iKi . : 1 ' r 3! 9! FIUST YKAIl PliATTSMOUTIl, NEBRASKA, TUESDAY EVENING, JULY lO, 1888. NUMliElt J2-I8- survY oKFiGJUis. MEG'S GOOD LUCK. lavor. clerk. Treasurer, Attorney. Kii'.;iiieT. J'olicn Jude, -Marshall, Councilman, 1st ward, 2ud " 3rd " 4th. Board Pub.Worku F.M. KICHKV Jamkh Pattkkhon, jk. - ;vuN CUAKR - A MAUOI.K S Cl.lKKOH V II Ma lick 4 .1 V Vk('kiia(;ii I A HAMHBUICV S D M J0NK8 I lilt. A SHI I'M AN M II Ml-kimiy I S V DlTTON I ('UN I I'COS.NIlB. 1 l- M Oai.lkn. I'RKU W Johns in.Ciiaimman KUKI liOKPK'C I1AWKSWOKTII LEAP YEAR STORY. 11T ELLIS M. CUKKE. COPVKIoriT lS-tS.l 1.1 w i KllK 1 1 11 GOLTjSTY OIUUGKHS. Treasurer. Ileumy Treasurer, - Clerk. Deputy Clerk, llneonler of Deeds Itaputy U!0'irder Clerk I District Cojrt, Sheriff, Surveyor. Attoru-.-y. -Hu;t. .5 Pub. School, CountJCVa 'ice. isnAmiomOI-KRVISOIW. . .. . - l'lattsniouth Z rt:X iL - Weeping Water A. 15. Dl-KSoN, D. A. CAMI'ltELL TlKH. I'OI.I.OCK Bitto l itrrriiUKi.a Kxa cm k ukiki.o W. II. I'uul John M. Lkvoa V. C. SHOWA1.TKK J.C. KlKKNHAKY. A. Maiiolk Al.I.K.H liKKHoN MAVNAIlli SPINK O. KUSSKL.I. Eitnwuud raviG SOU I IV. w w w w w w-.-. w 1ASH UIWiB WO I ... i.t,ii,if of each wri'k. All - VVf..,...i.Vr ur r.WctfullV Invited to attend. . . ILATIMOITH KNCAM'MKNT No 3 Hall 1 ......i. .'......tii in ilie M.i-onie Brother are Invited to attend. it v niffK everv lineman.- - O. ill Visiting .'r.... iMiuir xii ni. A. O. U. W. Meets i Vv. rV iittoi nit Kr'day evening at K. of I ' "tfat.l.en t - il Ire, , are re '.,'; t fully 1" i ii-dto attend. K . J. Morgan. .Masiri ........ . '''M V-1.: .. ' Kr:irik brown. Over- ::."-.".urVn"V; : e : VioiKH llousworth. i.-: i i . L.l.ns.i i. Financier; NNa-li. tVnhViUeUeV, Mi MUiBU. l"a M. W. jack liaugherty, li.side timirO. ilVS CVMl' N (.:.'. MODERN WOODMEN y al '" u. U V. hTM. All transient tSKw . -.uVs,e:i . Mneet with I. A. N.weo ner. Vei.eraW j J: wnnhv Adviser; S. C. Wilde. Hanker; . A. J!oeikr Clerk. -E.i TV.'fllT Tli L" Ve t "eveiy alternate I'riday i . i l .1 . K VI V B. A. O. J . VV . '.ternate I'riday evening at I'.-cVi)d lialfat So el.Mrx. All trai.si.-ni, urm.. ': ...r..-i i..vit...l to ntlelid. U n- Ij.Mrif.rdiUousuVAn.N'hMin.oyerwrer. l.t ISMOirill LODUK NO.,i, A. F. A : A. M. " Meet h on tli fift ai.d ll.ird Moiiday of ern are coraiauy hihcu w - ----- J. G. Richey, W W. M. Wm. Mats. Seiretary CHAITEK. NO- ,A- , tuinll luesuav i e.u ii ?-1.,nl h at iasn i" nan. iiuuavnu. fliO .a-, lieu to meci VK15HASKA i M.it"" v-eoml and v'm. Hays. Secretary. F. E. WniTK. H. P. ir. 2ION l'OMilM)Al!Y. 0. ;..! ,UeH lirst and third Wednesday niI.t of .....t ih ..t Ma.sc ..s l:a!I. VI itii!i brothers .r . i .. iii vi' jrf cOiJiallV luviit-u 10 in -ei W Jl riAV.'lt.:C. f . h. V H I I K. C. McCPNIHie POST 455 C ItosTKU. A. R- v- s. 5. V. .ToiivaaN rji f. a. r.Aim ;ko. nii-kh HZXKV STRKWHf. I.(X DIXON I"iUuU.K- FOHI ttjF.HSDV tl'V'.... i,: v, tn;uTis. . . ATHlinic n&mruay i'"""1" ..('O'jiniander. .Senior Vice Junior " " Adjutant. I. i.M. Oflleerof the Day. " Ouard .7 V.'. Scr't Major. ..(Quarter Miis'cr Serj;t. ..; Post Chaidaiu WHEN YOU WAHT WORK DONE -OF- AUGAHET !" Mr. Plainfolk's tonc-a were plain ly suggestive of iruscubility. "Uncle." The response wns timUl and apprelien- siv;e, l ue speaKers were uncie anu ueicu, an adoutetl dauliter. "There's ant to he a we.Ulint; or or there'll he a thundering sudden vacancy about this house," roared the old man. 'A a vacancy, uncle ; I don t under stand." 'Well, vou will understand, if that vouncr Dewd don't 'represent' pretty sud ilf.nl v. Ain't he here two-thirds of his time ? Kcatl ! hasn lie taken up per manent quarters her ? And -what's he . - - 1 t 1 . . IV 1... 