PliATTSMOUTI I, NEBRASKA, SATUKDAY EVENLNG, JULY 11, 1888, NUMBER J53 FIKST YKAlt .In 'aid" 1 . M 0 (' .T- - C GI5IlY . Mayor, OFFIGlil'iS. Tre.nurer, - ' Attorney, Knidueer, .. poiiee Jude, - Marshall, Councilinen, HI ward, 2nd"" " 3rd " 4th. " Hoard Tub. Work P.M. KicilKY W K Fox - JamM Pattkhhon. jb. - hvho.n o.auk - A MADIH.K H I'M KKOIIU V )I MAI.1CK ( .1 V Wki khach I A SAI.ISIUIUV ) 1) M JONKS I lK. A SlUI'MAN i M H Murphy "5 S W HUTTON I CON W tONMIH. t e mi.0ali.ks, runs JOHNS ,l,llAIK.Mfl 1 J W John n,L Kkkh liKirH I it 11 HawkhWo Kill DYNAMITE AND STRIKES. Treainrer. Deputy Treasurer, Clerk. 1. A. OAJIPItKLL TllOH. POLLOCK Bllll, CKlTCIIKII'l.a tXAt'KlrcHKIKI.U W. II. PouL Juajr M. Li-.vpA W. J. Sl.OVr Al.TKR J.C. ElKKNBAUY A.MADOLK Al.I.KN ItK.MDN MAVM AHI SeINK C. HUSSRLL liepuiy Clerk, Kcuriler ol Dels I'tipuiy lleuordcf Clerk t Diitri.iCo.irt, Sheriti, - -Burveyor. Attorney. Bunt, of 1Mb. School. County J udice. HOARD Of 8UI-KKVISOK8. a n Trin fli'ni - - Plattunouth A, 15. Uickhos, - - " fcmivvoou GIVIG SOGIIW-KS. . .... .... rv V A1 .etfti I .r.?r:.. V-:.t1J,i.. ,.v n..w if en;!, week. All transient brothel )ue respectfully Invited to attend IlLAtTMOtTTl! KNCAMPMKNT No.3.1. . O. C-.U.U mouth in Ibe Maco.,ie. Hall. Voting J'.rotiiers are invited to attend. U. W. Meets ruiMrk liililiK NO. 81. A. J. ,-- - i-- ,, t .... .i l. ,(ri v'ry altui'iiup V rpiay eyeum , hail T ranslenl ..othen a rpaetf i lly in vlt,Ml toaueud. K.J. &Iorii.M:wterVoiiiiiii s r;:r; i. li.,wVn, Uui.te ; ieoie llou-worlli. UeeoVder: II. J. JoliiiHun. "frN V Jack iaugUeity. Inside Guard . .- qti xiiYMKUM Wl)t)L)MKS C ., VmerlcA -Meets second and fourth Mou dy vt.nii, at K. of r. ball. All transient r " f.!. t.. meet Willi llf. I.. A. Vvorthy Advtaer; b. C. Wilde, Itauker ; W. A KRY'Kj LIC1; lJLATTAMOUnt I.ODCK SO. 8. A. O. IT. W. 1 Me.N every alternate Knday evei.niK at lincUwood ball at o'cIouk, All transient broth ers ae ri-Hpecttuily invited U ailtsnU. Ij. Lnrsoii. M. W. ; K. linyd. toreinan : h. t. Wilde, kecorder ; l-eouard Auderson, versccr. Damaging Testimony Against De fendant Bowles Tracing the Dynamite. Chicago. July 13 A startling outline of tlio nyaiiibt members of the brother hoocl f engineers and firemen, accused of complkity iu the huge dynamite plot against the Chicago, IJurlin gton & Quincy road, was formerly presented in court to day. The statement was made by United States District Attorney Kwiug, immedi ately upon the arraingments of six of the accused, Chie f Bauereisn and his comrades Goding, Wilson, Bowles, Iiroderick and Smith. The presentment caused a sensa tion among the crowd of railroad men, lawyers and reporters that filled every inch of tlio room in court. The statement of the district attorney was apparency based largely on the confession of one. of the six, Alex Smith. The latter sat apart from thu other defendants, and notwithstand ing the efforts of his brother who was present in court, doggedly declined to be represented by the Brotherhood attorneys, or have auytning to do with them. Al ter Commissoucr Iloyne had refused the defendant's request for a separate exami nation for each of them, the district at torney arose and in a matter-of-fact way, without any attempt at declemation, re cited the facts tint he proposed to piove He said that his evidence would show that the dynamite cartridge that was plac- -J on the burlington tracks at Lola, 111 May 20, was put there by Bowles ni.d Smith and that all the other explosions was caued by the Brotherhood. TO CURE THE HEADACHE. Advice at to Ilet anrt ?J:nner of Living. ; '1111 ioniies!! Indigestion. A teacher in Tennessee, who has long suf fered from headache, and lias tried physicians ind rt-mcdi: with only tiiiuMiary rf-ljef. living. 