The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, July 07, 1888, Image 3

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poisonous COSMETICS.
'. 'Many IotIcc ILesortea to ojr tbo Fair
! Kk lSlea llng the Hair to Civ It a
' Faatilonabla fchade Slaking L'p Terri
ble Connequcocei.
! "Can 1 get my hair bleached heref I
asked on entering a well known Chicago Lair
dretwer'a establishment.
"Certainly," said tho smiling attendant.
"Wbat color do you wish I"
"I am rather undecided between a Lloude
mid tho new auburn shade," I replied un
blushing ly.
" Yv i had better decido in favor of tho red.
That U tho bliado just now, and your hair
would take it splendidly. I wouldn't hare to
touch the ends at all, just here next the scalp,
whore it's so dark."
"Don't you consider it daugerousr
"Well, I've Lad my hair reddened for six
years now, and it hasn't hurt me," she said,
smilingly. "There's not so much risk with
the red dye as with the extreme blonde."
"Can dark hair bo bleached white?"
"Not on tho head at leust not in this
country. I have beard it could be done in
1'aris, and a lady buyer for one of our large
dry giods firms is going to try and discover
tho secret for me when next she goes
I bXid I would think it over ana would call
While I sat in another fashionable hair
dresser's shop, waiting for my hair to dry, I
idly watched a little woman through a glass
partition as uho mado up her face. She
rubbed her entire faco with some fine white
powder until she looked like a clown at the
. puntomfno; then she took a chamois
skin and carefully rubbed and smoothed
it until only the suspicion of the
!owdcr was vLubla. 2fext she took a small
hare foot brush and, dipping it daintily into
a box of rougo, proceeded to redden her
cheeks. This was then carefully toned dow u
with another dash of white. Then the eye.
Klii penciled her brows and drew black lines
clw up to tho under lah. Then daintily
wettlujf her finger she drew it over her eye
brows, the iiioUturo emphasizing as it were
tho blackening process. Then she took a
hand glass and regarded herself from all
poiuU of tho compass. Tho resuii evidently
was satisfactory, for sho came out with a
gratified siuila. ??he Lad gone in tho little
room a dark skinutu, rather tallow faced
person; sho emerged with the pink and white
complexion that should belong to a radiant
blonJj. This procesj had been gone through
with In plain view of tho rest of tho people
in tho room, and with a serious and Lucije&s
liko air that was qui to astonishing.
"Do you make up many society ladies r I
aiked. "Yes, indeed, though not hera. We
ore bent for and go to their houses to dress
t heir hair and then make up their faces for
them afterward. Oh, yes, we Lave a great
many regular customers in the make up
'J suppose you have actresses, toof
"Weli, not so many. You see, they know
how to do tboir own make up. That's a part
of their business jtist as much as fino dress
ing; but ladies generally mako a botch
r.r rtr rrnt: tv mnh rtr tr... Mt-fliv sr
they savo themselves the bother and fuss by
iiaving it dono for them just as much as hair
dressing or manicuring. There, your hair's
n little you've no idea Low nice you'd look.
KoT Well good day."
My Turkish bath attendant tells mo that
h Law seen tho frightful ravage which cos
metics auu dyes have produced.
"I wish la.iit would sea the results of such
"1 illies as I have," eh said, "they would not
iMmr i-r.wtr rriln vlcmnt 1 nd iiifP W2Sh in tllS
s. ir dressers say that tho yellow bleach is
Vt much in demand now. The lemon haired
blondes are not in voguo. The red Laired
fI i.w. .a, jjv. "in wv ms w " a
in the dark and turns red in the sun is also
very desirable.
roisoxous COSMETICS.
I know a lady who had such hair, or, at
least, her back hair was that color. Her
bangs were much darker than her back hair,
and the contrast was not pretty. Her hair
dresser suggested doctoring them a bit.
"I don't dure," sua said.
"1 have stuff which will do it positively
harmless," ho urged.
"Drink soma of it and IH believe you," she
said, and ho complied. She argued that if it
couldn't hurt his stomach it ought not her
li.-ad, and allowed transformation to take
place. Nor Las sho ever experienced any ill
results. But it is generally very unsafa to
tamper with one's Lair. Blindness and in
sanity are often brought about by this folly.
