ft" '- n 1 1 : The Plattsmouth Daily Herald. 3ST O T T 3 BEO S., Publishers & Proprietors. THE rLATTSMOUTII HKKALI) Is published every evening except Kiinday and Weekly every Thursday morning. Regis tered at the postoniee, I'laltsmoutu. Nebr.. h md-elas mutter. Office corner of Viue and Fifth Mrecls. LiiiL DALLY HEKAJirrxATlJSAobixi, rraSgKAtjKA, SilffUB DAY, JULY 7, 1588. TEETH WHILE YOU WAIT. 1 KRMS roll I.AILV. One. copy one year in advance, Iy mall SO 00 inn copy per month, by carrier .Vi One copy jmt week, ly earl ier 15 TKKMS FO WKKKLV. One oopy one year, in advance One copy tlx months. In advance.. NATIONAL REPUBLICAN TICKET. j-ou ritoinKNT, REN'JAMIN" II A R R I S )X, of Indiana. Klt VICK I'llESIPHNT, LEVI 1. MORTON, of New York. Witu Harrison we'll make and that's what t lie matter. tlicni run .IrixiK Tiii kmax is 74, Mr. Morton CI, Ccncial Harrison o'i ami Mr. Cleveland 51. Tiik popular vote for president in 184 was 10,0i7,IO. It will be about 12,000, 0(J this year. The strike among the furnace men of lVnnsylvanhi is charged up to the tariff with all the check the millionnir Scott, who had taken charge of Mr. Cleveland'! cause, possesses. The idle furnaces and fall ing seale of wages in the iron region is di rectly traceable to just such men us M;rssr. Scott, Cleveland anil Co. "Fjike whisky nn:l dear clothing!" yelled the thousand throats of that party, which went out of power leaving whisky at yo cents a gallon, : cents a drink, and cotton prints at 3. cents per yard, as soon an the Chicago convention had framed n platform for that other party whose mors j influence had diminished the vice of in temperance and whose financial policy had reduced cotton prints to 0 cents a 1 .a. ... yaru, ana almost all needful manufac tures in like degree. Pawnee Republican. Pathick Eaoan is called a profession al Irishman by the hydrophobic democrat ic press. Yes, 3Ir. Eagan is a educated Ir ishman who has professed Republicanism, and this is the head and front of his of fending. An Irishman that refuses to br dragged behind the conquoring car of Englisn free trade and English democ racy in this country, is a scallawag ia the estimation of the northern democracy. Gentlemen, the woods are full of Irish in mi of Mr. Patrick Eagaa's honesty and independence. Tins wild, wooley. west, does'nt want any free trade, not much gentlemen; we want manufactures; and now, just as tin manufacturer is putting his foot west ol t he Missouri river to build up manufac tories and give us n home market, out west, for our produce and then, in u incausure, relieve us from the burden ol long hauls jo the lakes and seaport mar k T,,c vexed transportation problem we don't want any free trade for tin west. Give us protection, give us manu acturies give us a home market, tin bet market in the world an American iiiarketu what we want. How turn DentUt Trie to Defy Tturar Well mm Nature. "Four and five dollar aetaof teeth made while waiting." That la a portion of an advertisement that caught a reporter's eye and cauaod a vllt to the office of the dentist who had Inserted it. Many men doubtleus remember that cer tain of their relative remained in solitary confinement for from two to three weeks while waiting the arrival of the Ideal set of grinders. Is it possible that one can have one s own worthless teeth removed, an im pression of the mouth taken and new teeth fitted, and all within an hour or two's time! The dentist, when asked that question, an swered auirmatlvely. "Vou see," said he, dentistry is progressing like everything else, and it is an every clay occurrence for me to get up a $5 set of teeth In an hour and a half. Although it would be much better if, alter having teeth extracted, the patient would wait for a week until the mouth heals and tho bone which surrounds the teeth be dissolved, still there ore ever so many who come hero and will end are the discomfort and pain which of necessity follows a quick li auon rainer man depart toothless. "Jiow do I do it so quickly. Well, by a method or process I use in vulcanizing or cooking' the rubber used for the rlate.ivhich reduces