The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, July 16, 1888, Image 4
JliAbXA, HOIIDAY, JULY 1G. 1888. - V xxcrald. OFFICIAL' PAPER OF THE CITY. A. 8Ubry. Telephone Mo. 35. Dei tUt, Bockwood Building, Hr. Klnli. Oflta la flrrlnr'a Draff Storr. Rkl enr Cor. Sixth and U ran lie. Telephone So. 4-. Dm. Cave A Smith, the I'alnlrM DeatlotH, In Ion Bloeh, over Citizen' Hank, I'latUmoath. CITY CORDIALS. Dr. Siggins boa removed his oflice from the Slier wood block to Gerings Zlriifr Ktnrn us will be Been bv hi ad. iu "tf - - this paper. Mrl Henry Hall, who has been the guest of W. E. Latta for the pnst few days, left fr l.ia lmnifi At Marvsville. Mo., this morning. Ilev. W. G. Miller, I). I)., presiding cider, took charge of the service at the M. K. church last evening. He left this morning for his home at Utica. J as. Nash and "Win. Murphy, two men who pre employed on the sewer work were brought up before Judge Pottenger this morning for using insulting lan guage with an attempt to proyokc an as sault. They were fined SI and costs, amounting to $14 in all. The democrats who compose the seven men and two boys assemblages, are the ones who have misrepresented the suc cessful meetings of the republicans of late. Every meeting of any kind under the auspices of that club has been marked by success, and especially the banquet. Jedd Vance, the young man who so nearly escaped death by falling in front of amoving locomotive, and who.according to a cut in the Pofi'-e iSnzniti' died some time ago, was seen on the streets Satur day. Dr. T. 1. Livingston has attained a wide reputation in his successful treat mentof an injury which allowed the suf ferer only about one chance n a hundred fwr recovery. On account of tho picnic given by the Turn-Verein, 'yesterday, the Katie Pease, which was to have conveyed ex cursionists to the Iowa shore for the purpose of holding a picnic in Cotton wood grove, did not put in an appearance at the foot of Main street, the picnic which was to be held on the other side being postponed. At any time the boat can be engaged by a family for an excur sion to any picnic point along the river in this vicinity. Several small boys who scarcely know which end of a gun to lmld to their shoulder when shooting, ave allowed to carry small rifles about the city and shoot at marks in any quarter as they please. The other day. while a lady passed some of them on a street unnoticed, she came near being shot while they were firing at a mark. Parents should know better than to trust small boys with fire-arms, for thev are sure to kill themselves or some oue else if they are allowed to car ry them. It is best te look after some children a little more or they will unin tentionally endanger the lives of many, Mayor Kichey aud Mr. A. IJ. Todd, who were visitors to Glenwood yester day, set at rest the curiou9 minds of many business men of that burg. The question has been asked many times by lem: "Why is it your streets in Plattsmouth were made so wide?" That question has come up quite ofien here at home and if the reason is known it may also restrain a number of hard-thinking people. The point was never arrived at by any of the Glenwood people until yesterday when they saw the feet attached to Mr. A. B. Todd. - It was decided immediately among them that in order to allow that gentleman a chance to transact business on the streets the same as other people, it was necessary to have the streets wide ia order that he should be able to turn around if he was called suddenly in an opposite direction. Jn Glenwood hi? friends were obliged to drop him on tin ground with his toes toward the heavtDS in order to reverse him. The event of the season will take place in the event of a base ball match between a club recently organized in thi. citv, consisting of nine fat and nine lean players. The game will be played iu a few days on the ball ground, (if the plaj-crs agree to leave the ground in as good a condition as they found it in the afternoon sometime. The time hai not yet been decided on, but, no doubt, the game will lc opened about 1 o'clock in order to rest the fat people after thev make their home as there a ill be many. To secure peace and settle disputes among the players, the umpire, Mr. Will Cham bers, will be strapped to two of the largest revolvers obtainable iu the city, aud a couple of giant bull dogs, tied to a, post near the home plate, will watch ihe game. The captains have not yet .decided on all the players, but as oon as they do, we promise to publish the names J giving their positions. We feel quite con fident in the captains' choice of the nines, i it.. rn l . i.. l anii uic game win surciy juuc iu ne. uu ilnteresting one. I he catcher of the fat nine cannot confine his face to an ordi nary sized catcher's mask, and will be ijed to infringe on the ladies' proper- article which he is adopting for a I i to be used in an unusual location. I Aher particulars will be given later. 