The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, June 27, 1888, Image 4

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Tne Evening Herald.
l. Kallnbary, Pea tint, Bockwood Baildlng,
Irpbone So. Hi.
Dr. f I ill, OflJre la Khrrwood Block, UeoU
dear Cor. Sixth mwt liraalte, Telrphoaa so. 42.
Dm. Cava A Hmitfc. th Pa In trim lleatUta, lalon
Block, orcr CltlscaV Bank, I'Uttmaonth.
The democrats of this city arc not
dead, they are only sleeping.
John A. Davies will address the
citizens of Cedar Creek and surrounding
country on the 4th of July.
The flyer No. 1 went through this
n. m. with a full train of vcstabulc cars,
this makes two full trains of vestabules
now running between Denver and Chica
go over the B. & M.
Anyone wishing tickets to the Young
Men's Republican Banquet on July 12th,
188S, can secure them of J. C. Eikenbary,
Stephen Buzzell, or at Frank Carruth's
jewelry store, and at the county clerk's
There will be no service at the Chris
tian church next Sunday morning or
evening, owing to the absence of the
minister. I lev. M. A. Hampton, has
taben u vacation to himself and gone
home on a short visit. There will be
Sunday school nt the usual hour.
Monday night it couple of colored
people, a man ana woman, attracted a
large number of the citizens by their
singing. The music was very fine, and
more musical voices tlian tlie woman s
voices are seldom if ever heard. Al
though they passed the hat, they dress
well and seem to live hih.
Messrs. Sherdon & Co., who have
the contract for the sewer woik which is
to be done in the city, started their men
to work yesterday. They have com
menced operation at the rear of Carruth's
building, and in a short time, we expect,
the city will have every appearance of
the visit of an earthquake.
. The Pinkcrton fraternity bade f are
well to Plattsmouth and returned to Chi
ergo, the Burlington Company not re
Viuiring their services longer. With one
or two exceptions they all acted squarely
and as gentlemen. But when a body
of men are placed in such a position, and
do their duty, all cannot be pleased.
We give them credit tot acting in no
way partial and doing their duty as they
were expected.
We notice that Mr. Allen Becson is
taking come pride in Sixth street on
which he resides. He has employed a
man to clip the weeds in front of his
residence which grow in such abundance
on that street in particular. If a number
of other residents, not only of that street,
but any street as a person can find them
there, would take an interest in the ap
pearance of, not only their own property,
but the city, they would follow the good
example set by this gentleman. The
trees of the different streets grow to a
sumcient Del gut so that it is not neces
sary to take advantage of weeds for
A party of about ten couples has
made arrangements seyeral times and
has made arrangements to make arrange
ments to see what arrangements could be
made for a picnic. It was concluded,
after severeal postponements to bold it
yesterday at the fair grounds, but it
seems the dumber must be an unlucky
one or such a thing Lt not to be. The
rain yesterday turned their Anticipations
to disappointment, and the crowd at
present i quite blue. Since disappoint
ment has been A companion for so many
terms, why not congregate at the resi
dence of one of the metnbera and' have
a picnic anyway. It would be a picnic
for us to see them have a picnic, and if a
picnic they must Lave, why not haye a
picnic in this way. If we can help them
out by changing the wbeather aign&ls, we
will do so.
Mr. Lee Sharp, a young gentleman
who has for a number of years been era
ployed as a machinist at the B. & JL
shops here, has severed his connection
with that company within the last few
days, with the intention, as we learn, of
starting in business for himself. He has
not yet selected a suitable location for
his shop, but as soon as he does he in
tends to open a machine frhop and pre
pare himself to do all kinds ol work in
that line. As he is a first-class machanic,
a good business man, steady, sober and
industrious, nothing but success can we
bespeak for him. He has worked steady
for a number of years, been economical
enough to have an eye open to future
prospects, and now since it is his determ
ination to launch out in the business
world, he certainly deserves the encour-
agemeni ana support oi an. e give
hini credit for remaining at home and
trying to build up the city by bringing
into it an additional industry. This gen
tleman has many friends in the city, and
as he is willing to work, he certainly
should make his mark and come out with
a share of the yellow metal which so
many are striving to obtain. lie will be
prepared to do all kinds of work in that
line, and all citizens who have that kind
Our Dave came marching homo to
day. There were four stock trains and
one meat train past through the city this
morning bound for Chicago.
