FIRST YI2AR PliATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY 13VISNING, JUL.Y 7, 188S. MLMlSKUiMtt : . . , I Y r 1. v V-V F.M. KIOIIKV W K Fox. - JAMKH rATI'KHH()N,.IK. - I'.VKo.N ('LAltK - A Madoi.k W . - S I'LIKKilill - - W II M AI.ICK Attorney, t.iwt , - - M.whall. Couiieiluieii, 1st ward, . .1 V WlCCKIlACH I A SAl.tMit'llY ) I) M Jon KM I I'll. A Ml I I'M AX ) M It Mi: urn v I S V Kt.'lTON J CiiN O't'iiNMill. I iM:0 l-I.HN. I'UKi 2t..l 3rd 4th. Hoard rub. Work 1.1 W C KKK. 1 1 II V .lOHN.H ,(Jll AIHM AN HK.I) (illKHKK II AVK! OKTII Treasurer, Deputy Treasurer, - Clerk. Deputy Clerk, Keeorder of Deed.s lMi;itv Iteoorder Clerk f Di-tuct Co n t, Nhcriir, -Hurveyijr. -Attor-y. Kuot.A!'ii!. School. Cuuul? Ju Ue. II(AKI OK HVV A. I. T. CU'iii., I.OllS Kol.TZ, A. li. DU KSO.V, i). a. cami'iif.ll Tikis. I' k Unci (mini i-1 km . KxaCiiitchmki.u W. II. I'IMII. .loHN M. I.KVIlA V. C. SHOW Al.TKK J. C. El K K Nil A It A. Maixii.k Al l. EN IlKK-H'ttf MAV Altl Sl-INK C. KlTSSKLL. Kit VI SOUS. riattsniouth Wet-pins Water liiinwood GIVIG SOGIJVJMIS. LODCIS No. 110. I. O. O. F. -Meets Veycry 1 uesday cvciitiiK f each week. All Jrainient brothers are retoiectlully invited to j, it- ; ; li,A'TMOl!iil KNCAluTMKNT No. 3.1. O. -I- O F.. incei every aitei nate 1-riday HI eaeh moiitli in the Ma-onic Hull. Visiting Jlrot hei.s are invited t attend. fllltlO LODCK NO. hi. A. O. U. W. Meets - every attentat Friday evenluir at K. ol I . hall. Transient brother- are respectfully iu-vtt-d to attend. K..J. Morgan. Master W in kman ; K. S. IbirMow, Foreman ; Frank r.ron. Over seer I. How en, Ctiide; ;eoit;e llouxwortlt. iit eur.l:T II. . I. Johnson. Financier ; Wah. Hinli Ii. Iteeei ver ; M. Ma bright, raft M. W. ; Jaelltan-herty, lnMile Guard. tiSS OAMP M.3j2. MODKUN WUODMKN of iaericA Meets second anil fourth Mun dUi fv.rilr,!,' at K. of l hall. All transient brothers ale re,ueled to !!!cet with ll. I.. A. N.won ner. Venerable Cutsul ; F, Nile., worthy Advbtr ; S. V. Wilue, Hanker ; W . A. i eek, Clerk. i AT TiiMOL' TH I.OIMiR I.O. 8. A. ). V. W. i M-.itx eveiy alteruate Friday evening at KCKk.od hail at oVintK. At! tknb i.t l,.o,ii i. leapeelfally invited n Htteiut. I- fj. I.nrsou, M. W.; F. Hoyd. Foreman: S. ... Ml te, Kcorder ; l.eouunl Audcrsju. Over- pi.ATI SMDCTII I.ODCK NO. c. A. F A. M. .Meets oil the lir-t and thir.l Mondavs of i-aeh tiiontb at their hall. All trtiNient i'iotii ers are eordia'.ly iliviiil ti v ilh ' J . (j . ULKF.i-, W. M. t'H. llAi. S.e. ictaiy ' Fl:K.,SKA CHAl'TKU. M-'els see inil ;tnd fourth NO. ::. i:. A. M. Tued t eacii I :u:'-'.l- t! I bu;lll;.is itlV!ffi; o limt't nt' U v, i: win ri-, ii. i , M. !l a. Si-, iftary. J . ZioN COMMA lA It Y. No. 'i. K. T. " Mi'i k tlr-t ami third U ednesday nilit of eaeh m-xil h aJ .M iso ."s liall. Visiting brother! are eorilially invited to meet nil It us. U HAts. Ke. F. K. Willi K. V.. C. McCONlHIE POST 4fi C. A. ii. " ItQXTKa. " Co-!:m:tnder, . . SJeiiior Vico '. . ..Juuior " h; o. 't ,?.... . . a", a !'.. r "!. ' !.K i t MH l'fM.,.., Tl...'..r .1 ('OHO. Adji;ta::t. (. M. Jlileerof tne i'ay. " ;uard tx bitv Serjrt Major. ! ::!:. KM VN. . ..(JiiatTer Me.sTer Sert. ' uris l' ChaS'laiti turi -arurday evening WHEN YOU WANT -OF- CALL OX j Cor. 12th and Granite Streets. C intraclor and Buildcf Sept. 12-Cni. almer&Son II 'p.- ie!it the following timo-tvLt- :tnl tiro-tested companies: Auieriea i Louis. Aets 81.2.W.100 Fii'um- England, 2.."lt.314 Kir.