The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, July 14, 1888, Image 2

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    AOKi SATURDAY, JULY 14, 1888.
a. fcrf a I- r- A
-vv-ui ii:ily Herald.
j rl
Publishers & Proprietors.
I published every evening except Sunday
anil Weekly every Thursday morning. Kenis
tered at the postonite. l'latK-niouth. Nebr..s
ecnd-cla matter. Olllee corner of Vine and
Hflli ntreets.
One copy one year In advance, by mail $C oo
One copy per month, by carrier M
One copy per week, by carrier 15
nne annv one vear. In advance..
Uuecopyalx months. In advance
of Indiana.
of New York.
Wk are iroud of our Lnnfiiut and the
gucsU who entertained us.
Cki.. Lamiikktson came late on the
rorauiiiie ltit he uncorked the old wine
nil the same.
T.UTon tariff, Hephurn on sectionalism
nnd Stone on (Jroverian c-xceiitricitics
was good enough for one banquet.
Thk Journal seys do away with
proved iiMchinery hecause it makes lahor
worth more in this country than in Enj
Of u free t:ade contemporary thinks
the Americans should do away with in
i,rni-i1 inni liinerv 1V the use of i
i -
it Americans get hitter pay than luhonis
in England.
JfiKiK I'oiM) surprised Ins many old
friends in Cass county ly his splendid
portrayttire of the grand leaders, past and
present, of the republican party.
Thk race between "Old Olorv" and
the red bandana will result in the dis
rnmflturc of the latter and the waste of
the democratic forces. "Old (Jlory" flie
to win. Arizona Citizen.
The Journal tries to pose as the friend
of the laboring man. ana at tlie same
time wants the improved machinery
done away with so that wages can be put
down to a level with those of England.
Thk bonds now being bought by the
treasury department cannot be devoted
to the sinking fund. This fund will
quire about 15,000,000 this year. No
matter how far bond redemption under
the law of is carried and that
the law under which the present pur
chases are being made this $45,000,000
in bonds must be redeemed in addition
between now and June 30 next. Globe
M..i. Watson, of Nebraska
attended the banquet, and,
John, he brought with him a
wart deligation of llarrisonians,
thi-'ir citizens band of Nebraska,
discoursed sweet music during the pa
rade. We noticed among the gentlemen
MtSssrs. Murfin, Donaldson, Hogc, Seha-
pcrs, McMillin, Dunn, Brauer, Farley,
Pthlegau, lluberle, Zimmercr, Overton,
Schofield, Seymour, and Col. Iluckins, of
The Times.
Thk editor of the Weeping Water Ile-
lnbli:H was out of the state this week
on a nlcsure trip, and from the looks of
the editorial column he must have left an
unconverted democrat in charge. But
we would judge from reading that page
that the compositors had become tired of
their new editor and had tired him bodi
ly. We would advise Mr. Keithly the
next time he left home to leave the ottice
in the hands of fie compositors rr.ther
than to put it into the hands ot one that
does not know how to tell the truth.
Our evening contemporary which
located in the sewer, came out last night
with a column of wild assertions on the
labor question claiming that certain
leading republicans had made them and
that they were very damaging to the re
publican party and the tariff question
If the statements were made they do not
prove anything and we doubt very much
if they were. We will have to hear them
from a more reliable source than the
Journal before we believe it.
The Journal even contradicts itself in
the same article and virtually admits the
following which is what we said:
"The wages paid in the United .States
for all classes of service in the cotton
factories are from fiO to 100 per cent.
higher than. in England."
first denies this statement
The Journal
and then ad-
roits it in the following language: "The
fact is, the American machinery is super
ior to European machinery, and Ameri
cans are worth more to their employers,
hence they get better pay."
As to manchinery and wages we will
take the Clark Thread Company of New
ark,' N. J., and Clark & Co. of Paisley.
Scotland, these two firms use exactly the
ame kind of machinery and make the
same kirt, thread. These facta require
no comment, 'and the following tablo
bhows the actual average weekly wages
paid by the two firms:
:ap winders
8 oo
14 shilling or $3 60
5 CO
2 to
UeeleiK.. .......
f poolers
S 00
m m
7 oo
7 00
4 25
3 5
7 00
4 12
3 75
These arc wages that
paid today
nnd we usk all free traders
to consider
The Ycurlilng of Agriculture.