1 comin lor f uourim . noes ne umcu- culate tQ tro on spaiktu and uurnin my coal and wearin' out my furniture the rest of his natural life t I tell you tner s f-ot to be business done, lies a good cnou"h sort for a husband if he ever does intend to trive the parson a chance but there's trot to be some propositi done to- . . , . .1 .....I. night. INow you near me. vnii wuu thfs ultimatum the irate old gentleman rushed from the room. Metr proceeded to dissolve herself to tears, until a Happy Uioagm c.iucKeu ine impending dissolution it was Leap "i ear- T T ' 'Well," said Mr.l'lainfolks laconically. It was at the breakfast table. "We're, that is Charley and I we're to le married next week," stammered Meg tliroiifrh tier blushes. ftood eracious ! You don't meau that that youn"; noodles scared up spunk enough to ask'yc '.' ejaculated Mr. Plainfolks, wondenngly-. "Xo Uncle, lie I we well. I pop ped," said Me2 in great con fusi&rs. "Hurray 1 Vou're f brick. I'll buy you a vedding outfit, vny a," declared the delighted old ninn, as he bestowed a rousing kls on the blushing girl. - ; : One week after the wedding Mr. Plain- folks summoned the young couple into the library. "Charles' said he, "now wouut you like to follow Horace Grcely s advice, and with Nebraska for a battle ground. make your fortune In the. great west ? Charles replied that He was open to a proposition that possessed the rtqusite attract lyeness. Well," continued the old man, "I yc got a considerable landed property m Nebraska, in Cass county, in the shape of " . I 1 a stocK iann or two, ana some ricu uoi- tom farms, and I have been wanting to send sorio om out hce as resident man ager. Now 4 H veil you what 1 11 do; it you will accept that position, I'll locate you and Meg, In one of the towns adja cent, in fact, in a veritable little gem of an embryo city, Plattsmouth, and tit you up in housekeeping, to star: v.'Km-'-5 "What sort 0 a iownis Plattsmouth ?" enquired Charles, wisely non committal until he learned more concerning his pos sible future home. PlaUsniouth? It's one of the bright est prettiest and most promising little cities in all the wonderful west!" de clared Plainfolks enthusiastically. "Topo graphically it is a datsj, Sue- tnere is every variety cf landscape to be enjoyed from its doors. Nestling like a gem on the slopes of a noble headland that swells out into a vast plateau, at its feet rolls a magestic stream, the imgnty Missouri, tliat winds away in grand curves till it is nf r.,Ai.tml annHcrlih 5n the mw J . I IOSI, U Mitt" 11 i'--- OOnf fStCtOr ailU oUllUCr distance. Like the famous Hills of lfnme. PlattSmOUIll lias us seven tum- CALI, ON Cor. 12th and Granite Streets. ijept. 12-Gni. H .LPalmer &Son IHSUdHCE A 1: p:-.iscr.c trii'l an 1 the lire-tested following time- companies: Assets imBn..-i!i cvutra'.-S'- l.otis. Commercial Uai.jn-Enslan.l. Kir- Assoela'i in-Phihtdelidiia, Frauklin-PhiiadeU'hia. Home-NtV York. Irs. C. of Xortli America, Phil Llverpjvd.VLondoii & Uotie-Kna SjortU British Mercantila-Ka l..icli liiii:r.-P.iiKhind. Syiinjeld F. M.-Sprinffield, Total A"sets.2.tl5,T74 .t.rS,l0 2.-r9C.3I4 4.4 15.576 3,117.106 8.471.3C2 C.O.W.71'1 3.S7S.754 1.245.4'j6 3,044,915 Lises Aujnslal snl Paid atftisAgency BROWNE, TA.W OPFICE. P -rsonal attention to my care. to all Buaiueea Entrust- XOTAUY IX OKFICR. Title Kxamlned. Ahstarct Compiled. In surance Written. Kenl Estate boid, Better Facilities for making Farm I)an than Any Othei? Ageacy. ka mending eminences, on which are reared as magnificent homes as wealth and taste can command." "An.l it is aa enierprislnsr, progressive ftv ai it is beautitul, resumed ihA nbl man. "It is a very home of cul ture. moralitv and intelligence, tuougti " -w . 