A" THE DAILY HERALD: FLA&'isnOu ixi, MifiBttAStf A, SATURDAY, JUKE 301688 I ! 1 n 15 Vi i t J 7- t 4 .3 d The Plattsmouth Daily Herald. KNOTTS BEOS., Publishers & Proprietors. TIIK PLATTSMOUTH ItKUALU Is published every evening except Sunday ana Weekly every Thursday morn In. KeBis tered ill the poUoftlce, HalUinoulh. Nebr.. t Heeoiid-rUHn matter, twice corner of Vine and Fifth streets. TERMS FOB DAILY. One copy one jear In iidvaiioe. by mall $0 oo One copy per month, by carrier fin One copy per week, by carrier 15 TKRMS FOR WKRKI.V. One copy one year. In advance f I W Ouecopyslx mounts. In advance 75 NATIONAL REPUBLICAN TICKET. FOlt PRESIDENT, BENJAMIN IIAUUISON, of Indiana. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, LEVI P. MORTON, of New York. HIP, HIP, HURRAH, HARRISON! O, Cleveland, you must face, defeat. Put up that old bandana. You cannot. :a!ot, : ANNOT beat ThiH man from Indiana. hat Hies the Union linnpr : With llanismi w.vll v. In the day As fiire as comes election. own with the wipa that' stamped free trade- We'll give it no protection ! -moblt.-4. Pu'. up the old bandana. Put up the reil bandana. 'I hey cannot, cannot, CANNOT beat lirave lien of Indiana ! When treason reared her horrid head And tried to trail our banner. Then, by his lnve of country led, riilM mail from Indiana Fought for no red bandana : He founht t keep the starry illaK IToii.i i.oiseil the Union i.ver. With tiauntiesM heart he did hit part. Jlut where, O where, was iirovvr '.' monrs. While P.en to keep the ftarry flag Proud p ieil the Union over Fought vali tntl jr mi many a field. Pray wnere. O where, was Urover? The wMt shall grandly rally round lirave lien t( Indiana. The east as loyal shall be found Itenvath his nl irry banner That h'line th t old b indaui : Then forward march ! we'll wi i the day As sure as come.s election, J)ovn with the vite tliat stamped free trade- Wfc'll give it no protection ! -01tL'3. Put up the olil bandana. Put up the red bandana. They cnmuA. cannot. CANNOT beat lirave lien of Indiana. N. V. Tribune. f. d ET out of the way with that eltl liaa danna here conies the man from Indiana AW. have no use for the man with the great big collar, Our Hen will "beat him all hollar." It is said that Mr. Iliggin of Balti more ha3 invented a Cleveland liver pat with a trade mark which reads "Public ojffive is a jntblic trust" and that it lias a. large sale among the mugwumps. Grover Dan'l, where is that letter o acceptance we got up in '81? Dau'l It is stored, away with them confounded battle flags, Grover. Why Well I guess we had better have that ordered returned to the author, as it's presence anions the archives only tends to keep up unpleasant recollections; had we Dan'l? Mil. "Blaine stands higher in the csti mation of the people now, says the Den ver Rrjniblican, than he would have stood if he had accepted the nomination after writting his Florence and Pari3 let tersj lie is not an old man yet, and he is reported to be in coou healtn. it ne livcs he will be able to accept the nomi nation in 1892. The people will demand liis nomination then, and if nominated he will sweep the country. lie is stil the foremost - living American, and he knows that the love of his fellow coun try men follows him in all his journey ings. When he returns home he will be welcomed with joy, and his presence wil increase the enthusiasm for Harrison. Gazette Journal. TIPPECANOE AND PROTECTION TOO. In 183S 9 in Iowa, we have it from several reputable citizens of Plattsmouth that, under a democratic administration the rates paid for labor was 40 cents per day, and that the following couplet was the coy: "Forty cents and no dinner, Straw beds and "kivcr'' - Rain or shine, The money is mine. And corn 10 cents per bushel. Do any of our working men of democratic pro tection want to go back to those ante de luvion days and work for 40 cents a day and that is just what free trade means; it means a reduction on every branch of American industry, from the dry laborer up, in 18-8 9. The wages for a man with a team was $100 per day. Is there a man in Plattsmouth teaming but what thinks that $3.75 or $3.00 is ruinously low,, and still, the great cry ef th demo cratic lyuty is to make the?e wage? low er. Cover it up as they will, with "pro tection for revenue," that is necessary in any event and means absolute free trade. f What 1 tnpposed to ! whala four or ;Ht fee long with thick akin without acalea,' mod spouting water fifteen feet, is reported from a lake oat In Minnesota, and la quite 'th most original nan story ox tne season. I During tie last fifty yeari the climate hat ? han eedfithat a man can lire at an altitude - r .