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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1888)
Lr JUUrx'3IJEBRASKA, MONDAY, JULY 1C, 18S8. .VicO thttcnrcath Daily Herald. KNOTTS BEOS. m Publishers & Proprietors. THE PLATTSMOUTII IIKRALI) li published every evening except Sunday and Weekly every Thursday morning. lej?ls tered at the potoMce, I'laltmnoutli, Nebr.. as weeoiid-clas matter. Olllee corner of Vine and Fifth vtreets. TEKMS VOX DAILY. One copy one year in advance, by mail. ...$($ 00 One cony per month, by carrier fto One copy per week, by carrier 15 TERMS FOR WKKKLV. One eopy one year, in advance $1 50 One copy glx mouths, in advance NATIONAL REPUBLICAN TICKET. KOIt I'JIKSflJKNT, IJENMAMIN HARRISON, of Indiana. VOll VICE ritESIUKNT, LEVI P. MOKTOX, of New York. Thk l'lattsmouth republicans are of tlie sort that win contests. And after all they only illustrate tlie spirit of the party throughout the state- Republican. Oi'i: grander friends are hinting that farmer Gilmorc, by his extraordinary in dustry (i) is raising tlie premium crop, for Cass county, this year Political crop they menu of course. W'k do not know who the Omaha llerabfs correspondent in I'lattsmouth i, hut would advise that organ to em ploy some republican if it cannot find a imtlemttn among the democratic sub scribers that can rise above his denueracy long enough to speak the truth about local affairs in the city. Tin; statement sent the Herald about the republican banquet was a very dirty and exceeding ly false statement, which we have been gratified to hear leading democrats of our citv coudem. iJ.'-.ttek machinery eh? and that is one of the reasons why the Yankee laborer in the cotton mills of America gets two dol lars where his English competition gets one is? Why bless your ignorant soul 1 i- . . . iii i juu kuow iiic J-.ngiininimn claims to have the best machinery and the bet these employes work in New York and Chescliire; for, when an advocate of free trade makes the assertion that the reason the American gets higher wages than the English laborer is on account of his "longer hours of labor" he ought to be able to show the data and should have been at Mr. Cleveland's elbow when that amature, of the industrial question stated in Ins "surplus message" that the American consumer paid the market price of protected goods with the duty added doubtless if some political economist had been there to suggest this weighty argu ment (t) it would have afforded in that document. ituvtisu me journal ana all our democratic friends who earn their breac" by honest work and who are not laying awake of nights expecting nn office from Orover Cleveland would read the fol lowing argument made by one of the ablest advocates, and democrats in the present congress. It is the only national i it. .i . t -i . m-uini-iii mat can ue maao on tlie wage feature of tins new industrial departure which was the cherished dream of the slave owner of ante-bellum days. If ten tents a day or any less rate of wages than are paid under the policy of protec tion will suit the democratic laborer of this country we say go ahead and vote the ticket of Cleveland, Carlisle, Mills and llore. Here it is and it is sound democratic free-trade ioric (i Admitting the fact (hat in dollars and cents the United Statey pays higher wages than England; that England pays more man oilier countries in Europe: and that Europe pays higher than India; yet it Is in established tact that t lie laborer in the United States cannot as a tieucral rule save anything from the result of Ids toil at the end of each year; nor can he do so in England, nor elsewhere in Europe, nor in India. Jt is eouall v as wi ll nslabliOi- d that in all li.e.e ...'oMntrics the laborer loos