The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, July 13, 1888, Image 4

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    Tne Evening . Herald
A. Kalidbarr, DratUt, RorkwooJ Uaddln,
Ur. Klarlaii. Offlr la Khrrwood Block, Brut-
mmw c i,jr, am urnniir, irirpuone so. 4
lira, far A Nmlth. tha Palnlnui llrnlUfN. 1'nlon
tllaL tf'lat . a a.
Proposals for Post Office Promises
Kltriieil ut Omaha. Nebraska, will be rccttivetl
until 12 oVUx'k noon, on Saturday, Juno 21.
1HH. lor ruriiMiinj; tliu IVst Olllce Depart incut
Uilll IlllilllllU lil-CL, i...... I... .. ..yl ....... I
'.a Ml 7 ITIIIIT-1 I"" III Ullj'ICU mill USril
a ii otoflicu iu J'Ultsriioutli, fua County,
I.ldltk lil'iilifiuula finil fnrf lifr Tirirl vimv
l ohtaiiicil on aiipllratioa to tlie i'ustinuetcr
... i i i. .
Tin; rljjht Is reserved to reject any eir all
lroioHalM. c. J. Hkownk,
i'ost Olllce liupcclor,
The Y'b will give a social at the
home of Mrs. Loverin.corncr of 10th and
Marble, next Tuesday evening. All are
cordially invited to be present
Fort Omaha and the Plattsmouth
base hall clubs are playing the national
game at the old fair ground.? this after
noon, full particulars will be given to
A case was brought up before Judge
J'ottenger the other day against Fred
Nelson, for and battery by Asel
Erickson. The assault was committed
on the 4th of July at a Swede wedding
Nelson was fined ,$1. and costs amouut
ing to $10 iu all.
All owners of cows running at large
are requested to keep them off the streets
as the city inarshall will in the future
enforce the law, and if such parties wish
to save expenses, they will pasture their
. cows and not allow them to take full
posession of the city property.
A case was brought up before Judge
Pottenger a couple of davs ago in whicl
John Shannon was plain ti IT and Dr. Hall
defendant. Shannon .sued him for the
use of hi? buggy which lie had used for
sixty days, amounting to $C0. The case
aettled by Dr. Hall making a partial pay
ment and botli parties paying costs.
Mrs. Rockwooel left for Lincoln this
Mr. J. C. Fisher returned to Omaha
this morning.
Joseph Cline, of Greenwood, was i'ri
the city lest night.
Mr. Will Hyers, of Lincoln, is in tho
city visiting friends.
Mrs. Rockwood was a
Lincoln this nierntng.
Mr. R. Gciuger left this
a short visit to Kansas City.
Mr. Geo. Spurlock left f r Lincoln this
morning where he will visit for a few
Misses Ollie and Luella Mathews left
this morning for Nelson, Nebraska, on a
short visit.
Rev. "V. Ii. Alexander and daughter
returned from their trip to Milford and
Cre te last night.
Miss Lillie Peck, of California,
formerly of this place, was in the city
thisjmorning, and left for Lincoln atJ:30.
Mr. Cadet Taylor, of the Omaha Itc
jiublican, attended the banquet last even-
nig ana made us a pleasant call this
A Large Crowd of Republicans met
Last Night and all Participa
ted In a Grand Jubilee.
About 300 Were Accommodated
at theTables.
Cood Speeches
The republican banquet which was
passenger to
morning for
An Act to Punish the Clving Pro
vocation for Assault."
Ry request of many respectful, quiet,
peacable, and law-abiding citizens we
publish an act from the statute of Ne
braska, presuming that there are many,
and perhaps most of the people who are
unfamiliar with the law in this particular
We quote from chapter IV, section 17, of
the crimial code, which reads as follows:
Provoking Assault That any person
who shall intentionally provoke, or at
tempt to provoke an assault upon him
self or another hv tUa ntr;n,. ,. c
j -""'"o gross
ly yile and insulting epithets applied to
the assaulting party, or one so tempted
to commit an assault, shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall upon
conviction thereof, be fined in any sum
not exceeding ten (10) dollars, or be
imprisoned in the
- ' J j uui. tAtulu-
ing ten days." V
The same law or a similar one also ap
plies to .'profanity, loud and boisterous
vulgarity, c C.ig and swearing upon
the streets or in public is a statutory
crime, punishable by fine or imprison
mnent, or both, at the discretion of the
court. The Herald is informed that if
there is not a change for the better in re
gard to profanity and rowdyism upon
our streets Jthere will be speedy action
taken and telling examples made to the
shame and disgrace of disrespectful law
breakers. ,
A Warning.
