Tha VlalUmoath Daily Herald. KNOTTS BEOS., Publishers & Proprietors. TUE PLATTSMOUTII HERALD I published every evening except Sunday And Weekly every Thursday morn lug. ItegU tered at the olifllce. PlatUmouth. Nebr., i s M.-coiid-cUsB waiter. Ulllce corner ! Vine and Fifth streets. TKMI FOB OAILV. One copy one ear In advance, by mall. ..-$8 00 ()iicoiy per month, by carrier N) One copy ier week, by carrier 15 TKRMS rOK WKEKLV. One copy one year. In advance $1 M One copy tlx months. In advance 75 NATIONAL REPUBLICAN TICKET. FOIt PKEMftENT, BENJAMIN HARRISON, of Indiana. Foil VICE PKKMDKNT, LEVI P. MORTON, it of New York. The country was paralyzed yesterday upon receipt of the news that Oroyer Cleveland has concluded to accept the democratic nomination (?) Ben Haukison lfis a Chinese record we arc told, which will hurt him in Pacific states. California wants him all the same and will give him her electoral vo'c. AN AFRICA!, STORM. THRILLING .MOUNTAINS EXPERIENCE IN THE OF. CAPE COLONY. N ar il it. Cleveland nccepts and down goes the temperature. It a very cold day indeed when Orover refuses an office. He has Wen tried fronf sheriff to president and never yet failed. Haruisox ami Morton are received Iy the country ns fit men to represen the party of protection to American labor, American homes, American, manufacture, American products and American honor. TritKEY red is not a. fast color and the bandanas hare already faded a subdued yellowish pink. They resemble a bloody shirt that has fluttered a little too long in the breezes of peace. Lincoln Jour nal. Climbing Up tb Mountain Side on row Gauge Railroad Track A Flock of Vulture An Extraordinary Sight A Narrow Escape. At 4 o'clock in the afternoon we began the ascent of the Ilex river mountains, and al though our freight train consisted all told of only six loads, two empties and the guards' van, It waa necessary to take up another lo comotive. The grade is ten inches t the raiL and continuous from the base to the tunnel on the summit of the mountain, and requires four hour to climb. Puffl puffl puiTI labored the tiny machines, mere toys as compared to your mountain Moguls, and slowly, very slowly, we crawled up the mountain side over the ever curving, winding track. The day had been terrifically hot. The broiling, seething sun's rays beat down witn an unrelenting force that caused even our Kaffirs to seek shelter under the wagons. the Boers to lay down their pipes and our oxen to pant for air. The colonels bad each soiled half a dozen handkerchiefs in wiping the perspiration from their heated brows. and taken to towels in their efforts to keep their faces dry. We were probably half way up the moun tain side when we noticed that the sun no longer shone on tho distant peaks, though wi knew that it must be at least an hour high. The specks in the sky had doubled in num ber and were moving in a circle. The at mosphere should have been much cooler at the altitude we had now gained, but instead it had grown hotter and more feti fling. Our men through fear and heat were well nigh exhausted; even tbe bold Americans were restless and began to earnestly watch for something to come down from the sky, over tho mountains, up the valley or out of the earth, they did not know when or from where, but they were experiencing that ab sorbing, terrorizing feeling that something is going to happen. A WHITE MIST CREEPING. Nearly an hour of these uncomfortable Now gentlemen, since the nominations are made in men and platforms we will meet you with the records of Harrison and Morton against Cleveland and Thur- man, and the American platform against the British drag-net. It is a clean ana able ticket and a strong and patriotic platform which the republican party present to the suffrages of the people of this country. When November comes the voters will walk up to the ballot box and endorse the plat from and elect the ticket. Lincoln Jour. nal. The July number of Woman will con tain a spirited story entitled "The Jew ess,' which will strike a timely chord in its correction of the gross misrepresenta tion of tiie Hebrew people, embodied in an anonymous pamphlet that has recently Iiad a wide circulation. The evils of race at-togonism cannot be too seriously dep recated, and great credit is due to tlu editor of Woman for coming so prompt ly to the front in defense of a valued and intellectual social element against the dishonest assaults of prejudice and tolerance. $2.75 a year. Woman Pub lishing Co., New York. $500 