1 ' of ye.Urdaj' picnicers are obliged to wear flexible hats today. The ball gnme which was to have been played next Thursday between the fats and leans, has becnindefinately post poned. ' Mrs. Smith, an old lady who has been rcsidiug with her son for some time, was buried Saturday afternoon about 4 o'clock. Mr. W. D. Jones, in conveying sev eral of the Omaha visitors to the depot from the picnic grounds last night was urged by some of the passengers for fear they would miss the train. Ilathcr than see them left in town over night he cut corners and drove over a wire fence, letting the barb wire scratch some of the pants which hung over the sides of the wagon. Mr. George Palmer, son of Capt. Palmer, who was a representative of the Plattsmouth Sons of Veterans at Tecuin aeh, Neb., a short time ago, and who was ycry successful at that place in receiving the appointment of representative to two conventions, received a charter encased in a nice frame from commander-in-chief, G. IJ. Abbott, )romoting him to Aid-de-eamp on tho staff of the commander-in-chief of the U. S. A. Sns of Veterans. George has already attained a wide reputation as a militarist, and his many Plattsmouth friends heprtily con gratulate 1m m on h;s success as a young mm. Mr. John Davies. present of the l on nsr Men s Kcmililican i lui, lias re- ccived several letters of congratulation from his young lady fi lends s'ice the bamiuct of last Thursday night. In their letters, the cut of him which appeared the following- dav in the IIkii.w.h is in variably received with a nice, neat little fringe worked areund it, and a sweet little red ilbhon attached. John has a hearty laugh over tho reception of them all. The ITku.i.i, it is reported, has lost considerable patronage on account of the appearance of the cut, as he had intended to send a few papeiJ to his friends, but as ne is airaia mey would tniniv no lias been in a prize r'ng, he refra'ned from sending even one. A couple from Omaha came to the city Saturday night and registered at the Cottage House as man midwife. Tester day inoru'ug a man came down from Omaha making inquiries for the lad', stating that she had been :u his employ for some time as his assistant giying in structions for private theatricals there At first the man stated that she had taken about 1157 of his money, but Inter he decided not to search her trunk for the money, but informed the authorities they were not married and ordered them arrest ed. Bather than have anj trouble in that way, a license was procured anil they were man led in the county judge's oflice. I he couple attended the Dutch picnic in the afternoon and the groom celebrated the event in grand style. The woman gave her name as Ella Carroll and the man claimed he was a blacksmith in the U. P. shops in Omaha aud gave Jusnamo as John Camell. PERSONALS. Mr. Jerrv Farthins is ia Ashland to day. Mrs. Ilindes and daughter, M'ss Nellie, are in Omaha todaj'. Miss Lizzie Steimke was a passenger to Omaha this morning. Mr. F. IJ. Seel ini ire aud ife spent Sunday at Oxford, Ia. Dr. Ilertzmann and wife of Omaha spent Sunday in the city. Mr. Fred " hitney and wife spent Sun- dy in Counc'l Bluffs viitmg her pa rents. Mrs. Kate Oliver and daughter Miss Julia, were passengers to Omaha this morning. Mrs. G. F. Xiles left for Council Bluffs Saturday where she wiU visit relatives tor a week. Mayor Kichey, and daughter, llks Lou and Mr. A. IJ. Todd were in Glenwood over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Toos. Cass, of Madison, Wis., are in the city visitig Mr. and M-s. Jos. Connor. Jliss lici t Miller, of Newton, Ia.. sister of Mr. W. Miller, is in the city visitinjr her brother and wife. Miss Minnie Kisstner, of Water loo, Ia , coqsin of Mrs. Will J. Warrick, is iu the city on a i:s:t to her relatives. r 7 t h , f j . irs. ii. v. usiiing, or umana, is id