I wish to warn all parties who have
been in the habit of going: in swimming
within the city limits, as I will, from
this date, arrest any I find.
W. II. Malice,
City Marshal.
Wanted. The address of boat caul
kers wanted. S. N. Stewart,
Nebraska City, Nebraska.
I sell shoes cheaper than anybody.
Call ncl be convinced, no trouble to
show goods. tf. Peter Mekges.
given at the Waterman opera house last
night, fully reached and surpassed the
anticipations of many as an enthusiastic
and socal event. Many of the promt
neut speaker.? whose names were on the
programme forwarded their regrets yes
terday, stating their inability to be pres
ent. Letters of I egret from Gen. Hen
Harrison and other lenders of the re-pub
lican party were read by Hon. R. Ii.
Windham, and each, though their writers
were hundreds of miles distant, lent en
thusiasm to the assemblage and brought
forth applause when strong Jphrases of
encouragement were heard, each bearing
a word exhibiting the assurance that the
republican party would be successful in
the coming campaigh, and eacJi giving a
word of encouragement to the Young
Men's Republican club of Pluttsmouth
Several enthusiastic republicans from a
distance put in an appearance and made
their presence known in rendering valu
able assistance in various ways.
Although seyeral of the speakers who
had been counted on most were absent,
yet the others who were present did jus
tice to their subject.?.
As the space of the paper would not
allow the publication of each speech,
and a? only a couple of them had been
convei ted into manuscript, we regret very
much our inability to publish them,
The club of Nebraska City composed
of about thirty members, accompaned by
a band from that city arrived in time to
fall in line with the procession which
was men iorming in tiont of the opera
About one hundred and fifty lights
were carried in the procession, which
present-id, a their bearers marched along
and turned, a very fine scene.
The Ii. fc M. band rendered .i number
Of pieces on the Street in their ncii-.l
well-cultured style, after which they
located themselves on the stage and dur
ing the time the audience was satisfying
by the bountiful repast, entertained them
The decorations as arrranged rellect
credit on the following gentlemen on
decorations: Messrs. Sig. Green, L. E.
Skinner, M. D. Polk, D. B, Smith, Dr. E.
W. Cook, J. A. Davies and R. L. Keister.
The arrangement and display of good
taste in blending the streamers which
reached across the auditory of the opera
house, could not be surpassed. A large
flag, the nation's emblem, reached across
the stage .bearing a placard "Our Ban
danas." The portraits of several of the
prominent presidents adorned the walls.
The Plattsmouth Glee Club was called
upon and responded by singing "The
Horse-shoe which brought forth good
applause, after which Mr. John A. Davies,
president of the Young Men's Republi
can club, delivered au eloquent and
suitable address of welcome, which ap
pears m another column
Hon R. Ii. Windham then read the let
ters of regret; only a few of which we
have space to publish.
The next toast beiug "The Republican
x uat nun i-rcsent, was re
sponded to by Judge S. B. Pound, of
Lincoln, in an able speech.
The Glee Club was then called upon
tor the "Irish Emigrant," which thev
rendered in a praiseworthy style, being
encored, singing for an encore "The
Buccaneer's Bride."
The next toast on the programme was
Nebraska to the Front." and
sponded to by Mayor W. J. Broatch, of
Hon. J. B. Strode, of Lincoln answered
to the next toast, "A Free Ballot, Honest
Count and Equal Representation," in an
able speech.
"Republican Principles" next appeared
on the programme, but as Hon. O. Tefft.
of Avoca, could not be present, it was
Hon. J. C. Watson, of Nebraska City,
was loudly applauded during his speech
on the "Presidential Nominees of 1SS8."
The next toast was "Protection to
Home Industries,"
E?rA,."erican II0es and American trade.
We'll Draw our Btiarpept Political niade.