Reward. We will pay the above reward fcr any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, indigestion, constipation oi costiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Li yer Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely vegetable, and nevei fail to give satisfaction. Large boxct containing 30 sugar coated pills, 25c. x or saie uy an uraggists. ueware o: counterfeits and imitations. The genu ine manufactured only by John O. Wei! & Co., 8G2 W. Madison St. Chicaga, Ih Sold by W. J. Warrick. We now publish music each week in the Weekly IIekald. Everybody should be a musician. The pieces furn ished in the paper will be found as pop ular as any costing 50 cents. Everybody should take the paper. We are endeav oring to make it a great success, and fetl quite confident we can suit all. A Warning. The modes of death's approach are va rious, and statistics show conclusively that more persons die from disease of the nroat and lungs tnaa any other, it is probable that everyone, without excep tion, receives vast numbers of Tubercle Germs into the system and where these germs fall upon suitable soil they start into life and develop, at first slowly and is shown by a slight tickling sensation in the throat and if allowed to continue theii ravages they extend to the lungs produc ing Consumption and to the head, caus ing Catarrh. Now all this is dangerous and if allowed td continue will in tim cause death. At the onset yon must act with promptness; allowing a cold to go without attention is dangerous and max loose yon your life. As soon as you feel that something is wrong with your throat. I tings or nostrils, obtain a bottle of Bos Khee's German Syrup. It will give you immediate relief. sensations had passed when I noticed a white mist creeping around the rugged side of tbe king peak of the range to our left Steadily on it crept, down gulches, over chasms and around huge bowlders, until the whole mountain was enveloped in a thick mist, save the extreme summit, that looked like drift ing snow. On, on came the rolling, soft, treacherous, pure white, beautiful mist. One peak disappeared, then annother, and still another was annihilated wiped out of exist ence, so far as we were concerned. A breeze sprang up, bringing cooler air and relieving our sufferings a little, and in a moment the thick, slimy, sultry cloud was upon us. We now knew the storm was at hand and that tho flock of asvogels knew it was coming. One of them had seen the train and the oxen on it, and no doubt thought, as asyogels think, that some of tho animals would be killed by the terrific mountain storm, and so, signaling to it companions, they hovered over us, waiting for the storm to pasa. It had now grown quite dark. To reach the tunnel at the top of the grade before the storm could catch us was the great desire of all aboard the train. We hod only four miles to travel to reach it Once there we could run near the further end, come to a stop and wait till tbe storm was over, and enjoy the protection of 100 or ZC0 fe?p of earth and stone above us. The engineers and firemen of our little locomotive realized the importance of gaining this place of safety and exerted their utmost efforts to accomplish that end. Cbool cbool cbool puffed the engines, and 6lowy, very slowly we crawled up. Tbe breeze stiffened into a wind; the wind to a gale; the gale into a hurricane. The mist had rolled down the mountain side, up, over and beyond the eastern side of the range. Now came tbe "nigger heads," with their eyes, mouths and ears shooting out fiery flashes of vivid light ning, struggling with each other for tbe lead in guiding tbe storm olouda that followed behind, battling one another with thai? tf? zag, forked tongues, while canyons and mountain sides echoed and re-echoed the boom and roar of heaven's artillery. Here, there, everywhere came flash after flash in quick succession, each flash an awful bolt with a report that began like the crack of a thousand rifles and ended like tbe voices of a thousand cannon. A EXTRAORDEfASr SIGHT. Full well wa fcpew that no shower, but a deluge of rain, would JoUow these black, ragged clouds that shot out in adVcgos of the rain clouds, so aptly named "nigger heads," on account of their resemblance to a negro's woolly head. They are highly charged with electricity, and present to (he unsheltered traveler a thrilling realization of bis perilous position. Never before had I seen more than one "nigger head" at a time; here were three, and each