i Ui-"iMii;i i'Lariuo Jiti, ni;AJU Al irMrrfVA Y, JULY 10, 1888. The Evening Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. A. Kalixbarv, Deatlut, Itoeknooil Itaildln, Irphone .o. X. Dr. Khftlaa, 0(Dc In Sherwood Mark. KwtU ar for. Sixth aa'l U ran It. Trlrphoae So. 42. I'm. Ct A Kmlth, the Palnlma Ih-ntUla, I'alon Block, oitr Cltlxrn' Van a, I'lattnoiouth. CITY CORDIALS. Miss Ct-lia Scverin, of Cedar Falls, la., is visiting Mijs Harbara Gering, of this city. Wanted A girl to do general house work, f 4.00 jcr week paid to one that is competent. Apply to Mrs. Dr. IL It. Liv ingston. Mr. Allen Uccson left last night for Alabama, where lie goes to examine a title to a large plantation in the interests of an Iowa capitalist. Mr. Z Waterman, superintendent of the Clutauqua grounds at Crete, is a brother of Messrs. John and Henry Watciman of this city. r Judge Itusscll issued " a license to wed last evening to Rev. W. II. Vance of Saline county, and Miss Susie Brew ster of Weeping Water. There will be a special meeting of the "VV tonight at the Presbyterian church. Meeting called promptly at 8 o'clock. All members are requested to be present. Mr. Fred Woodson, proprietor of the Cottage house received a couple of possums the other day, which he lias on exIiiMtion at the house, them in Missouri. The W. IS. C. of this city will give a raspberry and ice-cream festival at the Ci. A. li. Hull on Monday evening, July 10th. Everybody is invited. Hy order of committee. A story which may prove interesting to many of the I'lattsmouth readers ap jnarsoii the first page of this paper. The Mory includes many citizens, and is a genuine love story from beginning to -nd. Head it. Mr. John King, who was for some time connected with this office as local editor, and who has recently been em ployed on the Journal at the same work, has severed his connection with that paper, and left this morning for Hastings to secure a situation. Miss Mary Tubb. daughter of Mr. John Tubb who resides on Gold St., was severely kicked in the face by a horse, last Sunday. She went to the stable with a horse blanket over her head while it was raining, and waa taking it there with the intention of throwing it over the horse. As soon as she entered and the horse saw the blanket, it commenced kicking, stricking her in the face. Pr. T. P. Livingston attended her and re- a 1 . . m . .... lorcu yesteraay tuat sue waa still un conscious. She narrowly escaped being kicked to death, as she fell near the horse's feet. The girl is about 9 years of age. Tho Young Men's Republican Club The following is u list of the present members of the Young Men's Republican Club, and they arc all requested to meet at the opera house next Thursday even ing, at 8 o'clock sharp, and receive a lantern for the parade, and all other re publicans in the city arc inyited to meet with them. Supper will be nerved after parade at 0 o'clock sharp: D. A. Campbell, II. U. Jackson, H. N. Dovey, C. S. Forbes, J. F. Iiitter, O. C. STaTtli, Geo. K. Staats, Geo. F. House worth, TTlI. Donnelly, llW.Coyk, J. K. Pollock, D. Bgmjth, Geo.I'aluicr, F. A. Murphy, O. C. Dwvey, J. N. Glenn, GYX. Austin, C. A. Marshall, A- E. Gass, Jas. Finlcv. L. ISTSkinner. Milton Polk. YjB. All is. Win. Chambers, C. E. Duke, 3. C. Green. J. Mitchell, II. Kneller, Dick Itivett, J. E. Kline. II. A. Taite. J. N. Sommers, Kobt. Stewart, John Doherty, W. G. Luper, Hush Bobbins, Harry Cool idgc, Jas. Short, F. 1 lowland, A. Iwtlu- hackle, KobtTPatton. Ed. Jochin, W. W Davis, C. H. Martin, Win. White, Jay