the city, the guest of Mrs. II. Fitzgerald Mr. J. 2s. Glenn, who for a long time was a resident of this city, but who is now in the employ of the I). fc M. at Lin coln, spent Sunday in tho city for the pir posc of forming an acquaintance with his family. The Ladies' Aid Society. On account of Mrs. Xiles being out of town, the Ladies Aid Society of the M. E. Church will meet at the home of Mrs. Nichols, corner of Eighth and Pearl Sts., Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock. Dora Eikenhahy, Secretary. Notice. Will the person that took my knife. while decorating the Opera house for the" Young Men's Republican Club, please re turn it ? I need it. D. 13. Smith. Plattsmouth Republicans. Plattsmouth, Neb., July 13. The mountain has labored and the mouse is born. The long talked-of young men's republican banquet occurred last night, and if ever there was a failure this was preeminently one." One hundred and two men and boys carried colored Jan terns, preceded by poor torches and headed by the Burlington and Missouri band. They marched three blocks on Main street, the music giving out and the drums failing to keep tim, the a raders lost the step. Then the officers rushed for the band, and another faint effort at a tune started the fellows to try to catch step, and it was too funny to see the lanterns bob about. Then came an attempt to raise a cheer. It caught the corporal's guard on the turn at Sixth street, and if it had been about midnight the neighbors would have sworn Grimalkin was holding a concert. Finally they adjourned to the opera house, where Bob Windham read apolo gies from the best speakers saying they could not come, and the small fry, the ofien defeated political hacks of their party commenced the usual abuse of dem ocrats and praised free whisky and high taxes, bragged about the surplus, which is only another way of endorsing robbery, and spurned tho roll of political prophets by predicting Indiana and New York for Harrrison. The Ilev. Taite, bad thing for Chester! y to see it expound on the stump, told his audience he was English born and born in the 'black counties." and naturally on his f n ival here he affiliated with the black republicans. The audience was ti:ed and sleepy. The only good thing about the hurrah was the supper, and the young ladies who prepared it deserve great credit. The democrats w 11 show these old roosters what it is to fight against over-taxation l:in full nn.l will lielit to Cut down the republican vte in Nebraska by such a vote as old Cass has not given for a long while. The aboye comes from the Plattsmouth correspondent of the Omaha Herald, and is most certainly iu keeping with his sympathies in the matter. He is a man who carries iolitics with him, even as a reporter of news for W2 Herahl, so far as to make an untrue statement OT fZ9s- From beginning to end the above is tin true, as all our citizens and those present at the banquet w 111 bear us out. The Young Men's Jtepublican Club banquet of 188 was one of the grandest successes of a like nature ever held in the state and was most certainly a credit to our city. Could the small fry of the other side do as well we would at least treat them courteously."' The Turn-Verein Picnic The picnic which was given by the Plattsmouth Turn-verein society at Deg endorfer's park yesterday was largely at tended by local and foreign people. In the morning, as the Omaha Turner soci ety arrived and formed into a procession with the Plattsmouth societies, they were headed by the Bohemian Brass Band of this city and marched to Fitzgerald's Hall, and afler a short time continued their march to the park. Dancing and other amusements usual to a German Sun day picnic were indulged in. and the large crowd remained until darkness crept upon them and warned them of the lateness of the hour before they dispurs ed. This picnic did not attain such no toriety as several previous to it, as no quarreling to speak cf wis noticeable upon the grunnas, and the beer which was handed out was more limited. The German people at all times apparently enjoy themselves as long as a beer keg i3 in the vicinity. We did not learn how much beer was uncovered and covered, but it is supposed that jt might possibly come under the heading of about fifty kegs. Judging by the shape some of the most ambitious beer drinkers moved frpm the grounds or into their respective vehicles, they encii