The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, June 27, 1888, Image 3

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' IT'
Ihiturlee of Testerday Dmom
tlsof ToIy Irlopm
ui lUmatj f Flg-ar and Of
O tli luxuries of yesterday be
coriMKltle of today ami tbu very
conitbing of to-morrow. It l
bun that this should be o. for not
AmIjo i it true but In many. The
wZouta which caxiie touiat rare
(lolii few year ngO are dally seen
on l tables. Wby not, wben tbey
otuan tho fruit whlcb grow In
our 1 The oyU.r, which was some
j tinua great offering on friendship's
ftl'airefnthers from some friond at
tbu m now a staple article of diet all
winUnd not acoHtlyone at that,
thonp nearly a thousand miles from
llio "treasured silken gown of our
grant carefully kept In neat folda
amid sprigs, la today multiplied by
lives, by twenties In the wardrobes
of Slaughters. Tho printed pages
so ransured In oldon times, are sold
or giw daily in these days. Tis but
a ftl:ortL a stationary bath in one's
house v.iro, extravagant elegance.
ftwr stiho first Turkish baths were
ttablii.!tf larger cities, yet today
would b&bucuco which would cu
"Mt" AXO "MASS AO Z. "
V-feJsjnary, revised and pub
lished It. v.wt contain the word mani
cure, yet tlat0d women In the land
grow fewer vee who do not put Into
practical nt.fcBowiedge cf manicure
articles. Vxmo reason that every one
prefers to cor balr with the rubber or
shell inventitodem times rather than
with a bunc,ng strong thorns or fish
bones, which itaoot the contrivances
of savage roo prefers to use the flle
and tho ronudjor 0f the manicuro to
trim tho naibj of tne penknife. We
see tho overage th carefully cared
for finger naili ten years ago not one
of tliem used tl, methods of polishing,
filing and trim
Massage, toorj cf Nineteenth cen
tury coining, f onr rugged ancestry
would have d cf being rubbed for
pleasure or to ei tueu. physical beauty
unless it was th,, n their age of lux
ury! To bo rublen in ig but an expeet-
el part of the MatMi treatment, but to
lio rub(ed into stness or slenderness, or
t be patted and ed Into roundness and
firmness of outltauscig Is Just dawning
ujwn tho coiiscit 0f the public as a
tbing possible tonpijfih. It will only
iy in the very .morrow when the
i.npremo inrcportaj this massage treat
ment will lie thoni understood by wom
en in particular, know how to appre
ciate lithcnessandpieness in another
.oman, but they ay loth to undertake
tho proper exercUjeveiop that same
fi ecdom of moveini themselves. That
it may be imparted iegree by no act of
tiieir own volition, trough the medium
of another's bond, act to be heralded
with joy, and there Shadow or possibil
ity of a doubt thatUOving of a joint
lack and forth, roifcj round, gently,
slowly, with certain te manipulations,
will render it free afestic to a remark
ab!o degree. t
What do surgeon ja the case of a
broken arm, where thiie limb has been
held immovable for d weeks bandaged
tight and close egaliio body! Do they
leave the w rist and Qitiff and lifoles3,
n- they appear when tb.tures and splints
are removedl No. Atpoint in tho heal
ing tho daily, and of ttiiwice daily, visits
of the surgeon are madfa even more ex
actness than earlier in case, and despita
the moans and groans oipatient be bonds
every joint of the finger wrist backward
and forward, each time er and farther,
until the tortured creai can endure no
more for tho nonce. Bubgh the man of
knowledge may desist unext time be un
derstands the necessities ko oase, and no
pleadings will turn him this course until
tho joints have recovered,r pristine flexi
What example can be ht to bear on
anything stronger than argument in
favor of massage treat me The figure de
mands personal attentioilay because it
receives most notice froniers, and light
ness of gait, suppleness ofijy, freedom of
movement are things u
I of everyone.