This toast was responded to by Rev. J,
G. Taite, of Shelton. His speech was
I tilled with sparkling points and consid
erable enthusiasm. The subject which
handled seemed very familiar to him, and
the manner in which he executed it,
showed that he was a man of experience
and understood his subject thoroughly
Ha gave good illustrations why the ad
vocates of free trade should Jnot have
possession of the country. He remem
bered the time when free Ttrade ruled,
stating that Jat that time iron rails were
imported for from $100 to $120 per ton
and now the price seldom ever exceeds
$40. At that time the foreign industries
would ship the rails in at a high price
mle the market. As the foreign compa-
HAtillA, FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1683.
niei were wealthy monopolies, home in
dustries could not possibly work their
way to success, He said that the repub
licans had chosen Harrison, Morton, and
the Stars and Stripes for their leaders
and banner and that the democrats had
taken Cleveland, Thurman and the ban
dana, "which is English you know," the
coyering which the colored woman of
the south use in preference t a hat
The democrats now want to take the
protection off wool.
After Mr. Taite had completed his
speech, Mr. W. A. Derrick was then
called on for a solo, and responded by
singing ."Rocked in the Cradle of the
"Peculiarities of Groyer Clsveland,
Ills .Men and J lis Administration was
the subject selected for Hon. Johu Y
Stone, of Council Bluffs. The subject
was well handled by that gentleman who
was loudly applauded all through his
excellent f-peech.
Hon. E, Rosewater, of the lice, Omaha
"The Republican Press:" Hon. G. M.
Lambertson, Lincoln "Tim Fallacies of
the Administration"; Col. W. P. Hep
bum, Clarinda, la., "The Solid South."
The above gentlemen treated their sub
jects well, although they were obliged to
cut their speeches short, owing to the
lateness of the hour preventing them
from giving themselves the satisfaction
they deserved.
As Gov. Thayer, of Lincoln could not
be present, Judge S. Chapman mede a
short speech taking as his subject, "The
G. A. It.," but as his speech came in on
the programme before Col. Hepburn's, he
cut it short in order that that fentle-
man might have more time.
On a whole, the event reflects great
credit to the city of Plattsmouth and the
republican club.
The yoii:j ladies of the Young La
dies' Reading Room, '!'ho had charge of
the tables and provided the sui.'"1'1". Re
serve great prise for their good manage
ment and the manner in wliinli ii
waited on the tables. All present ex
pressed themselves i3 having thoroughly
enjoyed tho event, unil many of the visi
tors say that the whole was managed as
elliciently as any thy ever attended
The tables were nice'y decorated and
were laden with all the luxuries of the
season. Nearly three lmnd
were provided for.
Delivered by John A. Davies. Pres-
Hidden among the pines and ham
mocks of a southern land is a spring of
water around which lingers a beautiful
legend. Tiiis spring is still pointed out
to the way-faring pilgrim as the identi
cal fountain in search of which Ponca de
L.eou came noiu the old world to the
new, believing it would ir.ipa.t immor
tal youth to all who should drink of its
Many years afterwards a small body of
God-fearing men went in search of an
other spring whose waters would impart
immortal love of country to all who
might drink thereof. Totight we invite
our fair and honored mu .4. n' UJLCb
with honest toil and Gods sunshine have
made this Great -American Desert bloom
and blossom like the rose, between that
party and its statutes which recognize no
aristocracy but the aristocracy of genuine
merit and manhood, I repeat it, that
democrats may talk about curtains tlivid
ing the past from the present but between
the republican party and its past, there is
no curtain. And I would that no cur
tain may ever fall between the American
people md the history of a party which
is the history of the nations preservation
in war and the preservation of the na
tions industries in peace. I would that
the light of the lamp of experience
might mingle with the light of present
knowledge insuring to the people "Peace
within their walls, Prosperity within their
u nat is me value ol history it we
ar to forget the past. We do not recall
to mind the crimes and horrors of a
French Revolution because we desire to
keep alive the unpleasant memories of
that hour.but because we would not forget
the historical lessons taught by a nation
which once sought to absolve itself from
those precedents and traditions which arc
inseparably associated with a patriotic
love of country, we recall the history of
a nation which ence wrote upon its
escutcheon "Let u- forget the past." The
christain mother teaches her chiid.-er. ;Jje
story of Christ's betrayal by Judas and
His elenial by Peter, not that she wishes
to arouse sectional feeling among the po
litical decendauis of Judas and Peter
but that she would have her children
grow up to manhood and womanhood
with the knowledge and belief that
loyalty is right and that treason id
What is the value of history? It is
that the present may profit by the past.