-nshisbthaiBjore, THE NATIVES OF BARBADOS. iThelr simple and nappy life Chear I Food and Clothe- Religion and MormU. i They live very simply, these children of the sun. For food, fruit, flying fish and lyams are nearly enough, are nutritious, and cost but a trifle, say a penny or two a day. .For clothes, plain, white material which covers tbem completely, except feet that are always bare, and an aged straw hat, picked up somewhere, is really more than they need in a climate where clothes are a burden and Kdenian attire something to be longed for. They cost little more than fig leaves. One of tholr little houses, in many instances not more than ten feet square, can be rented for about $1 a month ; and water is free. So they get on very comfortably, and, except from habit, do not often beg. - That your dog should come up and ask for food docs not seem more natural than that these negroes should hold out their hands for a inny, and the brute animal takes a refusal with much poorer grace than the human. A stranger driving past (and every visitor bears his cachet upon his forehead) represents wealth, intelligence ami undisputed superior author ity why fdiould ho not l asked for a penny! Clearly there is no reusou whatever. Occasionally they are malicious. My friend Kccd had a lot of fine fowls oisoiied not lorg ago, because a neighbor's cook was ja!ous of his; and such petty crimes, the result of jealousy or spite, tire not infre quent, lu a certain way they are religious. Tlmt is, tliey attend church regularly on Sunday, my tliei. mites cheerfully and re spond vigorously. The Church of England Hntrols tho island and has numerous par ishes, which aro well supported by govern ment subsidy and tithe taxation, and are well nttecdivL It is a simplo impossibility to make them inoraL In order to marry, a certain license fee is needed, find it is customary for the woman to purchase tho boast, saving, penny by penny, tho C'St necessary to pay for the little box which to them is home, besides tho price of tlio furniture. Hut it is so much easier to avoid this und have tho money to .spend for bright ribbons or a stunning gown, that a large majority of black women be como concubines by choice. This condition is not regarded its shameful in tho least, and many refuse altogether to marry when they have the chanoe, aljoging tho unwisdom of binding themselves for iifo to an untried partner. "Supposo ho douo turn cut bad, master, den what I dof answered one of them yesterday to my question of why she did not marry. It is not far back in tho history of these islands to voudoo and fetich worship, the essence of which is fatalism ; and this doc trine has descended unchanged to the pres ent. My man dropped a focusing glass the other day, with damaging result, at thi3 dis tance from New York. It was not much use to abuse him, a result bo was expecting, and he turned away wrath with tho remark, "De will ob God mus bo I" which I learned after ward was a common expression among them to account for a lapse or accident of any kind. Dr. Wru. F. Hutchinson to American Magazine. Plaint of a Pretty Telegrapher. 'I wish you could tell ma why it is that the young man who sits next mo gets 80 a month and I get cly 50, when I do three times as mueh work as he does," said a pretty telegrapher the other day. "You scenour dispatches ore numbered," she continued, "and there have been times when I had 320 a day against his CO. I work steady, and he is resting every half hour. At any rate, I've often begged him to change wires with me, and he won't." "There must be some good reason. Per haps it is because he can do night work." "If he does be is paid 45 cents an hour for overtime. I'd do it gladly for that. I am an expert as much as be is an expert. No; they say it is because men have a family to support. But so do I have a family to support. I don't blame the man, you know. I don't want to drag him down to my level. I want to raise myself to his." "Perhaps women are not desirable in tele graph oClcesP "Yes, they are, if thoy are experts. But it is getting very difficult to become an ex pert. You see, the first few years you are not very capable and nobody wants you. But without practice you cannot become an expert. Odb of the first rules of an organi zation is to hinder students wherever you find thetu. There is injustice again. Now, personally, I am sure 1 