This has been told women again and again,
but they pay no heed and rush madly in
where angels would fear to tread. There is
no risk a woman will not run, no pain 6he
will not suCer, if she thiuL; thereby sho can
bo madd more beaut if uL
1 know a woman who has used cosmetics
all her life, and those, too, of tho rankest and
most poisonous kinds. Now sho is paying
frr it. Her skin is something terrible to sea.
J'hvsicians tell her it's her stomach, but those
who have seen her daubing on lotions, pastiles
and powders know better. Sho was a hand
some woman, too she Lad no need of these
acct s-soriei Her friends often remonstrated
w ith her, but to no avail. iow she is reap
ing the whirlwind.
i kriow of another lovely woman who was
sensitive about her freckles. She took some
powerful cosmetic &nd removed them. She
never seemed strong after that, and died be
fore she was wO. I knew another who would
taka inlinitesimal doses of arsenic. She
died with some u&known stomach disease.
But tho saddest case I know of was one of
a most beautiful, dashing society woman. 1
remember seeing her one night in her sump
.Ijous, g'owing beauty, tho queen of an ice
A nrnival. surrounded by flatterers and ad
mirers. I did not soo her again until three
years afterward, and then sho was being led
along the street by aa attendant totally
blind from tlie excessive use of cosmetics
and, worse than that, continually subject to
terrible epileptic fits.
' These are "awful examples," but true ones,
tnd still in the face of theso and kindred
warnings women will insist upon painting
und powder Leg and dyeing themselves.
dith Sessions Tupper in Chicago Herald.
TUe Victory GaiueU.
Gunnington (appearing suddenly) Once
for all, Clara, will" you forgive me 1 cn't
bear to give you up for 60 trivial a reasou.
Clara No, Henry, nothing but a very
strong will power a power stronger than
tuy own would make me change ny deter
luination, and (as Henry turns away) heaven
knows you've got it, Henry I Tid Bits.
After the wedding breakfast of Prince
Henry and the Princess Irene at Berlin, while
the bride was dressing for tho journey her
garter wa3 cut up and the pieces distributed
among her maids of honor, in accordance
sviUi an old German custom.
Vxa Cattla Trained to Bellow 'Hall
Columbia" A Cniqua Concert.
It was now about & o'clock and tho sun
was rapidly approaching the horizon. The
bovine orchestra was to perform as usual at
6, or about sunset, just before feeding time.
Mr. Heminway led the way to the home
corral, a heavily timbered stockade just over
the crest of hill and about a quarter of a
mil from he house. The cowboy band
which Lad ridden out to meet him accom
panied the party on horseback. It was a
cool but calm April evening, the air balmy
with the fresh prairie air and the faint per
fumes of wild flowers. As they approached
the stockade melodious bellowlngs sounded
over the pale. Within were just twenty of
the most intelligent beasts in the whole herd
of 50,000. Brawny, big boned, long horned
and inuly some of them smooth limbs,
sleek coats and bright eyes marking them as
crack cattle. They moved forward in a
leisurely, self contained way and stood look
ing at the cowboys. Six of the latter dis
mounted, came inside with their trombone,
cornet, French horn, big horns and cymbals.
Each cowboy took up a position by a partio
ular ox.
Six of the cattle were now separated from
their fellows and led by the horns to skeleton
stalls of light poles, constructed so the beasts
faced in towards the center of the inclosure
and were ranged on the soft grass side by
side, near enough to touch the tips of each
other's horns. The cowboy with the cornet
stood immediately in front of a light brindled
heifer that had an exceedingly vivacious
aspect and was very cjuick on its feet. Tho
trombone confronted an almost jet black
steer that proved to have a high voice of
great reverberator power. The cymbals
flanked a red bull, while the other horns
were pointed at bright eyed cows that re
garded the whole strange scene with an ex
perienced air and anticipatory delight.
The Heminway party stood slightly to one
side, tha unofTlciating cowboys, to the num
ber of forty or more, in a group near them.