1I lmi a eood i""-"- ,,,., , IIA is lauu PARAGRAPHS FROM EVERYWHERE. 1 I.ATlSMOlTTH I.ODliK (., A. V. & A. il. Meets on tlm lirct and t Hint Mondays f ea h month at their hall. All transient broth rn are cordially inltel to meet with us. J. G, Uii'tir-y, W. AJ. W 1 1 a TsSeretjiry - fKiiUASbA CllATlKU. NO. K. A. M. M,et j s cond ami fourth Tuesday d ea Ii!. at Ma.-onV Hall. Trau.sen lit brothels are Invited to meet with ijs. V. 12. WniTK, It. P W m . 1 1 a v .h. Seeretary. , Mm" ZION COMMA N IA 11Y, NO. ,r. K. T. e. lf Hist and Ibir.l Wednesday iiit:lit of b month at Musn s hall. Isilin i.ioineie illv invited to meet with us. ec. . c i ! i ea; nit VM. Jj A S, K (AHrW 'NCILNO lir'J, KOV Al. K :a . L--l ' " ii-, et- ! Fecond and i oinh .M.n.!.i s of t'atti month at Afeanuin Hall. K. N. (itHXX, Keueiit. C. Ml Noli. Secretary. l s1'oCOhlHlc POST 45 G. A. R- HOST Kit. .1. W JoltNSO.V. V. i.i J wis.s F. A.HAfM Geo. Mi.k.s Hxnkv STKKICItr. Maun Dixon Oil ltl.KS FiKI ASIKKN FlCY.... ,1 NP. i;.Kll'.KM..- I. V iiw?iiiiir Saturday evening ...'o;:unander. .Senior Vice Junior " Adjutant. i.M. oibeerof the iay. Guard Ssrt Major. V.i,ft.lti-r Master Sertft. .. . Tost Cbail.iin PUTTSMOUTH BOARD OF TRADE Tri'sldent . lt i.'e I'leftfttdi'iit..... jnd iee Tresident ts.-cr-tary Tiea-urer J. C. Uii hev. F .1 A Conner. It. F.I ,1 r. J. V. Vt.ckbarh. . Sloi't. IS Windham A. is. Todd Win Neville F. Herrmann F. It. Guthman ll KF.1 TlSS. F. K. Viite. KUoli, c? w. I C. l'atlerson. Micruian, F. Gor- rl.LPalmer&Son 1HSURHCE AGENTS Represent the following time tiiel ami tire-tcsted companies : American Central-S'. Iiou'.s. As-ets $l.2M.loo Commercial Uuion-EiiKland. Fire Association-Philadelphia, Franklin-FuHadelpl, I, Iliiii.-liew ork. Ins. C , of North America. Phil, l.lverpnolftfc London & Globe-Kn North Uritisli . Mere .mtile-Kii Korwich lui.n-Kii'.land. Siuinjaeld F. ftt M,-Sirini;ficU, 4, la.57G 3,t 17,100 7,S.".5 0 8,7.3&2 o,t;;i:.7si n,:t7S.754 P,,l'll,!15 Wo may promise that a heaila ho may lie duo t- ono of many causes, or to several nctiriST tngctheiv. A rmody suited to i.otuifttt may Uu iiarinful in another. Nor can any ;ase Ixs cured without tho removal of the isiuso. Vithout some knowledge of the habits, the teinperauic-iir, the physical tendencies and tho geueral surroundings of a siiiTcrer, it is im-Iios.-.iblo to mark out any schemo of diet adapted to a particular case. But any one who i 5 an intelligent ilV'PV'Ver of himself, and is posfja.rj.l ot u stiong will, can probably treat himself as successf uliy as any ordinary physician can treat hint, V will addre-s-s our1 porrospondent di rectly, bac the advice, with the necessary modifications, will do for others: 1. You are ftwaro that vigorous out door exorci. is essential to sound health in all jwrsoiLs, and especially so in the ease of a Urain worker, under tho peculiar strain of a school room. You need, at the minimum, two hours a day o.f eu-h exercise. Perhaps with your, southern habits and conveniences hcrrkoback riding might profitably inter change with rapid, cheery walking. 2. You arc equally aware that at least eight hours of solid sleep are still moro es sential sl'X-p in a well ventilated, sun disin footod room. S. You may not bo awaro, but it is true, that "biliousness" and indigestion are gener ally duo far more to over eating or under eating than to the kinds of food eaten. See if you can trace a connection between the quantity of your food and your distressing 53 mptotns. Lessen it lielow tho average of tho pat and note whether the tendency to headache lessens with it. If it does you are on tho right track. If not ry the effect of more frequent and abundant meals. 