cs ia th- U'.ver.a!, that r f tor all, every
bullet wo saw c.'.e:-.r..'.ug so viciously in the
la a- s !.:f:v us Uid i:ot represent tlij life cf a
l.un.jn b.tur, be Lo Gv'.".liu.:i. Turk .r ICallir.
It i; a striUIir; t.:i,h: 1 j v.v:oh la. maiu'pula
tion of tLelii.y Lits of lac'.al by ILk iron
Crcrj and svlo Lsus!i o t'.u deaf ma
chinery in ta. c::p a::d cai-tridgo inaktg
k' o-is. lliioli cf those delicately conKtrttcted
tooj iJ 1-
l.GJ.OO-J cu; is p-er
week. TLe tuiuutst icvtiua Oi caca cap aud
ctrn idJ is ciroiuI3y csauiiue-J ps, intlocd, i
every of tho catput of tae i'.r-jLuaI) to
see ii: lit r.o'.hlng iuiptrfec: l'.aZs its way into
the pwiicLv-J or l.u::ii c f our Lravo soUIers ia
t'uc ir.'.nuntcf dr.Ug.r fuco tj u?o ::h
1 . -i 1 ; "in the deadly Livach"' t r ou the
x ao car 1 . 10;
i-.'.-s v. L.ioh j im.iicd
and tho I-i voaots wh:oh Lvu" in tlaw te:r:ie
1.1 tao o--.aa.v-i
.ui.!. Iib
C0Ut:.-o. .i'o
uid not by taJ
i.:i LuJgct
I.rtilo Ci'vo Oil Ii:i;.orii'd.
. .
II i-i :
:"iest S:.I - X su -' .
s;.f.' x " say i.::.t
r !: :re::r.i::c .:vo on n r
. vul-
. f',-. I .-t-U. Vhcrj is t-i'.:o c'.'.vz 01
lard in Cui:forj::a, t-r.d
f .::!o:.s c .a.o i:i i!r.:;i Lu-
f couv.e, p. few
La:, ta-rule.
ua-.-Lcn:-.' ;..iU- Lia vzlzl vi.a cjj-cet.
oil nowadays. It takes a fcniihod epicure to
tell tho difference in taste indeed, the aver
age person would give the preference to tha
cottonneed. And, alter all, our homo product
ia jtii.t as good and just as healthy as though
it was from olive trees. It id shipped to
Italy ami put up there and Bent back to thia
country, and often the oil bottles, empty but
duly labeled, are sent over and filled here,
and then sold to the to called importing
houses. I have at the best restaurants iu the
city of I'Liiadelphia been berved us a 6peciul
favor wllh olivo oil which I had myself
manufactured, bottled, labeled and sold, and
I cnj.iyed it ju.ft as much as my host wanted
M j to, end 6nid nothing about it, either.
CLulv.i'o Xcwj.
Novell ics in Millinery.
For bridesmaids' hats there is a sjecially
pretty iiouveaiito in the form of an open
work Tuscan straw semi-transparent' hat,
almost resembling Irish crochet of a palo bis
cuit color, lined with palo blue velvet, and
trimmed with wide moire riblioii of the samo
delicate tint. A pretly bonnet for thesamo
piifMiso is of drawn lisse, in any palo color,
with tulle lightly drawn over and up tho
front, where it rises up in conjunction with
a few loops of ribbon nnd a feathery osprey.
Tho edge of tho bonnet is of bead work on
wire, and l!io tulle is carried over this in
front. The strings are of ribbon. In pale
pink, with bronze 1mh1s, or iu white, with
gold or silver, tho effect is particularly good.
There is a pretty bonnet in drawn black
net, with upstanding jet worked on each rib,
jet leaves nestling in net vouii't the etlgo,
forininii a coionat, ana un interlaced bow of
liuoly plaited crejw do Chine in pale blush
pink.' A bronze cicpo, with strings and brim
Of velvet, has twigs of the most natural ap
pearance arranged all oyer, with a tuft of
them uf ono side ami a bunch of equally
nut ural looking buttercups. A few butter
cups are carelessly scattered over the crown.
