The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, June 26, 1888, Image 3

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CI :m-U ! "Clutter ria-r ItadeocK
of the I'ttlr Kx Care of tha tick lloin
Couvenlrncc Tab! Adornment Vari
ous llntafor tlo Household.
Leaving out the question of equal compen
sation with mnn for her services, 1 would
nvk, la the feminine organization and naturo
as well lilll to work on man (works in any
calling! I it good for a sc usitive, refined
gil l to bo jiluccd in any position where she
muM corno in contact am! deal with all nmn-
or of men, thocoarso, rudeaul overlearing,
as well as the gent lemun I Do wo not free
wornii who have long filleil sm.-h positions
covered us to manner, U-aring and even sen
nwiiit, with a hfi-t of masculine armor which
t fcti-ikcH one somewhat unpleasantly f Such
covering bwomee for them a necessity, a
DwitU-r of self protection. It is often uncon-
. sciuuhly acquired.
J'erhnps you say "a lady can Le a lady
anywhere un.l josaosi ail the jeeuliar charm
of femininity und womanliness." I beg leave
todiiTur. Place a rellncd girl in a iosition
where she, mouth in uud month out,
iltl an.l como in contact with courser na
tartu nine-tritMia of the time ami one of
tlio two results will follow: She will either
bo uiiiit'lo to eu.luro tiio position, or she will
uucoiutcioii.-Iy acquire and tako on soma of
the coarseness by which bho is surround.tL
We are all auVtcd and influenced by our
closest surrounding of everyday association.
If you are compiled to live for mouths in a
coal mine und among miners and see, hear
and sjx-uk with only that class, you might
lie surprised on emerging and going into a
different nociul order ' Und how much, of
coal mine thought, idea and phraseology you
had uncon.viou.sly acquired.
On the other hand, a refined woman's pres
ence in store, ofllce, or any place where men
mostly congregate, has a softening and ro
fuiiiiK inhuenee. It checks tho coarse word
and vulvar jest It puts men on their good
Ix-Iiavior. lint is this always gained with
out a certain loss to the woman! Where
course thought has long beei. ramiant, it is
only suppressed, not destroyed, and the
woim-.u'a more sen&ltive nature will feci 'such
thought, am feel it ' oppressively, and such
fefiing either becomes in time an injurious
fcbat-Uo or she will to sorao extent give way
to it and unconsciously become a part of it.
1 do not think that woman is well lilted,
physically or mentally, to go into the rough
And tumble of the world's business and flglit
it out alongside of the man. I mean by
-rough and tumble" any occupation she may
engage in, I it teaching, clerking, book
keeping, anything where she labors as long
und as arduously as the inais That does not
seem to mo her plaoe, for she lias a place and
a "sphere" as man has his place and sphere.
Mao did not make this place for her. Na
ture did. As man's "helpmate" Bho should
lo man's rest. If the two man and wife
era loth iarticipants in what we call "the
struggle for existence," tbey both arc equally
tired with tho struggle. If both are weary,
they can only give each other weariness. If
cue is rested, that ono can give the other
icat. Tic rested one should bo the woman
tfie wifm Ifsliiib-a wife," a rea 'fe, she
Will, through such rest, give her companion
ctrongth, cheer, oourage and inspiration for
he next day's effort. If she has been in the
ofilco working at the deslc all day, sho can
not. Thero is a groat factor in socia matters
known as tho home, and it is woman only
y who can mako tho homo. At present thero
' ore relatively few homes,' though many
houses, whore men and women eat and drink
together. A rea homo, with a bright, cheer
ful, rested woman iu it, is worth far more to
a man, even in dollars and cents, than any
thing the woman may earn by any other
Now, you say, "But what are you going to
do with all tho single women who must eurn
their brcadi" I don't know. I think it is a
Very unhealthy ivid unnatural state of affairs
that there should be &i many single women.
I find in all nature where man has not med
dled that birds and animals aro generally
found in pairs, and they pair off at an early
age, too. With us it Is different. Many
never do pair at alL I cannot look upon a
woman as a whole woman, or a man as a
whole man, until they aro paired really
paired, I mean alike in sentiment, taste,
aims, motive and inspiration. Then tho men
and (rjmen find their "respective spheres" of
Action as naturally and easily as you find air
to breathe!' Perhaps you say:' "But this is
p ot dealing with J ho present situation." 1
thiuk it id. I think the present is always
dealt with best by indicating the certain pos
sibilities of the future. yhpn you know a
possibility, when it strikes the chord of truth
within you and you know it for a truth, you
are on tho road and are making your path
toward such possibility.