Johnson, C. II. Smith, Chas. Black, A. Salisbury, S. 1. Vanatta, W. II. Pickens A. N. Sullivan, A. Stultz, Ed. Johnson. L. A. Newcomer, J. E. Barwick, Geo. Poisell, L. Davis, It. W. Ilyers, C. M Wcad. Win. Haves, Byron Clark, J. W. Bridge, A. W. Ford, W. W. Cole, Val Burkel, I. II. Dunn, A. C. Try, S. P. Hoi loway. Sam Cooper, S. C. Wild, C M. Foster, Win. Coath, P. P. Davis, Harry Ritchie, J. II. Waterman, Win. McCuuley, E. S. Greusel, Wash. Smith. W. W. Drummond, Harry Thomas, Jacob Clair, lie purchased Peter Hamalian, J. C. Eikenbary, A. B. Todd, J. E. Bright. J. Ledgway, Chas. Krenk, John Anderson, M. J. O'Reilly, David Miller, Frank Course', John A. Davies, L. C, Htljes, M. B. Murphy, John Hayes, A. B. Knotty, T C, Shepherd, C. B. Erwin. W. N. Latham, J. P. young, W. II. Miller, It. B. Windham, Chas. I). Eads, II. P. Sundell, Fred Burk, Jessie L. Root, John Hanerhan. John Whiff. A. W. Gustafson, Ed. Barstow, M. M. Veal, Emanual Kline, II. J. Streight, R. L. Keister, Orla .Arnificld, Sol. Levi, Chas. Harris, O. P. mith, Joseph E. Lake, H. F. Chapin, E. M. Hoaiic, i'rank Carruth, Orrin Knee, Allen Noble, O. L, Joiner, frank Noble, Dr. A. D. Smith, C. L. Coleman, C'J.as, W. pngalls, D. K Barr, Elmer Eikenbary, C. a.. Iaskin, Chas. Tefft, Thomas Smith, W. O. Moore, E. A. St John, W. L. Thomas, Elmer Withcrow, It. A. f)ubuois, Frank Boyd, Rev. M. A. Hampton, Chas. Murphy, Birt McElwain. C. Holland, T. U. Jack son, E. M. Slagcll, J. A. Thornton, Frank Dicksin, Clayton Barbour, J. J. McCoy, J. Engclke, John Moore, Rev. Alexander. , A Morbidly Scnaltiv Empwn, The empress of Austria spent week at Bournemouth recently, exasperating almost to frenzy the antagonism between the two rival hotel, and finally selecting, not tho ffstbetlo and more fashionable Bath, but the quieter Exeter. When, a. few days before her arrival, Ehe intimated her intention of taking tip her abode in the last named house it was summarily cleared of all its guests, with the exception of one unoffending old maid, who had occupied a top bedroom for seven months, took all her meals in the privacy of her chamber, and was warranted not to show obtrusively on tho stairs. The empress, her daughter Valerie, and a large suite filled thirty-six rooms for a week. The empress, spare, tall, erect, has retained much of the far famed beauty which made the Princess Elizabeth, of Thurn and Taxis, the mosi aamiraoio woman oi ner tune. Her magnificent hair, as luxurious as ever. is almost untouched by time, and she seems to disclaim every artifice of toilet and appoar- ance. bno tiresseil plainly, unbecomingly. almost shabbily, rose early, walked out alone with tho lady like proprietress of the hotel at half past tt o clock p. in., took long walks on the sands, indifferent alike to wind, sunshine or rain, coming homo sometimes drenched to the skin, visiting the pier only when all the inhabitants were safely housed for their meals, giving no troublo, and apparently satisfied with everything. Sho had been so cruelly moblied at Cromer, on the east coat t. thatsho had become morbidly sensitive about being stared at, and, to avoid observation. resorted imprudently to a device more likely jo attract attention than to shun it. fche sallied forth in tho coldly inclement weather with a large fan, which she held up before ner race whenever she suspected tho passers by of scanning her features. The Argonaut. The B. & M. has just put in a lot of fine new machinery and the following is a patial list: One tool room lathe, six feet long over all, one Putnam CG swing lathe twelve feet long over