Just as the sinking nun reached the horizon
and seemed to linger for a moment before
saying good night, Mr. Heminway gave tho
Tha cowboys at once struck up "nail
Columbia," playing that fine old air with
much spirit and tolerable correctness. With
the first note from each instrument the ani
mal in its front raised its neck, opened its
mouth to the widest capacity, and throwing
its head back gave prolonged and musical
utterance to sonorous sounds which, if they
were not singing in the human sense, consti
tuted something remarkably like it.
Tho accord between the instruments and
the vocal accompaniment of the bovine
chorus was perfect. Thero was one harmoni
ous volume of sound, that echoed far and
wide with singular power and sweetness, car
rying through the charmed air strains of the
western patriots' favorite song and mellow
ing in tha distance to a grand choral ode.
But the most interesting part of the unique
performance was yet to come. When the
strains of the horns died away the cowboy
performers withdrew and joined the other
cowboys. The bovine chorus was left to
itself. Mr. Heminway drew a revolver from
his pocket and fired a shot. A s the smoke
curled up in the fading sunlight, the steei-s
opeued their mouths, threw their heads back
and in perfect harmony went again through
the air they had just finished. The ring and
volume and sweetness of their voices were
now distinctly apparent. They chanted ab
solutely correctly and lacked only articula
tion to be the champion sextet of the vocal
worliL John Patl Boeock ia New York
The Game of "Flngerhackeln."
A tourisi in Tyi'w! watched two hot
headed youths, who, having got into 60me
dispute over money matters, had agreed to
settle it by a resort to what in that
country is called "Finger hackela.n This
gamo, or rather struggle, is a simple
trial of strength of arm and biceps. The
tubla fs cleared, and the two competitors
seated opposite tocj: other, with the table be
tween thenl, ftretcb ouj tbeir riht bauds se
as to let them meet in tie" feter. Each,
bending the middle Anger into the shape of a
hook, entwines it with that of his rival At
a given signal each begins to pull, the object
being to drag the antagonist across the board.
Both were strapping young fellows, each
eager to show off his prowess, and the fact
that they were well known adepts at it ren
dered the struggle doubly interesting. Yio
tory swayed hither and thither; the most pro
digious efforts were made to wrest the slight
est advantage from the foe, the subtlest ruses
coming into play, the most impossible con
tortions of the body undergone; and yet the
issue seemed as far from decision as at the
very outset.
With set teeth, rigid features and heaving
breasts, the two young fellows tug and pull,
and neither will give in. Their hands are of
an angry red, the veins swollen to double
their usual size, while drops of perspiration
on their foreheads tell of their almost super
human exertions.
Watching the face of one, tho observer all
at once saw a look of agonizing pain shoot
across it. His hand dropped; the struggle
was at an end. Poor fellow I his finger is
maimed for life; for tho principal muscle has
been rent in the fierce struggle. His antago
nist, by a sudden jerk one of the numerous
stratagems of fingerhackeln has succeeded
in unbending his adversary's finger.
One very frequently sees in Tyrol a man
with a finger bent nearly double on the right
hand. If you ask the cause, you will invari
ably be told that it happened while "finger
hackeln." Youth's Companion.
John XVaa All Illght.
"Your hU3b&td is put pretty lato o' nights,
Mrs. Cally."
"Yes, Mri Dally; Lis business keeps him
late, ycu know."
"Aro you sure it's business! These men
ain't to be trusted too far, Mrs. Cally. I
speak from experienea."
"Well, I guess my John is all right."
"What makes you so confident?"
"Well, he shaves only once a week, and
then he grumbles about having it to do. He
doesn't give the least bit of attention to his
personal appearance; indeed, I have hard
work in keeping him tidy. Then ho won't
put a drop of cologne ou his handkerchief,
"That's enough, Mrs. Cally. There's no
female in his case, that's cure. He's all right"
Boston Courier.
Tho Czar's Rest Engineer.
Tho Russian imperial househo Id has con
eluded an arrangement with the engineer,
M. Kozell, regarding the great irrigation
works which are to be carried out in the ex
tensive territories in the Murgbab valley
hich ha vo been acquired by the czar. M.