Mr. John Miller and Miss Ilellena
I loss, both of this county, were united
in marrige this morning by Judge
Messrs. Morris O'llourk and George
Oliver were in Council Bluffs making ar
rangements for the game which is to be
played here on the 4th of July between
the Council Bluffs team and the Platts
mouth club.
Can anyone account for the strange
change of expression in the faces of the
democrats since their return from Omaha?
It must haye been something like going
to attend a wedding and before their re
turn, attended a funeral.
Mr. Phil. Harrison, of this city, claims
relationship to the coming president, Mr.
Men. Harrison, ot Indiana, bince Lis re
lative has come to the front in such grand
style, it is expected Phil., will drop the
reins which be now manipulates and ap
ply for a government sit.
Prominent "Bob," who invariably
lights on a stationary crowd, and gener
ally lends enthusiasm to a certain extent
by ringing in topics for the principal
speakers, took a drop to himself last
night He" was taking his leave from n
certain hardware store by way of the
back door. We don't suppose he was in
any hurryjto get home, as he seldom ever
is, but for some reason we do not know,
he made a rapid pace for the sidewalk,
and in his hurry missed hisjttep, dropped
between two sidewalks which just alJow
ed enough space for his body to occupy
and was obliged to remain there until as
sistance was given him to extricate him
self. aa
Tickets have been issued by the
Young Men's Republican Club and put
in the hands of a committee for sale,
preparations are being made for the ban
quet which give us every expectation for
one of the grandest events in the history
of Plattsmouth. The date U set for
July tSfth, at the Waterman opera house.
Prominent speakers of tl.c state will be
present and participate in the festiyitics,
among them will be John M. Thurston,
who will have in store for his audience
many glittering points from the late con
vention. No doubt t;e opera house will
be crowded to its utmost capacity and
with the encouragement that republicans
now have since the nomination of Har
rison and Morton, a rousing event will
surely be the result. Let all right-thinking
people come forward shew that they
are on the right side and on the road to
victory, and push forth every effort to
make the coming banquet as we predict,
a grand success.
Jedd Vance, the boy who u.d J:js
skull so badly fractured some time ago,
does not require constant attention now
and is able to take good care of himself
part of the time. He has gained great
courage and worked his jray along ad
mirably until the road to recovery is
broad and easy to travel. Several who
hard dotted down their signatures on a
subscriptiou p&pcr as) a representation of
a donation, are now adverse to fcy;g it.
Some are under the impression that the
boy's step-father, Mr. Dickson, has con
siderable property and pioney in the bank,
but such, we learn from good authority,
is not the case. Even if such a story is
true", they are only helping the poor un
fortunate boy who will be left to himself
in a short time and have no one to look
to for ssppprt. A boy in his condition,
with a hole almost three inches square in
the top of his head with no protection
but a thin portion of flesh to keep the
brain from exposure, will be in an un
comfortable condition to do any kind of
work and isay need considerable assis
tance. A donation of cents or so in
as charitable way can never be begruaged
surely. We are pleased to learn that so
man haye contributed willingly and
cheerfully, ana asy jeinec so many have
exhibited as kind a spirit, d no lp,t any
kickers come into prominence and cast a
sbadaw over tho good which already
looms up.
Harrison and Morton Our
Republican Ratification
Night a Crand Success-
Tho Young Men's Republican Club of
Plattsmouth had called a ratification
meeting of the republican nominees for
president and vice president for last
evening, t be held in Rock wood hall,
and although the weather was most un
propitious and a heavy rain had fallen
after 0 o'clock, the meeting was
At 8 o'clock the B. & M. band opened
up the ball with their sixteen pieces in
front of Rockwood hall, playing several
popular pieces in their best style, as they
always do. Almost immediately the
heavy boom of artillery resounded
throughout the fcity. The cannon being
controlled and .handled by the eyer effi
cient cannoneers, Harvey Sage and Chas.
Black, forty rounds being fired, and
amidst music and cannonading the audi
ence assembled in Rockwcd J) all.
The hall was well filled with enthiuias.
tic republicans at 8:30 o'clock p. m. and
tho meeting was called to order by John
A. Davies, president of the Young Men's
Republican Club, wLs, jn a short, bril
liant, twenty-minute speech su-pIed the
entire audience. He covered the ground
of Protection for hot.ic industries in a
remarkable manner, and we pedjc right
here that he will, during this campaign,
be heard from not only l Oass, but the
state at large. He closed his remarks
with the heading to this article, Tippe
canoe and Protection too, Harrison and
Morton our next president and vice presi
dent of ike J7mted States. All through
his speech he was met wiifc applause and
the close was enthusiastically applauded.