4. Constipnt'CJ. fills tho blood with pois ons tbe.t affect thebraiu. Let this lie reme- ied, if possible, by your food. Abjure white bread, and use bread nuule from "entire wheat flour," or mush from oat meal or "wheat germ meal," with a frco addition of fnt. . : . . 5. Notice whether aDy particular article or food positively disagrees with you in itself, in tho mod of eookiug it, or in tho quantity eaten and covern yourself accordingly. Make trial of these suggestions I or tlireo months and note the result. Youth's Com oau ion. THE SHADOW 5EtF. At mornlnpr uj th traveler westward bouna Before mm sees a lengthened uliadow run; At noon it shrinks beneath him on the ground: Uumark. d, i: rearward moves at set of sun. A juIiu;i shadow self the youth pursues. And v!estlcw; wirh a fond and curious niindj This shade t ho man In pi ime subdues, lut mellow aj?e has ist it far behind. Udith 31. Thomas iu American 3Iagazini Brooklyn bridge has been opened to the public five years. Silver has turned up In South Africa to a degree to produce a new mining fever. The Alexandra, a woman's club, Is but four years old, yet has COO membeas. A peasant has just died in Austria- Hungary who was 142 years of age. II left a son aged 115 years and a grandson of 83. A Nevada ranchman bhot, trapped and poisoned 4,200 rabbits in four montlis, and then figured that above 5,000 new ones had come to fill their places. The Austrian government has aban doned its intention of renewing the anti- Anarchist law, and will henceforth fijht the Anarchists by administrative decrees. The Russian Rencral Suwarrow, after the seizure and destruction of Warsaw, ciuclly butchered 80,000 Poles of ullages and conditions in cold blood, Xsov. 4, 1794. The South American agent for some extensive manufacturers of harvesters at Chicago has been two years at Monte video, and has soli moyvmg and" reaping machine3 all over the River Plata region. Taverns may bo traced to tho Thir teenth century. According to Spelman, "In the reign of King Edward III only three taverns were allowed in Lon don." Taverns weve licensed in England in 1752. A West Morris boy was arrested re cently for shooting an eagle contrary to the law. He was in a fair way to be fined or imprisoned, when a commission, composed of a clergyman, a justice of the ieace and an editor, sat on the dead body of the bird and declared it to be a fish hawk. A Nurernburg inventor has produced a shoe solo composed of wire net overlaid with a substance resembling India rub ber. These eoles. which cost but half the Tirice of leather, have been tested In the German rirtriy and found to be twice as durable. They are haying VtV$ war " har pajft iui it """ ' ...iMmg h-1 .ft.nuations of the new London, Conn. They have put piles down 113 feet, and have not got to solid earth yet. It is thought that bottom will be reached at about 130 feet. Total Asets, $,774 Losses ASjisUa ari PaiaattWsAgcnsy WHEH YOU WANT WORK D A writer in London Truth suggests a sensible occupation for women who like sewing, but do not wish to become either dressmakers or seamstresses, and desire to live in their own homes. It is the rlooking and repairing of women's wardrobes. After a clientelle had been established it would undoubtedly bring in very fair wages. A firm of pyrotechnists in England hav6 at their factory a Newfoundland dos which positively revels in fireworks. He rushes into a shower of sparks with as much delight as in a cold bath, and on a lighted squib being thrown within bis reach ho will run alter the smoldering stump as if it vero a bone and trample it out with his paws. M. Achille Poincelet, in his lecture at the Hall of the Boulevard des