7? mm V'STP IK J71 I, I A V- III f f LA III X 7 v 0 ( far rillST f 11 Alt iwwv iiWIP ZSjvJM.Jipjp PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY EVENINCJ, JUM' 11, 1S88. GITV OKiaGKljS. hoce and murphy arrested. xuaiisiutsMu Mayor, iMerk, Tcvutirer, Attirny, J:ii)iiiir, Aliiri-liall, Couiicilincii, lit want, 2ml 41 h. KoiiiU 1'ub.Woikn 1 .1 W.1 KllKO hi ii i K.M. KlCIIKV VV K Kox JAMR-I rATTKKMON, .IK. - JIVHo.V I'LAHK - A Maimm.k S Cl.l KKOIIO V II MAI.ICK j J V V K4KH4CH I A SAI.lfKUK V ) I) M Jo.NKS I Mil. A Kill I'M AK t M It Ml. lll ll V !S W )ll I TON ) ItoV O'Co.NNOIl. I I IIUALLKN, J Ilia Johns n.chaiumak (iolf DK.it Iawk.iWohtii General Manager Stone Swears Out Warrants Against Them. The"Q" Conspiracy. f -mm ciiiCAio., Jnij ll. General Manager Treasurer. l'inity 1're-tturer, - Cu-rk. l'luty Cl-rk. Hfconler ol 1.'-U iMpmy lCu-rler lrk I District Court, htiorlii, Hiirtfi'yor. - -Al!.lu'y. Kui jr of Co.4ly D. A. Cam i'i ki.l, Tium. I'm. lock Bum CnnciiKiKW Kxa Cl:l rrHKim.o W. II. I'dlJL .! IN M. I.KVOA W. C KIIOWAL.TKK J. C. KlKKNHAKV A. MaUDI.K Al.I.KN l'.KKSl.N Mav.vahd Skin k O. ItfMSICLL ItOAItO OK SUl'KHVISOHS. A. I!. Tono. Cli'm., - - riattsmouth Loim Koi.tz. - Weeping Water A. 15. lir.'Kso.f, - Eiiuwuod GIVIG SOGIJ'VJP.MS. 1A?S UmiiK No. llti. 1 O. O. F. -Meets " Vvry TiiuHiljiy evening of each week. All trnijKM-iit hrothers are ri-Hpectfully iuvited to alt ml. JM.ATTMOl'TII KNC'A.M I'M KNT No.S.I.O. () V.. meelrt evfrv ;iltern:ite Kritl:iv in each inoiith In the Maxoiiii; Hall, l.rtitlieri are i.ivited to attend. V isitiiig fjiKIO LOOCK NO. hi. A. O. V. V. Meets mrery attentat Friday evening at K. of 1. Iiall. 1 r;inii'nt brothers ar respectfully iu vited foattend. K. . I. iMirjaii, Master Workman ; K. S. li-tr-tow. Foreman ; Frank lirown. Over m cer ; I. IJmven, liuido; ISeoie HouHu'ortli. Kerorder ; II. .1. Johnson, Financier; Yah. Hmilli. Keceiver ; M. Maj hrlfjht. I'act M. W. ; Jack Diiuhi l ly. Inside liuard. of America Mei'M second and fourth Mou- d ay eveuing at K. of 1. hall. All transient I'l'nti.er are reipiested to meet, with u. L. A. Ncii ner, WueraMe. (Noisnl ; H. F, Nile, Worihy Adviser ; S. C. Wilde, Banker; V. A. JUucek, Clerk. Ifl-VETSMOUTJI MI)JE XO.B.A.O. V. W. -- Meet every alternate Friday evening nt Koekwootl halt at m o'clock. All transient broth ern are retpectf ully invited lo attend. L. S. I, arson. M. W. ; F. liovd. Foreman : K. C. Vv'iltl e. llecorder ; Leonard Anderson. Overseer. II I. AT I'SMOl'TH UHMiEMI.fl, A. F. & A.M. M'ets on the lirft and third Mondays of eaeh month nt their hall. All transient hrolh- r ;ire cordially invited to meet with us. J. (. Kii-iik v, V. M. Wit. II Ays. S.'rretary. fHAPTFIl. NO. .t, K. A. M fourth Tuesday of each month nt .MafonV Hall. Transuit-lit lirothers are invited to meet with us. F. E. White, 11. P Wm. Hays, Secretary. ZION COMMA 1. K V. NO. 5. K. T. lee! first and third Wrdnesdny niirht of eaeh month at M iso hall. YtsitinK lrothern hre erdia)iy invited to meet with us. vVm. IIavs, l:ee. F. K. Wiiitk. F. C. m McCOHIHIE POST HOST Kit. .1. V. Johnson C S i M.s K. A. ISATK lilto. Nll-EH... IIMtY SriK!liHr M '.i.on Dixon C:Li:l.KS F:!l Arriti'.K.-oN KllV.... rSi.'