discarding that which is harmful and
retaining that whkh is good, this is the
value of histoiy,
The war of the rebellion is over, but
the contest oi 1 ahotit us. And
tonight while we meet 'rouim Crri Z'tll'
spring -of republicanism, renewing old
acquaintances and forming new ones let
us turn our faces to the future, let us
welcome the p.oLJems of pence, the right
solution of which, will drive before us
the fallacies of mere theorists as the
morning sun dispels the shades of night
In the coming contest we ask your aic
as we thank you for your assistance in
the past and the encouragement of your
presence fonight. To the young ladies
who haye favored us with this bounteous
spread, to the ladies especially whose in
llueuce in moulding the nation's character
is reilecteel in just and upright laws, to
all our guests from abroad or at home
the Young Men's Republican club of
Plattsmouth comes greeting.
ilization. For energy in business for
courage in battle, and for wisdom in
politics, her sous arc unsurpassed. Now
once more hiw tho nation need of energy
courage, and lofty political wisdom. Tho
party whose triumphs have always proved
triumphs oyer all that is best and noblest
in Americanism ence more confronts us
at the polls. It seeks in its blind folly
to tear down those barriers with which
the wise leaders of republicanism guarilcd
our growing industries against ruinous
competition with the pauper labor of
Europe. Enriched, with the ipoil of
olliee it is marshalled fortl once more
under the leadership of men who in lbGl
to '. were found at the head of armies
endeavoring to establish an Oligarchy
with human shivery for its main prop.
It was under the leadership of these men
that the rights of our fishermen to fair
treatment in Canadian waters was sur
rendered to Great Biitinn. The emer
gency requires energy and determination.
Where are these qualities better developed
than here in the free and boundless west!
To me gentlemen it seems impossible that
republicanism should fail in this elecisi ve
struggle for the nations good. We must
succeed we shall succeed. The skirm
ishing lias already begun the battle
which is to follow means, if won, en
couragement to our manufacturers; pro
tection to our laboring and industrial
cl asses; happy homes and firesides, if
lost, the picture is reversed; and with the
surplus products of Europe flooding our
markets the existing conditions of the
laboring classes in the fold world must
inevitubly follow here. I predict success
to our cttorts. and when the line of
twevy states is formeel Nebraska will be
at tne i rout.
rr " "r""
with us about this fountain of loyal
principles and progressive ideas, the
well-spring of Republicanism. Lincoln,
and I never mention the name of Abra
ham Lincoln but what I feel proud of a
party which recognizes in the martyred
presielent one of the great moral heroes
of the nineteenth century, I say. Lincoln
and Grant and Sherman and little Phil
Sheridan drank of the principles of this
fountain then showereel its blessings
upon a bonded race that they too might
drink of the waters of freedom.
But the chief occupation of democrats,
now that the "war is actually oyer," is to
indulge in pledges for their future good
conduct anel apologies for the past.
They are particularly sensitive upon their
past history; some men have occasion to
be. They invoke the powers of the immor
tal gods to ring elown the curtain of his
tory; they write upon their banners "Let
us Forget the Past."
Republicans are no apologists. Thev
ask for no curtains shutting out the light
of history. Between - the republican
party anel its record illuminated with a
oyalty which led our country throusrh
the valley and shadow of death, between
that uarty 'and its legislation which has
encouraged the inventive genius of man.
uniting mind, muscle 'and matter in the
elevation of American labor, between
that party and its laws which together
Speech of W. J. Broach, of Omaha.
Mr. President, ladies anel gentlemen:
It is with mixeel emotion that I rise to re
spond to this toast. When I see before
me so many shinning lights of oratory, as
sembled from all parts of so great a state,
and gathered together under tin? ausmrns
of so celebrated an association, I may well
despair of answering the toast of your
honorable presielent in language worth' of
thedistinguisheel company, and the splen
did subject, "Nebraska to the front" and
how grand a state is Nebraska. Twent
eight years ago her population embraced
but thirty thousand souls, her vast do
main was but a pasture lautl for the
buffalo: a hunting ground for the India
Now, within the short space of a quarter
century the red man has been beaten, anel
suoauect, a great city lias arisen from
the banks of the swift Missouri, where
once the wigwam of the savage was the
sole emblem of man s authority and over
me ienue piams or ieDraska are scatter
eel the homes of a million intelligent and
patriotic Americans. In the present con
gress it has been proposed to distribute
among the several states in proportion to
tneir niiteraev larcn sumsnf nmnir ti oo.