Capucines in Paris the other day, discussed the qualities of blondes and brunettes, the differences in their love, their role in private life and in historv, linked with the philosophy of beauty, and the ques tion, wlucli was mo superior type or woman, theParisienne or the Georgienne? He ignored entirely the red headed girl. Fred Marsden, the playwright, con sulted a well known physician a few days before his death as to the" easiest and quickest mode of suicide. The physi cian supposed he was securing incidents for a scene in one oE Ins plays, ana ex plained the subject to him patiently. Finally Mr. Marsuen saiu: nave ic. A big dose of chloral, then stop up all the crevices and turn on tho gas," and this is just what he did. He offered the physician $10 for Ins advice, out it was refused on tne ground tnac no pro fessional service has been rendered. rtattle lieiirmi the Lradrni. We boys used to delight in tho battles which resulted when two strange herds met. Being with our own so much, we grew ac quainted with all tho )ersoual peculiarities of each. They were not blooded cattle, with short horns and heavy bodies, hut great, rangy, piebald creatures, with long, keen horns, and wild eyes when roused. Wo ex ulted when two 6troug and resolute steers approached each other with tho ferocious signs of battle. Tho lowered heads and lolling tongues; tho stiffened, swelling necks; tho wrinkled skin around tho rolling eyes; tho deep, ominous roar of their voices; the cautious, sidelong approach, liko skilled box ers all these led up to tho sudden cr.Ti.h- liigs of the meeting skulls and horns. And then follow tho straining thrusts, the sudden relaxations to get an ad vantage, tho clashing of shaken and interlocked horns, tho deep breathing, the, terrible glaro of tho bloodshot eyes. Now tho brindlo gets the upper hold and presses tho white to tho ground, near ly shutting off his breath; now tho white gathers himself for ono last, mighty effort, and lifting tho other upon his horns, literally runs away with him. This ends the ball1"- for, cr-.v..; 'y i r-o:-;.;'. tho victor in such eases is nat vindictive once fallen, always lnjaten, is tho rule with a steer or' cow. Each herd had its champion, and so accurate did welecomo in tho reading of these bovine characters that wo could tell at once whether "01' Brin meant Liioinefc or whether "ho was only btufiin1 the other feller." llaudia Gat hind in American Mag agiuo. ; Portrait Msulo from Descriptions. A Baltimore publishing firm a whilo ago wanted a picture of Tippu Tib, the celebrated trader of f Central Africa. It happened that at that time no picture of the king of the slave dealers had come front Africa, and so a gentleman of this city undertook to collate for tho use of the publishers all attainable in formation about tho personal appearaw-e of that worthy. Ho found in tho writings of Cameron, Stanley, Van Clcle, Gloerup and Dr. Lcnz some minute descriptions of Tippu Tib, and with tho aid of this material hr, publishers made a picture of tho big C'eXiU ni African. 5.iuc&- thcn"ttv'ai' woodeuU made from photographs of the trader have ccune to hand, and it h seen that th - picture deserve to r"- ' .umore gi-av" - utmost with tho cn- us a very good likeness of Tippu Tib. Probably not once m a liunureu times could a portrait bo made merely from descrip tions that would, c u tho whole, so nearly re semble the subject as m this case, success in this instance was duo largely to tho fact that most of the writers, regarding Tippu Tib as the most striking iiei sonality they had met in Central Africa, gave very minute and detailed descriptions of him. New York Sun. Ileal Estate Bargains EXAMINE OUli LIST. CONSISTING OK CHOICE LOTS - I 3NT s ouu II! i CI) Ki Dr. C A. Marshall. 