that usually long process to an hour's time. No, It Is not so satisfactory, nor is ft any less expensive, but it is quicker. The price oi a raise sec ol teeth depends almost entirely on the number and size of the platinum pint- wmcn ine teeth contain, and the quality and texture or tho porcelain used. men, too, the small manufacturers of cheap teeth are continually cutting one another's throat3. and the Deonle sret the benefit The dentist has very little to do in uetermming the price. Countrymen and farmers buy more false teeth than do any other class of people. You see, Mrs. Jones, for instance, has the tooth ache, comes to town, and, after frantio at tempts to get rid of the pain, has all her teeth pulled, and with a beautiful new set. with perhaps a little gold Oiling In front, re turns to her village or farm. Mrs. Smith sees Mrs. Jones' teeth, and, not content to bo without anything that Mrs. Jones has, she, too, comes to town ana has porcelain substi tuted for bone. "Country people don't take proper or even aecout care or their teeth; and, besides, they eac too much pie. And they, too, ore the people who want tholr teeth served up In an nours time. A countryman comes to the city expecting to do shopping for 'tho folks at home,' take in the town and provide him- seir, ana perhaps hi3 family, with a set of teeth, and all in one day. Sometimes ho is successful, too. "Negroes carry a good deal of porcelain and gold in their mouths, too, but they, al most invariably, want the most expensive sets, Insisting upon gold plates and a plenty of gold filling. I have made a number of sets for negroes which cost f 100. But in a year's time a negro will manage to break the best set that I can make, and then, of course, he receives a bill for repairs. The gold plates are, of course, Incompara ably better than the rubber or the celluloid, and if a patient can afford them I always ad viso their use." New York Evening World. THE 310 DEUX is catc her r: JiASEHALL. The "catcher" in modern baseball another development that must not l e passed by. In the circuses there is often a trained athlete, who stands in front ol of a cannon and catches the ball in his hands when it is fired out, at no very greit distance from the gun. The charge of powder which sends it. however, is measured, and serious accidents resulting from the undertaking, I think, are not numerous. But the catcher of the regu lation baseball implement or globe, or toy, call it which you will, takes his life in his hands. He has to catch a ball which might as well bo a cannon ball, with little power to tell where it will uu.i mm or ne it, and with a certainty that if it hits him serious or fatal injury is most likely to ensue. To make it less possible that his nose or jaw shall be broken, or to prevent his teeth from be ing knocked entirely out, he now wears a wire cage over his fate, not .wholly dissimilar to an ox's muzzle or abur-Lr's mis.;. Joel Ronton, in The American 31-igaz.ine for Julv. Superstition of the Gmaluu. Mr. Frank La Flesche, an Indian who hap for some years been employed in the Indian olnco, read an interesting paper before the Anthropological society the other evening on "Funeral Customs of the Oinahas." "Thr approach of death," he said, "is believed tc lie foreshadowed in various ways, not only to the ierson himself, but to others, who, bj reason of tbeir supposed skill in seeing thf comir, of death, gain reputation as prophets. They either uui-o visions or pass through ap parent death. The drearucr lies in the open air, in the midsummer, with the ihunei rolling in the heavens, and listens for voices. I'heso come to him from animals, clouds oi merely t!;e air. Such Tier-sons as enn foresee death aro eligible to member ship in the Ghost society.' Oe vis ion is that or a woman walking, bul not on tho ground, ourrounded by o halo of bright nr:a,!ind always leaving a" vil lage or Kxle, If tljey cur a p!acid, pleasing expression, the death will be from natural auses, from accident or in war; but if thr face is uistorteu it is an indication that thr person win die v. hilo engaged in a quarrel vim another, and the soul is full of bitter .