There is a "place"' and a "sphere" for tho
feminine nature and feminine mind which
have thus far been little roqpgnized. Sho is
the source, and only source, of inau'3 Inspira
tion. By "inspiration" I mean plan, idea,
Gorice,' schema and invention in any 'calling.
Man cannot live without the feminine spirit
ual element about him. When you put
hordus of men together, as they are sorao
times placed in armies or settlements anJ
peparatod from the other sex, they grow not
pnly conrse, bat stupid ' and'dulled in intel
Joct. Where you find women best cared for,
best shielded from tho world's roughness, and
at tho same time most respected, you find
the most masculine power and the most
rounded out masculine natures. Whyl Bo
cause tho feminine nature belonging to that
man, and that man only, when so protected
as vou would protect any delicate instru
ment, is then in the position to give him that
streugtb which he uses as his rougher plane
of effort. Ii entice "Mulford in New York
I Closets and "Clatter Places.
Can we not slightly modify an old and,
wise odasra and find t!at ''woman U known
by tha closet she keeps!" for a closet indi
cates to a greater or less extent soma traits
in the averazo woman s character.
Have we not seen all kinds? Look into
this one we do not need to open tho door,
lis never shut not a hook is risible, each
one beiiig covered ' with a double or triple
layer of garments; skirts hung byrtheir bind
ir.cra: waists suspended by their collars
ruinous" to' the' fit wipter and summer
clothes promiscuously mingled; soiled aprons,
all go to make up a part of the general con
fusion. On tho Coor boots and shoes; cast
oil pairs; old, new, krftjeking about uny
y.ay; tho shelves, if there, aro any, crowded
vith empty or useless bcttka, or piled high
with boxes or baskets. Terhaps our own
closets may contain ono or more of these
evils. How shall we remedy them?
In the first place, keep the closet door shut
during the day, for an open door is one thing
that gives an air of untfdiresa to th wuolo
room. On tho other hand, always leave tho
door "open tt bight That Is the proper time
to air the closet; tis then that the chamber
U the coolest, and the daily or rather
nightly change of "air prevents a;;y musti-
ness clincr-ns: to tt-9 carmenis vaev.
Do not bang your winter and summer gar
ments la tho same cfooot. In the fall put
away tho summer the cotton ones
washed and rough dried folded In an empty
trunk or box or bung In a disused closet kept
for the purpose. In tho spring, do the same
with tho winter garments. One will find it
refreshing, after a putting away of this kind.
to be ablo to cutch sight of a hook or two
that has nothing on it.
Hang up waists and skirts by loops prop
erly attached. Tis not always as convenient.
but it repays in the end Keep soiled clothes
from tho closet, unless In a laundry bag.
It is a great d-al moro convenient to take
a pair of khocs, polished and clean from a
slioo bag of linen or ticking, bung on tho in
side of the door, than it is to strain one's
buck sloopiug over and picking among half
a dozen dusty pairs to find tho mates on
the floor. If ono has a shoo bag sho will in
tuitively keep cast off shoes out of it. Borne
of these bags are made to cover nearly the
whole door; then tho lipiier pockets, made
any sizo convenient, aro used for soiled col
lars, cults and handkerchiefs, and tho score
of littlo necessaries. Keep only tho bottles
and boxee needful on tho shelves. This pre
vents one of tho dUngrecablo features of
house cleaning, overhauling tho closets.
In a houso recently built, the linen closet
had three or four immense drawers, each
largo enough to hold two jairs of blankets or
tho same number of quilts, pluced on rollers;
so thero U no back breaking strain in open
ing tho heaviest of tbein.
My mother told mo she learned when she
was first married never to put anything
away without a purposo; for, by a littlo
thought und a little careful engineering at
tho proper time, sho wns saved tho horror of
tbo annual clearing out of a "clutter place."
"IL T. W." in Good Housekeeping.
Iludcncsa of tlie Fair Sex.
No one will deny that most men treat
pleasantly the clerks who wait upon them.