- - . v. . . . , MO
1 1 1 ... 1 . .
sist inein in tne noote workot education.
Anel it is our proud boast that should
that bill become a law, not even Massa
chusetts with all her culuture, or New
lork with all her wealth M'ould receive
so small a share of the national bounty
as iNeorasKa , and herein rests our surest
guarantee that she will continue firm in
her repu?jlicunism. The party of slavery,
oi iree traete and hypoency hnds uncou
genial the climate of intelligence. Let it
turn to the slums of New York for its
support; it will find no nourishment here.
Here education patriotism, and political
intelligence go nana iu hand with com
mercial anel agricultural prosperity. Our
state has within its borelers beef and pork
pacKing estaoiisiiments inferior to few;
smeuing anet renning works interior to
none, wnen tne next wave of war
sweeps over Europe, Nebrask's fields can
furnish corn for all the cavalry of Russia,
Germany, Turkey, Italy and France. In
business, anel in politics, in peace and in
war Nebraska is always at the front. She
was et the front at Fort Donnehon when
her present governor at the heael of
his gallant brigade, met and broke
the shock Of tha confederate asenlnf
Her sons shrunk not from their duty on
mat niooay etay, nor nave they ever
since. She has been at the front fight
ing the battle for the elevation of man
Kind, l he nation has Ions' anel nnsne.
cessfully sought to restrain the traffic in
liquor. It remained for Nebraska to
solve the problem by passing her satis
factory and much copied high license
laws, uy ner legislation she has sought
to more fully, realize the dream of mn-
' nicipal reform, and to protect the people
from the parasites, who seek personal
gain by corrupt means. Short as is her
history, it is bright with the names of
distinguished men, and the records of
her effort in behalf of progress and civ-
Response of Hon. C. M. Lambert
son, of Lincoln.
When Mr. Gould testified ltnir. fl.r.
legislative-committee ut AJb;ijiy that the
Erie road hail expeneled great sums
of money to inlijeiieo legislation in vari
ous districts in the state of New York, he
was askeel the name of the persons who
hael been the recipients of his bounty.
lie replied, you might as well ask me to
give the name and number of the ears
that pass over the Erie road in a week. 1
am asked to PfcJnt out the fallices of the
administration anel am impressed with
the impossibility of cataloguing and' la
belling all of them in the brief time aj-icte'-
ncnce I confine my atten
tion to'Tii'e rai'c ics: the ew breeds,
speaking in general terms, rcetitru'i .tliv
right to furnish a bill of particulars later
in the campaign. The history of the
administration will be written in six
words. Ma "ii indent bi nrnmlw ilr in
performance. The democracy stole into
power, though wilful mendacity on the
one hand anel the most sacred vows on
the other. For twenty-five years they
persistently sowed the seeds of calumny,
and watered them with the dews of prom
ised reform, until some of them took root
in the shallow and rocky soil of the sore
head mugwump, anel the fate of th na
tion was surrendered to that party that
and yet I am not prepared to say that)
the president is a prctciidir, a deceiver or
a hypocrite, but nil these qualities nre, in
more or less decre e, in his noikc up iuhI
crop out in his olilks.
Let us go to tho record. Mr. Cleve
lunel came into his high olliee us the
apostle of a refonn and iioii-puili.Miii ad
ministration. The spoils t-ftim wn.t
reprobated with ponderous Hiit uces mid
sonorous epithe ts. Yet no Moiier wiih he
ciitjconcid in the presidential chair thiin
the heads of the eubinet cllieirfc. dipmt
men Is, buieiius, diplomat, cot.Milar
officers, col Icct i s of internal revenues
and fourth class postmasters wire decap
itated at the rate of one every fifteen
minim s, with a giace, celerity nuel fue ili
ty that would have awakened the envy ef
Andrew Jacksem the father of tie spoil
system. Iiithoefieit to leeoneile pro
fessiem with practice, various cxcuhm
were invnitcel and expedients reported
to. The president must have about him
he e-an trust, t lie department and bmemu
must choose me n upon whom tin y ( an
rely, ollice-rs ef no fixed tenure she.nld
be removed, offensive partisans must go,
while inoffensive ones will be removed,
for liicompctciiey, ane! the re maimle r on
the se-ore of economy. In this way th()
republicans were turned e.ut togiveplacei
to a non-partisan administrating Non
partisan did I say Axk the ind pender.;
voter for the evidence t, it ajid t
point with a swelliner nride in el,
pointment of one officer in nil tlie I'nib d
States, a post muster in the city of Ni w
York whom we have reason fo belie ve
was so strongly non-partisan that here
fuscel to let the le tter earrie rs vote- for
Blaine. Verily this is a non partiYan ad
ministration with a ve-nge ne-e.
