THE DAILY HERALD :PL-- ilCUHK so; eas ierK.S ' eia : ' Air U-fcfl Suif fi y a:. J TV' i 1 . iNGEHS OF THE DEEP. RELICTS yVHICH DRIFT AT THE WILL OF WIND AND CURRENT. ( Striking i Abundoafd VcMl-Iui;r , Wttlrr toBB Wwk-Tua tfreitt Kali A VhlUliiC Iluoy Adrift. ' -- KuiMTtltlou Bailor. .'? A derelict is anything that Las ljeen for ' " i anken ir abandoned, ami, ns applied to the ' J son, it U a vessel tlmt Las been abandoned by 'Vr licr crew and left floating on the ocean. S Jierclicts are much more plentiful than a J1 .nsunl oltservcr would imacine. Besides ves- fuln Mink near tlio roust in suhicn-utly shal low water to make their protruding masU dangerous to passing ships, tliere wtrti, taau iiverago, seventeen Iloating derelicts in tho . Iv.rth Atlantic retried to the hydrographio office for each month of the year lsst. A larger nnmUr of them was righted in tho luto fall, winter ami early spring than dur ing I ho other wasons of tho year, no doubt liecausu there were then more, dangerous -ktonns on the ean. Some of theso derelicts drift around month after month, at tho will of tho wind and current, and are reported tirno after time bv i Missing vessels. Tlie most interesting wreck that has been reported for some years is doubtless that of the derelict s;liooner i weniy-ono menus. "fihn was altfiu.lohed on March J4, VMT about unn liiiiulreil Xld nevoid V-fivo miles east of OiiKjIIenrv. Beinz lumber laden, she con tinned to float. Her mast3 were carried nvroy close to the deck, so that there was but Hid.. Kiirfji.-e fToosetl to tbe winu, ana nor progress was nli.-ost entirely duo to the cur rent of tho Culf Stream. Her track across the Atlantic was diructly iu tho route of tho European steamers, by whom sho was riirhted many times, ami whose captains loiibtless irrow to recard her as worse than twenty-ono enemies! Tho last rcjxirt received placed her about seventy miles north of Caiio Ortegal, SjMiir, on Den. A 1vSTi She was probably towed into Some ltnv .r Hiscav fishermen, who mi it lmvo ret-arded her as n rich find. Dur ing her long cruise she covereil somo :?,:J00 mflfs, which mado an average of about 4:25 ..ill.-, r.f'ss each month. A number of Khnilar cases eonld lie given where derelicts have lvu reporUl month after month iutho iii.'iiu-nvs of commerce. t,, and iceU-rirs are eneouutercd only at mvirticiiUr i-eriod of the year, and within limits ..i the ocean, but derelicts a ro lini.i.. t l met anvwhero and at anytime. A ship striking one of these watr loggeil wrecks would e apt to sustain nlxmt ns mm, li ,l,iiiiii as if she ran umm u rock. An inhospitable wist is known at night by its i;l.t the presence of ieelergs by the chill of" the water in tho vicinity ;but luring dai k r'sli(r. is nothiuz to indicate tho ,v - ' tt " ir-iu-" tif ft derelict. Sometimes, when it is found necessary to nlKiiuioit a vessel, Ihe captain is thoughtful enough to set her on tire. Sometimes, if tho ea 1 and tiie weather favorable, a captain, on meeting one of theso derelicts, .. ;ii I. mt iin.l s-iid some of his crew . fir., lu-r. but this is also a rare occurrence. JVimrts are occasionally received of ships being injur-.l by striking wrecks, and no doubt some of those that havo left iort, and fievor Ui-ii heard from afterward, have been i i.i t..t this wnv. l'erhaiis the most novel derelict on record was that of tho great ruft which it was ut ...... ..1.1 t.i tow round from tho Canadian Coast to New York some months ago. Tho attempt failed, tho towing steamer broke way from tho raft, and the great mass of a i..t. to float about directly m the paTh of vessel coming n0 Now Vork. v. the raft was speedily broken up and ... . ..1 ai,1 nn (Serious casu- it? I vnnu-n to havo occurreu irom iui i: :,.nu &-itli th.ti. "a word on the subject of bouys which Imvc r..... .Irift mav not to amiss, ttbiiem i 1 , ..f and insiimificant, a few ni s 1 xr?e and heavy, and might do considerable damage to ft ship if run iato at full sieed There is a small number of lighted, whUti..!g buoys at im rortant iints on our co:t. Theso are of .oi,.i. siz.vmi.1 act as l;eaccns, and, at t. tuv c-ive warniuz by the .1ia. ii,f.v make. The whistle is automatic, .,.,.1 w w.n.ulo.1 twentv or thirty times amin ute by act ion of the sea. There is a chamber w,;.