1 think for tho most itai t men deal with
clerks on a basis of equality for the time
being, listening to what they say, treating
their remarks with respect, asking their ail-
vice and iuterjecting in the business conver
sation more or less of pleasant chat about the
weather, tho news of the day, tho state of
business, or whatever. It docs not matter
who tho men are, whether they are million
aires, ofiicials, potted clergymen, would ba
aristocrats or hu; thus' mtu treat men
when busim4 brings them together, i ho
main exceptions to the rule are thoso in
which we find tho male customer familiar,
Jocular and even coni'ldeutial iu his manner
to whoever is serving him, man or woman.
With women tho case is different very
markedly, and I think strangely different.
Your Lady customer, your woman making
purchases, "puts on an air," as the phroio
goes, when she confronts her eeryitor. Bhe
may have boen at the instant smiling ana
mirthful with ber companion; perhaps it is
her nature to bo frank and lively and ensu
ing with every ono of her fiends and ac
quaintances, yc-t une is almost certain to
adopt either a cold and haughty or tit least
what is called a thoroughly practical busi-
ness like manner as sho prepares to address
tho clerk, always if tho clerk is a female;
seven times in ten in ray cxjierino if the j
clerk bo a male, '
Bhe permits iio polite exchange of pertinent
comment, no familiarity or departure of any
sort from a fixed adherence to the mechanical
duty of serving her on tho ai t of the cleric
If she has what humble folk call the "mark
of the quality" that is, the fashionable man
ner sho will bo able to remind the clerk of
her place with a sentenco or a look or a gf-s-ture
in which will bo found the venneraent
of coldness, of rudeness and of assumed
superiority. Antl how many men are tliere
who will not recall that when they have
whispered "Why make that pc?r cyciitu.'e
pull dovn all thav stuff if you don't mean to
buyP the answer has been something like
this: "Why should she Jnot do what I askl"
"Why should I not see things if Iwanttof
or, "What else is she iaid forF'
This unwarranted behavior toward a large
class of humanity is a conspicuous feature of
what is called shopping, and women, tell us
though perhaps they don't need ton that they
prefer shopping to almost every other joy on
earth. Julian Ralph in The Epochs
Tbo Core of the Sick.
Most young women think that to smooth
tho pillow poetically, to carry cooling drinks
to the lips, to arrange flowers on the table
with the vials at the head of the bed, to sit
beside the bod and read verses in a gentle
voice, to move about the room in, flowing
robes with noiseless gT&pe, is the sum total of
nursing the sick; and they are quite ready to
begin a life jn" which they undertake all
womanly duties, when they cannot make a
cup of gruel so that it shall not bp lumpy.
The care of tho sick in in the real expef WHj
something 4mm&ifaely different; life and
death hang in the balance, and all the ven
tures of life, all the interests and loves of
life, the sufferings of tho dying, the hopes
and fears and terrible sorrows of the living.
Any serious illness is a fight all tho way
through between doctors and nurses on the
one side and death and dissolution on the
It is, then, one of the shameful things, of
our civilisation that' our daughters are
brought up to chatter French, to take tho
last new dancing step, to talk critical jargon
concerning the merits of this and t,bat stylo
of painting, to, discuss theories and philoso
phies, mathematics and metaphysics, and to
remain ' utterly igucrant of those things
which are tho most vital to every wQman. to
every one also with, whom they are con
nected, the things cf which both they and
others aro tho surest to have need. And we
venture to predict that in days to ccme no
girl will be thought to have finished her edu
cation in its chiefest ioint who has not spent
the nights and days of some months at least
in hospital duty, learning how to make a p
tieat as pcmfortable as. fate permits,' nqt'to
leave one in discomfort' a moment, as, un
learned in hospital' arts, she must, and to
keep the sick alive in some other way tbaq
that which might bo adopted by a savage, by
sheer force, pf vis4li7 and letting alone.
Harper's Bazar. '
Conveniences In Small
In small houses, where closets are not
abundant, many convenient receptacles for
certain things can be made to answer other
purposes as welL An ottoman, for instance,
tall enough to serve for a eaat, may have a
top provided with hingeswhich 'on' being
raised "discloses' a 'partitioned "box for hats
and bonnets. A' long Window seat made
from a pine box and covered with figure
jute makes an admirable, paco. o lay a,yay
clean shect and epyeads; in4 fenpas long and
only "half as Tvide is a great convenience in a
dining room for tho table cloths and napkins
in use for the day. Hanging shelves such as
are used for books, when furnished with cur
tains, may be appropriated to coster, tumblers
and other appointments. A bachelor friend
might be tempted to tako ve of his' slippers
whin tbere was a certainty that there was an
appointed place where they would be found
when wanted. A slipper case is not a difficult
thing to, make. Tho prettiest ones are made
like a huge bath slippor, that is, with a vamp,
but uo sides, The shape i$ 'cut in pasteboard
and covered with closely quilted satin. The
too, which makes the pocket for the slippers,
is lined with thick linen of the cams color,
If poastblo, as tbo satin. The slipper Is hung
to the wall by the heel, at the buck of which
a loop should be made for that purpose.