eat and wear clotl'iAa ait,iied t-; his country and climate. Then what is tlie difference between earning .1 per day or l. cent per d&y, if the result is the same, namoly, suilicient to eat and wear to nro- teet tlie body r House debate, May lO. Silas Hare, Democrat, Texas. ) RCPUDLICAN PLATFORM Tlie republicans of the United States, assem bled by their dellfiates In national coiiveutlou, iiaue on the threshold of their proceedings to honor the memory of tlieir first great leader and immortal champion of liberty and tlie riKlits of the people, Abraham Lincoln, and to cover also with wreaths of imperishable re membrance and gratitude the heroic names of our later leaders who have been more recently it-h ana; iiuiii our council, tiraiil, (iai'Ilehl, Arthur, l.o;ui and ConkliiiK. Way their mem ories be faithfully cherished. We also recall uii onr greetings and prayer for his recovery the name of one of our living heroes whose memory win nc treasured lu the history both oi republicans and of the republic. The name is uiac oi tlie noble noldier and favorite child of victory, 1'hilin 11. Sheridan. In the epirit of those great leader and of our ocvouon i numau niierty. and with that hos tility to ail forms of despot !k m aid oppression which is the fundamental idea of the republi can party, we rend fratenial congratulations to our fellow Americans of l?razll upon their great act of emancipation which completed the abolition of slavery throuhout the two American continents. We earnestly hope wo may hooii congratulate our fellow citizens of Irich birth upon the peaceful recovery of home rule for Ireland. WK A KM KM OtTR T'NSWKRVINtl KKVOTION to the national constitution and t o th fnilin- soluble union of states to Hie autooumy re served to the states under tlie constitution, to the personal rights ami liberties of eh iyeiiM in all states and territories in the union and es pecially to the supreme and sovereign light of every citizen, rich or poor, native or foreign born, white or black, to cast one free ballot in the public elections and to have that. lmiiot duly counted. We hold a free and honest pop ular ballot and hint and equal representation of all people t he the foundation of our re- itlbllcan government and demand effective egislatloii to secure the fiitcm itv moi t.mitv of eleeiions which are the fountains of all pub lic authority. Ue uhr'i'i that the present ad ministration a::d the de,.i;1,.lit;2 majority in congress owe tlieir existence totfii- s.ioi.i s.-.imi to iue oanoi oy rue criminal millitlcatioit of the consilium)!! ana laws oi tlie united .States, ;i!e uiK-roiuproiuisingiy in iavor ot the American sy.tem of protection. We protest .ih.uip.-m toe ue.-tii unloosen nv me m-ott dent and his party', They suryu the interots oi r.iirojie WK WILL hCI'I'ORT IXTKKFhTS Oh AllKHli'A We accent, the issue, and conndeiillv Mnneiil to the people for tlieir liulu'inent. The i.ioteeiive system must be maintained. lis abandonment has always been followed by general disuMer to an interests excent those of the iiiimiki and sheriff. Wo denounce the bill :is desti-neiivn tn general ousoie.-., rt.'jor. ana Hie farming inter est;; of the co;inlr.,'. wild -.e hnntilv ennoiso Die coiisiftimt al patriotic acilon (yf tiie e- the shipping interests of the Atlantic, Oolf ana racinc states as well as for the navment oiicy This no will THE WOOL E I ' It A NIL 1 iYJ . AV'atson oo tlie iec:-4 of protection from wool was huge and wooley. riartlly Worth UTilIe. killed labor in his cotton mills, and that I Da!ta Man (with head out of carwindow) every Yankee improvement in cotton , ""V"," Llv om on tUls yere machinery is employed by John Hull. JJont you know that the cotton mills of India and China contain the verv latest