homo one said not long a
it sho would
like to have been born h
This is a more reasonable
uhan it seems
and less egotistical. The
are thoroughly alive to tb
lien of today
iern theories
of education and cultivatio:
tbey find it
so bard a task to unlearn
lay have been
taught in order to reach a
where they
may imbibe a new course of Jg that tis no
wonder they wish they mil bcin over
anew as a child. i 1
One of the terrors of ndvaxV- age Is the
tendency to scoutneas; rfing except
wrinkles do women more lik than a
heavy, plamping step which A 200 pounds
of Cash, more or less, to carry jUt engen
ders. Massage Is beneficial ftfhis, though
certainly by no means as effect as active
exercise. The rubbing for tt should be
combined with long, smooth rtfces of the
hand from the neck down ligpine, and
from tho hips to the heels, J1J0 the same
mode of procedure applied to ;jwing girls
- - .-..0.. muu auu JJU TQi neigUU,
Another ieJp to Ughtneas, gri land supple
ness are me movements taugb
era of Delsarta. This, perhaf
way of all for women who have,
ing, springing movements of tl
either increase of years or wei
saw the beauty of nature as it
the human form, and tnHivi
the teach-
tho best
the yield-
youth, by
ould be in
to prove
theory U
bow it might be developed, i
- that at every movement or
of any
A port of the body an almost
nppieoi movement should ru
igb the
entire frame, and wben one
sees the
grace of carrying out this
no other
One is
aC3-'gSailL ia needcu"in "Ita
laugnt that the seat or ail m
ment is in
the waist, and the undulation oithe body.
when the waist theory is graccfj and mas
tered, is the more beautiful. Th daughters
cf the women of today will beorougbt to
the highest state of physical cuilre. Why
should not their elder envy thin I "a S.
1. u.w in Chicago Herald.
An Athlete's Col of Hiith.
An excellent rule of health givjn by a pro
fession athlete is: "Walk toydr place of
place of business. Attend ti work in
the usual way, resisting every, inclination
you may Lave to give way tC indolence.
auc tome. Itever mind theweather;
iitue rein wuj not hurt you and rhe summer
beat will not affect you when yos have dona
it long enough to do yoa good, this Is just
the timo to begin the walks, piere is ex
hilaration in the air to anoonrla walking
and the habit nice formed is net Lkely to be !
abandoned. Chicago HaraidTT J
gweec bone of my
youth, mat the murmuring
That are ouraed la toe laps of
lb North BcoUiMb
Ere the (rrsy streaks of morning
the aoogstar
From bis leaf cortaloed eot to bis matlnal vows.
My tbouRhU cling to tbee, and lorluKly preas.
Sweet 1 10 ma of my youth, on tba banks of the
Wben the iray king of light doffs bis gladdening
And mantles the land with his evening frown:
Wben night's somber eov'rlng the earth's over
And nmture U mourning the day that Is dead.
Then loved thoughts of thee do I fondly caress.
Sweet home of my youth, on the banks or the
Though thy tittle flower garden
twice ten tunes
bos lost
Its bright summer garb sluce thy threshold
Though Atlantic's wide waters our fortunes
Still no time nor space from my memory can hide
Or dampen the love 1 am proud to coo few
For the home of my youth, on the banks of the
Keas. John ratlerson.
A Figure That rulla Out it Watch and
Tells Una the Time.
Professor Charles Uichel, tho Inventor of
the flying machine which created so much
interest a few years ago, (s Just completing a
echanical wonder which is an astonishing
piece of mechanism. It promises to create a
great furor tliroughout tho country. He has
been over a year experimenting with it, and
has at lost achieved results which at the out
start seemed impossible. Ho was given carte
blanche from a watch manufacturing concern
to get np the novelty, time and expense be
ing a secondary consideration. Professor
Uichel has kept the matter secret, and has
permitted no one to enter his study except
ing one or two intimate friends. A reporter
was given a private view last evening.
The entrance to the studio is by way of a
dork staircase on John street. Double doors.
a screen and a heavy curtain shut out the
daylight Electric lights are used to work
by. There are all sorts of grotesque heads.
arms and bits of plaster anatomy hanging
around the room, and upon tho work bench
are brass molds and a variety of fine tools
for the purpose of working In steel and brass.
The new wonder is a life sized youth of per
haps sixteen years of age. He is a fine look
ing lad. In perfect imitation of tho average
bov of tho present day. Tho fltnire stands
upon tho floor, and is attired In Knickerbock
ers and laced shoes, vest, coat, etc. to all ap-
tiearances a living boy Professor Richel did
Dot approach the figure, but spoke to t, say
mg, " Good evening, Bobby; what time is
it I" The figure turned its bead and bowed
slishtly, and with its left hand pulled back
the coat. The right hand, wbjcb bad been
hanging at the side, was lifted up to the vest
pocket and drew out a watch. The watch was
then carried up to the ear, at the same time
the bead turned so as to bring the ear down
in a listening attitude, while the eyes closed.