"W. W." in Detroit Free frees.
Adornment of the Table.
For the ordinary dovotoeof modern life
the tablo adornment becomes an element
more Important than even the selection or
management of the materials of the meaL
Scrupulous cleanliness and neatness are of
tho first consequence. No attention to these
details can be considered unnecessary or un
important Flowers, of course, are the
ready suggestion and resource of the house
keeper who purveys for worn apjictites. Cut
the brightest flowers of 3-our conservatory
with unsparing band. Better to snip tho
stems which support the pride of tho green
houses thun to daily see the richer and moro
precious growth of a beloved life starving,
withering and falling under tho shears of
Don't bo chary of tho best china and the
company glassware. lx.t it appear not at
stated intervals, or on Ejiecial occasions, but
ut such odd and freaky times that it may,
pcrlutps, give unconscious zest to some older
member of the family, or may provoke a
smile from some child who bus temporarily
fallen out with his appetite. 1 f you recognize
tho need for a cheerful and tempting table
do tho best you can with your resources.
Iluth Beechcr in Good Housekeeping.
M'lieu Papering a Ituoui.
A small room can be made to apjwar large
by being covered with a paper of sulxlued
color, and without any delluite design. A
sitting room can bear a shade that has a
cooling effect, delicate gray, with a spatter
ing of red or pink. In almost any case soft
shades of, olive are restful to the eye and
farni a good background for pictures. For
thin, also, there is the plain gray pa per which
is neutral enough to show off almost auy
picture to advantage. Blue tints with yel
low or black aro hard to handle, and it re
quires much more artistic placing to harmon
ize carpets and curtains and walls. A frieze
of small Japanese fans on a white wall makes
a pleasant relief from the "frozen" ones we
are often supplied with. S. Lcuis. Repub
lic. A Lemonade for Invalids.
Such a lemonade is prepared by cutting
four lemons into halves, squeezing the juice
into three pints of boiling water, then taking
half a pound of sugar in pieces, and rubbing
the peel till the sugar is yellow, so as to get
at the essential oil of tbo peel, and then pour
the whole into a jug, cover, let it cool, ail,l
then strain. It also may bp iocd. When the
patient is not very ill, or Is recovering, it is
well to add thewtiiteof an egg, and then
froth up. " Bo prepared, a uutrifcive drink is
furnished to the patient Herald of Health.
To Wawh fcllk nandkercltu
Put an iron on to 40t, and when ready
to use wash tue handkerchiefs through a
Very warm soap suds. If they are ranch
soiled pass them through A aeoond suds. Do
not rub the snap directly on the handker
oV.icf Then pass through another warm
water without soap and thoroughly rinse,
squeeze dry and iron immediately to pi-event
the colors from running. "Agues" in Do
troit Free Prai
Do not leave anything standing in a sick
room that can vitiate tho air. Milk must not
stand in a room. It is a bad custom of burn
ing coffee, rags and pastiles. Open dishes
with evaporating solutions, such as carbolic
acid, etc., do no good.
Did you ever go Into a small room where a
perso-i had been sleeping for even a short
time without detecting bad airf How much
more important to a sick person, who cannot
leave his quarters, that the air should be
thoroughly changed.
Ventilation cannot bo accomplished by
simply letting the pure air in; the bad must
be let out. If rooms, especially sleeping
rooin3, ae not constructed on this plan, a
littlo contriving will find a way.
Do not eat too much. Each person can
best determine, for himself when that amount
i3 reached. Dio Lewis 6ays: "After all, it
is not so much the quality as the quantity."
Drink at closo of meals, not too strong nor
too hot; never a full glass of very bet or very
cold liquid tq wash. dov-n food, as the saliva
is wasted and the stomach flooded.
Keep, the body scrupulously clean; change
t-lothing often worn next the skin, and do
net economize in was!) bills.