Kozell, who i9 of Polish origin, was in 1S63
the commander of an insurgent battalion cf
his countrymen. Ha was taken prisoner by
the Russians and sentenced to death, but suc
ceeded in making his escape to France, where
ho subsequently carried out several import
ant engineering works. After the war in
I $70-71, in which .he fought against the Ger
mans, he returned to Russia, and as a punish
ment for his formor rebellious conduct he
Lad to serve as a private in a Cossack regi
ment for four rears. Kew York Tribunn. .
Coiffures of the American Indians Ethi
opians and their Kinky Lock Tho
Asiatic Head Dresnlng; of the South Sea
Islanders New Zeatonders.
Why should savages care for their bairl
The question is not easily answered, for sav
ages, apparently, care for so little according
to our notions In tho way of personal aj
pearance that regard for their locks would
seem to be the last matter to which they
would give attention. But, nevertheless,
there la reason to believe that 6avages have
much more concern for their locks than we
are apt to believe; and, indeed, no pages of
travelers' books are more interesting than
thoso which give accounts of tho manners
and dress of tho barbarous races; for, by
means of tho hints imparted by travelers'
notes, we aro able to gather that vanity is u
prevalent among savages as among tho civil
ized, and fashion as imperious in her man
dates. Among tho American Indians great atten
tion Las always been paid to tho hair, and
well it deserves it, for although coarse,
harsh and straight, the hair of tho American
Indian is of a deep lustrous bluck, and when
properly arranged, is capable of making a
very beautiful coiffure. Tho works on Amer
ican antiquities give a great number of
styles of hair dressing in vogue among tho
Indians. Among the Shawnees tho favorite
style was to clcely clip tho sides of the head
in front, above and behind the ears, and allow
a straight ridge of hair to grow from the
forehead to the nape of the neck, adorning
this with feathers, and sometimes plaiting
the top into a long cue behind. The Indians
of the North Atlantic co:ist had a habit of
clipping the entire head, with tho exception
of a scalp lock just at tho top, though not
infrequently the savago bohu, Instead of
clipping, would permanently destroy the
growth of hair on all portions of the head,
except tho apex of tho cranium, by pulling
out tbo huirs by the roots and rubbing ashes
or some other strong alkali on tho skin to
destroy tho growth. Tho Indians of tho
Pacific coast frequently clip off or pull ,out
the Lair on the top and back of tho head,
leaving u lock over each ear, while ia the
south it was a praetico among the Indians to
extirpate the Lair on all portions of the head
save the back, and leave that for a scalp
lock. In all cases, wherever tho lock or locks
were loft, they were always adorned in the
highest style of ludiun nrt, sometimes with
feathers, occasionally with wampum or
beads, and not infrequently their sizo was
increased and their length extended by the
use of horse hair.
The Ethiopians have no hair, properly
speaking, but what answers them for hair is
really different from tho hair of the white
races, f a hair from the head of a Caucasian
be examined through a microscope, it is
found to be hollow and composed of sections
or joints somewhat resembling thoso of a
cano, or in some cases like u ladder with its
rounds. The hair oi an African is entirely
different in this resect, being solid and
round, this constituting the difference be
tweeu wool and hair; but nevertheless, the
fact that his wool is solid appears only to en
dear it to the African, who gives it all the
more attention, perhaps because Le has so
little of it, and di vides his scalp into patches,
gathering up the hair from each into a cir
culai knot aixl tying it with a string as care
fully as though it were a treasure. J a the
interior of tha Dark Continent tha wool of
the negroes ii f i equently long, though never
straight, but so difficult is the task of disen
tangling their locks that not much attempt
at oi-uatenoss is made in the African head
dresses. Livingstone says that when an
African chief makes his toilet, the most ho
ever attempts in the way of arranging a
head dress is to comb his wool up into a
pyramidal shape, stick a few feathers in it,
and hang one or mora strings pi beads along
tb? ffcade, so to speak, of this unique edifice.
The Asiatics have always been famous for
decorating their heads. The Mohammedans
of old shaved their heads, except a single
knot of hair at the exact top of the head,
which was left for a practical purpose, the
Mohammedan doctrine being that at the res
urrection of the dead the Angel Gabriel was
specially detailed to attend to tho Mohnmme
da us, and ho raised them by the top knot.
Accordingly, the top knot was left full aud
strong, in order that the hold might not
break, a hole being left in the top of the cof
fin in order to facilitate tho angel's work.