improveed machinery i "Where ignorance is bliss 'tis folly to be wise." coin' on tllia town today, stranger! oinzen J here's a hangin' this arternoon. Dakota Man Single or double? Citizen Cir-rJa. Dakota Man Cnlv a tisrU. h I reeken I wont stop oflT. Tid Bit. TTaal, I THE SO-CALLED PLANK. We wonder if the avera: newspaper imagines it is voter by the charge that WHISKY e democratic fooling any the internal revenue plank in the republican national piattorm is a free whisky plank. Cer tainly such falsehood will not have any weight with the democratic voters; it would, if our democratic friends should be mislead by it, be an argument in its favor; but you can't make a democrat believe the republican party is in favor of free whisky they know better;, then, do our democratic newspaper neighbors- think they can drive the temperance voter from the republican party? If so, where would lie go i Surely not to the demo cratic camp the friend and ally of the saloon and not to the prohibition camp; lor that party lias declared against the whole internal revenue tax. So, the in quiry naturally arises, what is to be gained by the silly campaign! lie? It is one of the most sensible planks in the re publican national platform and the more it is examined the more it recommends itself to the voter. FURTHER FIG URES. Following up the "kindly" suggestion of Frjday evening's Journal, which we "took kindly to," we desire to give that free trade organ a few more figuers but first, say, as to its misleading statements that intelligent free traders and "tariff for revenue only" advocates, universally admit that wages in America are at least .10 per cent better than in England; but, they try to offset this American advantage 1.1? tlin ...... , . . j wi- j iw our protected market is an imposition upon the American consum oo jias io pay, as iney argue, more on account of the protection. This is President Cleveland's argument, false in point of fart, yet plausible along side the statement that wages are as good in English as they are in American factories. We give the following compared wages from reports of Consul General Merrit which embraces the statement of Mr. A. I). Show, U. S. consul at Manchester, in which the first class pay roll of llolton & Cheschion, was compared with a like cotton mill in Xcw York, the figures are admitted by intelligent free traders as thoroughly reliable: . , , NEWVOKK ROI.TOV Card Grinder, men a week. ... fs sr. s-i Cord Strippers, 7 ht; "-, ;-,. Slubber Tender, girl " -.. .. 1, on 4 z Mule Spinner, men ' 10 50 5 " Frame Spinners, girl " 4: 31 Wrappers girl tt . 4 ! fxoni Jobbers, men a ' V 2. no Mule Overlookers, men " nit 10 22 Mechanics, average" " is txi 754 Kegiue Drivers " is to 10 22 'irenien. Average, " . . . s 411 5 00 we have not the figures before us but will produce them shortly, unless the Jon rtial pc its prompter does, showing the hours ' An Explanation. Hat is tins "nervous trouble" with which so many seem now to be afflicted? If you will remember a few cars ax the word Jialana was comparatively tin twiunu, loiiay n is as common as any word in the English Language, yet this word covers only the meauiiio-of another word used by our forefathers in time iast. So it is used with nervous diseases as they aud Malaria are intended to cover what our grand lathers called Biliousness, and all are caused bv troubles that arise from a diseased condition of the Liver which in performing its functions finding it cannot dispose of the bile through the ordinary channel is compelled to pass it off through the system causing nervous troubles, Malaria, Bilious Fever, etc. 1 ou who are suffering can well appreci ate a cure. We recommend Green's Au gust Flower, its cures are marvelous. We now publish