It is a well-known fact in real lifo that
every man who is master of a practical art
connected with the production of wealth will
find it far more prolitabJo to practice the
art than to teach it. A successful merchant
could never afford to teach bookkeeping. A
Kreat refiner of ietroleiim oils could not
accept the paltry salary which even Yalo or
Harvard could afford to pay to a teacher of
the art of refining oils. Even a good base
ball player will draw a higher salary in
tho practice of his callin,'; than the best col
lego president commands for his services.
Bo one who knows how to farm nt a real
profit to himself nnd to tho world cannot
afford to stop farming in order to teach the
art, and very likely would make a poor
teacher, after tho first half hour, if he did.
One reason for this is that an art is yot
reducible to principles that can lw taught if
each jK-rson that succeeds in it succeeds by
dilferent means, under different conditions
and on precisely opiosito methods to thoso
on which others succeed. Ono farmer suc
ceeds by exhausting his soil, another by
replenishing it; one by abundant seed, an
other by thin seed planting; ono by under
draiuage, another by saving wages and
avoiding e.vicnditiire; ono by rotation of
crois, and another by letting land lie fallow,
and another by continuous cropping of tho
same laud to the same product.
It is as in business: ono man will succeed
bj' giving mnny und long credits, another by
paying and demanding cash down; ono by
being curt and gruir, another by being suave
and liolite, and so on. What it is wi for a
business man to do depends on his own imme
diate exigencies, pud a teacher can never fol
low tho myriad forms of business into these
practical exigencies. J fence, tlm teaching of
agriculture, like tho teaching of any other
practical urt, is leset by t wo insuperable diffi
culties nt the start, viz.: First, good farmers
will not and cannot teach, and tho teaching
of men who are not themselves good fanners
cannot lo good teaching, for a bad farmer
cannot teach good farming ; second, thu arts
and the judgment that comprise good farm
ing vary in some degree with every farm and
with every farmer, aud hence are not re
ducible to teachable principles. Frank Les
lie's. KussU'n Cosy Vleioi,
In the little war Great Britain has now on
hand with Thilxt two scrimmages have thus
far occurred, aud both times tho Buddhist
warriors have been sent scauiiiering olt the
iield ot L;.M' with an eye single to getting
out of cannon range. Jli fvnnv little war
suggests l'rofeor Vambery's explanaf ii
Russia's easy victory over the Tartars ot
Central Asia. "While tho Russian, ho said,
had n. first rate weapon and the best of pow
der, the 'iiu tv Jind only an old rusty gun
which rested upon a wooaJ Zok When he
wanted to shoot ho first lookeil around for
level sjot, where he tuck his fork in tho
ground. Then with a flint and some tinder
ho set about knallir.g a fire. After he had lit
his tinder ho applied it to uis eo;.i3 powder,
tin irun exploded, the fork tumbled, clown
und the Lord only knew where the bullet
went. Tho vidian Tartars of the Dalai
Lama have a somewhat simiJr prpiipment,
and any victories Great Britain inaj- win pa
tim Vtiihctan border aro hardly likely to
-linnfA her iniliv resti?:o.-.-New York
Sun. . .
Culinary Implements for Hotels.
A hotel steward who is giving advice for
the purchase of culinary implements said the
other day that he knew of no Jiiid of busi
ness in which greater abuses have grown up
than this. The firms that manufacture
kitchen goods have long made it a practice
to give a tip to each cook every time he buys
anything or orders any repairs made. The
consequence is that the most intense opposi
tion made to any progressive movement of
the day is that which combats all the new
inventions for saving labor or material. As
an instance, there is a new process for doin,
every form of cooking without the direct ap
plication of th e, and ths 6peial beauty of
it, beyond the fact that it cooks perfectly, ii
that the roasters, boilers and broilers proo-
ticoily never wear out. On this account the
invention languishes, except when a bold
proprietor takes the matter out of the cook's
bands and makes his own equipment But
even if he does that be will find that cooks
are apt to refuse to work with these modern
tools, and, if they take the situations, will
declare that the machinery will not keep in
order. 2iew York Bun.
