t AW FI11ST .Y12AK PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, .JUNE 27, 1888. NUMin:n:j8 mm Ft. II I III .1 i f t J H. iv i. CVY OFFICIOS. r':n'irT. - Jauk4 Pattkkson, jr. Attorney. - - - Hvk.iji CuitK Fiiuliieer - - - A Maiiol 1'oRcn .Indite. - - - ;;mkkoki VurhaU. - - . - W II MM.IOK Counolliuca. Htward, -ud . . srt " 4th. " A Samhhuky 1 Al JOMKH lM, A HHIPMAK Co O't'ONXOB. F MrCALLRM, I"HM 1 J v 1 Far Id h V .lllllNH N,JIIAIMMAN Hoard Pub. Works it tsoKttr.K llAWKltWOKTU tfay r. 1). A. Camtiikll Thim, Pollock Pino CuiTciiHn.a F.XA Cm rrti-iKi.i W. II. Tool JOSjf M. I.KVUA W. C. hllOWALTKR J.O. l::UF.!iUHT Itul VV'reaturer, - Cirri:. 7 -Depub? Clerk, .:eo.rler ol Deeds -Dnixity Kco'irder Clem f uiiti ict Court. r.Urilr. - -Surveyor. - Attorney A I.I.KN BKIWDX h.int. ol Pub. School, - MATNAUli Sfl.NK County J u Ue. O. UussKlX i-.oAunontcrKBVisop". . . -i t ii r.. l'iatUtnouth Lot: 14 F"l,TZ, A. i:. Ul ceus, Eiuiwood I w. w w w-w w w f "I ASH LOI; No. 140. 1 o. o. F. -Meets " 'o"Vry Tue-lay evenln of e:oh week. All ?. anient i-roiiitrs h i?ufvUuh lavitcd to ttii-nJ. ' ' lLAlTMOLTH LNCAMPMKNT No. 3. 1. -I- O. F.. meet every alternate rrldap each mouth In tlie MaoniC Hall. Visit hi ing Yi .-oiiji :si Be luvitpd to atn1 I iVery attoniai Friday evalj.i? at K . ol l . liall. Transient brotlier are resign unj vit.xl to attend. F.J. Morgan. Master woreraaui K. rt. lUretow. Foreman ; i-rana i.rowu. peer: I. lluwen, liiinio; ut-uiK" Houawortli, Keeorder: II. .1. Jolinson Financier; Wall. Kmith, Itecelver ; M. MayuriRiu. ran oi. Jack lautherty, lus'de Guard. " J . . . mm. . ml W. CAMP NO.S?. MOIp WOOpMKN J .i Ai.rk:t - .etI.. copd and laurtti Mon-aay-twiilK-ut-R. f K haU. All tranwent fcxilher- are requested to meet, with uj. I.. A. NsMeontr, Venerable Coital : O. p. .. C. V;!ett:?,'itrc. l- Mefet? every alternate Friday evening at Kock wood hall at a o'eloc. All ranslciit broth ers aro respeetfully Invited to attend. I Larson. M. ; r . -oya, run-niu . . ' Wilde, ltecorder ; Leonard Anderson. Overseer, . . . Tmiii:Ttl f A inn R Nt. fi. A Meets ou th firt and tliird Alondays of aca laoiith at tieir IihII. AM trD.sient oroi w,i uiei.i IMl A K ft. Mil. rt. XL. iV. 11 - .. A T K? ",u lt i TueBdiv of eaeh m,n, kt" Mair Hall. TraiiaoUut brothers axe invited to meet w.ita i. R WiJitk p Wi. Hays. Secretary. 1 Me . 1 v ...... - - - - Ieets nrsi aim imru cuit...j ....... each month at Maso 's nan. V't""s -re -iortlia'.ly invited to meet Willi lis. brothers Wi'.llK. E. C, KsrbcbNiHiE POST 45 C A. R- T V7 Jon.ViOS -- - ....I-Piuiuauuc.. . ri F-A.H41 Kit . ft8S.. ..f -" 1,,,...,.,,.. Ati.it..ant. L LKt ---;- !""! . w"." mi.er f.f the Lay . . . . . ... v nn . .... ' n .11 VL'r;.;.,v Fui- MJr . . .. . ....... On :irter Master ergr i V tMVkTw"." . V ..:rost Chaplain Meet in .Saturday evening INSUnaNCE AGENTS Knrespnt the followinfl time- r j tried and fire-tosted companies: An.erti.au Ofti.trat-S':. Louis. Assets 1.258.100 Commercial Uulou-England. 1 2.RW.314 Fire Association-Philadelphia. 4.415.576 Pranklia-Phlladelphla, " 3.117.106 Home-New York. M 7.855.M9 I rs. O. of North America. Phil. " 8.474 JG2 .nit Tn.L.n A Ulobe-Fne " CfV .781 fcor'h Biltish MetiautllaT&a '' . S,S7i,?64 -j.orwicl t'nlon-Eugland. . 1.2i5.4C6 Bj.riUjjrield F. & M.-Spiingfleld, " 3.04415 Total Assets . S42. 