music each week in the Weekly IIekai.d. Everybody should be a musician. The pieces furn ished in the paper will be found as pop ular as any costing 50 cents. Everybody should take the paper. We are endeav oring to make it a great success, and feel quite confident we can suit all. .ubliOdH representative's in congress1 in 'oppos ing its Passage. We eollflelim I he iinm.ul i.,,. of the democratic nait v to tilaee wor.lon th tree list ami insist that the duties thereon tdia-'l be adjusted and maintained so as to fur-111-.I1 full ti.ii'J adeijuate protection to that in -0u try. The republican nurtv would eifi-et nil mnin.i reduction of the national revenue by repealing the taxes ou tobacco, which are an arrogance mu unmet! 10 agriculture, and the tax nnon pints used in the arts and for nor. l'ie.', ?m by such revision of the t.u ill laws as win tei'oi to ei ,evl; inp-oits oi such articles as a-e piotiueed ny our peo lo. iiio prridiiction of . nitu Kivei" employment to our lanor, alol re lease from import duties these articles of fm- eign proiiuciion. except luxuries, the like of -1 V ,a""l prooueeU at Iioiik-. there still lemabi a y.irzar revenue than is n cui.-itb for the yant.' 01 oveilincif. oi int;'.nal taxes rather Iha.j siinemler any n.u t 01" 6,r i-rotec-tive system at the joint belli at of the ring and agents ot foreign manufacturers. AO A INST I'AIT-EIS AXI) LAi:oit TUl'sTS. Wo declare hostility to the ii t ror'nci ion infn his country of foicipn contract labor and of (. hi r:s-5 !;iUr alien to our civilization and our constitution, ana m di-jnand the rigid enforce jiient of exist in.: I.tws against u ;.! f r or such Hil;itljilte legislation as will eCud-iijn la- .-i iium k Ainu's, We declare on t i., osjtlpn to all combina tion? of capital orgnin.ed i ti'.ists or other wife to control arbitrarily tie coMtHon of trade among our eilizetis and we reeoi' iiu-nd o congress and the stale legislatures lii ,':-ir respect. ;e iiirisdictious such legislation a.- will prevent the.;i;: :)ii of all schemes to opvrcs the petple by undue V-na.g. 011 their supplies or by unjust rates for the transportation of men i'iuuiicisio inarKCl. 1 ....i.. 1 ... i 1 v nri'iw r n-isi.ii ion uy coiigress to tire . nunc iiijini, uiiiurns iiiiu uniair liscriin iiiaiiuii uci con stales. of the maturing nubile debt. give employment to our labor, activity to onr various Industries. Increased security to our country, promote trade, open new and direct markets for our products and cheapen the cost of transportation. We aflirm this to be far oeiterior our country than tue democratic policy of loaning the government's money milium inieiesi 10 pet liallKS. KOKEION UKI.ATIONS, The conduct of foreign affairs by the piesent iiiiniuiniiaiion nas neeu diet inguislied by inef- iiciency anu cowardice. Having withdrawn from tlie senate all pending treaties effected by republican administratlor s for the removal 01 foreign burdens and restrictions upon our i-oiumeice aim lor Its extension into a better; nas neither affected nor proposed any others In their stead, professing adher ence to tne Monroe doctrine, it has seen with Idle complacency the extension of foreign In fluence in Central America and of foreign trade everywhere among our neighbors. It has re fused to charter, sanction or encourage any American organiytlon for constructing the Nicaragua canal, a work of vtal Importance to the maintenance of the Monroe doctrine and of our national influence in Central and South America, and necessary for the development of trade with our Pacific territory, with South America, and Willi the further coasts of the Pacific Ocean. FJSJIERIKS OUK8TIOX. We arraign the present democratic adminis tration for its weak and imo:ili-l,.tii. t ! t III till f of the fisheries question, and its puKlllanimoiis surrenderor all privileges to which our fishery vt ssels are en thled IF! t 'ttllllil la II liAl tj titt.I..