1 t 1 A. mioct in PYtpnt. it is a I1UU1CUS UUOUL UlWUVvJV , l.if h as I verilv belive, will in a few Years be gathered a teeming mart of trade and the nappy nomes ut niugsa,Kia . prosperous tradesmen nnu. mevusuna. "Dracticallv. there ia a glorious prom ise for plattsmouth. It's location is sure ly to nromote the healthful ,trnwt1i of enterprise. Surrounding it q Mnnirii fair and fertile as any the sun vjv... niMin: esneciallv for stock and agricultural purposes. Then i'na ill UnrU that ciown the valleys there could be no better ranges desired. While i, -enllovs themselves (and they are 1 ro riiJi in illuvial soil that i... v made the fortunes of the i.r were wise tnousiU to settle among them. The soil, critically exam- btr lenrnod analytic chemists, is found to possess the same esseutiai ele ments that so wonderfully feltilize the productive lands of the Nile and of China-lands where every square mile sup ports two hundred souls. "What are the market facilities? en qire4 Charles with an eye to the prac tlC"Excellent. Plattsmouth has the main lines of the C. B. & Q- and the C. & M. railroads with practically outlets to all points of both systems. I don't know of an internal city in Nebraska that pos sesses quite so desirable advantages for reaching all points of the compass by rail, withouf being handicapped by contigu ous little stations as are the cities imme diately situated on trunk lines." "What is Jhc character of her towns men?" They'tr the right sort. Plattsmouth is fortunate. They've got push vim and enterprise; they've got hospitality and kindliness; they er not afraid to launch their dollai a when either individual cn terprise, or the good of the" community is concerned. The smell of new lumber and the aroma of green paint that fills the atmosphere during the building sea son speaks volums for the faitli the busi ness men have in the luiure or tneir town." "And society, religion, educational la- cilties? I " "As I said, the people arc intelligent and moral; that means schools anil church organizations. They've got as fine a school building as yon will find in many a day, and church edificies that will compare with any in the state. There are also a number ot flourishing secret orders." "lias the town a boom it" "Not in the ordinary aeccption of the term; there is a stir there, but no ficti tious, artificial "boom." The town is not ancient as among railroad towns, and is naturally located just where a consider able business point is needed, the country is tilling up with an enterprising class of people, and as a result, there is consider able building, llonettly, I do not know of a more promising place for a young man like you, Chaile, possessed of mod erate means, and an ambition to find wealth, health and happiness all in one, The town is young, healthy vigoious and haa a grand future.". "Well.- we'U go,-' was Charles' la conic answer, having received a vigorous affirmative nod from Meg in response to a look of inquiry. The bus from a morning train on the C. 15. fc Q. road rolled up to the princi pal hotel in Plattsmouth. the Plain folks Dewd party had arrived, and un rW thn miidancc of Mr. Plainfolks had rnken imai'ters at the hmt Iipui?c. - " . . . .-1 i r. hort v after Ureal:. a,L a uunusume ri-i a r rolled uiV to tlie hotcl "entrance "T ordered ariif 'from the '.Bonner' stables,' said-Plaiiifolks. '.'bepsuiie eycrybpdy else in Plaiistnouih seeing to extend their pat ronage tliat 'way." As M'g viewed the stylish turnout, with the pranrittg herpes, elaborate trappiutfa nod a neauy uie--- driver at tbe rein- e "brenthcd a 8 oa satisfaction and was quite rc:v.y to be lieve her unelp w'vei $ Ueclared that the "Bouyer'' stable' was one 'of the best out fitteel liyery'est'ablifcliineuts in th.e yest. "The three 'SV specif safety and style is the cout-pf-arms of tii3 stable," ' s;vid he to Charts. ''And if ever you want to run to an off-railrqael, fwn in a hurry," continued, he, '-thid stable Is the place to apply.' 