1 15.774 Losses AJjastsl ana Faia atthisAgeacy WHEN YOU WANT WOE DOM -OF- ' CALL ON- Cor. 12th aud Granite Streets. frAYlt rat. tOl antl HUliUCri ' - Sept. 12-Km. "Lra RRQ W'N'K X QL 4 A.ve 11 LAW OFFICE. Personal attention to all Business Entrust to my care. . XOTART IX OFFICE. Title Examined. Ahstarcts Cora"! surauce Written, Real Estate Sold. n- Better Facilities for making Farm Loans than Any QthGC Aceney.' HlPIIirliSon Fires In Sweden. SrxDavAi.L. Swetlen, Juno 27. The town of Uiuea, on t lie delta of Hotlitna, ia been partly lurncl. The damage at Sundsvall and Umca will reach $5,000, 000. luioienso tracts of forcfet land has icen hurued. A drought has prevailed for a lonjj t'tc rendcrio tho wood very dcy. Ocean Steamers Collide. New Yohk. June 27. A. dispatch from London say that the British steam er, Lynmouth Castle and lied .Star line t;teamcr, iordland, collided. It '8 believ cd that Sirs. Folaoui, mother of President Cleveland's wife, is among thcNordland's passengers. The Lynmouth U U1' damayed. is not known to what ex tent Ihe Nordiapd has been damoged. Bridges Washed Away. Nei.bo.v, Nel., June 27. TeUutv't U-'A of ruin ever known here occurred at IJ o'clock this morning. Elk Creak is out of its bank, and all the bridges in its course are swept away or greatly injured. The loss to the county will be nearly $ 10,000. The 13. & M. Pridc vfiq vcyr dered unsafe. p"ops ai-c'of'badly daui nged except a little rye that was nearly ripe. Lightning struck the horse Rev, of A. A. au4U, killing it instantly, . : . : At Weeping Wtfor, Weepino AVateh, Neb., Juuc 17. Tho republicans of Weeping Water ratified the nominations last night. Although they were disappointed inthc presence of Mr. Lansing, the citizens succeeded m satisfying ihp audience by soine rpualng speeenes,ri6table among wh'icli was the speech of Uapt. mira, wno iougni m the s-.me brigade as Gen. Harrison. Dr.r iug the meepng tije tio.Y3 eit V.p their part of the demonstration by the tiring of anvils. The meeting, In spite of the bad weather, showed that the nominations met with the favor of the republicans of this community and would roceiye their unanimous eupport. Clam Shells SCO a 1-air, Col. Bilas Moore, of Southingtou, 6old a pair of clam shells las'; week for $C0. The pair were two feet and ten inches in length and about one foot and ten inches wide, and weighed 304 pounds. Col. Moore is the owner of a pair weigliirg ?30 pcundj, whicU he Quld not senior 910l."-,,niese large mam biieiia taiuo tlie'iMediterraneani sea, and "there : are ecije in Italy which weigh 700 pounds. Most pf thee eliplls laye a klfwljlutj ii) a pullic'inuseiifja). wliero they are not handled, the blemish mav not Via seen. Lift private collection It is desirable to have perfect shells. Col. Moore'a $100 6hells aro perfect and the finest in the United States. There are parts of the meat of these big clams which are giu fa!. Ctl. Mojre hns seen -a fllara eteatc Bis'luclleiS wldrf and A;f0Cf y&fe; j' l,i3 follectioiare flam shells so small that ten pairs would nqt weigh an purine. To oiitivplgl the bi4 iiau1 would require more than 10,000 of the small ones. Hartford Post. Feedinff Coira In Finland. To nnv one who could be satisGed with an unvarying diet of fish and 1 lack bread, accompanied by tho best cream, amlbut ter'that'tfari ie found anywhere, it would be easy o satisfy Ins wants in any part oi the country. ITow tha cream and butter come to be sq good is a tnystf ry tQ uw. for assuredly the iiiuiish cows are ine woiit and most scantily fed of their kind. T.Vliat ether cow that lespcctcd hersrli would be satisfied with hay soup in whici. the water formiMl so unfair a proportion to the hay? The most meagre looking hav, mixed with liie drind branches ol alder, mmer4 in a lsuge iroiviKt, aiut one sees the poor trusts dipping their noses into the unsavory broth mi l lisliiinr ut its wxldened contents with the evi dent relish of hunger. It was complained o rue by a resident l;i the country thai 'owa could not I e iiidticetl to lMk upon awdust as tho stable of