extraordinarily charged with elec tricity. Three times 1 saw a flash, a blazing ball, which, in leas time than I can tell it, burst, throwing out tails of Gp in every direction, somewhat resembling a great sky rocket The report that followed was truly terrible to hear and awful to feel, for it shook the old mountains to their very center. On, on came the storo, roaring, shrieking. howling, tearing its way through the moim- tains, uprooting trees and dislodging tons of heavy rocks that were hurled down the gulches, crushing everything before them and pounding the ground until the whole earth seemed quivering and trembling through fear. It is quite impossible to reach the tunnel. for the torrent is rushing down upon us, and is, in fact, pouring down with unrelenting fury. What if a tree or bowlder should be thrown across the track. Blower, still slower we climb up the grade are we moving? We can feel no motion nor hear tbe Joco motive struggling on. Good heavens I we are moving Dacicwara. I tie rain nas wet tbe tract, a curve has brought us facing the wind, and we are at the mercy of fata The wheels slide on the track like the runners of a sleigh on the snow. Tbe engineers liave lost con trol of their engines, and faster and faster backward we go. Can you picture a position more perilous than ours! Would we reach the bottom safely! Would we plunge over a precipice . down into a canyon where t,u9 trestle work has been washed awayf Would any of us be left to tell the tale of the acci dent! A thousand such thoughts rushed through my mind as we slid foster and faster down, down the track we had labored so bard to climb. The labor of hours was de stroyed in a few minutes. We reached the bottom of the grade without other damage than the shaking of the locomotives to badly as to unfit them for further use until re paired. We remained at the bottom of the grade all the next day, until two other loco motives arrived with which to continue our journey. Cape Colony Cor. San Francisco Chronicle. RZPUCLICAN PLATFORM. The republicans of the United States, assoni bled by their dellffate In national convention, pauiie on the threshold of their proceedings te honor the memory of their Ami great leader and Immortal cbamDlon of liberty and the rights of the people, Abraham Lincoln, and to cover also with wreaths "f Imperishable re membrance and gratitude the heroic names of our inter leaner who nave been more recently called away from otircnimcWe, (irant. (ai field. Ariiuir, i)Rn anu conniing. May ineir mem ories be faithfully cherished. We also recall with our greet ing and prayer for his recovery the name of one of our livinx heroes whose mt tuory will be trebfiired in the history both of republican ami of the republic. The name Is that of the noble eololer and favorite child of victory, l lilili) II. S bei dan. In the spirit of those great leaders and of our devotion t niiinan liberty, and with that hos tility to ail forms of deMpotiMii acd oppression wiiivii is i ue iunuaiiiemai uiea oi me reiiubll can party, we rend IrateMial congratulations to our fellow Americans of upon their great act of emancipation which completed the abolition of slavery throuhnut the two American continents. We earnestly hope we may uon congratulate our fellow citizens of Irlfh birth upon the peaceful recovery of home ruie lor ireiauu. WK A FKI KM OTTK PNSWERViyl DKVOTIOV to the national constitution and to the indis soluble union of state to the aiitoomny re served to the states under the constitution, to the personal rignts aiul liberties of citizens in an states ;ni territories in the union and es pecially to the sup-erne and sovereign right of every citizen, rich or poor, native or foreign born, white or black, to cat one free ballot in the public eiectlnus anil to have that ballot duly counted. We hold a free and honest pop ular ballot and jut and equal representation of all people to be the foundation of our re iiublican government and demand effective legislation to eceuie the Integrity anfl imrity of elections which are the fountains of all pub lic authority. We charge that the present ad ministration a::i tne iiemoeratic majority In congress owe the r existence tolhesuonressicn of the ballot by tbe criminal niillilicatnn of the consul ut ion and laws of tlie United States, We are uucrnmproiiiMiugly in favor of the American system of protection. Ve protest against tne destruction pioposea iy the nre.l dent aim his party. 