AS 7- 'FIRST YJ2AK 1VLATTS3IOUTII, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY EVENING, JUL.Y 13, 1888, KUMlSElt i 1 (i r e . 41 Mayor, Clerk. Tre.nurer. Attorney, K.inxliiLM-r, Police JinlK". iMarnliall. Council men, 1st ward, " 2nd " 3rd " 4l!i. " F.M. KltHKV W K KoX Jam Pattkkhon, jh. - liVKON O.AKK - A Maikh.k S CI.IKKOHI W II Mai.ick 1 J V Wki-kkacii J A SAMHIiUliV i It M .Ion k I I) It. A Sill I'M A.N M H MlkI'H v s W Imiiton Hoard l'ub.Work I McGaLLKN. l'llKS I W JiHINH IN.CII.MKHAS Khkii Cohdk.k Hawks woitru 1 J W S- KltK 1 I Ji Vf eltiJ GOLTjTiIlY OFFIGKliS. t I'M f AIM Sup1 . Treasurer. 1 Monty freaiurer, - Clerk. Deputy Clerk, Recorder of l",eds -l.M'iuv Ui":inlr '!rk of LMtri Co art, St.ertlT. - -Unryeyor. - t t 8upt. of Hub. HohoolH, County Jultie. l'.OAKO OK HOI'KRVISORS. A..Toii.Ch-ni.. - - w IMattsinonth ).(MiiHK..;rz, - Weeping Water A. It. Dl.-KHON, - 1). A. Cam pbkll Tho. I'OI.I.OCK BlRl I'KITl llKIKI.a KXAt'UirCHUKI.II W. II. PoOL, Jo'IN M. I.KYI) A W. C. SlIOWALTKIl J. O. Kl K K.N IIAKV a. Ma:olk Al.I.KN llKKSOJ M A V N A II l S'lNK O. RUrtriUXL. GIVIG SOGIlVrJiS. 1AHS M!Ih;K No. H. 1 O. O. H. -Meets 1 i,.v,.rv i v Hwpnini' of eiii:ll week. All r.aihieiit- i.rotlier urc refnecUuliy - . . ..." ' 1 -1 Hi If'!". invited to -rrnwrril KT I) F.. iue.;l every alternate Friday in A w li .iiih in Hie Maxonic Hall. isiting )irtlet afe iiiy jtrd to attend 1 1 UM TTJilifi FN O. hi. A, . U. W.-Meets 1 evry :ilr.-ri:it Friday eveniiiK at Iv. . til 1 . hall. Transient hmiliert are respeetfully lu vite.l to attend. F..I. Morgan, MasterWorkinan ; K S lSartov. Foreman ; Frank Itrown. Over oeer; I. Iloweti, Guide ; Geoige lloiiHWort Ii. I i. . r 11 .1. .linsoii. rinaneier; ..i-ii hniitli. U. eeiver ; M. Matirilit. I'ai-t M Jack Maiifiherly, Insiile linard. V. V i't k ...i. a. it si-ciinJ and fourth Mon- .l ... i.vT.iri!-''iit K. -of I. hall. All transient l;ii'i!er v in t ii v A j:tei:k. Clerk ..b " 1 " - " " ----- - a'.e re'pivMed to meet witli n. U i.r, .nii'l .loin CoiihiiI ; F, N i A.tvHer ; S. F. Wilde, llaner ; W . I.. A. N ilef. A ODCE NO. 8. A. O. Lr. W. I iiil at o'clock. All transient tn-oili- ii lTrjuaiiril I Sleet every alternate Friday evenliiB at THE ANNUAL BANQUET. Continued From Fourth Page. rH art1 I -trson M W. ; F. Iloyd. 1-oreman: . v. uhuk juu iu. mv. ..w, j - vl iM. Itccordi r : Leonard Anderson. Overseer. vour invitation to attend your annual .Mo- i f A.l- i A.M. ban;, uet cp Jbo tl; cf h(Uvu. out 1 Leas .... Vhi .,rVt u.d ti.n J Motidjiys ol j nuJj that engagements will cf necessity trious lineage, of an unt'iinted record, able niitl sagacious in state-craft, with a following united, enthusiastic and loyal, the combined hobta of patronage and power cannot prevail against us. 1 he democracy may sneer at the ancestry of our candidate, because lie has presiden tial blood in his veins. It is an old say ing that blood will tell. And when I look in the presidential herd book and I find the name of our candidate written there, I shall pin my faith to him to the end of-the race. For I believe he will forge to the front every time as against an old "shell bark' who has neither ped igree behind him, or posterity in front of him. He will win sure unless jockyed out of the race in the South or in ho city of Xew York. Speaking of poster ity reminds nie that the justices of the bt.prome court were once discussing the effect that a certain decision would have on posterity, when Justice Davis Inter