When the silent youth was assured that the
watch was ticking the hand dropped slightly
forward; the head turned so as to bring (he
face to look fall at the watch, the eyes opened
and a pleased smile spread over the features.
The bead was then thrown back, the band
which held tho watch between the thumb
and index fincer returned the watch to the
vest pocket and was then gracefully swung
back into its resting position by the side.
Thn mouth onened. and with a Dleosant.
laugh the figure sai4: "It's ust half past S,
So naturally wa3 all this performed that
for an instant it seemed as if the figure was
an actual living being. There waa no jerky
movement, nor the slightest jar or noise. The
eyes opened and closed and the hea4 moved
about to all appearances like a living one.
Professor Uichel laughed and said. "What do
you think of it?" and then proceeded to ex
plain how it was operated. Inside the figure
is an electric motor. This had been, sat in op
eration by touching a concealed button in the
Boor several feet away where the professor
had been standing. Afterwards he opened
the chest of the figure and exposed Where
the cams, springs, weight balanpes, spirals
and levers which bad caused the arms and
head to move. The cleverest parts are those
which cause tho wrjst, thumb and ADEers 10
move. The articulatory mechanism is very
similar to that employed in a phonograph.
New York World.
The Host and His Guests.
Social intercourse or the exchange of civili
ties should be solely for tho betterment and
refinement of mankind, and if the status of
such is not based upon a high sense of deli
cacy and cultivation the results must t
A knowledge of human nature Is also im
portant in the grouping of people. A wise
entertainer knows tho ability of hi3 friends
and acquaintances, and would not invite
Cassius-liko friends, with aversion to music
ia their souls, to a musicale, even though a
Rubenstein was to play and a Patti to sing.
Neither would he invite the bigot in religion
to meet a rival one of another school, nor an
apostle of Voltaire expecting pleasure frp.m
the discussion sure to. arise. ior wouia ne
bid political antipodes to attend a "con
versation" on government affairs, with
out expecting warm worns ana un
pleasant clashing of opinions. Jteitber
would such invite the brightest lights or tne
dramatic world to meet those whose religious
scruples prompt them to look upon the drama
as a satanic invention for the destruction 01
human souls. Ifor would it do to invite the
merrv. lisrbt hearted, youthful Terpsicborean
to meet the sages of the court and the senate.
knowiuz intuitively that there could be notb-
ini? coneenial between the dignity and
thoughtf ulness of the one and the frivolity
and merriment of the other. A correct re-
frard for the taste and weaknesses of one's
eruests must be considered, to bring only con
genial people together as far as it is possible
to do so.
In official entertaining, hosts pave no dis
cretion, and are in no wiso responsible for the
juxtaposition of discordant elements. The
rules of official etiquette fix the position of
rank and privilege in the social world, and
consequently the unavoidable and incoqgru
ous grouping, and unpleasant incidents that
sometimes occur. iirs. John A. Logan in
Chicago J ournaL
Emperor William's Swords.
The late Emperor William only used two
swords and one saber throughout his long
fighting career. The first sword was his boyish
weaDon. carried from 1S10 to l&tt, the sec
ond was a present from the Czar Nicholas,
which served him from 1834 to the time of
the war with Austria In 1SC& On the mem
orable day of Sadowa the emperor adopted
an infantry saber, which he wore to the last.
and on which be bad engraved the names of
all his victories in the Austrian and Franco-
Prussian campaigns. These historical weap
ons are to be stored in the Berlin museum.