IMaek tulle, drawn over colored net founda
tions, is smartly made up with strings of tho
color of the foundation, fastened at the top
of the bonnet in a looped kn atui men eai
ried down j i,v teae-i. In front is a cluster
ol Harmonizing roies and an upright x'lait of
delicate black lace.
The 1'oclor ami If'-j Miic'-
Sonio cynlcai I'Vonchinan onco remarked
that vh' greater tho' c-ua'ck' tin greater
doctor. I had occasion lajij vuk
yn a physiuj-tw i ' ' . . .oic in
bucIaI I'rit professional and
. ,,i.mi.i Hi was busv at tho mo
ment of my arrival, antl I was left in the
reception room alono in the company of a
fine, big, handsome man, with tho appear
ance of a well to tlo mechanic of tho best
class. "U'o fell into a chat, in tho course of
which he told me that he was a foreman iu
an iron works in Jersey City, antl that the
doctor was treating him for a serious organic
disturbance, at special rates in view of tho
fact that his salary was a moderate one
only i'M a w eek. Presently my new acquain
tance went into tho private office and had
his audience. After he had gone tho doctor
remarked to me, iu a voice of mystery:
"Very interesting case, that."
Indeed!"' I replied.
"Vastly so," said tho doctor. "Most seri
ous disturbance, but I think I have mastered
it. Hul to do my bos;. Don't get such a
patient aj that every day. lie's the biggest
iron manufacturer iu tho state of New Jer
sey, and pnys me a tremendous fee." Alfred
Trumble in New York News.
Tin Barkeeper's Gratitude.
That dog, sir," said the barkeeper, with
emotion, "saved my life."
"You remember when Grizzly reto anil
Jloutana Jim had that little scrap last sum
mer'' "Yes."
"Well, I was standing rigat behind this
counter. The dog bit me on the leg, I stooped
down to paralyze him, and a bullet from
Pete's pistol broko the mirror right behind
where I hud stood. If I had been standing
up at tho time it would have gone throuh
"It was a Iuck3r bite."
"That's what it was. I can feel it now,
though, every timo it's going to rain, and it's
going to rain in less than twenty-four hours,
darn him!" said tho barkeeper, with sudden
indignation, as he kicked the animal clear
up over the bar. Chicago Tribune.
Latly KlJers in Hontltira.
In Honduras every lady has her own sad
dle mule. Sho rides with grace and ease
acquired by constant practice . from early
childhood. She sits on the right sido of tha
mule the Central American side saddle be
ing constructed the opposite to those used in
the United States. The right foot is placed
in the stirrup and a tiny but effective silver
spur is worn on tho heel. The right hand
holds tho bridle and tho left usually carries
a sun umbrella. A whip is seldom needed
with the spur, although a few ladies who
have been in New York have adopted the
whip and discarded tho umbrella. A wide
brimmed hat is indispensable, and the riding
habit is of gray linen or some small check
fanci' in cotton. Cor. Home Journal
Advertising for a Wife.
A Berlin merchant who advertised for a
wifo lately received '-77 answers. Of these
67 were widows, varying in age from 2." to
o2; 12 of them had no children, and 21 pos
sessed fortunes entirclj' under their own con
trol of from $500 to $20,000. Four ladies
who had been separated from their husbands
also wrote to express a desire to try their
luck at marriage for a second time one of
them for a third time. Of the remaining ISO
only 2 gave their age as over DO; IS of them
professed to bo just turned 10. SSeventy-one
photographs were inclosed, and CI of them
are said to represent remarkably pretty girls.
Chicago Herald.
A New Material for lloats.