- the treaty of isis, the reciprocate iiiHrlii tlne legislation of Is.'M) and comiti of tuiio.w nd which Canadian tlsh the ports of the United States. We con Jemn therolicyof the incscnf :uiii,ii,ii ui..n ,.,.. the democratic majority in congress towards our lisheries as null ienill v uml eiui.i.i.,...i.r unpatriotic and as tcndini? to rleutrov .'. v.i.. .i.ii national iudustrv aiid:iii inlist i&.tiwii. la ..u. f ,1 , r 1 r ! ""'"I'vit.ilim.lvouuiLC Bnisi loreign enemy. cilizens of the rep.Vbh. and i(iiises upon men alike the same o ligation of obedieii"e to the aws. At tlie same time citizenship is and must be the panoply and safeguard of him who weais it, should shield and protect him whether high or low rich or poor, in all his civil rights. It should and iinut'ajTord him protection at home, and follow and protect him abroad in w hatever - "v ......7 u, wi, a latuui trilllMU, CIVIL KKliVIf 1! 11FKOKM. The men who abandoned the republican par- . .. 1 "iiiiiiuc in iiuuere to ine Oemo .. . ei ijr ji.ivc tieseneu 1101 OIIIV t lie cinse 01 Honest government, but of sound finance of ".11. 1'iiiu v ut me oaiior. out espec- .....j iiu.cunuini ijip cuafi) 01 retorm in tim service. , ,v,tl 0 fall to keep our .le.iyes uecniise if ey Have broken tiiens. or necause-tlieir candidate hiLH broken lii-' Eureka Meat Market; T J. THOMAB, r WHOLESALE AMI It ETA If, PEA I. IK X Beef, Pork, Mutton, Vtal iii;d Toujy. I invit all to give sue a tri c 1. Sugar Cured Meats, Hums, Ih j 11 f t 11 I . nr. I t lr- 1.' l f . . , at lowest livin.r ,;,.. i... . 1 nl "v" o uivc lie ji nr ntii i.yr. fun 1 1 1 J'ulk X. -DEALER IX- 2 .A. 2nT , STOVES, FURNITURE, -AND ALL KINDS OF. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. therefore rcpear our declaration of Ishi.towit i he reform of civil service auspiciously b-giiii iin.ei iri-uuiican iKimillistration s ion hi i,. censpleted oy a further extension of t Ji reform sstem already established by law to all grades oi the service 10 which it Is applied. The spir- ii .my pin pose oi leiorin should be observed In no ei nine aiiiMiintiiieiiTs umi !.n i.,..- ... yarience with tlie object of ex is ting reform leg islation should be repealed :m.l ilmi ii... H..fT gers to free institutions wh er ef official patronage may be wisely and ef- lertivei.v uvokU-o. The gratitude of the nation to tfu neienders ;r the union cannot be assured except by la-.? 1 he legislation of congress should eonfornrto the pledges made by a loyal people, and be so enlarged and t'xteutled as to piovMe against the possibility teat any man who honorably wore the lederarpniforjn shall begonia mi in mate ot an almshoiise or dependent mi t i ika.'e c-naruy. In the presence of an overtlowm-' treasury it would b a public scandal to do les lor those whose valorous service preserved the governineiit. We denounce tiie hostile spirit shown by President Cleveland in his numerous vetoes of measures for pension relief, and the .jo.:.,, in.., i.u u- noiise ot representa tives In reins:.!. even consideration of general pension fegislai ioj. h til support of the jirincipies herewith enun ciated, we mvite the co-operation (f patriotic men of al j.arr ies. especially nf all voi king i.i i. v. imtc l'.uii,ll v iu S.'IIOIISI v Illr4;il..i.,.,l -LA'I'KST STYLES OK- WINDOW CTJRTAXHS KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. PICTTJHE FRAMES 2J!ADE TO OXIDE II SIXTH STREET, LET. MAIN A K I Y1,NE. VIM 'I II, J. i ,t. FURNITU EMPORIUFl -FOIl ALL CLASSKS OF- FINE FURNITURE -YOU SHOULD CALL ON Wliure a mag-iii fieciit stock of (ioods ami Fair i's a boil