21 lots in Thompson's addition. 40 lots in Towusend's addition. Lot 10 block lot 5 block 101. Lot 1 block 0, lot (i block .". Lot 11, block 111, lot H, block 01. LOTS IN YOt'Ml AM) llAYs' AlddTION'. Lots in Palmer's addition. Lots in Duke's addition. Imirofcil pfvpTy of utl dcscii"'ons and in all parts of tb- dty ou easy tcrms new and desirable residence in South Park, can be bought on monthly payments. llefore purchasing elsewhere, call and sec if we cannot suit you better. DBMTIST! Preservation of natural teeth a rprclalty. ftffi txtrarUd wUhuut pain lu une. nf lMxnjliing All work warranted. Prices reasonable. FlTZOKKAI.D'S l.l.OCK Pi. ATT H MO U Til, N'KII DRS. CAVE & SMITH, "Painless 330X111010." Tl'e only Politixlx 111 the West contlolInK thin New System ef Fx I racl inn and Milium '1 ci-lh without rain. Our i.naeM ln-lic; is in tntly free from CllLiOJiOFOKM Oil KTIf EK AND IS AUSDid TKI.Y Harmless - To - All, Teeth extracted and mlificlal teeth Inserted next day tf deshi 1. Tin; prrMt-rval Ion of the natuiitl teeth a specialty. GOLD CRTOS, GOLD CAPS, BRIDGE WORI. liloek, ovfr The very finest . '1 he Office In CiticiV I'liiou 1 'au k , OO TO Win. Ucrolil & Son POll Dry (.soils. Notions Boots anil Ste or Ladies titid (h ut FURNISHING - GOODS. lie keeps as large and as vill SEJLEOTPTJ STOCK As can he found any place in t he city and make you prices thai d( fy competition. S- Tho Indian Struck Him lTrst. At an early hour the other morning Carl Seiffert had a sanguinary tussle with a dummy Indian which was ioacefully doing duty as a cigar sign in front of a North avenue store. Ali the blood that was shed flowed from Cari's veins, and, though he "knocked out" his man, he was much the worso for tho encounter. To the policeman who released the red man from Carl s vise liko grip ho said the Indian struck him first and ho didn t propose to be msuireuoyauj oonoered colored Choctaw or Pawnee. J us- ! ICr-sten looked at Carl's bruised and bleeding knuckles and sighed in sympathy, for tho iudae's knuckles and palms had not r-nt-.irelv regained their normal condition since the Justices' recent baseball game. "Pav the coss and go," he mercifully said. "Let red liqr or alone and you will not see imaerinnrv red skins on North 'avenue." o f Chicago Herald. adjoining S nth i sum Ullllij OF , i i CALL ON Sa.CS-. SaarSOSftl, Cor. 12th and Granite Streets. Contractor and Builder Sept. 12-Cm. on short uot:cc a The TVrsian Schoolboy Studies. There are four kinds of Persian writing, called resriectively "Kuiance," "naestalik. "shikaeste" and "shikaeie-naestalik." Fin calir:iphy is, vou may syj from this. really u hcience in Persia, and considered sc there. Of arithmetic the IPersian never lenrus mora than addition and subtraction I and even in that he is greatly aided by a lit- tie countins apparatus, of which every mer chant, dealer ani everybody else much in need, of computing numbers owns at least ,:io. Of history the Persian boy learns only something of that of his own country, not truthfully told, however, but much exagger ated. In this way tho Persian schoolboy gets an idea that iis native country is the oisest and mosff powerful empire on the lace of the earth, and ho will tell anybody so who asl;s him about it. is not taught at all in Persia, nn.l not understood bv anybody there. Thus it will be seen that an American boy is much bettor off than a Persian boy ; even tho young rrinees there don't have so much fun and so much care an 1 love shown them as is the ith tho bov of a simple American mei t I chant, for instance. Wolf von Schierbrand A gain At Food Ad alteration. A frrocers' conference has been called - . . a. m 1 TL 1 in the interest oi purer ioou3. is iuww on Coney Island in July. It seems at last that adulteration has gone so tar mat the gTOcerymen are afraid to eat what they sell. 