'Where to, sir?" asked the polite driver, as the party entered the carriage. The man looked askance at his charges "Oil, I don't know," Uyhed Meg. "We've lots to VsO and" "Then let's buy loks'drst,'" suggested Charles without turning a hair. The old man groaned. "Take us to It. B. Windham's Heal Es state office," he said." "This young man," remarked he, as they tuiiereel the noted land eschars-si, "has 'heard of the f!imr o' iur "South Park" residence )lace and woulel like to make a furtner investigation as to the gep.cial attractive ness of thr.t reality." "All light." was the genial agents re- )lv. "I could talk to you all day about the beauties of that aelditi n. I will say for those lots that they fa-e the finest lvin?? lots in the city; they are shaded with beautiful shade trees; oniy ten mm utes walk from business centre- are more accessable than any other addition lots in the city; it is 'the only addition reached bv two established avenues; the only addition reached by water mams. It is needless to say that Charles investeel in "South Park." "Now. we're ready for a cage for your bird," remarked the old man, as the par- ty repaired to the carriage. a ue hisl thing in order is to buy the lumber and building matenal. There 13 only one place where they carry such a stock- - everything except hardware sucnasyou want to select fre m, and their prices run below those of all competitors. Take us t tl.P IT A. Waterman & bon yard. Thev were whirled to this popular yard ml in a trice, and Meg was soon enjoying rpst in n comfortable chair wnue an ex pert clerk was making a complete bill, from sill to sliinsles, for the proposed new residence. ii me 9Uf;SMu Plainfolks Charles contracted with the Watermans to keep him supplied with coal. "Vow for furniture." saiel Mr. Plain- folks as they again entered the carriage and deferentiall v asked Meg where they should go. "Oh," says Meg, "there is but one place where we 'could get that, go to II. Bueck's. On alighting from The carriage they were uheed into such a bewildering display ot" everything in the furniture line, that Meg was rcany puzzleel to know how to select, but with that abandon, begot with the knowledge that "Uncle" foots the bill, she very shrewdly selecteel a parlor suit, a perfect little gem, with monogram on each pice a bcelroom suit antique in style and fin ish, that would of elone credit to old antiquity herself, then marvels in dining room, kitchen and uiiper chambers, with r-nrtains. and pictures were ail included, nn.l when Meir turneel to her uncle for approval, the smile, coupled with an acute strain on the purse strings, oe r spread the old gentleman's countenance wn ft stndv for an arist- "A pretiy 'good start, ami the next tl.ino- la aomcthinsr to cook with" de clared the old uncle. "Driver, Johnson R-rta' hardware store." Here Meg's house, wifely instincts had full play in marycls of kitchen apparatus. There is not an establishment in the west thai carries a merc comprehensive stock of household furnishings. Every possible article of kite hen furniture, from stove to tin-elipprr is here in all styles and variety. If Meg fails to perform wonders in the culinary art it will not be for fault of superior utensils. I lie young couple, in addition to a "Garland" btove, purchaseel a "Jewel" gasoline stove, and a "Pel fection relngerator. Charles also left a large order for build ers hardware. Wh'le Meg was delighted to linel that she could get a "Household" sewing machine mere. Something about Meg's pretty appear- ance, now mat ins attention ua.i 01 tu called to her personal adornment, sug- tte'sted a thought to Plainfolks. Sur- Veyillg Ills Iiepiiew criucuuy, ne. miauy burst out: "it strikes me, young man, that for a townsman, and one newly mar ried, too, you are looking r-a-t-h-c-r seedy; come along with me, bothot you; we'll go down to J. 11. Donnelly s gents furnishing house." In a very short time indeed Charles was investing in the im mense stock of fashionaM'" s:r i' ' s li -.t covered the smivci, 01 mm i:.n-uMvnj stocked establishment, and rinding stock and prices irresistable he invested in a complete outfitting of gents furnishing 'oods, from the latest style hat, to a do.