have no such feeling against the girls, but it seems we must do that for Ball protection." "But doesn't ths organization help you who are members in sustaining our images?" "No; wien it becomes a matter of busi ness the women are voted down every time. I have thought about this a great deal, and I don't see any way est. Do you suppose the ballot would help usf For sorastimes I have thought It may be the fact that the young man who sits beside mo has a vote gave him more pay for less work than I da Now do tell me just what you think." New York Journal. $SOO Reward. We will pay the above reward for any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, indigestion, constipation or costiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Li yer Pills, when the directions $are strictly complied with. They are purely yegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes sontaining 30 sugar coated pills, 25c. For sale by all druggists. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genu ine manufactured only by John O. Well & Co., 8G2 W. Madison St. Chicago, Its Sold by W. J, Warrick. We now publish muoic each week in the "Weekly Herald. Everybody should be a musician. The pieces furn ished in the paper will be found as pop ular as any costing 50 cents. Everybody should take the paper. We are endeav oring to make it a great success, and feel quite confident we can suit all. A Warning. The modes of death's approach are va- nous, and statistics snow conclusively that more persons die from disease of the hroat antl lungs than any other, it is probable that everyone, without excep non. receives vast numuers or iuiercie Germs into the system and where these rerms fall upon suitable soil they start iuto life and develop, at first slowly uud is shown by a slight tickling sensation in the throat and if allowed to continue their ravages they extend to the lungs produc ing Consumption and to the head, caus ing Catarrh. Now all this is dangerous and if allowed to continue will in time cause death. At the onset you must' act with promptness; allowing a cold fjf. go without attention is dangerous and nay loose you your life. As soon as vou feel that something is wrong with your tl4oat, ungs or nostrils, obtain a bottle f Lios- shee's German Syrup. It will fT7 you immediate relief. m , m REPUBLICAN PLATFORM. The republicans of the United States, assem bled by their deligates In national convention, pauxe on the thiexhold of their proceedings to honor the memory f their first great leader and Immortal champion of liberty and the rights of the people, Abraham Lincoln, and to cover also with wreaths f imperishable re meinbrauee and gratitude the heroic names of our later leader who have leen more recently callel away from oiircouucdH, Crant, (iarflelu, Arthur, lxgaii and t'onkliug. May their mem ories l.e faithfully cherished. We also recall with our greetings and praver for his recovery the name of one of our Uvinir heroes whose memory will be tresfiired in the history both of republieaiiiJ and of tho republic. The name Is that of the noble eoMler and favorite child of victory. Phtlip II. Sheridan. Id the vplrlt of those great leaders and of our devotion t human liberty, and with that hos tility to ail forms of despotism ai.d oppression which is the fundamental idea of the republi can party, we rend fraternal congratulations to our fellow Americans of lirazil upon their great act of emancipation which completed I he abolition of slavery throuhout the two American continents. We earnestly hope we mav oon congratulate our fellow citizens of Irih birth upon the peaceful recovery of home rule for Ireland. WK AFI'IHM onjt rKSWKBVIfU DEVOTION to the national constitution and to the indis soluble union of states to the aiitoonmy re served to the stales under the constitution, to the personal rights and liberties of citizens in all states and territories In the union ami es pecially to the supreme aud sovereign rijjht of every citizen, lich or poor, native or foreign born, w hite or black, to cat one free ballot in the public elections and to have that ballot duly counted. We hold a free and honest pop ular ballot and luwt aud equal representation of all people t be the foundation of our re publican government and demand effective lettislation to secuie the integrity anl purity of elections whieh are the fouutafns of all pub lic authority. We charge that the present ad ministration and the democratic majority in congress owetheir existence to the suppression of the ballot