1'hey verve the inteiei-ta of turore WK WILL. SI.'I'POIIT ISTKKF8TS OH AJIKRIOA. We accept the issue, and confidently appeal to the people for their judgment. The protective system niusi oe maintained, its abandonment lias always been followed by L-ei;eral disaster to all interests except those of the unturer and slierm. We denounce the Mills' bill as destructive to general business, labor, and the farming inter ests of the country, and we heartily endorse the const tent aim patriotic actien of the re publican representatives in congress In op nos ing Its passage. We condemn tlie nronnsltion of the democratic party to place wool on the ireeusianu lnsisr. mat M,e duties thereon sha-1 be adjusted and uiaintained so as to fur nish full aud adequate protection to that in ou-try. The republican party would e ffect all needed reduction of tlie national revenue by repealing me iaxcB on umacao, which are an arrogance and burden to agriculture, and the tax unon spirits used in the arts and formechai leal pur poses, aim uy Pucn revision of tlie tariff laws as will tend to check imports o' such ar:ileg jis i-e produced bv our people. Hie production of which gives employment to oiir labor, and re lease fiAin import duties these articles of for eign production, except luxuries, the like of which cannot be produced at home, there hall still remain a larger revenue than Is rtquisitfe lor tne want of government, of internal taxes rather than surrender any part of our i rotec tive system at the toii.t 'ueh-8t of the whisky ring and agents of foreign manufacturers. AGAINST I'AlTKIt AND LAIiOlt TRUSTS. We declare hostility to the introduction into this country of foreisn contract labor and of Chinese labor alien to our civilization and our constitution, and we demand the ngi I enforce ment oi existing laws against it and ravorsucU immediate legislation as will exclude such la bor from our h ore ft. e declare our onnositlon in ! combina tions of capital organized in trust!; or oilier wiee to control arbitrarily the conditio?! of trade an-ong our citizens and we reco'rmeud to congress and the state legislatures in their respective jurisdictions such legislation as will prevent me execution oi nil schemes to oppress ihe pec P'e by undue charges on their tmnnlies or by unjust rates for the transportation of ineir products to inarKec. we approveiiegisiation by congress to pre vent alike unjust burdens and unfair discrim ination betweon states. pup LKJ LAND LEGISLATION. We reaffirm the oolicv of arDroniitimr the public lands of thefJhited States to Le home steads for American citizens and settlers not aliens, which the republican party established In 1SC2 aga nst the opposition of the democrats in congress, which has brouuhf. our great western domain imp magnificent de- veiopemert. me restoration ot unearned land grants to cbe public domain for tbe use of ac tual settlers, wmcli was begun under the ad ministration of President Arthur should be continued. W deny that the democratic party has ever restored one ucia to the neonle. but declare that by the Joint action of iepul,o4iis and democrats about fifty million acres ut un earned lands, originally granted for the con- truciiou oi rauroaus, nave ueen resiwreu to the public domain in nursiiance of condition)! inserted by the republican party in the oiigin. at grants, vrecnarget e democraticadmiDis traliou vtb iniUir? to execute laws securing to eettlers title to tiieli and wilh us ing appropriations mace lor that purpose j.-, harrass innocent settlers with spies and prose cutions under the false pretense of exposing frauds and vindicating the law. ADMISSION OF TERRITORIES, The govenifiwit by poppress of the territor ies is based upon necessity only to the pod that they may become states in tlie onion : there fore, whenever the conditions of population!, material resources, p:ib!io intelligence ami morality are such as to insure stable local gov ernment therein the jeople of such territories should be permitted, a right inherent in them. io joriu ir tueinseives cousin in ions una state governments md be ad nitted into the union. Pending preparation for statehood all nfiicers thereof should be selected lro;n bona fide resiaenis ana citizens oi me territory u serein tney are to serve, soiiin Dakota should t rix'it be immediately admitted as a state in the Milan lipder the constitution framed and aaopteu uy per leopij, and we heartily e:i dorse tho action of the rjiiibUcan senate in twice passing Pills for her admission, 1 p2 re fusal of the democratic hou.e of