'Besides, the better class of ... . i retailers lind it lmposaioio xo oDtam uon- . M. - -1 1 ,1 m n est articles. There wut ue at leastme thousand exhibitors of materials, and U is believed the discussion will not only be practically valuable in throwing light on hidden ways, nut tnat mere can ue brought to bear a heavy force on manu facturers to put more honest articles on the market. No proposition ot moro im portance will como before any of our summer conventions than this of pure fond and honorable deal. Meanwhile the Concord School of Philosophy will hold no session; so we shall have less of ilegel and Aristotle and more of honest ginger and coffee and quinine which will not be regretted. Globe-Democrat. A Queer Thing About Owls. A Kimrston man has made an addition to his collection of birds, a largo owL latelv caucht at Hurley. ''Owls are de- rpnrivelrird3." said a citizen the other Har liad one. a lew years ago, vviin which I played a trick on the public. J kpnt the owl in a cage. It was an at trnctinn. and manv people saw it. One dav the bird died of 'cold poison' and - . M -r i a. z a. taxidermist stutieu it. i men put n, back on it3 perch in the cage. People who had seen the owl alive said that thev could 6ee no difference In its ap- iwamnee. and they would come and ad the bird iust the same. That is tho reason why I say an owl is a peculiar bird. Dead or alive they look about the same." Kingston Freeman. . Mine Tlunting by Clairvoyants. Tho mining prospector stands iu danger of losin!r his vocation. A man need no longei shoulder a pick and a shovel and spend days, weeks and montlis in traveling tne moun tains and gulches iu search of tho precious metals. Tho "maguetizer" has tiono away t-;Hi nil that.. All that a man requires to do now is to le put to sleep or mesmerized and started oft to discover a mine. I met a mesmerist the other day, and ho declared that ho had a colored man whom he had sent all over the country while asleep, and who bad visited a certain spot in an Arizona mm- in"- region, which ho believed would bo found to bo au immense mine. ure maicaiois must yield before tho sleeping prospector, and I have no doubt the latter will also bo in demand to locate ore in mines which arorow equipped with all but that. James Haskell in Globe Democrat. 5 acres of improved 'round north of the city limits. j acres of "round Park. J acres of ground adjoining Soutl Park. 1 acres of ground adjoining South Park. 20 acres near South Park: Se i sec 14, T. 10, Pi. 12, Cass county, price l, S00, if sold soon. nw i sec. 8, T. 12, P. 10, Cass Co. price 2,000. V vnliiiildc imnroved stock Irani in Alfurirk- f' TCeli.. 100 aClCS SlUd on roosoni3ble terms. Windham & Davies. Harper's Agents for Bazar Patterns and Ball's Corsets. zltzew" ice ivrmisr We have our house filled wi!h A FINE QUALITY OF ICE, And are prepared lo deliver It daily toourcus t no-is in any quantity desired. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. I.cae orders with At ft ore ou Slxih Sfnet. We a Spec ially of CUTTING, PACKING And l.oudlni; Cars. For t rms see us or write. H. C. Telephone MiMAKEN T2, - - & SON, Flnttninouth C. F. SMITH, The Boss Tailor. Main St., Over Merges Shi. e Store. INSO RANGE Carelessness In Making lp. llany of our best actresses paint most care lessly. Thev usually redden tL'ir nps w uu ?i l.idoons cherrv oaste. which often looks nuito revolting. Tho whito is put on care lessly, so that the natural color of tho flesh is left behind the