-ii is forced, and it is lighted ly means of a lens lantern at the top of the tliA p-as must be replenished 1 X I . 11 vv.ii. o i vim!r intervals. in1nf tlM enormous buoys was driven from its moorings oil t'are llattcras, in De- i. Tisr. nn.l after takins an iuvolun- firv Jounny of about twelve hundred miles, it was. on the tfT.tli of tho following May, i .....l inuwl into liormimii ly an eaiiiuii'u - - . tinier. It was m goo.1 condition, lmteviden-es of its long trip were found in the la r-e Itimacles adi.vrit to it. hen it -.,..l .... 1.wrniisrt tllO H'.li stKllieS- 81:1111 u.i i j w- f . hauste.1, causing tho light tokw.uu extin fnisbeil but doubtless tbo whistle continued to pipo lustily with every rise and fall oi the ''imagine the disma; oi superstitious mariner whoso ears should t? Cieetea bv a lialf lozen violent whoops in the small lioUra i.f the night, when ho comfortably believed that no object was within miles of the ship. Lieut. E. 1. Underwood, U. S. N. A Hank Clerk' IMnisnmcut. A new method of punishing dishonest bank clerks is now leing tried in a certain institu tion of that kind iu 'ew York. Some time ago n clerks account were investigated aud he was found to be several thousand dollars hhort. To remove and prosecute the man would have Uvn troublesome nnd apt to hurt the reputation of the bank, so they have made him stay, as it nothing had happened, but Lave placed him in such a position that he can take no more, and informed his fellow clerks of tho defalcation. Ho is avoided py ' the insiders, and Lis ieition is about as disagretr.ble as can well be imagined. Con stants under surveillance, ho will work out in time the amount Lo Las taken, and will then ! discharged. rhiladelphia Times. A Subject for a Museum. A news item states that "an umbrella has Utn mado in Glasgow for a king in East Africa measuring twenty-one feet ill diam-..t.-r." The dimensions of the umbrella are not given, but we should think it i.-.v in l r.rettv bulky to cover would a king twenty-one feet in diameter. . A king so cor pulent could make more money by travel ing in this country with a 10-ceut show than t.emaiu on a throne ut home. Noi ris town HerakL It Takes Brains to (Tin. Skirting GootLs Tealer Yes, my adver tised rMuet ions are in good faith. I'm sell ing stnndard laseba,U.s to boys at five cents each. Friend (in the same line) Great Seottl Yoa ll bo bankrupt. "'o I won't ! I'm getting rich. You see I'm a silent iit tner in tho firm of Fainter & Glazier, dealers in window gloss, etc." Lin coln Journal. A Morbidly Bonaltlv Kmprm Tbe craprws of Austria spent week at Bournemouth recently, exapertlcg almost to frenzy tbo antagonism between tbe two rival hotels, and finally electing, cot tho (esthetic and more fashionable Bath, but the quieter Exeter. When, a few days before her arrival, 6be Intimated her Intention of taking up her abodo in tho last named hou90 it was summarily cleared of all its guests, ith tho exception of ono unoffending old maid, who hod occupied a ton ledroom for seven months, took all her meals In ,tho privacy of her chamber, and was warranted not to show obtrusively on tho-stairs. The eraprtss, her daughter Valerie, and a large suite filled thirty-six rooms for a wook. The empress, spare, tall, erect, has retained much of tho far famed beauty which mado tho Frincess Elizabeth, of Thurn and Taxis, tho most admirable woman of her time. Her magnificent hair, as luxurious as ever, is almost untouched by time, and sho 6eema to disclaim every artifice of toilet and appear ance. Sho dressed plainly, unlx-connngly, almost shabbily, roso early, walkod out aloue with tho lady like proprietress of tho hotel at half past 0 o'clock p. in., took long walks on the sands, indifferent alike to wind, sunshine or rain, coining homo sometimes drenched to tho skin, visiting tho i ler only when all tho inhabitants were safely housed for their meals, giving no trouble, und apparently satisfied with everything. She had been so cruelly mobbed at Cromer, on tho east coast. that sho had become morbidly sensitive about beinz stared at, and, to avoid