Navigators in Central Africa know that
boat j of iron and steel quickly corrodo in
tropical waters, while those of wood are at
tacked by white ants. A missionary society
has therefore built a steam canoo for Lake
Nyassu. of the comparatively new alloy
known as delta metal, which resists corro
sion, is light and as strong as steeL The ves
sel is 21 feet long, with a beam of 7 feet and
a depth of 3 feet and draws only 10 inches of
water with engine and boilc-r on board.
Ar kansaw Traveler.
Bent whalebones can bo restored and used
again by simply soakinj in watera fowhouri
and then drying them.
Various Inlii t rial l'ursiiilt M'tiicli Injure
the Health of AVorkiiit Women.
In considering the effects of industrial lifn
upon the health of women, it would seem, at
iirst glance, a 1 though they would li more
advautagi ou-i than those which result from
able of le - ure, or of professional labor,
but I fear that facts w ill hardly lxar out
such a co: elision. In the first place we can
not exelu ,tJ from the grand aggregation of
such pir .siiit.s thoso employments which are
of th. inselvea dangerous t.f character and
necessarily more or less tlest rueti ve such as
bleachers ami straw hat manufacturers,
where powerful acids are used and liiines iu
haled. Women are quite extensively cm
ployed in these industries, and suffer keenly
from irritation t.f the bronchial mucous
membrane; later from lung diseases, which
are destined to become fatal. Largo num
bers of women (and children as well) are era
ployed iu tobacco manufactories and suiTer
much from the absorption of nicotine, a dan
gerous poison when continuously inhaled.
Women suffer keenly from the ( fleets of
mercury, lead and phosphorous materials us. d
in the manufacture of many articles wit h
which they have t d... 1., .!... i.a.ich lac
tones, w here women and children are largely
employed, the danger is said to bo somewhat
lessened recently through tho substitution of
red for white phosphorus, Women who
work w here lend i employed suffer more pro
portionately than men, in that their ubsor'i
live powers are greater, anil their powers, ot
resistance less, than thoso of men. Artificial
ilower workers ar much affected ley arseni
cal and other poisonous coloring materials,
and come to be affected by a species of pa
ralysis. If work is continued after tho early
symptoms liecome pronounced, there is little
hope of recovery. Makers of feather decora
tions liecome very seriously affected, the eyti
weaken, more or less general weakness jre
vails.and the lnn.:fl. v,.jon seriously affected.
Alo"t 'luce years is the full extent that this
class Of Workers can follow their calling, be
cause of the inhalation of a peculiar dust
which handling sets free, and from absoi p
tion of the poisor.vej materials Used in curl
liur '. feathers.
YVoii-eit engaged in jrrct4ata
uianur'av'tovivs, i'l'e obe- " pottery
a yfek-iUii.i - : ' a with asthma and
"'' .ecurring cough or influenza,
iiiey become pa'.e, weak, flabby, ami, when
mothers, their offspring are sickly and scrof
ulous, and early fall victims to scorbutic af
fections; at times dying off iu largo numbers
in the course of a few months. What of the
saleswoman and tho shop girl? We all re
alize, to the full, the effect upon health
through standing behind the counter. It is
needless to dilate upon it. And the shop
girl? Wo scarcely need inquire. Long hours
of unhealthful employment in uuhealthful
localities, uncomfortable and uncongenial
hours, all tell upon her physically and men
tally. Exposures, unsuitable food, insuf
ficient and unhealthful dressing and a gen
eral disregard for anything connected with
the preservation of health are, we must re
member, tho usual conditions entering into
the life of this class of workers. Anna V).
French, M. D., iu Woman.
A I loatiug Saw Mill.
One of tho greatest novelties of a practical
character which ingenuity has devised is
thus described by a Florida exchange:
J. Li. Maull & Hon have their mammoth
floating saw mill anchored off the banks of
Burton & Harrison's hammock. This struct
ure is a marvelous piece of mechanical in
fenuity, and was built by J. XV. Maull and
Edward N. Maull. It is "iSO by 40 feet, and
stand about five feet out of the water, draw
ing only about seventeen inches. It is solidly
built, and according to the judgment of Mr.