Hon. R. B. Windham was called on
and responded in his usual vein. His
remarks were woll received and inter
spersed with applause.
As one of the committee on speaker,?
reported to the audience that it was im
possible to get speakers from abroad from
the fact that everybody was ratifying at
home. The apology was unnecessary,
as our home talent in the republican par
ty is of the btsj nud was well received
last night by an entDt2.ti audience.
Judge Samuel M. Chapman 7.'hs the 1
next speaker called upon. His remarks
were directed especially to the solid
south, an houest vote and a fair count.
He called attention to the fact that the
names of Harrison and Morton were two
of the most illustrious names in the
United States; that tjhe name of Morton,
the great war governor of fndjana, and
Gen. Ben. Harrison, the soldier, the cjti
aen and statesman from the same state,
would act as a statesman in the cominjr
campaign and that he predicted that In
diana would be safe for the ticket. Ap
plause greeted the speaker and at the
close of his remarks S. P. -vanatta was
next called and responded in a warm,
hearty manner.his remarks being received
with great favor. Ha touched up the
democrats all along the ljnc, and hl3 re
mark that the republicans and the people
should vote for brains as against averdu-
poise and the result would be that we
would have a president who could take
off his shifj; 'itbont unbuttoning his col-
Plattsmouth Will Celebrate That
Day in a Grand Way.
The Fourth of July will be observed
in grand style by the Firemen of Platts
mouth. the program.
9:30 a. m. Firemen's parade in uniform
with hose carts and apparatus.
10:00 a. m. Hoso races on Mam street
to hydrants, and 'throwing
water, the prize the silver
trumpet, after which all will
repair to the old fair grounds
where the exercises for the af
ternoon will be opened at 1
1st. By Prayer.
2nd. Reading of Declaration
of Independence.
3rd. Oration.
At 3 p, m. a great ball game will be
played, Plattsmouth vs. J,incoln.
A dance platform will be erected on
the ground, and all who like may enjoy
the light fantastic.
The best of order will be enforced and
all are inyited to take part.
Democratic Meeting.
pLATTSMOUTii,Neb.,June 25. Special
The dpRjoprats are unusually jubilant
this evening over luc nomination of Har
rrison at Chicago, while our republican
friends feel very much disappointed and
sore. Very few express themselves.
While this gives a sure grip on a contin
o'js four years of democratic reign and
rood eoyei-nnient, the democrats intend
to knock about 'Tour figures ofU tho here
tofore republican majority" iri' the state.
The Young Men's Democratic club
met this Cpepiijg and elected the follow
ing to represent them at phe convention
ftf plubs tomorrow: Hon. P. J3. White,
Dr. J$. U SIgglns, T. P. Clifford, Dr. T.
P. Liylngston, D. O. llcgutee, Henry
Herold, H. t Reese, Morris O'Rourk,
J. L. Minor, Goorge Oliver, Bob Fitzger
ald, James Grace, Mathew Gcring, Chas.
W. Sherman, W. O. Cushing, and passed
tLe fcHowing resolution:
WuEitEA, .'iio republican party has
nominated the two candidates -mot ac
ceptable to our party, therefore be it
Resolved, That in case the republicans
refuse to ratify the nomination the Young
lien's democratic club will call a meeting
to ratify he ji$rainees. Omaha Herald.
The above delegation left yesierday
morning for Omaha, where it is supposed
they went to make arrangements with a
prominent undertaker of that city for the
funeral which is to take place the sixth
of next November. It is supposed that
only ope ghrotid will be necessary,- and
that shall be used for throve, because
they an use the waste bandanas to en
shroud Thurman.
Specialties For This
Wo 2iavo received from an irer
lO Doz. Cream Iiaco IFioliues andTjad
liave placed tliem on sale today ateo
tliat we Guarantee to be less thaao-
ECalf the Cost to Manufacture Tne
Cream Silk Lace Fichucs only 10 ccn'.s each, Mprth
( ( u u "15 ' " "
Cream Spanish Lace Fichuesonly 25 cents each, wor
( a a u u u 40- (
Cream Spanish Cluijnirc Lace Fichucs only 50 cents,
u it u c t p5 ((
u u a . u 75
5 " " " " very large 1.00,
8 inch wide Cream Spanish Lace Tiep, woith 75 cts,
1 " " " " tfl.oU,
Cream Spanish Guipure Hand Jinn Lace Tiea, won
price )0 cents.