A Warning.
1 he modes of death s approach are va
ious, and statistics show conclusively
diat more persons die from disease of the
hroat and lungs than any other. It is
probable that everyone, without excep-
lon, receives vast numbers of lubercle
Germs into the sj-stcin and where these
germs fall upon suitable soil they start
into life and develop, at first slowly and
is shown by a slight tickling sensation in
the throat and if allowed to continue their
ravages they extend to the lungs produc-
ng Consumption and to the head, caus
lug Catarrh. Now all this is dangerous
ind if allowed to continue will in time
cause death. At the onset you must act
witn promptness; allowing a com to go
without attention is dangerous and may
loose you your life. As soon as you feel
that something is wrong with j our throat,
lungs or nostrils, obtain a bottle of Bos-
shee's German Syrup.
It will giye you
immediate reiief.
We now publish music each week
in the Wkeki.v 1Ikkai.i. Everybody
-.hould be a musician. The pieces furn
ished in the paper will be found as pop
ular as any costing ."50 cents. Everybody
should take the paper. We are endeav
oring to make it a great success, and feel
quite confident we can suit all.
$300 Reward.
We will pay the above reward for any
case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick
headache, indigestion, constipation or
costivenesa we cannot cure with
West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the
directions are strictly complied with.
They are purely vegetable, and never
Tail to give satisfaction. Large boxes
containing 30 sugar coated pills. 2oc.
For sale by all druggists. Beware of
counterfeits and imitations. The genu
ine manufactured only bv John O. ell
& Co., 8G2 W. Madison St. Chicago, Its
Sold by W. J. Warrick.
Tho renublleatm of the United States, assent
hlfl l.v t hetr riellirrUes In national convention.
nurniA ru tli (href hold of their nroceedinus t
honor the memory ! their Ilrsi creat leader
and Immortal champion of liberty and the
rlirhts of the iieonle. Abraham blncolu, and to
nUo willi wreaths f imperishable re
ineinhraiice and gratitude the heroic names of
our later leader who have been more recently
called away from our councils, (iraut, (iarnclu,
Arthur. I.ol'mii and l.'onkl iiir. Mav their mem
orles be (ailhfully cherished. We also recall
with our (creel iiiK"" and prayer for his recovery
the name of one ol our livinir herom whose
inemorv will be treasured in the history both
of renulilieanH aud of the republic. The name
Is that of the noble poldicr and favorite child
of vietorv. l'hllin II. Sheridan.
In the spirit of those great leaders and of our
devotion i human utterly, and witn Thai nos
tility toad forms of despotlHiii ar.d oppression
w neli Is the fundamental Idea ol me lemitm
can party, uecend fraternal congratulations
to our fellow Ameiiesiiis of Ilrail upon their
great act of emancipation which completed
the abolition of slavery throuhout the two
American continents. We earnvsllv hone we
may kooii congratulate our fellow citl.enn of
Irifh birth upon tho peaceful recovery of home
rule for 1 ivland.
to the national constitution and to the indis
soluble union of statcx to the atitoonmy re
served to the states under the coiiHtitution. to
the personal rights and liberties of citi.eiiH In
all stale ami territories In the union and es
pecially to the supreme and sovereign light of
every citizen, rich or poor, native or foreign
born, white or black, to cast one free ballot In
tlie public elections and to have that ballot
duly counted. We hold ft free and honest pop
ular ballot and jiiMt and equal representation
of all people 1m lie I he foundation of our re
publican government and demand ellcetive
legislation to secure the inlegiity and purity
of elections which are the fountains of all puli
lie an tli only. We charge that the present ad
ministration a::d the democratic majority In
congress owe I heir existence lo I he .suppression
of the ballot by the criminal iiullilicat ion of the
constitution aud laws ot the United Mates
We are une rompromisiugly in favor of the
American system of protection. V e protest
against the dest ruction proposed by the prei
dent and his party. They nerve the interests
of Kuroiie
We accept the issue, and confidently appeal to
the people for t heir judgment. The piotective
system must be maintained, its abandonment
has always been followed by ueeeral disaster
to all interests except those of the untuicr
and .sherill.