by the criminal nullification of the constituuou aud laws oi the tinneu Mates, We are uneromuromisiiiKly in favor of th American system of protection. V e protcs against the destruction proposed ly the prel dent aim his party. They nerve the inteies-t oi lutrore wk wu.i. srrroisT iktkkfsts ok America We accent the issue, and confidently appeal to the.people lor their judgment, i lie pioteetivi system must be maintained. Its abandonmen has always been followed by general distster to ail interests except muse oi tne uuturer and Mieiift. We denounce the Mills' bill as destructive to general busincK.s. labor, and I he farming inter csls of the country, and we lutariiiy endorse t lie consistent ami pan lot ic action oi tne re nil hi lean representatives In congress in oppos ing its passage. We condemn the proposition of the democratic puity to place wool on the free list and insist, that the duties thereon sha'l be adjusted and maintained so ac to fur nisn ma auu adequate protection to mat in du-trv. The republican parly would effect all needed reduction of the national revenue by repealing the taxes on tobacco, which are an arrogance and Lu);!en to agriculture, and tne tax upon spirits used in ih, arts and for meehai ical pur poses, and by Mich revision of the tariff laws as w ill tend to check Imports ot such artb les as a e produced by our people, the production of wuicii gives employment to tuir lanor, anu re lease from import duties these articles of for eiitn production, except luxuries, the like o which cannot bt produced at. home, there t hall still remain a larger revenue than is ri cpusit for the wants of government, oi internal taxi rather t han surrender any part of our irotec tive system at the joint behest of the whisky ring and agents oi loreign maniuaeiurt rs. AGAINST l'AL'l'KIt ANU LA I'.Oll TRUSTS. We declare hostility to the introduction into t Ms country oi loreign contract lanoi- undo l 'iunc.se liM.ur alien to our civilization and on constitution. .ml e demand the ngi l enforce nit ist of existing bins iigaip-r it and favor such immediate legislation as will exclude su;:h la bor from our shores. We declare our opposition to a'l combina tions of caolttvl nr'-nnied in trusts or oilier' vie to control urldi raiiiv the condition of trade ainong our citizens and we reeou mand to congress and the state legislatures in their reffpoct i ve Jmisdict inna eucli Iculalstion an will prevent me execution oi aiisciiemestooppres the nemle hv undue cliaires on llieir Mipplic or by unjust rates for the transportation of their iroJ'!ts to market. we approvrit.rhJi.iliun bv congress to pre vent alike unjust btudeiu iknd iiu(air (bsciim- inaiioii ociwcoii r-iuies. PU15L.IO UNO I.KOIKI.ATIOX. We reaffirm the policy of approp;iating the public lands of the tinted Mates to ie home steads for American (-it izens and settlers not alien?, which tho republican party established in lio2 aga'nt-t the peiviotiMt opposition of the oemoerars in congress, men lias Proliant, our great western domain into magnificent de- vetopement. ine restoration oi unearueu lanu grains to me puonc uoiuiu ior uie use oi ac tual settlurs, which was begun under the ad miulcdration of President Arthur should be continued. We deny that the di-niucrat 'c party has ever restored one acre to the people, but declare that by the joint action of republicans and democrats apout nity iniiiinn acres oi un earned lands, nriidnallv granted for the con struction of railroads, have been restnred to the public domain in pursuance of conditions inserted p me republican party m tne ongin al grants. We raige t"c democratic adminis tration with iaiiure to execute, laws securing to settlers title to then homesteads and with us ing appropriations made for that purpese to harrass ir-nocent settlers with spies and prose cutions under the false pretense of exposing fraujis and yindisatiug the law. Admission of sekhitokjes. The government by congress of tho territor ies is based upoa necessity only to the end that they may become stat in te unjou there fore, whenever the conditions oi population material resource", public Intelligence aud morality are such as to insure stable local gov ernment therein the people of such territories ehoi.U ,';e permitted, a fight Inherent in them. lo iorm ior iuchS.'