represent. lives, 'or partisan purposes, to favorably con sider these bills is a willful violation of the sacreu American principle of local self-govern ntvut, a"d merits the condemnation of all jus men. ine ytazgng bills in the senate for acts ro enable tue ucupu o; wishington, Keith Dakota and Montana teirit6rte to Xura in stitutions and establish state goveiiiineiits should be passed without uoneces-ary deb y. The republican paity pledges inself to 'do all in it pTver to iaciiiiare tne admission of the fer ritories oi Mexico. Wyoming. Idaho and Arizona to the eujoymebt of self-government as siates. oucn oi tiiem as are uo.nv oualitied as soon as possible. and others as soon 'as they ui ay occouie ao. TJfE MOBMOS QUESTIONS The political powt-r of tho Mormon church in tne leriiiunes hs exerciieu n (.ni iait is a meiiauce to iree institutions too dangerous to oe long suiiereo. liiererore we p edge the re publican party to appropriate legislation, asserting the sovereignty of the nation in all the territories wlieie the same is questioned, and in furtherance of that end to place upon the statute book legislation stringent cuiKinrj i uivorce pomicai irom ecclesiastical the at t and Pacific states as well as for the payment of the maturing public debt. This policy will give employment to our labor, activity to our various Industries, increased security to our country, promote trsde, open new and direct markets for our products and cheap, n the cost of transportation. We affirm this to be far better for our country than the democratic policy of loaning the government's money without Interest to "pet banks." FOREIGN RELATIONS. The conduct of foreign affairs by the present administration has beeu distinguished by inef ficiency aDd cowardice. Having withdrawn from tbe senate all pending treaties effected by republican administrators for the removal of foreign burdens and restrictions upon our coinmeice and for Its extension into a better market. H has neither affected nor proposed any others in their stead, professing adher ence to tbe Monroe doctrlre. It has seen with Idle complacency the extension of foreign In fluence in Central America and of foreign t rade everywhere among our neighbors. It has re fused to charter, sand ion or encourage any American organiyt ion for constructing the Nicaragua canal, a work of vtal importance to tbe maintenance or the Monroe doctrine and of our national influence in Central and South America, and necessary fo- tho development of trude with our Pacific territory, with South America, and with the further coasts of the Pacific Ocean. FISHERIES QUESTION. We arraign the present democratic adminis tration for Its weak and unpatriotic treatment of the fisheries question, and its pusillanimous surirnderorall privileges to which our fishery vessels are entli led in Canadian ports under the treaty of ISIS, the reciprocate marin tine legislation of 1K.!0 and comity of nations, aud which Caaadian fishing vessels receive in the ports of the United States. We con-iemn the pt.licy of the present administration and the democratic majority in congress towards our lKheiies as unfriendly and conspicuously unpatriotic and as tending to destroy a valuable national industry and an iudispeiisible resource of defense against fi reign enemy. Tlie name of American applies alike to all cilicns of the rep.iblle. and imposes upon men alike ihe same obligation of obedience to the laws. At the same timeePizeiiship is and must be the panoply and safeguard of him who weais it, should shield and protect him whether high or low. rich omoor. in all his civil riirht.. It should and niust'afford him Di-otectioii at lmm and follow and protect him abroad in whatever nuiu ne may pe on a lawful errand. CIVIL SERVIfK RFFOKM. The men who abandoned the republican par- ij iii iiiiu cfiiiiiuiie iu aunere io tne demo cratic party nave aestrreu not oniv the cause of honest government, but of sound finance, of freedom aud purity of the ballot, but espec ially have deserted the cau-e of reform In the civn servire. we win not fail to keep our pledges because t ey have broken theirs, or tneir candidate has broken his. We inererore repeit' our declination of 18s4.towit : 1 he reform of civil service auspiciously begun muter lenublicau administration should be completed by a further extension of th reform system already established by lawtoall grades oi me service io wiiicn it Is applied. The spir it and purpose of ieforiu should be observed in an executive appointments, and