-loss. Thoso who foresee can also prevent leatn, ana are ciu.i tailed noon to render this service. One method Is jiOUiinj; hot water at rignt angles to the path leading to the lodge, while another consists of oecupv ing, with one whose death Is foreseen, a sweat lodge Lnut by the latter, pronouncing cer tain incantations and spi iutliug tLa bedy of the client with tho powder of the ai teinesia, supposed to be the food of the ghosts. "Tho howling of a dog is also a token of coming death, but is not so infallible as the spectacla cf a dog mounting the side of an earth lodge, and peering through the opening at tho top. Then, with trembling limbs, fho warriors, seated around the fire, seize mis siles and chase th dog and kill him to propi tiate the ghosts. To see or hear the voices of dead relatives is also a sign of approaching death." Wasbineton Star. REPUBLICAN PLATFORM. The republicans of the United State. nsem. tiled by their delljcates In national enuveutlon. nauxe on the threshold of their proceedings t honor the memory of their first pleat leader nun iinmorial eiiainiilnii or lilioiiv tnu rights of the people, Aliraham Lincoln, and to cover also with wreaths of Imperishable re membrance and gratitude the heroic names of our later leader wlio have lipfn called away from oiircouncll, (Irani. Caillelii. Arinur, Logan and l onkiinjr. Way their mem ories be faithfully cherished. We also rerall with our greetings and prayer for his reeoveiy the name of one of our hvIiir heroes hose memory will be treasured in the history both of republicans and of the republic. The uame is that of the noble soldier and favorite child of victory. I'hilip II. tsheridan. In the hpirit of those great leader and of our devotion 1 1 human liberty, and with that hos tility to ail forms of despotism ai:d oppression which is the fundamental idea of the republi can party, we i-cud fraternal congratulations to our fellow American of lirnyil Ilium t liuir great act of emancipation which coinnleted the abolition of slaverv f Inuii houl tl... u American continents. W earnestly hope we may roon congratulate our fellow cIUzciim of Irish birth llnoii the ln:n i f i.l roi-nti.rv ..l l, ....... rule for Ireland. WK AKr llc.M oitk livswhliv mi: iiwi-svi-is.. to the national constitution smd to the indis soluble, union of states to the autoonniy re served to the states under the constitution, to the personal rights and liberties of citizens in all states and territories in iho union n.i lt-ciiiny ui me supreme and sovereign riirlif. .r c.i i) i-iKi-ii, nni r iiur, native or loreign lioi'll. Willie or black, to e:ist huh fri i- Lull., i i.. ine public elections and to li:ivn t,-.t I.. .11... "'" --""" i eu. n e iioki a ireo and honest non- uiar liallut and lust and uu:il i-i.i......i....ii,... ui ,ui .n..ic u ui' ui iounuatioii or our re Hioncaii government and demand effective 'H'mi ion io seci ie iiih iiiti-i'iiiv :itirf I,.,. it.. ... .. ...nr. ,1 ii it-ii .in-1 in- on u i a ins or an null uithorily. We charge that the oiesi ni ;.l i.uiii.iiaiiuii ii niB oi'iuociaile mainiitv in owe ineir existence to the supif ssion of the ballot by the criminal iiullillcatidii of i iw loiiKuiuiioii ana laws ol the United Stales, i r. ,ic iiiK-ioiiipiomi.siiigiy ui tavor of the American system of lu-tiii-i-tiim u i,i..t..i 11.111.1 tilt' tlt-.-M I I1CLIIM1 lirilllllSI'll I IV 11 I . r. I ileut and bis nail v. 'I Iwv mrm tii ..f i....... .. """'i'" n r.ini.i.MHTOIlT 1XTKHKSTS OK AMKItll A. t, ;ii-i'.ii I in vwiiii .....I ......it.i.....i.. . . f ........ , iiiiu ...uiitii-ni ty il.ll.itl IO nit. (. ..ii.- jllr ineir jiiiigmeur. 1 lie piotective .iit-iu iiiii.ii ui- uiaiiiiaincii. us aliandomiiHut n.is always licen to owed bv ei-nerul ilitur to- all interests evcenl. fli IIKfl III II ! Illlulll-m. aim Miti in. we denounce the Mills' bill il,.vf i-i,..i i,-.. i .