.l ;.iH:j".Kil.N I,, i'. Cl ItTM f.Veiinr Saturn. iy ewioiix Stone wf the Chicago, IJurlinton A Quin cy railroad last night swore out a warrant for the arrest of Stewart E. Hoge, chair man of the grievance committee of the Iirothcrhood of Locomotive Eniner- O " J and John Murphy, charniMti of the Fire meu's Erotlierliood. The warrant was placed in Inspector JJonfield'a hands and early this morning the arrests were made and the prisoners lodged in the central station, subsequently, at the request of the road, a continuance was taken uuti Saturday, and the two men were admitt ed to bail in the sum of 1,.00 each. The charges made against them is conspiracy in writing and sending out the following circular: "Chicaoo, April 18, 1S8S. To C. E. ana a. l,. Division, Xo. : The Chicago. Hurhngton & Quincy haveonlv about one-half of the men they had prior to the strike. They want about four hun dred or five hundred. more engineers. "We have decided to call on you to furnish one or two men from your division. We will ask the same of nil divisions through out the country to come and apply for situations on the Q' under assumed names, and, as soon as they go to work to correspond with John Sowers, Nation al hotel, Chicago, for instructions. The object is to disable engines in every way they can, and on a given day to quit work in a body after receiving instructions from us. The company is on one leg and by this means we propose to take the other. We don't want any of them to come here, j iui ro maKe applications at the followin points: Aurora, Galeibnrg, Burlino-ton resron. nattsmoutn, Lincoln and Mc cook. . Jje careful whom you select to come. We want men that don't tnlk ton much, and who are not in the habit of drinking. Supply them with plenty cf saUoda and emery. Have them get leave of absence for thirty or more days. "I'. S. riease don't let this outside ccept with yourselves and the men you select to come, l'lease answer on receipt oi mis. lours iraternally. S. E. Hook. Chairman G. C. Room 34. Grand Pa- iTITE WONDERFUL FLEA. HIS EYES MULTIPLY OBJECTS A THOUSAND TIMES. ON THE SHORE. ' EKUASKA Meets .second and citic hotel, Chicago. 45 C. A. R. ...I'o-nmauder. ..Kenior Vice " .Junior " Adjutant. i. M. fiiei'rtf the lay. Utiard Ser;t Major. ..IJuarter Master Kerist. I'ost Clialilain Ladies, Attention ! Kecamier Toilet Preparations which include Cream, Ijalm, Moth and Freckle Lotion, Powder and Toilet Soap, are god only by Genng & Co., and recommended by the following society ladies : Ies dames Adelina Patti-Nicolini, James Brown Potter, Lillie Langtry, Sarah Bernhardt, Ileleni Modjeska, Fanny Eavenport, Clara Louise one hundred others. tf. Kellogg and WHEN YOU WANT -OF- CALL ON Cor. 12th and Granite Streets. Contractor and Builder Sept. 12-fim. Son H,E.Pa!mer& INSURANCE AGENTS Represent the following time tried and lire-tested companies: American Central-S. Louis, Commercial Uuioii-EngIaQd, Firo Association-Philadelphia. Franklin-Philadelphia, Home-New Vork. Ins. C, of North Americt, Phil. LIverpool&Lon Jon & Ol.!ie- Ens North I?ri;ish . Mercantile-Eux ynnvieh L'lilon-Cgland. Hpriu.old F. & M.-Spiingfield, Total Assets, 842.115 Assets ?1. 25.?,loo 2..W5.3U 4,115,576 3.117,106 7.8J5..K 9 8.174.3C2 C.6.J9.7S1 3,37S,751 1.245.4iW 3,014.915 r74 BAD BLOOD. There is not one thing that puts a man or woman at such disadvantage before the w orld aa vitiated state of the blood. Your ambition is gone. Your courage lias failed. Your vitality has left you. Your languid step and listless ac tions siic;y that you need a powerful in yigoratorj ojie boifle of Begg-'" Bipod Purifier and Blood Maker wiff put pew life in a worn out system, and it it does HO! !? V!ll COsl you nothing. 6. P. Smith k C o., Druggists. Lasses Adjust?.! ana Paifl at thisAgency WM rv. II R o w IE, Personal attention to my care. to all Business Entrust- XOTARV IV OFFICE. Titles Examined. Abstarefs Ciimni'l i. surance Written. Real Kstate Sold. Better Facilities for in akin? Farm Loan than Any Other Agencv, FlatUraoutli, - Xeb l;a BANANAS A BLESSING THERE. &!v:iloc Slakes Irctty Nearly Everj-thing Uiit ol tlio Fiber of the Tree. A yo-.ing Salvadorian, with the dark eyes uuu niKy nair oi hjs country, talked to a reporter the other day about the Central American banana tree. Tho tree is 2 to 3 feet in circumference at Its base. Its tap ering uorous Douy, without a branch, is from iu to i. teet in lieisht. The fibers, separated by a thin pith, are as long as tho bodv of the tree. These filers are used in Salvador, just as luey are taKen from the tree, as shoe strings and as cords for all purposes. The natives use them largely for bridle reins and lariats. 