all laws at vanence with t he object of existing reform If g Islation should be repealed, and that ihe dan gers to free institutions which lurk in the pow er ! omciai patronage may pe wisely and ef- lectively avoided. l ne gratitude of the natiun to the defenders oi tne union cannot be assured except by laws. i ne legislation of congress should conform to tlie pledges made bv a loval imii c. nnd h so enlarged and extended as to nrov'de against the possibility that any man who honorably wuie ine leuerai I'uiiorm snail neenme an in mate of an almshouse or dependent on private charity. In the presence of an overflowing treasury it would b a nubile scandal to do less lor i nose wnose valorous service preserved tlie government. We denounce the hostile spirit shown by President Cleveland in his numerous vetoes or measures for nension relief, and the action of tbe democratic house of representa tives in refusing even consideration of general pension it-gisiai ion. In support of tbe Drincinles herewith eium. ciatcd. we iuvite the co-operation of patriotic iiic-n vi nn pai tirs, rsprciany oi ail woi King men wliose i)ipsperity is seriously threatened by the tree trade policy of the present admin istration. Eureka Peat Market T. J. THOMAS. WUOLF.PAJ.K AND HETAII, DP.ALKIl IN Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal and ToiiHiy. Z invito all to give mo a trial. Sugar Cured Meats, ITnms, rnccii, Lur.1, etc., lc. Km h OvM rs in Cnn rrtl Ihilk at lowest living juicis. Do not fail to the ine year .uin nugo. T. T. THOM 2v isT -DEALEIl IN- STOVES, FURNITURE. -AND ALL KINDS OF- HOUSEHOLD GOODS. -LATEST STYLES OF- WINDOW CXJRTASSTB KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. PICTURE FRAMES MADE TO ODER SIXTH STREET, BET. MAIN AND VINE. I'LATTf-MOUT II, NEIJ. . FURNITUR MPORIUM. -FOU AJ.L CLASSES OF- FINE FURNITURE -YOU SHOULD CALL ON- Where a magnificent stock of Pricob abound. Goods and Fair i are requested io sena delegates Jv i i r several counties to meet in S s A 4- N 4 I C j J- J- m at the city of Lincoln Thurs- j) I I I ( I 11 I I ust 23, 1888, at 2 o clock p. m , I I M ( l Republican State Convention. The republican electors of tjje state of Nebraska are requested to send delegates from their convention day, Aug for the purppsc of placing jn pominafiou candidates for the following state offices. Governor. Lieutenant Povernor. Secretary pf State. State Treasurer, Auditor of Public Accounts. Attorney General. Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings. And the transaction of such other busi ness 3 niay come before the convention. THE APPORTION JIE.ST. The several counties are entitled to re presentation as follows, being based upon tl)e yptc cast fcr Hon. Samuel Maxwell, judge, in 188T, giving pne delegate at Ir.rge to each county, aud for each 150 votes, and major fraction thereof: UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING A SPECIALTY HmDNTRY BOECK. CORNER MAIN AND SIXTH PLATTSJIOUTH. NEBRASKA Will call to the kinds of your attention they are headquarters for all and Vegetables, We are receiving Fresh Str av.ber r ies fact that); Frui to every day. Oranges, Lemons ar.d Eananas hand. Just received, a variety We have Pure Maple Sugar of and constantly cn Canned Scups. no mistake. COUJJTIKS. VOTKS. U In Hard Luck. '-What's tbe matter. Dnmleyf Ton look & contented and unhappyf I am; I just found a three cent piece on l when 1 saw it on tbe sidewalk Pm blamed I didst think iswaa a dime. n -The Ejoch. power, nud tljna sfijrjin out wickedaea of polvaniy j ne republican party is in layor pi tlje u$e oi ooi ii koiu una stiver as money, ana con- cemns tue policy oi tlie democratic adminls- iruiicn in ts enorts to demonetize silver ve d&mfcna tn reunctton of letter postage l' I u lib J'iri '1IIM In a republic I'ke onrs. where tna eiti.enc la the sovereign and the otllcl l the servant, where no nwr Is exercised exceDt bv the wi 1 in i ne peopie. n i important inai ine sover eign vuo pie should possess intelligence. The Iipo sphool is the promoter of that intelligence which Uto preserve lis a free nation. lYierM. fore, the state or nai !.. or both confined. should support fre institutions of learning sufficient to afford to eveiv child prowinj? up in the land the opportunity of a good cominon eehool education. Oo'B MJEECHAilT MARINE, We earnestly recommend that prompt action he taken in c. r press in the ei act men t o soph legislation nsuiil best fpcure the rehabilita tion of our Atnericn merchant