- Assov '.a.; i :t-Philadelphia. Fr.fikr.u-Philadelii'.iia. II-iite-X"" York. l;,s. C-. of urth America. I'hil 4.4t5."C 3,117,106 7.s."".r ! f.l74.3il2 l.iv.'i poul.'tl.oii Ion & !bde-Knjj X.itth liritish it Mercaiitile-Kur? Nurwii'li I'nloit-I nt'laM.I. C.tvW.Vl 1.2 t."i.liW S-.Tiar'-ei l F. .t M. -Springfield. 3.0I1.H15 Total A-setl. ti.ll5.774 Irasa Aujustb-1 ana Pail at tins Agency AVMV BROWNE, LVW OFFICE. V -r-otial attention to all liuslnes Kntrust to my eare. XOTAHY IX Ot'KICK. Tit!- K m:n-d. Abstar. t- Compiled, I a-surauc-e Written. I'.eal F-.state Sold. J:. t:-r Facilities fi.r making Farm Loan than Any Other Agency., r s - - ' Mayor. WOE H.LP Collision Between Trains. Vii.kkhhakk I'a., July 7. A wreck occurred on tin; lVnnsylvani.i railroad near Xauticoke tliis morning between two passenger trains. One of tlie firemen in jumping was seriously lu-uised alxmt the body; the others escaped without injury. The passengers on both trains were badly frrghtened and shaken up. Some thirty of. them are slightly injured, though none fatally. The accident was due to the blunder of a train dispatcher. Coats Killod by Lightning. El. Paso, Tex., July 5. Lust night El Paso and vicinity was visited by a thun derstorm, which in the amount of electric ity discharged has never been equaled in this section. Tlie lightning did da mage in various places in the bottom ad dition just beyond the International SiiipI ter, A flash of lightning struck a cotton wood tree, under which a tlock of goats had taken shelter. Fifty-two of them were killed. The tree itself showed but slight traces of having been struck. Dynamite on tho Track. Ckestox, la., July 7.--A dynamite cart ridge exploded under the front trucks of passenger train No. fi, about, a mile eait of the Creston yards, at i:'0 causing a loud report and a perceptible shock to the engine. An examination showed that a piece of the truck flange had been blown off, but the engine was not so dis abled but that it could proceed with the train. The cartridge had been securely fastened to the rail. No clue has been discovered as to the enspirator. Three YouncMon Murdered. CiitCAoo, July 7. A ?i)nt.i special frpm Wichita. Kansas, reports the murder on the lied Fork of the Arkansas river in Indian territory of Ed Fraley, H. ITul lilay, and .T. 'erwe'j( all of yoriujjiifeiJ, ill., and all Uudor 20 vm- f .... j i age. A .... nays ago they missed some money and accused a half-breed Indian named Laii3 of having stolen it. Tlie day fol lowing this Evans was found murdered in his cabin and the three boys had disap peared, Evans' friends supposing the boys had murdered him started in pur suit and coming up with them murdered them in a shanty which they were occupy ing. No trace of the gang has been dis covered. A Fair Runaway Captured. Tkxarkaxa, Ark., July 0.- -Miss Frai.k ie, daughter of "Stuire Linn Whitehead, the wealthy planter, desiring to change her cosy home among the moaning of the pines for college lifv, yesterday, without the consent of her parents, made the pur chase of half dozen traveling trunks, filling them with silks, lawns, tine mus lins, fehoes and other ladies' wearing ap p'aral, selected from one of the best stocks of goods in one of the extensive dealers in ladies' dress goods in the city, had the same charged to her father, and directed that her purchases bo shipped to her ad dress at owe of the leading ladies' semi i,..iiei North. The father was duly noti fied of the purchases made by his fair daughter, who had already boaided a north bound train and was rapidly speed ing away to join tlie Vassars. The fath er, not being pleased with the extensive purchases at his expense and tho loss of the winsom.0 girl, wired for her to be arrested