rupted the discussion with the statement that in his opinion that there was not a single posterity judge on the bench. It is one of the fallacies of this administra tion that it will be remembered by pos terity. In my humble opinion there has never been a single poscerity democrat president, except Jackson, whose admin istration will go down the centiuies, smelling to the heavens, as the rankest and most corrupt that ever disgraced the republic, while the enlightened pol'cy and patriotic governu.eiH oi Abraham Lincoln will shine with undimmed lestre through the ages until the dusty scroll of man's history is rolled up forever. Letters of Recret. The following letters of regret were furnished us through he kmdness of Hon. It. 11. Windham, lu read, them at the banquet last night, these being only a few from the most prominent leaders of the party. f epapc vov we would be pieas'-'d to publish all : Rossmokk Hotel, New York, July 4. Messrs. It. Ii. Windham, A. N. Sulli- , respeeltnlly Invited to . . y . , . - coultesy of Coal is Cash. The undersigned coal dealers, doing business in the city of Plattsmouth, deem it to the best interests of the public, as well as of the dealers to sell coal strictly and exclusively for cash. Coal is a commodity that is, and should be, sold on a veiy close margin, too small, in fact, for the dealers to trust to the de lays and uncertainties of col lections. The dealers are required to pay spot cash for coal. The credit system entails a serious loss each season, by reason of the amount of bad debts necessary to be charged off to profit aud loss, and in the additional expense required for book keepers, collectors, etc. fly dispensing with the above formid able items of expense, dealers can afford to sell coal at lower prices, and they feel assured that this will commend itself to the thinking public. For the above reasons, therefore, the coal dealers have decided to sell for cash only, ON AMI AFTER J FLY 11, 1SSS. This means just what it says. TlV.QTU v ("i Vtl'.V tf Hi A. 'Waterman & Sox. BAD BLOOD There "s n.o,t one thing that puts a man o' woman at such disadvantage before the world as a vitiated state of the blood Your ambition is gone. Your courage has failed. Your vitality has lefi jo... Ypvr languid step and listless ac tions show that yoii heed a powerful in yigorafor, one bottle of iJcggs Blood VurlGer and Blood Maker will put new life in a worn out fjaicm., nul if it does not i will Co2, yoii uat'uing. . V. Smith Co., DruggisU. Sherwin fc Williams' mixed paints, the best in the market, at Fricke & (Vs. drug store, S-t f. Dr. C- A. Marshall. DENTIST! I'lencrvatlou of natural teetl. a Hjieclaily. I'erth tj tnu tut wiilmut jxtiit tiy use jMityliing (lit. All work warranted. Prices reasonable. FlT.MBltAI.n'H IU.1CK 1'I.ATTSMOtITII. N K It DRS. CAVE & SMITH, "Painless .Dentists." Tl'e only DciitiKts in the West roiitroIlDK till" New System ef Extractnm iinil Filling 'i eet I. withi'iii l'ain. (ini- ::uaest lietie is !. tiiely free from C 1 1 LO RO I'O KM O R KT HER AMI IS AHSOLUTFI.Y Harmicss - To - All Teetli extraeted and Krlilieial teeth insevle.1 nxt day if tlesi;( il. Tlu preserval inu of tlie natuial eiiii a specialty. GOLD CROCKS, GOLD CAPS, BRIDGE WORK. The very I'niest. orReeln l iiion Lloes, over 'J lie CitieiiM ll-iiik. OurMid-Summer Slaughter Sale ! In ordi'i- lo Clean uj our ()lls and Kiuls in various Departments wo Shall oiler Extraordinary inducements lor this week. 3 Special Bargains in Hosiery - 3 Lo r i. .or ii. I.o T III. K. Hoyd. Foreman : S :.... 