inaiine, arid wo protest against th passage by congress of a free elnp iii as calculated to work injustice to labor by hEeinr.K the MuKes of those en gaged in preparing materials as well ad tho.e directly employed In our shipyards. v de mann cppropriHtlnnn for tbe eiitlv rebuilding of our navy, for the construction of const fortifications aud modern ordinance and other iipPi-VPd modern means of defence for the protection oi or defenseless harbors and cities, for the payment of j.u-t pensions to our soldier", for necessary work of national iid pnrtarc iu the improvement of tho harbors and chain els of internal, fcoastwlser and oie pn commerce, for the eucouragemeat ft the shipping interests of the Atlantic, Gulf Adams .... Antelope Arthur... . Blaine....: IJoone.. .. :, Box IUitte. Brown .Buffalo ... liutlei-;... , Burt , Caes fdar Chase -'h-iTy fj Cheyenne 11 Clay 11 CoilHa 7 'uining.V.. Cusrer Dako'a 5 Dawes 7 Dawson. DiYon . I COlJfTIES. VOTES. BENNETT & T'CJTT. Johnson 8 Dodge Douglass.. Dundy . . Fillmore... Franklin.. Frontier... Furnas , ,,".' liage Garfield... tJosper Grant Greeley .. Kearney 8 Keyha Faha 5 b-eltli 4 Knox Lancaster.. 25 Lincoln... 8 Logan. Loup ,. 3 Matfisoa. 8 Mcrnerson i -Merrick 7 Nance 5 Nemaha 9 Nuckolls 6 Otoe 12 Pawnee s TIPei-klLs 5 IT Pierce 4 Polk... 6 Platte 10 7 12 . 7 13 5 12 10 7 7 2 4 7 2 G Jonathan Hatt. J. W. Martbw. . 8 . C .112 2" .'4 .10 . 7 .10 fi .la Phelps Kichardson. . iUsd Willow,. Saline Sarpy.... .... Saunders... Seward Sheridan., shennan ., . Sloax -tanton Thayer 1 nomas Vallev Hall 11 Washincrnn o Hamilton 10 Wayne 5 Harlan Webster 9 JJayes , 4 Wheeler 3 Hifchcocii ti York 11 Kelt ..14, Unorganized Ter.... 1 Howard...;...; ..'7 ' Jelferson .. 9 Total 071 mLOTMA MAW c: C., . WHOLESALE H-ETAIX, CDTY Rfil EAT RE ARKET. PORK PACKERS akd dealers in BUTTER AND EGGS. BEEF, PORK, MUTTON AND VEAL. THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS ALWAYS ON HAND. Sugar Cured Meals, Hams. Bacon, Lard, &c, of our own make. Tlie best brands of OYSTERS, in cans and bulk at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ' HEALTH IS WEALTH ! It is recommended that no ' uroxies be admitted to the convention except such as are held by persons residing in the coun ties from which the proxies are given. 10 Chairmen County Central Commit tees: Whereas, At the republican state con vention held at Lincoln October 5. 1887. the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That the state central com mittee be instructed to embrace in its call for the nest state convention the submis sion of the prohibition question to there publican voters at the republican pri manes, a Therefore, in accordance with the above resolution, the several county cen tral committees are hereby instructed to include in their call for their next county convention the submission of the prohi bition question to the bepitbtjcak voters at the republican primaries, Oeo. D. Meiklejohn, Chairman. Walt. M. Seeley. Secretarv.- Dr. E.O. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment a guarantee specific for Hvsteria Dizziness. Convulsions. Fits. .Nervous Neuralgia, Head ache. Aerveous Prostration caused bv tlient-e of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness, Cental De pre3cion. Softening of the Brain resulting in in sanity and leading t misery, decay and death, rreinature old Age. P.arrenness, Loss of P.w er in either sex. Involuntary Lospes and Sper matorrhoea caused by over-exertion of the brain, or over-indulgence. Fui-h lxi-r contains one month's treatment, $1 00 a box or six boxes for 5.00, sent by mail prepaid or receipt 01 price WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. W ith ea.-h order received by us for six boxes, accompanied with S5.00, we will send the purchaser our written guaran tee to return the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by Will J. Warrick sole agent, Plattsmouth. Neb. If you want a good send us 80 subscribers to Herald. silver watch, the Weekly The standard nmtdy for liver plaint is West's Liver Pills; iln-y disapprint you. 30 pills 25c. At rick's drug store. ccm never War- We will give a silver watch, that ia warranted by the jewehy mtn of this city, to any one who brings us 15 yraily cas-h subscribers to the Daily Hekld. JULIUS FEFFEFEEF.G. KAKCFACTCBFR OF AKD WHOLESALE L RETAIL EE A Lilt IN 1I1K Choicest Brands of Cigars, including oar Flor de Pepperbergo' end 'Bvdm FULL LIKE OF TOBACCO AND SIIOSERS' ARTICLES always in stock. Nov. 23, 1885. 41 V