and sent one of the salesmen of the house from which the goods were purchased after her. Sir. Sanderson, the gentleman sent in her pursuit, returned this morning, accompanied by the beauti ful Miss Frankie. She was turned over to the kind care and keeping of her fath er, who has promised that his pet and idol shall be permitted to go to school to her heart's content. She takes her ar rest good naturedly, and with blushing smiles asserts that she's bound to have an education. When your skin is yellow. When your skin is dark and greasy. When your skin is rough and course When your skin is inll imed and red. When your skin is full of blotches. When your skin is full of pimples you need a good blood medicine that can be relied upon. Pcggs' lUood Purifier and lilood Maker is warranted as a positive cure for all of the above, so you cannot ' possibly run any risk when you g tabot- tie of this wonderful medicine. For sale by O.P. Smith & Co. Job work lone on short notice at the HKitAi.n office. BAD BLOOD. Tbr-i-p is not one thinr that nuts a man or woman at such disadvantage before the world as a vitiated state of the blood. Your ambition is gone. Your courage has failed. Your vitality has left you. Your languid step and listless ac Tinns show that vou need a uowerful in- ! yigorator, one bottle of Heggs Elood Purifier antl Blood Maker will put new life in a worn out system, and if it does ! not it will cost you nothing. O. P. Smith PARAGRAPHS FROM EVERYWHERE. IJrooklyn bruise baa lx-cn fpt ned to tin public five jeaib. Silver lias turiirsl up in South Afriej to a il.'ju-c to product a iu-v in;ii:iig fcv.r. The Alexandra, a woman's flub, ij bvu lour years old, j-et h:w GOO iiu'inlis. A peasant has just diel in Au.-tria llurigi!-y who was 112 U'liru of a.-e. lb I. It ;i sou ui'd 1 15 t-;no aiid a raiulsoc of S. A Nevada ranchman shot, trapped and iis(.i:.-d .1.200 rabbits in four months, and then li-uml tliul above o.CUO new. otifd bad come to lid their placed. The Austrian government has aban doned its intention of renewing the anti Anarchist law, and will henceforth fiyjit the Anarchb.U by administrative decrees. The Russian general Suwarrow. after tlie fceizure and destruction of Warsaw, ci nelly butchered oO.OOO Poles of all agea ami conditions in cohl blood, Nov. 4, 1791. The South American agent for 6oine extensive manufacturers of harvesters at Chicago has been two years at Monte video, and has bold mowing and reaping machines all over the River Plata region. Taverns may bo traced la tho Thir teenth ceplury. According to Spclman, "In the reign of King Edward III only three taverns were allowed in Lon don." Taverns were licensed in England In 1752. A West Morris boy was arrested re cently for shooting an eagle contrary to the law. He was in a fair way to bo fined or imprisoned, when a comrsi'caion, corutxxscd of a c??, a justico of the j-eacio and nii editor, Eat on the dead body of the bird and declared it to be a fish hawk. A Nuremburg inverttpr hus produced a shoe so'.p Qoniposed of wire net overlaid with a substance resembling India rub ber. These soles, which ' cost but half the price of leather, hare been iesbjd i'i 1 the Uermjui army tod tylltid ti U iwioi I . having hard work finding hart! pan foi tho foundations of the new bridgo across the Thames at East New Loudon, Conn. They have put piles down 113 feet, and have not got to solid earth yet. It is thought that bottom will be reached at about 130 feet. A writer in Ixndon Truth suggests a sensible occupation for women who like sewing, but do not wish to become either dressmakers