Tho Chinese method of hair dressing is too
well known to need description, whila in
India the styles are both numerous aud di
versified, many of the tribes of tho Punjaub
being distinguished from each other by tnei."
methods of dressing their hair.
According to Lubbock, Darwin and other
authorities, the head dressing of the South
Sea Islanders is ornate in the last degree,
while not infrequently their styles of dress
ing their hair are so ingeniously grotesque as
to create the impression that the ariaugo
meut was solely for the purposo of exciting
laughter, tiometimes most cf the hair on
the head is clipped away, leaving a number
of short, round tufts, as though the scalp
were planted with short paint brushes. Oc
casionally the hair is cut away from the
forehead and temples, laaving it at the top
and back of the head ; sometimes tho back of
the head is shaved, leaving the hair on the
top and sides; but generally the entire growth
of hair is left upon the head, and as tho capil
lary adornments of the New Zea landers aro
very long and bushy, the coiffure of a chief
generally assumed enormous proportions.
One traveler mentions the fact of seeing a
chief in Now Zealand whose bead dress was
over three feet In diameter and arranged in
long cones, the surface ot the scalp being di
vided into a great number of small circles,
end tha ba;r growing In each twisted up and
so cuiied as to form invai ted cones, the point
being towards the scalp.
But not content with these extraordinary
appendages, the South Sea Islanders have a
practice of dyeing their hair and in tho most
extraordinary colors. The natural color of
their hair is a jetty black, but they have a
number of pigments, the use of which is well
known to them, by which they color their
ocks red, green, blue, yellow and whita, and
every variety of color may be seen in the
course of a day's walk. But the New Zealand
dandy is frequently not satisfied with having
his hair of one color, and so will dye it in
several, making bauds or stripes acros3 his
cranium. A recent traveler records having
seen a New Zealander with an enormous
shock of buwhy hair. In front the hair was
left its natural color. Next, from one eai
across the top of the head to the other, came
a stripe of white hair, then a band of rati,
then a streak of green, then a blue stripe, and
this parti-colored savage, who resembled
nothing so much as an extraordinarily hab
ited clown in the circus, was not only the ad
miration of himself, but of the entire viilag
if which he lived, so that in New Zealand, oi
well as in more civilized countries, the adage
'variety is the spice of life," is perfectly true
- Sc. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Kewspaper Gossip Concerning the Fafc
bos Items of I'ersonai Interest.
Tho queen of Sweden Lj a clever cook.
Dagmar, of Russia, Is very clever witb
her needle.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox's favorito com
panion is a big black cat.
Elizabeth Stuart Thelps, tho author, ii
44 years old.
Mrs. Iingtry now owns 5,000 acres of
farm land in Lake county, Cal.
The ex-Empress Eugenie has develoed
a tendency toward spiritualism.
Tho queen of Italy designed one of the
prettiest lamps on view at the Italian ex
hibition. Mrs. Garrett Anderson, England '9
leading woman doctor, realizes $.jO,000
from her practice.
Rev. Carrie J. Hartlett has for nearly
two years been pastor of a Unitarian
church at Sioux City, la.
Miss Clara Conway is the first woman
to receivo tho degree of A. M. from a
southern institution of learning.
Queen Sophie, of Sweden, reads the
newspapers from every Euroan coun
try after breakfast each day.
Queen Victoria is afflicted with insom
nia. She is sometimes put to 6leep by
having her brows stroked gently with a
camel's hair brush.
Mrs. Oscar Wilde is fond of yellowish
green not to f.:tv jTornorv v:!! iy
gowns, and Uuua cluwming in them.
Mrs. J. A. Ansley, of Decatur, Ga.,
has a pair of Indian moccasins donated
to her grandfather by Gen. Andrew Jack
eon, who obtained them in Florida dur
ing some of the earlier conflicts of the
government with the Seminole Indians.
Mme. Modjeska flew in tho face of
tradition at the Wallack testimonial per
formance in New York by going mad, as
Ophelia, in a sage green gown. It is
against all the customs of the stage, op
eratic or dramatic, for a mad scene to he
enacted in any but white garments
Mme. Modjeska, seeing no good reason
for this custom, chose to go mad, in
green, and delighted an audU-iice of
4,000 by the icnovation.