all. two 24 lathes ten feet lonjr over all. five H; Coal is Cash. The undersigned coal d alcrs, doing business in the city of H&Uiuouth, deem it to the best interests of the public, as well as of the dealers, to sell coal strictly and exclusively for cash. Coal is a commodity that is, and should be, sold oti a. yery close margin, too small, in fact, fcr the deaien, io trust to the de lays and uncertainties Qf Collect ions. A. Cliangro In the ltuttons. There is nothing more noticeable to me than the wonderful chango in the buttons that jyomen wear that ha3 taken place in two years. Perhaps I notieo it moro on ac count of being in the business, but it is so radical that any one would perceive it if ho had his attention called to it Formerly the buttons wore fancy and large; now they are small, plain and cheap. When merchants can sell manufactured buttons for three cents a donen it reduces tho profits of the manu facturer. Stylo has decided that buttons shall bo small and plain. In consequence, it is very seldom that a woman paj s moro than twenty cents a dozen for tho buttons she uses on her dress, and the majority use five ceut and ten cent buttons. But this style will not last long; it will get around to tho old price whero it was profit able to manufacture buttons. Two year9 ago the style was to wear novelties, and the but tons used on dresses never cost less than fifty cents a dozen. The size pf the buttons began to increase, and it was not un?onimon fo see buttons two inches square on cloaks. Many ladies paid as high as $2 apiece for buttons. They were made iu fancy shapes, and there are a;v ladies who have not pretty collec tions in then iiciap bags. They will be use ful some day, for the tashion iu buttons is always changing. Our trade fluctuates ac cordingly. With improved machinery it is now easy to make a cheap, plain button. Bone is the principal material for these but tons, and vege'ttLL? ivory is also u.sed, as well as 00!-!)-!!!!!-;). Cash For Coal, t ) The coal dealers of this city have I agreed among themselves that after tho j 11th iust., they will deal strictly on a cash basis. When an order is givsn, the money must invariably accompany the order. Other cities have been compelled to adopt this rule, and few places any where now sells coal on credit. The reason for this change is that the dealers are always expected to pay cash for what ever they order wholesale, and in order to work along and keep their heads above water, they will be compelled to make collections at the time of sale. Our Mid-Summer Slaughter Sale ! In order to Clean up our Odds unl Ends in vnii.uis Dcprtiumtt Shall ofler Extraordinary inducements i.r this week. 3 - Special Bargains in Hosiery - 3 Lot i. At 25 cents a pair Uur hntiro Lino of C lihlrci.V Vum-v !... l 1 r . . . ... ... J i iinreu jiuse mat nave never before relailed for (s than M) cents a pair. Ladies' Hose in b'olid ior.s and Sfi ij.en worth from 35 to 50 cents a pair. At 50 cents a pair comprises our Kntiro Une of Childnsi's Plain and Jiibbed English I.isde Thread Jlocr, formerly i-old by us from 75 to DO cents a pair. Ladies' Fancy jM,. ,! Silk Plaited Hose worth from 75 to $1.0o a pair. At 75 cents a pair takes in our Stock of Children's Fancy Striped Lisle Uose, worth $1.50 a pair. Ladies' Fancy-LiMo and Silk Hose worth $1.50 apajr, BAD BLOOD. There is not one thing that puts a man or woman at such disadvantage before the world as a vitiated state of the blood. Your ambition is gone. Your courage has failed. Your vitality has left you. Your languid step and