-nt-,,,, uiiNiiifss, lanor. and tin; tanning interV ests of the country, and ve beartilv entnusi" the consistent aim patriotic action of the re publican ruprescniatives in congress in oppos ing its passage. We condi-nm tin nnuiui in,, ol the democratic party to place wool on the liee list and insist. t,at Ihe dntii's iin.ri.mi ha I be adiusteil and m;iiiii:iiii.l u .u t.. r,,,. nish full and adequate protection' to that in-ilu-try. l'ue reiiiiblican nartv wonlil -n..it -,n , reduction of the i,;il inn il n.t i-i ii.. i.,. .-....'....i,.... the taxes on tobacco, wiiich are ap arrog'iiice and burden to agiiculiure. ami the i-ax ,, spirits used in Ihe arts ami for mechanical iiur- poses, aiid by such revision of the taritl 'laws as will tend to check impuits or such arr.icles as ae produced bv our neoi li. ilin litrul nrt inn .tf which gives employinent to our labor, and re lease from import duties these iirtieh-s of for. eiKii production, except luxuries, the like of which cannot br inoil llri'ri1 :it. hmi.i. flu, r. I, . 1 1 ri in ii-m.wo it laiger revenue I nan is r iiii-'itt mi nn- iuiis in goveritiuenr. oi internal taxes i.iiiier man surrender any Part of our i m tive system at the joiut lielii st of the whi.skv rinir 'Kill ...... nr.. i.r i-......: . . . r .. J -. nsiin.1 vl ion-i;ii iiiiuui:iciurers. AUA.'ST J'A.l."PEIt AND I.AI'.OK T1U STS. ,irj..i. .....' . o ui-i:iaie nosiiiii v r.iine ,i. r.-u , this countrv of foreign coin rno.t. klmr t. iiiiir.se lawir alien io our elvi lyntimi ...! coKstituliou, and we ileiuand therieirl i.i,i,,r,.,.. iiirni oi r.Msuug laws against it and tavor such immediate legislation as will exclude such la bor from our shores. We declare our omiositlnn tn .ill nmi.;, .. tions of capital organized in trusts or other wise to control uibitrarilv the condition of trade among our citizens and we recon.iiieiul ro congress and the state legislatures in their respective jurisdictions such legislation as will prevent the execution of all schemes to oppress the people by undue charges on their s-n or by unjust rates for the transportation of their products to inarkot. we approve legislation bv conrre! to ..rn vent alike unjust burdens and unfair discrim ination betweon states. and Pacific states as well an for the pay oi me maturing public debt. Thin policy will give employment to our labor, activity to our various industries. Increased security to our i-oiuiiry, uromoie trade, open new and direct ii.ni r. t-us 10r oi.r prooiicts and cheap'ii the cost of transportation. We atlinu this tote far nrii.tw wr our country than tne democratic poncy oi loaning tne government's money KoUtliJN HKLATIONS. The conduct ot forelKfi affairs by the present Qniniiiiut iiiIo. t... . i.. . .i - - . ." i U ..iiii.iiuitiu nnr, nrru Ol'l HlglllMllMl by lliel- llcieiicy and cowardice. Having withdrawn from the senate all pending tieaties effected iiy repuoiican staministratloi s for the removal of iorelgu burdens and restrictions upon our comineice and for Its extension Into a better iiiaiHet.'i nas neither auccted nor proposed any others In their stead. Professing adher ence to the Monroe doctrire. it has seen with Idle complacency the extension of foreign in lliience in Central America and of foreign trade everywhere among our neighbors. Ithasre- iiisru io cnarier, sanction or encourage any American organizytion for constructing the Nicaragua canal, a work of vtal importance to me ii.aiincnaHce ot ine Monroe doctrine and of our national inlluence in Central and South America, and necessary fo- the development oi uaoe wnu our racine territory, with South America, and with the further coasts of the raciuc ucean. KISIIKlltES iUKSTION. We arraign the present democratic adminis tration for Its weak .mil uimsit rini i t of the tisheries iiiestioii. and Its pusillanimous .