observation, resorted imprudently to a device more likely to attract attention than to shun it. She sallied forth iu tho coldly inclement weather with a hirco fan. which sho held up before her face whenever she suspected tho passers- by of scanning her features. Tho Argonaut. A Chango in tho i:uttous. Thero Is nothing more noticeable to me than tho wonderful chango in tho buttons that women wear that has taken place in two years. Ferhaps I notice it more on ac count of being in tho business, but it is so radical that any ono would i.rceive it if ho had Lis attention called to it. Formerly tho buttons wero fancy and largo; now they are small, plain nnd cheap. When merchants can sell manufactured buttons for three cents a dozen it reduces tho profits of tho manu facturer. Stylo has decided that buttons shall bo small and plain. Iu consequence, it is very seldom that a woman pays more than twenty cents a dozen for tho buttons sho uses on her dress, and tho majority use live cent anil ten cent buttons. But this stylo will not last long; it will get around to tho old price where it was profit able to manufacture buttons. Two years ago tho stylo was to wear novelties, and the but tons used on dresses never cost less than fifty cents a doxen. Tho size tf tho buttons began to increase, and it was not uncommon to see buttons two inches squaro on cloaks, ilany ludies paid as high as $:i apiece for buttons They were made iu fancy shaios, and thero aro few ladies who havo not pretty collec tions iu their scrap bags. They will bo use ful somo dav. for the fashion in buttons is always changing. Our trade fluctuates ao- coi-dincrlv. A ith Improved machinery 16 is now eosv to make a cheap, plain button. Bono is tho principal material for theso but tons, and vecetablo ivory is also used, us well us comjHJsititJn. Globe-DpinociaK AVild Animals in Africa. Of tho wild animals, singularly enough only tho leopards are dreaded, for tuey often attack man, which tho lions never do, nl though they lurk in tho bush by twos and threes. Tho negroes tola JSmm they wero under tho control of a chief named Lotter, a very simple, good natured man, who always kept two tamo lions in his house (a fact), and as long as ho receives occasional presents of com and goats, prtruts tbo wijd iiun ivoni doing any mischief. It is curious to noto that the lions here aro cood tempered (lierhaps because they find abundance of food), and they are also much admired, a9 was shown Ly the, fullcwing ill cident: "Ono dav," ho says, "we caino upon a lion caught in a pitfall, whereupon Chief Lotter was fetched, and he pushed into tho pit branches of trees to enable tho lion to get out: this it did, and after giving us a roar of acknowledgment, walked off unharmed. "Another chief is said to possess tho power of keeping the game away from tho pitfalls. Ono of our men told me that this chief wa3 at ono timo detained' under arrest at the sta tion for u few hours, tho consequence bein that no garao came near tho station for about eight days, 60 that a present had to bo sent to the chief to appease him. Chief Chulong's wife is also famous for ber power over the numerous crocodiles whic h make their home in Khor Gineti. "-.-Christian at Woi-.k. Trizes of tho Ocean. Sperm whales, tho monsters of deep water, aro tho richest prizes of tho ocean, jieiJing spermaceti from their brain cases, ivory from their lower' jaws, 'rich, yellow oil from their sides, and (when diseased) tho almost priceless nmliergri from their entrails. Xexf in value comes th l ight whale, tho inhab itant of tho Arctic, in whose mouth whale bone is subst it uted f or i vory. The upper jaw is furnished with this substance, a great pilo of which lies high on the beach at Herring cove. It ;s, irhap. ten inches across where it joins the Jaw, and reminds ono more of a -reat comb with tangled hair attached than anything else. The "teeth" are closely set, and nro throe foot and more Ions-, tanerinsj to ft point and terminating in voi lite fila ments. While tho sperm whalo feeds on squid at the lottom of tho ocean, tho right whalo Meods along y-Uh oien mouth, engulfing huge quantities of water and greater or less quantities of