Cream Snanish Gninure Hand llun Lace Ties wof-Oil -
"price 75 cents. ..
Cream Spanish Guipure Hand Enn Lace Ties wc3,00, ur
price $1.00.
ce zm-
Tffc also palace on sale today an Importer's Samp
' I
Hosiery For Ladies and Idren
ieir regular
tock of
Including Silks, Lisles and Ingrains at about one-h
value. Wi shall also include in this saleoui Er
Ladies' Fancy Lisle and Inmn Hose
Worth from 75 cents to gJ.OQ a pa
At the Very Low Price of 5mts.
. .
Our Embroidered. Cuemissw-tio C pilars worth
5i.o at u cents each.
Our Fancy Chemissette Collars worth 50 cents
Our White Chemisette Collar at 20, 25, 30, 'li
cents ti
jed to 35 cents.
50 cents arc
lar, was cheered ,to he echo.
Mr, Yanatta introduced the
Prof. M. Laughlin, of Plattsmouth, is
studying law in Papillion.
I. D. plarjve, father of A. y. $pd H.
T. Clarke, died in mana, une 20, 1888.
Mr. and Mrs. J(3. A. Magney, of Omaha,
spent a few days in Papillion, their old
Childrens' day was observed Sunday,
June 17, on account of quarterly meeting
tne bunday previous.
Miss JIabel Knapp returned from Se
dalia, Missouri, where she has been attend
ing school for the past year.
Papillion is getting ready for the 4th.
I here is a beautiful grove about two I
blocks from the depot where they will
hold forth. There WHJ J?e 9 bridge built
across the Papio leading to' the fair
ground, where there will be races, base
ball, etc. Persons could not do better
than to come to our shady little city to
spend the day.
Ladies' Shoes and lippers.
Also Men's, 13oys' and
Children's must
in order to
a redaction
Dr. A. Shipman went to
Miss Laura Rheinacklo left this morn
ing for a short visit at Lincoln,
Miss Flora Klepser, of Belleyue College,
is in the city, the guest of the Misses
Mr. John Morgan and wife returned
from Denver this morning where they
have been visiting for a few weeks.
Mr. George Ghambers. nronrietor of
the Dewitt Times, has been in the city
for a few days visiting his brother, Mr.
Will Chamlertf.
Hon. Frank E. White, of this city, was
elected president of the Democratic
State League at their meeting in Omaha
last night We congratulate him on his
success if he is a democrat.
Mr. "Bush" Robbing, a young man who
is popular among the boys, and who has
been an employee of the B. & M. at Pa
cific Junction
and give the assistance he richly deserves, i the flyer.
for some time, took his
of work to be dene should patronize him j departure for Cheyenne this morning pa
resolution which was unanimously passed,
and the meeting with three cheers for
the nominees, and three piteera for our
bandana, adjourned;
Whekeas, the Young Men's Democrat
ic Club, or tnis city, is so pleased with
the nomination of Harrison and Morton
that they can't conceal their ior end
Wjjeeas, we wish tQ give theii a fair
a fi r , - V . '. i.
upporimmy or neanng ana imbibing
sound national principles and republican
ii uui,iueiciuic ii
Resolved, that the republicans of this
city cordially invite all the young men
who have in an unguarded moment.
inougi.tieiii7 connected tnemselves with
. 1. 4. -1 . ! " : . . . .
luabuuuwiuuv party, iQ zzzeno. our
meetings and no pains will be snali-ed to
interest them as to their future action for
their country s good.
P S. Jpome of the old democrats who
are not too far g"na inight be temporar
ily bent fitted by coming to our megtjngs",
and to all such, a cordial invitation is
The hall was beautifully decorated
JiL tt 1
wnn v. c ;arge republican nag coyenng
tho entire back of tho pyc.Ver's stand and
red, white and blue streamers were string
around the entire hall, and over the
large flag was the motto : " For Presi
dent, Harrison, for yicprPrpsident,
Morton, and ULderneath the motto in
flaming letters ,
The decorations were ihe work of 8,
C. Green.
To say that the meeting was a success,
is putting it mildly. Every republican
was happy, and the long faces were to
be seen upon the democratic visages.
They are beginning to wake - up to the
fact that they haye got the greatest battle
on their hands, they have ever had since
the election of 18G0.
The statement of Mr. Windham that the
American flag was our bandana and the
best use it could be put to was to wipe the
sweat from the brow of honest labor
(meaning protection for borne industries)
met with heartiest applause.