TJie administration might be anlly
termed the Sky Rex-kei Civil .eryji-e i...
form admiiiistratie.n, that cjimbed V.u)
skies in a blaze of glory be fore eh i tioVi,
but femnd the; caith very soem there-alter!
I he supe r-sensitive, over intelligent ,..
dependent voter may now "lipitate him.
sen upon Ihe fact that lie sold his biilli
right not for a jne-ss of pottage-, but the;
promise of a mess of pottage', mid J,llrt
inaele a pretty mes e.f it all round. Iln
should now be elisalhu-ioneel when ho
observes that nearly every oflie-e in 1 ho
gift of the gove rnment has beep filled
with hungry, spoils se ekintr. time s i v it,.,
.1...,,. ..,. . c r. i . ii . . r
m-iiHii mis, ui inei-aiiug rcoois. I'n-n.
ele-nt Cleveland caiiie pito pj.ver .o
fy the so called eit'rpe l-bag'-goyuiui.t.Jj,
at the south only fo deliver the c-jlie.i'4
machine ry at his command ieito tho cem
trol of the rebels, whose fraud and vio
lence, and nullification of fe-deral law ho
, . ;lrl ut lltwl 1
has not
but tae-itly encouraged and approved.
For the purpose of perpetuating hU
power a:ul receive the; vote of the solid
semtu, he has teneraied a sy.eni ef mfim
idation mid fraud that would disgrace;
the tyranny of any natieni Jet alone? the
best government that ever ele vised by
genius of man. As if he could never elei
enough for this section of the; country,
he has dismissed Union soldiers fremi
office and appointed rebe ls in tin irplaee,
so that it is doubtful vihe-th'-r a ;n;,:i ;
undoubted lenulty occupies a siipde Cou-
has always been "Ions" en i.romi ..,,! V. " 1 "'""V1 h
"short" in performance. The democratic" S1 Z Z!. ilT!TuJT T' -,.
" "V'' Hi III IJI, CMJl-
- A. 1 1 1
party maete iouel proteslatiems. sweire
ponderous oaths, dressed their counte
nance in such solemnity and
me eureiui state ot the remi . c env n,,
as i heard Mr. Hendricks say, "it canned
be worse and it may be better " and
tured in such radiant color tho Uteipian
paradise of civil service refo rm to bp nJi.
ered in under tlemocratic auspices, that
finally enough electors wpi-p r-ie 1
W C -1 u viuivi 1vi.iii-
de, bought or bulldozed into surrendder
ing the government to that party who
but twenty years before had de-r-bired ih
war of the union a failure, and who crav
eel the privilege of then burying it i e-
neath its own vast achievements. They
talked about the whisky ring, the Star
rout conspirators and other defalcations,
iorgetting that the; republican party al
ways prosecuted its thieves, or drove them
forth as wanders and vagabonds upon
ine race oi tne earth. rim reim .l.f...
refugees went to Canaeln I iecfiiisf if emu-
pulsion, the democratic patriots erossed
the St. Laurence of thejr own volition
for a very different reason. We lun iiie,!
our administration until it could be said
with truth that the administration of tlin
lamenteel Arthur Mas the purest in th
annals of the republic. Notu iilistmi;.ir,
that each administration was cleaner than
its preelecessor the democracy
to ne aoout us with continueel arelor ane
fervor. It said vou are elorfei ina- tho
books, let us get posscsi on ejf thorn m-wl
we will nose out or smoke out the
concealed. After having hael the- honks
tor four years in their custody they con-
eess eueir campaign statement to he truth.
less ana aeimit that no rank frn-.irl. no
not even petty fraud has been uncovered.
no euiei convicteet anel. so far n T rr-en
no republican official nroser-ntl Ti.J
saici you are uoaraing the peoples money,
you haye in the treasury $400,000,000
the product of burdensome and uniust
taxation: in 1SC0 we left a dphYit f
$12,000,000, giye us four years and we
will produce a deficit even if we imvn r,
strangle the industries to do it. States
manship is never so alluring ami ttn-
tive to democracy as whem a deficit is to
be proeluceel. espiciallv when therel
of cause and effect can he trr.ooA Knt
the replete pockets of deineiernev -,n th
one hand, anel the emjity treasury on the
As we approach the summit nf tho h.e
democratic administration this country
will ever see, with six hundred millions
in the treasury, the result of democratic
inaction or stupidity, the administration
asks a continuance of power on th ven-
same ground that they turned us out four
years ago. Ana in order to give the na
tional banks the benefit of $(10,000,000,
and pile the surplus higher they for a
time deliberately ignored, and nullified
an act of congress authorizing the notifi
cation of the surplus to the
the bonded debt.