Eat something within an hour after rising,
if obliged to labor or study, or exposed to
malaria or contagion.
If possible eat in pure air, and not too fast.
Nothing is gained by bolting food, and much
harm may follow.
Fresh air Is no$ necasarijv cold. ar. You
can bring air in 'through another room and
warm' H therel"
Absolutely fresh air in a sick rcm $ as
necessary as food and. taediciua, and often
more scy
Do, Dot wear tight clothing; the Qb,Yious
reason every intelligent mind, can sea,
Haw shall air be changed I "Doors are
made to shut, windows are made to open."
Do not eat hot food, especially bread, and
do not eat late at night.
Never sleep in clothing worn during the
day. ' " -
fascination pf the Pool Room.
There is a fascination in the poo) roam and
the betting stand that few young men can
resist. At the races during the week 1 have
seen dozens of boys whom 1 know can ill
afford to honestly risk their money in tins
way putting up $3 and $3 and fo on races,
and almost invariably losing the amount
they wager. During the week some of them
have lost (100 or more, and their salaries do
not average more than $12 a week. asked
several of them how they began this bigness."
The answer was nsarly always ' the same:
They went hatba'poSl room one day. bought
a twenty-five. cent ticket, and won 0 or !&1,
or perhaps more, on a combination one of
them won nearly f the very first day he
jripd his. luck
'4'h'e result of the winning In each case was
the same. The lucky individual thought he
could do the same thing over again, and kept
on buying tickets until he got so deep ir.ty.
the game that he couldn't let go, tiiarly oJ'.
of them are in debt wtU no hope of paying
off their ptigeikins unless they should strike
i, iaeky day and a big stake. - But lucky days
and big stakes are rare, so they must beg and
borrow and worry themselves until the oc
casion comes, if ever does. When a young
man anything, he has to pay it out im
mediately and begin borrowing over again to
play for a new stake. ' I never saw anybody
yet get rich by patronizing pool rooms; on
the contrary, I could name many citizens
who would be quite well off if tbey had let
the pools and combinations alone. A. 1m alo
Cord in Globe-Democrat.
Many Device Iteaortea to oj tlie Pair
Sex Bleaching tho Hair to Give It a
t'aatiioiiabla 8 hade Making Up Terri
ble CoiuMqu.iicc.
"Can 1 get my hair bleached hereT I
asked on entering a well known Chicago hair
dresser's establishment.
"Certainly," said the smiling attendant.
"What color do you wish f
"I am rather undecided between a blonde
and tho new auburn fchade," I replied un
blushingly. "Vou had l-tter decide in favor of the red.
That is the shade just now, and your hair
would take it splendidly. I wouldn't have to
touch tho end at all, jiut here nextthescalp,
where it's so dark."
"Don't you consider it dangerous?"
"Well, I've had my hair reddened for six
years now, and it hasn't hurt mo," sho said,
smilingly. "There's not so much risk with
tho red dye as with tho extreme blonde."
"Can dark hair bo bleached white!"
"i'ot ou the head at least not in this
country. I have heard it could bo done in
Paris, and a lady buyer for ono of our larue
dry goods firms is going to try and discover
the fcecret for me when neit she goes
I said I would thiuk it over ana would call
Whilo I sat in another fashionable hair
dresser's shop, waiting fur rtr lu::r in .: , I
idly watched a lUlio v.uman through a glass
partition us sho made up her face. Hhe
rubbed her entire face with some fine w(tite
powder uutil she looked like a clowa at the
pantotnine; then she took a, chamois
skiu and carefully rubbed and smoothed
it until onlv the suspicion ol the
powder va3 visible Next uhe tcok a small
hare foot brush and, dipping it daintily into
a box of rouge, proceeded to redden her
cheeks. This was then carefully toucd dowu
with another dash of white. Then tho eyes.
She penciled her brows and drew black lines
close up to tho under lash. Then dai:Uily
wetting her finger she drew it over her eye
brows, tho moisture emphasising as it were
tho blackening process. Then sho took a
hand gla and regarded herself from all
poiuta of tho compass. The result evidently
wns satisfactory, for she came out wtu a
gratified Kuile. Bhe had gone in the littlo
room a dark skinned, raU'.r tallow faced
person; she emerged w"Jn tho pink anj wllite
coniptex'ton tb fcuonij belong to a radiant
blond t tiis process had been gone through
with in plain view of the rest of the people
in the room, and with a serious and business
like air that was quito astonishing.