- en of the celebrated titty cent "Happy Hit" shirts. This house is not to be un dersold in Plattsmouth, and carries Ihe tinekt grade or gr-CKts to be lound in the city- H;is little incident over, me party stepped on to the street ami telling the elriver to fedlmv the hi, walked down toward E. G. Dovey & fton s. "1 don t know whether they have anything we want or not," saul Mr. Plainfolks, with a sly glance at Meg, "but I'll leave it to your ingenuity to eliscover if they have." Now the. fact, is that there is no better rarely as gooel establishment in ihe west than this ',X"' v.ara'm house. It" is lit erally. ulcer rfe'plction with dry goods. "They can supply you with anything, from a tlarning needle t a silk dress. This house j always to Uiti front with the laiest fashions, largest stocks, firest assortment and lowest pvlCfJ.1 ""I'1 Plainfolks wliUO they the crowd to 1 Kt- waitin for himself to groceries am! vegitablcs. As a rule he must eat meat, ami to locate the man w ho keeps choice juicy steaks and all kinds of game, etc., in season is quite un undertaking, but Oliver fc Kamge's meat market is that place. They .are cheap and well stocked, com ttoiis and reliable, and combines quantity and qual ity for t lie money. This popular shop was visited of course and a pleasant chat indulged in. The young couple was well please-d with the neatness and com pleteness of the establishment, and will be profitable customers. "Oh, I want a family bible, uncle," suddenly declared Meg, and str ight way her uncle was piloting the couple to J. P. Voting's establishment, "lie has the big gest and best stock of goods in this line." said PlainTolks, "in the town." The old man's statement was verified, as Meg afterwards declared. Not only a bible, and a hanelsomc album did Meg receive here, but a big order for fine pictures ami house decorations was made as well. Charles also purchaseel a supply of blank books, and Plainfolks wickedly crimson eel Meg's pretty face by a facetious sug-.r-st 'i i". ' '! r nv-S- ;. -"' :''t e . 1 1: purchase of school books, fslie recovered from her confusion, however, when she dsscovcrcd that Mr. Young is agent for the Clough & Warren organ and emphat ically declared that he "''never could know she vi d housekeeping, or had a home without one of those superior in struments in her parlor." Straight way Plainfolks gave at. order for one of the finest styles. As they walked up the street, railing at Meg a little about the extent of her wants. Plainfolks suddenly made a dive into a hanilsome store room, and called to the others to follow. "Here's Will J. Warrick," he said, "and I know he". g't something you ought tu lae.'1 The jolly proprietor o.i the popular elrug store saw at ooce that the he-allhy and happy looking party were not after drugs, or medicines, so he led ike way at once to the notit-ii counter which furnished them many a rieedeel and useful arliele '"'.'jet soaps, brushes f(?r jU'j;h, hw .' superb taikt c-. -(i;iien iin(1 a ,.tauty 01 a . . - ,. ,e ., 1..11 ; Ileal Estate Bargains EXAMINE OUH MST. CONKISTINO OK CHOICE LOTS - I 2NT South - Park un out a little. So it is oeyond our spare to record the purchases ta grl tnade, In the line of dress gooels ami ladies' furnishing alone her orelers would suffice to stock a moelest store t'ooni; but then who can resists the prices that rule for on? and all at Dovey 'a "One of the most important auxiliaries to a happy household, "continued Plain folks, while Meg was selecting her finery, "is a well supplied larder. Thcre't bliss in gooel housekeeping, my tlear, ar.d you want to make it a point to always buy the best groceries anel provisions. Now I rccev.ir.ue-nd that you select one grocery establishment, and stick to it, and there's none better than the house of Dovey and Son. You'll always find it full stocked with eve-rv possible thinsr in the line of staple and fancy groceries, fresh anel first-class no shelf-worn goods thre and in prices they are way down to brass tacks. 