tho animalcules and small fish on which it subsists. When his cavernous mouth is full ho closes it, blows out tho water throfigh his spout holes, and with tho aid of hi tongue swallows the little creatures which liave become immcshed iu the curious attachment of his upper jaw. Cor. Balti niore American. A Horrible DcaiU Sentence, Wo mentioned tho terrible sanctions by which tho Chineso secret societies enforce their laws, which, of themselves, make them dangerous subjects, and Tho Liverpool Fost furnishes a remarkable illustration. Accord ing to a report from the American minister at IPekin, a man belonging to an association of gold beaters nt Toochow recently took more apprentices than one. This is forbidden, so tho local trades union took up the matter and condemned tho man to be bitten to death, ind the sentence was literally carried out. Ono hundred and twenty-three men had a Lite at him beforo he e.rpired. It would not striko tho childlike and bland Chinee that there was auything specially horrible in such a form of murder. London Spectator. Tlio Celebrated Watch. A lady who had been abroad was describ ing somo of tho sights of her trip to a party of friends. "But what pleased mo as much n nn vth in z." she said, "was the wonderful clock nt Strasburg." "Oh, how I should love to see it I" exclaimed a pretty young woman in Tiink. "1 am so interested in such things. And did you see the rvletr&ted watch on the Fdiiuer tjaeriea , SCIENTIFIC WEDLOCK. THE PHYSICAL AND MORAL EFFECTS OF UNWISE MARRIAGES. Matins AinonB Savages A Law In It rail 1. Deterioration of I loyal 111 owl In Eu rope Cermany's Terll rhyslcal Culture Should lie Looked After Results. It is both interesting and instructive to study the people ami races of the earth, as their methods of contracting marriages in fluence their deterioration or advancement. Among the Esquimaux, who rank very low on the scale of humanity, marriage is a mere matter of convenience. The sentiment of love seems almost unknown. The woman simply needs to be fed, and tho man requires some one to make bis clothes and to take care of his hut while he is hunting or fishing. The contract is made when tho parties are in in fancy. Tho boy's father selects a littlo girl for his son's wife, and pays her father for her -perhaps a pair of 6now shoes or a dozen percussion caps. 1 ho two are then consia- ered engaged, and when they becomo old enough I ivo together. It is ut once evident that uo attention can here be given to those points which should govern a wise and scien tific marriage. The prosjective bride and groom are too young, at the timo when they aro nil ia need, for any ono to know into what sort of representatives of their race they will develop. Perhaps tho question of cheapness is tho main one. l.heir method of contract ing marriage alliances goes far to show why it is the Esquimaux have remained so long at their present low leveL Iu various parts of South America there is an ample field to study tho effects of judi cious alliances. Thero exists there almost every variety of cross between tho native In dians, tho resident und Indolent Spaniards, and other more active, vigorous ami intel lectual Europeans. Tho alliances aro hardly formed with a view to the laws of scientific parentage, though they clearly show tho working f theso when they have been ob served, as well as the opposite ctTect when they have been disregarded. There is a re markable and self-imposed family law which lopularly prevails, we aro told, throughout Brazil In relation to matrimony. It is recog nized among all the higher classes. The man who is about to marry is required to furnish a certificate f ron one or moro physicians that he is free from diseases of a certain char acter, aud that he is free also from all signs of any of tho diseases which are liable to bo transmitted to tho offspring. ot only that, but the physicians consulted must testify that, as far ns they can learn, there exist no reason to believe that tho union will be other than iu accord with the laws of sanitation. Tho ruling families of many of tlio small European states have their range in marriage selection so restricted by their social code