111. nit Ii at their hall. All transient nroti. er, are cordially invited to meet wjl W m . II A vs. Secret ary. nilTI--t NO. 1. ii. A. 31. Transeieiit broll.eis MeeVs second anil fourth Tuesday of eaH. .... i.r MaiiimV Hall are invited to meet with us. R WfITE H p iiA.s. Secretary. K detain me here beyond that time. I have to lose the pleasure I should Iiaye nau in beiu"- present witli you. 1 ours u u.y, ,j on.N v. r ut)i.i. Calumet Place, WAsniyuToH, D. C. K. B. Windhamn and olhers. Dear Sirs: Please convey to 'The oung Tn"a T?piii i lean UlUti mv biuie.e UNDER THF. ROfiFT, JM.-en firt and ti.Ud s e.uies. a 1.1, . thanks for the iionor or tneir nattering roV:;n,S'to Vn't inlV r invitation, and my regret that I cannot iii.s!L f. K. win i k. F. attcn(i their banquet. May the patriotism TiTssrorNCILNO ioji.uOYAL jKCAXUM that inspired their organization prompt r effort in achieving a cam-mem- - , " i. ... lr. llr.U w i acn iiiuiiiii . j.v""-"- . '"rj l.j-g- Ml.volt. Secretary. J. 1 LvcCOHIHIE POST 45 C. A. R- BOSTEK. i Commander, 1" !! F. A. HATM .-. lien, Nn.KiJ llMUV SlItKlOIST JlAl.oN IMXO.V VU Mil.l'W Fo:i . ........... W ll k' .! ..!: ;o .km AN. . ..liaarter Master Serjst. I. Fi ::ti-j :......l'ust Chaidain Meeting ftal-.iroay eveiun PLATTSMOUTH BOARD OFTRADE Hol,t. I 1st Vice I'resiilent 2nd Vice Fresidel.t Secretary Treasurer lllllElTftl! i if!i-h..v F. K. White. .1 C Patterson. J 'a r', B. KNon. C. W. Slieriuan. t. (.or U r. J. V. V,ecktaeli. ' them to untirin' great victory in the approaching imi?n. With best wishes for each berTand yourselves especially, I am Respectfully, Mi:s. Joun A. Loo ax. Indiana rQLi Ind , .Ttdy 8, 1SS.- R. B. Windham. A. Sullivan and t. M. Wead. Committee. Plattsmouth, Jfeb. Geutltme.ii ! Permit me to thank yon mot cordiallv for vour kind invitation to attend the Fourth Annual Banquet of the Younir Men's Republican club of your city c.n July 12th, 1888. t regret l UK J I llv v . . v m. M 'V. ,, i t .;.,rr Wm Xeviiie upon me win prevent mc nom Herrmann i tul mn Vmirs very trutr. F. K.taithman - " " ' TT ...Senior Vice Junior Adjutant. M. ...otilcer of the iay. ounnl Keret Major. he (aside). If 1 should stoal a little kiss Oh, woidd she weep, I wonder? I tremble at the thought of bliss If I should steal a little kiss! Such pouting lips would uever ruia The dainty hit of fimuaur , If I should steal a "tit tie kiss.; :,vjh, would she weep, I wpiidof? she (asiiV ioiifrs to steal ft kiss of mtno lie may, if hell rotiirn it ; If I can read the tender msh. He loners to steal a kis.-; of mine: 'In Live anl war" you know the 1 111. ; Why cannot he discern it ? Flo l.'iiecs to steal a kisx ;.f iuuh! ITe m:', ;t i.e U rrtnrn It. " ' ' Xtorn (ftve minutes later) A little kiss when no one sees Whore is the Impropriety How sweet, nmi'l th ltirU and bos, A iirtlo kisa iheii no ouo ses-, Xor is it wroni?, tho world agrees, If taken with sobriety; lit tie kiss v.hnn no on sees. "nere is the impropriety? Samuel Jlinturn Tock. GrO X'O Wm. Merolil & Son port Dry Goods. Notions Boots anil Slices or Ladies aud tientai FURNISHING - GOODS. lie keeps as large and as veil SELiUCTPr.' STOCK As can tie found any place in the city and make you prices tLat defy competition. At 2." cents a pair Our Entire Lino of CliiMrcn'ri Fancy Printed Hose that have never liefore retailed for less than 50 cents a. pair. Ladies' Hose in Solid Colors awl Stripes worth from 35 to 5 cents a pair. At ;")() cents a pair comprises our Entire Line of Children'! Plain and liihlx d Knfit-li JJslc Thread JIo-c, formerly sold by us from 75 to i'U cents a pair. Ladies' Fancy Liido and Silk Plaited Hose worth from T.r to $1.0(1 a pair. A t To cents a pair takes in our Stock of Children's Fancy ! !.'