or seamstresses, and desire to live in their own homes. It is the overlooking and repairing of women's wardrobes. After a c-lientelle had been established it would undoubtedly bring in very fair wages. A firm of pyrotechnists in England have at their factory a Newfoundland dog which josilively revels in fireworks. He rushes into a shower of sparks with as much delight as in a cold bath, and on a lighted squib being thrown within his reach ho will run after the smoldering stump as if it were a bone and trample it out with his paws. M. Achille Poincelet, in his lecture at tho Hall of the Boulevard des Capucines in Paris the other day, discussed the qualities of blondes and brunettes, the differences in their lore, their role in prirato life and in history, linked with the philosophy of beauty, and the ques tion, which was the superior type of woman, the Parisienne or the Georgienne?. He ignored entirely the red headed girl. ; Fred Marsden, the playwright, con sulted a well known physician a few da3-s before his death as to the easiest and quickest mode of suicide. The physi cian supposed he was securing incidents for a scene in one of his plays, and ex plained the subject to him patiently. Finally Mr. Marsden eaid: "I have it. A big dose of chloral, then 6top up all the crevices and turn on the gas," and this is just what ho did. He offered the physician $10 for his advice, but it was refused on the ground that no pro fessional service has been rendered. Against Food Alxiltcration. A grocers' conference has been called in tho interest of purer foods. It meets on Coney Island in July. It seems at last that adulteration has gone so far that the grocerymen are afraid to cat what they sell. Besides, the better class of retailers find it impossible to obtain hon est articles. There will be at least five thousand exhibitors of materials, and it is believed tho discussion will not only be practically valuable in throwing light on hidden ways, but that there can be brought to bear a heavy force on manu facturers to put moro honest articles on the market. No proposition of more im portance will como before any of our summer conrentions than this of puro food and honorable deal. Meanwhile tho Concord School of Philosophy will hold no session; so we 6hall have less of negel and Aristotle and more of honest ginger and coffee ar I quinine which will not be regretted. Globe-Democrat. A Queer Thing About Owls. A Kingston man has made an addition to his collection of birds, a largo owl, lately caught at Hurley. 4,Owls are de ceptive birds," said a citizen the other day. "I had one, a few year3 ago, with which I played a trick on the public. I kept the owl in a cage. It was an at traction, and many people saw it. One day tho bird died of 'cold poison' and a taxidermist stuffed it. I then put it '.jack on its perch in the cage. Pccplo who bad seen the owl alive said that they could we no duTerence in its ap pearance, and they would como and ad mire tho bird just the tamo. That is tha reason why I say an owl is a peculiar Vird. Dead or alive they look about the aaie." Kingston Freeman. NOT THE LITERARY CAPITAL. A Mistaken Idea CorrectedNew York Sot Kind to Journalist. New York is not, never wus, and never will bo tho literary capital of tho United States. In fact, this country lias no literary capital liko Ixmdon and Paris. Hut New York, with its vust wealth ami great com mercial importance, is constantly attracting young and ambitious men who wish to push their fortunes in ono way or another. Among others, come tho young men of literary tastes who