listless ac tions show that you need a powerful in- yigorator, one bottle of lle-'irs' Blood Purifier and Blood Maker will put new life in a worn out system, and if it does not it will cost you nothing. O. P. Smith & Co., Druggists. ot n. Lot hi. I sell shoes cheaper than anybody. Call nd be convinced, no trouble to show goods. tf. Petkr Merges. Colic, Diarrhoea and Summer com- iyr m Extraordinary Values In Pans ! Gauze and Satin Fans, Plain and Hand-Painted, formerly soli Sl.oO to SI. 75, reduced to SLIP. Handsome Satin and Feather Fans, Uiuid-Painh d, foinierlv fold plaints are dangerous at tin's season of from $2.00 to $2.50, reduced to Si. CO. the year and the only way to cuard Vlrrnt nnn-o,! l- 1 1 .,,..!! i.' n i t , i against these diseases is to have constant- .-.o Art . . co .i -. . ' ' " n,, 1 ly on hand a bottle of some reliable rem- BW1" ' v..uo, minceo to r.o;. edy. Ueggs' DiurrlKca Balsam is aPOS- Jdack and Gray Ostrich Leather Fans, formerly sold from l CI) hi ITIVE HELIEP in all these disagreeable S4.50. reduced to 3.40. cases and is pleasant to take. It will Qnr fcS.OO OxtriVl. TiVntlu T.... !....,. Tf 1L. :.. , - - ') 'uv. j. i i in i ii, iii vitiiii, jiiti.i? : 1 1 1 i Black, reduced to 5.00. Our 10.00 Ostrich Feather Fan, Shell Handle, in IMaelv and ( i n v- Toilet pre- reduced to 0.50. Full Lines of Japanese Fans at Popular Prices. x 1 t:osi you oniy ;;. Co., irug.-sfs. cents. O. P. Smith & Those elegant Kecamier parations at Gering & Co's. When your skin 'u yellow. Wlien your skin is dark and creasy. When your skin is rough and course W lieu your skin is inflamed and red. When your skin is full of blotches. When your skin is full of pimples vou need a good blood medicine that can be elied upon. Beggs' Blood Purifier and Bargains I n Parasols Blood Hal er b warranted as a positive 8.00, reduced to $5.00. Cream Lace Covered and Ponwe Silk Lace Trimmed Parn.'ols urn f h from 1.00 to 5.00, now 3.00. Cream and Black Lace-Covered Porasols that Wild Animals in Africa. Of tho wil4 animals, singularly enough only the leopards are dreaded, for they often attack man, which tho lions never "do, al though they lurk in tho bush by twos and threes. The negroes told Emin they were under the control of a chief named potter, a very simple, good natured man, who always kept two tamo lions in his house (a fact), and as long as he receives occasional presents of corn and goats, prevents the wild lions from doing any mischief. It is curious to note that the lions here are good tempered' (perhaps pecaus& they find abundance of food), and they are also much admired, as was shown by the following in cident: "One day," he says, "we cama upon a lion caught in a pitfall, whereupon Chief Lottcr was fetched, and ho pushed into tho pit branches of trees to enable the lion to get out; jbhis it did; and after giving us a roar of The dealers are required to pay 6U0 i acknowledgment, walked on7 unharmed. cash for coal. The credit system entails 0g IISSS a serious loss each season, by reason , OneToTmeld me the amount of bad debts necessary to be at one time detained nndorw. -. charged off to profit and loss, and in the tionfor a few hours, the consequence bein cure lor all ot the ajove, you cannot possibly run any risk when you tret a bot tle of tiis wondcrfpl medicine. For sale by O. P. iMi.it h , Co, Will J. Warrick has the best and lar est stock of wall paper in the city, their styles are new and fresh and no job lots of last y5P.r3 designs or bankrupt stock to run off, if you Wa.it hc latest and best assortment of new