1 he raw material costs only trans portation to tne ropewalKS. i-ach banana tree bears in the twelve months of its existence only one bunch of irutt, but from two to ten trees spring from mc roots or trie one that has fallen. In Sal vador the bunch of bananas is worth nfteen cents, and the dead tree nothing. A cordage iacxory or paper mm or coffee sack maker, were not tho dead trees numberless, would give for each tree ten times the valne of tho fruit it has produced. Split, dried and packed, the bodies of the banana trees might be shipped profitably to tho United States; but there is no reason why some enterorisinff American would not tako them in hand and ship to Salvador the projxjr machinery for thfjir manufacture, as labor is fully two thirds cheaper there than in Sew York. In Salvador ropewalks are found in unfre quented streets and suburban roads. The native machinery consists of a crank attached to an upright board, with which a native boy twists the fibers of the bandana and cac tus. A man skilled in the ropewalker's art splices the fibers together, adding to the length and thickness of the revolving cord. The stem of each banana leaf consists of the toughest and finest threads, and these leaves, two and a half and three feet wide, and ten tp fifteen foet long, resting on the heads of native women, arc umbrellas in the rainy season in roofless market places and streets of Salvador. These are the carpets on which tho people sit and the Leds on which they tieep. '-There u a fine opportunity," said tho Salvadorian, -'for some enterprising Aiiifricon with a small capital to do a thriv jug trade end make money by introducing western ideas and machinery to the people of Salvador," yew York ilail and Express. Apiwarance Under the Microscope man ner of Ilreatulng Not Known The Flea'i Great Strength Several Varieties Great F?ghter Rapidity of Multiplication. Jtusput our flea under the microscope. It soems to be clothed In a sort of armor formed of brown, overlapping plates that ae so exceedingly tough as to bo almost in destructible. Its head is small and vr-rv thin, and It has a singlo eye upon each sida. This eye is black, and tho rays of light scin tillate within it like sparks of fire, Puget managod to look through one of these eyes, and he found that it diminished objects in size, m hilo it multiplied them in numbers a man appearing like an army of fairies, and the flame of a candle Incoming a thousand tiny stars. From the shape of its head, and for other reasons, the flea is supposed to use only ono eye at a time. Tho offensive wennon of tho flea is composed of two palpi, or feel ers, two piercers and a tongue. When it feeds it stands erect, thrusting this nicker into the flesh; and it will eat without inter mission until disturbed, for it voids as fast as it swallows its food. It is interesting to put several in a glass, and, giving them a piece of raw meat, seo them all standing on their hind legs to suck up its juices. MANNER OF BREATIII.VO. Their manner of breathincr is still mWr. mined, but it is thought most nroKihln ti.nf they receive air into their bodies th.-r.no4. small holes at the end of tho palpi. The legs of a flea aro marvels of strenh and elasticity. Thev are ioined tnthirr by long tendons that net like wire springs. In making its leap, which, it is said, e.