carried away a keg. Weeds! Woods J Weeds!!! Editor of The Herald: Dear Sir. Several items appeared in your paper con cerning the appearance of our city on ac count of the weeds which have grown to such an enormous M.e in J he Effects, al leys, and any place where housca aie not built over them to prevent the growth. It is certainly a shame that the authori ties allow the city property to remain in such & stato. vould ask that a man or several men uc enipioj-ea to cat moie weeds, and in that way clean them out. If the work is left for property owners to do ifc VnWX never be done. Some of them would allow weeds to gravr higher than themselves around their property, and would ncyer make any effort to fret rid of them. Let the authorities put some one to work and require them to have the work done. A Taxpayer. ' Y's" Social. A lawn social will be given by the "Ys"' at the home of Mrs. Lovering, to morrow, (Tuesday evening) to which all are cordially invited. Chocolate cake and ice-cream will be served as refresh ments. Everybody go. "Will J. "Warrick has the best and lar"--est stock of wall paper in the citv. their styles are new and fresh and no job lots of last year s designs or bankrupt stock to run off, if you want the latest and best assortment of new goods see "Warrick's fctoek, dwlw Wanted. The address of boat caul kers wanted. S. X. Stewart. Nebraska City. Nebraska. Men's canvass shoes at Merges", only 85 cents, everything cheap. tf. TO If wnnlii were thornles ros-a I r.ifhl Kln.T of t.ei Anil lay them Uw net lit her tluiiity UW Prrvhuijtre lii-ir crfiime pure ml;i:hl Htir Tlio music i:i hoi-soul wlu-ii our ry- meet. And, meeting, tell lifr liow I love her. ncet. Ilor dainty rrc lilif upon a slender Mem. Was nin.loVd a n Uv.uty for imiiliLIiiiI. Oil. tell Tale, have I fount! iny jreni? And will it Ktirely erown my lif and liiml Me to Ikt for ull tinier Eweel Tate. Ii kli:l. t kind. Georgo Frederick Muun. Tho Terror of Actri'Rse. n'mndancB of ficsli is tin terror of s. Fat, fair and forty mr.y make n combination in private life., 1. nt woman of tho ta're ' nets along to Over act ivssf comely when n ward forty she is sjoilel for all sentimental purposes if hlio liecomes fat. Tho beautiful Fanny Davenport, who is ju;t abort that age, bocame so thick a few years ago a9 to tie unromantic, and tho effect upon her roles was damaging. She recognized this, end went into a course of rigorous diet, from which flesh milking food and drink were sedulously excluded. Her health was hurt considerably by this deprivation of nourish ment, but she prow measurably thin under it, and last winter was once moro light enough to realize tho heroine of a French drama. Lillian Russell was a somewhat younger stage beauty -who fattened She was less disposed than Miss Davenjiort to crucify her appetite for art's sake, but she had to come to it at length, and to fit herself for a comic opera role at a city theatre this spring she underwent a rigorous courso of training down. She is again shapely, at the cost of much self denial, but with a gain of a liberal salary, for her engagement was con ditional upon her reducing her weight to 175 pounds. New York Sun. Work of tho "Lebel Rifle." Tho members of the Academy of Medicine, Visaing to diagnose tho physical consequences of wounds inflicted by the bullets of the gun, recently had experiments mado on twenty corpses, probably those of paujxsrs whom no body owned, or those of ill fated waifs picked up at the morgue. Tho bodies were placed at the ordinary firing distances, from i!00 yards up to a mile or so. The bullets whizzed through the bones and pierced them without fracturing them, as is done by the bullets of the "Gras rifle." Tho wounds, if they may ha palled so, which were inflicted were small in Ihcir punctures, and conse quently very dangerous and di;Tcult to htil. Injuries inflicted nt short distances were s0 coniidcrable that, in the opinion of tho sur geons, they would bw nhnost incurable. At tho longest range 2,000 mters a poplar tree was hit, but the bullet did not go through the tree. At l,'(0 metres tho tree was d through and through. u ho dis es or iLl r''i arw unaccompanied by chai smo!:o, ai:d tho reports comparatively fttble. London Telegraph. True Definition of Haired. The man of action looks down upon tho man of thought, who return's tho other's dis dain. The poet despises tho lniithematici.