rush to tho metropolis, full of bright hopes of faino and fortune. Al.isl how fow, how very fow realize their hoieSl A mistaken idea exists among outsiders as to tho high prices paid by tho New York newspapers, both to their regular staff wri ters und to their srieciul contributors. Tha crowding to tho metropolis is bo great that tho supply of journalists by far exceeds tho demand, aud consequently, tho pay is very hiuuIL On tho morning news papers, fifteen to twenty dollars a week is the regular salary of tho reporters, while tho afternoon papers pay only ten and fifteen dollars. Tho managing editors of somo of the afternoon papers receive such small salaries that they aro obliged to eko out a living by doing hack work for lit"rro-;.r vn dieates. Stories u.ic eonauuiiiy ouig mo rounds of tho press about tlie extravagant prices paid by Tho New York World for special articles. ' I was said that Henry Tard lieecher was paid $000 for a regular column articlo published i:t the Sunday edi tion. Now I happen to know that the artielo iu question was furnished by a nowspaper syndicate at 7 a week. Eight dollars a column is tho amount which Tho World pays for special articles; Tho Herald pa3's $G, The Tribuno 10, and tho afternoon papers "r.'jr Outsido of tho contribution, ot their regular staff the Nv' York dailies print very 'it'.lc matter except what is furnished by 'the numerous newspaper syndicates. Neither famo nor fortuno is made by tha average - New York newspaper aian. His namo is unknown cUido of tho region of Prii.iijg House square. Except two or three veterans, tho Ney York correspondents of the cut or town newspapers receive veay siiiali 'pay---i letter cf S,0GO wo.ixta lv4vi' iiar aveiago; r ' " . ian the tvrite is poor indeed. Tho at mosphere of New York is material, not literary. A commercial spirit pervades Fifth avenuo as well as Wall street. A money standard prevails everywhere, and literary tnleuts do not reeeivo any recognition, while the successful stock speculator fills tho news papers with his operations. Few prominent literary men reside in New York, and they fiud very little cougenial companionship, for there is not a literary salon ia tho city where congenial spirits can meet iu social inter course. New York is neither the place to make money by literary work, nor tho pla'ee to do literary work iu. Life in New York is not conducive to stud-, eulturo or meditation. For a city inhabited by, or adjacent to, nearly 3,000,000 of people, it is astonishingly deficient iu libraries. Persons who wish to shine as fixed stars in tho firmament of liter ature, should avoid New York as a perma nent residence; aud thoso who wish to make a living by literary work alone will not find New York a good field. Eugene L. Didier in Tho Writer. hponge Industry of tlie Ilahuruas. Off the Neapolitan coast and in other parts of tho Mediterranean, where theso elastic articles are found, diving is the approved method of getting sponges. In the clear, white water of tho Bahamas, however, cranes are used. Cranes are long poles, varying in length from twenty to thirty eight feet, with curved prongs at one end, and are employed to detach the spongo from the rock to which it clings and to convey it to the boat in which are tho fishermen. So clear i3 tho water that, with the aid of a water glass, a pail or box, with a glass bot tom, fishermen can easily distinguish sponges from other forms of marine plant life at the depth of fifty or sixty or more feet. When first taken from their fastnesses sponges ap pear and feel like pieces of raw, soft liver, beiag