So ended the firing of the first gun in
Cass of the coming campaign.
nr. iiarsna preacnea ms tarew&u ser
mon Sunday, June 24V
A beautiful black horse was presented
Dr. narsha by students and friends.
Since the students-1 departure la their
numerous homes, Bellevue seems almost
The commencement exercises of Belle
vue college, far surpassed the people's
expectations. Everything was excellent.
The rain did pd'harni essepi io ruin the
ostrich tips of those whq were fortunatef?)
enough to possess them.
For Fall Goods. Now is the time to la
while you have a chance to get a bi
Guilt Edge and Raven G
At 15 cents, sold all over for 25. Dor
your supply
' Bargain,
the place,
The Boy's Question.
Little Boy Mamma, what are the men
firinc the canen for?
Mamma Why, Willie, the republicans
are trying io wae sp he democrats so
that they can have a little opposition and
make them think an election is near at
hand. The republicans don't want to
haye everything their own way.
Cass County Agricultural Society
A meeting of the Cass County Agri
cultural Society is called for Thursday
evening . at 8 o clock at Skinner &
jiucmes ojucg. j. iuu attendance is
earnestly requested, as business of imr
portance will be transacted.
FffED. Gorder, II. C. RlTCniE,
Prcs, Sep.
-Hon. John M. Thurston passed
through the city this morning on his re
turn trip from the Chicago convention
A large crowd was at the depot to greet
him and loud cheers of welcome were
given, and he was made known of the
fact that his good representation of Ne
braska at Chicago was appreciated..
-The Burlington Company is laying
off employes of late for fifteen days each
for scrapping. Seyeral victims have been
spotted already.
Qriving Park Association
Stockholders of the Cass County Driv
ing Park are requested to be present at a
meeting to be held at the office of Skin
ner & Ritchie, Thursday evening at 8
A. B. Tpm, H. C. Ritchie,
President Secretary.
The tariff is the issue. Which ghall it
be? That is the question, and sooner or
later decisive action must come and the
politicians of both parties must favor
either the war tariff or a reduction. In
the meantime, keep cool by wearing a
summer flannel shirt, and select from
Ponnely's stock. lwk.
Will J. Warrick has the best and hirer-
est stock of jrall paper in the city, their
styles are pew and fresh and no job lots of
la3t year's desigps pr bankrupt stock to
run off, if you want the latest and best
assortment of new goods see Warrick's
efcock. . dwlw
I sell shoes cheaper than anybody.
Call nd be convinced, no trouble to
show goods. tf. Peter Mekges.
DaylighfiOry Goods and Millinery
House, - lyLsmouth, Nebraska, invite
your specilttention to their Millinery
Departmeiy They make a specialty of
Bonnets I' Evening Wear. Ladies'
Large BriiQd. Torpedoes and Walking
Hats, OuRtock of Untrimmed Hats is
very largAid includes aU the latest
shapes, ffldreps Trimmed Hats in.
endless valy, from ?5c to $3.75 each,
tf I J. V. Weckbacii.
Statesmen we are long op,
Romans we are short on.
And there are no tiles on
Harrison and Morion.
- Walt Mason.
Begg's Cherry Cough Syrup.
Is the only medicine that acts directly
on the Lungs, Blood and Bowels, it re
lieves a cough instantly and in time
effects a permanent cure. Sold by O. Ps
Smith & Co., druggists. j25,3mo,d-w.
Insurance written in
Phcsnix and Hartford by
Windham A Davi
No rem
the popul
hold o
should be
(i quinine
n no bad
keep a ful
Smith &CdDruggist.
od Purifier and Blood
maker. .
in the world has gained
y that this medicine has, as
amily medicine. No one
About it. It has no calomel
its coupc, eggpiJiKi.i.
tccts can arise from it. W
uppiy at an umcs. u. p.
For the ixt 10 days we will sell wall
paper at l(lo 20 below our present
very low pces to reduce stock and raise
monev, alsavhite lead at f 6.00 per hun
dred lbs. art Linseed oil at 60 cts. per
gallon. Tjose owing" us book accounts
will confer I favor by making sf-ttlerncnt
at once, dt-wlt W. J. Warrick.
Begg' Cherry Cough Syrup.
Ja warrantd for all that the label rails
for, so if it 4oea not relieve your couidi
you can al at our store and the money
will be refunded to you. It acts simul
taneously ou all parts of the system.
thereby leavbg no bad results. O. P.
Smith & Co.l Drr ZZT--- j25-3md&w
i - -
The cieapet-t C::i tt '.