10U see they are careful dealers, never make bad debts yem know, anil can afford closer profits. Try them and you'll be SMtislieel. Anil as you havent bought vnnr dishes vet vou can't do better than j - - to buy right here." Well, you can imagine what an array tif tnlilewnrfi a real smart mil. with un limited powers tf purchase, and an artis tic eve. could supply herself with in Do vey s big Queensware stocK. 1 here isn 1, positively, a thing in that line, intended . - , r 1 for use in any possible part 01 a nouse, ihnt i-nnnot be had at Dovev's. and that o-irl cent 'em. too. c-.-o ' . .. .-1 ...... il 'Arwl nnw lTnPlC Said MCST. ruiuei insinuatinsrlv. "1 have got eyer so many thrtr. I want, but I elon't know what gooel spring elresses will elo me, un less T have hats and bonnets to match.' IIpf uncle took the hint, and in a few minutes was introducing her to Mrs. J. P. Johnson, an establishment that has, by the exquisite taste, liberal dealing and w-el 1 sel C cted stock, firmly establisheel itself as a leader. Very considerately the frpntlemen left Mcir reveling in realms 01 bliss oyer one of tha most elegant stoc ks ,.r .,;iiimrv west of bt. louis, ann if over n feminine soul tS? delighted and satisfied in the possession of a bewitching array of stylish bonnets and hats, for all purposes, her's was straight way. There's no teliins what she didn't buy. We leave it to the feminine imagination as to tvl.nl ,1 smart woman with unlimited means would do. limit this time the watchful old uncle observed that Meg was showing signs of r., an! hp RinroTsted a resort to 11. e nniiulir ice-cream parlors of J. P. Antill Here they were shortly regaling them- at A x'cts nn fit lieinns draughts of summer rl.i.a-s that would delight epicurean o.-l rnniiia ns delicious as the nnMarcon flrpfims of the Goits. 1 11 be era in ppinpmlipr "Antill's." declared Me", whenever I feel like enjoying a ele licious repast." "TIkkp "Saratoira drinks,' eleciareei she, "are the most delightful of anything I ever drank. What are they compounei- ed of?" "Oh." laughed riainioiKs, "that's a valuable secret, and Anrni is from 1L Y Ai see he mVi t.-.-or ot these drinks: "Saratoga, "Boston" "Lincoln" and "Garfield," and each i3 as superbly delicious as the other. Tk ro irnrinnelv iirpiiared with rare i .1. , ... V- , ... .w J I - I ami rlmirp fruits, and the fash- LVi emtio v v " ionabl3 tinnle or the day By the way, nrlrlrd. "when you buy taffy, rcmem ber Antil makes the best." "nil thres Oliver & Ramg'i's biff pitrn."'eiaculatcd Plainfolks, "and I'll take von in there. For as long as a man Iiytaq Via must pat. but he can't confine ..cr- set for himself, an . . . -1 not in Gath. but this is a veracious reconi an exquisitely put up package ot nice powder was filled with the order. I he young couple also critically examined the magnificent stock of wall paper ceil- decorations, and house furnishings ti.ai handled bv the establishment mm wisely concluded that they could no where so well satisfy their aesthetis taste as right there. An order lor paints anil oils was given. "What a lovely supper. rjin-uwuu ii 1. t-n, 1 i-n v in trout 01 show window. "Yes," said Plainfolks IVfpr Merrres' boot and shoe stock can 1 - . 1 . . . . . L I11.nl niivwhcre lor styic or e.o ri.n-,r, nn.l look- it over'' It might have 1cen policy not to have extended frlio inritnlinn. for before that girl h:id lsff iw. tf,i,.n nn order contuininir me - rn. f nt' 0 1- V fhinrr in the line of foot 1(11' ', . v..j r- - wr..ir fmm n. lovelv satin slipper to a su perb walking boot, had fallen trom ner i;.a TCn woman or male either for that matter can resist, the styles and prices at Merges. While Meg was htting nn evonisite shoe to a still more exquisite f.ini- Plainfolks. alter a critical oii;rH- tion of his nephew s nether extremities, remarked: "Young man you really need an outfitting here, and if you want some v,;v.rr i ii.it nwfiv mi iNo. one wnn a nolish on it. Merges is the man to buy ot, In prices, elegance of style, and durabil itv of yoods. he can't be equaled." 