rid. J 'l ie In "ee UiUic policy or the j.ioK.nt istration. udliiin- l Ul'.LIC LAM) I.E-ilSLATION. Vi'O reaflirill the policy Of annrniirinllni. fl.a I'tiiriiu ui liu; iiuieu nraies to ru iwum sieaui? lor Aiuerican citizeus and settlers not aliens, which the republican party established in l il:-..nst ine nerslxle if .iniu,ji. i... .i me- ut-inoLiiiis in congress, winch has hroii"ht our great western domain into magnificent de velopement. The restoration of imourntwi i ..i gia us u. me puonc fiomain for the use of ac tal settlers.which was begun under the ad it. i ii i-( i a ' ion oi i-resi( ent Arthur o,,. 1,1,1 ia eoniiiiiieu. v. . a-iiy rnar the 1 emnci-nr e nm-tv leoie, nut has ever restored one nei.. rli declare that by the joint action' 01 rein.Mi'calis :llllt fleiiioertif s tilimit r f.,t ... . I n A .... . . . ..... iitvj, mi, uou acies 01 un .11 neu lauus, origiuauy granted for the eon li uti inn 01 itiiiioaos. nave neeu n,sir,i iiik iiuiiiiLT uonuiiu 1,1 pursuance 01 conditions inserted by the republican party in the oiigiu. al grants. H e chaiire t- demoemtin,i ti.iuuu un ianure to execute laws securing to ...v.. ... Mini iioinesiuaiis anu wirn ns Illg llDD'Onnal ions made for if, -if .,,.-.,, . arrass ltooceiit uettlers with miw. etitioiis under the false piet.nse of expotitig frauds and vindicating the law. ADMISSION' OF TEItniTORIES. Tlie government bv cnnirresB of ilio ur, :n ies is based upon necessity only to the end that rijey may become states in the oi,i,. . i,0,. fore. rtfitfiiejer the conditions of population material reorej?3i public intelligence and morality are such as to Oinjie stable Jocal gov ernnieDt therein the people of such territories should be permitted, a right inherent in them to form for themselves constitutions and state governments and be ad nitted into the union 1 rename preparation for statehood all officers iiii-icoi Minmi ue selected irom lona fido Republican State Convention. The republican electors of the state of Nebraska are requested to semi delegates from their several counties to meet in convention at the city of Lincoln Thurs day, August 23, 1888, at 2 o'clock p. in., for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates for the following state offices. Governor. Lieutenant Governor. Secretary of State. . State Treasurer. Auditor of Public Accounts. Attorney General. Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings. And the transaction of such other busi ness as may come before the convention. THE APPORTIONMENT. The several counties arc entitled to re presentation as follows, being based upon the vote cast for Hon. Samuel Maxwell judge, in 1887, giving one delegate at irge to each county, and for each 1.10 voces, and major fraptipn thereof: UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING A SPECIALTY bojsce:, PLATTSM ( ) L'TI I, N ELI !A KK A CORNER MAIN AND SIXTH Berime 0 T 1 1 1- 1- co UNTIES. VOTES S50O Reward. W e will pay the above reward for anv ease or liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, indigestion, constipation or eostiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Li yer Pills, when the lirections are strictly complied with nicy are pureiy vcgeiaine, ana never fail to crive satisfaction. Laro-e boyes pills, 2.1 JC containing 30 sugar coated for sale by all druggists. Beware of counterfeits and Imitations. The rreim ine manufactured only by John O. Wei Jc Co., 8G2 W. Madison St. Chicago, Its oia oy v. .J. Warrick. 'REPApED flOFIKGr - U I I I.IJ1 AftO Aflr CLIMATE. 