together with the saber belonging to the
emperor's father, Frederick William HL
which always stood by the side of bis writing
table in bis study. iioston TranscnpSi
Fined tow Being Lst Moat Stand All
Day Half an Hoar for Lanch Whom
the Ctrl Marry Why tha Seata Were
"Well, we have to be here at 8 o'clock
every morning, whether we live on the east
aide, the west side, in Brooklyn or Harlem,
and 8 o'clock Isn't an unreasonable hour at
all, nor do we ever complain ; but if wo are
ten minutes late, no matter why, we are
fined. Of course, to the cash girls this flue
means going without the cup of hot colTee or
the little bit of fruit she would have bought
to piece out her little lunch; but, so far as I
concerned, I don't care anything about
the flue; It Is the restriction that I object to
and the being reprimanded. 1 don't intend
to bo late. 1 am just as much interested in
being here in time and selling a lot of goods
as tho proprietor is himself. 1 like my busi
ness, and am proud of tny sales and anxious
to bejjin my work for the day, aud the idea
thut because 1 happen to miss a car, or have
one of the thoutaud little delaying accidents
that every woman ami man, too, for that
matter is liable to, that 601110 man who
knows nothing alxmt 1110 liana rij;bt to repri
mand me and lino nw just makes me cross
and hurts my prido.
"Then the iiardest tiling of all a shop girl
has to endure is the constant standing from
8 in the morning until 0 at night, with only
one half hour rest at noon. A few years ago
some one stirred up this subject and seats
were placed behind the counter, but they
have been all taken away. Tho salesladies
in suit departments can sit down, but not
in the room where the customers are. Of
course, if they go away in the little side
room to rest they miss their customers, and
the consequence is that they stand all day
outsida We do not mind it on busy days,
the excitement keeps us up, but on dull days
we almost faint away sometimes standing
still with nothing to make us forget how
tired we are.
"We have half an hour for lunch, which is
time enough for a jxirson to eat a cold lunch,
but when a girl stands from 3 o'clock until 2,
after a 7 o'clock breakfast, she wants some
thing besides a sandwich and a cup of tea for
her lunch. 1 used to go out and buy my
lunch and have a regular hot dinner, as 1
would at home. 1 needed it, and worked all
tho better for it, but of course 1 couldn't get
it in half an hour. I was usually gone forty
minutes. After a while I was denied that
privilege, and 1 have to cat my lunch in the
lunch room. I dQU't like a cold lunch, and
somehow (he thought of the being compelled
to do anything like that fills my heart with a
kind of bitterness thut takes away ail my ap
petite. It isq't the cold lunch or the hot
lunch room where they make coffee in one
end and eat in the other, though; that isn't
exactly what I am used to at home, but it is
the restraint that 1 rebel against.
'-At 0 o'clock sharp we are all excused in a
batch, and away we pour out of the door like
a mob of factory bands, and the people all
say, 'See tpe shop girl Ifow, if sqine could,
when thoy had no customers, go at fifteen
minutes to 0 or ten minutes to G, dou't you
see we woulJu't all dock out together and
trapt attention, for part of us would go at
one time and part at another, but now it is
push aud crowd and jam to get out, so that
if you would go decently an.d in a ladylike
way you have to wf,$ until all the crowd is
"There flre a great many things I might do
evenings to enjoy myself, but I am too tired
aud feel so kiud of bitter and sorry and re
sentful in my heart that 1 don't want to go
anywhere. 1 like my work, am interested in
it, and do not want to give it up any more
than a man wants to give up his business.
My employer is very kind, my salary is very
generous, and all that; it is only a few little
things aliout the system uf managing the
girls that nia!;e us unhappy. We are inde
pendent business women, earning as much,
and in many cases more than men in the
same pluces, and we do not like to be gov
erued like the inmates of an orphan home or
house of correction.
And what kind of men do we marry?
Well, they have to be pretty nice, or we don't
bother with them. The better class of sales
ladies rarely marry employes in the stora
Don't you see we are independent, and unless
we are going to better ourselves, very much.
or unless v-,-3 get hopelessly in love, we do not
care to mairy at alt I know many girls who
haye married very weU, end have lovely
homes. llo we 6ver marry tho customers
whom we meet in the store? Well," with a
toss of the blonde bead and a pretty flush in
the timid face, "I know s,oma who might
have married some of their customers, but
'As far as promotion is concerned, that
rests eptirely with ourselves, ia based on our
ability, and I think is very fair and just.
Some girls never get promoted because they
lack ability aud push, and others get to the
top in a short tuna The promotions are from
cash to parcel clerk ,Jfrom that to stock clerk,
one who assists ia keeping tho goods in. order,
then to bill clerk, saleslady, cashiers and floor
walkers, aud wages increase from two dollars
up to thirty or more."
"How much pay do I getr said a bttle,
fair faced maiden behind the counter. "Five
dollars a week, unless something happens."