"Do jou make up many society ladiesT I
asked. "Yes, indeed, though not here. We
are sent for aud go to their houses to dress
their hitir and then make up their faces for
them afterward Ob, yes, we havo a great
many regular customers in the mako up
"I suppose you have actresses, too?"
"Well, not so many. You see, they know
how to do their own make up. That's a part
of their business just as much as line dress
ing; but ladies generally mako a liotch
of it either get too much or too little, so
they save themsel ves tho bother and fuss by
having it done, for them just as much as hair
dressing or manicuring. Thero, your hair's
done now better let ma touch your face up
a little you've no idea how nice you'd loolc
No? Well good day."
My Turkish bath attendant tells mo that
she has seen tho frightful ravage which cos
metics and dj"es have produced.
"I wish ladies would see the results of such
follies as 1 have," sho said, "they would not
try every vile cosmetic and hair wash in the
Hair dressers say that the yellow bleach is
not much in demand now. The lemon haired
blondes are not in voguo. The red haired
girl is tho rago. The hair that looks brown
in the dark and turns red in the sun is also
very desirable.
I know a lady who had such hair, or, at
least, her back hair was that color. Her
bangs were much darker than her back hair,
and the contrast wa3 not pretty. Her hair
dresser suggested doctoring them a bit.
"1 don't dare," she said.
"I have stuff which will do It positively
harmless," he urged.
"Drink some of it and I'll believe you," she
said, and he complied. Sho argued that if it
couldn't hurt bis stomach it ought not her
head, and allowed transformation to take
place. Kcr has she ever experienced any ill
results. But it is generally very unsafe to
tamper with ono'3 hair. Blindness and, in
sanity are often brought about by this, folly
This has been, toid. women again and again,
but they pay no beed and rush madyf in
where angels would fear to tread- There is
no risk a woman will na run, no pain sho
will not suffer, if she thinks thereby she oau
be made more beautiful.
1 know a woman who haa used cosmetics
all her life, and those, too, of the rankest and
most poisonous kinds. Now she is paying
for it Her skin is something terrible to see.
Physicians tell her it's her stomach, but thoso
who have seen her daubing on lotions, pastiles
and powders know better. She was a hand
some woman, too she had no need of these
accessories. Her friends often remonstrated
with her, but to no avail. Now she is reap
ing the whirlwind,
I know of another lovely woman who was
sensitive about her freckles. She took some
powerful cosmetic and removed them. She
never seemod strong after that, and died be
fore she was SO. 1 knew another who would
Jtake infinitesimal dosss of arsenic. She
died with some unknown stomach disease.
Bat the saddest case 1 know of was one of
a most beautiful, dashing society woman. 1
remember seeing her one night in her sump
tuous, glowing beauty, the queen of ax ice
carnival, surrounded by flatterers, and ad
mirers. 1 did not seo hr again until thre
years aft&rardj and then she was Ving k4
along the street by an attendant totally
blind" from the excessive use of cosmetics
and, worse thai tha?, continually subject to
terrible epileptic fits.
These are "awful examples," but true ones,
and still in the face of these and kindred
warnings women will insist upon tainting,
and powdering and dyeing tliemselves.
Edith Sessions Tupper ia Chicago Herald.
Tlio Victory Gained,
Gunnington (appearing suddenly) Once
for all, Clara, will you forgive mef 1 can't
bear to give you up for so trivial a reason.
Clara No, Henry, nothing but a very
strong will power a power stronger than
my own would make me change my deter
mination, and (as Henry turns away) heaven
knows you've got it, Henry 1 Tid Bits.
After the wedding breakfast of Prince
Henry and the Princess Irene at Berlin, while
the bride was dressing for the journey her
garter was cut up and the pieces distributed
' among her maids of Loner, in accordance
with an old German custom.
The Plattsmouth Herald
Is on-joying cl
Will he one iluriii"; which the subjects f
national interest and importance will le
strongly agitated ami the election of a
President will take place. Ihe people of
Cass County who would like to learn of
Political, Commercial
and Social
of this year and would keep apace with
the times should
Daily or Weekly Herald
Now while we have the subject before the
people we will venture to speak of our
yl Jp
Which is first-class in all respects and
from which our job printers are turning
out iimch satisfactory work.
Bo'jm in "both. itG
kitiiku tiik