-m, and so o:i. Wo natuarally ha to what we can not understand. Indeed, that is tho true definition of hatred misunderstanding. If we really understood our enemy we could never hate him he would cease to bo our enemy. There is nothing we resent bo much as lieing misunderstood. There is no person so offensive as the man who deems that he can take our measure as we stand, unless, in deed, it be the woman who has the same con ceit of herself and who is continually strok ing our fur the wrong way to show how thoroughly eho understands us. Yet the mis- judgments wo object to we aro continually visiting upon our neighbor. Hawthorn once purposed writing a talo to show how we are all wronged and wrongers. avenging ono another. It is a pity he did not carry his ourpose into execution. Lippincott's Mnga- Kiue The ileal St. ilernard Dog. Tl f T T - 1 , ieioro i saw uuu i always imagined tnt St. Bernard to bo as large as a lion and FlroDg as a bulL The picture of my youthful geography b&4 mado these impressions VThen a dog that J supposed to be an over grown setter was pointed out as ono of tlio celebrated Alpine breed, my cherished imag. inative structures went clattering to the ground. Many a time had 1 in my early boyhood on a winter's night, when it was fmowing hard outside, sat before a cheerful fire ana thcigLfc tbat was the kind of weather when the sagacious St. Bernard patrolled the mountain passes on the lookout for storm bound travelers. "When some poor wretch half perishing In the snow was found his f rising blood would be thawed by th6 dog'a warm body and tho brandy flask so convi niently attached to the collar. After regain ing strength I supposed the traveler would tabuni; the dog's hack and the animal trof &ff with him to the monastery. But it was plain that this St Bernard (he was a crack, too), had he been large enough to carry a man, could not trot; he was entirely too straight In the stifles. It is doubtful if be could have even walked fast enough to keep himself f rota freezing to death on a real cold' night. forest and Stream. Coal is Cash. The undersigned coal dealers, doing business in the city of Plattsmouth, deem it to the best interests of the public, as -, el as of the dealers, to sell poal strictly and exclusively for cash. Coal is a commodity that Is, and should be, sold on a very close margin, too small in fact, for the dealers to trust to the de lays and uncertainties of collections. 1 he dealers are required to pay spot cash for coal. The credit s-stein entails a serious loss each season, by reason ol the amount of bad debts necessary to be charged orf to profit and loss, aud in the additional expense required for book keepers, collectors, etc, By dispensing with the above formid able items of expense, dealers can afford to sell coal at lower prices, and they feel assured that this will commend itself to the thinking public. For the above reasons, therefore, the coal dealers have decided to sell for cash I only, OV AND AFTER Jf'LY 11, This means Just what it says. Timothy Clark. tf H. A. "Waterman & Sox. The fare has been put down on the ferry boat (Katie Pease) to $1.00 for round trip for two horses and driver. Buy your hay from the other side of the river. 13j lm Peterson fc Co. I sell shoes cheaper than anybody. Call nd be convinced, no trouble to show goods. tf. Peter Merges. Best in the world. German Vegetable Liver Pills. For sale by Gering & Co. Our Mid-Summer Slaughter Sale V In onler to Clean up our Odds ami Kmls in various Detartiiu ntB vt" Shall oiler Extraordinary inducenunl.s l't-r litis week. , 3 - Special Bargains in Hosiery - V Lot At 25 cents a pair Our Entire Line of Children Printed Hose that have never before retailed for 1ck cents a pair. Ladies' JIom in Solid Colon and SIki from 3." to 50 cents a pair. At 50 cents a pair comprises our Entire Line of Children' l'lain and Kibhed Enlif-li Lisle Thread Hon-, formerly ndd by us from To to 1)0 cents a pair. Ladies' Fancy Lisle and Silk l'laited Hose worth from 75 to $1.0 a pair. At 75 cents a pair takes in our Stock of Children's Fancy Striped Lisle Hose, worth $1.50 a pair. Ladies' Fancy Lnlo and Silk Hose worth $1.50 a pair. ,oT II. Lor in. Extraordinary Values In Fans ! Gauze and Satin Fans, Plain and I land-Painted, formerly told from 51.50 to 1.75, reduced to $1. 