-'. ;..(, v.i.ilh Sl.."Ua pair. Ladies' Fancy Litdo aud Silk Hose worth Sl.f.O a pair. Extraordinary Values In Fans ! (laii.e and Satin Fans, Plain and IIand-lainted, formerly .sold from 1.50 to SLIT), leducetl to Jfawbo',ie tat i ii and Feather Fans, Hand-Painted, formerly sold fivM 2.0(1 to s2. :(, reduced to Jj?l. ;'.. Klecant Carved Pone Handle Satin Fans, Hand Painted, formerly sold from to 'A.iii, reduced to 2..'5'.t. Iack and (Uziv Ostriclt Feather Fans, formerlv sold from 1.00 to 4.50, miuce.l to" $;..-..!. Our $S. 00 Ostrich Feather Fan, Pone Handle, in Cream, Maize and Plack, reduced t. S5.(-0. Our $l0.0o O.-trieh Feitther Fan, Shell Handle, in wlack and Cra', reduced to $0.50. P"ull Lines of Japanese Fans at Popular Prices. A;;cnts for HarDf-r-s 'am fmm and Bail's Corsets. KBW ICE HVUZEZsT We have our house t-iled with A FINE QUALITY OF ICE, And a.e tHYIivetl to deliver it daily to ourcus toiniis in iay insaiitity Ueaiittl. ALL OBDEES PROMPTLY TILLED. I.ea'se orders with T. IP. EEiVUMEISTEFl, At ntoie on Sixth Pticet. We make a Spec ialty of 1 Ana Loading Cars. Kor terms see us or write.' If. C. MfMAKEN & SON. Telephone 72, Plattsuioutli H.E.Palmer&Son IMSURftKCE AGENTS tbf! followincr time- tried and tire-tested comp.inie Ixtuia Furniture for Sale- A fine lot of household furniture can le purchased at a moderate price, also a fine residence can he rented which is m a convenient location for parties wishing to keep hoarders. There arc several larcc rooms in the house which would find ready tenants. For information ap ply at this office. lOjt. BANANAS A B.LE$lNa THERE. Salvador Makes rretty Jsearly Everything Out of the Fibers of t!c Tree. A Salvadorian, with the dark eyes and "inky hair of his country, talked to a reporter tho other day about the Central American banana tree. Tho tceo is 2 to a feet in circumference at its base. Its tap ering fibrous biidy, without a branch, is from 10 to 15 feet in height. Tho fibers, separated by a thin pith, are as long as the body of the tree. These flbers are used iu Salvador, jus as they are taken from the tree, as shoe Strings and as eords for all purpo.-.os. The natives u-e them largely for bridie reins and lariats. The raw material costs only trans portation to the ropewalks. Each banana tree bears in the twelve months of its existenee oidy one bunch of fruit, but from two to ten trees spring from the roots of the one that lias fallen. In Sal vador the bunch of bananas is wortl; f teen cents, and the dead tree nothing. A cordage - American Cei.tral-S. i-oma V'JX t.imercial Union-England, Kire Association-Philadelphia. Franklin-rhiladelphla, York. Ins. Co, of North America, Phil. Uverpool.tLiadrtii & Jlohe-Eng North i'.riti-di Mercantile-En 4 orwich Union-England. Springfield K. . M. -Springfield, Assets 5I.2.1S.100 " 2.-Vt!.314 4.4 13.576 3.1 1T.100 7.K.-5.5( 0 Furnished House to Rent. A furnished house is open to tenants at a moderate n.te. The proprietor offers fact0rv or paper mill or coffee sack maker, . !..,..,, f-.inllr thnt. rents the were not the dead trees numberless, would ., .. . t u etve for each tree ten times the varne of tho house. Any family without small child- g?1.! croduced Spljt, dried and ren can have a cood chance ny mquuiug of AV. W. Cole. Total AseH, ? 