slippery, elastic, ugly and repulsive. In color they range from dirty purple to dull chocolate. Having been brought to the deck of the fishermen's schooner tho sponges aro washed, rubbed and dried. They are then strung on strands, a dozen to a strand, and are washed down with buckets of sea water three times a day until the schooner reaches one of its crawls. Crawls are largo, half submerged stockades of saplings, generally sapodillas and unfamiliar sub-tropical growths, bound together with manilla and palmetto fiber. The catch is deposited in these, and kept un der water until the vessel im.kes its final round and draws its deposits preparatory to taking them to Nassau. Cor. New York Bun What to Do with Suspicions. There are many suspicions that need crush ing in the bud. We fancy our friend is cool to us; we imagine some oue has slighted us; we suspect our neighbor of having spoken ill of us. Most likely we are mistaken, and, in any .case, we could never profitably search into the matter. Our trust in our friend, or our own self respect, shoidd lead us to put away such thoughts, to abandon 6uch sus picions. Some one has, perhaps, dropped a poisonous word of scandal into our ears. Iet us banish it from our thoughts with scorn. Circumstances may tend to cast sus picion on one whom we honor; let us con tinue to trust hira in our heart of hearts. We may fear that somo ono has committed a fault which, however, does not concern us in the least, and in which we are not called upon to interfere; let us expel the idea as an un welcome intruder. In one of these two ivays every suspicion may be rightly dealt with. If as a warning it has a mission to peitorra, it will do its work; if it is an unworthy or an idle coniecture. it will bo dismissed. In either cose it will pass away, as all suspicious j are meant to do. As transient guests of the mind they may be useful in establishing the innocence which should be brought fo light, or in proving tho guilt which should be ! purged away. Dut as permanent ir mates of i the mind their influence is most pernicious. I Philadelphia Ledger. Volunre nad in his room sometimes fiv j desks at which he pursued different tasks. P. T. Earaum owes much of his success in life to adjectives. The Epoch. Itcal Estate IJaraains EXAMINE OUI! LIST. -CONsISTlNO or- CHOICE LOTS X 3NT -- o ii n 0!!Tm HQrt 21 lots" in Thompson's addition. 40 lots in Townseud'd addition. Lot V3 block FJS, lot block KM. Lot 1 block lot i block !. Lot 1 1, block 111, lot ft, block til. LOT- iN Vol :; AM) ll.Ws' ADDITION. Lots in Palmer's addition. Lots in Duke s :v.b.Uioi I",;; jV'jv vd i""" , . .operty of all tlesei ipt ions ..t in all parts of the city on easy terms. A new and desirable residence in South Park, can b: bought on monthly payments. Before purchasing elsewhere, call and sec if we cannot suit you better. o acres of improved ground north of the city limits. 5 acres of ground adioining South Park. 2 acres of ground adjoining South Park. 1.1 acres of ground adjoining South Park. 20 acres near South Park: So I sec. 14, T. 10, K. 12, Cass county, price -1,-S00, if sold soon. inv sec. 8, T. 12, R. 10, Cues Co., price 2,000. A valuable improved stork frain in Merrick Co.. Neb., 1C0 acres and on tvof onnl.le terms. Windham & Davies. Consult 3-our best interests by insuri ng in the Phu'iiix, Hartford or ylitna com panies, about which there is no question as to their high standing and fiir dealing. TORNADO POLICIES. The present year bids fair to be a dis astrous one from tornadoes and witid storms. This is forc-shadowed by the number of