Pretending to see great danger to the
monetary interests oi tne country hv n
excessive coinage of silver, the adminis
tration has coined more silver than wa
minted under republican administration.
But the greatest fallacy of the adminia.
tration is the president himself. A fallacy
imports the assumption of something it
is not The term includes in its mean.
ing, pretension, deception and hypocrisy,
r, ..." . T
iu mi n mi-'C, exrellMVe; Spe-C-
ial learning and love; of e.emntiy anel irs
institutions was conferred upon eiie vho
was a traitor to his country, without the
learning of a jurist, or practice at ihaA
bar. And in oreler te fiu t he r plae ate rite ' "
south ami salve their wounded himm- l,,.
tendered te them the battle i:i, ri,.- .
confederacy, a toue-hing eyide-m e of t),e
:onsieleration nnel LTOO'l Will fif iu in'U-
ident and his paity for the sensitive feel
ings of the solid south Tl if- i,ili-f .r
the; president in relation fei the t;n-;n
lelve.caey of a bill to facilitate inn.oilfi-
tions and increase the fIi i,( f,..,.;....
products, depress home ineliisfne and
cheapen labor has wem the- plaudits e,f
the English press and excited the; un
stinted praise of ign meie hnnK
What greater fa lacy coulel be- palm, el oir
on the;; than the attempt to con
vince them that a he. me market for homej
product can be built uj by increasing
foreign impoi tatiems. ' aiieilenn u,M
"beware of the general whom the enemy
praises." It is a sate precede ut W
America to beware ef nnv ti.-.d
that commanels the he-art v m-mnln,,,,. ,.'r
the English natie.n. For End-md ;u
heart entirely se-ljl, unon tl lis it tie tf inn
I fie loreign policy of President Cleve
land upon the tariff is upon a par with
his foreign pe.licy in relation to our ex
ternal affairs
So complete was the surrender of tho
gove-rnment on the fisheries that Mr.
Chamberlain, the diplomatic agent bf
England, sent to negotiate a treaty of
settlement has been loaded with himm-u
since his re turn, fer his diplomacy in
overreaching Ravarel anel 'the An.nlr.,,,
commissioners, and obtaining concessiems
that may prove destructive ti
greatest industries. Mr. Ch-vch..-..i ;u
again befeire the country icnoi-inrr !.;.
argument made four ve-ars in ...Tun,
his ine ligibility. With sublime self coi
sciensne ss and ine leasing selr MithVi,.t.,
this glorified egoti-t seeks a cemt Inn,.
of power fnr himself anel party. i ,t if
be said of him that he is a mnn of fctron"
re-solutions be tt'-r than his n.-ntv m,,i
honest as his paitv. will let hi in lii I it if
- - - - ,
I ia a y.e.-Hi j.ume-y iei iiunK that the eon-
tinuance of his administration is iicccg.
sary to the prosperity of the nation, or
that it is bettert thtn republie-.-.n
gove rnment that we nt before. i'i,n
I consider that if (i rover Cleveland
had died eight years ago, he would have
gQne to an obscure grave unwept, unhon
ored and unsung, that at the time of his
election the revised statutes of tl. !-..;
ed States were to him a sealed book, that
he was without knowledge of public
men or experience of public affairs, I
wonder, and still the wonder grows, how
he happened to land on top the highest
position within our gift. It w&s adan
gerous experiment anel we are lucky af
fairs are no worse. The result is a trib
ute to the stabilitvi of OUT i list 't u I irm3
it this government can stand the shee:k
of haying Grover Cleveland nnd b.ul.?
distilled democracy aDd double dvrd
traitors in power for four years, the
republic is at least afe. There is no
need, however, of repeating the experi
ment. With a gallant soldier f illus-
Continued on First Page.