12.115,774 Losss3 Aijnstnd sua Pail at tlis Apncy WHEN YOU WANT Ladies, Attention ! Recamicr Toilet Preparations which c.wa.7si inciua0 Cream, ll.din, Moth, and Freckle TS'S Lotion, Powder and Toilet Soap, are sold 3nu.''..i5 only by Gering & Co., and recommended hy the following society ladies : les damcs Adelina Patti-Nicolini, James lirown Potter, I.illie I.angtry, Sarah Bernhardt, Helena Modjeska, Fanny Kavenport, Clara Louise Kellogg and ue hundred ollicis. tf. WORK DOM -OF- Any 2SLxxci CALL OX 3Ea. Larson, Cor. 12th and Granite Streets. Contractor aud Builder Sept. 12-Cm. packed, the bodies of the banana trees might be shipped proiltably to tho United States; but there is no reason why Borne enterprising American would not take them iu hand and ship to Salvador the proper machinery for their manufacture, as labor is fully two- thirds cheaper there than m ew i ork. In Salvador ropewalks are found in untre- quented streets aud suburban roads. Tho native machinery consists of a crank attached to an upright board, with which a native boy twists the fibers of the bandana and cac tus. A man skilled in the ropewalker's art splices the fibers together, adding to the lencth and thickness of the revolving cora The stem of eaiU banana leaf consists of the touchest and finest threads, and thet5 leaves, two and a half and three feet wide, and ten to fifteen feet long, resting on the heads of native women, are umbrellas in the rainy season in rootless market places and streets of Salvador. These are the carpets on which. Job work done en the Herald office. short notice at Will J. "Warrick has the best and larg est stock of wallpaper in the city, their t vies are new and fresh and no job lots of the people sit and the beds on which they J . . . . . ... i . sleep. "There is a fine opportunity," said last year s m-i$$n run off, if you want the latest and best leenrtment of IieV JTOods SCC Warrick's stock. C. F. SMITH, The Boss Tailor. Main Sr., Over Merit s' Sluv Store. lias the best nnd most complete stock of samples, both foreign and domestic woolens that ever came west of Missouri river. Note these prices: Uusiuc?i suits from $10 to $:55, dress suits, $25 to $45, pants $4, aud upwards. l?"Vill guaranteed a fit. Prices Defy Competition. arsains in Parasols ! Cream Lace Covered and lM-ec Silk Luce Trimmed I'.-uuh. Is worth trom $4.00 to ft.".00, now $SJ.0. Cre:un and Black Luce-Covered IWfieols that H.ld from ..0 to sS.00, reduced to $o.00. Black J5e:ilel Lace-Covcred Tara.-ols that sold at 8!..r,), reduced to Fancv Striped Coachin- Jara?ols that bold for 5.00 reduced to 3. 44 J it 4t ' " ' from so.r.O to KS.OU re- duced to $0.00, Silk Sun Umbrellas at Greatly lied need 1 Bomhazinc Parasols at (ireatly ruceu 1 rice?. Alpaca and ONE DOOR EAST FIRST NATIONAL BANK. J. E- BOBBINS, ARTIST, IXSTRI'CTIONS C1VEN IN FINE OIL PAINTINC WATER COLORS. ETC. ALL I.OVEUS Of AltT A UK INVITED T ) CALL ANJ STUDIO OVER OLIVER & RAMSE MEAT market;. T3. KEMPSTER, Practical Piano and Organ Timer AND IlKPAlTiFK. First-class work guaranteed. Also deal er in Pianos and Orsans. Office at Hoeck'i furniture store, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. J. C, BO CITE, BARBER AND HAIR DRESSER. All work first-class; west Fifth Street North liobeit Sherwood's Stoic. K. Ii. Win nil am, JoiinA. Dames, Notary l'uMic. Notary Public. W1MIUAH& IIAVIES, Attorsievs - at - Law. Offiee over llank of Cass County. PLATTSMOtTII, - - NeBKASKA dwlw the Salvadorian, "for some enterprising American with a small capital to do a thriv ing trade end make money by introducing western ideas and machinery to the people of Salvador." 