Carl, an old time ship builder, is capable of
enduring tho severe strains of even the
waves of the ocean. The operation of all the
machinery does not seem to move the vessel
any more than if it was on the land. It has
fo far proved more of a success than its pro
jector anticipated. It is equipped with a
forty horse power boiler and engine, with tho
latest improvements iu saws and carriages. A
planer, head box and shingle saws are all on
dock and connected by shafting concealed
under deck, so that the main deck is free
from machines and available for the piling
up of immense quantities of lumber. Ia ono
corner of the vessel is tho cook house, where
the hands board, while on the hurricane deck
are the cabin of tho proprietors and work
men. They are now so situated as to have
command of an unlimited supply of tho
largest and finest timber, and from points
heretofore practically inaccessible. A saw
mill capable of moving up and down stream
seeking a supply of logs, and thus bringing
tho mill to the product instead of vi-jo versa,
may offer very valuable advantages, espe
cially in the south.
Matle Ueav.tiful ly Suil'ering.
The beauty of life is in growing. The hap
piness of life is in striving. How many
women in the world are there who have only
been made beautiful by suffering! How
mauy hearts have only grown tender from
having ached very hard. It is what wo see
of life and what we know and what we feel
and what we endure and suffer that makes
us beautiful. It is wanting things and hav
ing to do without them that makes us gentle
over the needs of others. Tho beautiful
women in this world are the all but divina
Marj-s and Marthas who have known what
it was to sit all night alono with grief;
who have broken their hearts over litfls woea
that others could not knew nor understand;
who have gone alono and in the dark, each
into her own Ucthsemane, and there silent
long hours in voiceless travail. Catharino
Cole in New Orleans Picayune.
Styles in Ladies' Collars.
Collars aro worn high and low, tho stand
ing collar with round corners, tho straight
collar turned back at tho front of tho jacket
corsage and continuing thence in -ie shape
of rovers, and the squara sailor collar which
leaves the neck exposed. Newer than any of
these is a turned back collar of lace cr
pleated gauze from two and a half to three
inches deep; tho laco is sewed to the inner
edge of the dress and turned back loo&ely,
not tacked, about tha neck, which is cut
down a triii .t the middle of tha front and
Elizabeth Mallat established in London in
1702 the first daily newspaper printed in the
In 1773 Elizabeth Timothy printed and
edited a newspaper in Charleston, S. C
Ileal Estate Bargains
CoNslSTlNc; OK
- X 3NT - -
OUti III - I Qlli
21 lots iii Thompson's uiblitioii.
40 lots in Townsciitl's atltlilion.
Lot 10 Mock Lis, lot 5 Mock Ui i.
Lot 1 Mock o. lot o block !.".
' Ut tt, Mock 111, lot H, Mock CI.
Lots in Palmer's :ultlitiu.
Lots in Duke's addition-.
Improved l''0peity of all descriptions
and in all parts of the city on easy tonus.
A new and desirable residence iu
Smith Tark, can be Loo "lit cm monthly
Ik fore purclnisiiig elsewhere, call and
sec if we cannot suit you better.
neros of improved ground north of
the city limit?.
5 acres of ground adjoining South
2 acres of ground adjoining South
1 .J acres of ground adjoining South
20 acres near SoU Park: So i sec.
1-1, T. 10, 11. 12, Cass county, price 1,
800, if sold soon.
nw i sec. H. T. 12, Ii. 10, Cass Co.,
price $2,000.
A valuable improved stock fram in
Merrick Co.. Nek, 1C0 acres and on
reosonfblo terms.
Windham & Davies.
Consult your best interests by insuring
in the Pha-nix, Hartford or yEtna corn
panics, about which there is no question
as to their high standing and fair
The present year bids fair to be a dis
astrous one from tornadoes and wind
storms. This is fore-shadowed by the
number of storms we haye already had
the most destructive one so far this year
having occurred at Mt. Vernon, 111.,
w here a large number of buildings were
destroved or damaged. The exemption
from tornadoes last year renders their oe
eutmicc more probable in lsjS.