-.n cover two hundred times its own length, the flea draws the leg up closo to tho hnoV an.i then throws it out with great force; but the impulse proceeds from tho hVsfc the othei-s only increasing it by their stretch while the leap is being mada Fleas are possessed of great strength. Mouffet tells of a mechanic who made a gold chain, as long as his finger, that a flea dragged after him, and a golden chariot which he drew also. Bingley writes of a watenmater in the Strand who had an ivory four wheeled chaise, with a coach man on its box, drawn by a flea. The samo man afterwards made a caniago with six horses, a coachman, four persons Inside, two footmen behind and a postilion on one of tho horses, all of which was drawn by a sin gle flea. Latriella mentions a flea which dragged a silver cannon of twenty-four times its own weight, mounted on wheels, and showed no fear when it was charged w't' gunpowder and fired oft. says'thafc lie saw three fleas drawing a tiny omnibus; that a pair drew a chariot, and that a hrass can non was dragged by a single one. SEVERAL VARIETIES, There are several varieties p.f fleas, but they are so much alike that' their differences arc interesting only to scionlificppopla Tho cat flea will do as well as any to show us the processor breeding. Oming the SDrinsr and summer months she simply drops her e"s into the fur of the cat: but in tho autumn and winter she glues each firmly upon a hair. These eggs are so smell oq to bo barely vis ible me naktJ eye, but under tho inicro- scopft they aro very beautiful, looking like the loveliest pearls, and are perfectly trans lucent The flea deposits nearlv 200 nt. time, running about and dronnin-r thnm and there. Thev s-tu i..tni. Arit -efi ... . . , , . . 1- . T" " " anient, white, footless worms. In from one to two weeks they go Into cocoon. Xothfn n . Fcmer man tms cocoon. I w sh I ml,l show it to you, but will try to describe it. It is liko a flask of clear class, tino-ed nt rh edges with pearly tints, and dotted oyer wifu gold. 5?ho little - slPeDer 'withm' ir'tr. 'o circle, ii rose colqred and looks like the deli cate petal of a flower. In about tdx weeks ha reaches maturity. At first, i.a u l i, - than . -: , " . f, , uuc when well fed grows quickly in size and strength. Fleas are quarrelsome, and great fighters. When ceypral are confined in aglassthev will stand on thoir hind legs, strikingat their opponents with the others, and roll over and over each other, losine lees and antenna nnd at last giving up their lives in the fight. There is a record of a flea which li ved ten days after 6uch an encounter with no an-1 tennaB, three plates of his side broken in, one eye gone, and with only four legs, and thea cut off to the first joints, Fleas are supposed to feel a great antipathy to wormwood and other bitter herbs; and in England the country people have a habit of placing these about their cottasres for the Jease, O stormy wind, thy walllnjl Cease thy roorlnjr, restless sea I AH night long thy billows beating. Like strong souls in agony. On the tempest, laodward sweeping. Sailor voices come to me. And I see a close reefed vessel Tossing on an angry sea. Long I watched her in the offing. Till tho night shut down the day Sleepless watchers still are waiting For their kindred long away; Peering through the 6tormy darkness. With their weary, anxious eyes. Watching, waiting, hoping, fearing. While the waters higher rise. Oaso, O cease, thou roaring ocean I Hear you not my bitter cry? O'er my loved your waters rolling, In your suuless caves they lie. And my eyes o'crflow with weeping When 1 hear those billows moan." Oh, the hearts that thou hast broken, Only to their aod are known. A. E. Torter. How She Found tlint Out. "I say, old fellow," said Dlakely, meeting his friend Harry D. on the street, "I saw vou aud