goods' see Warrick's stock. dwlw Silk bandanas, cotton bandanas and campaign handkerchiefs of all kinds at Donnelly s. The cheapest shoe3 at Merges . tf. Shcrwin & Williams' mixed paints, the best in the market, atFricke & Co's. druo- store, g.tf. Plenty of feed, Hour, graham and meal at llcisel's mill, tf Men's canvass shoos at Merges', only 85 cents, everything cheap. tf. A few pieces of French and Domestic Black Shfepns received today at J. V. Weckbach's. " " dir. Fold from 7.00 to it M.50, reduced to Black Beaded Lace-Covered Parasols that sold 0 50. I-ancy Strjped Coaching ParaU that sold for 5.H) redii,-(d to " i( ' '' " " rum sr,.r,y to s.co duced to 5.00. Silk Sun Umbrellas at Greatly Beduced Prices. Alpaca and Bomhazine Parasols at Greatly Beduced Price?. B. B. Windham, John a. Davies, Notary Tublic. Notary Tublic. WtXIIUAHA DAVIEU, .ttomeys - at - Law. 0?ucrt or fank or Cass povnty. PLATTSMOt'Trl, - - piitASKA. F. lerrmaan, m ONE DOOR EAST FIRST NATIONAL BANK. lathes six foot bed, one Acme bolt cuttei atlditionl expense required for book- eight days! one brass boring machine, one turning machine, one nut forcing machine, one C spindle nut tapper (same as that used at Aurora). One Putnam car wheel boar ing and facing machine large enough for 42 inch wheels, one patent forming, bending and punching machine, called the Bull Dozer, six drills four patent valve forcing machines, one power bend ing rolls 12 feet between housings, one double punch and shears, one plate shearing machine and a number of other small machines. This machinery will increase the work of the shops a! this place and is a big improvement. PERSONALS. keepers, collectors, etc. By dispensing with the above formid able items of expense, dealers can afford to sell coal at lower prices, and they feel assured that this will commend itself to the thinking public. r or tlie above reasons, therefore, the coal dealers have decided to sell for cash only, OX ASD AFTEK JCLY 11, 1 $88. This means just what it says. 1 I MOT II Y Cl.ARK. tf II. A. Waterman & Sox. tuat no game came near the station for about .-iui ua)s, so mat a nresenfc hn.l tr ho COr,t the chief to anrease him nviW pvu . . . - ' - uuiuiiu a who is aiso lamous for her power over the numerous crocodiles which make their home m .njiyr vineu." christian at Work. Mis3 Gertie Kearney returned from her eastern trip yesterday. Mrs. Karnes and daughter, Miss Pearl, left for Greenwood this morning. Mr. Joseph Week bach and daughter Anna, returned from Chicago this morn in. Miss Bertha Miller, of Newton, Iowa, arrived on a visit to her brother, W. II Miller. Mrs, Mattie Geaim, of Lincoln, is in ui3 city visiting her mother, Mrs. Klla Cooper. rrlzes of the Ocean. Sperm whales, the monsters of deep water - " "-""i, lies vi ino ocean, 3ieidin" i uuui uiur trajn cases, ivory from their lower jaws, rich, yellow oil from nieir siues, anu (wben diseased) the almost priceless ambergris from their entrails. Next in value comes the right w hale, the inhab itant of the Arctic, iu whose mouth whale- uuue is suDsututed for ivory. The upper daw luiuisueu lu mis suostanee, a great pilo of which lies high on the beach at Herring cove. It is, peftefps, ten inches across where ic joins tne jav, and reminds one more of a gieat eonio with tangrled hair attarlii thnr, anything else. The '-teeth" are closely set. uuu are Lurco leeE and mnm Irvnrr ,.; . . . , . . " w ""'OI ".ai-CJ lilJJ lu una terminating in rope like fila ments. ci, ,n T,r In the . VJ IMOUI VVl Etna. Phoenix and Hartfom nv Windham &. Davies. is. bUJUEiVAr, Attorney