ns to furnish noteworthy examples of the dis obedience of tho laws of scientific wedlock. Tho consequence is, the members are often feeble minded, weak bodied, bigoted nnu dis eased. Francis Cn'tcrn cp&ks of tho disnp Jearauc6 largely duo to marriage selection in England of the once famous and thorough bred looking Norman t-pe. Whoa fvuud now it generally exists, not among celebri ties, be.t in Inconspicuous members of aristo cratic families such as undistinguished army officers and the like. He notes, too, tho very evident superiority in highbred appearanco of tho otherwise less noteworthy Austrians over the modern Prussians. Yet th.o Prussians well in tho world's iront as they barf) vJaotd themselves aro run mug a race danger in their constant employment in the army of their best men, Theso aro exposed to early death, aro often tempted into vice, and aro prevented fv&. marrying during tho, piiiuo a life. The fchorter. aud weaker men, with feebler consti tutions, are left at home to raise tho families; and thus danger is threatened to tho con tinued superiority of tho population. In many countries the poorer classes umrry early and havo large families. They are too iirnorant to kuow anj'thing of tho scientific laws which should govern marriages and pa rentage. JTot oidy ore they poor aud ig norant, bat often vicious. Says Greg: "The careless, squalid, unaspiring Irishman multi plies likb rabbits; tho frugal, farseeing, self respecting Scot, stern in Lis inor-ulu y, spirit ual in his faith, sagaeions and disciplined in intelligence, passes his best years in struggle and celibacy, marries late, and leaves few behind Uini, Given a land originally peopled by a thousand Saxons and a thousand Celts, and iu a dozen generations five-sixths of the population would be Celts; but five-sixths of the property, of the power; of tha utaiiect, would beng thw one-sixth of the Saxoni that remained." Says another writer: "It is one of the laws of life that each individual shall to a great extent take tho bensSt and evils of it3 own nature, no matter whether these come f rom ancestors by inheritance or are self produced from habit. A child is en titled a to birth with as few defects of char acter and constitution as it is possible to giye t. Parents aro bound by honor and by their own self interest, if they bring children into tho world, to do it under such circumstances and conditions that their offspring may live healthy, happy, useful lives. To bring chil dren into the world which will bo incapable, criminal, or so dia&ed that their whole lives will bo miserable, is wrong, if not a crime." Tho day when true sanitary marriage will become the rulo is a long way off. Tho need must be made moro plainly evident. In this country we aro developing, from the amal gamation of many strains, a race wnoiiy new 16 the world. Our immigrants, as they inter marry with those that have preceded them, produce descendants of a quicker and more aggressive mental typo than tneir own, ana it is noted by Darwin that the bodies and limbs of these descendants arp very noticea bly longer than those of their ancestors. Dur ina our civil war the uniforms manufactured to tit the average American soldier, including thoso of foreign descent, though born here, were found, as a rule, to be much too long for foreismers just arrived. When we shall have learned, and learned to apply, the laws of proper selection iu marring? our race michfc to be second to nono in health and nhvsical development, and that means, also, intellectual advancement. A wide stop to ward the needed reform has been taken by up as a people, for far more than ever before are we interested in physical culture, upon which health so clearly depends. There is a promise that it will yet have the high place m tho curriculum of education which it de- in tbo cur Our schools now, on account of tho absence it n Tirntwr svstein of nhvsical culture, aro constantly sending out into tbe world young men and young women who, by reason of their infirmities, never ought to marry. And .roin mir ill ventilated countiiitr rooms and factories aro generating an army, the off which must present every phase of bodily imperfection. The remedy for this id physical culture, and the sooner it is recog f;,i i.