Edith pass each other yesterday without a sign of recognition. I tlv.i v engaged V "I thought so, too," said Harry with deep sigh; "but that's off." "How's that?' VVC1I, its all OWin? to thnsa inferno I fashions some of tho women wear now hat. coat, vest, collar and shirt front, for all the wyim uko tuose worn by tho male 6ex. They'll make a raid on our pantaloons next." I aon t quite understand explain." wen, you see, I quietly entered Bob ureenoag s law oflice nbout dusk one evening last week, and saw Bob sitting behind a de&k witu ms back toward ine. I stealthilv an. proached, gavo him a vigorous and familiar slap on the shoulder and cried: 'I have come tor you, om manl. You must go with me aown to ilatchley's. Lot of gay girls will be there that pretty little blonde you were mashed on In the ballet at tho Blank theatre and I'm going for the plump variety singer the ono I had out to lunch the other night, when we all got a little uproarious, you kpow. Como, what d'ye sayf Is it a goT aud I tilted his hat down over his eyes, and that set tled it." ''How settled itl Did Bob to his cousin Edith!" "Naw. It wasnt Bob at all. It was the charming Edith herself, dressed in a tailor made, masoulinlsh suit: and the Arctic look she gave me as sho swept out of the ofOce without a word told me that my matrimonial hopes In that quarter were everlastingly blasted. Well, so long." Drake's Magazine. Real Estate liar gams KXAMINK OUR LIST. Dr. G A. Marshall. t'ONSISTINti OK CHOICE LOTS - X 3T givo you away Mme. Rlstcrrc SU,f Face. ArctLer great artist who devoted much time to disguising her face was Mm l?i- I tori, whoso singular features allowed her to assume, with extraordinary success an idealized likeness of the hercipand historical personages whea parts sLci generally acted Nothing could exceed the minute care and delicacy with which she worked to make herself strikingly like Mary Stuart, for in stance. Seated in front of a looking glass, with all her boxes of powders and pastes and her brushes systematically arranged en th& toiiet table, she would literally copy upon her own face all the Uhes which sho .-,w in a fine pic turo of Mary Stuart which was placed close by her. Her most striking "make up," however was that of Elizabeth. Sno fca-4 purchased at great ??pe.te, when in. England, "several xcellohy original pictures of Queen Bess, taken at various jwriods of her life, and also a great number of engravings, and when she plaj-ed Giacometti's tragedy she had all her pictures with her, and between tho acts, wHa surprisinsr rapidity. FAtai " Recording to them, coLat ' tha 'spectators saw her grow ld from, act to act, and in tho last scene, in wmch sho died, her reproduction on her own face and figure of the ravages of remors "vas quite appalling. New York Journal. UbUUi P ui ii 21 lots in Thompson's addition. 40 lots in Townsend's addition. Lot 10 block 13S, lot 5 block 1 01. Lot 1 block fi, lot (i block !.). Lot 11, block 111, lot 8, block 01. LOTS IX Vlll'Mi AXU HAYs' AIUUTIOX. Lots in Palmer's addition. Lots in Duke's addition. Improved, property of all dcsciiptions and in all parts of the city on easy terms. A new and desirable residence in" South Park, can be boaght on monthly payments. jjciore purchasing tlseu here, call and see if we cannot suit vou better. 15 S,MTIST ! 