at Law. Will give prompt attention to all liunlnesx in trusted tO him. Ofli(V in ITnini. lllnolr Was I C3-. B. KEMPSTEB, Practical Piano and Organ Tnner AND REPAIRFR. r irst-class work eruarantecd. Also deal er in Pianos and Organs. Oflice at Boeck's turniture stoic, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Dr. C- A. Marshall. ZLsTE'W" ICE! MEiasr We have our house filled with A FINE QUALITY OF ICE, And are prepared to deliver it daily to ourcus- lumeis in any iuamiiy UGSirea. ALL 0EDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. Leave orders with At store on !ixlli Street. make a Spec- i-. it -f - CUTTING, F-A.CITISTG And Loading Cars. For terms see us or write. IT. C. MoMAKIN & SON, Telephone 72, - - Flattsmont" Ladies, Attention ! Becamier Toilet Preparations which include Cream, Balm, Moth and Freckle Lotion, Powder and Toilet Soap, aresold I ad are three feet and moro Ion only by Gering & Co., and recommended by the following society ladies : Mes dames Adelina Patti-Xicolini, James Brown Potter, J.illie I.angtry, Sarah Bernhardt, Helena Modjeska, Fanny Eivenport, Clara Louise Kellogg and one hundred others. tf. Furniture for Sale. A line lot of household furniture can be purchased at a moderate price, also a fine residence can be rented which is in a convenient location for parties w ishing i to keep boarders. There are several large rooms in the house which would Mrs. Liest and daughter, Miss Lulu of I fiml rea(Jy tenants. For information ap- j Wisconsin, are in the citv visiting au lU13 '"J'- While the sperm whale feeds on squid at the bottom of the ocean, the right whalo speeds along -with open mouth, engulfing u6o4u,iiiuiiraoi water ana gi'eater or less iiuuunLies oi tne anuualeules and small fish on which it subsists. When his cavernous mouth is full he closes it, blows out the water throfigh his spout holes, and with the aid of his longuo swallows the littlo creatures which have become immeshed in the curious aicacnmenc of liis upper jaw. Cor. Balti- iii'jre American. TIST! Preservation of natural teeth a epecialty. Cecth extracted withmit pain lu use of Jxtuglting ias. All work warranted. Prices reasonable. FITZOIKRALO'S IJCOCK Pf. ATTSMOUTIT, NEB C. F.SMIT H, The Boss TS'lor. Main St., Over Merges' Slice Store. Has the best and most complete stock of samples, both foreign and domestic woolens that ever came west of Missouri river. Note these prices: Business suits from $10 to 35, dress suits, 25 to 45, pants $4, ,?5, -f 0, $0.50 and upwards. CSPWill guaranteed a fit. Prices Defy Competition. GrO TO Wm. Horold & Son IT'OXl Dry Goods. Notions Boots and Shoes or Ladies and Gents FURNISHING - GOODS. lie keeps as large and as well SELECTPD STOCK" As can be found any place In the city and make you prices mat ueiy competition. f3Sf S r I 1 1 m 1 1 I as S5 Oh W 58 d A K to. o c C 5 r- v i 5 Furnished House to Rent. A furnished house is opeu to tenants at a moderate rate. The proprietor offers -o board with the family that rents the and condemned the R. Troop. Bev. II. P. Vance, of Crete, formerly of Weeping Water, made a short visit to Mr. Spurlock, of this city, yesterday. Mr. J. C. Fisher, a former resident of I ren caa nave a good chance by iuouirin this city, but who W for c. :..... OI . . Cole. -i -w. ctvajiw liuic iUM lecn in business in Omaha, stopped off this morning on his retarn trip from his home in Iewa. wcvtcliQs I "Watc33.es I H. M.-GAULT Has moved and is now in the Sherwood room, Cor. 5th and Main Sts., where he is better able to show his Large Stock of Watches, CLOCKS A1TD JEWELRY ! Than PVPr liofnra nnrl .;n vuwu nun uic laiuiiv lliai rents llie and condemnor thomn.. frt lv.;,f j.