-.in iviiui-i in u privileges io will ell our llshery vessels are entitled in Canadian ports under iuc wrniy oi isjs. me reciprocate mariii- iine legislation of ls.sn and comity of nations. ana which Canadian hshing vessels receive in . J iim is oi ine l niteil Mates. We coii Jemii the policy of the present administration and the democratic, majority in congress towards our livheries as unfriendly and conspicloiisly unpatriotic and as tending to destroy a valuable ............. iuuiipii; .inn an iniuspensioie resource in urioiiH' Hgaiusi i. reign enemy. ine name oi Anieiieun :nn.lii .ii;ir i ,ii cilizens of the rep.iblic. and imposes upon men alike the same obligation of obedience to the .is. ine same umecltizenship is and must be t he panoply and safeguard of him who weais Knieiuacu proieci iiim whether high or low- rich or poor, in all his civil rights. It snoiiiu ami must afford li f lit protection at home ami loilow and protect him abroad in whatever .in m; oiiij oe on a ia wiui errand. I H IL. SEUVICK ICKl-'OICM. met) who al nidi, ni'il i k i-,.,,i,i.i i Iv in lstl ...l . . :' . 't-uii i-.ii- . j ... ...... iimiiiiur ii, ,iu iiere io i ne (lemo- l'lllt III It'll I U I..,,-. .1 I.. . ... ..v,,, ii.t, it iii .sri i t-ii noi oniy me cause in in ni si government, l.ut of sound finance, of ... . ii..,.. ,.iu piirny oi ine Pallot. but esuec- l:lllV h;il'b .Ii.ut-...! m j, . m. im.il , .... ,, .- V li IM ! HI lilt: .... . .sri tiee. v e win not fail to keep our pledges because i ey have broken theirs, or ui . .uise i n cir candidate has broken his. We t herefore repeat our declaration of ism, towlt : I he reform of civ il service auspiciously begun ..... v I'lii'iii iiii iliiiii in i vi r; i inn ciimiiii couipleted by afurther extension of th reform f,i". . s,:i."islied by law to all grades . ........... i r,,,,,!,,, ,i applied, lliespir- it and purpose of refiirm ulimii.i i.a . ....... !i i.. ..II .: , . ."'iti.ttl III mi vAri'imrn appoiniiiienis m,i .ill l.,..- . ii irm-i- no ii ne o nicer or pvui nr ,,(,.,.., i,. islation should be repealed, and that the dan gers to free institutions which lurk in the pow er of official P.-itiim.-in-f. iimv .. .....1 ,.r feftivelvavo ded. 1 lie gratitude of the nation to the defenders of the union cannot be assured except by laws. I he legislation of congress should conform to Eureka Meat T. J. irKet, THOMA8,i. WIIOI.KHAI.K AMI JtKTAII. Ul AI.KIt IN Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal iiiu Fiiiy. Z invito all to givo mc a "trial. Sugar Cure il Meats, JIains, V.uvt.n, I.ar.l, etc., at lowest liyino; juicis. J)0 not fui'l iU: i'mh Outttr in f ,,i, n J;,, to tive ipc ji i:i j iitn i i e. 3". THOMAS DKALKR IX - STOVES, FURNITURE, AND ALL KINDS OP- HOUSEHOLD GOo6s. -LATEST STYLUS OF- The WINDOW GWB.TA.Xm KVA'T CONSTANTLY )N HAND. FICTI7HS EAZUIEIS 2A3DE TO OHDER MA Til ST It EE T, I5ET. MAIN AND VINE. I'LATIf-MOl '111, M r FURNITURE -FOll EMPORIUM ALL CLASSES OF I III. lil.i.l ir.io ., .. .1 .-. 1 .. 1 , . . . . , . V ." i - n'.iuc vy a lojai ieopie. auit tie r.iiaigi-ii aim exieniiej ni to provide against the possibility th.it any man who honorably vi ore the ledj ral uniform shall become an in mate of an almshouse or dependent on private !'!:!", i. i, ' t'JjHenee of an overflowing tiea.Mii i it would b a public scandal to do less .... ..HUM- vaiorous service preserved tl;,) government. t, denouni.o tlie hostile spirit shown by President Cleveland in his numerous .noes oi measures lor pension relief, and the ... ...... ,.i ,,,c ueiiiocraiic nouse of representa tives in refusing even consideration of general l u.'iwu iv ;i.ii4llli;il. In support of the principles herewith enun ciated we invite the co-operation of patriotic men ol all parties, especially of all worklii'' rifil, .!Hl,.,ro.s,,elity is '"'"iously threatened by the tree trade policy of the present adu.(u- $500 Reward. Vc will jiay the above reward for any rise of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, indigestion, constipation or co-tivene&s we cannot cure with West's Vegetal le Li yer I'il Is, when the directions are strictly complied with. fTl 1 . i iiiey are pureiy vegetal ie, ami never fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes containing 30 sugar coated pills, 2-c. or sale by all druggists. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genu ine manufactured only by John O. Well & Co., 862 W. Madison St. Chicago Its Sold by W. J. Tf&Txick. Sicglne tn the Public Schools. Tho system of singing ucw J2.ibfc in the public schools is productive of wonderful re sults. The children are not taught from song boots, as was the old style, but they are Irst made to sing an4 understand tho notes. J ust as in other studies the text book has been superseded by the oral lesson, so, too, in this caso. It is too, in fact, an object lesson in vocal music, in the inovabia do system which we uso the child is made to appreciate tno tun vaiuo or every note, and they learn to read music at Eigne in a remarkably short time. In one year, under the preamt method, a child advances aa mch as it would under tho old method in threo vears. TL6r too the lessons soften and modulate the voice and render it more flexible for elocutionary pur poses. The orators of tne coming generation will have sweater musio ia their tones than tho orators of tho present time. Nicholas liavokl in Globe-Democrat A Warning. The modes of death's approach are va nous, ana statistics show conclusively that more persons die from disease of the hroat and lungs than any other. It i, probable that everyone, without excep tion, receives vast numbers of Tubercle Uerms into the sj-stcm and where these germs fall upon suitable soil they start into life and develop, at first slowly and is shown by a slight tickling sensation in the throat and if allowed to continue their ravages they extend to the lungs produc ing consumption ana to the head, caus ing Catarrh. Now all this is Uangercua and if allowed to continue will in time cause death. At the onset vou must net with promptness; allowing a cold to go without attention is dangerous and may loose you your life. As soon as you feel that something is wrong with your throat lungs or nostrils, obtain a bottle of Kos- ouce a uermsn oyrup. It Will glye immediate relief. PUfJLIi: I.A.MI I.K1IISI.ATIOX. VV't) i-eailinn the policy of appropriating the public lands of thy L'hiieii Slates tj be home steads for American citiens aud hettie.s m.t aliens, which the republican party established in lst-2 against the persiste.it opposition of the democrats in congress, which has brou 'ht our great western domain into magnificent de velopement. 1 he restoration of unearned land grants to ihe public domain for the use of ac- iu. u Pi,.!"is which was begun under the ad ininlstrafton oi i're-M .nt A"tmr ulimii.i i. eoiiuuueu. e ocny mat the UeiiioeraUu party nas ever resioreu one acre to the people but declare that by the joint action of republicans ...I., utriuiivi ui.-i nuiuii, uiiy minion acres of un fl'l I'll a. I .i,wl . .. II .. .. . . r .. . ....,. .ui.u.1, ..i iiiiaiijr Kiaiiicu ior me con-jti-uct,.-? f f railroads, have been restored to . . r; h , Vi , v- : ' OI conditions ......tr.tt-.. ... t no iiiHwuican pariy in the oiigin al grants. VI e charge the leni.er:itii o.i,iT.i, traf ion w ith failure to execute laws securing to i . V i .1 ir.--nniis aUU Willi US- uuMiupiMMuiis -uauc ior mat purpose to hanas ini:oce,H eWie.s v,4tii p.cs ,,.', pro:;e eutloiie uiider tne fitlse pretense of cuoiii" frauds and vindicating the law. " ADMISSION OK TKltlUTOKIES, The government by congress of the territor ",,OH necessity only to the end that tbey may become states in the union - tliere forc.i:rnoei tue vOi,d:fl;,s o; ),op.,lation material resource, public intelligence and morality are such as to Insure stable local cov ernnieiit therein the people of such territories should be permitted, a right inherent in them to ronn for themselves constitutions and s'-ite' governments and be ad ..itted iuto the union ir.,"l:r. ;tvT:- "". :t:.ei.o4 ! pmcer .... niiuutti ur airieeie.i limn it. mo Republican State Convention. The republican electors of the state of Nebraska are requested to semi delegates lioni their several counties to meet in convention at the city of Lincoln Thurs day, August 23, land, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates for the following state offices. Governor. Lieutenant Governor. Secretary of St?,te. State Treasprer. Auditor of Public Accounts. Attorney General. commissioner of I'ublic Lands and i-uiiciings. A llI f h r, frannar.li.n I' . , i . ""i!ai.iiuii ki l suen otner uusi- ncsa as ir.ay come before the convention. THE AITOHTfOXMEXT. Tlie several counties are entitled to re presentation as follows, being based uvov, the vote cast; for II??. Samuel Maxwell" judge, in 1887, giving one delegate at large to each county, and for each loO votes, and major fraction thereof: PINE PTTP TVTTTiTTTj in -YOU .SHOULD CALL OX Where IB O a magnificent stock of rices abound. (iootls and Kaii UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING A SPECIALTY MA IX AND SIXTH I ' L ATTSM ( f T J I . X 1 : I ; I .'A K A Bennett k M tide ii-siueins nun CIMZCIIS Of the territorv herein t he ,if I.. .......... .......... .. . . '. .v.v... . 