1'rencrvalioii of natural teeth a fpeclalty. I'tclli u tnu It l without i,t l,u ue of Lstxtvhing (Jin. All work warranted. Prices reasonable. FxTzaKitAi.n'rt Block, Pi. r i hmoutii. Nkh DRS. CAVE & SMITH, "Painlocs Dentists." The only IientiM In llu' v, S enniroling HiU isew V'lciii I'-xtriirliiigand I- lillng 1 ,7c I h wlllioiit lain, luir niiaeMliflie is en llrely lice from CllXOKOrOKIU OK KTHHIC ami is Aiisoi.ti icj.v Harmless - To - All, GOLD CEOWNS, COLD CAPS, BBIDGE VML me verv I nest . mii.. i,. i- very llncsi. mjlee in i lie C'llit'ijf' Ilattjiieutll. I.l"ii 'l:k. Block, over lTtrtiko. GO rXC3 Win. Kcrold & Son if'ort Cry Goods. Notions Boots and Siiocs or Ladies and fields FUKNISIIING- (iOODS. lie keeps as large mid us v. tll SHJXiJUCTOJ'ZD STOCJr As can lc found any place ku the cily an J niako you prices I lull defy coiii,cijUoii. AjjciiIs for Harp'-r's Bazar faitcrus m Ball's Corsels. nound north of ad ioiiiip Hfuth TI acres of imi)iovcd the city limits. o acres of ground Park. 5) Uk.e of ground adjoining South Park. Park, 2i Herts near South Park: 14, T. 10, R. 12, Cass county, 800, if sold soon. mv i sec. e T, 3v, if. io, price a,000. A valuable improved stock -ueinck Co., Xel'., 100 reosoni;ble terms. ISTJSW ICE MET We have our house r.lled vviili A FINK QUALITY OF ICE, And are prepared to deliver it dllV toourcus tttmeis in any ipiatdity desired. ALL 0EDEBS PKOMPTLY riLLED. Bcae cutlers willi 23EA.XJMEIsrrE;n pec- At idort: on .Sixth SI I cel. lally of AVe jiiake a CUTTING,PACKIITQ And Loading C'un. Kor tci write. ins see us or acres of ground adjoining South Se i sec. price $1,- L C. MfMAKEN & SON. Telephone 72, - - Flattsmoutli acre Cass Co., fram in a a 'd on C F.SMIT H, The Boss Tailor. Main St., Over Mwcs1 Slice Store. Ifas the befct and most conijdltc stock of samples, both foreign ami domestic woolens that ever came weii of Mifesouri river Xote thest; pricts: liusincsa suits from sio to suits, 25 to $45 pants $1, pr. n,)(1 U1)ward3 Ci V ill guaranteed a fit. V-..V U 1 purpose of banishing the lively little nests S. L. Clayes in The Swiss Ci o :oko Vt ' c.-j-v :av s-::l'.y cxj-h i'he vi-.'flni-i :k'i 'iio!;i' luiu .oaded tin.- : .:! i, ca.se.; t Ami ran v (.'.';. tscsi to tlx-i' Jli'O -?'. '!.! If: I :-. j Windham & DavieS. Prices FefyWCompelilion. .1 v. fili!:: ;1 ytil! mode of life Las iiot the laws of lteat:'i. 1 Ijeen ;i' i well. to t:iko nr.' : Isa vu o. i i "..:. r f'.-.Hi. VU" w;:;.ji llu- V.li'i.-!! V.-Jili 1 l!"re.'rt f;.;- ill.! Clcn Over to Worryins. But the fact remains that this volatile, restless nation is given over to too much worrying, and that mental reDoso is a Mr! I v noeded clement in the A inipip?iTi'c ri.it-rt VV here ono business man dies of soli.l uaiu nor, a score rtasu tha shmlnvrir r-, by reason of wonimcnt. Thero is a vnqt stretch of middle ground between the worry ing, and the careless, improvident, shiftless nature, and Americans are found at tho ex tremes, rarely at this jroldon moan. A .-. reoult, lutui bhoot, drown and Doison thein- selrc?, or so to an insane asylum whiln vat i-, tho meridian of life's brief dav. Thpv iucu ..ajr arncE- surrounoing dillicullies as an eigut cornereJ block wcidd blimp down a 4-........ The easy roins mortal does not hnmn- ha iJ.i.. . ... . . ' ' ov.3 vi iojjs im-ousn lire, and he is the man that becomes mellow through nianv vp.nrs uu iJeriorate, poison or drown him sen, nor uoes a softened brain bring him to an asyium, nor overstrained faculties result in madness. A determination to lpfc orhr do tho worrying will save many precious uioiifluar up oceans or uffliapouiess and wearing misery that are as profitless and nur- poselesa aa they are bitter. Pittsburg Bulle- evory on ill risics. The clothing shouMhy i.'-lil. thai worn ii..-.-;t t! e Lo.ly should be of mi;;1' materia; capabi..1 of readily ulisurbii! ihe v;i - tion. "ool is in-obabh-1 ) li- pr (' j: i-.-J, ;-.nu it should le piuv-.al. ii,.-:-.- d v.-jt h ....... i - . f ; , . i-wtcun. mo uoan uari::- very warm weacher nothing is lieiter tha:i a :Lr&v hut for not only is it of light weight, bat. if pro;v erly m:idt, free pas.s.