-j; es cuusiuuiious hiiu saie. governments and be aj-iii.td juto the union. Pending preparatl-. n for statehood M oflicers thereof should be selected irom bona tide residents and citizens of the territory wherein they are to serve. South Dakota should of right ha immediately admitted as a state in the union' under tl,c constitution framed and adopted by her people, aud ve Jie-irtily en dorse the action of the republican senate in twice passing bills for her admission. 3 he re fusal of the democratic house of representa lives, or partisan purceses, to favorably con sider Uee bills is & willful violation of the sacred American principle of local self-irovern- mcnt, and merits the coiideiniiai io,i of nil just men. '1 he pending bills in the senate foj acts to enable tne Deopie or "isnington, jvoitn Dakota and Moutauu territories to form con- stitutioua and establish state governments slioii! J be v-assed without unnecessary ueiy. The republican p:.rty pledges luself to do all in its power to facllftate ihe a4rii";sion of the ter ritories of .New Mexico. Wyoming. Iik.'ua and Arizona to the enjoyment of self-governpient as states. ucn oi mem as are now quaiuied as soon as possible. and others as soon as they may become tio. THE MORMON AUEBTIOX, The political power of the Mormon ctmrch in the tenitorles us exercised lu the past is a menauce to free institutions too dangerous to be long suffered, inercfore w e p edge the re- ti 1 .1 'i i, .-ii'tir 1a aitnrtnrliita lairlat.itlnn asserting the sovereignty of the nation in all the territories where the same is nuestioned. and in furtherance of that enu to place upon tne uraiine uook legislation stringent; euougu lo divorce political from ecclesiastical power, and ti.'uj .tamp out the attendant The republican party is lu favor or Xui. use of botli gold and silver as money, and con demns the policy oi the democratic adminis tration in its efforts to demonetize silver. We demand the reduction of letter postage to 1 cut per enure. In a republic l'ke ours, where the citizens Is tne kovciUkii xnd the oinelI the servant, where no powrr is exercised except by the will of the people, it I important that the sover eign feople should posses Intelligence. The free school is the promoter of that Intelligence which is to preserve us a free nation. 3 here- fore, the state or nation, or both conbined. should support free Institutions of learning sntHcirni. to htl'ord to eyeiy child growing up iu the land ine ojippj-f unity of a pood comiuon scl.ool education. OUR MKCCITAKT MARINE, We earnestly recommend that prompt action be taken in c-rptess in the ei aetinelit of such legislation as will best fecure the rehabilita tion of our American merchant maiine. and we protest against Ihe passage by congress of a freo ship bill as calculated to work injustice to labor by lesKeniug the wages of those en gaged in preparing materials as well as those directly employed in our shipyards. We de mand appropriation for the curly rebuilding of our navy, for the construction of coast fortifications and modern ordinance and other approved modern means of defense for the protection -f our defenseless harbors and cities. for the payment of Just persionslo our soldiers, for necessary wrks of national im portai ce In the improvement of the harbors and channels of internal, ieoastwiser and foie pn commerce, for the encourajfement of I the shipping interests of the Atlantic, GaU and Pacific states as well aa for the payment of the maturing public debt. This policy will give employment to our labor, activity to our various industries. Increased security to our country, promote trade, open new and direct markets for our products and cheap u the cost of transportation. We affirm thts to be far better for our country than tne democratic policy of loaning the government's money without Interest to "pet banks." FORKION RELATIONS. The conduct of foreign affairs by the present administration has been distinguished by inef ficiency and cowardice. Having withdrawn from the senate all pending tteatles effected by republican administration for the removal of foreign burdens and restrictions upon our commeice and for its extension Into a better market, t has neither affected uor pwrposed any others In their Head, professing adher ence to the Monroe doctrlre. It has seen with Idle complacency the extension of foreign in fluence in Central America and of foregn trade everywhere among our neighbors. 