ears, and they rouge either too much cr too little. The black about the eyes is pit on so thickly as at times to quite clog tho eyelids and to kill all expression save rh.nt of tho idiotic stare ot an in maao wax work. Saturday Review. As It Sounds to Others. In the case of a person listening to his own voice and utterances from the graphophone, there is much for curiosity, if not wonder ment. The person who never heard himself speak as he has heard others (outside of him self, as it were), is astonished at its souuu. "Can that be my voice as others hear itf he mentally asks, for it sounds in his ear with an almost unfamiliar ring and tones. Boston Ilerald. The Jugs in Ireland. Murat Ilalstead, of Tho Cincinnati Com mercial Gazette, was asked the other day what novelty he discovered in his European travels last year which impressed him most forcibly. "It was tho jugs in Ireland," said he, "which will never stand on end, and must therefore be emptied or corked." New York Tribune. Consult your best interests by iteming in the Phoenix, Hartford or .-Etna com- panics, about wincn mere is no qucsnou i to their liirh standinir and fair dealing. TORNADO POLICIES. The present year bids fair to be a dis astrous one from tornadoes and wind storms. This is fore-shadowed by the number of storms we hayc already had the most destructive one so far this year having occurred at 3It. "Vernon, 111 where a larce number of buudinirs were destroyed or damaged. The exemption from tornadoes last year renders their oc currence more probable in 1SS8. Call at our office and secure a Tor nado Policy. Unimproved lauds for sale or cx change. In a Iiady's Studio. A New York studio is dimly lighted as dusk comes on by a pile of skulls smeared with phosphorus. To the topmost ono is fastened a bone containing a candle. It is a lady's studio, too. The stj le of pants that dog3 should wear In summer is knickerbaricers. The Lpoch. A middleman appetra to be a central figure In trade circles. WINDHAM SDA7IB8. PLATTSKOUTH, NEB. Has the best and most coinphte stoc k of samples, both foreign and doinefctic woolens that ever came west of Missouri river. Isote these prices: uusincss suns from $1(5 to :5o. dress suits, $25 to $15, pants .$4, $5, ', $').o0 and upwards. 3? Will guaranteed a fit. Prices Defy Compeiilion. J. E- ROBBINS, ARTIST, INSTKUCTIONS OIVKN IN FINE OIL PAINTING WATER COLORS, ETC. ALL. LOVEltS Ol' AltT AI'K INVITED T ) CALL AND :E:x::yni:Lsr:E: imiy woek STUDIO OVER OLIVER & HAMSE MEAT MARKET. C3-. IB. KEMPSTER, Practical Piano and Organ Tuner AND KLI'AIHMt. First-class work guaranteed. Also deni er in Pianos and Organs. Office at Ilocek's furniture store, Plattsmoutli, Nebraska. J". C, EOOXTS, BARBER AND HAIR DRESSER. All work first-class; west Fifth Street. North Robert Sherwood's Store. K. Ii. Windham, John a. Davikh. Notary' Public. Notary Public. V. I.MHIA.M Jk. DAVIKM, attorneys - at - Law. ORice over llai.U of Cars County. Plattsmouth, - - Nkbhahka. A. N. bt'ILlVAN. Attorney s.t Law. Will elve. prompt atlention to n: boine ti:- tru-ded to hiiu. Oltire in b Uion block, Laot side. PlattMuoulh. Neb. Fire Insurance written in the Etna. Phoenix and Hartford by Windham A. Davies. B.&.M. Time Table. ooin; HT.T. No. 1. 4 -J' a. 111. No. 3. C p, in. No, 5. 0 a. in. No. 7. " :15 p. in. No. H.--C :17 p. m. ooino fast. No, 2.-4 p. in. No. 4. 10 :'M a. ni. No. 7 :i: p. ni. N-. S.--9 a. in. No. 10. :45 a. rn. All train, run dailv by wavof Cimaha. except Nok. 'and s wh:eh run to and from r'chiiyler daily except Sunday. No. 30 Is a stub to Pacific Junction at 8 SO.a ni. No. 19 la a stub from Pacific Junction at 11, Job work done the IIekai.d office. i i f. I "u i tie wosuiopoiiuiu.