storms we haye already had the most destructive one so far this year having occurred at Mt. Vernon, 111., w here a large number of buildings were destroyed or damaged. The exemption from tornadoes last year renders their oc currence more probable in 1 SsS. Call at our olocc and secure a Tor nado Policy. Unimproved lands for sale or ex change. WniMAI&DaYlES. PLA1 TSMOUTH, NEB. Ill St. RA. Ijiji Dr. C- A. Marshall. BS.MT1ST! rren-rvatioii -f natural teeth a eprclally. I'ii Ih ulidclnl trillion! milt li line i,f jMuyhhiff linn. All work warranted. Prices reasonable. KlT.OKKAI.Il'M 111. 'M It I'l.Vrr.HMOUTIf, N v it DIIS. CAVJ2 & SMITH, "Paiziloas 3Dcntictc." Tl eonly Iteiitixts in (he Wt si controllnc tlii .ev ysiem i i-.xtrai I tun ami 1- illini I relh without I'ain. Din- anae-. i it; is en tirely Iree from C i I J ' ( ) K ) 1 ( ) I : M ) u i :t 1 1 1 2 1 AM) ISAI1VOI I'TKIA Harmless - Tm - All Teeth extracted ami mtlftelal leetli Inserted next day it desired. I Ik-jin-Nei vation of Hie Latum! lei-th a .specialty. GOLD CROWNS. GOLD CAPS, BRIDGE 170BL The very finest . Ollh-e in l .in Mock, over '1 lie titieth' I'wwiK, C C X'C3 Win. 1 Ceroid & gou ST'OIT ol liGOUS. KOllOES UUUIS aM MililiS or Ladies and Cents FURNISHING- (iOODS. lie keeps as large and ns well SEHjjrjcn'JTIj STOCir As can ! found any t.bice in l be city and make you u i-is l hat il li competition. Ai:-lit s for Harper's Bazar Patterns iM Ball's Corsets. C. F.SMIT H, The Boss Tailor. Main Sr., Over Merges' Shoe Store. I fas tin; best and most complete stoc k of samples, both foreign and domestic woolens that ever came west of Missouri river. Note these prices: Business suits from ?K to So.", dress Miits, 25 to $45, pants 4, .5, .(, 0.&0 and upwards. Ci?"Will guaranteed a lit. Prices Defy Competition. J. E- BOBBINS, ARTIST, INS'I KUC'l IONS (JIVK.N IN FINK OIL. PAINTING W ATE H COLO IIS. KTC. Abb bovins ) ai:t ai:i-: invited 'id CALL AND studio ovrcn olivkk a hamch: MEAt market. V.'e have our house filled v. i!li A FINE QUALITY OF ICE, Ai.d are i (-pared to deliver it daily to (iiii ciu-teiut-rs in any iiaiitity desired. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY TILLED. L'-ac orders with At tore (,n Sixth Street. We make a Spec ialty of CUTTINO, I3 -A. G SCI 1ST G A-ud Loading Cari. For tcnus see us or wiite. If. C. McKAKEN & SON, Telephoned, - - I'l&tUmonth or. C, BOOSTS, BARBER AND HAIR DRESSER. All work firt-( lai-s; west Fifth Street. North Hubert Sherwood's Stoic. O. 33. KEIvIPSTEE, Practical Piano and Organ Tuner and i:i r.ii:i i:. First-class work guaranteed. Al.-odcal-t r in Pianos and Organs. Ofiice at fioeck's furniture store, Plaltsiuouth, N(braska. II. 15. Windham, John A. Daviks, Notary I ublic. Notary Public. wi.mzA:ii& iavii:m, JVttomoys - at - lavr. filii-e over I'.atsk of ('afS Conn y. PI.ATTSMOCTII, NKI!ltAKA. Fire Insurance written in tho Etna, Phtaenix and Hartford by Windham &, Davies. V". SULLIVAN. Attorney at Law. Will tive j-K-snpt uttetitic-r: to ail t lifines ln-ti-usUU t biui. fji'l'ice iu L'liioji block, East sidf. l'latt.-n:outh. Neb. M. Time Tabic. ooino vi:r. No. 1. I a. in. No, :;.--c. p, tit. No. a. in. No. 7. --7 : p. in. ; i.v; i-:ast. No. 2-1 :'." p. in. No. I !0 a. in. No. (' 7 p. 111. No. .--! .' a. m. No. 10.--9 :45 a. m. No. H. C :17 p. ni. AH trai: s run dailv bv wavof Om&lia. except No. 7 am' 8 which run to ind from Schuyler daily exe pt Sunday. No. 3) is aetubto Pacific Junction at 8.30.a.ra, No. ly Is a stub from Pacific Junction at 11 a.ia. J i I ; ; . n l!alUmuutU, - Sfb ilia 1 A: Co., Druggists ' r ; j t R 'I ( I' i '