We denounce the Mills' bill as destructive to
general business, labor, and the farming inter
ests of I he country, and we heartily endorse
the consistent and patriotic action of the re
publican representatives in congress la oppos
ing its passage. w e condemn the proposition
of Uie democratic party to idace wool on the
free list ami insist, that the duties thereon
sha 1 be adjusted and maintained so as to fur
nish full and adequate protection to that in
e ii -try.
The republican party would effect all needed
eduction of thn national revenue by repealing
the taxes on tobacco, which are an arrogance
anil burden to agriculture, and the tax upon
spirits used in the arts and for mechanical pur
poses, and by such revision of the taritl laws as
will tend to check imports ot such articles as
ae produced by our people, the production of
which gives employment to our labor, and re
lvaje Xro:;i Import duties these articles of for
eign production, except iuAiinerf. lh like of
which cannot bt produced at home, there hall
still remain a larger revenue than is requisite
for the wants of government, of internal taxes
rather than surrender any part of our i r dee
live system at the joint belust of the whisky
ring and agents of foreign manufacturers.
VVed. laic ii.,s,ijit' to the M.t'od'sction into
I Ms country of'fo'tLisU contract ' lahor and of
Chinese labor alien to our civilisation and our
constitution, and we demand t lie rigid enforce
ment of existing laws against it and favor such
immediate legislation as will ex-elude such la
bor from our shores.
We declare our opposition to all combina
tions of capital orgniiicd in trusts or other
wist: t; ,vnt:ol .irbi'rari'v the condition of
trade nuuiii'i ur'tiliVotm ana teoOii:iu-nd
'o congress and the state legislatures in their
respective jurisdictions such legislation as will
prevent the execution of all schemes to oppress
the per pie by undue charges on their supplies
or by unjust rates for the transportation of
the;;- p,-od"ets to market.
we approve i.-isianp.i oy o,ir?s3 to pre
vent alike unjust burdens and unfair deiiin
inution between states.
We reaffirm the policy of appropriating the
pui.'UC lands ot t lie L luted states to be home
stcade tor American citizens and settlers not
aliens, which the republican party established
in lst.2 against the opposition of
the democrats in congress, which litis brought
our great western domain into magnificent de
velopenient. 'lle restoration of unearned laud
grants to the public domai.i for the use of ac
tual settlers, which was begun under the ad
ministration of 'President Arthur should be
continued. We deny that the democratic party
has ever ,'Citored one acre to the people, but
declare that by the joint action of republicahs
and democrats about lifty million acres of un
earned lands, originally granted for the con
struction of railroads, have been restored to
the piddle domain in pursuance of conditions
inserted b tne ivpuHican purty in the oiigin
al grants. We charge t e de.aocr.Ui. adminis
tration with lailure to execute laws securing to
settlers title to theii homesteads and with us
ing appropriations made for that purpose to
harrass irnocent settlers with spit s and prose
cutions under the false pretense of exposing
initios ;mu vindicating tne uiw.
Admission 6k TF.RMTOfttES,
The government bv eon'Tess of the lerritc.r
ies is based upon necessity only to the end that
they may become states in the union: there
fore, whenever the conditions of population,
material resources, public intelligence and
morality are such as to insure stable local gov
ernment therein the people of such territories
should be permitted, a right Inherent in them,
to form for themselves constitutions and state
governments and be ad idtted into t lie union
fending preparation for statehood all officers
thereof should be selected lroiii bona tide
residents and citizens of the territory w herein
they are lo serve. South Dakota should of
right be imriic'iiately admitted as a state in
the union under the constitution framed and
adopted by her people, and we heartily en
uorse tne action oi me icpuoiican senate in
twice passing bills for her admission. 1 he re
fusal of the depiocratic house of lepresenta
lives, ior partisan purr-uses, to favorably eon
-tder these puis is a willful vu ation of I he
sa red American principle of local self-govern
ment, ana merits tne condemnation of all just
men. 1 he pending tills in t he senate for acts
to enable the people of islungton. North
Dakota and .Montanna territories to form con
stiturioiH and establish state governmcL'ts
snouiu ne l.assed without unnecessary del;;v
The republican party pledges inself to do all in
its power to iacintare ti:e admission or the ter
ritories of ew Mexico. Wyoming. Idaho end
Arizona to the enjoyment of self-governinerU
is states, isiicii oi ineni as are now- qualified
as soon as posstblc.and others as soon as they
may occuuie su.