their food. lk .:r he bad seriously made tho trial I d- sot know, but should he ever succeeu. here will boa ric'.i iwt for FinUunl i il:iirv i.;i r.ii:!. ;inn;n s Maira.ine. Xtcallna Carpets fn Paris, American housewives engrossed In the cares of bouse cleaning, may thank their stars they do not live in Pari. The oonseU daSalubrite of that city bas receauj ois- covered the inconvenience of allowing car- nets to be brushed and beaten in the open air in mo ticuuij w. u"iw a.t t-i.fAH..lll.nrM'fAH hAneoa Art ArWtTint of the oust wmcn is so raiseo, sou 1"'J on account or the bacteria wnicn may oese i Jt geemed at tne point where the menu be frae when the carpets come from bouses where . g to taper f or tb,s to rea(j t w igf t $Q Eymotio diseases nave, exisiea. am conse has, therefore, decked that thlf operation iitions: The carpets . musk be brushed and viu De awowett omjr iWu.s- I i . ,f,'-.l. .Unk nn mnm nnri tha . deDOSited on the floor will be washed with water containing some aiAUuecranp a PteDt action'' "P of WOGl .eta N I 7, tmAdiatalv. Chicasro News. Too Early to Crow. HaDDT Yonne Husband Belle and X get along very amiably. Not the slightest cold ness bas occurred, ana we nave Deenmamra almost a Year. Wise Father Did yea ever try to match any trimming for berf 'Then your experience hasn't "com rnwnr4 yet." life. THE VIAL OF TEARS. Adown the fadloK slop of afternoon The duak eomae oftly. dutdIa eyed and fain Stray orefly Kleains (IJuma bar Dairy balr witn poinu or light, while o'er her the yoaf mooi Haoga Uke a iUTer bow tf walie her urn. in one cool t'Aad eke beara bar cud of dew ryiad to tho brim tn one rial rare. Sweet odor Boat around her. All the air She aeta with drowsy Boon da tho cricket tune. rami rails ana cblrpe, and eooa that mothers crooo To amlling, sleepy babe. If to the earn lliere came but tbesa: Dt ljdc all there strays The vafiHk'4 volet aome dear familiar ptirnao ' a,ias, ita crj huu vial Holds but tears! Cottage IT earth. A CELESTlAl FST. VVESTERN BARBARIANS AT NEW YORK'S CHINESE " PEWMpNlCa" A MMryylouf Array of Jrvckery Copa o( Uelichtful Ta The Famous Dish Nut-cUI-kl Oriental Art In Cookiui; Cffga. The Cook's Triumph. The party numbered a novelist, a Journal ist and a poet and two ladies, likewise litcrr.rj folk more or less kriorn to, ill world, The tirne Wis Q cdoyk oil a rainy ' nigtA and the place was the Chihcso quarter of New York, Letter known as the Bond, where Mott Etreet debouches into Park row. Picking their way among the pools and pitfalls of the narrow tltalt, h ptirty Ualtttd befpf ft n ancient tenement, somewhat mqrp ilapiclatoi tUau its neighbors, whose door past bare a legond in Chinese if one could but have deciphered it informing the hungry wayfarer that hero ho might cat and be filled. The novelist, to whose experience in Chinese cookery tho rest of the party humbly sub mitted themselves, led the way inothodueky Inlerior. Mounting cue fligfet- py' stairs', '"fc,e ushired hia canipariiohs into a largo, square, froiit rooiri cticarjietod, and, furnished-with curious 'a ishet ' lev the party seated them. selves, and prepared for what was to follow. A MARVELOUS AURAT, Two clocks and a stovo, together with the tables and stools, were the only strictly Oc cidental appurtenances which the room con tained. In the left hand corner of the apart ment stood a broad, short lovaigo er' cy vafy piled, high. with- pillows, and, 1 (uraisued ' with a fcay'conhuiig' assortment of eedles, arsi, pipes and a lamp which was kept ppustantly burning, jt waa occupied at prjaBt by a large, plump specimen of tho Oriental, who lay at length lazily manipu lating needle and pipe, and presently the fault, insipid odor of