11 lias re fused to charter, sanction or encourage any American organizytion for constructing tin Nicaragua canal, a work of vtal importance to the maintenance or tne iwonroe uocmne una of our national influence in Central and South America, and necessary fo the development of trade with our racinc territory, witn jsouin America, and with the further coasts of the Pacific Ocean. FISHERIES QUESTION. We arraign the present democratic ad in in Ik tration for Its weak and unpatriotic treatment of the fisheries question, and its pusillanimous surrenderor all privileges to which our fishery vessels are enti: led in Canadian perte under the treaty or mis, the reciprocate niarin tine legislation of is: to and comity of nations, and which Canadian fishing vessels receive in the ports of the United States. We condemn the rolicy of the present administration and the democratic majority In congress towards our nneries as uuirieuaiy ana conspiciousiy unpatriot ic and as tending to destroy a valuable uatioual Industry and an indlspenslble resource of defense against foreign enemy. The name of American applies alike to all eilizens of the repablle. and imposes upon men alike the same o ligation of obedience to the 'aw. At the same limeciMzenship is and must be Ihe panoply and safeguard of him who weais it, stiouid snieidanii protect nun wiieiuer mgii or-low, rich or poor. In all his civil rights. It should and must'aftord him protection at home and follow and protect him abroad in whatever land ne may be on a lawtui erranu. CIVIL SERVICE REFORM. The men who abandoned the republican par fv iu 1884 and continue to adhere to the demo eratlc party have deserted not only the cause of honest government, but of sound finance, of lreedom (and purity of tne ballot, but espec ially have deserted the cau'eof reform in the civil service. We will not tail to keep our pledges because t: cy have broken theirs, or oecaii.se. iiieu caiiumaic nas ijiokcii hi.?. ne therefore repeH' our declaration of lss4. towit The reform of civil service auspiciously begun under lepubUenn administration should be ccnpieted bv a furl her extension oi ihreiorni s.vstem already established by law to all grades oi tne service lo winch it is applied, l ne spir it and purpose of reform should be observed in all executive appointments, and all laws at varlence with the object of existing reform leg islation should be repealed, and that the dan gers to free institutions which lurk in the pow- ti iidciiu patronage may uc wisely auu t i- lecnveiy avoided. The gratitude of the nation to the defenders of the union cannot be assured except bv laws. The Icgislat ion of congress shotild conform to tne pledges made by a loyal people, and be so enlarged and extended as to prov'de against i ue possiuiiiiy inr any man wiio ponoraoiy wore tne teuerai unitorm shall become an in mate of un almshouse or dependent on private charitv. In the presence of an oveiriowmg treasury it would b a public scandal to do less ior i nose wnose valorous service preserved me government. We denounce the hostile spirit shown by President Cleveland iu his numerous vetoes ol measures for pension relief, and the action of the democratic house of representa tives in refusing even consideration of general pension legislation, lu support of the principles herewith enun ciated, we invite the co-operation of patriotic men oi aij parties, especially oi an wording men whose prosperity iu seriously threatened by Ihe free trade policy of Ihe present admin istration. Republican State Convention. The republican electors of the state of .Nebraska are recpuestcd to send delegates from their peyeral counties to meet in convention at the city of Lincoln Thurs day, August 23, 1888, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates for the following state offices. Governor. Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State. State Treasurer. Auditor of Public Accounts. Attorney General. Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings. And the transaction of such other busi ness as may come before the convention. TIlE APPORTIONMENT, The several counties are entitled to re presentation as follows, being based upon the vote cast for Jlen- Samuel Maxwell, judge, in J 887, giving one delegate at large to each county, and for each 150 votes, and major fraction thereof: COUNTIES. VOTKS. I COUNTIES. VOTES. Adams .... Johnson 8 Antelope .. Kearney 8 Key ha Paha.:..::... 5 Artnur... . Blaine Boone Box Butte. Biown.... . . I o Keun 4 linoxi 7 . 4 Lancaster 2.1 Lincoln 8 Logan 2 Loup 3 Buffajq ... miner Burt '. . 'A Madispn 8 McPhereon 1 Merrick., 7 Nance .. 5 Nemaha ... : 9 Nuokolis 6 Cass Cedar L'lnse,..,.. Cherry.,. j Cheyenne. . .11 .11 CI: Oroe 12 Pawnee 8 Perkins 5 Pierce 4 Polk 6 Platte lo Phelps 7 Richardson. 12 Co: fax Cuming.. Custer... 