The political power of the Mormon church in
the territories as exercised In the past is a
menauee to free Institutions too dangerous to
lie long sutlered. therefore we piedge the re
publican party to appropriate lcinshuion.
asserting the sovereignty of the nat ion in all
the territories where the same is questioned,
and in furtherance of that fiul to place
upon the statute book legislation strinirent
enough to divorce political from ecclesiastical
power, aud thus staiuu out the attendant
wickedness of polygamy.
1 ne repunucan parly is in favor or the use
of both gold and silver as monev, and con
demns the policy of the democratic adminis
tration in its effort to demonetize silver.
W e demand the reduction of letter postage
to 1 cut per ounce.
In a republic like ours, where the citizens Is
the sovereign and the olTici-il the servant,
where no pow-fr is exercised except bv the will
of the people, it Is important that the sover-
na rcopie snnum possess intelligence. The
free school is the promoter of i hat intelligence
w h ich is to preserve us a free nation. "J here-
fore, the state or nation, or both conbined.
should support free institutions of learnin
suflieient to i tTord to every child growing up
in the land the opportunity of airood common-
school education.
We earnestly recommend that nrnmnr. net ion
be taken in eoreress in the ei actinent of such
legislation as will best i-eciirc the rehabilita
tion of our AtnericMi merchant inaiine. and
we protest again t the passage by ol
a free chin bill as calculated to work injustice
to labor by lessening the wanes of those en.
gaged in preparing materials as well as those
directly employed in our shipyards. we de
mand appropriations ior the enrlv rebuilding
oi our navy, for the construction of coast
fortifications and modern ordinance and other
approved modern meas of defense for the
protection of our defmseless harbors and
it ics, for the payment of iu-t Pensions to" our
soldiers, for necessary works of national im
portance In the improvement of the harhnra
and! chancels of internal, coastwiser and
foiehju ceininerce, for the encouragement ot
I ttia eliliinlnir lutrtH of thn Atlantic. Gulf
and raciflo states as well a for the payment
of the maturing public debt. This policy will
give employment to our labor, activity to our
various Industries, Increased security to our
country, promote trade, open new and direct
markets for our products and cheapen the cost
of transportation. We allirui thin to be far
better for our country than the democratic
policy of loaning the government's money
without interest to "pet banks."
The conduct ot foreign ntTairs by the ptesent
administration has been Uist iuguished liy Inef
ficiency and cowardice. Having withdrawn
from the senate all pending tieaties effected
by republican administ rat Iocs for the removal
of foreign burdens and restrictions upon our
coinmeice and for its extension into a better
market, U has neither aflcctcd nor proposed
any others in their rtead. Professing adher
ence to the Monroe doctrine, it has een with
idle complacency the extension of foreign in
fluence in Central America and of foreign trade
everywhere among our neighbors. It has re
fused to charter, sanction or encourage any
American organizytion for constructing the
Nicaragua canal, a work of vtal importance to
the maintenance of the Monroe doctrine and
of ur national influence in Central and South
America, and necessary for the development
of trade with our Pacific territory, with South
America, and with the further coasts of the
Pacific Ocean.
We arraign the present democratic adminis
t rail op for its weak and unpatriotic treatment
of the fisheries question, and its pusillanimous
surrender of all privileges to which our fishery
vesseN are entii led in Canadian ports under
the treaty of lss, the reciprocate marin
tine h-eislation of Js;) and comity of nat ions,
and which Canadian fishing vessels receive in
the ports cif the I'nited Stall's. We coii'leinn
theM olicy of the present administration and
the democratic majority in congress towards
our IWheries as unfriendly and coiispiciously
unpatriotic and as tending to destroy a valuable
national Industry and an indispensible resource
of defense against foreign enemy.