1 . -l t .i 1 .... "By the way Uncie, said wnauey, us Mipv nroceeded down the walk, "who j 1 . 11 1 .,.1. pn von recommend as a "oou oiai t- smith? I am very particular as to who handles mv mare kitty, you know. , ..1 "Jess so. 1 ou want no botcner auoui her feet." declared the old man. "There only one first class horse shoer but hw firt.riiiss in own. and mats. J. M. Schncllbacher. He is a number one blaskstnith all through, too, and the very one for you to give your repairing, and psneciallv vour plow work. I can vouch for him as the man to eio your nnc snoe- ing ou Kitty. And furthermore, mere isn't unless it is a rail road coach a possible thing in the way of a vehicle that runs on wheels and hangs on springs that he doesn't make, and makes it first- ,.lt; 11 to stvle durability, and finish. too. "And now. mr voting lady, said in to Me" "vou may let the driver lake you back to the hotel. I want to take Char lev ilnwn nn a little visit to if friend of -- - mine." "I want you to get acquainted with Wm Weber." exnlained the old man, as Meet disappeared. "I know you appre ciate a glass of good beer, when it can be taken in a neat, orderly place, and un friend Weber's -Elkhorn' establishment is that place of a thousand." "Uncle," said Meg, with a pout, when the gentlemen rejoined her, "where did you go when vou left me f Did you leave another order ? ' "An oreler oh yes, you want to read the news every day, and I left an order for Thk TTnn.vi.n. the paper we saw in every place we visited." "Oh. uncle ho.- kind of you,"she siid "You have left out nothing that we shall need." "Only one thinir." replied Mr. Plain foil "nd s TJoeck ahvava has a fine :inc of them vou can get one when you need it, and I will-pay for the finest on he has." "Why, what is that V asked Meg. her curiosity arouscel to know what had been omitted. "Well, its a baby carriage, and" but 21 lots in Thompson's addition. 40 lots in Townsend's addition. Lot 10 block HIM, lot r, block lfi-1. Lot 1 block (J, lot (i block U5. Lot 11, block lit, lot8, block 01. LOTS IN X'Ol NO AXli IIAVh' ADDITION. Lots In Palmer's addition. Lots in Duke's addition. Improved property of dl descriptions and in ail parts o tlJ(; city on easy terms. hew and desirable residence in South Park, can be bought on mommy payments. Before purchasing lsevh( re, call and see if we cannot suit you better. 5 acres of improved ground north of the city limits. acres of ground ad joining South Park. acres of ground adjoining South Park. 11 acres of ground adjoining South Park. 20 acres near South Park: Se sec. 14, T. 10, II. 12, Cass county, price 800, if sole! soon. nw i sec. 8, T. 12, M. 10, Cass Co., price $2,000. A valuable improyed stock fram in Merrick Co., Neb., 100 acres and on reosomsblc terms. Windham & Davies. INTO RAM Consult your lest interests by insuring in the Pher-nix, Hartford or .rtOtna com- . . a. panics, about w hich mere is no question to their high standing and fair dealing. TORNADO POLICIES. The present year bids fair to be a dis astrous one from tornadoes snd wind storms. This is fore-shaelowed by tne number of storms we haye already had the most destructive one so far this year having occurred at Mt. Vernon, 111., where a large number of buildings were destroyed or damaged. The exemption from tornadoes last year renders their oc currence more probable in 1&S8. Call at our office and secure a Tor naelo Policy. Unimproved lands for sale change. or ex- Meg fainted. Send your jo'w work to the TIekald office, WIPflAI&DHIES. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB, ' i- 1 i 1 ill i ' it lMtftimautli, - Xeb Vi-X