opium circled through the place. In tho opposite corner upon a ninxber cf shelves was wring's:; a marrelouiS -Array of crockui y, AAioulatod-to sc''avlierainomaniac wilil:" Wohderfur tureens, ' rleeorated with intertwisted di agohs, snakes, dwarfed (cise and moissuous unaniy hw'ls all shapes aa4 fclnjrS' ''.""piitiL ' saupeii and Uteusils whoseysp would puaale any Imt a Chinese, were d.isplSJfi tl admtration of envious eyes. Below these again wero metal utensils of multitudinous shapes, chafing dishes, flsh shaped, to oontain flsh; plates, fowl shaped, to hold fowl, and many formed to ennta? the nondescript doligtos whic'u &o largely mnlr.T '.n c r.iiiriesAWiJI-' '-i.- Nf-vtand t!:ounter for what in uugush wpuld be the cashier, with the count ing frame, uik po( tiu brSl) ?,nv aooount bqpjig. thlsi pisided a fat, Jovial look ing Celestial, wuo hau evidently thriven upon entertainment of his own house. Back of the main apartment the kitchen displayed to view a perplexing maze of articles, wholly nameless to a western understanding, the whole pervaded by a mouth watering per fume and a suggestive sound of frying and frizi-Ims. - " " BcLore each ot tho party was set a cup of delightful tea many times replenished dur ing the meal chop, sticks, and, as a conpos- sion to, English, ignorance a, vVy sjall plate and a, af-. TUB FIRST DISH. The first dish brought on was tho famous Xut-chi-ki. In cold words, it is a prepara tion of fowl, pork, Chinese mushrooms and a nut somewhat similar to a chestnut. In ab solute fact, it is the original p.raUrvda Uie true tood cj the gois, u wupse luscious sauce. ?ve'a biar'd' was daMy dipped. Its taste and qavor are simply inaascriDaoie English has no synonym, for it, adjectives are feeble and insulting. Qna pf the ladies observed, in passing her saucer if or a second help, that it was "heavenly." The novelist, to whom the observation was addressed, had no audible reply to make. With his mouth full he could do nothing but reply fervently with his eyes. The poet devoured in silence; he had found something for which there is no rhyme. Following this camo Foy-yung-darn an omelet of which, it may be, said that no'pe- cidenpai encr. p. peavre pauio, pver compare with this Oriental work of art in eggs. The Chinese chef had no rival except in his own country. Then came Chow-chop- guy, an other mysterio.ua nxlxture, alter- eating of which the poet expressed lus opinion that nature had done hiiu wrong in not giving him two stomachs. Marvelous comestibles I ntiier in mniri l and the diners were reduced to a condition or I ... ... . silent contentment r . ht e Chinesa ingenuity must have -,1' itself, but there was a knowing twinkle in the eve of the novelist, and bis deluded and overfull companions began to suspect that he had prudently reserved a nook for some culinary wonder yet to come. Heralded by birds' nest soup the king of all soups it came La the shape of j Chow-gow- men, tne apex ana pinnncie ot hoi lluus eat able in this world or the next. It is simply a species of macaroni, so prepared as to leave i . . i - a nart soft wtuie a pan is cooKea crisp, last ing it gingerly, the party uttered simultane ous cries of delight, and made a oombined, at tack upon the dish, which disappeared wito The bill of fare is not the work of an inky spider, as it seems, but the passport to de lights such as Lacullus never knew, even when he dined with himself. Let any one whq wishes to know how to dine hand it to 3 Chinese restaurateur, New York World. a numoer plain, woouen aies arifl Etpp.l. Neaf a window (n otioi corner, pf the rocvr pg of tho tables vy-as &c-t 'ioriti' WitU a number oi Tlte Fren'rli Soldier's Defects. A French