Call at our office and secure a Tor
nado Policy.
Unimproved lands for sale or ex
Dr. C A. Marshall.
I'l enervation of natural teeth a Kprclally.
I'ci lh i j trm ti l ti-ithni.l ifiin l y use 0 IaiuuHIhQ
All work win ranted. Prices reasonable.
Kir.iiKKAi.n's Isih'k I'l-ATi sMoii'i 11. Nkb
"2?aixilGss JDentictc."
Tl-f only I'eiilift in tin- West ftiiitrulilii; thin
.New s.Y-riii t,f Kuriii'lini; hihI MlliiiK J eeth
without I'ain. Our imaesl he! it: is en
tiiely free from
Harmless - To - All.
Teeth extr.ieti .l ;niil :i ilii-hil teeth hr eiled
li l ilay it 1I1 - iieil. "I he sci valuuol tin;
nal 111 al teeth a seelalt .
The very lines! . timet In I i, J :.-K . ovfrr
"J lie Citiei Hank,
371 o. t. . c m c v. 1 1 r .
Win. Hcrolri & Son
Dry Goods. Notions Boots and Shoes
or Ladies and ( .' nt.s
He kee ps as larc nnd fis v e il
smiiimaTiB'Xj stock
As can ! fun ml any phi en in I he city anj unilvO
jtin inief.-, tu ty etiinjietil -n.
A;ellt.S fur
Harper's tor Patterns and Bull's Corstls.
Watches ! Watolios !
I Ins moved and is now in the Sherwood
room, Cor. ."Ill and Main Sts., -where
he is hetler aMc to show his
Large Stock of "Watches,
Than ever In-fore, nnd will as an induce
ment sell yon Watches way clown. C'hII
and get the Special Pric es in (lolil Watch
es; it will surprise yon. A Pull Line of
the best styles ol Jewelry antl Silverware.
Repairing will he given Special Atten
tion. All work wan anted to give satis
faction. C. F. SM ITH,
The Boss Tailor.
Main St., Over Merit s' Hire Store.
1 1 -is the best hihI most complete stock
of samples, liotli foreign and domestic
woolens that ever came west of Missouri
river. Note these prices: Pusincsa mits
from SliJ to d.-e-ss suits, $25 to $1,
pants $"), .',' $0.50 and upwards.
j?"'Will guaranteed a ft.
Prices Defy Compelilion.
iNsi tjittions e;i i:n in
ttJZLJ-lLTJSrtt nLizr "WOEK
Practical Piano M Organ Tuner
AND Kl-.PAMil 11.
First-class work guaranteed. Also deal
er in Pianos and Organs. Ofiice at Hoec k's
furniture store, Plattsmouth, Nc-liraska.
K. Y.. WljiioiAM, John A. Davies,
Notary I'ul. lie. Notary Public.
Attorneys - at - Law.
Cfiice over I'ank of ( a-s County.
Plattsmouth, - - Nef.iiaska.
All work first-class; west Fifth Street.
North 1'ohert Sherwood's Store.
Job work done on short notice at
he ITeu.u.i ofiice.
C.St It. Time Table.
;OlS'. 'KT,
No. 1. 4 -.Vi a. in.
No. 3.--6 :40 , ni.
No. r. it ::i." a. m.
No. 7.--T :45 p. in.
OOINC. K A sr.
No. 2.-4 Ji. in.
No. 4. 10 MO a. 111,
No. CJ. 7 :13 p. in.
No. s. 'j .') a. m.
No. 10. 9 :45 a, in.
No. !.--6 :17 p. 111.
All trains run daily lv wavof Omaha, except
Nos. 7 antl 8 which run to and from Schuyler
daily except Sunday.
No. 30 is a etub to Pacific .Junction at 8 3oa m..
No. 19 is a stub from Faciac Junction at U a.m.
" 1