-igeol' air rir.m.l thu hea.l takes place. The so called Panama bats, which are so closely woven that tiiov w ill hold water, arc; the worst posaibio coverings for the head in summer. It is a remarkable fact that suns'. r...!;;.s re very seldom met with among ersous wi.-ocr-ixise themselves to the full l:eat of tho sun in the country or outside of the limits t!f largo cities. They were very infrequent in the army during the lare civil war, though the men were often subjected for man- ilavs a ur.ie lo tuo most intense scdar. h'yit and too wmie enjra.'reti , fic-laiii. or in a this IISU MM tin. A Reciprocity of Trade. "Did tho doctor bring: the new babv. ma f isked Bobby. " " "Yes, dear." "Where did the doctor get it?" 'Little babies como from God, Bobby." "Oh, I see," said Bobby, after sufficient thought; "God sends people to the doctors, and after awhile the doctors send 'em back to Cod." Tho Epoch, making long marches, or in field work of various kinds. Although often serving le fore tho war with troops on the plains, where tho rays of tho sun fall upon the body unob structed by even a tree or a bush, I do not recollect to have seen a single ease of sun stroke. Dr. William A. Hammond in New York World. Tho Young Husband' Share. "Oh, yes," remarked Ketchly, in a self satisfied way, "L,ulu and I will" start out in married life under very favorable circum stances. Iler mother gives us a neat little home, her father furnishes it and her Uncle De bong has stocked one of t he neatest stables in the city. Besides Lulu has a snug income in her own name." "What part do you fur pish j" "Well, principally the nanie prin tipallr the name." Tid Bits. The unhapplest Americans in all are those w ho cannot como home. in order to carve out a fortune r m I be sharp. The Epoch, Consult your best interests by insuring in the Phoenix, Hartford or -ditna com panies, about which there is no question as to their high standing and fair dealiug. TORNADO POLICIES. The present year bids fair to be a dis astrous one from tornadoes and wind storms. This is fore-shadowed by the number of storms we haye already had the most destructive one so far this year having occurred at Jit. Vernon, 111., where a large number of buildings were destroyed or damaged. The exemption from tornad ocs last year renders their oc currence more probable in 1888. Call at our ofike and secure a Tor nado Policy. Unimproved lands for sale change. J. E. ROBBINS, ARTIST, IXSTKUCTIONS ;i i; FINE OIL PAINTING WATER COLORS. ETC. ALL LOVKKS OK A KT AI!F. INVITED T ) ("A I.I. AMI -AIMIIILTjrr: 2ST WOEK OVER OLIVER & HAMSE MEAT MARKET. STUDIO 33. KEMPSTEE, Practical Piano and Organ Toner AND Uh.VMKV.li. First-class work guaranteed. Also deal er in Pianos and Organs. Oflice at Eoeck's furniture store, I'lattsmouth, Nebraska. J. C, BOOITK, BARBER AND HAIR DRESSER. All work first-class; west Fifth Street. North Robert Shei wood's Store. II.B. Windham, John a. Jjavikm. Notary Public. Notary Tuhlic. WIMUIAJIA lAVIl:w, Attorneys - at - Law. Oflice over Hank of Ca.s ( oiiiily. Pi.ATTssioi.-i ii, - - Nki:iiaska. or cx- Fire Insurance written in the Etna, Phoenix and Hartford by Windham A, Davies. A. N. SULLIVAN. Attorney at l.nw. Will itc ijk.jmi.i aiM-iiiKiri To a tm.ii!.K in :inn. niu- in L'uii.i: Iilock. Kast trusted tci idc. I'lattsuiouth. Neb B, &. M. Time Table. WINDHAM &DA7IBS. PLATT&MOUTH, NEB. r.oi.vt; wk'-t. No. 1. 4 :.rxi a. m. NV. 4 :4o p, m. No. !) :.-r, a. m. No. T.--7 :r, p. u. No. ii.-G :17 l. ni. OOINO KASr. No. 2 4 :.-, p. in. No. 4. 10 ::;o sj. No. n 7 :l.'l i. m N. f.u Z9 ;t. t:i. No. 10.--U ATj .t All trains run dailhy Wivid Oiii:;l,a. xcei.t Nos. , and a which run to ai.rt from -liuiltr dally except Sunday. 111 r x-11 ls a st"" PaelBe .Iimctioii atHa m No. 19 Is a stuh troia faciiic Jnnctluu at it a,iu ft ''A ii- x ;