1 ....' ail... NUIUII llitKUt.'l SJ VOU i.....i.i . 'c iiiinit-ui.u.ei.v uuiniiieii as a slate in the union under the constir minn frm..i ... I I... I.. ... .-"".tl .iu ..... imij.ip, iiim we neartUv en i...iu me Hi-inni oi me republican senate in ,. it , - i.i..iiiu . ins mr iier Mil in 1umr.11 i.n-.. fusalof tj-e 'democratic house uf re'piuseuta tives. ior tiaifi-an .n.i-Hses tn .. ..' ... ... . " , .t. Tr ..' .,..,.1 am, loll. siueriiic.se Dins is a w il f n v inl iti.,,. - t . i. -,..r...l A. , .- "I IOC ..u .nni uuiu I'.iui.jne oi local sell-irovern .... u .:iti ill- iii ITUillll-inuailOII Of nil nil men. I li ...... ,inm ; i.. . '. . " j-i ;. i,u.VV7 .W'".'". ".T"1" ior acts ii. l- . . i Vi "r'e oi y. l.Nninton, North . i.i .iioinaiiiii ii-rru,')ries rn !.,. .-.iiiuiioii-i anu esiaoiisn antra fm,..,,.,,. li..l.i i. ...i. ' iiiei' i s ; " ""in Minium unneces-arv del.v uic irriiMia.ui PilllV DleUL'es lliw ftn ilr. ..u :.. it power to facilitate rlie iuIhiko.,.. ..r ,i. 7 r:C w? '.y,i:'.'u', iizu and . ......... n, mi.- oi jut hiumi m f eii-jroveruii'cut as states. Such of them as are now qualified as soon as possible.aud others as soon as tlicv mav bec.iiiio sn. i"i.jf TJ?K MOIJ.MO.-; IVUKSTIOX. The pcliiiea! poe cr of tin; Mormon church in ...7 cArn.:ot-u in in past is a ,.. mi; iiiMiiuiiiins hki dangerous to 1,1 ",it-it-u. liierejoie we p:ed"e the re publican party to appropriate legislation asserting tlie sovereignty of the nation in all the territories where the same is questioned and in furtherance of that end to place upon the statute book legislation stiinirent enoiiRhto divorce political from ecelesiustic-il power. thn- stamp out the attendant wickeunesof ioivgaiuy.' T lie republican party Is l.i favor of the use of both cold and silver as monev. and con demns the policy of the democratic adminis tration in its eflorts to demonetize silver We demand the reduction of letter iuWa"e to 1 c-nt per ounce. ' B iu n icpuniiw- i:k? o'irs, where the citiensls iii nut et emu anil nit oifii-iui i u il... . ..... . ' . . - ...v rt ,l. wnere no iiowrr s exercised eveeni- lit- ti, ..i iiiu it.'i'ii . ii i important iiirtt the sever eit;n i eonie snuuui nossesa ntu ti. free school is Hie promoter of I batTiiue! "i-ence .- iiii.il is in pits .Tve us a rree n:irmn i V i ! . fe 1 ai':n. or both conbined. """uiw .ui'iui l nrr nisi ii :u at (.,. Httfltein t.. .it.-.i . . . ..- i. . ,...! -. v- r-..." ii'iiri .nun rotvinir m ill tlie laud Ihe oiinoituniti- ... o imi.-.,i ,v.....' cl.ooi education, ----.- OUR MKKCHASTMAlilNE, We earnestly i ecunimend tlmr be taken in ci-rpress in the ei affluent, of such as in nesi cecure the rebabiliro.- COUVTIKS. votes, if orjrTiEs. Adams .... Antelope .. Arthur... . I'.laine I.oor.e I'.ox liutte. llrown Buffalo ... Butler Burt Cass Cedar Chase Cherry Cheyenne. . Clay Co. fax fuming Cusrer Dakota Dawes. I'awson Dixou I odire I louirlass lHindy . .. r iiimore Krankliii Frontier. . . . Furnas (iape Jarliehl... . Gosper Crant fiiceley nail Hamilton ... Harlan Haves Hitchcock ... Holt Howard Jefterson 14 .111 ..Id VOTKS. folinson Kearney Keyha i'aha Keith Knox Lancaster.... Lincoln Losraa houn .Madison . MePher.on Merrick Nance Nemaha Nuckolls (Hoe I'awnee 1'erkliis Fierce. r-oik... Platte Phelps Kichardson lied Willow Saline 4Sarpy. ,. sauiiucts Reward Sheridan Sherman Sioux .. 'tan ton Thayer Thomas Vallev 11 ' Washington I., ii. . . . J w ei 11 C . . . . . . ; Webster . . 4 Wheeler -. i; York ..14 Unorganized Ter. !: Total ... 