"And what does happen to prevent itf
"Weil, if Cm late a few minutes I am
fined; if I am half an hour late I lose one
quarter of a day's wages; if 1 make the least
little mistake in my bills that is taken out of
my pay, and if I break anything that has to
be paid for- If I &m sick half a day 1 lose
that, and so you see I don't always get the to.
The floor walk&r doesn't always look when
she hears a crash, because If she doesn't know
what breaks or who breaks it, wby then sho
cant report it. But she always docs look if
the superintendent is anywhere on the floor.
Sometimes one dish costs a whole weed's
Ja, our superintendent isn't a woman,
and I'm glad of it. . A woman does nothing
but scold and stew and fuss all the time over
little things. Yes, it's pretty hard to keep
up all the fines, but 1 suppose it makes us
more careful, so that we really do not have
so very many to pay. No, we have no seats
now; they have all been taken away. Some
times two or three of us crowd on the edge of
a drawer that pulls out near the floor, but we
fly np lively if we see the floor walker com
ing this way."
"The girls abused the privilege," explained
the floor walker, a delicate looking girL
"They were uot quick to rise up when cus
tomers came in, and grew neglectful and
indolent. Of course, it is tiresome to stand
so long, and girls need to be strong to endure
it. but they like the worn aside irom mat.
and in time they seem to grow accustomed
to it, so that they do not mind it as they do
at first.
"The hardest things we have to get along
with are the cranks that come in here to be
waited on. Of course, it is our busi
ness to show the goods, but just as much
their business to be ladylike. 1 tell you some
of the eirla behind the counter- are more
ladylike than the rich people they wait on.
New York Sun.
On of tba Delation of the "Good Old
Tlmea" Wliot an FnglUh Newspaper
Saya renaltlea inflicted by Church and
State The Puritan.
At Christmas time, according to Shake
speare or Mareellus, no witch has power to
charm, so hallowed and so gracious is the
time. There is perhaps no chapter of history
more painful or more autouuding to our
modern notions than that devoted to witch
craft. Tho delusion was not like one of those
sudden outbreaks of fanaticism which spring
up, nobody knows ho.v, and die away as sud
denly; it was regarded as a lasting evil to be
punished with the severest penalties of tho
church and of the state. And for the most
part the people who perished under this reipn
of terror were women. They were gener
ally old and ugly, and bad familiar spirits to
do their errands; but sometimes young and
fair women suffered on the rack and nt the
stake under the terrible Imputation of witch
To bo accused of this crimo was in most
cases to be condemned for it; -and. Indeed,
there seemed littlo chance of an escape, for
the tests to which accused persons were put
In order to try their innocence generally
proved mortal. To throw an old woman
into the wutcr, and, if she sinks, to save her
character at tho expense of her life, is hardly
kind to the old woman. Almost any cause
sufliced as a reason for burning old women.
Two, for example, were burned nt OotMruvf
as the supposed uutht'r of u great slonu, und
another for destroying a ship at sea by means
of spells. They were never burnt, we be
lieve, without confession; but then it was
the custom to torture them till they did con
Ono notable form of witchcraft, which has
been admirably turned to poetic account by
Rossetti, was to form a waxen imago of some
person obnoxious to the witch, and as this
image was gradually melted by the fire, so it
was supposed would the victim's life fade
away. Of this form of sorcery Eleanor
Cobham, wife of Duke Humphrey, was ac
cused; and Hollingshed relates that sho was
condemned to do open penance in the city of
Loudon, and afterward to suffer perpetual
imprisonment in the Isle of Man. A kind of
sorcery similar to that for which Eleanor
Cobham suffered led to the execution, in
1G18, of two women in Lincoln, who were
said to have bewitched Lord llosse to death
by burying b3 glove; and "as that glove did
rot and waste, so did the liver of the said
lord rot and waste,"
In the Fifteenth century Pope Innocent
VIII issued a bull against witchcraft, em
powering inquisitors to seek for witches and
to burn them, and the agreeable vocation
must have been pursued with a zest, for one
inquisitor burned forty -one witches in one
year, and another burned 10Q. It s fatated
that tens of thousands cf victims have suf
fered for th$s imaginary crime. In tho 'io
cese of Camo 1,000 were burned In year at
the beginning of tho Sixteen century, and
at the aara time frOtf -risbod in Geneva in
three uiont -jhe belief in witchcraft and
tho '.Ltolerablo cruelties caused by this belief
were not confined to the papal church. In
the Seventeenth century the Puritans in
New England hanged a number of persons as
well as two dogs for this imaginary crime.