10. Handsome Satin and Feather Fans, lland-Paintt d, foimerly sold from $2.00 to $2.50, reduced to 1.;0. Elegant Carved Pone Handle Satin Fans, Hand Painted, formerly sold from $3.00 to $3.50, reduced to $L;J'.. Fdaek and Cray Ostrich Feather Fans, formerly sold Irom $1.( 0 lo 4.50, reduced to" $3.4i. Our $8.00 Ostrich Feather Fan, Pone Handle, in Cream, Maize ami Plack, reduced to 5.00. Our $10.00 Ostrich Feather Fan, Shell Handle, in Plack and Gray, reduced to (5.50. Full Lines of Japanese Fans at Popular Prices. Bargains In Parasols Cream Lace Covered and Pongee irom $4.00 to $5.00, now $3.00. Cream and Plack Lace-Covered $8.00, reduced to $5.00. Plack Leaded Lace-Covered Parasols that sold at !.50, reduced to 0.50. I-YiMCV Striped Coaching1 Parasols duccd to $o.0o. Silk Sun Umbrellas at (ireatly Alpaca and Pomhazino Parasol Fo Herrmann OUE BOOR EAST FIRST 1TATI0ITAL BAKE. BAD BLOOD There is not one thing that puts a man or woman at such disadvantage before the world as a vitiated state of the blood Your ambition is gone, Your courage has failed. Your vitality has left you. Your languid step and listless ac tions show that you need a powerful in yigorator, one bottle of IJcggs' Blood Purifier ;ind lilood Maker will put iu-;v life in a wqrn out system, and if it does j not it will cc;-l you nothing, u. r. Maun it Co., Druggist. Ladies, Attention ! Rccamier Toilet Preparations which include Cream, iJaliii, Moth and Freckle Lotion, Powder and Toilet Soap, are sold only by Gering & Co., and recommended by the following society ladies Mes calines Adelina Patti-l,'icolini, -lames Brown Potter, Lillie Langtry, Sarah Bernhardt, Helena Modjewka, r'unny Eavenport, Clara Louise Kcll.igg and one hundred otheis. tf. Furniture for Sate- A me lo.t of household furniture can be purchased at a moderate price, also a fiqe residence can b- rented which i- in a convenient location for parties wishing to keep boarders. There are several arge rooms in the house which would find ready tenants. For information ap ply ac this oitice. lOji. Furnished House to Rent. A furnished house is open to tenants at a moderate rate. The proprietor offers to board with the family that rents the house. Any family without small child ren can have a good chance by inquiring of W. "W. Cole. When your skin i 3'eliow. "When your kin is dark and greasy. When your skin is rough and course When your skin is inflamed and red. When your skin is full of blotches. . When your skin is full of pimples you need a good blood medicine thnt can be relied upon. Beggs' Blood Purifier and Blood Maker is warranted as a positive cure for all of the above, so you cannot possibly run any risk when von get a bot tle of this wonderful medicine. For sale y O. P. Smith & Co, The cheapest shoes at Merges . tf. Those elegant Kecamicr Toilet pre parations at Geri ng fc CVs. Colic, Diarrhrra and Summer com plaints are dangerous at this season of the year and the only way to guard against these diseases is to have constant ly on hand a bottle of some reliable rem edy. Beggs' Diarrhcea Balsam is a POS ITIVE RELIEF in all these disagreeable cases and is pleasant to take. It will cost you only 33 cents. O. P. Smith & Co., Druggists. c V Fancy than 50 is worth Silk Lace Trimmed Parasols wort i Porasols that sold from $7.00 to that sob for from i.OO sc.; reduced to 0 to $S.0O re- Pedueed Pr s at Civatly ices. Led ii- d I' ric 9 03 hi , s "3 01 Hi: n CO. o 0" y Watch.cs I Watclicq I H. p. a G A ULT lias moved and is now in the Sherwood room. Cor. oth and Main Sis., where he is bitter able to show his Large Stock of Watches, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY I Than ever b fore, and will as an induce ment sell you W .-itches w:-,v down. Cull and get the Sp.-ci-il pi ic s in -Gold Watch es: it will -iii-prise yon. A Full Line of the best stylo oi Jew elrv and Silverware. Repairing will b given Special Atten tion. All fad ion. woik warranted to give satis- WM. Iv. IUiOW NE. I'er-fonul attention to my eare. to ull 15usin.? Kntrust- OTAHV I V OFFICE. Title ):;imin.-l. Al'stun-t- Compiled Jn surunee Written, K.-al Kstate Sold. ' Butter Facilities for making Farm Loan? than An 3" Other Agency. I'Jultsmoutli, Use Blackberry Cordial for Di.irihiea ami Dysentery. Guaranteed to give tatisfact ion. Sold only bv Geriii" Sc Co. Plenty of feed, flour, meal at Ileiscl's mill, tf graham and Sherwin & Williams' mixed paints, the best in the market, at Fricke fc CVs. drug store. 8 tf. V t -it l - . J r 0 -1 I: ft