The name of American applies alike to all
citizens of the rep.ihlic, and imposes upon men
alike the same obligation of obedience to the
aws. At the same lime citizenship is and must
be the panoply and safeguard of him w ho weais
it, should shield and protect him whether high
or low. rich or poor, in all his civil riuhtu. It
should and must afford hlui protection at homo
aud follow and protect him abroad In whatever
land no may he on a lawful errand.
The men who abandoned the republican par
ty in 1ns4 and continue to adhere to the demo
cratic party have deserted not only the cause
of honest government, but of sound finance, of
freedom iand purity of the ballot, but esppii
lally have deserted the caueeof reform in the
civil service. We win not fail to keep uur
pledges because f t ey have broken theirs, or
because their candidate has broken his. We
therefore repeat our declaration of 1ss4, towit :
1 lie reform of civil service auspiciously begun
iincer repunucan administration should he
completed by a further extension of th- reform
system already established by law to all grades
oi the set vice to which it is applied. The spir
it and purpose of reform -hould be oi.rci ved in
ad executive appointments, and all laws at
varience with the object of existing reform leg
islation should be repealed, and that the dan
gers lo free institutions which lurk in the pow
er f official patronage may be w isely and ef
fectively avoided.
The gratitude of the nation to. th,": defenders
of tii.; iiiiK.n cannot be assured ecept by laws.
The legislation of congress should conform to
the pledges made by a loyal people, aud be so
enlarged and exteuded as to prov'de against
the possibility that any man who honorably
wore the federal uniform shall become an In
mate of an almshouse or dependent on private
charity. In the presence of an overllowtng
treasury it would b a oublic scandal to do less
for loose; wiiosi! vaiorous service p.esrved the
government. We denounce the hostile spirit
show n by President Cleveland in his numerous
vetoes of measures for pension relief, and t he
action of the democrat ic house of representa
tives in refusing even consideration of general
pension legislation.
In support of the principles herewith enun
ciated, we invite the co-operation of patriot
men of all parties especially of all working
men whotfe'iV-jspeiify i seriously threatened
by the free trade policy of the present admin
ist rat ion.
Republican State Convention.
Tie republican electors of the state of
Nebraska are requested to send delegates
from their several counties to meet in
convention at the city of Lincoln Thurs
day, August 23, 188S, at 2 o'clock i. m.,
for the purpose of placing in nomination
candidates for the following state offices.
Lieutenant Governor.
Secretary of State.
State Treasurer.
Auditor of Public Accounts.
Attorney General.
Commissioner of Public Lands and
And the transaction of such other busi
ness as may come before the convention.
ine several counties are entitled to re
presentation as follows, being based upon
the vote cast for lion. Samuel Maxwell,
judge, in J SS , giving one delegate at
large to each county, and for each 150
votes, and maj'or fraction thereof:
Adams 14 Johnson :. 8
Antelope ! Kearnev 8
Arthur 1 Keyha Paha 5
I'.laine f Keith 4
Isoone s Knox 7
I '.ox P.utte 4 Lancaster 25
Brown !' Lincoln 8
Buffalo ... ... 14 Logan 2
Butler... ! Loup 3
Burt ..." '.i .Madison 8
I'ass lo Mcl'hereon l
Oedar ; Merrick 7
t'hsse f Nance 5
Ch-rry r Nemaha 9
Cheyenne 11 Nuckolls 6
Clay li Otoe 12
Colfax T.Pawnee s
('uiiiing 7 Perkins 5
Custer 17 Pierce 4
Hakota 5 Polk 6
Dawes 7 Platte 10
Dawson s Phelps 7
Dixon 0 Richardson 1
Dodge l' lied W illow 7
Douglass 2TSaline 13
Dundy -. 4 Sarpy 5
Fillmore in Saunders 12
Franklin 7 Seward lo
Frontier 10 Sheridan. . 7
Furnas !i Sherman 7
Cage li Sioux 2
Carfield 3 'taiiton 4
Uosper 5 Thayer 7
Iraut I Thomas 2
Creelev 4 Valley C
Hall..." 11 : Washington 9
Hamilton lol Wayne 6
Harlan si Webster 9
Hayes 4 Wheeler. 3
Hitchcock i; York 11
Holt 14 Unorganized Ter 1
Howtird 7j
.Jefferson m Total C71
It is recommended that no proxies be
admitted to the convention exceptsuch as
are held by persons residing in the coun
ties from which the proxies are giyen.