military writer. M. Da Fletres, in an esaav n the education of the French infantry, makes some very serious charges aerainst tho French sol dier. The latter, bo savs in efTecr. hat serious moral aa well as physical defects; grossly abuses hia ollicers when out of hearing. Li careless end slovenly, bas no heart for military service, and, when op porturiity cornea, jonceals all trace of its insi"Tiia-.Scieiitulc American- Water famine in 12ns;laail. There Is an dlarmine tcarcitv of watr hi many of ":ho Urge "-.owns of 3reat Britain, and Liveriool 9.nd Manchester are threatened with a water famine. In view of litis state of thinjrs it is nrocosed to bring sea water to be used for bat lis. jiosets, watering streets, tlushing sewers ud extingiaisliing fires. Tho scheme meets with much favor. Chicazra Herald. An Ingenious Scheme. It does not tako much thinking to see that the multiplicity of books calls for a means of creating a demand for them. The mi'tf. genious scheme wa h.:vo Lcai J oi VUv man who has crammed a painphiet with uamc3of men in public life, and then : has est a pviiitecl postal card to each ono say ing: " Your name appears iu very cola type on page." it worts well. livery inau thus apprised rushes to buy the volume, which costs luss than tea centa und sells for half a doUur. New York Sun. Heads of College Students. The heads of tho Cambridge students hare been measured, showing that tho uverago brain capacity of a first class munis t l-t.osj cubic inches. The capacity of tho ordinary p:iss man's head uieasurea 'i7.'13 iuehes. Chicago Herald. Watch.es ! Watolios H. fi GAULT Ha moved and is now in the Sht rwood room, Cor. 5th and Main Sts., where he is better able to show his Large Stock of Walchis, CLOCKS AITD JEWELRY T- Than eytr ei::e, nncl yvUlas an iuducc inent st U ia' W:itclies way down. Call and get the Special Prices in Gold Watch es; it will surpriso you. A Full Line of the best styles ot Jewelry and Silverware, llepah ing will be given Sprcial Atten tion. All woik warranted to give satis faction. 8 Sherwin AVilli:i ins' mifil paint?, the beet la the market, td Fiicke vt (Vs. drug store, ' 8 tf. Plenty of fuetl, iioui-, graharn mea fiiiejsid's niiM. If antl Men's canvass shoes at Merges', only 8. cents, everything cheap. tf. N. SULLIVAN. Attorney at Law. WSU cive prompt attention to all 'o-trustc-d to him. re ia yion iiiocs, Kaal side. Pliiiifaiaai ey. '' S1 G $ ui W p & slur: R CO M P I J S B SllaN BM30FIHG K ' I tA, 1 AjsTD AY CLIMATE. 0 Send far Circular. "FOTl SALE HAVEN & RHODES Omaha Nob. (Name this paper in your order.) i i m sT - I IMEARE Ecal Estate Bargains KXA MINK OUU LIST. CONKISTINU k CHOICE LOTS - x 3xr D n r I Ulll 21 lots iu Thompson's addition. 40 lots in Townsend's addition. Lt 10 block 138, lot 5 block KM. Lot 1 block fi, lot (i block ()"). Lot II, block 111, lot 8, block (?1, LOT? iv; YOVNa aso hays' audition. Lots in Palmer's addition. Lots in Duke's addition. Improved property of all descriptions and in all parts of the city on easy terms. A new and desirable residence in South Park, can be boaght on monthly payments. Before purchasing tkewhere, call and ee IT we cacaot suit you better. ii a3fea of improved ground north of the city limits. 