0 Mend rr Circulars. FOR SAUL, IE E-V residents and citizens of the territory wherein mey sue iu serve, aoitrn jJaKotu Bhonlri ,.f !ii,t ue muiieuiaieiy aumuied as a state in the union under the constitution framed and "i i "y nei peopie, ana we. heartily en irnucnilllFMUl llie I f p U OI C U SC11 iltC l imcc mMuS 0111s lor ner admission. There ii's.iidi nits uemocraiic iioue or representa " f.xiiiiiii iui;ses, ro tavorahly con siueruiese oins IS a wiutill violation of the s.n n-u .rtinei miii iriucijie ot local self-govern incur, lo.d pierits the condemnation of all just men. 1 he pcodln ;ii;ia in the senate for acts to enable the people of Washington, Korth Dakota and iMontanna territories to foiin con- 1 ill rsiaunsii siate govern merits r..,"u'u " i-anscu wiijiour unnecessary deUy. ine lepuowcaii party pledges uiself to do all in FV"r,".lil1 iiiiaiw me aamission of the ter juoiieu 01 iew Mexico. Wyoming. Idaho and Arizona to the eiilovment of sclf-iv..r, ,... ,.7oinv". oulii ui t.ieui as ai e now nualilied as soon as possible.and others as soon as thev ViE MOitifOji f)l"F.STION". the tenitoriesas exercised In the past is a ue i" or-f insiiuuioiis loo dangerous to it hoik nuiieieu. icrri'ini-fl u e n'orlira n. .... ,..,i,n...,r, ...,... ... ine ic- ,..1.1 ij 10 1 nil 11 late 1CL' shition ,t!-seiiiiiK niK uvereitilltv 01 t ii 11m ion ;.. ..11 ..i.cic me alle w oueKtioned in n 11 uieicinee or cm t ..i nnon tin. 1.1.1,..;,, i.. .. i..;,.., . l""-i- enough to divorce political from' ercieFiauticni liower. isuu thus ihimn out: tho .,......!..... t ....1 " Ulltuuillll nii.nviiivil 11 I'OlJIJUiy. Tl,o 0ni,l,lm., n. ...... :.. s . .. v ivuuirnvnu i,,u v ,1 ivi r t r ,iirt , ... rt of both gold and silver as money, and coii- "' roiiey 01 ine oemocratic ndiniuis .;ion in us eiiorts to demouetizo silver ia loin;..iJ the reduction if to 1 c-nt iier ounce. in a republic like ours, w here the. eitiens Is ...ti.i.ii (1l.ii , in1 11 :i',u 1 1 la at). I Adams .... Ant (dope .. Arthur... . Klaitie Boone Hex Batte. I'.rown liutTalo ... Kutler Burt t'ass tJedar t'hse Cherry Cheyenne. . Clay Colfax 'inning.... Custer Dakota Dawes Dawson Dixon Dodge Douglass Dundy . .. Fillmore. ... Franklin Frontier Furnas , .aire :aitield... . (Josper (irant tircelev Hall..." Hamilton ... 11:11- an Haves Hitchcock .. H olt Howard lefferson roujfTi ES. VOTES. ....14 Johnson . .. . ! Kearney 1 Keyha I'aha " Keith S (vnov . 4 Lancaster li Lincoln 14 Logan . .. V) Loup . .. si Madison.... .. Mcl'herson i Merrick .... T Nance .. . r. Nemaha ...11 Nuckolls . : 11 Otoe ... "1 Pawnee., . ,. 7 1'erklns .- 17 Fierce ...5 Folk ... 7 Platte ... 8 Phelps . .. HilMchardson ...12!Ked Willow . L'TjSalioe ... 4:Sarpy . . . lojs.-iunders . . . TiSeward . . .1j'. Sheridan. . . . iijShermaii .. . liiiSioux ... ajtaiiton ... 5 Thayer .. . ll'l homas . -. 4' Valley .. 11 : Washington ...!; Wayne .. Kj Webster . . 4: Wheeler .. 11; York ..14. Unorganized Ter.. . . 71 Total ... 9 ... 0 ...V. ... H ... 5 ... 4 .. 6 ...111 ... 7 ...l . . . 7 .. n . .. r, ...VI ..10 Wil call your attention they are headquarters for all and Vegetables. v.'e are receiving Fresh to the kinds fact tht cf Fruity trv. terries eve aay, Oranges, Lemons and Esnsnas hand. ccr.stently cn Just received , a variety cf Csr.ned Ccur s We have Fure Maple Sugar er.d r.o irisUk TCJTT. BENNETT J. W. JMakthis. EST & rmrm Jonathan IIatt. WHOLESALE JL2T ID HLTAIL G9TY iuoEAT MA PORK PACKERS and ukai.kjis in LUTTKR AND KGCF. BEEI'1, PORK, MUTTON AND YEA Jo- TIIE BEST TIIE MARKET AFFORDS ALWAYS OX HAM). Sugar Cured Meats, Hams. Bacon, Lard, &c., &c of our own make. .. 2 .. 4 . . 7 2 . . a . 9 .. 5 . s . 3 .it . 1 .671 Tlie Lest of OYSTERS, in "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. raiis iiiid liuJk, at G-IVE 'DESIRE J. CfL. HEALTH IS WEfiLTH ! Ti. . t 11 IS reCOlUlllClUlfctl that no nrnti.,. l. imn.ittecl to the convention except such as HAVEN & RHODES Omaha, XTeb. (Xainc tLis paper iu your order.) cmjrapnscxti-''iw,i pv ,t i-,i Sl, 1 i.ji 1 ..." - of the neoole. it is im:,i 1. t f h ,r ;' " v "cul "V persons resKluiff ,n the ronn eijin j-eopie snouia possed intellmei-ee The ... ...... me iNoiiioifr 01 inai mtclilKeiice ......... . 