To Chairmen County Central Commit
Whereas, At the republican state con
vention held at Lincoln October 5, 1887,
the following resolution was adopted:
Jiesoicetf, J hat the state central com
mittee be instructed to embrace in its call
for the next state convention the submis
sion of the prohibition question to tlie re
publican voters at the republican pri
maries, Therefore, in accordance with the
above resolution, the several county cen
tral committees are hereby instructed to
include in their call for their next county
convention the submission of tlie prohi
bition question to the republican voters
at the republican primaries.
Geo. D. Meiklejoiix, Chairman.
Walt. M. Seelet. Secretary.
Eureka leal larket.
J. TH O jdLA. S ,
JJccf, Pork, Million, Veil v.iiii PciiXiy.
I invito all to givo mca triol.
Sugar Cured Meats, ITnms, Ihu t n, Lard,
at lowest Hying prices. Do not
X. P E A
-dkalku ix-
Where a
J 'rices
Be qie
Will call
they are headquarters
and Vegetableg.
We are receiving
Oranges, Lemons and
hand .
Just received, a variety
have Pure Maple
Jonathan IIatt.
Sugar Cured Meals, Hams.
of our own make.
The Lest l.nmds
Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and P.rain Tit-utnifnt
a guarantee specific for llystt-ria -iJizziress.
Convulsions. Fits. Nervous Neuralgia, Ht-aU-
ache. Nerveoui Frustration caused bv Hie uce
of alcohol or tobacco. V akefulness. Mental 1 e-
nre?fion. Softenim of the F.rain resiiltini: in in
sanity and leadiiiK t misery, decay SiiiU death,
i-remai ure ola ge, j'.arret ness, loss (! few ¬
er in either sex. Involuntary I.-sffs and S rr-niatr-lTli-a
caused liy ver-exei lion of l he
brain, gelfalmse or over-indnler.ce Fach box
contains one month's treatment, .?1 oo a box
or six boxes for S5.WI, sent by n.ail rejaid vv
receipt of pi Ice
To cu re any cane. With each order received
by us for six boxes, accompanied willi i c;0.
we win send tne ptirciiaser our written guaran
tee to return the money if the tii atn.eiit does
not effect a cure. Cuarantees issued only by
will J. w arrick sole agent. Flattsiuouth. .eb.
If you want a good
silver watch,
the Wti.Ki.v
send us 30 sul&ciibtr9 to
It KT A I f. IjIAI I 11 IN
i tc. Jiuh Ovi-ti is in ("lib fidlulk
to tiive li c ji ti r titti btip.e.
E L 2v IfcT
slock of
CJoods and F:iir
f c c t t h
of Fiui
for all
Ctrcv. berries every
Ean&ncs ccr.etEntly cn
of Cs
r.r.ed Scurs
and ro
n i s t V e .
J. V. AIakthis.
Lard, &c,
in fiiiis ar.d hulk, at
Tlie ftt.-indai (1 niintly for livi-r
plaint is "Wot's Livtr I'ill?; lji-y
k (lisiij,i( ir.t u. '..0 j ills L'.jf. At
! rick's tli uir stoiv.
rt in
MVir Vf.r-
We will fcive it silver watcli, that is
wiirraiitt-d ly tlie jivliy nun of this
city, to any cv.c Al.o l iii os us 15 ji&ily
C.'uli f-i.1 -ciil( rs to the 1'All.v J!jj:ii.
Choicest Brands of Cigais,
includino; our
Flor de Peppcrberfeo. trti 'En'u
always iu stock. Nov. 2C, lfcbG.
- ' -. u ,