Ex-Queer. Isabella, of Spain, who will
viMt England for the first time this sea
son, has an income of $1,000,000 a year,
but is always in debt. She maintains no
liouso at Paris, but always lecidea at a
hotel. Sho Brands va;-t sums on horses.
Her executivo ability is clearly shown by
tho case with which she constantly spends
more than her enormous income amounts
Friends of Mrs. Gen. Logan say thai
she hns recovered almost entirely from
tho effects of the accident by which she
was thrown from her carriage. She will
never bo able, however, to raise her right
hand above her head. She is boundup
now in tho completion of a memorial
room in her house at Washington, In
which sho ha-j brought together all the
mementoes of her husband in her pos
Jotsslon. Women lawyers are becoming a power
m tho land. Michigan university has
already 6ent out twenty-four young wo
men holding the degree of LL. D. This
year a young woman from tho Sandwich
Islands, Miss Alma IIit6hcock, will mako
the twenty-fifth. In England there is a
club of woman lawyers. It is mainly a
correspondence club, yearly letters from
tho members being printed and circu
lated. Mrs. Belva Lockwood and Miss
Waugh, from the law school in Chicago,
are among tho members. The motto of
the club is: "All the Allies of Each."
The trousseau of the future empress of
China is a-making in Vienna. The prin
cipal court dress is of very rich blue vel
vet. On tho front there is an embroi
dered eagle, the wings of which are
ornamented with over 300 small and five
very largo pearls. The hat to match this
dress is of folded velvet; between the
fold3 there ore bows of diamonds, so
that the head dress has the nppearanco
of a diamond crown. There are besides
three gala dresses made of Chinese satin,
one of sky biro, ono in purple blue and
the third of ii dark indigo shade. The
fronts of theso gowns are embellish
with mottoes in the Chinese language,
worked in fold. One has "Wan-fu"
(eternal happiness), another 'Wnn-shou"
(eternal life) and tho third "Wan-car"
(eternal love).
Iiuagires Himself a Teapot.
There passed Palatka not long ago a
man cf forty winters who wa, an object
of pity, and yet, with all that, was some
what amusing. He wa3 eano on all sub
jects but oiw, and that he imagined
himself a teapot. He would put himself
into the Ehape of a teapot by rounding
one arm to represent tho spout and tho
other to represent the handle. Whilo in
that shape he became very uneasy if any
one came ne?r, fearing they might break
off the hand'e or spout. He would not
speak, but would make a danger signal
with his mouth to represent the escaping
6team. Then he would walk around,
swsy to and fro among those about him,
fully satisfied that he was a teapot.
Savannah News.
Progress In the Indian School.
The Pipe of Peace repeats great pro
grees in the Genoa Indian schooL A
genuine native poet lias matured seven
atanzas on "The Horn, "and turned them
loose on the tribe. Seventy dresses and
an equal nnmber of skirts have beeu
tucked away for the summer picnic sea
son. The seventy girls in the school at
tend to the?r knitting with uncommon
diligence, and boastfully declare that
thera is not a hole in the stockingf of
schoolboys, 100 in number. Chicago
Example of Conscientiousness.
The matron at Castle Garden has set a
good example of conscientiousness by ro
Eigiung her position because 6he hadjittla
to do beyond drawing her salary. Thoso
who aim to work as little for as great
pay a3 possible might be interested ia
this new interpretation of business.
Chicago nerald.
As Chinese immigration is now pro
hibited, the Chinese laundryrnen of Cali
fornia have combined to advance tba
price cf washing, no longer fearing com
petition from their countrymen.
The Plattsmouth Herald
Xs on joying a
The Tear 1888
Will be one lurin which the subjects of
nutioiiiil interest and importance will be
strongly agit:itel ami the election of a
President will take place. 'J he people of
Cass Countv who would like to learn of
Political, Commercial
and Social
of this year and would keep apace with
the times should
Daily or Weekly Herald.
Now while we have the subject before the
people we will venture to speak ot our
si? it- ttiS m
Which is first-class in all respects and
from which our job printers are turning
out much satisfactory work.
Borrn in both, its
nn y m