3 acres of ground adjoining South Park. 2 acres of ground adjoining South Park. ii acres of. jr.ud adjoining South 2) acres near South Park: Se i sec. 14, T. 10, Ti. 12, Cass county, price $1, 800, if sold soon. mv see. 8, T. 12, IJ. 10, Cass Co., price 2,000. A valuable improyed stock fram i Merrick Co., Jel, ld &erc3 and on eoeOatJlde terms. Windham & Davies. II RAWCE. Consult your best interests by insuring in the Phoenix, Hartford or tna com panies, about which there is no .juestion a3 ta their hi sit standing and fair dealing. TORNADO POLICIES. The present year bids fair to be a dis astrous one from tornadoes and wind storms. This is fore-shadowed by the number of storms we haye already had the most destructive ene so far this year having occurred at Mt. Vernon, 111., where a large number f buildings were destroyed or damaged. The exemption from tornadoes last year renders their oc- currence more probable in 1888. Call at our ofliee and secure a Tor nado Policy. Unimproved lauds for sale or ex change. WINDHAM &DATIEB. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. SO Dr. C- A: Marshall. EH E,MTIST ! l'renervallou tf natural teeth a Kpeclalty. fttth tjrtriu trd vllhutfl jmln ly ote of lAluyhlmj (hi. All work warranted. Prices reasonable. FlTZOKItAUl'H UlXK'K FLITT HMOUT1I, NKI DRS. CAVE & SMITH, "Painloss IDelltiats.,, The only Dentin! in the West controlling this New System tf Kxtract itK Hiid Filling 1 ret ll without Pain. Our Hiiuetlhellc is en tirely Dee front CIII.OIIOFOKIOKKTJIEH AND IS AP.SOLUTKLY Harmless - To - All Teeth extracted and Rrlilieial teeth Inserted next day II desired . The preservation ol the natural teeth a specialty. GOLD CROWNS, GOLD CAPS, BRIDGE WORK. The very lluest. Oflleeln I'nlon liloek, over The Citizens' I5aiik, I"lo.ttria.e-va.tZI. iTetrcKleow GOTO Win. Hcrold & Son Dry Goods. Notions Eools and Shoes. or Ladies and Cents FURNISHING - GOODS. He keeps a large and ns well SIGX-IECTirirD STOCK As can he found any ilae in the city and make you prices ttiUL ceiy eompetiiioii. Aj;ents for Harper's Bazar Patterns and rairu Corsets.. C. F, SMITH, rhe Boss Tailor. Main St., Over Merges' Shoe Store. lias the best and most complete stock of samples, both foreign and donict-iiv. woolens that ever came west ot Missouri river. Note these prices: UusineHS sutrs. from $1(5 to $:3."j, dress suits, $2.1 to $45,. pants $4, $"5, $t., if tf.SO and upwards. C"WiU guarautecd a fit. Prices Defy Competition. J. E. R0BBINS, ARTIST INSTRUCTIONS (UVF.N IN FINE OIL PAINTING WATER GQJ-OKS, ETC. ALL LOVERS OK AllT AK1C INVITED ' TO CALL AND ttCJl&XlSrjEZ 3Vt"X" WORK C0TUDIO OVER OLIVER & RAMSE MEAT MARKET. ISTEW ICE MEK We have our house filled w i'.h A FINE QUALITY OF ICEj And ava prepared to deliver it daily to our cus tomers in any quantity uesireu. ALL 0EDEES PE0MPTLT TILLED. Lea e orders vt it h J-. IE1. T3E--XJlLIIlISTII!3R., At store on Sixth Street. AVe make a Spec ialty ol CUTTING, PACKING And Loading Cars. For terms see us or write. H. C. M'MAKEN & SON Telephone 72, - - Flattsmontn J. C. BOOITE, BARBER AND HAIR DRESSER. All work first-class; west Fifth Street. North Robert Sherwood's Store. MRS. G. B KEMPSTER, Teacher of Vocal & Iastrniental Hnsitr Residence Northwest Conur of Elev enth and Mam Streets, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. C3-- B. KEMPSTER, Practical Piano and Organ Tuner AND REPAIIIKK. First-class work guaranteed. Also deal er in Pianos and Organs. Ofliee at Jlocck'c I furniture store, I'lattsmouth, Nibratka. E. E. Winijuam. John A. Daviks. Notary Public. Notary Public. YV1.MMIAJI A. OA VI KM, Attorneys - at - Xa"w. Office over Bank tf Caos County. Plattsmouth, - - Nebraska. B. &. W1. Time Table. COIVfl WKT. No. 1. I -JiO a. rn. To, 3. 6 :4n p. in. No. 5. 9 -."' a. in. No. 7. 7 :45 p. in. No, 2 i fl p. in. No. 4. 10 a. in. No. 6. 7 :13 J), m. No. S. 0 -JM a.m. Xo. 10. 9 :15 a. in. No. 9. 6 :17 p. m. All tralm? run daily by wavof Onialia. except Km. 7 and 8 which run to and from Schuyler daily except Sunday. No. 30 Is a tub to Pacific Jnnetion at R 3". a.m. No. V) Is a stub from Pacific J unci ion at II a.iu Piattsmoutb. - afel r