8 ... ; ...12 .10 . 7 .10 . !1 .VJ . 3 . 5 . ll 4 8 8 4 7 6 2 3 8 1 . . 9 6 ..12 .. 8 a .. 4 .- 6 ..10 . 7 ..12 .. 7 . li .. 5 .12 .Id - 7 . 7 . 2 . 4 . 7 2 . C . a . 5 . 9 . 3 .11 . 1 Will call your attention are neaaquarters for all and Vegetables. we are receiving FreoV. to the k i nda fact that of Fru day. Stravvberri es eve hand Oranges, Lemons and Earn Just received, a variety We have Pure Maple Sugar mas ccr.ctsntly cn of Canned and no cupe nr. i s t a k e . iEKNETT & TCJTT. Jonathan IIatt. J. V. iMaktu fS. WHOLESALE A1T2D nSTlIZ, CDTY SWEAT WiARKET. PORK PACKERS and dkai.krs in UUTTEIi AND IJCCS. BEEF, PORK, MUTTON AM) VJCAI. THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS ALWAYS ON HAND. bugar Lured Meats, Hams. Bacon, Lard, of our own make. The best lira nils of OYSTERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. in cans and hulk at HEALTH IS WEALTH ! CTI legislation noii oi our Aii.eric -n merchant marine, and imii'M au.-miM. ine ii:isk.ic. l.v .........-a.. ..r n. i rr i-iii(i uni i i'h ifii laieii to work injustice to la-ior by lcsseriii" the wni'Pa if iiiu eaiieil In piepann- limtt-rmis as well dn those directly einnloyed in our shipyards. We de inan.1 appropriations for ihe ruriv ri,,,;i.i;.,.. of our Tiavy. for the cmi'.tnwt imw.f fii tilir alio: s and inodern orilin.-i approved modern mea-vs of defense for ti mtection f our defenseless harlims r.n.i itii-s. for I he n.-i vment of imt iirtii,ntn ..... sold. ers. for rece-sary work? of natioral mi ixntai c- in I lie Imiii-nveiiienf nf tl.o i, ...... and chaii? els f internal, coastwiser ami oii-kii niinmtrce. mr the encouragement of i i the shiiniing iaterests of the Atlantic, Gulf Til- -. i.. il is recoiiiuienvt,T tiiac no proxies be aun.ittea to the convention except such as Bio nem uy persons residing m the coun ties irom winch the proxies are given. io euairmen County Central Commit tees: V iiERKA2, At the republican state con tention iic-:ti at .Lincoln October 5, 1887, the folio wing resolution was adopted- iic.wdrii, j nai me siaie central com mittee be instructed to embrace in its call tor the next state convention the submis sion of the prohibition question to there publican voters at the republican ri manes. Therefore, in accordance with tho above resolution, the several countv ren- tral committees are hereby instructed to include in their call for their next countv convention the submission of the prohi bition question to the iieCiiLicAX voters at the republican primaries. oeo. D. Meiklejohn, Chairman. Walt. M. Seelet, Secretary. 1l1MI.HT---J." i?i TtTMEKT The standard rowdy for plaint is West's Liver Pill; disapp int you. JJO j.ills rick's diu;i store. liter liny At r-f.rn- lif v f- Jr. H. C. West's Nerve and Brain Tre:.f rnt,t a guarantee specific for Hvmcii niv,....u Convulsions. Kits. Nervous Neuralgia, Head ache. Nerveous Prostration ia ni-i.il 1. u, of alcohol ortobacco. Wakefulness. Mentalfe pression, Softeninp of the train resulting in in sanity and leading to misery, decay and rieath Temature old Ai?e. 1'Mrn.T.in.Ks i ..t - ' er in either sex. Involimtai v J.i hfes and r-er-inatorrlnea caused by . over-exertieu of the train. pelfahuse orover-liKl.il-'f nc F. ii i.i.v contains one in entire treaiment. Si Wi a box riit boxes or f 5.00. suit l.v im.ii t... i.i receipt of price WE GUABAKTIE SIX Efi-jers io cure any case. With each order received ny us ior six boxes, accompanied wlta if, m we w ill send the Durclmser uur riti.ii " tee to return the n.onev if tn in.uin,,.i m I.?t effect a cure, tluarantees Issued onv t,x- win j. Warrick sole aireiit. I'lattsnioniii nyi.' We Mill ive a silver watch, tln.t warranted by the jiwcjiy n.tn of this city, to any c ue who biirs us 15 Acmly caf-h frubK-iibtrs to the Daii.v lii pfp. JULIUS FEFFEF.EEPG. MAKtFM7lI:fKCFAMl VKOLESALE & RETAIL LFAI.il: IN TliK If you want a trood send us 30 subscribers to Herald. silver watch, the Weekly Choicest Brands of Cigais, including our Flor de Pepper bero'. sr.d 'Evds FULL LIKE OF TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTIC LES always in stock. Nov. 2C, lfc63. v'