- . .: " v' " aa muuee- house. Any family without small child- md the sentence was literally carried out , T . !J W.aCie? dowu- Ca" HEPAHEDKQOFIHGr GeapestsbeRoof . ii u r A Horrible Death Sentence. We mentioned the terrible sanctions bv "uu vujhcso secret societies enforce ineir laws, which, of themselves, make them dangerous subjects, and The Liverpool Post furnishes a remarkable illustration. Accord ing io a report from the American minister at renin, a man belonging to an association of gold beaters at Toochow recently took more apprentices than one. This is forbidden Tl.. 1 rr -t-r'-""- j.. ,i vior oners so the local trades union took nn th mto; Best in the world. German Vegetable Liver Pills. For sale by Gering Co. One hundred and twentv-three uiie ai. mm Deioro He expired. It would not siriKe tne cnUOuko and blaud Chinee that mere was anything specially horrible in such a lorm or murder. .London Spectator. The brick-wheelers and pit men em ployed in the brick yard struck yester day. We did not learn the cause of their dissatisfaction. There are only six men in, but if the number is small their and get the Special Prices in Gold Watrh cs; it will surprise you. A Full Line of the best styles ot Jewelry and Sil Repairing will be eiveii Sixcial Attl iion. ah work warranted to P-ivp a.-iHc. . o laciion Special meeting of Cass Camp No. S32 Modern Woodmen will be held "Wednesday evening at the oflice of J. L. Root for the purpose of closing the dis- J determination is strong. pensation now in force, acting on new applications and report of auditing com mittee. L. A. Newcomer, V. C, Use Blackberry Cordial for Diarrhoea and Dysentery. Guaranteed to give atisfaction. Sold onlv by Gering fc Co Tlie Celebrated Watch. A lady who had been abroad was describ ing some or the sights of her trip to a party of frionrl "Rn u4.f 1a..I 51.... "UUUtUUiUieiU III uc u as anything," she said, "was tho wonderful ciocit at strasburg." "Oh, how I should love B.4. IWI. Time Table. OOIVf! WlfST No. 1. 4 -an m No. 3. 6 :40 ii- iii. 'o. 5 9 :35 a. m. 0. 7. 7 :4S n. lit to see it!" exclaimed a Drettv vonn?rwomn o..-6:i( p. ni. t ... - . . I, . i GOIKO KAST. No, 2. 1 :25 p. m. No. 4. 10 :M a. m, o. 6.-7 :13 p. ni. o. 8.-9 :5 a. m. Ivo. 10. 9 :45 a. in. in pink. "I am so interested in such things. vulruaniea1l!idSny b of Omaha, except And did you see the celebrated watch on the daily Vxcfpt 8undavUD l aDd from Schui' Rhiner-Queries. No s.Ua.f., No. 19 is a .tub from Faciflc Junalon . fitS: Agents for Harper's Bazar Patterns and Ball's Corsets. DRS. CAVE & SMITH, "Painless Dentists." ire only Dentlnts in the West oontrollnc tliio iew oysrem oi txtracling and J- uling Teeth nnuuui, j-ain. unr anaesi netic is en tirely free from CHLOROFORM OKETJIER AND IS ABSOLUTELY Harinless - To - All, Teeth extracted and artificial teeth inserted ,,rA' UJ ' uemreu . i ne preservation of the natural teeth a specialty. GOLD CBCTO. GOLD CAPS. BRIDGE wrmr J- E- ROBBING A RTKT J Wlliki l m W A M. J 1 fcj m Tha r. x , ... I 7 wcijf ii"tri. umcein i Dion Ulock. over Afta Ajsfy Climate. Send rr Circulars. FOR SALE HAVEN & RHODES Omaha, ITeb. (Name this pa)er in your order.) JT- C, BOOITE, BARBER AND HAIR DRESSER. All work first-class; west Fifth Street. North Robert Sherwood's Stoe. isiKLClJUNS GIVEN IN FINE OIL. PAINTINC WATER COLORS, ETC. ALL LOVERS OF ART ARE INVITKD TO CALL AM) ZEXLAMTIZtsTJE: WORK STUDIO OVER OLIVER & RAMSE MEAT MARKET.