17 Dakota.. Dawes. . . . 5 - 71 Dawson. f 8! Dixon..., . 6 .12 27 .4 .10 7 .lu . 'ft .19 . a . 6 . 1 Dodge... Ked Willow 7 Saline 13 Sarpy 5 Saunders ....12 Douglass Dundy . Fillmore Franklin Seward. .In 7 . 1 . 2 Frontier. Furnas . . (age. . Sheridan. . Sherman . Sioux Carneld. -tauton. 4 Cosper Crant Thayer 7 Thomas 2 Valley 6 Washington 9 Wayne 5 Webster 9 Wheeler. 3 York c-.ll Unorganized Ter 1 (ireeley ... . 4 11 .10 . S . 4 . C nail Hamilton . Harlan If ayes JIit?hcock Holt Howard... Jefferson . . 9 Total ....071 It is recommended that no proxies be admitted to the convention except such as are held by persons residing in the coun ties from which the proxies are given, io Chairmen County Central Commit tees: Whereas, At the republican state con vention held at Lincoln October 5, 1887, the following resolution was adopted: Jiesolted, That the state central com mittee )e instructed to embrace in its call for the next state convention the submis sion of the prohibition question to the re publican voters at the republican pri maries, Therefore, in accordance with the above resolution, the several county cen tral committees are hereby instructed to nclude in their call for their next county convention the submission of the prohi bition question to the republican voters at the republican primaries. Geo. D. JIeiklejohn, Chairman. Walt. M. Seeley, Secretary. Eureka Meat 'Market, T. J. THOMAS, WHOLESALE AND Beef, Pork, Mutton, Vuil find Ttulliy. Z invito all to giv mo a txiol. Sugar Cured Meats Hams, Tacni, LnrJ, tic. etc. Fiifh Cjftds in Con u tl Pt lk at lowest living pruts. Do not fail to tivc n e y fcr i ntn r.rfcjc. T. THOMAS. 2? 23 :e3 Xj zm: nsr , DEALER IN STOVES, FURNITU -AND ALL HOUSEHOLD GOODS. -LATEST WINDOW KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. PICTXJXLE FnMISS SIXTH STREET, BET. MAIN AND FURNITURE FOit ALL FINE :-: FUBISFITTJUE -YOU SHOULD CALL ON- Where a magnificent Prices UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING A SPECIALTY CORNER MAIN AND SIXTH fieri qe Wi 1 call your attention to the fact that they are headquarters for all kinds of Fruits and Vegetables . We are receiving Fresh Strawberries every day. Oranges, Lerrons ar.d Eananas constantly cn hand, Just received, a variety of Csr.ned Scurc We have Pure aple Sugar end "no rcistake. BENNETT Jonathan Hatt." ' WHOLESALE A.ITX) XIETAIXj O0TY Ewfl EAT ImIALK'ET. PORK PACKERS and dealers in BUTTER AND EGGS. BEEF, PORK, MUTTON AND VEAL. THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS AL WAY'S ON HAND. Sugar Cured Meats, Hams. Bacon, Lard, &c., &c of our own make. The best brands of OYSTERS, in cans and bulk, at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. GIVE J. ri fr .tt - HEALTH IS WEALTH ! BliAUA Br. E.C. West 's Nerve and Breiu Treatment a uuarantee specific for Hysteria Dizziness. Convulsions. Kits. Nervous Neuralgia, Head ache. Nerveoue Prostration caused by theuce of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness. Mental De pression, SofteuiuK of the Brain resulting in in sanity and leading t misery, decay and death, rieuiature old Ape. Iiarrenncss, Loss of Few er in either si x. Involuntary Li sees and Srer-matTrhrt-B caused by over-exertion of the brain, self abuse or over-indnljieiice. Kach box contains one month's treatment, $1 lit) a box or six boxes for $5.00, sent by mail prepaid oo receipt of price WE GUARAMIE SIXECXES To cure an v case. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied w ith " bo, we will send the purchaser t.ur written Muuraii tee to return the irouey if the treatment does not effect a cure. iuj run tees issued only by Will J. Warrick sole agent, Flattsuioulh. Neb. If jou want a good silver watch, send us 30 subscribers to the Weeklt Herald. C. VJi. I RETAIL DEALER IN RE,? 7 i KINDS OF- STYLES OF- CTJRTAXSTi IvIADE TO . ODE H. VINE. PLAtTSMOLI I', M l?. EMPORiU CLASSES OF stock of Goods ami Fair abound. PLATTSMOUTH, NELsItAfc-'KA & TCJTT, J. "W. Mabthis. The standard rtmcdy for liver com plaint is Wett's Liver Pilh; they never disappc int you. 0 pills 25c. At War rick's druft store. We will give a silver wnfth, that is warranted by the jtwtlry nun of this city, to any one who blinds us 15 ycnily caih subsciibcis to the Daily Ilrnyip. JULIUS FEFPEFEEPG, MAKCFAtiriil.lt OF AFD WHOLESALE '& RETAIL DKALEK IX HIE Choicest Brands of Cigars, including our Flor de Pepper bcrgo'. end 'Buds FCLT. LIKE OF TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES always iajstocls Uoj. 20, 18S5. M A ! 1 r c Fi 4,