-o- n. nnd particularly by our edu- uttr Sotiial reformers and phi lanthropists have here a wido field for culti vation. Let them impress upon our gro wing youth the importance of healthy bodies, har Ani.ljir Hcwinrvd bv urooer exercise. Let them also aid them everywhere, as our be nevolent institutions hero in Boston have done, by providing gymnasiums and grounds for open air sports, and they will wdl have .u. i. i .1. uari rrirtliip labors. earnoci iuo uikuvsv - boston Herald. THE HUMAN VOICE. Wbat It Is In TVhleh tha fktnl of the Or gan Consists. The Individual peculiarities and delicate expressions or tbo Human voice nave been looked upon as almost belonging to tbe soul, and as, therefore, incapable of reproduction. e recognize people by theso slight, but suro, differences In quality, and think that "there is no mistaking that voice." Wo pay tho same tribute to tbe individuality of each kind of musical instrument, being able to distin guish ono from another positively, by the quality of the sound only, after hearing pre cisely tho same musical noto struck upon each. Tho first question to bo answered is, what Is tho difference in the sounds of dif ferent voices and of different mu sical instruments by which wo distin guish them, if it is difference neither in the loudness nor in tho pitch of tho tono pro duced? It Is tho simultaneous sounding of other notes which accompany faintly tho noto played ujon tho instrument, not loud enough to be heard, but giving it richness and quality in precisely the same way that a chord makes a richer souud than a single noto. These extra notes, sometimes called sympathetic vibrations, aro too faint to be separately recognized, but they modify tho original note, giving it a richness, quality of "timbre" which differs for every instrument. Tho piano is richer than tho harp, because its strings aro surrounded by a case which imparts the vibrations of each string to such of tho other strings as are in accord with it, thereby causing those nearest in agreement to accompany every note struck. Tho pro portion of faint notes which accomiany the note played is different in different kinds of musical instrument-', being nHVeUd by tlio shape of the case, tho material, etc. ; hence the difference in quality of sound. In talking, tho sounds of the voice are mado nearly all in ono note, and articulation is simplj'' tha elTect of rapid and decided varia tions in tho quality or the timbre of tho note, as if the instrument which was sounding was rapidly changed from an organ to a violin, a piano, etc., as tho uiiierent sj'liabies aro pronounced. Theso changes in tho musical nature of the niouth aro niado by using tho tonguo, palato, lips and teeth to vary its shape and bring out tho extra vibrations in tho various proportions of different musical instruments from moment to moment. In other words, speech or ' articulation consists of ono tono produced by the voice or vocal chords, and then modified by the various shapes which tho mouth can assume so as to possess at will the quality giviug properties of any instrument. This inflexibility of the voice is illustrated by the fact that tho voice can imitate almost any musical instrument, Many ieoplo do pot realize that a coiix. tion is carried on . in pearly "Kl!nglo tone, with variqiy hi" its"quality only. When wo vary the pitch of the notes produced by tho voice, as well as the quality, we are sing ing, and when wo Yi"y the pitch without varying the quality, that is, without pro nouncing words, wo "hutv.unng" a tuuo. Harper's YA eekly. The Jackals of Calcutta. Ivind friends had warned us, ere wo retired to sleep the first night in Calcutta, not to supposo that thero was anything tho matter if wo should hear tho cry of the jackals. But for that warning I do not know what our feelings would Lave been when, awakened froni our first sleep by them, wo heard a pack pass closo to tho house. It seemed to us as though the conseieneo of tho whole city had unbarred tho portals of hell and put a trumpet in tho hand of every liberated fiend. I had presumptuously imagined that famil iarity with