2ew York Mail and Express. N. SULLIVAN, Attorney at. Law. Ilest in the world. German Vegetable Liver Pills. For sale by Germg & Lo. Those elegant Hecamier Toilet pre parations at Gering & Co's. Men's canvass shoo at Merges', only 85 cents, everything cheap. tf. The cheapest shoe3 at Merges . tf. Hardly Worth While. Dakota Man (with head out of car window) Anythin' interestin' coin' on this yere town today, stranger? Citizen There's a hangin this artemoon. Dakota Man Single or double! Citiaen Single. Dakota Man Only a single, eh I Waal, I recken I wont stop off. Tid Bita. Will give prompt Attention to all bueinesi" in truster! to Mm. Olnce in union lilocK, r.a side, riattsinoutli. Neb. Fire Insurance written In the Etna, Phoenix and Hartford by Windham &. Davies. B.&. M. Time Table. (JOISO WKT. No. 1. I :5f a. in. o, a. 6 :-10 p. in. No. R 3 :3-r a. m. No. 7.--T :-15 p. in. No. . .6 :17 p. 111. H. W. GSULT Has moved and is now in the Sherwood room, Cor. rth and Main Sts., where he is better able to show his Large Stock of "Watches, CLOCKS AUD JEWELRY ! Than ever before, nnd will as an induce ment sell von Watches way down. Call and i;et the Special Prices in Gobi Watch es; iTwill surprise you. A Full Line ol the best st vies ot Jewelry ami silverware. Repairing will be given Spicial Atten tion. All work warranted to give satis faction. wm: brq w k k, T-,-W OFFICE. Personal attention to all Business Entrust- to my care. ros ! O .5 XOTAKY IX OK KICK. Titi.a KvMtnined. Abst.uct" f'oinpi'.ed. In surance Wi itten, Real Estate Sold. ill IOC op 0" ' 'A . 1 u - ui Better Fwliili.'s loi' ii!a!;inii Farm Loans Any Other Ageacjr Plattsmoutii, w 1 i 1 1 o W o "7 Colic, Dianluca and Summer com plaints are dangerous at this season of the year and the only way to guard against these diseases is to have constant ly on hand a bottle of some reliable rem edy. IJcggs Diarrha-a Balsam is a POS ITIVE RELIEF in all these disagreeable cases and is pleasant to take. It will 1 cost you only 3 ."5 cents. O. P. Smith & . Co., Druggists. Use Tdackberry Cordial for Diarrha-a and Dysentery. Guaranteed to give satisfaction. Sold only by Gering & Co. I I No, 2. I :2 J. III. No. 4. 10 ::!0-a. tn. No. f 7 :l-t p. m. No. 8.-9 :" :i. rii. No. 10. 9 :43 a. m. i tinina run ihiilv bv wav of CUTiaha. except Nns. 7 and 8 which run to and from Schuyler daily fxcent Sunday. No. 30 is a Ktub to Pacific Junction at s 30.a.m. No. 19 is a stub from Pacific Junction at 11 a.ui. Plenty of feed. Hour, graham and meal at "i feiscrs mill, tf When your skin is yellow. When your skiu is dark and greasy. When your skin is rough and course When Vour skin is inflamed and red. When your skin is full of blotches. When your skin is full of pimples you need a good blood medicine that can be relied upon. Beggs' Blood Purifier and Blood Maker is warranted as a positive cure for all of the above, so you cannot possibly run any risk when you get a bot tle of this wonderful medicine. For sale by O. P. Smith & Co. jVf&ESF JSCS' pREPApEDjSOFIHG M4 E (" 1 1 u ' '--jr- mm AJNfD ApTY CLIMATE. O Send fr Circular. IFO IR, SALE JLT HAVEN & RHODES Oraalia, ITeb. (Name this paper in your ordr.) (