and for two -ears Hopkins, the "witch
tinder," drove a flourishing trade In Essex.
in 200 years 30,000 witches are said to have
been destroyed in England; and as recently
as 171G, when the town was enjoying the wit
and satire of the "Queen Anne men," a
woman and her child 9 years of ago were
hanged at Huntingdon. Addison, with a
mind that wavered between superstition and
good sense, said ho could not forbear believ
ing "in such a commerce with evil spirits as
that which we express by the name of witch
craft," while, at tho samo time, he could
give no credit to any particular modern in
stance of it." This conclusion is quoted by
Blackstono in the fourth volumo of his
Commentaries. "
Scotland, which is regarded as an enlight
ened part of the empire, held with tho ut
most tenacity its faith 111 witchcraft. 1 be
Scotch, a vigorous people, put their hands
to the work heartily. It was easy to find
victims, since, as we have said already, they
were tortured until they confessed. Take
one instance out of thousands. Isabel Craw
ford, after tho minister had made earnest
prayers to God for opening her closed heart,
was tortured with iron hoi's laid upon her
bare shins, hor feet being in the stocks. For
a time she bore the torture admirably, though
about thirty stone of iron were laid on her
legs, but in moving tho bars to another part
of her shins she broke out into horrible cries,
and oonfessod to intercourse with the devil.
She was condemned, or course, and at the
place of execution openly denied her farmer
confession. It is calculated that 2,000 per
sons wero . burned in Scotland in the last
forty years of the Sixteenth century.
A century later a witch epidemic broke
out in the village of Monro, in Sweden. A
number of children were said to bo be
witched and familiar with the devil, who
was described as wearing a gray coat, red
and blue stockings, a red beard and a. high
crowned hat The witches kept this exacting
personage supplied with children, and if
they did not procure him a good many "they
had no peace or quiet for him." The poor
wretches were doomed to have 110 more
peace or quiet in this world. Seventy were
condemned to death, twenty-three were
burned iif a single fire at Mohra.
It ia noteworthy that a belief in this fright
ful superstition, which destroyed more inno
cent persons than tho so called Holy Oflice,
was held by men of great intellectual po-wei
by Erasmus, Bacon and the juaicious
Hooker, by Sir Edward Coke, Sir Thomas
Browne, Baxter and Sir Matthew Hale. .
Illustrated London -News,
Tho Palmy Days of Minstrels 5-.
I was reading1 that the wife of Jock Hav
erly, the once wail known negro minstrel
manager, inducei him to give her $10 every
night out of the receipts of the show, so that
when he went into bankruptcy she possessed
a fortune of about $30,000. He begged her
to lend him the money, but she refused him
and today they are living comfortably on her
savings. An hour or two afterward I met
Bill Footo, who was a boomer for Haverly
when that skyrocket of a manager was high
in the air. Foote now runs a boarding bousa
in this city, and is the custodian of Dock
stader's theatre daring the absence of the
Docks tader minstrels on a tour.
"Oh, yes; those were 'halcyon' days," said
he. "There was a time when the manager of
a minstrel company hod to do hardly any
thing else than open the doors of a hall and
let people pay to come in. The five or six
years after the war were especially profii
able. New towns, of three to five thousand
inhabitants, were constantly being discov
ered by wide awake agents, and places of
that sort were dead sure to yield Cue audi
ences for anything in the way of minstrelsy.
But it isn't so now. The milk is all gone out
of that cocoanut, and the man who can make
a negro minstrel company pay has got to
hustle for it. "--.New York Cor. Indianapolis,
News, -
The Plattsmouth Herald
Xs n joying a
Will be one
national interest
strongly agitated
President will take
Cass Countv who
and Social
of tl
Daily or Weekly Herald.
Now while we have the subject before the
people we will venture to speak ot our
Which is first-class in all respects
from which our job printers are tur
out much satisfactory work.
Boom in both, its
which the subjects of
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and importance win ne
and tJie election ot a
place. The people ot
would like to learn of
and would keep apace
the times should