the concerts of London cats would enable me to sleep through the jack als' efforts. But though tha cat has undenfablo power he can never hope, ta reach tho top notes of tho jackal. Tbi3 latter, indeed, lacks the conversational variety of tho moro domestic animal. Ho confines himself mainly to one. tune, which bf gins, in a semi-apologetio low uote, then ascends a little, still with a suspi cion of apology and explanation that ho did not mean to make quite 6o much noiso but could not help it; and then the flood gates are open, and seeming to say that he does not care ho yells with ecstatic abandon. Terrible as a "wandering voice" of tho night tho jackal appears a poor creature should ho bo come upon in his own proper person by day. True, his teeth aro to bo respected, but that is because, like all carrion feeders, his bito is moro or less poisonous. He is himself a .snouting coward, useful, however, beyond description. No system of drainage will en able Calcutta to dispense w ith its natural scavengers, and. of these the jackal is anions the most efficient. Peering into aaris corners and with a nose Keen to scent; out what has escaped even tho crow's bright ej-e. littlo as that seems to miss, be fills a special place in tha sanitary economy of the city of palaces. "Turbans and taus." Seriousness of Cuban Courtship. The surveillance of parents over daugh ters renders tho matter of courtship a serious affair in Cuba. Many j-oung men actually beconio dolorous objects from persistent sere nading before so much as civil recognition bv tho family is granted. But tlero is un doubtedly a high quality of patience exhib ited on tbo part of tho family, as wen as oy doughty lover. Timo after time, at all hours of the night, on returning to my hotel from divers wanderings in tne iuoan capnai, havo I nassed these love stricken youths, stationed opposite tho homes of their inam oratas in all manner of agonized attitudes, strumming dew muffled notes upon ancient guitars, and lifting their voices in passionate though doleful petitions to tho night, tho moon, the stars and all tho saints, to aid them in reaching the ears and hearts of their adoradas. All this may seem ridiculous to us, but it ia far from that to those who thus pour out their souls upon the night. Nobody pays anv attention to it. The parents, who are used to it, simply turn in tneir oeas wita thanks to tho saints that their doore aro massive and the windows aro of iron bars. Belated male passengers cast sympathetic glances at tho lone troubadours, remember inz their own dismal efforts in tho past. Even the neighbors keep silence, and not a rock or handy household Implement is shot, ns from some shadowy catapult, on disturb- in r mission through tho bosky midnight air. For hours of this lugubrious sort of vigil nq reward is sought or expected, but if tho fiuti ter of 'a dainty band or the 6hi miner of deli? cato laces is for an instant caught at tho bal cony of tho fair one's alcoba, then is tha minstrel lover in an ecstasy of delight. Ed gar L. Wakeman's Letter. Vtoere the Day Ends. In a German chart, published in 1S70 by Dr. Gleuns, a lino dividing places keeping Sunday and Monday respectively passes through Behring straits, leaving the Aleutian isles on the east, curves sharply in between the Philippines on tha west and Carolines on the east, then curves again sharply, sweeping north of Guinea and leaving tho Chatham isles on the west At all places west of the line it is Monday, while it is Sunday oa the east. Arkansaw Traveler. . The Plattsmouth Herald Xo n. joying aEomin "both, ito DAELilT AND WEEK EDITIONS. IT Will 10 ouc during national interest :ml ftnn'ly agitated and President will take Cass Countv who Political, Commercial and Social of this year and would keep apace the times should -von Daily or Weekly Herald. Now while we have the subject before the people we will venture to speak oi our Which is iirst-cla?s in all respects and from which our job printers are turning out much satisfactory work. PLATTSMOUTH, 1888 r which the subjects of importance, will the election he " a of of place. J'he would like ti people, learn Transactions with KITHEK TIIK IMI NEBRASKA. 1 1