1 , , ... cor, wL, 111 .1 , 1 1. ii:niii '1-1...... i... ...'.I ----- - iiirir JillCUIIirr Laie or llulloo nr I. I. 1 . . 1 . : , should support free institution... of learmim sufficient toxtlnnl tiv.o.- ..1.0.1 ...... 'r..' i.. . 1. 1. " .." """. KIOHlllK un ill iiii oiiiii 1 i n niiiuiriiniiii. ai . , . Zi A. 1 .. ;...:.: 11 L aKooii eoiiiuion Ol;B MFECITASTMAUISE, We earnestly recommend that prompt action e taken 11: car eless in Hit- lnirWHlTiiin o ..-ill 1.... - .u-0 . .v.. V. ' e me reuahilira- I.. i-ui Aii'rnci iiierenanr. ni:,,in .....i . . , . . . .. . . i r " iiti V i'""" .i.imri. iiik passace ny fontrress rf lree t-hiii hi i aa Ml,.., , J.u "it if..?.? 1 in lu,r I.V ; 7" ".ci.n.t; inr najies oi most) en- K Vro oi iiit-oaiio iii.iriiri.iiv .,u ,.ii .,,. directly employed in our shipyards. we de inanrt appropriation-for the enrly rehuildiinr 1 1 r mir ll-lll fnr tli.. . - . - .: : iviiruiicuDi oi cast fortilieations and modern ordinance and other approved modern iue;t"s of defend for th proteetlon of onr defenseless hailmrn Hnd nues.ior tne payment of just persious to! our sold ierp, for nececsary works of national im portance m the improvement of the harbors and. channels of internal, coastwiser and loieiaa couimeree. for the encouragement of ties from which the proxies are rrivon To Chairmen County Central tees: Wiieiieas, At the renuMican state con vention held at Lincoln iss-r the followinp; resolution was adopted: Resolred, That the state central com mittee he instructed to embrace in its call ior the next state convention the submis sion of the prohibition question to there publican voters at the republican primaries. Therefore, in accordance with th above resolution, tlie several county cen tral committees are hereby instructed tn include in their call for their next countv convention the submission of the prohi bition question to the kepubucas voters at the republican primaries. GEO. D. MeIKLEJOITX. dhnirmnn Walt. M. Seeley, Secretary. The .stundaid renedy for liver ccin plaint is Wftt's Liver I'illt; tiny tuvtr disaj qx int j(,u. :;0 ills .'oc. At AVfir riek's di ujr store. Dr. E. P. West's Xerve and Train Treatment a guarantee st)t'Cilic for Huii; l;izn:e"ss. Convulsions. Fits. Ntvihis Neufaluia. i l ad - ache. .Nerveou rrostratii-n caused hv the ue of alcohol or tobaero. Wakefulnest.. Mental l)e prescion, Softeiiintr of the Urain reMilt in.' in in sanity and lealu K t misery, decay ihl death. r-reaiaiure oii Ae. j:arrei.ness. ot vw- er in either sex. lnvoluiitai y and Spf-r-matorrluea caused by ov'er-exertion of tlie brain, gelfabuse or over-indnlireiice. l!a h box contains one month's treatment. SI Mi a b x orsix boxes for S5.00, sent by mnil jrjaidoi' receipt of price WE GUAHANTIE SIX BOXES To cure any cane. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied with $5 mi. we will send the purchaser our written guaran tee to return the money If the tr aim cut does not effect a cure, tluarantees issued only by Will J. Warrick sole agent. Flattsmouth. .Neb. If you want a good silver watch, rend us 30 subscribers to the Weeklt Herald. We will Jvc a silver watch, that is warranted ly U.e jiwcliy ihin of this city, to any one who blinds ijj. i, aiJv -i, i ibtis to the D.Mi.y Hi ns u. uh JULIUS FEFFEFBERG, MAMKA(U1:U1 OF M WHOLESALE & RETAIL PKALllt IN THE Choicest Brands of Cigais, including our Flor de Pepper bergo'. rrd 'Buds FULL LINE OF TOIJACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES alwajs in stock. Nov. 2C, lfcfcS. f c, ( TS .